Issue 35 2022 September 8 NG Times

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Council set aside 1.5 million dollars (75 percent from development charges, and 25 percent from reserves) over two years in

The Voice of North GrenvilleVol. 10 No. Reaching by direct mail 8,500 homes and businesses in North Grenville September 8, 2022 10510 Loughlin Ridge Rd, Mountain,Ontario 613.www.bdlequipment.com209.3122 NOW IN STOCK Service available on all makes and models Compact Tractors and Cub MowersCadetBLINDS SHUTTERS DRAPERY WALLPAPER & THE FULL L NE OF CANADIAN MADE CLOVERDALE PAINT STEVENS CREEK DECOR CENTRE 2678 COUNTY RD 43 KEMPTVILLE 613 706 1250 cont'd on page 2 patioALLfurniture, outdoorBBQ’s,fireplaces, Air conditioners & Fans on SALE now! END OF SALESUMMER 613.258.9333 2540 cty rd 43, Kemptville Kemptville Eye Exam Clinic Kemptville Mall Book your eye exam online ON SELECT

The Municipality of North Grenville is proceeding with plans to bring new recreation amenities to Riverside Park, including an outdoor rink, splash pad, and an accessible, four season change rooms and washrooms, as well as improved pool house.

Recreational Amenities will include:

“Given that we were crowned Canada’s Most Active Community in 2021 and Ontario’s Most Active Community in 2022, parks and greenspaces are more popular than ever. These new recreational amenities will ensure a high quality of life for all residents in North Grenville,” said Councillor Doreen O’Sullivan and Parks, Recreation and CultureNewLiaison.Riverside Park

able to enjoy more opportunities for outdoor play and year-round recreation in what is effectively, North Grenville’s central park in downtown Kemptville,” added Mayor Peckford.

Further, based upon the momentum of North Grenville's remarkable achievement as Canada's Most Active Community in 2022, Enbridge came forward with another $50,000 for a shaded courtyard at Riverside given the recent loss of shade.

“North Grenville's investment to modernize our recreational infrastructure is reflective of Council’s commitment to bringing more recreational options for our growing community,” emphasized Mayor Nancy Peckford.“Theaddition of a refrigerated outdoor rink, splash pad and four-season washrooms and change rooms will ensure that families, youth and seniors are

A 50 by 100 feet outdoor

Specializing in financial planning & investments samantha.rivet-stevenson@rbc.comCANDIDATESALL613-816-9697MEETING:Thursday,September8

A wheelchair accessible splash pad with a variety of spray elements including a mega bucket soaker that will recycle water to reduce environmental impacts. A pool house addition that will support accessible washrooms and provide year-round outdoor access to other users of the park.


As experienced by many municipalities across Ontario, the significant rise in inflation and supply chain issues had a significant im-

2021 and 2022 for the Riverside Park Project. Staff were also instructed to seek grants at the provincial and federal levels, and just under $500,000 was secured from a provincial grant early in 2022.

North Grenville proceeds with Riverside Park Recreation Expansion Project

rink with a concrete base and boards. Elements will include ice refrigeration, provisions for a roof structure, and will be designed to support summer sports such as basketball, ball hockey, and special events.

As presenter at our first meeting of the new season, we are privileged to have Jennie Ellison, Curator of Sport and Leisure at the Canadian Museum of History, who will give a talk on Trivial Pursuit.

The meeting will be held at the History Hub, 148 Prescott Street, Kemptville on Wednesday, September 14, and will begin at 7 pm. Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome. Hope you can join us.

by Ashley Sloan

The role of the queen bee is vital as she is the only bee capable of laying fertilized eggs. These eggs will become female bees, generally workers or turned into a queen. The unfertilized eggs will only be male bees, also known as drones; which is why if the worker bees start laying eggs, they will only be males. Queen bees would be fed the royal jelly. This is a honey bee secretion that is used in the nutrition of larvae and adult queens. The secretion comes from the hypo-pharynx of nurse

sonal changes and could reach up to 80,000 in an active season.

New season opens at the History HubALL Thursday,MEETINGCANDIDATESSeptember8, at the Municipal Centre. Doors open at 6.30. Meeting starts at 7 until 9. Nine candidates for Councillor. Livestreamed by Send in your letters, stories, events to

On Tuesday morning a swarm of honey bees were spotted at the front of the Bodhi Tree Yoga studio. A few hundred bees were buzzing around the studio for a few hours while Om Shanti Charlebois was giving her yoga lesson. A local Bee Keeper came to check

Untilbees.the Bee movie came out, I did not realize that bees are all assigned different jobs in the colony. The number of bees in a colony depends upon sea-

The Voice of North Grenville 2 The North Grenville Times September 8, 2022 FULL & PART TIME. No experience necessary. Will train. Serious inquiries only please @613-989-2020613-989-2020FULL&PARTTIME. Berube Poultry HELP WANTED TreeDWYERService Darren Dwyer Certified utility arborist 613.531.1544 TRIMMING & TREE REMOVAL FREE ESTIMATES . FULLY INSURED

A Bizzy Downtown

Now over forty-years old, Trivial Pursuit is an established pillar of the board games market. Behind the game’s success is a fascinating story of friendship and strategy.

sign, indicating that the hive is strong enough to split. Usually the Old Queen and two thirds of the bees leave the old hive behind to search for a new home. Prior to leaving the old hive, they will make several new queen cells, so a new Queen will be born and take over the remaining hive.

Riverside Park Expansion (cont'd)

Om Shanti was hoping that there was a spiritual connection. According to the www.buzzaboutbees. com website, they are seen to symbolize industry, to bring messages from the Divine, to set an example, to be associated with the soul, and to bring the blessing of fertility. This means there will certainly be a follow up with Bodhi tree to see if this swarming brought any good fortune.

The re-purposing of ‘retired’ debt in 2026 will ensure that an increase to the municipal tax rate is not required. Following a comprehensive discussion with staff, the tender was awarded to Brawn Construction LTD for the amount of $3.79NeighbouringMillion. municipalities including Smith Falls, Prescott and Morrisburg have all established splash pads in recent years, and many maintain refrigerated outdoor rinks.

Municipal staff reviewed options for reducing the scope of the project but noted that the short-term savings associated with eliminating certain elements or phasing it in over multiple years would significantly reduce, if not compromise, the establishment of fully functional four-season amenities.

the colony and confirmed there was no queen found. The colony must have split and were looking for a new location.According to a Bee website, swarming is a natural event in the life of a bee colony as well as when the bee numbers are rapidly increasing. It's also a good

"We are open for your convenience during these troubled times" Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

pact on the overall project cost resulting in a revised project cost of $3.7 million.

Further, multi-year phasing of the project was regarded as a risk to the realization of the full scope of the project due to the potential for further inflationary impacts over the next 12 months.Consequently, as per the recommendation by staff, Council unanimously has opted to proceed with plans for Riverside Park project as presented, alongside a financing plan that will leverage the use of development charges (revenue that

North Grenville collects to support infrastructure investments required in a growing community such as ours), external grants and debt financing over 20 years.

by Ken Mews

Montreal journalists Chris Haney and Scott Abbott wrote the game’s 6000 questions themselves and funded the first run of games through small investments from friends and family. Forty years later, the game has sold c. 100 million copies and has been translated into 26 languages. Trivial Pursuit’s enormous cultural impact will be explored in this presentation, which will show how Trivial Pursuit innovated upon other Canadian Board games of the 20th century.


For Tickets visit:

N. Grenville County Patrol Garage Goodin Road Entrance 720 County Rd. # 44 (North end of fairgrounds) (South of Kemptville) 8:30 am – 2:00 pm 8:30 am – 2:00 pm

Police Administration:


• Council Meeting (Open) – Council Chambers – Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.

Municipal Client Services Representative

To make a deputation in relation to an item on the agenda, please provide your comments no later than two hours prior to the start of the meeting to clerk@ Councilnorthgrenville.on.caagendasareavailable at:

The Municipality is looking to fill the position of the Deputy Returning Officer/Revision Officer and Greeter/Screener at the poll for the upcoming Municipal Election on Monday, October 24, 2022. Opportunity will also be available on October 20 and 21, 2022 for the advance poll dates. There are a number of opportunities at the poll and this is your chance to get involved. Visit or for more information.

• Agriculture and Rural Affairs Advisory Committee – Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 4:15 p.m.

The Municipal office is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00

With over 61 million video & audio streams to date, Hunter Brothers have amassed a large volume of industry credibility in a record amount of time, including multiple CCMA Award nominations, JUNO Award nominations and SCMA Award wins. The brothers first signed with Open Road recordings and released their debut “El Dorado” in 2016. This year, the Hunter brothers are making their debut at the IPM on September 24.

Committees may be meeting in-person or virtually. Please see the Committee agenda for details on how to attend.

Residents of the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville & the Towns of Prescott and Gananoque can drop off Household Hazardous Waste Mayor Peckford’s e-newsletter at:

Questions? Call 342-3840 ext. 2413 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-1441 Info: 613-258-9569 613-258-1031 bylawinquiries@northgrenville.on.ca613-258-9569x211 613-258-3441 613-862-9002


Materials accepted include petroleum products, oil filters, antifreeze, paints & solvents, batteries, propane tanks, fertilizers, pesticides, light bulbs, fluorescent light bulbs/tubes and pharmaceuticals, all of which are “household” in nature. Private/commercial business waste will not be accepted.

Building Inspector


3September 8, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville Send in your letters, stories, events to


In addition to the Hunter Brothers, the IPM schedule boosts entertainers and music of all kinds throughout the four day event running from September 20 to 24.

•• UPDATE The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130 , Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: general@northgrenville.on.ca613-258-9620 Building:

For more information on the 2022 IPM, visit:


Materials not accepted include commercial and/or industrial waste, electronics, appliances, flares, explosives, PCB’s and radioactive materials. Waste from other municipalities including the City of Brockville will not be accepted.

By-Law Services: email:

Council meetings will be held in Council Chambers and will be live streamed on YouTube at: and on the Municipality’s website at:

The Canadian grown musician group from Shaunavon, Saskatchewan the HUNTER BROTHERS will appear at the 2022 International Plowing Match (IPM) & Rural Expo inKemptville in the third week of September.

Spencerville Fairgrounds


• Council Meeting (Open) – Council Chambers – Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.


Fire Services

Visit our events calendar to find out what’s happening in the community: ELECTION

• Tourism Advisory Subcommittee – Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking to fill the full-time position of Building Inspector. Interested applicants may submit a cover letter and resume outlining qualifications in confidence to Human Resources. Please note that this posting will remain open until a suitable pool of applicants have been received.

Please visit for information and updates on volunteer and employment opportunities.

x201 Fax:

IPM and Rural Expo welcomes the Hunter Brothers

The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking to fill the contract position of Municipal Client Services Representative. Interested applicants may submit a cover letter and resume outlining qualifications in confidence to Human Resources by 4:00 p.m. September 9, 2022.

• Health, Wellness and Fitness Advisory Committee – Monday, September 12, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

Animal Control:

A young couple moved

Bob Swaren

The situation, as it turns out, is that they read somewhere, probably on Facebook, or Twitter, or some other “social” media platform, that these experts are all part of a deep conspiracy to lie and deceive the rest of us.

The simple answer of these simple people is: “I don’t believe them!” Fair enough, I may ask; why do you believe they are lying, or just wrong? That is where things get complicated and thinking starts to get to me.

NandaSincerely,Wubs Huizenga

Meeting starts at 7 until 9. Nine candidates for Councillor.


Victor Lachance

at the Municipal Centre. Doors open at 6.30.

OFFICE 613-215-0735

Editor 613-215-0735

rapidly over the last century or so, trust in the very facts has been undermined. Relativism has overcome common sense. “That may be true for you, but not for me”. Fine. When it comes to thinking that the Beatles were the greatest band ever, that may not be true for you (but, you’re wrong). But that is a personal taste, a valid and legitimate difference of opinion. But there are real facts out there that we all know to be true. If you stand in front of that speeding train, it will smear you over the landscape, whether you believe that is true or not.

PatAccountingJessop 613-258-4671

I will hear someone announce that, for example, Covid was a hoax, that it was deliberately designed to increase the power of government and the Deep State over the lives of us ordinary mortals. And so I ask them why the overwhelming majority of experts, scientists, doctors, health workers, etc., disagree with them. What about the numerous statements that discredit the conspiracy theory du jour?

Our society is suffering

there is not an unequivocal opposition to this treatment, and hence an opposition to the province’s proposed prison plan?

We have played an intellectually dishonest game which says that everyone’s “truth” is equally true. But that is simply, dare I say it, not true. Yes, there is a school of thought, and a major religious belief, that everything we see around us is illusion, the product of an unenlightened mind. But even those who believe that won’t stand in front of that speeding train to prove (or disprove) the point.

Every time her neighbor hung her washing out to dry, the young woman made the same comments. A month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband, "Look, she’s finally learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this?" The husband replied, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."Andso it is with life… What we see when watching others depends on the clarity of the window through which we look. So don’t be

by David Shanahan

Production 613-215-0735

Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.


The Voice of North Grenville 4 The North Grenville Times September 8, 2022 Editorial

of writing (12:30, Friday, September 2) our MPP Steve Clark has not yet released a statement about this, either on his social media channels or on his website.

Mailing Address P.O. Box 1854 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

Social media is often a toxic environment, especially during an election. Sadly, the freedom to write what we think, without seeing the hurt in someone's eyes, has increased the bravado of mudslingers. In their attempt to ensure a community free from discrimination, they are tearing apart the very fabric that builds community - kindness.Thefollowing story reminds me that we need to make sure the lens we are viewing others with is not skewed. Let's put on kindness and compassion, so we can see clearly.

In my wilder, younger days, I was the proud owner of a postcard. Not your usual postcard; this one was flourescent pink and highly psychedelic with the words: “Sometimes, I get to thinking. Sometimes, it gets to me.” Even then, I understood that this was a profound statement, one I have used now and then over the years whenever I feel that life, people, and the world around me, fail to make much sense.

Dear Editor,

too quick to judge others, especially if your perspective of life is clouded by anger, jealousy, negativity or unfulfilled desires.

If going after surplus lands is worth doing, then why not try to save the whole farmland? If you agree, check out the GoFundMe campaign for the Judicial Review process we’ve initiated to save all of the farmland for our community – just google CAPP Kemptville.

Dear Editor,

Mr. Clark's first duty is to represent his constituents. The fact he has remained silent on an issue that could have real consequences for his constituents shows he is failing in his job and shows his regard for the residents of North Grenville.

I read with interest the Ed Norman letter about climate change.Iagree with most of his points and would like to answer his question.

To no one’s surprise, CAPP and JOG share John Barclay’s frustration with the Ministry of the Solicitor General’s platitudes and no substantive responses to the Municipality’s concerns over such things as the policing and other costs we’ll have to pay and the “surplus lands” question. But we draw a different conclusion than John’s. After two years of the province’s stonewalling and refusal to release information they said they would from the outset, and after the debunking of the province’s talking points about jobs and economic benefits, and after our own MPP unsuccessfully tried to use Elections Ontario to silence the residents of North Grenville, is it not time to realise that the we are all being toyed with, and will continue to be so long as

Send in stories,letters,

into a new house. The next morning while they were eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbor hanging the washing outside. "That laundry is not very clean; she doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better soap powder.” Her husband looked on, remaining silent.

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc.

Dear Editor,

But, and this is a major “but”, the key and vital part of asking questions is that you ask the right ones of the right sources, and base your position on the evidence, the verifiable evidence, and not merely on someone who just tells you to believe them, because “they know”. The big, really big, problem society faces these days is that we have lost the belief in truth. From the Enlightenment on, and accelerating

and the vast majority because you choose to believe instead someone you don’t know, never met, with no qualifications, who somehow has delved into the murky reaches of the Deep State and discovered the “truth”. That can get my brain somewhat fevered. I should point out, since I am part of the media, however, not so mainstream, that I am convinced that questions should always be asked about everything. I am deeply committed to the principle that, if something is true, then you can ask any question you like, and there will be an answer. Nothing should be taken on blind faith, especially not something “someone said”, or what you find online.

Think for yourself

The climate will be optimum when we don't have to move to Florida for 6 months of the year. Maybe then most of us wouldn't feel the need to live as close to the southern border as possible.

ISSN 2291-0301

Recently I had corrective eye surgery and no longer need to wear glasses. The freedom I feel is phenomenal. Suddenly the world seems a more vibrant place! I can see clearly, the true beauty around me.

On the evening of Wednesday, August 31 Kemptville District Hospital issued a press release stating that the emergency department was going to be closed overnight until after the long weekend - an issue that concerns everyone in this municipality. At the time

So, I ask: you don’t believe the experts, the medical profession, the governments,

Thinking can damage your mental health, I sometimes think. (Is thinking about not thinking a Anyway,paradox?)Ihave been saying the same thing to myself over the past couple of years: sometimes, I get to thinking, and sometimes it gets to me. And what, you may ask, has prompted this excursion into profound thought on my part? The answer is the totally absurd way many people seem to arrive at positions on a variety of issues. It seems that it has become trendy to refuse to believe anyone who knows anything about a given topic. Experts are to be doubted. The (mainstream) media


from a lack of trust, in the assumption that has gained currency that everyone is lying to some extent, that there are hidden agendas, that no-one is telling the truth. That may be so; how do we know? The only way forward is to think for yourself, meaning look into what you’re being told, use more than one or two sources for your information. Use that most uncommon thing: common sense, and ask yourself: why would this be true? What is behind the things being claimed? It’s not an easy road to take, but it is the only way to make sure that the real victims of the conspiracy theorists is not you.

on some matters, and rely instead on some individuals on a computer somewhere. I have no doubt whatsoever that there are secrets being kept “out there”, and that, as Hamlet wisely said, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” And yes, people like to feel like they’re in on the secret, they are the initiated, the enlightened ones who see what most people are too blind to. Some think that about Christians, but the difference is the evidence, the responsibility to not only ask questions, but to check out the answers, to demand the sources of statements by those preaching conspiracy and intrigue.

MelissaMarketing/SalesOttenhof 613 329 0209

Letters to the Editor

Staff Reporter Brandon brandon@ndtimes.caMayer

Livestreamed by Livestream Junkies

Dear Editor,

are to be disbelieved on principle. Governments, in fact any source of traditional authority, is looked at with grave disfavour.

Where is all this going? I suppose I just want to know why so many people will refuse to believe the overwhelming testimony

the north grenville


It is back totime!school

Three sample streetlights have been installed for public review on Prescott Street between Reuben Crescent and Asa Street, and are marked A, B and C on the poles.Members of the public and businesses are invited to vote for their favourite style online at at the North Grenville Municipal Centre (285 CR44) and at the North Grenville Public Library (1 Water Street).

F A C ( F o o d A d d i c t i o n C o u n s e l l o r ) L o w c a r b / k e t o c o a c h F o u n d e r : K e t o r e t r e a t c a

The Bayshore Home Health Team, in partnership with TLC Medical Supply, hosted a BBQ Fundraiser for the Beth Donovan Hospice, Wednesday, August 31. Community support was our goal today as we raised $576. Thank you to our community sponsors, M&M Meats, Kemptville Physiotherapy Centre and Food Basics, as well all of the wonderful North Grenville residents who came out to support and donate. We had the pleasure of having a tour of the Beth Donavan Hospice and understanding the “true purpose” behind the hospice: Surrounded by a passionate team and volunteers while providing comfort and support, from gardening and art therapy to a knowledgeable staff.

Internationally, September has been identified as Childhood Cancer AwarenessEveryMonth.year, far too many children, over 900 aged 15 and under are diagnosed with cancer in Canada. And in fact, more than 10,000 Children across the country are battling cancer right now.

whose lives are devastated by childhood cancers, and the urgency of supporting research to improve outcomes on these inmunity,

ren Streets, as approved in the 2022 Municipal budget.

Help your kids achieve new levels. Get their eyes checked!

Community invited to vote on new streetlights in Downtown Kemptville

Council raised the Childhood Cancer Awareness flag on Friday, September 2. This follows North Grenville Council’s proclamation of the month of September as "Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

affected by childhood cancer to know that you are not alone. A cancer diagnosis can be terrifying, and comes with so many unknowns. It a journey no parent would ever imagine or want for their child or themselves.

BBQ raises funds for Beth Donovan Hospice

Wendy Moore’s

The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking public input for new streetlights in the downtown core of Kemptville. Thirty-five streetlights will be replaced along Prescott Street, between Clothier and Van Bu-

submitted by Shannon Lever

There are several factors

Bayshore Home Health’s Area Director, Jennifer Hess, along with our Regional Recruiter Shannon Lever, presented a cheque to the Beth Donavan Hospice. Community Support is what brings us together. Bayshore Home Health is a leading provider of home and community health care services. As a Canadian-owned company, Bayshore has been enhancing the quality of life, well-being, dignity and independence of Canadians since 1966. Dedicated to our clients’ happiness and well-being, we always strive to select the most caring and compassionate caregivers for your loved one. All our caregivers are bonded, insured and supported by a nurse, 24/7.

Childhood Cancer Flag Raising Ceremony

To those that have fought the battle of childhood cancer, in the past or now– we see you. We are here for you, and we will continue as a community to find ways to support you.

The Municipality has consulted with the Old Town Kemptville BIA and key stakeholders, and is now seeking input from the community at large.

Low Carb Nutrition Moore retreat ca, (613) 558 4933

5September 8, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville Serving the Ottawa Valley! Why pay 5% real estate fees! Our fee 3.5% For all your real estate needs! 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville613.258.3014STORE HOURS Mon- to Frid 8am to 7pm Sat 8am to 6pm Sun 9am to 6pm FRESHLOCALApples Optometrist 212 Van Buren St. Dr. C.L. 613.258.7438Eamon

that went into selecting the 3 sample options including, uniqueness and dark skies compliance.Deadline for comment is Friday, September 16, 2022.

Weight Loss • Improved Health • Sugar Reduction Food plans, coaching, private retreats Wendy

Tragically, cancer is still the number one cause of death by disease of Canadian children. In raising the flag today, we recognize the children and families

“I have also been working with the Municipality and the Mayor over the years trying to find something substantial that has changed to use to bring a Motion forward to remove Oxford from the list. The number of students at our local Public schools is slowly growing and I hope to have enough data from the start of the 2022 school year, which are released in October, to put forward a Motion to remove

“Sadly Oxford is still on the closure list but in January 2022, I was able to get another 1 year extension. When the closure was recommended in 2017 by the majority of the Board of Trustees, Trustees were assured the closure of Ox-

The school stays open, for now, and enrolment is up, which is a very hopeful sign for the future. A student population of around 87 may not seem very much compared to more urban schools, perhaps, but it does represent an increase of 13 over last year, and the demand seems to be there to maintain a school in Oxford Mills for a growing community in and around the hamlet.

Oxford-on-Rideau PS endures

“I recognize the importance of using our education resources carefully and I know rural schools are often economically inefficient, but I think their value is more nuanced than being reduced to simple economics”, she told the Times. “Statistically we know that rural schools are an important factor in supporting the life of small communities across Ontario and their importance cannot be ignored. I am in support of keeping the school open and supporting the transportation needs required to do so.”The parents and staff at Oxford-on-Rideau have worked hard to ensure the continuation of classes at the school, and it will be very important in that respect for more families to commit their support, and their children, to the life of a community institution that will celebrate sixty years of school life in 2024. When it opened, it replaced 12 area one-room schools and one child from each school was invited to take part in the sod-turning ceremony for Oxford-on-Rideau. Attendance at the school, as with every school in our common history, varied from year to year, but always returned to a level that required that a school in Oxford Mills be available. It is vital to continue planning for the future.

by David Shanahan ford would not result in the students being in portables at South Branch.”

Mayor Peckford on a way to continue to get numbers up at OOR. It has been noted over the years that many parents send their children to other Kemptville Schools as they require daycare, and there is a shortage of that in the Oxford catchment area. Unfortunately, the cost of running a bus from the main Kemptville daycares is prohibitive and there is no funding available to the Board for Anotherthis.”issue is finding arguments sufficiently strong enough to warrant reopening the decision to close Oxford-on-Rideau. Lisa has been working with Mayor Peckford and the Municipality of North Grenville to try to find the evidence that would convince the UCDSB to reverse that decision.

Oxford from the list. The Motion to close OOR was a joint Motion to close other schools as well, so the procedure to remove it is a bit of a grey area, but I was told last winter by legal Counsel that a public consultation would also be required on top of the newAlthoughinformation.”the current election for the UCDSB Board of Trustees could change the situation should Lisa Swan not be re-elected, one of the two challengers for the position, Heidi Piper-Ward, has informed the Times of her support for maintaining Oxfordon-Rideau as a community educational asset.

Oxford-on-Rideau Public School is still in business, despite a decision by the Upper Canada District School Board to include it on a list of schools to be closed. In March, 2017, the UCDSB made the decision that Oxford-on-Rideau was slated for closure as of September 2018, with the student body being consolidated with South Branch Elementary School. Since the closure was announced, a group of dedicated parents have been working hard to make their case to the School Board about why Oxfordon-Rideau should be kept open. Each year, the closure has been postponed, thanks in large part to the work of Trustee, Lisa Swan. Local MPP Steve Clark has also lobbied with the Board to keep the school open. When asked for an update by the Times, Lisa Swan provided the following statement:

St. MUSICWeSundayPresbyterianPaul’sChurchKemptvilleONService,ChoirPractice,SpecialOccasionswelcomerequestsforfurtherpositiondetailsatmusic@stpaulskemptville.caDIRECTORWANTED , Ontario

Giant Swallowtail Butterfly on Phlox. Photo by Jancy Watkins.

The Voice of North Grenville 6 The North Grenville Times September 8, 2022 Class A licensed Mechanics Repairs to ALL Makes DOT & MTO Safety Inspections Fuel Injection, Electrical & A/C Specialists Complete Brake & Exhaust Service Tires & Batteries - Front End Suspension THOMAS M. BYRNE Barrister and Solicitor General 222613.258.1277tom@tmblaw.caWillsRealEstatesFamilyCorporatePractice/CommercialLawEstate&PowersofAttorneyPrescottSt.,Kemptville NG Photography Club 1738 County Rd 1, Mountain Ontario Homemade frozen meals Pizza & subs LCBO/Beer Store convenience outlet 613-989-1323 Hours: Mon-Fri 6am-7pm Sat&Sun 7am-7pm Freshly baked goods County Rd 1, Mountain Ontario Did you know... the Voter’s List for the Municipal Election is available for viewing? It contains names, addresses, and school appointment with the Clerk to view the List and ensure your information is correct. For more information visit:

“In regards to transportation, Chair McCallister and I have had discussions with

When asked about this issue, Trustee Lisa Swan described her attempts to reinstate the school buses.

The main obstacle to further growth in enrolment seems to be the lack of a school bus system theirforattractivenesssuchfromaday,busesremembertheschoolwhoOxford-on-Rideau.servingThosehadchildrenintheintheyearsbeforedecisiontocloseit,willthemanyschoollinedupthereeverybringingchildrenfromwidecatchmentareatoandclasses.Thelackofanetworkreducestheoftheschoolthosewhowanttosendchildrentherenow.

Photos: The sods are turned in October, 1963 for Oxford-on-Rideau Public School, and a re-enactment was staged in 2014 to mark the anniversary with many of the original participants

• a great venue for birthday parties

Learn for a Lifetime at Rock My House

Historically Speaking

We are still closed on Saturdays for September but restarting Saturdays first week of October.

• Rockin ‘ Tots Rhythm Class for parents and toddlers every Saturday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 starting in October; you can drop in for only $7.00 a class (from age 5 to any adult age)

Call us at 258 5656, Email -, or check out our website at

submitted by Donna Ross MDHS

The Merrickville and District Historical Society Lecture Series resumes after the summer break. Please join us on Tuesday, September 27 at 7 pm at the Merrickville Legion for our next presentation by Alison Price, titled McGuigan Cemetery: Analysis of the Stones. Come and learn about the moss covered and cracked headstones on the grounds of Merrickville-Wolford’s abandoned cemetery, one of the oldest in Eastern Ontario with graves dating back as far as 1806. The lecture will explore the meanings of the iconography of the stones at the cemetery, allowing for a deeper understanding of the lives of those who are buried there.

The presenter, Alison Price, completed her Bachelor of Architectural Studies, with a Major in Conservation and Sustainability at Carleton University in 2012, and her Master of Architecture, with a Major in Design at Carleton University in 2016. As the thesis for her Master’s dissertation, titled Deathscape: the silent city, she chose to focus on the use of architecture to reestablish a connection between the living and the dead within the landscape of a cemetery. Her research focused on how an architectural intervention within an existing cemetery might work towards expressing the history of the dead while providing an enriched and possibly rewarding experience for the living, using the historic and inactive McGuigan Cemetery on County Road 23 in the former Township of Wolford as a case study.

Here are some of the other programs and services we offer:


• good rehearsal space for band practices

CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTDinah Boal Crystal Lang F: 613.258.4391 2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business Park Bradley Mehlman CPA Clare Deans T: 613.258.3282Robert Walker, CPA, CA, LPA Ron's Small Engine Repair 613.258.9720 (across from old Bingo Hall) ronssmallengines@outlook.com1JaylandDrive,Kemptville • New PC Setup • Computer Repairs • Virus Removal • Data Recovery • WiFi Network Setup • Custom Solutions On-Site & RemoteSupportTech 1-855-425-5832 Serving North Grenville, North Dundas and surrounding areas CONVERT YOUR VHS AND 8MM TAPES TO DIGITAL OR DVD! Portion of proceeds from each converted tape will be donated to House of Lazarus. Preserve your family memories before it’s too late, contact Alltec today! memories We’re Here To Serve You

We look forward to seeing you at this fascinating lecture that focusses on historic McGuigan Cemetery, located along County Road 23.

7September 8, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

Anyone with a love of music, young or old who wants to learn, practice or visit, will enjoy the great vibe that the Music Centre offers. Music therapy is a major part of Rock My House Music Centre programing. At Rock My House, we believe that music is for everyone. Our strong focus on bringing music to men, women and children with special needs sets us apart from other more traditional music schools. Music therapy has been proven to improve quality of life and we believe in it. According to The Consumer Health Digest, music therapy can help release stress, reduce depression and anxiety, improve communication, increase socialization, improve movement and coordination, help with pain management, control emotions and reduce fear.

Rock My House Music Centre is a music school/store and rehearsal studio offering music lessons in drums, vocals, violin, fiddle, cello, bass, piano, flute and more. Our concept of combining a rehearsal/ events room, store and lessons makes us unique.

South Business Park

The Voice of North Grenville 8 The North Grenville Times September 8, 2022 September 20-24, 2022 North Grenville Welcomes the IPM to Kemptville! Ram Rodeo & Canadian Cowgirls Plowing Competitions Live Entertainment: DW James and The Derringers, Eddie & the Stingrays, Daisy Train, Mud Men Food Galore Hundreds of ParadeExhibitors Fun for the Whole Family! Something BIG is coming to North Grenville... As the host Municipality, let’s give a warm North Grenville welcome to the thousands of visitors coming to town for the IPM! North Grenville’s Council looks forward to seeing you there!

For parents who can't be at home to hear the stories, can you call and have them put you on speaker phone so you get the gist of the topics to follow up on later? Ideally the ability to sit down over a snack and process the events helps the child learn how to process situations. Do you

Send in stories,letters,

Shirley was “bright as a button” and a very strong student. She graduated from university in London, and after a year or so in office work, she took a chef’s course at the London Cordon Bleu Academy. She excelled at the Academy, demonstrating her knowledge and passion for good food that produced spectacular results. She worked in various chef and kitchen management roles in London, England, then moved to Canada some 30 years ago. She continued to work in the food service industry in Toronto and later Ottawa for many years.

She is survived by her life partner Hugh MacEachern, her brother Steve LaJolie, by a wonderful extended Creole family in the UK and Mauritius, and by many friends in Ottawa and across both Canada and the UK. As a young child, Shirley immigrated with her family from the tropical island of Mauritius to London, England. is brought to you by Enviro-

In the U.S., a whopping 63% of people aged 21-25

But never forget about moderation. And know that moderation is surprisingly easy to Adultexceed.menshould not exceed two standard alcoholic drinks a day. Women, due to their smaller size, should not exceed one drink a day. A standard drink means a 12oz. or 341 ml beer with 5% alcohol, or a 5 oz. or 142 ml glass of wine, or 1.5 oz or 43 ml shot of 40% spirits.

In some countries, the growing numbers of teetotalers are having an economic impact. In Japan, for example, the sober-curious younger generation is rejecting past customs of heavy drinking after work. This trend has resulted in tax revenue from alcohol sales declining by 50% since 1994.

Tid Bit Musings

Electric Vehicle Experience Tour coming to Kemptville on September 10

Highly recommended is having a communal supper at the table devoid of electronics (including parental cell phones). More than one child has been thwarted from drug use knowing they had to be present for supper and use would be obvious. Explore the involvement for the entire family in making supper and you will hear conversations flow. That is the responsibility that goes with the "right to food" for a child. Teaching the "respon-

Shirley Desiree LaJolie was born on the island of Mauritius, September 12, 1965. She passed away, much too soon, in rural south end Ottawa, on August 24, 2022, at 56 years of age.

sibilities" that accompany the charter of "rights" is key to maturation, and preparation for independence. Naturally, there must be a consequence for non-compliance. Removing cell phone privileges is quite monumental in effectiveness!

She was the kindest and most gentle soul you could ever meet, and the world seems like a darker place without her. Our hearts are broken, and we are beyond sad at her sudden and tragic death.

In 2019 she moved to the rural south end of Ottawa close to Kemptville, where she took much joy from the peace and quiet of living along the Rideau. She also delighted in having a booth at the weekly Kemptville Farmers’ Market where she shared her wonderful baked goods and made even more wonderful friends in the community of market vendors through her kindness, wit, and generosity.

How do you know when a child can be left alone? The law says no child 10 and under shall be left alone, but no definite yes to an age. There must be proven responsibility and accountability. Do you have all the emergency contact numbers visible and easily accessible? Does your child know your address? For what length of time will your child be left alone?

Some efforts are shortterm, like “Dry January” and “Sober October”. These trendy campaigns are often paired with charitable causes.But over recent years, more and more people, especially young profession-

Centre and with support of the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa.

Latch key kids. That is a term coined to define youth who come home to an empty house after school. Apparently it doesn't appear to apply any other time of the day but coming home after school. Not sure of that logic but.... It is believed to be the key time students share what happened at school that day. It is overwhelming if you have more than one child telling their experiences at the same time as another. Afterwards, they settle into "home" mode, diffusing any angst of the day. In a perfect world it would be beneficial if a parent can be there, but it is not always possible.

Today is the start of new strategies. The highway of options is there- use it.

by Elva Patterson Rutters RSSW

Some people think so. And the idea seems to be catching on.

You may have heard about the “sober curious” movement. Coined by writer, Ruby Warrington, being sober curious is about enjoying the benefits of an alcohol-free lifestyle. It has nothing to do with achieving sobriety after problems with alcoholism.

There are other tax-related correlations between alcohol consumption and societal health trends. When governments increase taxes on alcohol, traffic fatalities decline. So does the rate of violent crime. The spread of sexually transmitted diseases is reduced. There are fewer cases of cirrhosis of the Inliver.other words, people are highly price conscious about alcohol. When it costs more, people purchase less of it.This may be the ultimate reason why now could be an optimal moment to quit drinking.

In addition to the test drive vehicles, there will be other models on display. One will be the very popular,

have a homemaker who can fulfil this role?

Come join us and bring your questions. Vehicles are privately owned and conditions apply to test drives.

Shirley Desiree LaJolie Is now the time to quit alcohol?

A celebration of her life will take place at a later date.

Sign-up at www.docgiff. com to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For,usonInstagram@and@diana_gif-

als, are making a deliberate choice to abstain from alcohol – not for a month, but as a lifestyle choice for the long term. Their online tributes to the benefits of not drinking are Despitecompelling.the list of reasons for healthy moderate drinking, they are celebrating a new list of all the reasons for not drinking at all.

Although neither the tax agency nor the liquor industry will point to it, Japanese life expectancy from birth climbed from 80 to 85 years over the same period.

Test drive vehicles are still being finalized at time of this article. We presently anticipate a Tesla Model Y, Ford Mustang Mach-E, Hyundai Ioniq5, Kia Niro, VW e-Golf. For the most up-to-date list, and to prebook a test drive for certain models, please go to www.

drink alcohol. Whether it be school expenses or earlycareer wages, it’s easy to see the financial motivation for sobriety.Butis the sober curious movement as good for the old as it may be for the young? Sir William Osler, famed Canadian physician and one of the original four founding professors of Johns Hopkins Hospital, remarked, “Alcohol is for the elderly what milk is for the young.”

At the Sustainability Fair held last spring, the Electric Vehicle (EV) display once again proved to be very popular. Visitors had the opportunity to test drive some of the latest EV models and hear about the costs and experiences from owners directly.

or shine. Admission is, of course,Thisfree.isan opportunity to try some of the latest and most popular EV models. With dealer inventories at an all time low, the chance to see many different models in one place and compare them side-by-side is unique. Once again, owners will be present to answer your questions about all aspects of ownership, or winter driving, costs, charging, etc.

Alcohol in moderation can be good for your health. We have written dozens of articles on the topic and an entire section of our website is dedicated to the topic. In short, there are plenty of good reasons to enjoy a drink at the cocktail hour. But is there a time for quitting altogether?

In terms of good health, they point to higher energy levels, better sleep, healthier livers, and lower risk of heart disease. But they are also attributing their position on alcohol to a more authentic engagement with friends and family, as well as with the world around them.

9September 8, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

With everything getting more expensive, cutting alcohol from the shopping list may help ease the squeeze on the pocketbook. According to 2017 Survey of Household Spending, the average Canadian household spends about $1,100 per year on alcohol.

Sustainable North Grenville will help bring the EV Experience Tour to Kemptville. This will take place on Saturday September 10 and will run from 10am to 3pm. The location will be the Food Basics on Hwy 43. It will go ahead, rain

and still rare, Ford F-150 Lightning pickup on display from Barrhaven Ford. But expect a wide range of vehicles from Chevrolet, Kia, Hyundai, Tesla, and others.


Solutions to last week’s Sudoku

Pie is much enhanced by a bottom layer of the spicy stuff. Christmas Mincemeat Tarts are also a must. So, mincemeat becomes an all-purpose flavour enhancer or a treat all on its own. Ingredients are a bit more of an issue to find, but it’s worth the hunt. So, presenting (tada!): the recipe for Mincemeat, Cormier family style.

RETIRED Renovations,CARPENTERkitchens,bathrooms,additions,decks,homerepair.CallGeorgeat6134627637HANDYMANSERVICESCallBill6137742922 SERVICES Hedge613-795-1845'SmallTrimmingorTallCallRob The Food Corner FORCORDPLUSPERFORFIREWOOODSALE$110FACECORDDELIVERY.3MINIMUMDELIVERY. ACROSS 1. Capable 5. Acquire 9. Overact 14. Courts 15. Double-reed woodwind 16. Japanese-style wrestlers 17. Accompanying 19. Gunk 20. Appraise 21. Language variants 23. Anti-dryness additive 25. Delighted 28. Frozen water 29. Vigor 32. Uneven 33. Avenue (abbrev.) 34. Wife of Zeus 35. Beige 36. Not outer 38. At the peak of 39. Notices 40. Feline 41. Wear away 43. Supersonic transport 44. 54 in Roman numerals 45. Robber 46. Pastors 48. Woman with a mentor 50. Hemlock spruce genus 54. Ready for anything 55. Indifferent 57. Thigh armor 58. Domestic 59. All-night party 60. Go in 61. Apart from this 62. Outbuilding DOWN 1. Dazzles 2. Pear type 3. Slang term meaning insane 4. Gorge 5. Obtained 6. Put up with 7. Style of building col8.umnsNot positive 9. Ancient ascetic 10. Swindle 11. Leave out 12. Male turkeys 13. East southeast 18. Employ again 22. Cut 24. Science of healing 25. Squeeze 26. Shoestrings 27. Wading bird 29. Flower feature 30. Wear away 31. An essay 33. Picnic insect 34. Tormentors 37. Steer 42. Pullman accommodation 44. Roadside rubbish 45. Water vapors 46. A common code 47. Floral leaf 48. Scheme 49. Repose 51. Mormon state 52. Donate 53. Passed with flying colors 54. Consumed 56. Golf ball support





The Voice of North Grenville 10 The North Grenville Times September 8, 2022




4 cups of water

½ cup of mixed peel

Mincemeat isn’t really pickling but it sure seems to follow the same process. Now, admittedly, mincemeat isn’t for everyone, but I have to tell you that a Thanksgiving Pumpkin

½ pound of beef suet, finely chopped (you probably need to go to a butcher for suet; check at B&H)

By Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville

3 pounds of brown sugar

3. Simmer for 1½ hour

1 teaspoon each of ground cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg

1. To the drained green tomatoes, add the 4 quarts of water, boil for one hour and drain overnight



2. Add the apples, mixed peel, brown sugar, raisins and suet

Occasional muscle required part time for landscaping and waterfront maintenance on Boyd Landing , Merrickville. Heavy work. Pays $100 for five-hour day. Must have transportation. Phone 613 2847780.


As we head into the fall, I’ll be bringing you recipes for cooler weather and for the festive season. Keep your feedback coming my way at I especially enjoy hearing of your enhancements to the Food Corner recipes; for example, you might have a different recipe for mincemeat.


5. Simmer for another 5 to 10 minutes, pack in sterile jars, seal and store

12 cups green tomatoes, skinned (blanch in boiling water to remove skins), finely chopped and drained for one hour

1 pound of raisins



• HVAC • CUSTOM SHEET METAL• VENTILATION Jack Lalonde, RSE, President, Operator Serving The Ottawa, Dundas and Cornwall Areas Residential, Commercial VALLEY MECHANICALAIRWAY 613-

4 cups peeled, cored and grated apples

4. Add the cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg and stir in well




Solution to last week’s Crossword Medium


How serious are you about fitness?

and won pro elite status in the fitness model category. When asked what got her started, she replied: "I first got into fitness competitions as a result of wanting to prove some previous boyfriends wrong. After the first, I was hooked and I now compete because I absolutely love the sport." One of the many reasons Rebecca enjoys this organization is that "The body building world can be a scary and negative place for many, but SAF is a very inclusive fun environment that focuses on fostering a positive fitness and stage experience".

Not only is Rebecca a competitor, but a business owner in downtown Kemptville. Get Cronk’d Fitness is her haven where she can coach and train. "Training has been a non negotiable in my life since 2012. Motivation to workout will come and go, but for me it has been routine for so long I can get up and go train without much thought. Doing a half effort workout and going through the motions is better than doing nothing at all on those unmotivated low days. Having a sport where I can push myself, mind and body, where at 30 years old I

SeptemberKemptville20-24th,ONT Canadian SkyHawks Ram Rodeo and the CanadainAmberHeartlandsCowgirlsMarshallThe Municipality of North Grenville and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, Ontario are proud to present the 2022 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo! We cannot wait to see you at Tented city located on the historical Kemptville Campus! Thank you to our sponsors! We Listen. We care. We are local. Think you might have some hearing loss? Call today to book a free hearing assessment! Already have hearing aids? Join our Battery Club and we’ll clean and adjust your hearing aids. You’ll also receive a 6-month supply of batteries for FREE! Call for details. • FREE hearing tests • FREE battery club • HearingRechargeableAids • Newest Hearing Aid Technology • Sell and Service all Brands in Canada • Local - Independent • Accept all Insurance and FundingGovernmentPlans We’ll even match any Ontario competitor’s price! Need hearing aids? Call today for a free demonstration of the latest hearing aids. Karen and Amber are funding experts and will help you maximize any available funding, so you pay the least amount out of your own pocket. Local, Expert Service to take care of you along the way.

11September 8, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

by Ashley Sloan

613-215-1501 613-215-1501 www.hearme.ca2674 County Road 43, Kemptville, Ontario Price Match Guarantee

A great question that has an organization to help you find your answer. SAF (serious about fitness) is an all women's fitness organization that invites women from all over the world to promote their transformation. With an upcoming Fall Spectacular coming to Ottawa and Gatineau on October 15, local business owner and fitness instructor Rebecca Cronk is helping women get serious. Categories open for entry are: Open & Elite Bikini, Open Athletic Model, Open & Elite Fitness Model Transformation. Rebecca is looking forward to volunteering backstage at the SAF FallAsevent.acompetitor herself in the SAF Summer Spectacular, Rebecca placed first

Karen Mccallion Hearing Instrument Specialist Amber Croteau Hearing Instrument Dispenser

still haven't peaked, is great motivation to keep building my best physique".

The most inspiring aspect of the SAF competition is that there is a category for women who are just starting on this new adventure to present their best self. "It is OK if your transformation began weeks, months or years ago. What matters is that it is underway and that you present your best self on our SAF stage." The judging criteria is not about who is in the best shape but who has come the farthest and made the greatest impression with their transformation. This is a subjective opinion and one of the requirements would be to send in a before and after picture. The participant is also not judged on pose, but would be asked to do quarter turns to display their amazing transformation. The goal of SAF is to show a healthy fitness transformation that can inspire others. When you join the SAF family, not only would you gain resources, you would gain a worldwide support system.

For more information, contact Rebecca at GET CRONK'D or visit SAF at comwww.seriousaboutfitness.

which includes 20 coupons and reserved table seating. Additional coupons are also available for purchase (10 coupons for $20). Proceeds from the event will go to the Foundation’s General Equipment Fund to purchase much-needed medical equipment for WDMH that is not funded by the government. Last year, the event raised more than $10,000! To purchase your tickets or to make a donation, visit Support2022.eventbrite.cahttps://Sip-Savour-

tors, the Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers and the Nuthatch, were soon back to the peanuts, so we haven't been entirely deserted by them all.

Congratulations to #47 Corey Wheeler, feature winner in Sunday Night;s Fat Les 100 lap Race and winner of the Fat Les Nationals.

We have a Winner Professional Fully Insured Commercial & Residential Painting Kutebah kutebah1984@gmail.comAlyousef613-276-4583

But wait, where are all our own garden birds that were in profusion before our departure? Well, many are still here, and a little bit of incentive was required for them to reveal themselves to us again, such as a restocking of the peanut and sugar water feeders to get them started. However, on a closer look into the tall grasses surrounding the house, a considerably large-sized flock of Sparrows were seen to be very active, and a young Bluebird was sitting surveying the scene. I suspect that, following my lawn-mowing exercise yesterday, their interest will have considerably diminished, although we have been compensated in our bird viewing by a Baltimore Oriole feeding where the Hummingbirds have returned to - the sugar water! Our other common visi-

Baldwin's HolidaysBirdsare over!

Join us for a wonderful night of live music, delicious wine and food, local vendors, and great company. There will also be door prizes, a raffle, and a silent

Cotswolds Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, (formerly The Seven Wildfowl Trust founded by Peter Scott) in Gloucestershire, England.

Les Winters said how he and Rhonda could not have put their name on a better man's car!" This 100 lap race took place in Cornwall at the Motor Speedway. Wheeler Racing told the Times: "It's been a long, arduous season, and we appreciate all of our supporters who have encouraged us throughout the season. We here at Team 47 want to express our gratitude to all of our sponsors because, without you, none of this would be possible. Fat Les Seaway, Valley Millwrighting, Eastern Sign Service, Next level Trailer Country, Donkey 1 Enterprise, Dirt Outlaw Apparel, OYAP, Champions Race Supply, Dockrite, Olsonfab Metal Fabrication,, Glengarry Auto Glass, Gorden Racing Engines, Bicknell Racing Products."

The Voice of North Grenville 12 The North Grenville Times September 8, 2022 Send in your letters, stories, events to Priority Pump Service & Water Conditioning Sales, Service, Installations FOR ALL YOUR PUMP NEEDS Well Pumps - Submersible & Jet Pressure Tanks Water Conditioning Sump/ E uent / Sewage Pumps Heated Water Lines Pump & Electrical Motor Repair Well Extensions and prioritypumps@gmail.comConversions 613.882.7867 WELDINGMECHANICALHYDRAULICSMACHINING(In Shop or Mobile) CUSTOM FABRICATION CNC LATHE AND MILLING P: 613.774.1672 F: 613.774.6612 We make Hydraulic Hoses 12205www.dundasmachine.caGypsyLane,Winchester Not intended to so icit properties current y l sted for sale Directors Platinum Award 2019 2021 TOP 5% sales status in their Marketplace If t move is your best move! Call The Lisa Team today. f you're thinking of selling your home, I'll make sure your next i b t ! C ll Th Li T t d ® ® ®

My wife and I had a lovely surprise when she spotted a Monarch butterfly hanging upside down on a leaf. We think that it might have just emerged from its chrysalis there and was still drying itself out. There seemed to be some evidence of the chrysalis on an adjacent leaf, but I am not certain. The butterfly was left alone, and when the leaf was inspected a few hours later, it was gone.


The picture is of a male Downy Woodpecker. Note how it uses its claws and Vtail to stabilize itself whilst feeding.Ihope that everyone has stayed safe and well during my absence, and will continue to do so.

auction.Tickets are $35/person, which includes 8 tasting coupons; $55/person, which includes 16 tasting coupons; or a VIP option of $60,

Get ready to dance at Sip, Savour & Support!

or call Justine Plummer, Manager of Direct Mail & Events at 613.774.2422 ext. 6172.

Tickets are limited and guests must be 19 years of age or older. All COVID-19 protocols will be in place at the event.

by Ashley Sloan

A months worth of grass growth greeted us back, after a month of scorching hot weather in the UK. Instantly gone were the memories of the cheerful little Robins singing just above our heads, whilst sitting drinking tea in two English family gardens, and the Blue Heron standing in the waters of the River Wye, whilst visiting Tintern Abbey.The soaring Red Kites in the Cotswold hills and also in many parts of the UK, and the abundance of different water birds at The

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