August 7th, 2013, #36

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the north grenville


Vol. 1, No. 36

The Voice of North Grenville

August 7, 2013

Perfect end to Little League Tournament

Jack Higgins throws first ball in final game The 2013 Little League Ontario Minor Division Championship ended on Friday, with the final game being played between High Park Braves and Ottawa South Blues. It was the High Park team who emerged victorious, with a decisive win by a score of 10 - 0. The Braves had dominated most of their games through the week, and were clear favourites going in to the last game of the Tournament In fact, the ten runs batted in on Friday were the lowest number they had

managed all week. The Kemptville Wildcats did well throughout the week, winning two of their three games to reach the semi-final against the Ottawa South Blues. The game they lost was against the eventual Tournament winners. In the semi-final, they were unfortunate to lose by 8 runs to 2. Having a Provincial Championship held in Kemptville was a huge achievement for the Kemptville District, and a boost, too, to the local economy. Eight teams competed in

Photo by Michael Pacitto the event, coming from all parts of the province, from Brockville to Timmons and from Windsor to Ottawa. But the highlight for many locals was the appearance of a legend in softball and fastball in North Grenville. Jack Higgins threw out the first ball in the final game on Friday at the fine age of 90. His entry in the NG Sports Hall of Fame tells a great story. Born in 1923 in Oxford Mills, Jack started playing baseball for the Kemptville Senior Men's League in 1937, and after

his war service, he played in area leagues until 1954. Depending on who you talk to, Jack is known as "Mr. Softball", or “Mr. Fastball�; but one certain thing is that he founded Kemptville's major softball tournaments in 1955 and it grew and thrived for thirty years. Over its history, the tournament raised over $300,000 for Kemptville Lions Club charities including the Kemptville District Hospital and Riverside Park. Jack has served the Lions Club, the Knights of Columbus,

the Kemptville Legion, the Leeds and Grenville Board of Education, as well as hockey, fastball and softball in the region. In 2011, he was inducted into the North Grenville Sports Hall of Fame. It was a great coming together of young and old in Riverside Park on Friday, and a great way to mark the Provincial Championship being played in a location Jack had done so much to develop. A great display and wonderful tribute to local softball leagues.


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The North Grenville Times

Craig McCormick and Hare E. Fotter winning support

The Voice of North Grenville Erick Le Pors



Catering For All Occassions

Steve Clark, MPP, Craig McCormick and Gord Brown, MP and the HARE E. Fotter bracelets

Craig McCormick continues his campaign to raise awareness and money for a Mental Health Unit for North Grenville. Working in partnership with the Kemptville District Hospital Foundation, Craig is laying the groundwork for a new event in the North Grenville calendar. Through his work with the O.P.P., Craig has become aware of how many young people in particular would benefit from having access to good mental health services locally. His plan is to have a first-rate annual

event in which people of all ages and from all parts of the area can come to walk or run or jog or wheel their way in support of this worthy cause. In the short term, Craig is raising money through a half marathon in Ottawa on September 22, and through sponsorship by local businesses. To date, he has received support from the Nature’s Way store, Outer Creations Landscaping, and Hudson Body shop. There are also Hare E. Fotter bracelets available for just $2 each,

which is another way of raising funds. These are available through Nature’s Way and the HARE E. Fotter website at Craig is looking for as many sponsors as possible to ensure that mental health awareness becomes an issue that people can understand and support. As his slogan says: "REMOVE THE STIGMA--CHANGE LIVES! Your support will promote sensible dialogue to those in need”. Last week, Craig met with local representatives, Gord Brown, M.P.

Photo by Maggie Boyer

and Steve Clark, M.P.P., both of whom were happy to express their support for Craig’s initiative, as can be seen in the photograph. Please contact Craig, buy a bracelet, offer your business as a sponsor, do what you can for a needed improvement in the lives of many people in our community.

Summer Movie - To Make a Farm Join Sustainable North Grenville for the second and final movie of our 2013 Summer Movie Series—August 12, 7pm at the Branch Restaurant. 'To Make a Farm' is an award winning documentary about five young people without farming backgrounds who embark on making their farming dreams a reality. Starting from scratch, they meet risks and challenges of this demanding profession with imagination, passion, and sacrifice. Intimate and beautifully photographed, this documentary offers a hopeful look at smallscale food production in


an age of industrialized agriculture. To help cover the cost of the public screening rights, we will be accepting donations at the door… please pay what you can. There will be a cash bar plus coffee, tea and some light snacks available by donation. Arrive by 6:45 pm if you wish to get some refreshments. The movie will start at 7 pm. Sustainable North Grenville is a citizen group created to help raise awareness about sustainability issues, and to share information with those who would like to see our community become more

sustainable. We h o l d m o n t h l y events, which are usually free and open to everyone—no membership is required to attend! For more information about our organization and on upcoming events please visit, or check out our Facebook page ( and sign up for our monthly e-newsletter there! If you have ideas for future events, speakers or documentaries please email us at








August 7, 2013


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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

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August 7, 2013


The North Grenville Times

A Deafening Silence by David Shanahan I don’t know what you think about the Fetherston Park issue. Some will sympathise with the residents, while others will continue with inaccurate assumptions about the place and those who live there. But I think we can all agree that the prospect of large numbers of people, seniors among them, losing their homes and being left with nowhere to go is one which should concern, worry, and shock us. Forget the details, if you don’t want to know the facts, and wonder how you would feel if you were told you had to leave your home and everything you had invested there, within 90 days. How would you feel? Now, what if you were being told you had to leave for the good of your health, but that you were on your own if you wanted to find somewhere else to go? Are you being evacuated as a health concern, or evicted and punished for something you haven’t done? In the old comment from the Vietnam War: “We had to destroy the village in order to save it”. In any normal situation like this, you would turn to your elected representatives to help you, to get answers and find solutions. But, in this case, it is those very elected officials who are doing the evicting, after sitting around doing nothing to fix the problem for years. But we’re not done yet. No, those elected representatives of the people (all the people, including Fetherston Park residents) are not only not doing anything to help, they are refusing to even speak about the crisis. Mayor David Gordon has stated that only the Chief Administrative Officer (head of the Municipal staff) Brian Carré, can speak about it. Tim Sutton has been si-

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc.

Marketing Consultant Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 August 7, 2013

lent. Terry Butler has been silent. Ken Finnerty has been silent. Barb Tobin replied to one resident by e-mail to say: “Thank you for your correspondence. I appreciate your comments and concerns, I will include this in my file”. What a comfort; what a consolation to know that you may be losing everything, but Barb has you in her file! When a proper answer was demanded by the resident, Barb sent this very warm reply: “Council is speaking through our CAO, Mr. Carre, presently so we make sure all information distributed is correct”. So, call Brian Carré and ask him for help? No good: Brian went on vacation. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this situation at Fetherston Park, the idea that Mayor and Council will not even speak to these people, not even listen to their fears and worries, much less actually help them find solutions, is more than disgraceful. What are they there for, if not for a crisis like this? Who makes decisions in our Municipality, the people we elect, or the staff that don’t have to answer to us? What on earth would make decent people ignore the plight of their neighbours like this, remaining silent in the face of immanent disaster? Council want to make sure that “all information distributed is correct”. But relying on the staff for this is a risk. These are the people who have cost us $15,000 in fines by the Ministry of the Environment because they did not keep proper records of the water system - where? - at Fetherston Park! Perhaps they are afraid of further fines over the septic system at the Park, a system they were directed by MOE to fix just days before telling the people they had to get out for the good of their health. Perhaps there’s

an insurance liability fear here? If they drive these people out of their homes, the Municipality can expect more than fines, and we, the taxpayers, will be paying once again for their actions. The residents are convinced that there is more going on here than has been admitted. They believe there is already an agreement between the Municipality and a local developer to take over the Park and develop it. That is, they claim, why Council re-zoned the Park to take 99 modular homes and no mobile homes. That, they say, is why that developer’s trucks have been driving through the Park recently. You can hardly blame them for their fears and suspicions, when noone will talk to them about the plight they are in. Or not until the CAO is back from vacation. Here are the basic facts: dozens of people are being told they will have to walk away from their homes by the end of November. Most cannot move their homes and will have to leave them. Those with mortgages will not only lose their homes, they will have to repay the mortgage immediately. Seniors, some of them ill, will be forced into homelessness, and others will have to start again somewhere else, if they can afford to. There is no reason for this rush to remove them, other than the Municipality`s arbitrary decision. The septic system is still working. Other solutions are out there, given time and a willingness to find them. But the politicians, the people we elected, are silent. They don`t speak. They dismiss these citizens without a word. But they will keep them on file. I don`t care what their decision is based on: fear of liability, ignorance of the facts and issues at hand,

complete dependance on staff for any information at all - it doesn`t matter. Their behaviour is despicable, cowardly and beneath contempt. They don`t deserve to sit on Council. Maybe there are things we don’t know to explain this. But you won’t tell us. For goodness sake, as decent human beings: talk to the residents, hear their side of things. Do something about it. Only you can. Call on the Province for help. Put a stop to this proceeding and help find a solution. Remember, there`s more to your job than the bottom line. There is a matter of personal honour, integrity, humanity. Don`t fail those people.

the north grenville

TIMES Editor

David Shanahan 613-258-5083

ISSN 2291-0301 Production Manager

Copy Editor

Marguerite Boyer 613-258-5083

Pat Jessop 613-258-5083


The Voice of North Grenville

Keeping in touch with the Times Although the North Grenville Times is mailed out directly to more than 6,000 homes in North Grenville, we are happy to report that demand is increasing both in North Grenville and beyond. Copies of the paper may now be picked up both inside and outside the municipality for those who don’t get it through the mail. So get your copy at one of the following locations. We are very grateful to these businesses for helping to keep people in touch with the Times:


- Charly’s Restaurant, County Road 44, just over the Rideau bridge - Ricks Gas Bar, South Mountain - The Swan on the Rideau, River Road at Kars Bridge - Drummonds gas station and store, Spencerville - Myles Discount, Spencerville You can also Read ONLINE at:


KEMPTVILLE - The B&H, RideauSanders streets - Home Hardware, Prescott Street - Bayfield Manor, - Kemptville District Hospital - Pioneer Gas Station, corner of CR 43 and 44 - Grahame’s Bakery, Clothier street east Ultramar Gas Station, CR 43 OXFORD MILLS - General Store BURRITS RAPIDS - Library

Mailing Address P.O. Box 35, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0


Michael Pacitto 613-710-7104


Rob Lunan 613-797-3800

The Voice of North Grenville

Deforestation is becoming a problem again

What will happen at Fetherston Park next week? by David Shanahan Time is running out for the people in Fetherston Park, as the arbitrary deadline set by the Municipality looms large. Next Monday, August 12, the residents expect to receive their 30-day notice to quit. At a recent residents association meeting, it was announced that a proposal has been put to the Municipality to have a non-profit housing co-operative established by the residents. They would increase their monthly rents to fund the repair of the septic system, pave roads, and generally improve the Park on all levels. They are asking the Municipality for an extension of the deadline of fifteen days to enable them to get funding in place. It would be essential that the Municipality co-operate by helping arrange a bank loan to repair the system, but this would not cost the taxpayers anything. Quotes have been received on the cost of repairing the defective system, and they are around $425,000, far below the Municipality’s estimates. In addition, they say there is a party prepared to back up their application with a guarantee should the Co-operative fail to repay the loan. The residents have engaged a solicitor to provide legal advice, but intend to settle the issue as amicably as possible. There is still so much confusion surrounding the whole situation at Fetherston Park, and no-one seems to know if this is an eviction, or an evacuation. The Municipality have only added to the

August 7, 2013

confusion by deciding that only Brian Carré, the Chief Administrative Officer, will speak on the issue. Then, with two weeks to go before their deadline, Brian Carré went on vacation. There are other confusing aspects to the issue, however. Why did the Municipality change the zoning on the property to allow a future development of 99 modular homes? As the owners are dead and bankrupt, and the trustee has abandoned the property, who sought the re-zoning and why? Why has the Municipality not asked the Province for help in the matter? According to MPP Steve Clark, this has not happened as of last Friday. Why would the Municipality place such a short deadline on the residents, when the problems at Fetherston have been left unresolved, and mainly ignored, for at least five years? Had it anything to do with the fine we taxpayers had to pay when the Ministry of the Environment reprimanded the Municipality over their failure to maintain proper records regarding the water system at Fetherston. According to the MOE: “The ministry issued the municipality a notice directing the municipality to operate and maintain the drinking water system at Fetherston Park after the owner of the park declared bankruptcy. Ministry staff inspected the Fetherston Park drinking water system and determined that the municipality was responsible for failing to report that the water from the system had not been properly disinfected; fail. ing to maintain proper records and ensuring that a record keeping mechanism was provided to the operators to record information concerning the operation of the system. The Municipality of

by David Shanahan

North Grenville was fined a total of $12,000 plus victim fine surcharges of $3,000 and was given 60 days to pay the fine”. The Municipality were directed by the MOE at the end of May to deal with the septic system at Fetherston. Their response was to order the residents out unless the septic system was fixed within their deadline. But the Municipality knew at that point, and had known for some time, that the trustee in charge of the bankrupt companies affairs had already decided not to spend any money there and not to take possession of the property. The Municipality, in other words, knew that there was no way their deadline could be met. The Municipality seems quite uninformed about the situation at Fetherston. In fact, the Municipality recently sent a registered letter to a resident, apparently not knowing that she had died two years ago. But perhaps the most damaging source of confusion for the residents concerns the matter of rent. Officials have claimed that residents are not paying their rent, and that is why there is no money to repair the septic system. In short, this crisis is of their own making. People, who would otherwise be sympathetic to the residents, find this a reason to withhold support from them. For years, residents paid their rent to the owner and part of that sum included their taxes. This was in addition to whatever mortgage or expenses they may have had in connection with their homes. The Ontario Rent Tribunal found in 2007 that the owner was not, in fact, using the rent money to pay taxes or to maintain the septic and water systems in the Park, and ordered the

Between 1900 and 1920, parts of Ontario had become literal deserts, covered by large sand dunes, creeping over homes, churches and graveyards as farms actually blew away in the wind. Spring brought devastating floods that swept through towns and villages, while summer drought was a fact of life for many. And all of this was because the great forests of trees that had once covered the land had been cut down and burned as land was cleared for settlement. Without trees with their root systems spreading underground, there was nothing to keep the shallow, sandy soil from blowing away. It took rent to be paid into a Trust Account instead. After the owner died and the company went bankrupt, some residents, acting on a lawyer’s remarks, stopped paying into that fund. The question became: if there is no landlord and the trustee in bankruptcy has abandoned the property, who are you paying rent to? The majority of residents continued to pay their rent, and disapprove of those who do not. But they also point out that, as a group, they are not responsible for maintaining the Park or its septic system. The owner installed defective systems without proper permits back in the 1970's. He refused to use the rent revenues to fix or maintain them. After his death and his company’s bankruptcy, the trustee did nothing to deal with the problem either, and the Municipality has been ignoring repeated orders from the MOE to deal with the issue by making the system safe again. In the meantime, the residents have been paying for the Municipality to pump out the septic tanks for years. There is an urgent need for talks, and the imposed deadline, set by the Municipality alone, must be changed to allow a solution to be found in a fair and equitable manner.


a tremendous campaign of reforestation to heal the land and put an end to the worst results of this loss of land and forest cover. But it was a campaign that was showing real results, as more and more trees were planted to restore a natural order to the land. The original project was inspired, led and directed by Edmund Zavitz, whose goal was to plant two billion trees in Ontario to redress the balance that had been lost. The amazing thing is that he succeeded. Two billion trees seems so many, but the pace and energy needed to maintain that progress has been flagging recently, and the danger that we could return to that desert and flood cycle is very real. According to Trees Ontario: “During the 1980's up to 30 million trees a year were planted on rural privately owned properties across Ontario. In the late 1990's planting levels dropped to as low as 2 million trees per year. Experts tell us that in order to achieve 30 per cent forest cover and a healthy ecosystem we need to plant over a billion more trees”. That figure of one billion trees is for southern Ontario alone, and, more recently, it has been raised. Now it is thought we need to plant two billion trees to achieve the required forest cover in Ontario. This is not just a farming issue. The proper tree cover is needed to provide

cleaner air, “improve local water supplies, establish wildlife habitat and provide a buffer against the effects of climate change”. It may seem a huge task: two billion trees, especially given that the kind of Government involvement initiated by Zavitz is no longer available. More and more of the burden is falling on private nurseries, and one of the most important of these is right here in North Grenville. The Ferguson Forest Centre is a private facility, not supported in any way by the Municipality, from which it rents the land on which it is located. Kemptville is probably unique in having such an extensive and vibrant green space within its limits, and North Grenville can be proud of the role the FFC plays in reforestation in eastern Ontario and beyond. They grow primarily native species of trees and shrubs that are hardy for the south-central Ontario climate. It is not well known that healthy trees can only come from healthy local seed: they cannot be imported from other eco-systems. The FFC grows and supplies millions of trees to clients throughout the region every year. They are one great hope for the future health of our environment. Buy a tree. Plant a tree. Allow the earth, and ourselves, to breathe more easily.

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Perkins Mills:

Ghost town of North Grenville by David Shanahan Mill sites are central to the history of North Grenville. Settlements grew up where saw mills and grist mills provided planks and flour for settlers, and mills were established where there was water power available to operate the mills. The real founders of North Grenville were the individuals who set out to find the perfect mill site and invested time and energy in erecting, first of all, saw mills, and later grist mills to serve the incoming settlers looking to build homes and furniture, and grind their grain for bread. But these mills had a relatively short life span in terms of economic growth. As consumer goods became more available, the mills’ importance faded. Those communities which could adapt their economic focus survived to various degrees. Today, the area around the junction of Clothier, Hurd and Somerville on the outskirts of Kemptville is a place people only drive through. They stop only briefly as traffic dictates. But a hundred and fifty years ago, this quiet crossroads was known as Perkin’s Mills, or, later, Kennedy’s Mills: an active and noisy residential and commercial hub that seemed on the verge of great expansion. Out of this crossroads came flour, timber, woven cloth, furniture and leather goods that supplied the people of North Grenville for decades. Lot 25, Concession 3, Oxford on Rideau Township, had been granted to Captain James Brackenridge in 1795. He sold it to Truman Hurd in 1815, and the Hurd family was the main presence in the area for more than a century after. Hurd’s property extended from Highway 43 south to Concession Road, and from Hurd Road on the west to Pine Hill Road on the east. By 1859, Truman’s son, Edwin, had survey plans for a major housing development to stretch from Clothier Street to Highway 43. The entire area was divided into streets, long before Cranberry Hill or Scholars Heights existed. Edwin had advertised in the Ottawa Citizen a sale of 175 Town August 7, 2013

Lots and 42 Park Lots, to include his own house and gardens on the corner of Clothier and Hurd. The area was to be called Kemptville West. Although the development was never completed, Edwin’s house is still there, now 561 Clothier West. At the time, Clothier Street west was known as Main Street, sometimes as North Main Street. In fact the whole area has been known under many names over time. Perkins Mills, Kennedy Mills, Kemptville West, or West Kemptville, or even Kemptville South, all of these names were applied and changed as the fortunes of the region altered over time. Today, it has no name of its own any more. But the real centre of the area in 1859 were the mills located on the South Branch River. Where the bridge is today on Hurd Street, there was once a stone dam, with the river waters backed up behind it in a large mill pond. On the north bank below the dam stood a Carding Mill, and opposite it on the south shore was a Tannery and Cloth Dressing facility operated by Reuben Gorham. Reuben had just bought the factory from Frederick Moore, whose stone house is still standing west of the crossroads at 2495 County Road 18. The large stone house across the road, now extended and improved, was the home of Henry Hurd, another of Truman’s sons. The fulling and bark mills produced cloth to be used in making clothes, blankets, or whatever was needed in the community. The major force in the economic life of the area was John Perkins, who had bought 80 acres of land south of Clothier Street in 1850. Truman Hurd had taken out a mortgage on these 80 acres in 1837, possibly to build a saw mill and a grist mill. In 1840, he had transferred title to the land to the consortium holding this mortgage, and when Perkins bought from them, the two mills were already in place and operating. A mill race had been dug between the dam and a natural inlet in the river, (and can still be seen on the southeast side of the bridge) and this powered the mills: the saw mill on the

north side and the grist mill on the south. These mills and factories required workers and the workers required services. Around Perkins Mills, coopers, joiners, shoemakers, weavers, cabinetmakers, blacksmiths, wagon makers and merchants bought and rented land and built homes. The impressive stone houses still standing around the crossroads indicate the wealth of the community at the time. John Perkins established a tavern on Hurd, just south of the bridge. The Kemptville Brick Yard operated on a large tract of land on the south bank of the river just east of the mills. John Conn opened a school on Clothier Street, in the building which still stands immediately to the west of Holy Cross School today. Some of the wealthy merchants with businesses in Kemptville moved out to Perkins Mills to live, including the owners of Averill & Hooker and Thomas Blackburn. In retrospect, 1859 was the high point for Perkins Mills. By 1869, John Perkins had died, and his widow rented out the mills to William Morrison, who had to pay a charge to the Corporation of Oxford Township to ensure he maintained his part of the bridge in good repair for ten years: an early form of development charge. The enterprise did not go

Hurd Street looking south from Clothier, 1914. The last remains of a mill, left

well under Morrison, and was sold under power of sale in 1874. The mills were taken over by Nathaniel and George Kennedy in 1877, and they kept them going until 1914. But by then, the community of Perkins Mills, latterly known as Kennedy’s

Mills, was dying. As the mills ran down, so the jobs went and people started moving away, many back to Kemptville, as that town continued to expand. So, the next time you pass through, stop by the historical plaque recently set up by

the new bridge on Hurd. Take a look around and try to imagine the place when the dam held back the waters of the South Branch River and mills and tanneries gave employment, energy and focus to a bustling and hopeful community.

O’Farrell Financial Services Inc. presenting a cheque to Sue Higgins, CEO of the North Grenville Library. This is the final cheque to complete the $10,000 pledge that O’Farrell Financial Services made to the North Grenville Library. Sheri Getz, Mike Rowbotham, Jana Barkley, Katherine Heggie, Jeff Riddell, Keeley Moure, Rick Lewis, Matthew Felker, Sue Higgins, Dermid O’Farrell, Lan Nguyen, Amber McEwen, Lindsay Delorme, Starr Langstaff, Alison Marshall, Graham Pincott, Donna Lee O’Farrell - Photo by Micheal Pacitto


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Summertime and the downtown is hopping!

By John Barclay, BIA Coordinator Excuse me but aren't things supposed to slow down a bit during the summer? Aren't we supposed to kick back, enjoy the weather and relax a little? Well, from where I sit downtown, it feels instead like things sped up in July. There's been a flurry of community consultations and surveys regarding the re-development of Riverside Park and the re-vitalization of the Rideau- Sanders Triangle, not to mention the hectic pace of construction on Clothier Street. A number of businesses on Prescott Street have extended either their hours into the early evening or opened on days they used to be closed (Thank you Heather and Bradley at Geronimo's!) Last week Old Town Kemptville played host to the Little League Ontario Minor Division Championships in Riverside Park. Thousands of baseball fans came from across the province to watch the competition throughout the week with the Finals played on Friday. Congratulations to the High Park Braves, the 2013 Minor Division Champions! Now, look at what's going on in Old Town in August and early September ... On August 10 from 9 to 5 pm in Riverside Park, Keller Williams Solid Rock Realty - Kemptville sponsors a Family Fun Mixed Volleyball Tournament. This year's charity is Canada's Waiting Children. On August 22 through 25, Old Town SummerFest presents the Conklin Super Show Midway a "pay one price, ride all day" event in Riverside Park. It starts Thursday evening at 5 pm and runs daily from 10-10 pm, ending Sunday at 5 pm. Thanks to a recent grant from the Community Innovations Program (EODP), the Kemptville Kinsmen Farmers' Market will be holding a bigger and better MarketPlates event on September 8. This should be another great event for downtown. On September 14, the 3rd Annual Pirate's Day (8:30-3:30 pm) takes place. Put on your Pirate outfit and join the players of this season's 73's hockey team at this popular family event. Remember Old Town Kemptville is family owned and operated, not corporate owned and operated - the money you spend downtown stays in North Grenville. We are a close-knit group of businesspeople with a strong sense of community and a history of working closely with the institutions and groups that make this area special. Together we work to improve the downtown area through the Old Town Kemptville BIA. Our monthly Board of Management Meeting is being held on August 16 at 8 am at Butler's Victorian Pantry (126 Prescott Street). All BIA Members and Associate Members are welcome to attend. Please join other Friends of the Downtown online by liking our Facebook page ( or following us on Twitter (@OldTownKemptvil).

August 7, 2013



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Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Sat: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

10 Prescott st. P.O. Box 635 Kemptville, ON 613-314-0056

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

A Part of Your Community Since 1963

Regular Store Hours

Mon. - Fri. 8 to 8

Sat. - 8 to 6 Sun. 9 to 6


301 Rideau Street, Kemptville

Prices effective: Friday, Aug 9 to Thursday, Aug 15 2013 August 7, 2013


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The B&H - Your Community Grocer celebrates fifty years of service to the people of North Grenville

Keith Beveridge congratulates Mrs. Quackenbush on her $1,755 shopping spree in May, 1973, watched by Wayne Hodgins of Pepsi, who co-sponsored the event

What A Spree! The B&H has always offered great deals to our customers, good prices and good quality. But one particular customer got the deal of the century (or at least of the last fifty years)! Forty years ago, Mrs. Ron Quackenbush had the freedom of the store for five minutes, thanks to a shopping spree sponsored by the IGA and Pepsi. Imagine what you would do in her place: what do you target when you have five minutes to fill as many shopping trolleys as you can? Keith Beveridge, owner of he B&H was able to congratulate Mrs. Quackenbush after she managed to fill an amazing 11 trolleys in those five short minutes. Her catch was mostly from the meats section of the store and amounted to a staggering $1,755.33 worth of goods. And remember that is in 1973 prices, when you could get a pound of rib steaks for 75¢, and roasting chickens were just 51¢ a pound.

The spree took place at 9:30 am on a Thursday morning and the store

was filled with customers watching her quickly fill trolley after trolley with goods from the shelves and meat counters. The shopping spree was quite a common promotion in earlier years, and the reports in the media were also typical of the time. The winner of the event was always referred to as Mrs. Ron Quackenbush, or just Mrs. Quackenbush - her own name was never used.

The B&H is celebrating fifty years of serving the people of North

Grenville and surrounding areas in August. The store has gone through many changes since Keith Beveridge and Ken Haggett opened the doors in 1963 but their tradition of serving their community has continued unchanged over the decades. August 7, 2013


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Grammar Minute

Friends Meeting Friends: Brockville Workshop Very Successful “How in the world were you able to win the coveted Gabriele Schrieber Award as the best Friends of the Library group in Canada? Would you mind sharing your success with us? We’d like to know more.” The aforementioned, in a nutshell, pretty well summarizes the request made by Brandy White, Community Development Coordinator, Brockville Public Library, and a member of their newly organized Friends of the Library. Four of us, members of the Executive Committee of the Friends of the North Grenville Public Library, accepted Ms.White’s invitation to meet with the Brockville Friends on July 19 for an information

and sharing session. An overview of our twelve years of involvement in all matters relating to our libraries was provided by Jeffrey Murray, Jean Kilfoyle, Roberta Russell, and Pat Babin. Along with the narrative, we provided the group a copy of every poster, flyer, brochure, and publication printed since our inception. This included Youngsters of Yore, the North Grenville Book Fair, and Literary Follies. Roberta Russell, who is also a Library Board Trustee, attributed our success to the excellent relationship between Friends and the Library Board. The latter is responsible for policy initiatives; we focus on program development and implementation. The downfall of a Friends

group is when it starts acting like a Library Board. It was also felt that the period prior to the library building campaign provided the impetus for exciting initiatives on our part. The community was with us all the way. How else can you explain an AGM with at least 200 in attendance? Our goal, effective Day One, was to assist with the Room to Read Campaign. We were extremely proud when Bill McElrea, a member of our Executive, was asked to chair the building campaign. Roberta Russell was also appointed to this committee. Our dialogue made us all the more appreciative of our relationship with the Ferguson Forest Centre. The major deterrent

to the sponsorship of book fairs is LACK OF SPACE, space for storage and space for the event. We are so fortunate to have both, thanks to Ed Patchell. We also discussed the importance of networking with other groups in the municipality. Singled out was North Grenville Community Living, our partners with the Book Fair. We also highlighted the importance of both a vibrant membership base and supportive volunteers. Ivan Russell and Bill McElrea were singled out as the spark plugs in this area. Jean Kilfoyle underlined the significance of the thank you note and letters of appreciation. Over a thousand acknowl-

edgments have been sent during the last decade. Lastly, success resides with the Executive Committee, our lifeline with the community. We have been fortunate in attracting topnotch individuals who are always ready to go above and beyond. Most valuable liaison has always been provided by Sue Higgins, Library CEO. Our session with the Brockville Friends, which lasted two hours, was most gratifying. We extended a helping hand to Brockville and offered to assist them in every way we can. Submitted by: Dr. Patrick Babin, Chair Executive Committee Friends of the North Grenville Public Library

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by Pat Babin

Yes, there are observant readers out there! In last week’s column, I included a poem attributed to Dianna Hsieh. Following my statement, “Let’s face it---English is a crazy language,” I wrote, “A guinea pig is neither from Guinea or a pig.” Immediately, two grammarians spotted the obvious “neither/or”. Correct usage is “neither/ nor”. That quote was from the Hasieh poem.Although I recognized the error, I did not want to tamper with the original text. Quotation marks or sic would have helped. Thank you, grammar detectives!! Today, let us drop in on Charles Berlitz, the grandson of the founder of the Berlitz Schools.Over 400 systems of writing are known throughout the world. This does not include scripts referred to in ancient writings whosewritten records have not yet been found. Proverbs: Many proverbs have counterparts in other languages that share the same basic premise. For example: English: Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. German: You can’t hang people before you’ve caught them. French and Italian: Don’t sell the bearskin before you kill the bear. Spanish: Don’t eat the sausages before you kill the pig. Swahili: Don’t curse the crocodile before you have crossed the river. Did you know that Cinderella’s glass slipper was really made of fur, as was customary in medieval times for the ladies of the chateaux. This confusion occurred because vair (fur) has the same sound as verre (glass). The peasants who told and retold the Cinderella story, not having fur slippers themselves, formed the quaint notion that Cinderella’s slippers were made of twinkling glass. English has a vocabulary more than twice the size of any other language (German is the closest competitor).English is known for its nonphonetic spelling; please note the following phrase: “though a rough cough and hiccough plough me through”. OUGH is pronounced six different ways! In closing, some would argue that “neither/or” was correct in Hsieh’s statement. Let us investigate further.

The North Grenville Times

Health Unit finds West Nile Virus in Local Mosquitoes

The North Grenville Photography Club

Humidification Installation of Duct work HRV cleaning Air Filtration Dryer Vent Cleaning Sanitization (our own specially formulated eco-friendly product!)

The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit (LGLDHU) was informed that a pool of mosquitoes in one of the traps in the town of Perth tested positive for the West Nile virus (WNV). This virus is spread to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. Each year between June and the end of September the LGLDHU collects and has mosquitoes tested from various sites from around our region for the presence of West Nile virus. This marks the first year, since 2003, that positive mosquitoes have been captured in one of our traps. Several other municipalities in Ontario have also detected the presence of WNV in their mosquito population this summer. The LGLDHU will increase mosquito monitoring and testing in the Perth area over the next few weeks. The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark region is home to several different types of mosquitoes. The mosquito responsible for spreading the West Nile virus is commonly known

Photographer Stewart Curry won first place in a recent ‘black and white’ themed photoclub contest with this lovely image. Creekside Centre 2878 County Road 43 Kemptville, ON 613-258-0222

Summer Clearance Sale All Melissa & Doug Sunny Patch Toys **20% OFF**

Joe Plunkett 613-258-0663 Toll Free: 1-866-880-5397

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Have you considered...

We have very gradually become familiar with roundabouts here in North Grenville - or traffic circles, as they are sometimes called. But it is clear from everyday experience that not everyone has got the message yet. Some drivers continue to drive right through a roundabout without yielding to traffic, or else they stop on the roundabout to allow another vehicle to enter. Both are not only incorrect actions, they can be really dangerous. Some of the confusion is caused by the relative lack of roundabouts in eastern Ontario, and the fact that the one most people may be familiar with, at the Experimental Farm in Ottawa, does not operate under regular procedures. So, to encourage proper use of the roundabouts we have here, as well as the others which will be added over the next few years, the Municipal-

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as a container mosquito. It lives in warm, organic, sheltered standing water. It tends to feed primarily between dusk and dawn, and prefers to feed on birds, but occasionally will feed on humans. The LGLDHU has investigated a few sporadic cases of West Nile virus among residents over the last few years. Most people that do become infected with the virus will have no symptoms. Some develop mild “flu-like” illness with fever, headache and body aches, and occasionally have a mild rash or swollen lymph glands. Fewer individuals, particularly those over 50 years of age, may have more serious illness with severe headache, high fever, stiff neck, nausea, and vomiting. People who think they have West Nile virus infection should contact their health care provider. So far this summer, there have been no reported human cases of West Nile virus in our region or in the province. While, the risk of being exposed to the West Nile

virus in our region remains low, the LGLDHU recommends the following actions to prevent mosquito bites: · Remove standing water on your property that provides breeding areas for mosquitoes. Most mosquitoes do not travel large distances and thus those breeding within your space are most likely the ones who will bite you. · Apply mosquito repellents to exposed skin sparingly. An effective repellent contains 20 – 30 % DEET. Products with more than 30% DEET may cause side effects, particularly in children. Children should wear a mosquito repellent with a 6 - 10% DEET concentration. DO NOT USE personal insect repellents on children under two years of age. · Cover up skin when outside, wear long sleeves shirts, pants, socks and foot wear. · During mosquito season (May to September), limit outdoor activities between dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are the most active.

The Runaround on Roundabouts

Mature Job Seeker?

The Voice of North Grenville


ity has posted a page on their website which explains the right and wrong way to use these aids to traffic circulation. The page is a link from the Region of Waterloo, where they have also introduced traffic circles. The illustration may seem as confusing as the real thing at first, but it is worth watching carefully. The current roundabout at the Colonnade entrance is presently an awkward challenge, because the road entering it from the 416 direction is a four-lane, but it switches to a two-lane after exiting it. This will be fixed once all of 43 becomes fourlane. In the meantime, it is important to remember at least these few basics: always yield to traffic on the roundabout, even if you are on a main road. For example, just because you are on 43, that does not mean you have right of way. You must yield to

any vehicle already on the roundabout. Second, never stop on the roundabout to let other vehicles on. It is extremely dangerous, because drivers following you are not expecting you to stop and may not be able to stop themselves. Things have improved a great deal since the roundabouts were first installed. The worst incident I saw was when a driver approached the roundabout at 43 and River Road, heading towards the 416. They wanted to turn on to River Road; but, instead of going around the roundabout, they just turned left to go straight to River Road! As they went against oncoming traffic, they were fortunate that the roundabout was empty. That was quite a sight. The web page for the proper use of roundabouts can be found at:

The North Grenville Times



ACROSS 1. Type of vacuum flask 6. Sun 10. The products of human creativity 14. Picture 15. South American country 16. Defeat decisively 17. High, low and neap 18. Twin sister of Ares 19. Cotton bundle 20. Blue blood 22. Small island 23. Gull-like bird 24. A piece of mail 26. Affirm 30. Former boxing champ 31. Hearing organ 32. No more than 33. Twinge 35. Lustrous fabric 39. Opening words of a text 41. An informal term for money

43. Maxim 44. Distinctive flair 46. Double-reed woodwind 47. Derisive laugh 49. Actress Lupino 50. South African monetary unit 51. Cave 54. Agreeable 56. Train track 57. Excessively dramatic 63. Doing nothing 64. Rhythm 65. Redress 66. Fastens 67. Therefore 68. Goat antelope 69. Mats of grass 70. Stag or doe 71. Make improvements

DOWN 1. Devil tree 2. Arab chieftain 3. Dry riverbed 4. How old we are 5. Relaxes 6. Hypothesize 7. A piece of ground 8. Diva's solo 9. A light noise 10. A type of judge 11. Cut of beef 12. Gown fabric 13. Drive 21. Relative of a giraffe 25. Where the sun rises 26. Dogfish 27. Sell 28. Killer whale 29. Having no apparent gravitational pull 34. Pugilist 36. Brass instrument 37. Computer symbol 38. Require 40. Kind of moss 42. Make into law 45. Bloodline 48. A bed of rich soil 51. Southern breakfast dish 52. Audio communications 53. Lubricated 55. Delete 58. Not there 59. Bit of gossip 60. Center 61. Nameless 62. Bawdy

Send in your community events to Aug 8 Aug 10

Aug 16

Aug 17 Aug 22-25



Solution to last week’s Crossword

OPP Barbecue: Sponsor - Tackaberry Construction, Charity Big Brothers & Big Sisters Keller Williams Solid Rock Realty - Kemptville sponsors a Family Fun Mixed Volleyball Tournament at Riverside Park. 9- 5 pm, $25 per player. This year’s Charity is Canada's Waiting Children. For sponsorship opportunities and/or registration contact Barbara MacEachern at 613.258.6393 or The Old Town Kemptville Business Improvement Area's monthly Board of Management Meeting is being held at Butler's Victorian Pantry (126 Prescott Street) 8:00am. All BIA Members and Associate Members are welcome to attend. Local crime fiction novelist Michael J. McCann will be signing books at Brewed Awakenings, Creekside Mall, Highway 43, Kemptville, from 10:30 am to 1 p.m. Old Town SummerFest presents the Conklin Super Show Midway a "pay one price, ride all day" event (bracelet price TBD). It starts Thursday evening at 5 pm and runs Friday and Saturday from 10-10 pm and Sunday from 10-5 pm. Contact David & Lyn Presley at 613.69 2 .6 1 2 5 o r

Weekly and recurring events Wed

The North Grenville Photography Club - Meeting first Wednesday of every month at the Old Fire Hall, 25 Reuben Crescent. August is a Scavenger Hunt were you get to practise your skills in a fun way. Help with photography techniques and basics will be available. Bring your camera equipment for a fun night. This event will be outside. For more details see Bingo- First and third Wednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available North Grenville Giving Garden; Weedless Wednesday from 9-10 am every week in July and August. Hwy 43 across from Creekside Centre. Bring sunhat, sunscreen, garden gloves and a smile. Thurs Bridge - Every Thursday, St. John’s United Church, Kemptville, 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691 North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting first and third Thursday of the month, 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. For more info, call 613-258-7665 UKE – (Ukuleles Kemptville Experience), first Thursday of the month at the Branch restaurant. Arrive early and enjoy a dinner at the Branch before the meeting. The jam starts at 7:30 pm. For more information or if you need to borrow a ukulele for the next jam, please contact Tony at or phone: 613-989-4586 . Everyone welcome! Seniors' Day in Old Town Kemptville. We're currently conducting focus groups with local Seniors groups to get their input on what they'd like to see in terms of special offers,events or discounts. Tues BNI Networking Group Breakfast- Alumni Building, University of Guelph, 7-8:30am. Call 613-258-0553 for more information. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, Kemptville, 12:15pm. Cost $3, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691 Mothers of Preschoolers Support Group-St.John’s United Church, 6:30-8 pm. Whether you’re a townie, rural, stay-athome, working, teen, adoptive, special-needs, single or married, MOPS is for you! For more information, call Angie Brown at 613-223-3979 Mon Wed Fri Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre Early birds: 8 am Others 8:30 am Contact: Eva - 258-4487


The Voice of North Grenville


Solutions to last week’s Sudoku


August 7, 2013


The North Grenville Times


The Voice of North Grenville

First 15 words are FREE for North Grenville Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word


Homeopathic Practitioner Discover safer, healthier natural Helen’s Sewing Room All kinds of healing alternatives to address sewing 613 258 5583 pain, fatigue, anxiety & more. email francesdynhealth@ HOUSE CLEANING Every work- sympatico.ca613.258.7602 ing mother and father needs a housewife. Each home is custom Sienna Fine Arts Art Classes and priced to ensure my cleaning will Supplies www.siennafinearts. meet your needs and budget. Call com 613-878-9706 Sandy 613 219 7277 Rock My House Music Centre Piano and Music Theory Lessons: opening August 1st. 669 South Elisa Lane www.kemptvillemu- Gower Drive. 613-258-5656 613-215-0549 See visible results in 24 hours! Kemptville - Shop AVON at home anti-aging and sensitive skin Personal service and 100% guar- care systems, vegan, gluten-free, antee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 no animal testing or anima products. contact carrie smith, independent consultant with K e m p t v i l l e L o c k s m i t h arbonne international, located 5 5 8 - 8 5 4 2 * l o c k o u t * r e k e y * in kemptville. carriephysio@ installation*residential Chris; w w w . c a r Halden 558-8542 Show this ad - get 10% off Commercial/Residential cleanLooking For a Better Job? Free ing- Kemptville area. For quote training in essential skills, cer- email Mrandmrsclean613@ tificate courses, computer use. or call 613-867-2184 613-258-8336 ext.61643 FOR RENT Bowen Therapy Restore your health. PAIN, Respiratory, Digestive & more. 613-799-3315. 44 Blossom Road, fully furnished bedroom units $500.00/mo. each, female One Tear Studio, Paintings/ college student’s preferred. e-mail: Soapstone Sculptures/Butterfly 613-258-7703 or Hearts. Visit by appointment or chance www.HannaMac- (613) 258-7297 FOR RENT OLD TOWN KEMPI Can Sew It: Rhonda Cybul- TVILLE – 113 PRESCOTT ST. skie-613-258-5248 Rhon- - COMMERCIAL/OFFICE SPACE – 2000 SQ. FT., AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. 613-295Al’s Cleanup Services Dump runs, 0552 Grass, Landscaping Al Scott R R #1 Oxford Station(613) 258-3847 L a r g e o n e b e d r o o m i n Heckston700.00 plus utilitiescall House Cleaning - Kemptville 613-258-4741 area. For quote call 613-2940385 or Kemptville, 3 Bedroom House. Quiet neighbourhood. Washer, Property Clean up, yards, ga- dryer, fridge, stove included. rages, basements, loads to $1275 plus utilities. 613-853dump,anything removed. 613- 6592 258-7955

Oxford Mills Small 3 bedroom house on 2.5 acres $1200.00 a month plus utilities 613-2234571

Starchoice/Shaw Satellite Receiver and Remote control. Model #DSR305, $50. Contact Kathy at 613-215-0615

Maintenance free 2 bedroom condo for rent in Kemptville. Green space, hardwood floors, ceramic tile, granite and stainless steel appliances. Laundry facilities and water included. $1300.00/mth + utilities. 613229-5564

Heintzman Grand Vertical Piano, Agraffe Bridge, good condition, needs tuning. Asking 750$ call Kathy 613-215-0651

Free wooden play structure, slide, fort, ladder needs new dowels. Fairly new 3 bedroom house, Heckston U pick up. 613Kemptville: hyd/gas/water in- 258-9470 cluded $1,300 613 258 7931 For Sale Swing set. Sturdy wood, 2 swings, rings, bar, slide. $100. Call 613-258-0335. “le gut truck” - mobile canteen truck w/established route in and around Kemptville. Great stops & customers - including construction sites, gravel pits, local businesses and more! Business includes: 2003 GMC ½ ton, stainless steel box, route and all equipment. Contact Jenn & Brent for details @ 613-258-0085.

WANTED Retired senior needs old car batteries - making canon balls (weights used for deep sea fishing) 613258-6254 L

Help support our Snowcross team for the 2014 season! http://igg. me/at/snox/x/3762262 613325-6584 Reliable person to walk my two dogs at lunchtime, Monday to Friday. Please call (613) 513-4696 for more info. ARD SALE



Solid Tri-fold Tonneau Cover, will fit a 2011 Ford Ranger Sport but may also fit other similar vehicles. Purchased new with truck. Asking Price: $300.00 Call 613 989 3293.

Beginning Sept. 3rd, Evenings in Kemptville Pre-registration Required M i n i m u m Ag e 1 2 years - Tony Gundy

Plants for sale: Hosta and Alliums. $3.00 to $5.00 each. All potted and hardy. (613) 2580295YARD SALE Chesterfield and chair $20. Maple table, extra leaf, six chairs, buffet and hutch $250. Call 613-258-1712



OXFORD MILLS' MAPLEWOOD HALL RENTAL RATES: GENERAL PUBLIC (Any Day) Part Day (6 hours) -$60 Full day-$120 COMMUNITY NON-PROFIT (Weekdays Only) Part Day (6 hours) -$30 Full day-$60 SPECIAL WEDDING RATE Maplewood Hall & Maplewood Park Friday noon to Sunday noon $320 To book your event, log onto or call (613) 258-6485

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Player to Player REPLAY Hockey Sale The Kemptville District Minor Hockey Association is hosting a mega hockey sale on August 10 at St. Michael CHS on Hwy 43 in Kemptville from 9-2 pm. Donations and items for consignment are being taken on August 9 from 5-8 pm at St. Michael CHS. If you want to consign your items, you will be given price tags and a consignor number upon entry and you will price your items yourself. You will receive 75% of the sale price of your items sold and 25% of the sale price will go directly to KDMHA. For the sale, we will be accepting anything hockey related - from skates & hockey equipment to clothing, jerseys,

NHL wear, hockey toys & games and any hockey memorabilia you may no longer need. Please make sure that any equipment you are selling is up to code - especially helmets. Your cash sales of sold items and any unsold items can be picked up from 2:30-3:30 pm on Saturday, August 10 at St. Michael CHS. Any unsold, unclaimed items will become property of KDMHA and will be either sold or donated elsewhere. If you are having someone else pick up your unsold items or cash sales, please make sure they know your consignor number. KDMHA will also be having a BBQ lunch on Saturday. Bring the family

and enjoy a hamburger or hotdog with fellow hockey fans. There will also be a special table of treats for those of you with a sweettooth. All proceeds from the BBQ and treats will go directly to KDMHA. KDMHA is trying to make room in their storage unit and will be selling off Kemptville Panther and Kemptville Storm jerseys. Any KDMHA player would love to own their own team jersey! For all you Kemptville Royals Alumni, there will be a couple of jerseys up for silent auction. Please keep in mind that this is a CASH ONLY sale. HyGuard Mouthguards will also be on

site on for fitting customized mouthguards for our upcoming hockey season. A portion of each sale will go towards KDMHA. HyGuard will also be holding a draw for one free customized mouthguard. Please see www.hyguard. ca for more information. If you would like to help out with the sale or BBQ in any way, or if you have any questions about the sale, please contact Denise at This is a great opportunity for some of the older KDMHA players to gain some volunteer school hours and help their hockey association at the same time.

Local Sailor Takes Silver Aidan Kerr (middle) who attends North Grenville District High School, secured a silver place finish at the coveted Hudson Yacht Club Fruitbowl Regatta on the Ottawa River in Hudson, Quebec last weekend. Aidan, who sails with the Brockville Yacht Club High Performance Race Team, gave the gold medal winner Trevor Van Leeuwen from the Nepean Sailing Club a good challenge, posting two first places and 2 second places, the last race having a bad start which closed the gold medal door on Aidan. The bronze winner, Braden Garvey is from the Britannia Yacht Club.

Quality pre-owned furniture to meet your budget

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Ottawa 67’s Will Take on Kingston Frontenacs in Kemptville In Canada, there are only two seasons, summer and hockey. This year’s hockey season starts with a bang just after the Labour Day weekend right here in Kemptville with a high-caliber OHL exhibition game between the Ottawa 67’s and Kingston Frontenacs at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. It’s affordable family fun for most families, but sadly, not all. Hopefully our Kemptville business community can help. The unfortunate reality is that some families cannot afford to cover the cost of tickets in order to attend this fun-filled event. With that in mind, let’s work together to ensure that nobody misses out. Local businesses and community leaders are encouraged to purchase tickets for those who are less fortunate by reserving tickets for children and youth, which will then be distributed through organizations such as The Kemptville Youth Centre. We urge you to contact 67’s representative Calvin Amell for all the details at or 613.232.6767 x 237. Let’s make this a community event for our ENTIRE community! September 3rd is bound to be an evening to remember. Come out with your friends and family to support the Ottawa 67’s. Contact Calvin to purchase your tickets and share the excitement by purchasing at least one other to be distributed to local children and youth to enjoy the rush of the good old hockey game. It’s great hockey action only a few minutes away from home, starting at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available for the general public at the North Grenville Municipal Centre for only $10 ($15 on game night) or you can order electronically by contacting Calvin Amell by email ( August 7, 2013


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Closed for Holidays open Tue. Aug.13th Please contact Smiths Falls office

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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Heather Lance provides drumming African Drumming at North Grenville Public Library adventures for NGDHS students

Pictured above is Mrs. Lance with two NGDHS musicians, Kelsey Thibert and Morgen Davis

By Brian Dwyer, NGPL Summer Student Want to add to the rhythm of your day to day summer activities? Come down to the North Grenville Public Library on August 15 for a very special African drumming workshop taught by renowned music teacher from North Grenville District High School, Heather Lance! Children eleven and up will learn to play traditional African drum pieces and have a great time in the process. Ms. Lance has traveled far and wide teaching many students, adults and children the art of African drumming. This event is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. It takes place from 1-3 pm in the library. Call 613-258-4711, email summerstudent@ or drop by the library located at 1 Water Street to register! For Advertising rates please contact Gord at or call 613 258 6402

August 7, 2013


“Wow.” That’s how the adjudicator at the Brockville Lion’s Music Festival began his remarks following the impressive performances of North Grenville District High School’s big baNG and bigger baNG. Little did the students know that their silver and gold standings at Brockville’s Music Festival were just the beginning. Shortly after competing in Brockville this past spring, two busloads of students from North Grenville District High School set out for Halifax and the Atlantic Festival of Music where they would compete against schools from across the Maritimes, and Northeastern United States. Intermediate Music teacher Heather Lance, along with VP David Morrison and High School music teacher Clare Sadler organized 5 music groups for this 4 day journey. The trip, initiated by Mrs. Lance, includedMrs. Lance’s Intermediate African Drummers (big baNG), High School African Drummers (bigger baNG), Intermediate Concert Band, Mr. Morrison’s Intermediate Jazz Band (Knight Train), and Mrs. Sadler’s High School Concert Band. Each of these groups came home with an award: one bronze, 3 silvers and one gold. This musical highlight was

punctuated with visits to Pier 21, Canada’s immigration Headquarters from 1928 - 1971, as well as a tour of the historic Halifax harbour. Since their return from their inaugural tour, big baNG and bigger baNG have been very busy performing their unique musical sound at various events in North Grenville. They could be heard far and wide at the Dandelion Festival. Also, the groups recently pitched in to help theNGDHS charity, Sarah’s Hope,to raise money in its continuing efforts to aid the Moving Mountains Trust and distribute aid to Gatwe - a village in Kenya. Even the rain couldn’t dampen the sound of this group: they found the loading dock at the Ferguson Forest station provided respite from the rain during the Upper Canada District School Board’s recent Champions for Kids event. Immediately following, the bands trooped through the rain to the Municipal Centre parking lot to perform for the hardiest of the Big Brother’s Big Sister’s Ribfest fans. The students haven’t done this alone: their leader, Mrs. Heather Lance, has provided amazing leadership, musical adventures and a real sense of belonging to these students. They

worked very hard at each of their performances, with big smiles on their faces all the while - even in the rain. Mrs. Lance gives much of her own time helping to raise much needed funds for the drummers by offering adult African drumming lessons to the general public in North Grenville. Music is a family affair for the Lance’s. Her husband Bob, known as Mr. Bob, is always there to lend a hand moving instruments. You will often see her grandchildren out enjoying the performances. A year-end BBQ was held on July 20and 80 people attended, and more wished they could have been there, to show Mrs. Lance how much her efforts are appreciated. She was presented with a large poster of the NGDHS musicians at the Atlantic Festival of Music in Halifax and a 90 page, 340 image, hard cover photo book depicting the events throughout the year. Thank you again Mrs. Lance. When you see the unique colourfuluniforms of bigger baNG around Eastern Ontario, you’ll see Mrs. Lance at the helm with her own drum leading the way. ‘76 Trombones’ look out – here come the drums! Submitted by the NGDHS Arts Committee

The North Grenville Times

Project Jesse update

TransCanada Pipeline may be coming to North Grenville by David Shanahan

Jesse with Vicki Rigby during Phase 1 August 9, 10 and 11! The date is now set for Phase 2 of Project Jesse. We are looking for volunteers to do a little gardening, cutting and replacing trim and painting the inside of the house. If you can donate some plants or spare an hour or two of your time for this cause please call Candace at 613-866-8952. Our goal is to have the house painted in these three days. This will allow Jesse and his family to no longer live in 'unfinished" renovations. Our last work weekend was a huge success with so many people volunteering in many ways. We had so many contributions of food and drinks. Salamanders and Mr. Mozzarella, two

August 7, 2013

local businesses donated full meals. Then there were individuals who donated as well, Lisa Neil, Carolyn Solomon, the Stellar family, Stanley Carruthers, Jenn Bruinooge-Green and Amanda Arseneault ( Coldwell Banker), Samantha Rivet Stevenson and Jennifer Young (RBC). Now we have Les Winters from Fat Les's Chip Stand donating lunch on Saturday and Subway is donating lunch for Sunday. The response from the community has been overwhelming. The call went out to Tackaberry's asking for support, they in turn donated the gravel, Kemptville Windows and Kitchens donated a brand

The Voice of North Grenville

new door and now we have a gentleman named Rob Leathem from Glidden Paints who has donated much of the paint needed. All we need now is you! We especially need painters for our next work weekend! All supplies will be there! Equally important, we need some gardeners, plants and some food for the workers. Come be a part of "Jesse's Crew"! We have had many requests from people who would like to make a monetary donation. A bank account is now set up at the Scotiabank in Kemptville. The account number is 90472 01006 17 and is called “Project Jesse”.


Two weeks ago, the idea that an oil pipeline would be coming through North Grenville was enough to provoke debate, disquiet and some fear among our citizens. Now the TransCanada Corporation has confirmed that they intend to go ahead with such a pipeline to transport tar sand crude across the country to Quebec City and refineries and the Canaport LNG terminal in the deep water port of Saint John, New Brunswick. The oil refinery is owned by Irving Oil and can process 300,000 barrels of oil per day. The “Energy East” project, as it is being called, will carry about 1.1 million barrels of oil per day across almost 4,500 miles. At present, an existing pipeline more than 3,000 miles long, is in place and was designed for carrying natural gas. About I kilometre of this runs through the north-east corner of North Grenville. This pipe will be converted to carry the crude oil, while an extra 1,400 kilometres of pipe will have to be built to complete the route. The project still has to go through an environmental assessment and it is

expected that there will be a great deal of opposition to Energy East all across the country. The events at Lac Megantic have underlined the dangers of transporting oil, and, although TransCanada are insistent that pipelines are far more secure than trains as a method of transportation, the nature of the oil has added to the concerns. In a recent report sponsored in part by the Sierra Club and The National Wildlife Federation, it was noted that: “There are many indications that DilBit is significantly more corrosive to pipeline systems than conventional crude. For example, the Alberta pipeline system has had approximately sixteen times as many spills due to internal corrosion as the U.S. system.” Those who believe that the pipeline is essential to Canada’s energy future agree that the pipelines need to be of the highest standard, with more than adequate safety features in place. The oil, they say, is vital if Canada is to lessen its dependence on imported oil from more unsettled parts of the world. Currently, more than 700,000 barrels of oil are imported through Saint John and

Quebec City every day. While everyone agrees that we need to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, realistically, it is accepted that such a situation may be decades away. What do we do in the meantime? This is an issue that affects every one of us, even more so now that the main conduit for the Alberta Tar Sands may be running through our community. The debate has hardly even started.

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