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Summer’s gentle nudge into fall at Seniors’ Community Services

submitted by Jill Woodley
If you feel like the summer of 2023 is moving along at the speed of light, you are not alone.
Over the last two months, we welcomed over 120 folks to the annual seniors’ BBQ, celebrated the Municipal Civic Awards, served up a Victorian Tea, and held our Annual General Meeting. All this is on top of the day-to-day activities, Meals on Wheels deliveries, friendly visits, and drives for clients.
Summer is bidding us adieu, and we begin to follow the path leading us to autumn.
In the last week of June, the Lions Club served up a delicious BBQ lunch at Maplewood Park in Oxford Mills. Under the swaying trees and warmth of the sunshine, volunteers set up festive picnic tables, musicians Chris and Jean Jacques strummed their guitars, and the BBQ sizzled with burgers. Picnic attendees decked out in red were treated to a very special afternoon. Once again, Mayor Peckford led a dance-off to add more
1) The idea of developing agricultural land is bad. In the case of the housing developments, it only serves the wealthy supporters of your party.
2) The process is nondemocratic. The people have no say...at least no say that is listened to.
And that is likely what will happen to this...it will be like a whisper in the wind. Steven Clark...once upon a time, you were an honest, sincere person with good ideas. Now, you are part of the big political machine and you are no longer the politician you once were. That's yours and our loss.
Doug Ford...well I'm almost lost for words. I believe that you have not been good for the Province, and moves like this prove that I am not wrong in my belief. The sooner you resign and go off to some cushy corporate board, the better. For advice on how to do this, look up the other Conservative premier who did a good job of dismantling the Province... Mike Harris.
RESIGN NOW...do us all a minutes to the ParticipACTION challenge—SCS clients and volunteers clocked over 19,000 minutes in June. Singing, dancing, friendships, and great food. It was the perfect end to a month-long Seniors Month.

On June 8th, the SCS Transportation Service volunteer drivers were recognized for their outstanding contribution to North Grenville at the Municipality of North Grenville Civic Awards. The award for the volunteer group (seniors) was presented to the SCS volunteer team who gave over 11,000 hours of service transporting seniors and adults living with physical disabilities to appointments. From Kingston to Ottawa, Merrickville to Manotick, and everywhere in between, over 88,000 km were covered over the last year. Congratulations to the SCS volunteers who continue to impact this community with their dedication.
For many, September’s approach means the beginning of a new year. The golden colours envelop us and we begin to plan for the months ahead. At SCS, favour.
Peter Johnson (Oxford Mills)
Dear Editor, I see in his letter in the Aug. 10 Times, that Steve Gabell is at it again, this time making pronouncements about what counts as science and what should not be published in the media. In doing so, he insults editors and the media generally about scientific literacy, perhaps holding himself up as an example of a "higher standard" for that. Not a scientist himself, he nevertheless feels qualified to judge which aspects of science are "well established" and which are unworthy of publication.
Having previously exchanged letters in the Times with Mr. Gabell about climate change, I will not reopen that topic. However, he also implies that "creationists" (by which he presumably includes all who believe in a Creator) cannot stand up to evolutionary biology. He we are no different, and our planning is full steam ahead. Fundraising for our services and programs is paramount for success, and we are excited to offer the third Photos in the Park event on Saturday, September 23rd. This is an opportunity to get professional photos from a local photographer and help raise funds for services that support hundreds of folks in North Grenville. Picture perfect! Details can be found on our website, or by calling the Centre. Spaces are limited, so don’t delay.
In November, our Wreath and Planter fundraiser will be back! Decorate your doors and porches in support of our Meals on Wheels Program. With increased food costs, this fundraiser helps subsidize a fundamental source of support for the hundreds of seniors who rely on this door-to-door service. Did you know that in 2022, we delivered close to 8,000 meals to people in our community? Our volunteers ensure access to nutritious meals that offer peace of mind for our clients and their families. We look forward to another is perhaps unaware that the Neo-Darwinian Synthesis, the core of modern evolutionary theory, is founded on very shaky ground and that mounting evidence further undermines it. Suffice it to say that Darwinian evolution cannot account for the diversity of life, nor the "origin of species" as promoted by Darwin and his followers.

I'm not sure who the "wealthy and powerful individuals" are that Gabell had in mind. From my experience, it is dedicated scientists - neither wealthy nor powerful - who question climate alarmism and regnant successful event and seeing your holiday spirit on every porch. evolutionism, and they are ignored, marginalized, dismissed and even cancelled for questioning supposedly "settled science" dogma.
Keep an eye out for all the fun ahead. For more information, please reach out at 613-258-3203 or at hello@seniorscs.ca. Take a look at our website (www. seniorscsca) and access all of our news, including the most recent Annual Report. Follow our FB and Instagram too. We look forward to welcoming you to the Centre.

By the way, as one previously labelled a "climate denier" by Mr. Gabell, I am still awaiting a cheque from the "fossil fuel companies' which he claims bankroll all of us doubters.
Gabell is correct that climate change and the creation-evolution debate are contentious "issues", yet he claims that they have been "resolved" scientifically, so that they should not be discussed in the media. In contrast, I believe that is precisely where such issues should be aired, and I applaud the NG Times for its willingness to allow contrary voices to speak.
Ed Norman, Kemptville