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Run For The Cure BBQ
There were some though that were down at water level on some rocks, accompanied by a pair of Black-headed Gulls, so all was not lost! Surprisingly, apart from these sightings, there wasn't much other bird activity taking place on the actual lake itself. We passed a loftily and substantially built Osprey or eagle's nest, and saw the odd one or two Common Gulls bobbing up and down on the water but that was about it! However, on the shore at the cottage, it was a little bit more lively! Our friends have got two Hummingbird feeders, located right on the rail of their house deck, which also has a couple of flower boxes too. The flowers were being ignored but the feeders were not and it was possible to sit on one of the benches surrounding the deck watching the Hummingbirds feed within a very close range, without them being too perturbed. It sounds like I should have managed to get plenty of close-up pictures of them, but, - my, how fast they can move, as you may well know, and they are the masters of disguise when they do put down on a branch! Zoom, zoom! One second you hear them, the next you might see them, but they are never still, it seems. The one that I tried to watch, perched hidden in the green leafed trees, on their barest branches even, and tried to get a good camera shot of, was almost out of the question! It was either in a shaded spot, or close to a leaf, but never in clear view! When it did appear to feed, it never seemed to be hovering just in the right place, or was partially hidden by some part of the feeder! Wow! Talk about frustrating! Anyway, it kept me occupied for quite a long time trying, and then came along a complete surprise!
I was ready "to call it quits", when a bright red flash caught my eye high up, in one of the tall green leafed trees. Swinging my camera and eyeballs round, I was determined not to miss whatever it was. This bright red visitor was a Scarlet Tanager and I was able to get only a couple of minutes seeing it before it disappeared from whence it came! I managed to snap off only 9 shots of it, but at least I got something, so I was well pleased, - great!
I hope that you too are managing to see and enjoy your regular birds and, maybe now and then, a surprise visitor or sighting. Stay safe and well, Cheers, John Baldwin
26th Annual Harvest Day Demonstrations
Sat.,Aug26& Sun.Aug27, 2023
We held our first Run For The Cure BBQ of the year on August 2nd. We had wonderful support from our community, Fat Les, B&H, Giant Tiger, Canada Breads, Jonsson’s Independent and Winchester Foodland.

We ended up raising $640 thanks to our generous community, clients and sponsors! We are starting to plan our next BBQ for the end of September and will hopefully be able to have BBQ and desserts!
Corn stand run by local youth boasts high popularity

Admission $5 per person - Children 12 & under FREE
BBQ Chicken Dinner
Saturday, Aug 26 $22.00
Pick up starting at 4 pm
Sunday, Aug 27 8am To 11 Am
Adults $12.50
Children 12 & Under $6 Cash Only
Hillbilly Highway - Sunday, Aug 27, 10am to 3pm
Working Demonstrations - 10am to 4pm 5877 County Rd. 18, Roebuck, ON