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Kemptville Eye Exam Clinic *with purchase of single vision lenses or HD Progressive Lenses at regular price. On selected models. See instore for details
Offer expires August 31
Kemptville Mall 613.258.2700
Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford
Vol. 6 No 32
The Voice of North Grenville
August 8, 2018
Local business helps people pay forward
Dean McIntosh Sales & Leasing
ean D e h T f Cars o Blaine and Angie Mordy at their Pay It Forward board 613.258.3403 613.797.4282
104 Elvira St. E., Kemptville
by Hilary Thomson A local business is encouraging the community to Pay It Forward in a delicious way. Angie and Blaine Mordy, the operators of Fat Les’s Chip
Stand across from the Municipal Centre on County Road 44, have placed a “pay it forward” bulletin board next to their takeout window to allow their customers to purchase ice cream, chips, hamburgers,
and even full meals, for people in need. “I’ve always had a passion for food, food banks and soup kitchens,” says Angie, explaining that she recently saw a video of a pizza shop in Chicago who
had a wall of post-it notes that were redeemable for a free pizza slice. “I thought I would love to do that at the wagon.” Early last week, Angie and Blaine decided to go for it, and they put up the bulletin board at their truck. They publicized it on Facebook and, within the first four days, they had accumulated almost 20 post-it notes redeemable for ice cream, hot dogs, ice cream and fries. “It’s been a ripple effect,” Angie says. “Some people just give me money and I break it into several meals.” Angie says the focus now is to get people to use them. They have a “no questions asked” policy with the pay it forward post-its. They hope to reach out to the Salvation Army and the House of Lazarus, so they can make sure that people who need it the most know about the board. “There is such a need in our community,” Angie says. “We all enjoy going out, but not everyone can afford it.” This is Angie and Blaine’s first year operating the chip stand on County Road 44. They are open Monday-Wednesday, 11 am-7 pm, and Thursday-Sunday, from 11 am-8 pm.
Y��� � �� � ���� ��� We provide free quotes in 24 hours or less. *Exceptions may apply.
Neil Williams Sales & Leasing Tel: 613.258.3403 Cell: 613.978.4071
Y Truckour man
104 Elvira St. E., Kemptville
The North Grenville Times
First Recreation and Arts Fair in North Grenville General Practice Corporate / Commercial Family Law/ Criminal law Estates Real Estate Wills & Powers of Attorney 613.258.1277 222 Prescott St., Kemptville
THOMAS M. BYRNE Barrister and Solicitor
Parents Pine Products Live EDGE Slabs visit 790 Patterson Corners Rd., Oxford Mills Contact us at: 613.850.4203
by Hilary Thomson The Ontario Parenting Connection (OPC) is organizing the municipality’s first Recreation and Arts Fair in August to help families discover the various activities available in the community. OPC President, Sami Kutowy, says that they decided to organize the Fair because it is sometimes difficult for parents to find out what recreational options there are for their children in North Grenville. “It’s kind of like speed dating for parents,” she says. “It’s nice to get a face to face with the organizations.” Sami says they already have a lot of great businesses signed up to have a booth at the Fair: The Academy of Expressive Dance, Get Cronked, and Art with Bonnie, just to name a few. They have kept it small for the first year to gauge interest, but hope to grow it in the future to a larger venue, with even more local businesses demonstrating what they have to offer. “There are a lot of great companies,” Sami says, “We hope it’s a win-win for families and businesses.” There will also be a charitable giving aspect to the fair. The Ontario Parenting Connection will be collecting birthday party supplies for the House of Lazarus’ birthday party program. Every donation will be entered into a draw to win a gift certificate to the Kemptville-based business Tasty Treats Custom Confections. Sami thinks it’s a perfect opportunity, because business owner, Stephanie Timmons, is already running a fundraiser to support the program. The Recreation and Arts Fair will be held on Tuesday, August 14, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, in the Spencerville Room at the Grenville Mutual building, 380 Colonnade Drive, in Kemptville. There are still open spots for businesses who wish to sign up. Admission is free.
The Voice of North Grenville
ATV Charity Poker Run
On Saturday, August 25, the 11th Annual Charity ATV Poker Run will take place (rain or shine) in the North Augusta area. Register at 10101 Jellyby Road from 10 a.m. until noon. Entry fee is $15 per person. Best three poker hands win cash prizes of $50, $75 and $100. There are lots of door prizes and a cash canteen. All proceeds go to Brockville General Hospital Palliative Care Program. For more info., call 613-926-2577 or 613-926-1796.
CIBC tips the hat for KDH
OPP BBQ this week
The Rideau Township Historical Society visiting the Market with a WWI display and selling books
August 11
Musical Guest Tariq Anwar FREE ADMISSION
2397 Roger Stevens Drive,North Gower On Tuesday, July 31st, the Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) Auxiliary Business card 2col. wide = 3.375" x 2"hosted an eager group of volunteers from the Kemptville branch of RBC, on a mission to help secure a grant for the hospital. In Business Since 2002 The RBC team spent the evening crafting “fascinators”, a type of headwear popularized by guests at British royal weddings. The fascinators will be
used at a fundraising Bridal Fashion Show and Tea to be presented by the KDH Auxiliary on Sunday, September 23, 2018 from 1:30 to 4:00 pm at Saint John’s United Church in Kemptville. RBC Head Office provides grants to charitable organizations when bank employees get involved with a local charity; the grant to the KDH Auxil-
iary will be used to purchase essential medical equipment for the hospital. Tickets for the Bridal Fashion Show and Tea ($20 each) are available by contacting Linda at 613.258.4581 or Carnegie@ for tickets.
The OPP will host a charity BBQ to benefit The Friends of the North Grenville Public Library. The BBQ will be held Thursday, August 9, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the OPP office on County Road 44. This event is a major fund raiser for the Friends, and we sincerely appreciate all the help the OPP has given us over the past 18 years that they have held their BBQs. Hulse, Playfair and McGarry is picking up the tab for some of this year's BBQ expenses. We hope you will attend and help us raise money for library programs.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••• 405 Van Buren St., Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 613-258-0723
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August 8, 2018
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Farewell to the old school Erick LePors
Catering for all occasions
For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ or call 613 258 6402
The High School in early days, 1937. Courtesy of the North Grenville Historical Society. by David Shanahan The news that the old North Grenville District High School [NGDHS] building on Prescott Street has been put up for sale by the Upper Canada District School Board was met with sad resignation by many ex-students in the community and beyond. Ever since it first opened in 1936, replacing the older structure that had been destroyed in a suspicious fire, generations of young people from the area had passed through its doors. There are more stories about the place than there were
students, it seems! When a new High School was announced some years ago, the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee engaged with Carleton University to see what possible use could be made of the building. The suggestions were creative and seemed quite practical. One local company actually specialised in adapting similar school buildings into condominiums. It seemed, at the time, that there could still be a future for the old school. But the School Board asked an architectural firm from Cornwall, PBK Archi-
tects, to conduct a study of the structure, and the results ultimately removed any hope of maintaining the building without serious and expensive renovation. The company’s report stated quite flatly that much of the building’s infrastructure would need to be replaced. The estimated cost of re-purposing the building for other use was around $12 million. The cost to the Board of simply keeping the building as it is, unoccupied and unused, would run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars every year, and the decision to
The Façade, Landscape & Signage Grant Program second application intake is now open The Municipality of North Grenville is now accepting applications for the second application intake of the Rideau-Sanders-Prescott Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Façade, Landscape and Signage Grant Program. Under the Façade, Landscape & Signage Improvement Program, matching funds of up to $5,000 may be offered to eligible commercial and residential property owners for façade, signage and street front improvements (publicly accessible parts of properties), or any combination of these three categories of property enhancement. If your property and/or business is within the CIP district, you may be eligible to apply under the program. The deadline for applications to be submitted is Friday, September 28, 2018. Full program guidelines, a map of the CIP district and the application form can be found on Just click on the Resources Tab on the home page to find the CIP program. Information packages (including the application form) can also be picked up at the Municipal Centre (2nd floor reception) during regular business hours.
sell it was inevitable. Under the regulations governing the disposal of surplus Board buildings, it had to be offered to neighbouring school boards and municipalities to purchase at fair market value. After 90 days, if there were no takers, the building would be put on the open market. This has now been done, and the future of this iconic structure, which has dominated Prescott Street for eighty years, is now unclear. But the memories and stories of those who walked its halls and filled its classrooms will last much longer and remain part of North Grenville’s history for ages to come.
Send in your letters to the editor to
The North Grenville Photograpy Club
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Sheds- "bunkies"- mini-cottages - hunting camps- children's playhouses fishing huts - gazebos - pergolas - garages - animal shelters mini-barns or stables - hay feeders - hunting stands - dog houses
613-878-2069 or 613-806-0944 Oxford Station August 8, 2018
A ground level perspective of Nicholson Lock. Photo by Trevor Meunier.
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Floods, fires and the future by David Shanahan How exceptional is the recent warm weather, with its record high temperatures around the world? As places as far apart as Japan, London and Madrid suffer their highest temperatures on record, and with wildfires and drought affecting large swathes of Ontario and Europe, coupled with floods and heavy rainfall in other places, can we expect this weather pattern to continue, or is it simply an unusual series of extreme weather events? If the climate is changing, as it seems to be, is this a part of a natural historical cycle of climate change, such as has been known throughout history? Or are we seeing something different now, and, if so, what might the future bring? Last week, the Times spoke with Dr. Nathan Gillett, the Manager of the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis with Environment and Climate Change Dear Editor, As a 34-year resident, and taxpayer in Kemptville, I am confused as to why some streets in Kemptville have Parking signs and others do not. Maybe I'm sounding a bit "tongue in cheek" after getting a parking violation ticket and fine. The incident occurred on Hilltop Crescent, signed a 'No Exit' road. Many people park on it and walk across to the Health Centre, Hospital, and Service Ontario. There are no Parking restriction signs visible. Common sense dictates one doesn't park across a private driveway; but nothing says one can't park on the road. According to the local bylaw enforcement officer, that
Canada. Dr. Gillett holds a PhD in atmospheric physics from the University of Oxford. After his doctorate, Nathan worked as a post-doc at the University of Victoria in Canada on the detection and attribution of climate change. His primary research interests are in detection and attribution of climate change, and the influence of stratospheric ozone depletion on climate. I started by asking him if what we are seeing is different, or simply a part of a natural cycle of climate change. His answer was quite definite. “It is a real phenomenon that we’re observing: more heatwaves, more temperature records being broken more frequently, more heat extremes. That is something we expect and is consistent with the overall warming of the climate.” How much of this increased warming can be attributed to human activity? “In terms of heatwaves, there are studies attributing that
particular Crescent is deemed as a 'Cul-de-sac', as it has a turning circle at the end and, therefore, it is not permissible to park on the curve. That does make sense, as first responding vehicles might need to get by in an emergency. However, a No Parking sign on either side of the curve indicating this would clarify the situation. I feel the town is deliberately not putting signs there in order to generate a 'cash grab'. I have read the bylaws regarding parking in Kemptville and it clearly says in section 5: Designated "NO PARKING" AREAS: 5.2 "Where authorized signs to that effect are on display, no person shall park a vehicle or
The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 August 8, 2018
Marketing Peter Peers 613-989-2850
increase to increasing greenhouse gases”, according to Dr. Gillett. “There’s always some level of uncertainty when we make these assessments, but heatwaves are very strongly linked to human influence on climate.” Given that, can we act to change the situation, or are we now beyond that? Can political policies, such as carbon taxes or cap and trade, make a significant difference to future trends? “Going forward into the future, the level of climate change that we expect to see in fifty or a hundred years will depend on the policies that we enact today, and the pathway of greenhouse gas emissions; whether those emissions are increasing globally, as they have up to now, or whether they level out or decline. And the policies of any individual country, like Canada, play into that. I should say that greenhouse gases are wellmixed globally, and it’s the global level of greenhouse gas
emissions that are important in determining the climate’s response. Of course, each country has a part to play in how that evolves.” I wondered whether there was anything that can be done on a local, or municipal level, that would have an impact, or is it a matter of national and international initiatives? Dr. Gillett did not discount the need for acting locally. “It takes action on multiple levels, so broad scale international decisions will influence how emissions will evolve, but the combined actions of a lot of individual people can also influence that in terms of lifestyle choices. In terms of responses to climate change, the one important thing is to mitigate the effects, which means reducing emissions.” But change is happening, and Dr. Gillett feels it is vital that we learn to adapt as soon as possible to what is certainly coming. “That can happen at the municipal level. Dear Editor, I think it's time for Mr. Gordon, Ms. Tobin, and Mr. Onasanya to step aside. Their contributions or lack there of in some situations are negative or non-existent. We want decision makers, not photo opportunists for their 2-10 family members and buddies who follow them on Twitter. The new candidates in Mr. McCormick, Mr. McManaman, Mr. Johnston, Ms. Peckford, Ms. Strackerjan, Ms. O'Sullivan etc. bring fresh faces and ideas to a stagnant and complacent group of elected officials. I can honestly say that I feel that Mr. Bertram is doing a pretty good job, considering his obstacles. His efforts, given his personal difficulties, as well as dealing with this current council, are commendable. He is an example for the other current council members to follow. It's great that Kemptville, in particular, is enjoying a boom in terms of population and business (to a certain degree). However, I think if you can't improve and solidify what is already in place here (County Road 43, sidewalks, proper lighting, etc. etc. etc.),
trailer at any time within the highway or portion of highway named or described in Schedule "B" as a "No Parking" area." - Hilltop Crescent is NOT on Schedule B. Another oddity is that on Cranberry Hill Crescent there are ten No Parking signs (one side of the road only), on the first half of the North side, and none on the second half of the crescent. It is a wide road to start with, properties have big frontages and large driveways. Why you need any parking restrictions on a quiet residential street such as that is beyond comprehension. We have been pleased with the addition of several new 'All Way' stop signs and pedestrian cross walks around town and, in general, there have been many good improvements to our town in the past decade; but I question the reasoning behind this 'No Parking' Campaign. We are law abiding citizens of our community, and getting a ticket in this matter leaves a bitter taste. Nick Brooks and Denise Marlay
the north grenville
ISSN 2291-0301
TIMES Editor David Shanahan 613-215-0735
Copy Editor Pat Jessop 613-258-4671
Production Manager Marguerite Boyer 613-215-0735
For example, Environment and Climate Change Canada is involved in a project on changing the building codes, so that they take into account how climate is going to change in the future.” Finally, I asked him for his predictions, based on modelling, and assuming no change in emissions. This was the biggest shock. “We can expect continued warming, which is the biggest thing. If greenhouse gas emissions stay high, by the end of the century we can expect 5-6 degree warming, on average, over Canada. We would also expect reduced snowfall, reduced snow pack, and that will change stream flow. We’ve already seen a large reduction in the ice in the Arctic, and that is expected to continue to decline. We can expect, in this scenario, ice-free summers in the Arctic by the middle of the century. “We can also expect more intense heavy rainfall events and increased sea levels. The
you're not doing enough to help the municipality and its people. I hope the citizens of this municipality treat this election as an opportunity to make things better, instead of a high school-level popularity contest, as I know we deserve much more than what the majority of this council has given. Steve, Kemptville
Mailing Address P.O. Box 1854 Kemptville, On K0G 1J0
rising sea level is a result of an overall warming which makes the water expand, as well as the melting of the glaciers and ice sheets, which are draining into the sea and increasing the sea level. “Drought is also expected to change in some regions due to climate change. There’s more regional variation and uncertainty in that, but it comes from warmer temperatures which leads to a faster drying out of soil, and so on. Certainly, here in Canada we would expect to see less water stored in snow packs, so river flows would be lower by the end of the summer because that rain won’t be stored as long in the snow packs.” This is the context in which we have to judge political policies and the actions of municipal, provincial and national governments as they balance budgets and the future of the planet. Thanks to Jeff Goodman for arranging the interview.
Annual Golf Tournament see page 11 for details
Staff Reporter Hilary Thomson
Accounts payable/receivable Pat Jessop 613-258-4671
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Fire Chief responds to parking inquiries by David Shanahan In response to a number of complaints and inquiries from residents who received parking tickets when parked in a cul-de-sac, or dead end, in Kemptville recently, Fire Chief John Okum, who is also in charge of By-Law Services, provided the following information to the Times. In regard to cul-de-sacs, the Chief pointed out that the construction of municipal roads must meet design criteria. “A cul-de-sac is basically a dead-end street which does not provide through traffic, Chief Okum notes. “The circular design of a cul-de-sac provides vehicular traffic the ability to turn around (since they cannot drive through to an adjoining street). Otherwise, vehicles would use pri-
vate driveways to turn around in order to exit the dead-end. A cul-de-sac design provides for larger vehicles, such as: emergency vehicles (fire apparatus), school buses, waste collection trucks, snow plows, etc. Parking within the radius restricts the proper movement of larger vehicles. Additionally, within a cul-de-sac, there may not always be enough distance between driveways to properly park vehicles”. According to the relevant municipal By-law, No. 14-12, as amended by By-law 3513, parking in a cul-de-sac is prohibited. Section 4(1) states that parking is prohibited at any time in the “turn around of a cul-de-sac”. However, not all cul-de-sacs are named explicitly in the Schedule which lists No Parking Areas in the municipality, and that, along
with a lack of No Parking signs, has created confusion and upset among residents. Chief Okum notes, in that regard, “Normally parking signs are not posted at all of these locations, as parking is prohibited at all of these locations within the municipality. Parking signs are generally posted in specific areas were parking restrictions are put into place (example: 1 side of a narrow street, a limit in a commercial area, designated fire routes, etc.). If every culde-sac, fire hydrant, railway crossing, intersection, private driveway, crosswalk, etc. were to be posted, there would be an excessive amount of signs.” This situation means that, unless a resident is familiar with the terms of the by-law, they will assume from the lack of No Parking signs that park-
ing is permitted in a specific location. The Times has been informed of two individuals who recently received parking tickets when they were parked on Hilltop Crescent. [See Letters to the Editor in this issue]. Given that this is a regularly used parking place for people visiting the KDH, for example, perhaps it would be useful to install signs there, to warn people. Chief Okum says that such a move is quite feasible: “If a specific area within the municipality, for some reason, is resulting in a hazard or serious concern, the individual area can be looked at and signage may be considered”.. Chief Okum was very quick and thorough in his response to our inquiry, for which we are very grateful.
signs of rabies in bats are the inability to fly and resting in unusual places such as the ground or floor. It is important to remember many of the bats that get into our homes are healthy bats and are looking for a way out. Bat Encounters If you find a bat in your home and are absolutely sure that there was no human or animal contact, try to confine the bat to one room by closing the door of the room. Open a window or door to the outside and then turn out the lights; the bat should fly out early in the evening. Be sure to wear gloves and other protective clothing at all times when dealing with a bat. If you are bitten by a bat or if saliva from a bat gets into your eyes, nose, mouth or a
Danger on the water
Drinking and boating accounts for approximately 40% of boating-related fatalities on Canadian waterways. In 2018, the Canadian Safe Boating Council, along with our enforcement and Search & Rescue agencies, is also concerned about the potential impact of legalization of recreational marijuana and the increase in use and abuse of prescription narcotics on boating incidents and fatalities. To raise awareness and reduce impairment-related deaths, the Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) is launching year 6 of an initiative called “OperaAugust 8, 2018
tion Dry Water”. Its goal is to stress the importance of Boating Sober. With the summer boating season in high gear, August is the perfect time to remind Canadian boaters about the risks of impaired boating. Combined with sun, wind, waves and the rocking motion of the boat, the effects of alcohol and drugs on the water can be greatly increased. “The CSBC, its partners and sponsors would like, through this and our other initiatives, to raise attention to the problem of boating under the influence and to remind boaters to boat sober,” stated John Gullick, Chair of the Canadian Safe
UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, August 13 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, August 20 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Building & Planning Clerk
The Municipality of North Grenville is accepting resumes from interested and qualified candidates for the position of Building & Planning Clerk. The closing date to receive applications is 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2018. Further information is available at
In accordance with By-Law 33-12, a Burn Permit is required to conduct open burning on property located outside of the urban area. The entire application and renewal process is available online at The online process also allows you to receive direct notification of special conditions such as fire bans and fire risk level. Burn permits are also still available at the Municipal Office or at the Fire Hall at 259 County Rd. 44 and the fee is $15. Please check conditions prior to burning by calling 613-706-1770.
Garage sales in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 10-03. No licence or fee is required, but there are regulations which you must follow. Signage is NOT permitted in traffic circles or attached to traffic signs. Please ensure signage is removed after your sale. Before having a garage sale, please obtain a copy of the by-law from
Health Unit raises awareness about Bats and Rabies
Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit Bats are nocturnal animals and feed most actively two or three hours following sunset. Bats are efficient insect controllers eating about three times their body weight. Bats typically have their babies in June and come August many of the young bats are looking for their own roosting sites. Many bats will roost and hibernate in attics. Although bats are beneficial, they can carry diseases such as rabies and histoplasmosis, which can affect humans and animals. They may also transmit distemper and mange to household pets. Approximately three percent of bats carry the rabies virus. The most common
wound, wash the affected area thoroughly and get medical attention immediately. Should you find a bat in your home and are unsure if it has bitten a family member, contact your Health Care Provider and the Health Unit to determine if treatment is required. Prior to calling, check for fresh bites and scratches that may be a result of contact with the bat. Bat Proofing Your Home Bat proofing your house is necessary when the bats are entering the living space of your home. It is advisable to contact a pest management company or a wildlife conservation agency for assistance with bat-proofing your home. Rabies can also affect pets; to protect your pet from rabies it is important to vaccinate them. Rabies vaccina-
tion is mandatory in Ontario for domestic cats and dogs. The Health Unit, in partnership with local veterinarians and municipalities, will be holding the annual Rabies Clinics on September 12 and 19. The cost is $20.00 per animal; please visit our website for more information: www. rabies-clinic. For more information contact your local health unit or these websites: Ministry of Natural Resources: Bat Conservation International: Public Health Agency of Canada: www.phac-aspc.
Boating Council. Operation Dry Water will focus on the potential risks of impaired boating, and remedies that are currently in place to discourage it. Federal statutes dictate that boaters can be charged with Impaired Operation of a Vessel under the Criminal Code of Canada if they are found to be impaired. Under current and proposed legislation, human-powered craft are not excluded from the definition of a vessel and, so, are subject to the same penalties. Some provinces have enacted legislation where impaired boating can affect your automobile driving privileges.
Operation Dry Water is aimed at reducing the number of impairment-related accidents and fatalities on the water while fostering a stronger and more visible deterrent to alcohol and drug use while boating. The end goal? To achieve safer and more enjoyable recreational boating. This initiative is made possible through support of Transport Canada’s Office of Boating Safety. For a 30-second PSA and additional information on boating safety please visit under CSBC Safety Campaigns.
Swimming pool enclosures in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 32-98, as amended. This includes all above-ground and in-ground pools. Copies of this by-law are available from the Building Department or the Municipal website.
The Municipality of North Grenville
285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-9569 x130 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-9569 x201 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-9569 x206 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002
Licensed P U B L I C
Residents of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville and the Towns of Prescott and Gananoque can drop off Household Hazardous Waste free of charge. Saturday, August 18, 2018 South Leeds Patrol Garage 2714 Outlet Rd. (north of Lansdowne) 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
Frankville Patrol Garage 331 County Rd. 29 (south of Toledo) 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
Saturday, September 22, 2018 S. Grenville Patrol Garage N. Grenville Patrol Garage 2320 County Rd. 21 720 County Rd. 44 (east of Spencerville) (south of Kemptville) 8:30 am – 11:30 am 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Materials accepted include petroleum products, oil filters, antifreeze, paints and solvents, batteries, propane tanks, fertilizers, pesticides, light bulbs, fluorescent light bulbs/tubes and pharmaceuticals, all of which are “household” in nature. Private/commercial business waste will not be accepted. Materials not accepted include commercial and/or industrial waste, electronics, appliances, flares, explosives, PCB’s and radioactive materials. Waste from other municipalities including the City of Brockville will not be accepted. Please come early to avoid line-ups & long waiting times. Questions? Call 342-3840 ext. 2413.
Merrickville/Wolford The North Grenville Times Times
The Voice of North Grenville
The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford
Local author strikes again
by David Shanahan Merrickville resident, Victor Suthren, has added to his store of stories with his latest historical publication, “Black Flag of the North”, an amazing adventure story about the “King of the Pirates”, which happens to be a true story. The book launch at the Merrickville Library was a packed house, especially impressive
given that Canal Fest was also taking place that afternoon. Bartholomew Roberts was tall, dark, and handsome, and in four tumultuous years he tore the guts out of the Atlantic. From his boyhood in rural South Wales to his fiery death at the hands of the British Navy on the West African coast, Black Flag of the North recounts the extraordinary career of the original Dread Pirate Roberts, of The Princess Bride fame. After being captured by pirates in 1719 Roberts quickly rose to command them, bursting from obscurity with a daring raid in Nova Scotia, where he captured 22 vessels with a single ship. From there, Roberts would go on to capture over 400 ships and rarely lose a fight at sea, until his untimely death ended what we now know as the “Golden
Capture Canada to Free Ireland
Age of Piracy.” Victor is a respected writer and historian, and he brings all his skills to bear on this exciting and incredible story. Meticulously researched, and with the gripping intensity of a suspense novel, Black Flag of the North is a historical retelling of Canada’s place in the history of Atlantic pirates.
The Battle of Ridgeway was fought in the vicinity of the town of Fort Erie near the village of Ridgeway, Canada West June 2, 1866, between Canadian troops and an irregular Fenian army of Irish Americans. by Michael Whittaker At Merrickville’s Royal Canadian Legion, Sunday, Aug. 12 at 2 pm, discover the history of the Fenian Brotherhood’s raids (1866 to 1871) from the United States into British North America. If freedom from English rule couldn’t be won in Ireland, then capture Canada to trade for Ireland’s independence. Ross Jones, a member of the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network, will present on the disaffected Irish and their allies’ unsuccessful invasions into Southwestern Ontario, the Niagara Region, and the Eastern Townships of Quebec. The American branch of Irish Republican or Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood, known as the Fenian Brotherhood, failed to seize Canada. The organization did succeed in promoting an independent Canada, Canadian disaffection with the British Government for failing to press the US government for reparations, and a general anti-Americanism. Ross’ main area of expertise is Canadian and American weapons used during the Fenian Raids. He consults with local heritage organizations regarding the care and identification of firearms, and he builds and restores flintlock rifles and muskets. This is one of 15 special events organized by the Merrickville and District Historical Society to help commemorate Merickville-Wolford 225.
New website tells stories of lost generation by Hilary Thomson A website spearheaded by the Merrickville Legion hopes to shed some light on the lives of 31 men from Merrickville who lost their lives in WW1. The project, funded partially by Veterans Affairs, commemorates the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1 and Merrickville’s 225th anniversary. Local historian, Robert More, is passionate about telling the stories of Merrickville’s “lost generation”, and was one of the people who worked on this project for the Merrickville Legion. Robert notes that most of the men who lost their lives were unmarried with no children and don’t have any descendants to help preserve their memory. “I feel like an adoptive child of theirs’” he August 8, 2018
says. With new documents that they have recently gained access to, the researchers were able to learn more than ever about these men. The goal of the website is to have something the public can access easily to learn about the young soldiers from Merrickville who fought and died for their country. Robert says it is also important to realize how much of an impact WW1 had on Merrickville and the surrounding area. The loss of a generation of men in the early 1900s stunted the growth of many small towns in Eastern Ontario, which had been growing when war broke out in 1914. “I’ve researched over 350 veterans in Lanark County,” Robert says, “there is almost always a link between these small towns and a man who fought and died
in WW1.” The Merrickville Legion will be holding a launch party for the website on Saturday, August 25, at 10:00am. Councillor Victor Suthren will be on hand to represent the Village, and there will be a talk about some of the men whose stories are being told online. The website is now live and can be found at
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
My Opinion:
Don’t be silenced - Vote!
by Colin Creasey Some friends of mine from the area where I had previously lived before moving to Kemptville dropped by to see me recently. They brought with them a copy of the local rag, the Caledon Citizen, which made interesting reading. Like Leeds-Grenville, the riding is also Conservative, and the local newspaper allows both the federal and provincial Member of Parliament a column in this paper. It is the same old diatribe. The MP rants on about illegal immigration, but is unable or unwilling to propose a solution, and the MPP does nothing but praise the new leader for his plan that “will put money in the pockets of the average worker”. That is about all the Conservative party can talk about. Ever since Mike Harris, they all believe that the way to win an election is to cut taxes. The problem is that these so called giveaways are going to hurt the poor and the disadvantaged amongst us the most. So long as taxes are viewed as a burden, and not a way to a fair and just society, austerity will continue to blunt the political imagination, and limit our sense of what’s possible.
Why this Party can dump a reasonably good plan and accept a far worse alternative without a whimper strikes me as spineless. Maybe it’s because they think that everyone has bought the notion that Doug Ford understands the working man. Same thing that the Americans thought about Trump, and look how well that worked out. I see now where Ford has decided to take his revenge on Toronto City council, by cutting their numbers in half. Harris did a similar thing in his “Common Sense” revolution, but he did it to the whole province by amalgamation, so we now have 4 councillors doing the work previously done by 12. As if this wasn’t bad enough, audits after the fact proved that no money was saved, yet Ford trumpets that it will save $25 million. Obviously, not a man who wants to let facts stand in the way of a political agenda. However, I digress. What really struck me in the Caledon newspaper was an article entitled “Winds of Change only occur when votes are cast”. It was good to see someone agree in writing with much of what I have said in previous letters to this
newspaper regarding the need unusual. There is a system out to vote, and the reasons for there called Single Member doing it, even if you think that Party Proportional.(SMPP). “your vote doesn’t count”. It gives each member a proYour vote represents your portional vote that aligns with voice, and how you feel about the proportion of the vote your municipality, your prov- that their party received in ince, or your country. It is a the election. Your party gets tool to transmit who you are, 40% of the vote in the elecwhat you want, and what your tion, then your party’s vote in values are. The article goes parliament is worth 40%. No on to point out that, in many more getting absolute control countries, people die trying to with only 40% of the votes in get what we take for granted, an election. and, lest we forget, a lot of This system has no impact people died in two World on how our current system Wars to preserve our way of is organized, no changes life. This is part of why I vote to candidate selection, no in every election, to honour changes to political boundartheir memories. ies. The only thing is to get a The simple act of casting system that counts the votes a vote makes someone part of in parliament, as no member Canada. Voting lets everyone will get a single vote, just a know that you will not stand proportion thereof, accordto be silenced. We cannot let ing to the percentage their power intimidate us from party received in the election. putting our voices out there. Politicians would need to talk The act of voting shows that across party lines to get legyou are out there, watching islation accomplished, which and thinking, and the more might only be difficult for the of us who do that, the less Conservative Party, which is those who get elected will be so enamoured with the feelable to ride roughshod over ing that it is the only party us. A lot of what politicians with credible answers, that it do is because they think that believes that other points of they can get away with it. If view don’t matter. You just they know that the electorate have to look at the Harper are watching, they might be a years to see that. little more cautious in making SMPP also might get promises that they can’t or more people out to vote if won’t keep. they can see that they will Of course, this problem have an impact. Then we scene and the investigation is could largely be resolved with could see some real changes, ongoing. proportional representation, rather than more of the same Sometime over the week- which Trudeau promised, but with one of the two parties end of July 28 and July 29, didn’t deliver, not that that is that we keep electing. 2018, culprit(s) broke a window at North Grenville District High School on Concession Road, North Grenville. Reenactment at Merrickville Canal Fest. The investigation is ongoing. Wolf Starck of McCaw's privateers with his muskets. The third OPP Charity BBQ of the season was a great success! Special thanks to our sponsor Jansen Law. A total of $979.00 was raised for North Grenville Community Living. This week's barbeque is sponsored by Giant Tiger with proceeds going to Easter Seals. The 18th Annual OPP Charity barbeques are held every Thursday from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Kemptville OPP detachment. Hope to see you there! Anyone with information on the above occurrences is asked to call Grenville County O.P.P. Communication Centre at 1-888-310-1122, the Kemptville Detachment at 613258-3441 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-(TIPS) 8477 or submit your tip on-line at Crime Stoppers does not want your name, you don't go to court, and you could earn cash reward.
Between 23 July and 29 July 2018, the Kemptville Office of Grenville County Ontario Provincial Police investigated 97 general occurrences: 22 Kemptville, 54 Municipality of North Grenville, 13 Village of Merrickville - Wolford and 8 on Highway 416. On 23 July 2018, police received a complaint that two storage units at Kemptville Mini Storage on County Road 44, North Grenville were damaged. One person, age 42 of Front Leeds - Lansdowne Township is charged with two counts of mischief to destroy or damage property. During the evening of 27 July 2018, culprit(s) committed mischief at the Southgate Community Church on French Settlement Road, North Grenville. The Ontario Provincial Police Scenes of Crime Officer attended the scene and the investigation is ongoing. Sometime around 11:30 a.m. on 29 July 2018, culprit(s) entered a residential garage on Rideau Crossing Crescent, North Grenville and stole tools including an Echo orange grass trimmer. The Ontario Provincial Police Scenes of Crime Officer attended the August 8, 2018
Thinking of Listing? Call us today! 613-258-1990
the north grenville
TIMES Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
Complete Automotive Repairs, Custom Exhaust Systems, Safety & Emission Testing Light and Heavy Duty Drive Clean Inspection & Repair Facility Used Car Sales (UCDA)
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Call for an appointment
Jason & Robin Berends StageCoach at Belmeade Rd. 1030 County Road 1
"If you’re satisfied, tell others; if not, tell us"
Free VBS Day Camp Kemptville Pentecostal Church (1964 Hwy 43)
August 13-17 9am - Noon
Children SK to Grade 6 (as of Sept. 2018) are welcome to join the fun! To register go to:
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Smart Buyers Buy at Myers MYERS Kemptville
MYERS 104 Elvira St, Kemptville 613-258-3403 1-877-258-2221
August 10 - 12
180th Edition of the
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The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
A healthy smile is a beautiful smile • • • •
Crown & Bridge Implants Child Dentistry Orthodontics
4239 Main Street East, Merrickville, On
Ask us about sedation
Tribeck Inflatables Midway Friday Midway open from 1pm to 7pm • • • • • •
Bounce House Corn Maze Lane Obstacle Course Double Lane Slide Lion Safari Hockey Shootout
Saturday Midway open from 11am to 7pm • • • • • • • •
Corn Maze 3 Lane Obstacle Course Double Lane Slide Lion Safari Rockwall Fire Station Horse Derby Wild West Shoot Out
Midway - Tribeck Inflatables
Sunday Midway open from 11am to 4pm • • • • • • • •
Corn Maze 3 Lane Obstacle Course Double Lane Slide Lion Safari Carnival Midway Bounce House Soccer Shoot Out Basketball Shoot Out
Advance Bracelet Sales Available at: Quickie Convenience & Gas - Merrickville Sugar Belle Bake Shoppe - Merrickville Jerry's Service Centre - Jasper Unlimited rides $10/day $25/3-day
Robert Walker, CPA, CA Bradley Mehlman CPA Crystal Lang Dinah Boal Courtney Watson T: 613.258.3282 F: 613.258.4391 2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business Park
Live Musical Entertainment
Five-Dollar Friday: $5.00 - All Day - Gates open at noon Saturday: $10.00 - Gates open at 8 am Sunday: $8.00 - Gates open at 8 am Weekend Pass - $20.00 Children 12 and under FREE
The Bordertowne Boys Buckledown Jess and Rye
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2540 cnty rd. 43, Kemptville ON
7210 Burritt’s Rapids Rd, North Grenville, Ontario Paul A. Jansen, BA, LLB.
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215 Van Buren Street, Kemptville 613.258.7462
Mid-April to November, 9-5 everyday
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Real Estate - Wills & Estates - Family Law - Corporate August 8, 2018
The North Grenville Times
South Gower Business Park
The Voice of North Grenville
We ’r e H e r e To S e r v e Yo u
Kemptville Windows and Kitchens
Our Philosophy: Quality Products, Quality Service, Fair Prices
SELECT SIRES GENERVATIONS INC. PO BOX 489 Kemptville, Ont K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-3800 Fax: 613-258-7257
We are a locally owned and operated business established in 1989, here at South Gower Business Park. We supply, or supply & install kitchen cabinets, counter tops, bathroom vanities, windows, doors and much more, for renovations or new construction in North Grenville and surrounding area. We work with our clients from start to finish, providing them with more than quality products and workmanship, but with a helpful in-depth knowledge of industry codes, standards and current trends. Windows Our wide variety of colours and window styles: such as casement, double hung, single hung, sliders and awnings can help improve energy efficiency, make your home more comfortable, quiet and attractive. We have many models on display in our showroom. Doors Exterior doors need to be strong, yet tasteful and play an important role as the portal to your home. We offer many styles from steel to fiberglass, plain to decorative, front doors, side doors or patio doors. Come visit our showroom to see examples. Kitchens The heart of many homes is considered the kitchen, the place for family meals, entertaining or just having coffee with friends. We have a wide variety of cabinets/cupboard styles, colours and species of wood: maple, clear alder, walnut, cherry, oak and many more. Counter tops can bring new life to an older kitchen, why not come in and see some of the many products available from laminate to granite or quartz. Bathrooms You can liven up the bathroom with a new vanity. We offer many styles and models of vanities, with or without sinks. Whether building new or renovating, many choices are available to meet everyone’s pocketbook. Our Services Our sales and design personal are experienced professionals that pride themselves on delivering high quality and fare priced products to you. We do onsite visits to measure and work with you from start to finish, that way you get what you want. KW&K is Known For: The best quality products in the area. Excellent workmanship for all installations. Friendly and knowledgeable staff. Come visit our showroom, open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5 pm and Saturdays – 9am-1pm. You can also visit us at or Like us on Facebook, just look for Kemptville Windows and Kitchens. James Hossie, Manager/Sales & Service Terry Vandemheen, Sales/Office Robert Hossie, Sales/Service
Cargo Horse Utility Tow Dolly Truck Decks
Dump Flatbed Roll-off Livestock Toy/Car Hauler August 8, 2018
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
New labelling regulations could hurt farmers by Michael Barrett Front of package nutrition labeling regulations being introduced by the Liberal government and the new Canada Food Guide will hurt our farmers. The government is charging ahead with both of these items and won’t invite farmers or agricultural experts to the table. In particular, the potential of massive costs incurred to the industry could come without evidence that labeling influences consumer behaviour, or correlates with decreasing obesity rates. These costs will be passed on to consumers eventually. I also have concerns about overhauling regulatory requirements without a scientific, evidence-based mandate; concerns that labeling exemptions (including individual packages served in restaurants, alcoholic packages) and singling out certain nutrients add confusion rather than clarity in making healthy decisions; and the fact that current Health Canada labeling proposals include a stop sign, triangles, and other symbols, which are associ-
ated with dangerous chemical substances. Industry was not given adequate time to do market research, or consult with their members on labeling, and there could be a disproportionate effect on dairy and cheese that could be slapped with warning labels, despite containing other nutrients that are conducive to health. An unintended consequence could be a loss of competitiveness in our agrifoods sectors, and job losses. To make matters worse, the government proposes that marijuana packaging be blank, and yet staple food items like cheese could be slapped with a warning label like a big red stop sign, according to Health Canada’s criteria. Committee meetings held in the spring for the food labelling regulations did not include any farm representation. The Liberal dominated committee simply refused to invite farmers to the table. I worry that commodity groups trust the government to keep its election promise to con-
sult. They have no intention of doing so. When parliament reconvenes in the Fall, this bill will move forward and the Liberal majority in the House will pass it, unless they are made to listen to the agricultural community. It may be that farmers will have to take their protests to Parliament Hill to get their attention. I will bring experts and the party critics to the riding to explain what is happening and devise a strategy to get the farm voice heard on Parliament Hill. I also want to make the agricultural industry aware of the timelines for the new Canada Food Guide. This is another project by this government that will affect farmers and, unless you have been part of the online consultation, your voice has not been heard.
Send in your letters to the editor to editor@
the north grenville
TIMES Peter Peers
Marketing Consultant Email: 613.989.2850
In Support of the
Annual Golf Tournament Enjoy a relaxing day on the Ottawa's area most awarded Golf Course
and 73's New Scholarship Fund
Monday, August 13 10 am to 5 pm 10 am Shotgun starts Each golfer will receive a round of golf with a cart, a welcome gift and a snack, followed by a dinner.
Sign up as an individual or a foursome
$150 per player or foursome $550
Equinelle Golf Course 140 Equinelle, Kemptville
August 8, 2018
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Sons and Daughters
Larry and Anstace Esmonde-White
by David Shanahan Long before the current interest in local food initiatives, two residents of North Grenville were spreading the word on television across North America and encouraging people to find out more about where their food came from, and how to grow it. Anstace and Larry EsmondeWhite were popular hosts of “From a Country Garden”, which ran on PBS for fourteen years from 1986, as well as regularly appearing on CBC television and radio programs. The wonderful thing about their long career in television was that it only began after they had retired to North Grenville after a most amazing life together. They first met each other when they met on a bridge in their native Ireland. Anstace was just 12 and Larry was 14 years old. When Larry died, just a few months short of his 96th birthday, they had been together for 84 years. Anstace worked at the Remount Depot, Melton Mowbray, England and in Cairo, Egypt for the Catholic Women's League during World War II. She and Larry married in Mosul, Iraq, in 1944, where Larry was serving with the Poona Horse of the Indian Army. After the war, they came to Canada,
where Larry joined the Lord Strathcona Horse of the Canadian Army. Having served around the world, and across Canada, the pair finally retired and most couples would have started to take it easy at that point. But not Laurence George Patrick and Delliana Anstace Esmonde-White. In 1971 they bought Evergreen Farm, a stone farmhouse with five acres of land in North Grenville, and it was there that Anstace and Larry became international gardening celebrities, hosting gardening shows on CJOH in Ottawa, CBC nationally, and PBS internationally in "From a Country Garden". The program was immensely successful and ran for 17 years. CBC Gardening expert, Ed Lawrence, knew Anstace and gives her credit for promoting local foods long before it was popular: "She felt a value in growing your own, far, far before anybody else was a great advocate for growing their own food." Anstace had been the President of the Ottawa Horticultural Society. On the EsmondeWhite Gardens website is a quote which sums up the couple’s approach: “Growing our own food gives us an additional respect for what the land has provided for us. Equipped with this knowledge and respect, we
40. Gorilla more readily understand that ACROSS 41. Secret schemes 1. Steering mechanism for a the foods growing from the 42. African antelope vessel earth carry the exact nutrients 43. Commanding attention 5. Long stories that our bodies need to be 10. A neutral color 45. Woman's undergarment healthy. Growing our food 14. Dogfish 49. A box for bricks or mortar helps enforce the idea that 15. Odorless inert gas 50. Mei our kitchens are our apoth- 16. Prospector's find 53. Armory ecaries.” 57. A spokesperson 17. Jewelry 59. Storage cylinder "Anstace and Larry reso- 18. Harshly critical 60. Modify nated with audiences," said 20. Escapist 61. Extreme 22. Rotate WPBS director of production 62. Frosts 23. Nil Tracy Duflo. "I don't know if 63. Start over 24. Homes for birds it was because they were a 64. Mixture of rain and snow 25. Untroubled little bit older, because they 32. Inclined 65. To tax or access were Canadian, because An- 33. Approaches DOWN stace was just so darn cute, 34. Mug 1. Not soft but audiences just loved her." 37. What a person is called 2. Arab chieftain There was international 38. Lane 3. Connects two points 4. Periodical recognition too. There was 39. Pierce an acknowledgement from the Government of Canada in 2006 for “outstanding Solutions to last week’s Sudoku contributions to the gardening world.” In the same year, the President of Ireland publicly noted their lifetime of achievement in gardening. Anstace died in August, 2016 at the age of 96. The couple left behind a legacy in the years of gardening advice and information they had passed on to people everywhere, in the role model they provided Medium on the importance of local, Easy sustainable foods, and, most especially, in their children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. They were a wonderful addition to the North Grenville community.
August 8, 2018
5. Exclude 6. Equal 7. Hotel 8. Outlay 9. Winter precipitation 10. Coast 11. Crucifixes 12. Grown 13. Affirmatives 19. Peels 21. Fog 25. Forearm bone 26. Half-moon tide 27. Lady 28. Labor group 29. Relaxes 30. Light wood 31. Before, poetically 34. Metal money 35. Constellation bear 36. Resound 38. Beer 39. Relating to geodesy 41. Mentally prepare 42. Life stories 44. Menace 45. Sometimes, works with lions 46. Lyric poem 47. Ancient Celtic priest 48. Repeat 51. Creative work 52. Cultivate 53. Unit of land 54. Agreeable 55. Beers 56. Not a win 58. French for "Summer"
Solution to last week’s Crossword
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word.
SERVICES TOES IN NEED Professional, Sterile Advanced Mobile Foot Care Nurse 613 858 4383
Hunter Education Courses on August 25 and 26 in Winchester and September 15 and 16 in Spencer ville. Contact Kerr y Coleman at 613 -258 -7515 or “ Rotor tilling, bush hog, small backhoe, lane grading. Call 613.229.4520. House cleaning. Every mother/father needs a housewife. Call Sandy 613 219 7277 House cleaning and/or home security checks for snowbirds. Diana 613 294 0385 GARDENING - Artistic Flower Gardening, Create or Establish - construct maintain. Small Lawn Services. 613-258-3847
613.276.4583 Kemptville area Complete Home Property Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up services 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 HANDY MAN specializing in renovations & house staging. We do it all CALL 613.294.2416 Goodnight Bed Company Supporting your well-being with genuine sleep solutions. 613 258 2902. Rock My House music lessons in fiddle, piano, drums and more. 613 258 5656.
FOR RENT Furnished room in a shared house for rent, $700/mth in Oxford Mills. Call 613 294 7420 Old Town Kemptville, Sept 1, $750 plus utilities. 613 220 5014 Kemptville, One bedroom apt. ground floor, $800 + utilities, 613-325-9540
French, Spanish, Inuktitut and Sign Language courses 613-853-8308
3 bedroom house available. Rent Supplement Program for families with income under $43,500.. Call 613-3423840 x2450.
Horse mini-camps for children/youth all summer 258-7488
Kemptville: 3 bedroom house, applicances included. Nonsmoking, $1300 plus utilities. 613 853 6592
J.R Tunings Affordable and Reliable Piano Tuning $100/Tuning CFSC & CRFSC & HEP Steve 613-258-6162 1894steve@ John’s Home Renovations call and leave name and number. 613-269-3113 Retired carpenter. I am an honest trustworthy and very good at what I do. Renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, additions, decks, home repair. Call George at 613-4627637 SEWING: Weddings to alterations, stonehousesewing. com. Call Sharon at 613-2243182, Kemptville. Property clean-up, trees, brush, scrap metal anything removed. Wayne Scott 613286-9072. P R O F E S S I O N A L PA I N T E R Commercial & Residential August 8, 2018
25 DecKorators 32" Classic Aluminum Balusters $25.00 Call 613-269-3301 Air Conditioner, MayTag 8500 BTU/h - for doublehung windows. $150.00 CALL 613-258-2119 Heintzman upright piano in Oak, with matching stool. Well taken care of. Reason for sale - moving. $3000. Apply 613 258 291 Adjustable Bath Safety Seat with Back Rest $50. 613215-0681 Antiques-Maple China cabinet, curved glass and leaded doors, $300. Oak dining room sideboard, beveled glass mirror backboard, $150. 613 258 0921 Table + 4 chairs, solid maple, 102 cm round, drop leaf, $140. 613 258 2119
750 Suzuki and 250 Suzuki ATVs for sale. Call Roger after 7pm for details, 613258-3152.
258-4529 or drop off at 529 George St. E. Sell your coin collection. Try Dave - Kemptville 613915-1464.
Pig pens $400; truck racks $100; heat bulbs $5. Call Dave @ 343-542-8177
Looking for Avon products, please call Joan at 613-2587644
10 gal S.Steel dispensing tank with gate. Unused, suitable Honey/Maple syrup.$195 .613 269-3567
Wanted: Standing mixed hardwood bush to clear cut or select harvest, Jon 613-227-3650
Solid Pine Door 1,3/4 x 30 x 76" , hardware. $100 V-$400+ Tel 613 258 8000
Looking to harvest cedar trees from 3 ft high and + off acreage. (613)799-0958
Hay for sale, $5.00/bale, Anne Marie 613-213-0970
Ride to Brockville anytime on 15th from Oxford Mills. 258-3008
Mixed seasoned firewood for sale, all hardwood, $100/ cord delivered, Jon 613-2273650
CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville
Wanted 2 or 3 bedroom apartment on one floor, Kemptville 613.258.0964
Dry and wrapped round bales of hay suitable for cattle. Jon 613-227-3650
In need of a qualified caregiver for a private home in Kemptville mrccl_falcone@
1 new Nordic & rim 225/75/15 . $75.00. 613 258 6254
WANTED TO BUY DucksMuscovy also Massey Harris Tractor 613-301-1747
2014 Yamaha ATV excellent condition $9,000 613.258.4867
WANTED :Looking to harvest cedar trees off acreage. (613)799-0958
Filter, UV, 58mm, new 5.0 0
Auction Sept.30 at Lyndon Marshall's auction house. Many interesting items including 1979 International dumptruck camper trailer snowmobile antiques. Truck and camper on display at Marshall's as of Aug 31. For more information call or text Bill 269-7928
WANTED Small boutique hotel looking for energetic part-time housekeeper 10-12 hrs/ week. Please email your resume to
Senior is looking to buy an adult size tricycle in good condition for local trips to mailbox etc. 613/258-4519
the north grenville
TIMES Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
Career Opportunity Accounts Receivable Accounting Administrator Temporary/Contract Position
Grenville Mutual Insurance, a trusted partner in the mutual insur-
Grenville Mutualance Insurance is looking for someone who is detail-oriented and who has strong industry is looking for a dynamic, energetic individual to join interpersonal, organizational and and timeadministrative management skills toin fillthe a temporary full-time position it its accounting team role of Accounting SALE during a maternity/parental leave of absence.
Administrator. The successful candidate will be detail-oriented with strong interpersonal, organizational and time management In this role, your primary responsibility will be to provide clerical and administrative services to 11, in apayment fast-paced environment. ensure efficient,skills timelyand andthrive accurate of customer and broker accounts. The core job
Garage Sale. Aug 8am-2pm. Rain or tasks: shine. In this role the individual's primary responsibility will be the ad• Maintainministration up-to-date billing information within operating systemand accounts tools, nick-nacks, planting of the company's telephone service • Generatepayable and distribute pots. 103 Latourell Rd, cycle.invoices • Process adjustments to policyholder accounts North Grenville. • ResearchKey and responsibilities resolve payment include: discrepancies
WANTED TO BUY Bunk Beds, wooden, no mattresses 613.269.2889
Direct incoming calls; prepare incoming and outgoing mail
A post-secondary education in accounting will be an asset for this role however consideration will and courier be given to equivalent workbusiness experiencetransactions, in a related field. • Post process, verify and assemble
vouchers for payment
Salary commensurate with education and experience. A 35-hour per week work week from • Process payments by cheque, electronic funds transfer or Monday to Friday is expected. Tentative contract timeline is October 1, 2018 to December 31, on-line Reconcile accounts related to accounts payable 2019.
750 Suzuki and 250 Suzuki ATVs for sale. Call Roger after 7pm for details, 613258-3152
Maintain account payables files and records
Grenville MutualPost-secondary Insurance is located in the heart of Eastern Ontario the town of Kemptville – a education in accounting is an inasset however community just south of Canada’s capital city of Ottawa. Incorporated in 1892, we are one of the consideration will be given to relevant work experience and oldest and strongest mutual companies in Canada. Our history has a resilient agricultural base and demonstrated ability to multi-task in a customer focused, profesa proud rural heritage, which speaks strongly to the community-based values that ground the sional company’s actions and environment. decisions to this day.
Attention: Contractors Retired bookkeeper looking for small business clients. 25 years experience. Call Shirley 613 921 5774
Grenvilte Mutual Insurance is located in the heart of Eastern Ontario in the town of Kemptville - a community just south of Application deadline is August 13, 2018 Canada's capital city of Ottawa. Incorporated in 1892, we are one of the oldest strongest mutual companies in Canada. Applyand by email in strict confidence to: Our history has a resilient agricultural base and a proud rural Diane Carriere, heritage, which speaksCorporate stronglyAdministrator/Secretary to the community-based values that ground the company's actions and decisions to this day.
Co-pilot with pilots licence. phone 613-258-2958 The rial lies jars
Email to
Grenville Mutualis Insurance Application deadline August 23, 2018 380 Colonnade Drive to: Diane Carriere, Apply by e-mail in strict confidence Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Corporate Administrator/Secretary
Eric Gutknecht MemoBursary-Jams & Jelrequire 250ml canning for charity sales. Call
Grenville Mutual Insurance 380 Colonnade Drive Kemptville, ON KOG UO
Senior Times
The North Grenville Times
Importance of seniors recognised by Stephanie Mitton Recently, the federal government announced a Minister for Seniors. Almost three years into their mandate, and just over one year before an election, the politics around the timing of the announcement is not lost. However, after three years without focused attention (the previous Conservative government had a Minister of State for Seniors) it is positive to see the Liberals finally giving focused attention to the needs of Canada's seniors. For decades, Canadians have heard that seniors would soon be the biggest demographic in Canada. For years, we were told we need to prepare supports for this reality.
Let’s Connect…
by Susan Smith, Executive Director, Kemptville & District Home Support Change is all around us. I just went for a walk around my gardens and I noticed a lot of changes. The gardens, where sun-loving flowers once flourished, are turning
Paul A. Jansen, BA, LLB.
into shade gardens. This is due to the trees that we keep adding to the garden. One of the most interesting additions is the ‘Kentucky Coffee Tree’ that I bought at a garden centre auction a number of years ago. This year, we spied seed pods on
Rachel S. Jansen, B.Comm., J.D.
215 Van Buren Street, Kemptville 613.258.7462
Real Estate - Wills & Estates - Family Law - Corporate
the tree – I somehow missed the flowers. I will have to nab the pods before the squirrels and chipmunks get them. It is going to be fun to try to grow trees from seed. Heraclitus, Greek philosopher, notably wrote: “The only thing that is constant is change.” In thinking of the changes in the garden, I thought about the changes in my life, and the realization that we do bring certain changes on ourselves; and, like my gardens, our lives continue to evolve. Over the years, I have come to realize that life is not meant to stay the same. As we grow and experience different things: read books, magazines and articles; watch TV and movies; meet a variety of people, and visit different places both near and further away, we do change by increasing our knowledge and perspective. ‘The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.’ Socrates has a point: in not fighting the ‘what is’, but in building ‘new’ in our lives. I believe that we are supposed to be joyful, and that our thoughts can change the way we experience life. One of my most favourite quotes is from the Apostle
The Voice of North Grenville
Paul: ‘…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely , whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (NIV Philippians 4:8) I have embraced these words through many changes in my life, both positive and otherwise. We have had some recent changes here at Kemptville & District Home Support. Bev Nye has retired after over 17 years with KDHSI. This is very exciting for her! It has been an absolute pleasure working with Bev for the past five years. We have recently welcomed Ann Miller to our Team, and she has been getting to know many of the people that come into the office, and those on the phone. Our activities will see a change in the Fall, with two instructors leaving us. Gayle Holmes is retiring from teaching the art class; and Tina Veilleux from teaching Create-a-Card. Thank you so much for all of your creativity and energy that you have put into the classes. I will certainly miss seeing both of you on a weekly basis, as will so many others! Please keep your ideas coming for new activities. It will be exciting to see what changes come next. Let’s ‘build the new’ together. Wishing everyone a very enJOYable day! Until next time, Susan
According to Statistics Canada, 2016 marked the first time that the census showed more seniors (5.9 million) than children 14 years of age and younger (5.8 million). The increase in the proportion of seniors from 2011 to 2016 was the largest observed in Canada since 1871. By 2031, close to one in four Canadians (23%) could be 65 years of age or older. The demographic shift in terms of the growth in the population of seniors is well under way. Seniors are the backbone of this country. They fought for our freedoms and they worked hard to build our country and create the social supports we enjoy today. They continue to be important contributors to our families,
communities and workplaces. In our riding of LeedsGrenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes, seniors make up a greater proportion of the population: the share of seniors is already 23.3%, which is 6.4% higher than the rest of Canada. All levels of government should take seriously the needs of seniors, from housing to health to income security programs. As the population ages, the needs increase, from research funding for Alzheimer's and dementia, to housing. I am pleased to see the Liberal Government is finally focused on our seniors, as we continue to support them to play the strong, productive role in our country that they always have.
Home Support and Bayfield welcome Trivia Friends of the North Grenville Public Library will continue its trivia classes at Bayfield Retirement Residence for a fourth consecutive year, according to Trivia Master Patrick Babin. Classes are held every Tuesday at 10 AM, starting September 5, 2018. One of trivia’s primary benefits is that it enables us to learn a surprising amount about a wide variety of subjects in a non-threatening setting. Trivia should never be equated with intelligence; you are not expected to know the answers to all questions. Furthermore, some of us take longer to process questions; that is why this important rule exists: Do not answer the question until the trivia master completes the ques-
tion. That’s a NO-No!! It is a form of mental exercise that helps us to keep the mind sharp. It is one of the best mental exercises we can do. Starting August 15, Friends will also offer trivia sessions at Home Support Kemptville every other Thursday. If interested, please contact Jennifer Graham at the Cheryl Brown Centre. Because of these requests, and we certainly welcome them, we encourage some of our members (Friends) to assist. Quite a few have already donated trivia books along with games. We would certainly appreciate having a few volunteer “questioners” on reserve.
Life is short. Work somewhere awesome.
NOW HIRING Bilingual Full-Time Employee Relations & Culture Advocate
Contract position until March 31, 2019 The Employee Relations and Culture Advocate is responsible for providing leadership, guidance, coaching, and motivation to employees. This position ensures that the ‘day-to-day’ operations/ supervision of programs, services, and supports within the assigned locations operates within the policies, procedures, and values of the organization. The Employee Relations and Culture Advocate encourages and facilitates a positive work environment. The ideal candidate: • Has the demonstrated ability to lead and inspire a team. Fosters a positive culture with open communication. • Solid understanding and/ or willingness to learn the unique characteristics and needs of individuals with deafblindness and their families. • Bilingual in French is a strong asset.
Apply online August 8, 2018
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Giant Tiger supports Easter Seals
301 Rideau Street, Kemptville Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6
Value Pack
Striploin Grilling Steaks Cut from Canada AA or Higher
by Gord Logan Fantastic weather for Thursday's OPP BBQ as Giant Tiger hosted the event for their favourite charity. Dedicated participants took time out for a photo-op. Kathy Botham, Diane Bartlett, with Justin Bartlett, handled customer service, as Daryn Peelar was in charge of product control. Donald Bartlett rolled the dogs and flipped the burgers, with Brenda Dillabough covering condiment duties. Cathy Lindsey was the smiling face you met when contributing to this worthy cause, and Carl Evoy with Ian MacLaughlin was responsible for expediating the food preparation. When the day was over, the community helped raise $676.00 for Easter Seals. See you next week, as Hulse, Playfair & McGarry Funeral Home will be hosting the affair to support Friends of the Library.
Boneless Medium Pork Loin Chops Ground Beef Fresh never Frozen
Rideau Glen Ladies League invite a guest by Cecile Fortier A very colourful group of ladies, with their guest, enjoyed a game of "best ball", with dinner afterwards. The weather has been favourable to the ladies throughout the whole month of July. Not one Tuesday was amiss because of bad weather. The ladies played through intense heat and humidity and showed their fortitude in spite of the adversities. The "early bird" players at 8 am enjoy a cooler start. A few of the members playing early every morning enjoy the beauty of sunrise peeping through the trees and casting shadows on the course. It is unbelievably peaceful and serene, and to be able to hear the birds singing, and your tracks are the first of the day to appear on the dewy grass.
The beauty of it all distracts you to look up and admire its grandiose elegance in the early morning tranquillity. Rideau Glen whispers to you to have great game... On July 12, the "Dickenson Tray" tournament was played, with more than twenty players participating in the event. The day was beautiful and the ladies kept their cool and played their own game. At the end, there was a tie for 1st place, with Theresa McCaig and Pearl Webb having to do an extra hole of playoff in order to determine the winner. Pearl was the "lady of the day" and Theresa came in 2nd. Congratulations ladies for a hard fought game! The next tournament is for the Club Championship. This is a very special event that determines the best players in
Life is short. Work somewhere awesome.
Bilingual Permanent Part-Time and Part-Time Relief Intervenors DeafBlind Ontario Services is a not-for-profit organization that helps individuals who are deafblind increase their independence and improve their quality of life through specialized services. Intervenors are specially trained professionals who act as the “eyes” and “ears” of the individual who is deafblind through the sense of touch. We typically hire candidates with experience in the following disciplines: Intervenor for Deafblind Persons, Developmental Services Worker, Social Services Worker, Community Services Worker, Personal Support Worker or related experience.
Apply online DeafBlind Ontario Services is a 2015 & 2016 Canadian Nonprofit Employer of Choice!
August 8, 2018
Centre Cut
each flights of A-B-C- and D, with trophies for each winner of its respected flight. It is an 18-hole contest played in two consecutive weeks --front 9 and then back 9, with a total of the scores. The club champion may come out from any of the flight if it has the better scores. Good luck to all those who will participate! "Invite a Guest" was a huge success, with 64 players eagerly hitting the "best ball". The winning foursome was: Bonnie and Mike Thibaudeau, with Marie and Brian MacGuillevray, who came in with a score of 29, or -5 to win the "Bear Trophy" Kudos, you did great! Frankie announced the winners of ONE EAGLE, and the nine birdies of the month, which were won on Tuesday's league play. This is the most birdies ever won in one month. Congratulations go out to the EAGLE winner, who was Irene Ottenhof. Birdies to Sharon McDonnell, Maureen Hoas, Bonnie Thibaudeau, Gloria Cross, Judy Collard, Brenda Clark, Pam Miller, Jean Potvin, and Cecile Fortier. The winner of the "Parkinson Gift Bag", donated by Ron Tracey, was Maureen Leeson. Also a few of the ladies won door prizes. The dinner was catered by Just Home Cookin’s Pam and Don Miller. Thanks for a great meal that was gobbled up by the hungry players. All went home fully satiated by their meal, golf, and the friendly atmosphere that overruns through the ladies league. It was an exceptionally great day!
Sweet Corn Product of Ontario
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Product of USA
Heinz Mustard or Kraft Bulls Eye BBQ Sauce Select Varieties. Mustard 550 mL. BBQ Sauce 425 mL.
Field Grown Tomatoes Product of Ontario
French’s Ketchup Assorted Varieties 750 mL - 1 Litre
Compliments Salads
Potato, Macaroni or Coleslaw. 426 - 454 g.
Black Diamond Cheeseea Strings Assorted Varieties. 168
613.258.3014 Prices effective:
Friday, August 10 to Thursday, August 16, 2018 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements”
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
New support for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder by Hilary Thomson A group of passionate caregivers has created an organization to advocate and raise awareness for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Rob and Shelley More are no strangers to the impact of FASD. All three of their adopted children have been diagnosed with the disorder after several very tumultuous years for their family. “We had two or three really rough years,” he remembers. His eldest daughter, now eighteen, was diagnosed first, after being arrested several times by the police. The couple was told by many medical professionals that her behaviour was normal, but they knew deep down that there was something more going on. “We knew something was up,” Rob says.
Their daughter was finally diagnosed with FASD three years ago by doctors at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). Their other daughter and their son were also diagnosed there within the last year. Rob says it is a lengthy process, needing five different specialists. There are only four places in Ontario that can diagnose FASD, and there are often long waiting lists. “There is a two-year waiting list at CHEO,” Rob says. According to a recent study by researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, approximately 3% of the population in Ontario are living with FASD. That is three times the number of people with autism, and amounts to approximately 300,000 people provincewide. Unfortunately, 90% of people with FASD remain undiagnosed. “Most people
FASD is not just an issue for individual families, but for society as a whole. The prevalence of FASD is high in homeless populations, the prison system, and suicide rates. “The numbers are alarming,” he says. “If we had the same recognition as we have for autism, our society would be radically different.” It is important for those affected by the disease to know there is a physiological reason for their behaviour. People with FASD often have trouble managing money, have poor judgement, have difficulty regulating their emotions, and don’t learn from the consequences of their actions. Rob says that, in his experience, his daughter blamed herself for her behaviour and poor decision-making, which was actually out of her control. While the diagnosis of FASD is crucial, support and treatment for the disorder is
don’t even know they have it,” Rob says. FASD is developed when the mother of a baby drinks alcohol while pregnant, and this stunts brain growth. “It can develop starting day one,” Rob says. “The first 21 days are crucial.” The problem is that many women don’t even know they’re pregnant for the first month, and might continue to drink, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned. Any amount or type of alcohol can affect the foetus. It is absorbed straight into the bloodstream, which goes directly to the baby. Because of this, it has even more of an impact than smoking or drugs. “There is a lot of discussion about prevention vs. support,” Rob says. “As long as alcohol exists within our culture, there will never be 100% prevention.” Robs says the lack of awareness and diagnosis of
also key. Once Rob’s eldest daughter was diagnosed with FASD, he and his wife found that there was very little support out there for people with FASD, particularly in rural areas. The pair found three women in Ottawa who worked with people with FASD, and a support group for caregivers in Kingston, but nothing in their area, just outside MerrickvilleWolford, in Montague Township. “We got together and asked why we aren’t doing something in our own community,” Rob says. The Rural FASD Support Network was formed about six months ago and has an online presence through a blog and Facebook. On September 15, they will be holding their first caregiver support group in Smiths Falls, at the Calvary Bible Church from 10:30 am-12:30 pm. “We are inviting anyone who is interested to come,” Rob
says, who is the secretary and communications person for the network. The first meeting will include a guest speaker who will talk to the group about how to recognize and work with people with FASD. Rob says the Rural FASD Support Network is working with healthcare organizations and the government to raise awareness for FASD. They have a good relationship with the children’s mental health clinic at Kemptville District Hospital, and they are planning on speaking with the Premier about how FASD relates to many provincial ministries, including health, housing, and correctional services. “There needs to be recognition that there will always be people with this disability who need support,” Rob says. FASD Awareness Day will be observed in Ontario and around the world on September 9.
Spencerville Fair Royalty The Spencerville Fair is once again calling for Contestants for its traditional Spencerville Fair Royalty contest. The amazing show, combined with the Little Sir & Little Miss, Junior Ambassador & Ambassador competition, is sure to leave you entertained. On Friday, September 7, please join us at 6:30 pm in the Drummond Building to help reign in our 2018 Spencerville Fair Royalty. If you are, or know, someone who is in Leeds, Grenville, Stormont, or Dundas counties and would be interested in registering, please check out our Spencerville Fair Royalty page at www., or email spencervillefairambassador@ AMBASSADOR: Contestants must be between 18 and 26 years of age, as of September 7, 2018, to register and must be available to volunteer at local, along with provincial, events. Contestants will be judged on their public introduction, an interview, prepared speech, and their answers to
impromptu questions, along with personality, appearance, enthusiasm and community involvement. Scheduled interviews will be held on Wednesday, September 5, with the stage portion taking place on Friday evening. Bursaries will be awarded in the value of $1,000 for 1st, $300 for 2nd, and $200 for the 3rd. JUNIOR AMBASSADOR: Contestants must be between 11 and 16 years old, as of September 7, 2018 and available to volunteer at local events. Contestants will be judged on their public introduction, an interview, prepared speech, and their answers to impromptu questions, along with their personality, appearance, enthusiasm and community involvement. Scheduled Interviews will be held on Wednesday, September 5, with the stage portion taking place on Friday evening. Junior Ambassador will be awarded $125.00, and 2nd will receive $75.00. LITTLE SIR & LITTLE MISS: Contestants must be between 6 and 9 years old as
Rideau River Waterfront Approx 4000 sq ft, 4 bed, 4 baths, enclosed heated porches.Attached garage & detached 30 x 40 heated. Fenced yard with electric gate, permanent dock $989,000 MLS#1113403
304 Colonnade Dr., Kemptville August 8, 2018
of September 7, 2018. Each contestant may only compete in up to two Little Sir & Little Miss competitions; winners of previous competitions are not permitted to compete. A panel of judges will complete an interview with the contestants on Tuesday, September 4, and the stage portion of the event will take place on the Friday. There will be a limit of 5 girls and 5 boys, with the winner of 1 girl and 1 boy. The winners must be available to attend local events put on by the Agricultural Society. Gift bags will be presented to all contestants. For more information and how to apply, check out the website, or email,
August 25: The 11th Annual Charity ATV Poker Run will take place (rain or shine) in the North Augusta area. Register at 10101 Jellyby Road from 10 a.m. until noon. Entry fee is $15 per person. Best three poker hands win cash prizes. There are lots of door prizes and a cash canteen. All proceeds go to Brockville General Hospital Palliative Care Program. For more info., call 613-926-2577 or 613-926-1796.
2 acres - New Home to be built. Double garage 24 x 28 with 8' doors. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open concept, walk out basement, insulated & dry walled. Lot high and dry, will build to suit. $399,900 MLS # 1112525
Gary Durie
Sales Representative 6.4 acres, nicely treed, paved rd. New Home to be built Approx 1600 sq. ft. 3 beds, 2 baths, double garage, full basement. Will build to suit $498,000 MLS #1112956 16