9 minute read
By-law discussion dominates virtual Council meeting
Last week’s regular Council meeting on August 9 was packed with business, all done virtually with Deputy Mayor Barclay at the helm. Mayor Peckford was away on a family vacation, so she was not in attendance online. Council moved to appoint the Deputy Mayor as the meeting Chair – a motion that is in effect for one meeting only.
If experiencing recurring headaches, most people go see a doctor. Or, for severe chest pain, it’s a rush to the emergency room. But when people are constantly rubbing their eyes, there’s no trigger of alarm. It’s just itchy eyes! But Dr. Clara Chan, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Toronto, says it could be a problem called dry eye syndrome. Neither lethal nor curable, sufferers simply need to keep the annoyance under control.
Dr. Chan reports that the sooner you see a doctor and start treatment, the better the result. It’s surprising that an estimated 1 in 5 adults have personal experience with dry eye syndrome.
Dry eye syndrome is more common in women, but aging is a cause in both sexes. People may notice the condition more acutely when flying, due to dryness of the cabin air. Excessive screen time can induce irritation too, including blockage of tear ducts caused by rubbing the eyes. Long periods of looking up at computer screens and not blinking decrease lubrication of the eyes. Add to this list diabetes and thyroid disease, the result is too much salt in the eyes which triggers chronic inflammation. In time, there will be damage to the structures of the eye.
What about medication?
Antidepressants and antihistamines can cause dry eyes. Indoor air can be dry, causing itchy eyes. When outdoors, it’s advisable to wear sunglasses and avoid smoky conditions. If wearing contact lenses, follow the advice about hygienic care.
A visit for professional help might involve the quick fix of removing a foreign particle from the eye. Or if there’s an infection, antibiotics will be prescribed.
What’s the scenario in most cases? Dr. Clara Chan cautions that there is no cookie-cutter recipe that works for every patient. Rather, patient counselling and trying different treatment options help to identify the right treatment.
The simple measure of using a humidifier is a good start. Wearing protective eyewear on cold or windy days will help. A variety of lubricating eye-drops are available over the counter to provide speedy relief of symptoms. But if there are recurring symptoms despite these measures, see your doctor.
You may need antiinflammatory eye-drops such as those that contain cyclosporine. Thermal or laser light therapy for your eyelids may be another option. According to a survey conducted in Canada by Dr. Chan, 20 percent of respondents were dealing with moderate dry eye disease and 70 percent had severe problems. She calculated the
This is a message that bears repeating. Sore eyes are not lethal. But doctors see lives lost every year due to patients who delay getting medical attention. Here’s the important advice: never ignore rectal bleeding or blood in the urine, a breast lump, a persistent cough, or abnormal vaginal bleeding.
And don’t fall into another potential trap. Remember, it’s not the doctor who sets the date for an appointment. If you have one of the above symptoms, never accept a delayed appointment. Why? Because it may cost you your life! Tell the scheduler what the problem is and that there is a need for urgency. If no result, try your utmost to find another doctor.
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The Food Corner
by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville
The first item of business was a minor variance request for a property on Alma Street. The request was for a deviation from the minimum exterior side yard rules, to allow a building to be constructed 3 metres from the property line, instead of 6 metres. This proposal was the subject of a public meeting, though no members of the public spoke up. The applicant was in attendance, but had no comments for Council since there were no questions or concerns from members of the public to address. With letters of no objection from local governing bodies having been received, the recommendation from municipal staff was for the variance request to pass, and Council agreed.
Another public meeting took place regarding a requested density increase for a proposed development in Kemptville’s northwest end. The increase would see 122 apartment units, up from the original request of 84 units, at the site on Wellington Rd, adjacent to Giant Tiger and KFC.
Taking advantage of fresh vegetables from our over-producing gardens is top of mind this time of year. Today, we turn to a native dish, Succotash. The word “Succotash” comes from the indigenous word “msickquatash” meaning boiled corn kernel. And since corn is now readily available, here we go with Sufferin’ Succotash with apologies to the Warner Brother cartoon featuring the infamous Sylvester the Cat.
• 1, 8 ½ ounce can of lima beans, drained
• 1 finely chopped small red onion
• 1 small zucchini diced to ½ inch chunks
• 3 cups of fresh sweet corn kernels right off the cob (about 4 cobs)
• 2 small chopped tomatoes
• 1 cup of halved cherry tomatoes
• 2 finely chopped (or crushed) garlic cloves
• 2 teaspoons of olive oil
• 1 tablespoon fresh thyme (if you have it) or 1 teaspoon dried
• 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
• Heat the olive oil in a large skillet on medium heat
• Add the red onion and garlic and sweat until soft
• Add the zucchini and tomatoes and cook till softened
• Add the lima beans, corn, thyme and pepper and cook through
• Add a bit of water, stir, cover your pan with a lid and let steam briefly till the water is gone
Serve Succotash warm on a bed of rice. It also makes a great salad by refrigerating and mixing in some Balsamic vinegar (a couple of tablespoons) either as a main meal or a side dish. A loaf from Grahame’s is a welcome accompaniment as is a cool unoaked Chardonnay. Rejoice, all vegetarians and enjoy! Best from pcormier@ranaprocess.com.
A representative of the developer spoke to the Council, and answered questions. Councillor O’Sullivan raised some questions regarding traffic in the area, and plans to maintain the green space in the area of the proposed development. There was a back and forth discussion between Councillor O’Sullivan and a developer representative, discussing the infrastructure in the area.
Councillor Strackerjan expressed her appreciation for the flexibility shown by the developer – Kevlar Developments – calling this situation a “really good example of where there’s flexibility that can be achieved – the willingness to revisit and rework a plan.”
An unusual amount of time was spent discussing this particular request –nearly a full hour in a two hour meeting. Ultimately, despite Council’s support for the amendment, Kevlar’s request for a deferral was granted so that the wording
by Brandon Mayer
of a draft zoning by-law amendment can be reviewed by staff to ensure that there will be no problems regarding an offsite parking request.
Other routine business occurred in the remainder of the meeting, including the consideration of tenders for municipal work to be completed.
The meeting adjourned after just over two hours. There have been no other regularly scheduled Council meetings added to the Municipality of North Grenville calendar as of the time of writing.
The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) has advised that water levels in all area bodies of water are currently higher than normal for this time of year. Some persistent rainfall last week, combined with a few heavy rainfall events during storms, have pushed the RVCA coverage area into a “water safety statement” condition.
A water safety statement is issued by the RVCA when “high flows, unstable banks, melting ice or other factors that could be dangerous for recreational users such as anglers, canoeists, hikers, children, pets, etc.” are expected. However, flooding is not expected at this time.
While there have been a few days of on-and-off rain with average total rainfall amounts, other days have packed a much bigger punch. For example, the recorded amount of rainfall for North Grenville on the Civic Holiday, August 7, was 96.6 millimetres – nearly 10 cm of rain, or one third of a foot.
We rarely see the effects of such heavy rainfall in our day to day lives (besides having longer grass to mow) because the water is absorbed by the ground. However, this same rainfall will significantly raise the water level in open bodies of water where storm drains commonly let out as well.
What is the danger from increased water levels? In a word – flow! Flow rates can be much faster and far less predictable when water levels are high, creating higher risk even for experienced swimmers. Children may also not know the dangers until it is too late, and pets which are accustomed to jumping in the water may be taken by surprise when it is much harder than usual to return to shore.
“Until the water levels and flows recede, the RVCA advises the public to exercise extreme caution around all water bodies and dam structures, and remind children about the dangers of playing near open water,” reads a statement released by the RVCA. “All boaters and swimmers using the Rideau River and other larger water bodies are advised to exercise extreme caution due to much higher flows than normal over the next few days.”
The RVCA’s water safety statement was issued on August 10, and stays in effect until August 18. It may be extended if water levels continue to pose a threat. It is recommended that readers stay informed by checking the RVCA website regularly at https://www.rvca.ca/.
For Sale
Antique Farm Machinery for lawn decoration. Call 613-258-3561 after 6:00pm
Sawmill for Sale
Heavy duty dimensional sawmill (Southern) for sale. Equipped with two 20-inch edger blades and a 32-inch main blade, which produces a finished board with each pass. Ideal for quarter sawing hardwood flooring. Max cutting size is 6” X 12” x 20 ft. This mill is in good operating condition and is equipped with a 4-cylinder, 60 hp diesel engine
The mill is located near Merrickville, ON. Phone
1.5 ton York Central A/C unit. 3 years old. Perfect condition. Asking $1500. 613-222-9452
Now booking orders for new crop small square bales of hay. Call or text Jon. 613-227-3650
Dollhouse , Foxhall Manor by Real Good Toys, with side extensions. Currently under refurbishment. $1500. tineboyer@gmail.com
Cedar posts and rails for sale. Jon 613-227-3650.
4X4 round bales of hay and straw for sale. Jon 613-227-3650.
Dry firewood for sale $110 a cord plus delivery fee. Call or text Jon 613-2273650
HISTORIC HALL AVAILABLE FOR RENTALS in Beautiful Burritts Rapids! Start a book club in time for cooler weather in a hamlet near walking trails and parkettes. Our hall is well equipped for any gathering or celebration, and we offer very competitive rates. http://burrittsrapids.com
Looking to harvest cedar trees for hedges off acreages from landowners. Please call Joanne 613-799-0958
Experienced+local farming family looking to buy a farm. Min. 10ac tillable with a liveable house. Open to creative solutions. davidrbailie@gmail.com.
Looking to rent farmland for cash crops. Call or text Mitch @ 613-262-1204.
For Rent
2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. Laundry, appliances included.

1 block proximity to all amenities. Immediate occupancy, $1975/ month. Call Jeff at 613978-4700
Garage Sale
Aug 19, 8am to 2pm Multi family 114B George street west rain or shine. Aug 19, 8-3, 355 County Rd 25, Oxford Mills
Afternoon and evenings, weather dependent Light duty work. Must be a resident of Kemptville, Transportation provided. $20 An hour to start. No experience required Also seeking experienced labour. Pays $25-$30 an hour. Must have own transportation. Could lead into full-time work. CALL
Community Events
Recurring Event
PROBUS: Fellowship, Fun and inFormed presenters are part of the PROBUS gathering on the third Wednesday of each month at St Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall at 9:30AM. For more information contact at n.g.probus97@gmail.com
Kemptville Legion: Now Open Fridays 3-9. Free Pool and Darts. Everyone Welcome
BINGO, Kemptville Legion, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, doors open at noon
NG Duplicate Bridge Club Bridge, Masonic Lodge 311 Van Buren Kemptville, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 12:15. All Levels of bridge players are welcome. Info call 613-795-7155
EUCHRE on Tuesday, August 22, September 5 and 19 at Pierce's Corners also known as the Marlborough Community Centre, 3048 Pierce Road. Registration starts at 6:30 p.m. and play starts at 7:00 p.m. $5 per player. For information contact debiar@ymail.com.
BID EUCHRE on Tuesday, August 29, September 12 and 26 at Pierce's Corners also known as the Marlborough Community Centre, 3048 Pierce Road. Registration starts at 6:30 p.m. and play starts at 7:00 p.m. $5 per player. For information contact debiar@ymail.com.
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku

Easy Medium Hard
Solution to last week’s Crossword