Photograph by Larry Balzac
Following opening remarks by each candidate, the meeting was thrown open to questions from the audience, and, given the large number
The North Grenville Times hosted the first all-candidates meeting at the Municipal Centre last Thursday evening. All nine candidates for the position of Councillor on the Municipal Council for the next four years took part in the event, which was attended by a large audience of residents. The meeting was also live streamed through the Times’ Facebook page by Live Stream Junkies, and is available for viewing both on Facebook and through a link on our website, www. began with a moment’s silence in honour of Queen Elizabeth II, who died earlier that day.
done at a municipal level to deal with what is becoming, if not already, a housing crisis.One of the most encouraging facts to come out of the meeting was realising how many of the candidates are already deeply involved in this community, with many of them having served on the Mayor’s Affordable Housing Taskforce or other community committees. It is clear that this is a very strong group of candidates, and a very positive impression was left with those in attendance, as well as those watching the live stream on Facebook.
A Mayoral Candidates meeting will take place at the Municipal Centre on October 6, again hosted by the North Grenville Times. Both candidates, Nancy Peckford and Colleen Lynas, have confirmed their participation. Thursday, October 6, doors open at 6.30, with the meeting starting at 7:00 pm. Once again, the event will be live streamed by Live Stream Junkies, on the Times Facebook and website.

by David Shanahan
There was some dissatisfaction expressed afterwards by some audience members that not all questions were put to the candidates, owing to the lack of time. Unfortunately, this is something that has been experienced at every similar all candidates meeting over the years, as there is always more to cover

expected, the issue of the proposed prison/correctional facility was raised, but did not provoke the kind of argument that might have been expected. Much of the discussion turned on how decisions are made at the municipal level, and on when and how Council was informed of the decision to locate the facility in North Grenville. Overall, the discussion was informative and respectful, and both audience and candidates showed a willingness to deal with the topic in a good atmosphere.
Other topics raised during the meeting included quite a lengthy discussion on the housing problem in North Grenville, particularly in the area of affordable housing and what can be
of candidates, it was a delicate operation to give each one an equivalent amount of time and opportunity to respond to the questions posed.As

The Voice of North GrenvilleVol. 10 No. Reaching by direct mail 8,500 homes and businesses in North Grenville September 15, 2022 BLINDS SHUTTERS DRAPERY WALLPAPER & THE FULL L NE OF CANADIAN MADE CLOVERDALE PAINT STEVENS CREEK DECOR CENTRE 2678 COUNTY RD 43 KEMPTVILLE 613 706 1250 (613) 519-5182 845 Prescott St., www.rbheating.comKemptville Are you affected by Mold? Allergies?Pollen? $ 50 OFF CLEANINGDUCT get Kemptville613.258.2700Mall Book your eye exam online Kemptville Eye Exam Clinic 80%OFF* on select frames *see store for details 613.258.9333 2540 cty rd 43, Kemptville HUGE TENT SALE BARGAINSHUGESEPTEMBER15thto19th See inside for events at IPM FALL INTO FITNESS NEW CLIENT INTRODUCTORY PROMO Our biggest savings tof he year! Email: admin@getcronkd ca Certain conditions apply Offer expires Sept 30 COST $199 + TAX THAT'S A SAVINGS OF 140

First All-Candidates Meeting
than time to deal with. As it was, two hours went by very quickly, and already people were beginning to leave as we passed the 9pm deadline. But it was an important part of the democratic process, and was one of a number of other such all-candidates meetings which are planned around the Municipality between now and the election on October 24.
The Voice of North Grenville 2 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022 Freshly County Rd 1, Mountain Ontario • Vehicle repairs • Class “A” Mechanic • Sale of Quality PreOwned Vehicles • Flat Bed Tow Truck • Brakes • Suspension • Tire Sales • Air Conditioning • 613-989-3839Alignments FULL & PART TIME. No experience necessary. Will train. Serious inquiries only please @613-989-2020613-989-2020FULL&PARTTIME. Berube Poultry HELP WANTED TreeDWYERService Darren Dwyer Certified utility arborist 613.531.1544 TRIMMING & TREE REMOVAL FREE ESTIMATES . FULLY INSURED THOMAS M. BYRNE Barrister and Solicitor General 222613.258.1277tom@tmblaw.caWillsRealEstatesFamilyCorporatePractice/CommercialLawEstate&PowersofAttorneyPrescottSt.,Kemptville

Since its inception over 100 years ago, the IPM has grown to become the largest outdoor agricultural and rural expo in all North America. It draws people from across eastern Canada and the United States.
“This generation of young people have all kinds of new issues to tackle like climate change, pandemics, and social media. Youth are extremely well informed,

While many of the plowing competitions are happening off-site on a local farm, the exhibition and entertainment is located on the historic grounds of the Kemptville Campus.
Local youth are encouraged to get out into their communities to look for inspiration. There is no shortage of interesting topics to explore. Past winners have addressed a variety of topics, from mental well-being and body image, to the cost of post-secondary education, and everything in between.
Local Youth Film Festival offers over $2000 in prizes
MyView Youth Film Festival is back, and the new Fall submission deadline is fast approaching. Get those phones out and start filming so you can submit your short film by October 1. This creative film-making contest is open to all youth, ages 10-24, who live, work or play in Eastern Ontario (see www. for list of eligibleYoungcounties).peopleare encouraged to pick up their phones or cameras and make a short video that celebrates something in their life or community, showing a solution to a problem, or showcasing their opinion. Exit Realty has joined MyView this year to offer a new “My Community” prize category. Thanks to McGahey Insurance, Grenville Mutual Insurance, Exit Realty, and YourTV for donating great prizes to the winners in the following categories:
and I look forward to seeing what they have to say!” says Rebecca Shams, Health Promoter and MyView committeeJudgingmember.criteria heavily favours the content of the videos over the production elements, in hopes of encouraging all eligible youth, regardless of their level of experience in film making and production to participate and share their stories. John Barclay, MyView founder and Producer with Triune Productions, shared his excitement for this year’s festival: “I’m looking forward again to seeing the creativity and imagination of young film-makers as they communicate what’s important to them. This year, I’m especially eager to see entrants from more Eastern Ontario communities.”
Front row: L-R: Deb Wilson, John Barclay, Doreen O'Sullivan
The Municipality of North Grenville is set to host the massive 2022 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo (IPM) September 20 – 24, promising upwards of 50,000 to 80,000 visitors over five days. This will be the first in-person IPM since 2019, due to the pandemic.
1738 County Rd 1, Mountain Ontario Homemade frozen meals Pizza & subs LCBO/Beer Store convenience outlet 613-989-1323 Hours: Mon-Fri 6am-7pm Sat&Sun 7am-7pm Freshly baked goods AL'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Property - Home - Clean - Up (Interior - Exterior) Carpentry - Fencing - Roofs - Basements DUMP RUNS: everything goes FULLY INSURED C: 613.295.0300

I Love My Community - $750Age Category Prizes (10-13; 14-17; 18-24)

The exhibition area is jam packed with so much to see and do! The Municipality of North Grenville and United Counties of Leeds and Grenville will be on site with exciting community showcases featuring games for kids, firefighter displays, local food vendors, artist installations, and much more.
Best Overall Video$1000

No longer geared to just farm enthusiasts, the IPM offers activities and exhibits for people of all ages and from all walks of life.
The IPM exhibition tents are located on 65 acres of former Kemptville College land which now belongs to the Municipality. For over 100 years, Kemptville College delivered leading-edge agricultural education and training in this very location. Hundreds of Kemptville College Alumni will be in attendance, in additional to thousands of farming families throughout the region
Many are currently on site building the massive “Tent City,” where visitors will enjoy over 200 exhibitors featuring agricultural products and services, rural expos, artists and artisans, and family activities.
Hundreds of volunteers, largely from North Grenville, have stepped up to oversee many of the events – including entertainment, the 100-acre serviced RV Park and over 65 acres of exhibition grounds, a regional quilting competition, and community beautification.
“We want to express our gratitude to the over 900 volunteers who are devoting their valuable time and energy to this historic event in our community,” highlighted Councillor Doreen O’Sullivan, and Co-Chair of the IPM’s Volunteer Committee.
There will also be rest and phone charging areas, picnic tables, and water bottle refilling station at the North Grenville showcase.
North preparesGrenvillefortens of thousands of visitors

Candidates for North Grenville Council

Most of the competition plowing will be hosted by Rideauside Farms owned by Charles and Rosemary Bennett, the host family for the match.
Back row L-R: Chris Wilson, Chelsea McIntyre, Mitch Bloom, Kristin Strackerjan, Andre Rancourt, Robert Bowden
For more information on contest rules or judging criteria, or to see past year’s submissions and winners, visit us on facebook @myviewfilmfest, check out www., or email
Our journey started with an early morning ride in a jumbo jet. It was only a 77-minute flight for a journey that would have taken 17 hours by car! Our kids
were, of course, fascinated with the plane, just as I was. The views were spectacular, and it seemed almost in an instant that we landed in the quaint-yet bustling coastal military city of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Reflections from Nova Scotia

by Brandon Mayer
fective September 6, means that we must suspend all public activity in our building until the insurance issue has been resolved.
Kayakers and Canoers were invited out to a Harvest Moon Nighttime Kayak. Launched at 8 pm on Saturday night, the Regatta was lit up and glowing as they paddled down to the Prescott Street Bridge, returning to the Bridge on Hwy 43. Depending on the weather, there may be another event in CathyOctober.Sheppard, the event organizer, said: "This full moon kayak event is just for fun and to make some new friends. Since it's a Harvest Moon event, we hope you will bring something to put in the box for the Food Bank".

by Ronald Patterson, Board Chair

A structural issue within our building was discovered in April of this year. The matter has been assessed by an engineering firm and the Municipality of North Grenville. An updated engineering report with recommendations for resolution of the problem is underway. However, the withdrawal of our building insurance, ef-
At the end of August, I had the pleasure of going on a vacation with my family to the east coast, where I discovered that friendly people abound, airplane rides are a little rougher than I expected, and ocean water is much saltier than I thought it would be. Yes, last month marked not only the first time I had been to the lovely Province of Nova Scotia, but also the first time I had been in an airplane, and the first time I had seen the ocean.
St. John’s United Church has a long history of service and support within the local community dating as far back to the 1800s. As a community of faith, our doors have been open to not just Sunday Worship, but to service clubs, activity groups, school programs, support programs, and educational programs.Unfortunately, St. John’s is temporarily having to close its doors. We are suspending in-person worship service at our location at 400 Prescott Street pending the resolution of the withdrawal of our insurance coverage.
We spent six days in “Canada’s Ocean Playground”, and there were many highlights. While my wife had been to the east coast previously, the kids and I discovered just how salty the ocean really is, and the strength of its massive waves. The kids loved the waves the most. We toured downtown Halifax in a very unique vehicle – the Harbour Hopper. The Harbour
We of course visited the east coast “must sees”, including Peggy’s Cove, the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island, and the Alexander Keith’s brewery (okay, perhaps that was more of a “want to see”). Vacations are special and a muchneeded break from the daily grind, but I will never miss returning to our quaint little southeastern Ontario town. It is true what they say –there is no place like home!
3September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: the north grenville TIMES • HVAC • CUSTOM SHEET METAL• VENTILATION Jack Lalonde, RSE, President, Operator Serving The Ottawa, Dundas and Cornwall Areas Residential, Commercial VALLEY MECHANICALAIRWAY 613-

or coins, I signaled to enter the lane to pay the toll with coins. Two men in a convertible smiled and waved us ahead of them. As I pulled up to the toll booth, which only accepts coins for the $1.25 toll, my wife handed me a $5 bill. It was the only cash she had, and it was useless for the lane we were in. Embarrassed about holding up the lane for the men who had let us go ahead of them, I now had to park on the highway and get out to ask them for money. I explained that we were from Ontario, and I got a look that could only mean “enough said”. They handed me a toonie with a smile, and we were on our way. It was a simple, nice gesture that left a great first impression on us regarding the folks from the east coast.
Harvest CanoersKayakersMoonand LIKE US facebookon Professional Fully Insured Commercial & Residential www.horizonspainting.caPainting Kutebah kutebah1984@gmail.comAlyousef613-276-4583

Hopper begins its journey driving through downtown Halifax, and winding up and down to the citadel, before finally plunging into the Atlantic ocean! It is an amphibious vehicle that runs on both land and sea. Our amazing tour guide taught us much about Halifax, including its military history, and the story of the infamous Halifax explosion of 1917 which was the biggest human-made explosion prior to the dropping of the atomic bombs in Japan at the end of the second world war. We also ended up getting to see the kindness of the east coast yet again, as our oldest son left his wallet (with $195 cash inside) on the Hopper, and it was kindly returned to us the next day.
St. John’s United Church temporarilyis having to close its doors
St. John’s is a vibrant and active congregation, with many links to this community. Many generous offerings of an interim location for Sunday morning services were received. St. John’s United Church will be holding our services at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, 319 Prescott Street, at 9:00 am until further Updates,notice.including the temporary location for services, are available on our website media. We thank everyone for their ongoing support of our faith community.

Blake and Tyler Mayer at Peggy's Cove
Other than the staff at the airport, our first experience with the east coast locals came just 15 minutes after we departed in our rental car. Our GPS provided a route which was significantly faster than all other routes, but didn’t warn us that it was because it was a toll route. As we first noticed the toll station, we were scrambling too much to notice the one staffed lane where payment with bills or a card could be done. Seeing only lanes for either electronic passes

Kemptville adding a new source water well
September 14. The election is scheduled to take place on October 24.
Ooh, those blasted wasps!
One of the four existing municipal wells in Kemptville by Brandon Mayer
MELISSA OTTENHOF 329 0209 the north grenville
Baldwin’s Birds

Upcoming upgrades to the water treatment facility in Kemptville are

Data from the Spring 2022 Study of the Canadian Consumer (Vividata) provides insight on generational weekly readership habits. Unsurprisingly, older generations are strong newspaper readers, particularly in print. However, they continue to embrace digital products in combination with print or on their own. At least six out of ten Baby Boomers, the largest group by population, are weekly readers on both print and digital platforms.
Those born between 1966 and 1979 (23% of the population) prefer digital sources, but continue in relatively large numbers to use both print and digital, as do those born after 1979. However, once you move past the Gen Y group (29%), the percentage of those born after 1996 using both sources increases again. What is clear from the research is that print media is not going away, in spite of the impact of digital platforms, and in fact may be gaining ground among the youngest segment of the population.

Having mentioned the Baltimore Oriole previously, I felt that I should at least provide a picture of it, which I am now able to do. It has tried very gamely a few times to get some of the sugar water from our Hummingbird feeder, as has the poor female Hummingbird, but the plethora of wasps that we seem to be inundated with this year are defeating them both! What numbers they seem to be able to conjure up, and with such ravenous appetites too!

Meanwhile, whilst the sugar water drinkers try and cope, or not, the other birds continue to arrive and feed on the nuts and the niger seed. Most of them are not in the immediate vicinity of the wasps so can happily go about their normal feeding activities without any undue stress being added to their day. I hope that they are not giving you all too much stress either as you still try to enjoy the last few remaining days of summer for your "al fresco" activities, whilst you still can. Stay safe and well,
They are cleaning out my feeder in less than a day - the blighters! It's quite the battle for everything, including us, when they are being so prolific, but more so for the birds who have to brave them face to face. I can't imagine anything more unsettling than trying to poke my tongue into a hole, where there might be two or three stinging beasts, in a not too good humour, lurking. Ouch!
Council in North Dundas is therefore seeking alternative raw water sources to supplement municipal wells, including the possibility of a pipeline to buy treated water from one of the municipalities along the St Lawrence River.
The Voice of North Grenville 4 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022
estimated to cost about $39 million, which will be funded through a combination of development charges, a portion from the Solicitor General, and any grants received. The upgrades will not be paid by municipal treatmentthewaterDunlopwatertiaryaskedO’SullivancouncillorsQuestionstaxpayers.fromBarclayandwerealsoregardingtheter-bypassofthewaste-system.Directorconfirmedthatwhichbypassestertiarypartoftheprocessduring

a significant rainfall event does still go through a primary filtration process. She also confirmed that instances of bypass appear to be occurring less frequently, partly due to water-reducing measures, such as low-flow toilets and

Vividata is Canada’s leader in Canadian cross-media and consumer research, offering the largest syndicated study in Canada (SCC | Study of the Canadian Consumer).

Newspaper readership consistent across generations

Marketing Consultant Phone:613

Kemptville is served by this system, whereas residents in other parts of the Municipality have their own private wells. The Kemptville system is paid for only by Kemptville residents, and no charge is levied on rural residents to cover the costs.One question that Mayor Peckford had for Director Dunlop was regarding a new source well for the municipal drinking water system. Director Dunlop confirmed that approvals have been received for the so-called “Northwest Quadrant Well”. There are currently four wells which provide the source water to feed Kemptville’s drinking water system, with the Northwest Quadrant Well slated to be the fifth. All of the wells are interconnected, and they draw water from a deep and plentiful aquifer which sits below the more shallow aquifer from which
During the Council meeting on September 6, Council received a brief report on the current status of Kemptville’s water and wastewater systems, complete with a summary from the Director of Public Works, Karen Dunlop. The report – which covers the first half of 2022 – identifies one adverse water quality incident due to elevated levels of sodium, and one tertiary bypass of the wastewater system due to heavy rainfall. Other than these two minor incidents, the systems are operating well.
private wells in the area drawThiswater.means that private well quantities are not affected by new or existing municipal wells. The new well is being added to the system for “balance”, to support domestic flow, fire protection, and growth in the Municipality. Construction and commissioning is scheduled to move forward on the new well within the next 12 months.Director Dunlop confirmed, following a question from Councillor O’Sullivan, that Kemptville’s water system can sustain the projected growth in the Municipality. This is in direct contrast to the water systems in nearby Winchester and Chesterville, which are so strapped for capacity that water connection allocations must often be the first consideration prior to new housing developments taking place.
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Established in 2011, the St. Lawrence – Rideau Immigration Partnership is a coalition of organizations committed to building local capacity to attract, settle and integrate immigrants throughout Leeds and Grenville. The Immigration Partnership also encourages organizations, individuals, and communities to recognize and welcome cultural diversity.
Sunday, September 18th at 12:00 pm
Local labour shortages, and creating welcoming communities, are two of the most important factors identified by the new Leeds and Grenville Immigration Strategy. This Strategy, an update from the 2011 version, was created by the St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership. It addresses different aspects of immigration, diversity, and welcoming communities throughout the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. This includes the attraction, settlement, and retention of immigrants to this area which is an important topic given current labour market challenges.
The St. Lawrence – Rideau Immigration Partnership is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. For more information about the Partnership and its initiatives, check out their Facebook page or
“After months of outreach and consultations, we are pleased to release the new Leeds and Grenville Immigration Strategy. Hearing from folks working in different sectors, we were able to learn about their realities and what new initiatives would help them create more welcoming communities and workplaces for all. We were privileged to have local immigrants participate in the development of the Strategy which provides a lived experience perspective to new initiatives,” says Melissa Francis, Program Manager for the St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership.
DOT & MTO Safety Inspections
The Strategy refresh was led by local Not-For-Profit Consultant Loretta Corbeil. Corbeil led online surveys, focus groups and key informant interviews with a diverse range of participants to ensure a well-rounded, region-focused, and realistic Strategy that is ready for application. This new Strategy was developed with the help of local organizations, municipalities and individuals across Leeds and Grenville.
To be held on site at civic #2245 Simms St in the Village of Mountain
Note: The staff and volunteers at the house of Lazarus have been planning and preparing for this event and therefore have been collecting and setting aside the better items they have been receiving for quite some time. Be sure to attend for this is a perfect opportunity for collectors, people setting up homes and college students setting up dorms for the first time. All items will be sold with no taxes applied and all proceeds will be going to the food bank and to their outreach programs including their community meal program.
Fuel Injection, Electrical & A/C Specialists

Avoiding scams can be as easy as pausing and asking yourself some common sense questions. Would the CRA really ask me to make a tax payment with gift cards? Why can’t the bank employee on the other end of the phone use any other information to identify me besides my complete credit card details? Why is this landlord so adamant that I cannot go see their property before making a deposit? As scammers become more clever and ruthless, we need to adjust as well to ensure that we don’t become the next victim.
5September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

Auction Services Donated By Peter Ross Auction Services Ltd. Ingleside On (613) 537-8862
Electronic and hard copies of the Strategy are being distributed, and an online copy can be found on the Leeds and Grenville Immigration portal:
In one instance, a local resident attempted to warn others about a potential banking scam online. “They seem to be getting better, knowing my name, knowing what bank I’m with, and even being able to fake the official bank fraud line phone number,” the person wrote. “But I didn’t get a text, which I always do when there’s a weird charge, so I knew something wasn’t right. They say there was a large purchase for an airline ticket on my account and try and get your expiry date and card number.”

Terms: COVID Protocols & Social Distancing to Be followed
Did you know... When you vote you can choose up to one name for Mayor, fours names for Councillors, and one name for School Board Trustee?
For the full list of candidates visit:
Live Auction Sale
by Brandon Mayer
A open meeting will take place on Thursday, October 6 at the Municipal Centre Theatre with the candidates for Mayor in the upcoming Municipal Election. Both candidates will make statements and answer questions from the audience in an informal at 6.30, and the meeting will run from 7pm until 9pm. The meeting will be live streamed by Livestream Junkies on the NG Times Facebook page and website, and will be available for viewing at any time before election day. The public are welcome to attend in person, and questions for the candidates can be forwarded to in advance, or put to the candidates on the night.
The Municipality recently informed the public that Bell Canada has obtained a license to sell a new service in the community door-to-door. No other licenses exist as of the time of Onewriting.relatively new scam is perhaps a product of the current housing market. It involves fake listings for rental properties, with deposits being requested by e-transfer. This scam is simple, because it is easy to save pictures and details from previous property listings for future use, and real estate agencies often leave their listings up after closure to advertise their ability to sell. Using downloaded pictures and information, it is easy to create a fake listing for a real property, pretending to be the landlord. With housing in short supply, and several applicants often competing for a single property, the pressure to make a commitment and send a deposit sight-unseen is a reality, even in the legitimate rental market, so it is easy to see how people fall for such scams and send money to scammers believing that they are making a deposit on rent for their new home.
Within the last few months, locals have been turning to social media groups to voice their concerns about local scams. One concerning aspect of these scams is that scammers seem to be growing more clever in the use of technology when deceiving, which runs the risk of even the most alert individuals falling victim.
Others have complained about unwanted solicitation at their front door. Many municipalities, including North Grenville, have by-laws prohibiting door-to-door sales without a license. The majority of legitimate companies should be aware of such by-laws, so it is safe to say that if the Municipality has not announced that a license has been granted, there is a strong possibility that a person selling door-to-door is a scammer.
This type of scam is relatively simple – people are asked to provide their credit card details under the ruse of verifying their identity, when really the goal is to steal the numbers to make fraudulent purchases online. With scammers becoming increasingly able to hack into poorly secured online accounts such as email accounts, it is not difficult to go through and glean phone numbers, full names, and information such as who a person banks with. These details can then increase trust when a scammer makes a call, thereby making the potential victim more likely to fall for it.
New Leeds and Grenville Immigration Strategy Scams appear to be on the rise locally

The Strategy is designed to guide the work of not only the Immigration Partnership, but also that of local organizations, municipalities, employers, and individuals throughout Leeds and Grenville. This five-year plan includes not only existing initiatives like We Are Neighbours and the Leeds and Grenville Immigrant Entrepreneur Award, but also new tools for everyone, such as an organizational diversity audit. The audit will be a checklist tool to gauge the level of inclusivity and diversity in an organization or workplace. It will be widely distributed and is another tool to help organizations overcome labour shortages by being more inclusive and diverse.
Tires & Batteries - Front End Suspension
Antique & Modern Furnishings, Antiques &; Collectibles, Jewellery, Tools, Electronics, Antique Sewing Machines, Game Systems, Houseware, Quilts, Records, Bed Frames, Car Ramps, Vintage Linens and Clothing, Bikes, Framed Pictures, Coca Cola Memorabilia, Wedding Dresses, Wool and Much Much More
Sally Jorgensen
figured that I was tilting at a corporate windmill and that nothing would come of it.

by David Shanahan
brought from Ottawa but that will be it.
There has not been one piece of evidence that there are any economic benefits to this municipality. In fact, just the opposite. SolGen has publicly backtracked on local job opportunities, has used a facility with a courthouse as an indicator of economic activity, refuses to increase the heads to beds tax, and will not guarantee that the full cost of operating the facility will come from provincial funding. Mr. Barclay needs to detail what he believes those "benefits to the community" are, otherwise he is just a mouthpiece for the Ontario government.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
Dear Editor, I think there are a lot of questions the current council should answer related to their new provincial hotel.
One last point. Growing up in Ireland through the times of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, we were not spared the violence. When car bombs went off in Dublin in May, 1974, placed with the connivance of the British army, 26 people died, with another 7 being killed in a separate attack in Monaghan. When those 14 were shot in Derry in 1972, I was in the crowd who cheered as we watched the British Embassy in Dublin firebombed and burned to the ground. It is impossible to exaggerate the anger we felt. In that context, the actions of Queen Elizabeth in 2011 can be seen as the pivotal symbols they were.
Production 613-215-0735
13. What’s the impact going to be on KDH staff? Will the province provide security as long as an inmate is being treated?
11. Economic development benefit of this facility is a myth. Visitors may have a meal in NG, sell a few things
But in 2011 she brought a new level of dignity and a new hope to the people of Britain and Ireland at a time when both nations were seeking to come to terms with that troubled history, particularly following the Good Friday Agreement which brought the possibility of peace to the island of Ireland after decades of violence and strife.
5. As plant size increases the Ministry of the Environment may order additional monitoring and testing. Will province cover this?
In John Barclay's letter to the editor (Issue 34, Sept 1 2022), he states "I still won't oppose the construction of the jail as I believe there will be benefits to the community in the short and long term."
The Voice of North Grenville 6 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022 Editorial

Letters to the Editor
613-215-0735 TIMES
Lisa MuchGallanthasbeen
Queen Elizabeth II was an incredible person, given her background, privileges, and position. Whether anyone can build on her legacy remains to be seen, of course. The changes in Canada may be minimal, though when we begin to see her image on our currency replaced by that of the new King, it may begin to sink in
written and said to honour the memory and legacy of Queen Elizabeth since her death was announced last week, and it may seem a little late to add to that now. But there was an aspect to the Queen’s reign that I think very few in Canada would have known about or appreciated, and, as an Irishman, I think it is worth remembering.
3. Major developments in NG were made to install new wells to handle their needs will the same be required of the province?
14. Can the province provide an entrance/exit to the prison off 416 so prison traffic does not have to come into our community?
require additional contract hours to cover “events” at the facility. Will province cover such costs?
Two days later, I got the nicest email from the manager thanking me for pointing out the problem and saying that the computer glitch was found and corrected. I was even offered a free carwash for the inconvenience. I was pleasantly surprised that they not only corrected the problem but that they took the time to let me know. So thank you GoMarket for renewing my belief that if you address an issue directly with the people responsible, legitimate concerns can be addressed. Why would anyone post negatively on social media without first giving someone the chance to address an issue??
that a new era in history has begun with her death.
acknowledge something essential.Inher speech that night, she said something else that went to healing memories and hurts. ““With the benefit of historical hindsight, we can all see things which we would wish would have been done differently”, and then, looking up from her text, she added, “or not at all.” There was much else that took place during that visit, but it all added up to a major step forward in establishing a new basis for the relationship between the two nations, and was deeply appreciated then and now. It was not easy for any British monarch to make those steps, and it was against the advice of many of her staff that she did so. Her visit was a powerful symbol that validated all of the risks and compromises made by those who had achieved the Good Friday resultbetheventOneAgreement.otherincredibleinwhichQueenEliza-tookpartcameasaofthatnewfoundation
It will appear odd to some that someone raised in the Republic of Ireland would want to add to the already widespread appreciation of her life and achievements, and perhaps that makes it more important that I try to do so.
laid in Dublin in 2011. The following year, on a visit to Northern Ireland, she met with the leaders of the government there, which includ-
Bill Gooch
6. OPP will probably
1. Staff time related to all aspects of the prison are going to involve thousands of hours or the hiring of an expensive consultant.. will the province cover all costs related to planning of this facility?
Times Inc.
The North Grenville Times Grenville
It is a well-known fact of history that Ireland and Britain have not had the happiest of relationships, and the British monarchy and political establishment have not always been looked upon with any great warmth and affection in Ireland as a result. But Queen Elizabeth, as in so many other ways, was different. She served her people for over seventy years with real grace and
Dear Editor,
Her first words were given in the Irish language: “A Uachtaráin agus a chairde” [President and friends]. The room broke into spontaneous applause, and President McAleese could be seen mouthing the words, “Oh wow!” two or three times. So simple, so easy to miss, but so symbolic at the same time. The Irish people, for so long seen as lesser people, (“No dogs, no Blacks, no Irish”) heard the Queen
10. When prisoners are released are they marched out the door in Kemptville or bused, by the facility, back to Ottawa?
2. Water and sewer lines along Prescott were not sized to accommodate such a facility. Will province pay for and install new pipes from the facility to the plant ?
8. Municipal water/ sewer users cover all costs related to the system. With the current high cost of water will there be additional increases for the users. Will current users be responsible for the payment of any debentures taken out related to expansion.9.Isplant capacity reserved for the huge residential development on 43?
MelissaMarketing/SalesOttenhof 2291-0301 north grenville
ed both Unionist and Sinn Fein members. The Deputy First Minister was a man named Martin McGuinness, one time Commander of the Provisional IRA in Derry. When these two symbols of such diverse history and status met and shook hands, something else changed in history. What it took for the two of them to greet each other like that was remarkable. The IRA had murdered the Queen’s cousin, Lord Mountbatten, not to mention very many of her soldiers. Martin McGuinness led the IRA in Derry at the time when the British army murdered 14 unarmed and peaceful demonstrators in January of 1972. Both had come a long way to that moment, and it allowed others to follow their example on a journey that is not yet over.
Mailing Address P.O. Box 1854 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
When we held our all candidates meeting last week, I called for a moment’s silence in honour of the deceased Queen, and in my mind, I saw her bowing her head in the Garden of Remembrance, and shaking hands with Martin McGuinness. There are historic moments and gestures that can change your world.
is published weekly by North
Dear Editor, Kudos to GoMarket for listening!Ihad to pick up some eggs on Labour Day from the GoMarket. I had the exact change in my hand, $6.00, when the cashier said $6.65. Now I am quite ready to pay a convenience premium for forgetting eggs during the regular grocery trip, but the posted price was $5.99, so I questioned the cashier. HST. I pointed out there is no HST on eggs. The cashier was trying to be helpful, and showed that his cash register said there was. Even with truth and justice on my side, I knew an employee could not conceive that his computer might be wrong, so I paid and left. However, I subsequently wrote a note pointing out that the cash register was in error, addressed it to the owner/manager and hand delivered it to the store. I
7. If existing sewer pipes are going to be used will the Bridge St. Sewage lift station handle the load. Will province cover costs to determine this?
12. Yes, there will be jobs, how many of those working in the prison will live/shop here is unknown. People are simply guessing at this aspect.

15. NOT LAST BUT CERTAINLY THE MOST IMPORTANT TO ME. We are incredibly fortunate in having a wonderful group of men and women who volunteer to serve on our fire department. Will council tell the province it needs to look after its own fire needs as we cannot ask volunteers to put themselves in such a situation...
In May of 2011, the Queen and her husband made a State visit to Ireland at the invitation of the Irish President, Mary McAleese, the first visit by a reigning British monarch in a century, the first since Irish independence in 1921. It had to be perfect in every way, there was so much riding on it for the future of both nations. Queen Elizabeth made it perfect. Security, as you can imagine, was intense, and fears of protests and demonstrations added to the uncertainty. On her first day, the Queen and the President visited the Garden of Remembrance, a site 613 329 0209 ISSN
honour, holding to her sense of duty to her God and her people with a dedication that was never less than admirable.
Staff Reporter brandon@ndtimes.caMayer
dedicated to the memory of those who fought for Irish freedom - freedom from the rule of British monarchs and governments.TheQueen laid a wreath at the monument, then, stepping back, she straightened her back and then bowed before the monument, recognising those memorialised there. That one, simple gesture managed to heal centuries of conflict and distrust in the hearts of so many Irish people. It was incredibly moving and brought tears to many eyes. The following evening, at a State banquet attended by British and Irish politicians, artists, business people and others, the Queen rose to make her remarks to the assembly.
PatAccountingJessop 613-258-4671 613-215-0735
4. Staffing at the treatment facility will need to be enhanced. Will the province agree to cover the cost of two additional person years for the plant operation?
www.ngtimes.cathe Mayor Peckford’s e-newsletter at:
Materials accepted include petroleum products, oil filters, antifreeze, paints & solvents, batteries, propane tanks, fertilizers, pesticides, light bulbs, fluorescent light bulbs/tubes and pharmaceuticals, all of which are “household” in nature. Private/commercial business waste will not be accepted.
• Council Meeting (Open) – Council Chambers – Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. CANCELLED
• Council Meeting (Open) – Suite A – Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
• New PC Setup • Computer Repairs • Virus Removal • Data Recovery • WiFi Network Setup • Custom Solutions On-Site & RemoteSupportTech 1-855-425-5832 Serving North Grenville, North Dundas and surrounding areas CONVERT YOUR VHS AND 8MM TAPES TO DIGITAL OR DVD! Portion of proceeds from each converted tape will be donated to House of Lazarus. Preserve your family memories before it’s too late, contact Alltec today! LIKE US facebookon HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY Residents

Questions? Call 342-3840 ext. 2413
The Municipal office is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00
The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking to fill a casual position of Waste Transfer Station Attendant. The salary for this position currently pays $16.83 to $18.92 per hour. Interested applicants may submit a cover letter and resume outlining qualifications in confidence to Human Resources by 4 PM, September 16th, 2022.
The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130 , Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: general@northgrenville.on.ca613-258-9620
7September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville •• UPDATE
Visit our events calendar to find out what’s happening in the community:
By-Law Services: email: bylawinquiries@northgrenville.on.ca613-258-9569x211

The Municipality is looking to fill the position of the Deputy Returning Officer/Revision Officer and Greeter/Screener at the poll for the upcoming Municipal Election on Monday, October 24, 2022. Opportunity will also be available on October 20 and 21, 2022 for the advance poll dates. There are a number of opportunities at the poll and this is your chance to get involved. Visit or for more information.
• Environmental Action Advisory Committee – Monday, September 26, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
All 2022 final tax bills have been mailed. If you have not received your bill, please contact the Administration Office. The due date is September 30. Payments can be made by credit card when paying online through our website.
Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Control: 613-862-9002

Committees may be meeting in-person or virtually. Please see the Committee agenda for details on how to attend.

• Arts and Culture Advisory Committee – Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
can drop off Household Hazardous Waste
Prescott and

To make a deputation in relation to an item on the agenda, please provide your comments no later than two hours prior to the start of the meeting to clerk@ Councilnorthgrenville.on.caagendasareavailable at:

Fire Services Info: 613-258-9569 x201 Fax: 613-258-1031
Spencerville Fairgrounds Grenville County Patrol Garage Goodin Road Entrance 720 County Rd. # 44 (North end of fairgrounds) (South of Kemptville) 8:30 am – 2:00 pm 8:30 am – 2:00 pm
Please visit for information and updates on volunteer and employment opportunities. of the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville the Towns of Gananoque

Building Inspector
Building: 613-258-9569 x130 Fax: 613-258-1441
The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking to fill the full-time position of Building Inspector. Interested applicants may submit a cover letter and resume outlining qualifications in confidence to Human Resources. Please note that this posting will remain open until a suitable pool of applicants have been received.
• Accessibility Advisory Committee – Monday, September 19, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
Council meetings will be held in Council Chambers and will be live streamed on YouTube at: and on the Municipality’s website at:
Materials not accepted include commercial and/or industrial waste, electronics, appliances, flares, explosives, PCB’s and radioactive materials. Waste from other municipalities including the City of Brockville will not be accepted.
Waste Transfer Station Attendant

We’re Hiring!
“With that being said,”
Even more urgent was this one: “Friend, This email is only 45 words long: This is President Trump and I URGENTLY need your help. Joe Biden and the radical Left are working OVERTIME this month. I’m humbly asking for your support and contribution of just $5. We’ll SAVE AMERICA together, Friend.” That’s a great deal for only $5!
My favourite one, so far, was the exclusive offer to enter a draw to win a golf flag signed by Trump himself. What a prize! “The 45th President SIGNED a TRUMPONE-OF-A-KINDGOLFFLAG,
Signed by Trump himself, of course.Thisseems far more like a scam than a political fundraising operation, and indeed, officials from the Save America organisation are been subpoenaed by the January 6 Committee. By last July, Save America had raised more than $150 million. Yes, the money-making continues, though why Canadian newspapers should be the victims of this kind of spamming is hard to understand. Unless you begin to wonder: how many of those $150 million came from this side of the border?
• Seasonal Labourers (Day Shift)
by David Shanahan
MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant

Several studies have shown that apple polyphenols can reduce body weight and inflammation. But a new study on mice has demonstrated that apple polyphenols prevent loss of bone mass induced by obesity, which has potential implications for the prevention and treatment of obesity-related osteoporosis.Other studies are exploring whether the addi-
So far, in 2022, it has been easy to find nearly 100 studies published by scientists around the world investigating the properties of apple polyphenols. Twenty years ago, only 13 such studies were published. Collectively, between 2002 and today, PubMed provides access to over one thousand studies on apple polyphenols. Don’t let anyone tell you that natural products are not being researched!

KDH was one of four eastern Ontario hospitals to experience an emergency department closure over the Labour Day weekend: Glengarry Memorial Hospital in Alexandria, and Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital both closed their emergency departments overnight on Saturday, and Almonte General Hospital was closed on Monday night.
KDH asDepartmentEmergencyreopensplanned

An unexpected correspondence
Email: the north grenville
The scientific consensus is clear. Apples contain a lot of goodFirst,things.they are packed with macronutrients including sugars, fibres, pectin, fat and proteins. They contain malic and citric acids, which are organic acids required for healthy digestion. They have C, E, and B-complex vitamins. And they have minerals such as potassium, calcium, nitrogen, and Scientistsmagnesium.arenow exploring fascinating new dimensions of nutrition and food. For example, let’s
The Editor of a newspaper can expect to receive letters from a wide variety of sources: individuals, organisations, governments, etc. But correspondence usually comes from within the local community, or perhaps the Province. So, imagine the surprise in the Times office when literally dozens of letters started to arrive in our email from, would you believe, Donald J. Trump?Apparently, Trump’s Save America gang - the organisation that is being investigated by the January 6 Committee in Congress, is eager to contact any and all newspapers, periodicals, and anyone else who might have a couple of dollars to spare, asking for money and support in other ways.
Township of North Dundas 636 St. Lawrence Street, P.O. Box 489, Winchester, ON, K0C 2K0

big one (or should that be the BIG one?). “Friend, I want to meet you. We'll have a great time and take a photo together. Flight and hotel covered. Please contribute $45 by 11:59 PM TONIGHT to enter to win a trip to meet me at my VIP event in MIAMI.”
• Seasonal Plow Truck Drivers (Day Shifts & Afternoon Shifts)

Let’s take a classic example: the hearty apple. It’s long been said, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. References can be found
What are some of the findings?
The Kemptville District H ospital (KDH) Emergency Department resumed 24-hour operations on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 as planned. The Hospital had announced on August 31 that its Emergency Department would be closed from 7 pm to 7 am for six nights as a result of a staffing shortage.
Good health is not achieved through inaction. Live a poor lifestyle, and illness will come as sure as night follows day. But the talents of doctors and the cure of drugs are best reserved for the unlucky who lose the health lottery. For young people, and the healthy aging population, a proactive, protective stance should be the default position. What better way to achieve this than by adopting natural approaches?
The Voice of North Grenville 8 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022

But health systems are overwhelmed. To ease the crush, people who are not yet ill should take up responsibility to stay healthy.
as far back as Plato! But what does the modern scientific community have to say about apples?
For example, one recent email declared: “Pres-

We write about natural remedies we believe are good for human health. Why this focus? It’s not to encourage avoidance of pharmaceutical drugs when medical care is an imperative. To the contrary, Canadians have the luxury of the world’s best doctors, medicinal drugs, and healthcare facilities.
look at the phytochemical compounds in apples, called polyphenols, known predominantly for their antioxidant qualities.
tion of apple polyphenols to cured and smoked meats like bacon, can help reduce carcinogenic risks. The idea is to use natural antioxidants to reduce oxidation and nitrite additives in processed meats to improve safety.Still other studies are looking at how apple polyphenols perform in the digestive systems of adults, as compared to aging seniors. They have found that as people age, their digestive systems fail to absorb the benefits of some foods. This means we should pay close attention to supplements offering,youmightbetolearnthatsup-
plements offer a convenient alternative packed with health benefits. The polyphenol content of young apples found in supplements can be ten times higher than in the fresh fruit found in grocery stores. Look for ApplePhenon as an ingredient.Here’sto your health this apple season and all yearSign-uplong! at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Instagram @docgiff and @ diana_gifford_jo
CEO Vassallo stated that KDH continues to monitor staffing levels, and is taking steps to prevent future closures, including actively recruiting new nurses, working with temporary staffing agencies, and evaluating different staffing strategies and alternate models of care.
A Windfall of Science on Apples
For full position descriptions and details, visit Career Opportunities on our website. Application deadline is September 30, 2022.
ident Trump has requested your input on some key issues. Please take our Official 2022 Trump Issues Survey immediately. All responses in the NEXT HOUR will be sent directly to President Trump’s desk for review.” How could you refuse?
It might stun you to know that scientists have published over 65,700 articles on apples in the past 50 years, available on the peer-reviewed scientific database, Scopus. The National Institutes of Health in the U.S. houses a massive open-source repository of research in its National Library of Medicine. Since 1997, using the web address, anyone can search the database.
“I am very pleased to announce that our staffing situation has stabilized and we can once again ensure that all employees and physicians have a safe work environment and our patients can receive safe care – care that they have come to expect from KDH," said Frank Vassallo, KDH’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are grateful to our community for their patience during the temporary partial closure.”
he added, “it’s important to remember that these are unprecedented and fluid times relative to health human resources; as such, future ED closures could occur even in the face of extraordinary efforts to keep the department open 24/7.”

AND HE WANTS YOU TO HAVE IT. President Trump signed this golf flag for you! You will never find another original Trump Golf Flag hand signed by the MAN HIMSELF, so this offer is ONLY available for his most ELITE supporters. That’s YOU, Friend.” Just contribute any amount for your chance to win. Of course, by entering, according to the small print, “By sending a text message from your mobile phone, you are providing your written consent to receive calls and SMS/ MMS messages, including autodialed and automated calls and texts, to that number from the Save America JFC. Text message and data rates may apply.”
Imagine the volume of calls you can expect to receive after that! But calls are not the only thing you can hope for. Here’s the
Phone:613 329 0209
by Jenny Read, KDH

9September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville SeptemberKemptville20th-24thOnt CanadianParachuteSkyHawksTeamRam Rodeo and the Canadain Cowgirls The Municipality of North Grenville and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, Ontario are proud to present the 2022 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo! We invite you to join us in this celebration of agriculture and rural living to explore our many antique and educational displays , daily entertainment, and 100s of vendors and exhibitors. Relax and enjoy an amazing outing with friends and family! There is something for everyone at the International Plowing Match and Rural Expo and we cannot wait to see you there! Visit our Website for information about the IPM. Thank you to our sponsors! family! HeartlandsMarhsallAmber W�lc��� t� ��� In���na�i�n�� Pl���n� Mat�� S��e���� � E��nt�

This said, most of the plowing competitions are

ThisCorners.isthe largest event that this area has seen in its 230 plus history. It isn’t every day we attract 80,000 people to our municipality which will showcase our wonderful community, including its deep agricultural roots. We hope you have an unforgettable experience at the Match!
- the Dodge Ram Rodeo and the Canadian Cowgirls Precision Drill Team, and - nationally celebrated musicians daily on the mainstage - all located in the IPM’s exhibition grounds on Kemptville Campus.

Real Estate • Wills & Estates Commercial & Corporate • Farm Business & Real Estate celebrationfun-filled

At the same time, the Match is no longer just for farming enthusiasts. It draws people of all ages and from all walks of life. Key entertainers include: - the Canadian Armed Forces Skyhawks Parachute Team,
being graciously hosted at Rideauside Farms owned by Charles and Rosemary Bennett, the host family for the TheIPM.IPM is an unprecedented opportunity to celebrate the vital role farmers and agriculture play in our daily lives. Agricultural practices are changing all the time, and it’s crucial that we show future generations where our food comes from and the sophistication of many farm operations today.
A brilliant blend of urban and rural charm, the Municipality of North Grenville is comprised of the Town of Kemptville and several rural hamlets including Oxford Mills, Oxford Station, Bishop’s Mills, Burritt’s Rapids, Heckston, and Peltons
The exhibition area will be jam packed with so much to see and do! The Municipality of North Grenville and the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville will be on site with exciting community showcases featuring games for kids, firefighter displays, local food vendors, artist installations, and much more.There will also be rest and phone charging areas, picnic tables, and a water bottle refilling station at the North Grenville showcase.

IPM and wish to thank the local organizing committee who - alongside hundreds of volunteers - have made this event a reality.
As you likely know, the IPM has become North America’s largest outdoor agricultural and rural expo since its inception over 100 years ago. Partly located on the historic grounds of the Kemptville Campus, now owned by the Municipality, there are 630 acres of woodlands, crop lands, green houses, sugar bush, as well as local businesses and schools. For over 100 years, Kemptville College delivered leading edge agricultural and related training in this very location.
On behalf of Council, I would like to extend a warm welcome to those visiting the Municipality of North Grenville for the 2022 International Plowing Match

The Voice of North Grenville 10 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022
714 Kilmarnock Rd, Jasper 613-283-7444 • Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm Wishing all a

W�lc��� t� ��� ��M �r�� M�y�� Pe�kf�r� �n� C��n���
and Rural Expo (IPM) , and would urge all of our local residents to take in this extraordinary event. We are so thrilled to be the host community for the

11September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville 3332 A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. 32 5RoadService2RoadService 4RoadService3RoadService1RoadService1RoadService BoundaryRoad IPM 2022 TENTED CITY MAP LEEDS GRENVILLE AVENUE BMO AVENUE ONTARIO MUTUALS AVENUE HYDRO ONE AVENUE NORTH GRENVILLE AVENUEKCATAVENUE STREETFIRST STREETSECOND STREETFOURTHSTREETTHIRD Service Area 44RoadCountyKemptvilleDowntowntotoHighway416 Bedell Road to RV Park College Road G1 G2 G3 G5 UAW G4 Hydro One Education Centre North 2 LEGEND Family Centre and Lost Persons To Tractor Plowing Fields To Horse Plowing Fields and Antique Plowing Fields Education ATMWashroomsInfoRVAccessibilityGateGateParkEntranceBoothMachines PP Partners Park First Aid S IPM 2022 Souvenirs’ Tent S Service/Exhibitor Entrance Gate OPA/IPM Tented City VIP VIP/Special Events Tent Sponsored by Grain Farmers of Ontario UAW Universal Accessible Washroom OPA Welcome Centre Not to Scale 2022,SeptemberandPlowingInternationalMatchRuralExpo20-24,2022NorthGrenville,CountiesofLeeds&Grenville The RAM Truck Corral South 1 & 2 (Rodeo Parking) Leeds Grenville RegionalSouthShowcase3 Harvex Agriculture Tent TailgateSouthTalks4 North Antiques1 & Historical Area 1A Commercial01-12Tent1A13-26 1B 01-12 1B 13-26 2ACanadianCowgirls01-12 2A 13-26 2A 27-40 2A 41-54 MunicipalityofNorthGrenville3B01-12 3B 27-40 3BLifestylesTent41-54 AVENUE Living3BArtisanTent55-68RuralTent KCAT AVENUE 3B 69-80 4A 01-12 4A 13-26 4A 27-40 4A 41-54 4A 55-68 4A 69-80 4B 01-12 4B 13-26 4B 27-40 4B 41-54 4B 55-68 4B 69-80 Final Furrow (Lounge) 1A 27-40 1B 27-40 2B 01-12 2B 13-26 2B 27-40 2B 41-54 2B 55-68 MUTUALAVENUESQUARE See inset 3A 27-40 3A 3A3AQuilt41-54Tent55-6801-12 Tentative Map - Subject to Change. See for update S to RV Park MUTUAL SQUARE Ontario Mutuals Main Stage VIP SPP

A Showcase
Hours: 8:30 am to 5 pm daily
• No smoking or vaping is permitted in Tented City
Note: Every effort has been made to provide current and up to date information in this guide. The Tented City map, Thank You to sponsors and the exhibitors list are current to August 10th. Additions and changes after that time unfortunately are not included.
The 2022 International Plowing Match (IPM) and Rural Expo are excited to announce that western horse riding will be on display throughout the September event at Kemptville Campus in North Grenville. Both the Canadian Cowgirls and the Ram Rodeo are scheduled to showcase their captivating talents.
The RAM RODEO Tour will also appear at the match. Bareback riding, bronc riding, barrel racing, bull riding, and pole bending will excite those in attendance. The Rodeo will be held on September 22, 23 and 24.
Daily events run 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

IPM organizers are thrilled to provide a platform that brings opportunities such as the CanadianCowgirls and Ram Rodeo to North Grenville. These types of entertainers give a perfect opportunity for people of all ages to enjoy the magic of the agriculture world and the many bonding attributes it provides our local communities.
• No pets allowed in Tented City (service animals allowed)
2022 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH & RURAL EXPO DETAILS The NFU Ontario is an accredited farm organization and a direct member organization of farmers, and their supporters, that has advocated for farm families since 1969 National Farmers Union (NFU) Learn more at nfuontario ca Strong communities Sound policies Sustainable farms TorontoCanadaOntario, hours3.5 Ottawa hour1 Montreal hours2

We accept Cash, Debit, Visa and Mastercard at the Gates. All sales final. No refunds. No exchanges. Not for resale.
• Adult (ages 16+) - $25 (HST included)
Event goers will witness the thundering sound of hooves and the proudly ying ags of the CANADIAN COWGIRLS. The cowgirls are known for their extreme performance within the horse ring, from musical performances to dazzling costumes, and maneuvers that will have onlookers on the edge of the seat.
18 A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Tickets available online at:,visit
IPM Western Horse Riding Performances&
Date: Tuesday, September 20 to Saturday, September 24, 2022
The Voice of North Grenville 12 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022 &Landscape ConstructionDesign (613) 258-6805 Design Interlock Ponds & Gardens Armour Stone Deliveries Lawn Seeding & Sod Lawn Repair & Maintenance Spring & Fall Clean-ups Over 30 Years of Service Enjoy the IPM and Rural Expo! • Crushed Stone • Gravel • Sand •Truck/Equipment Rentals (with operator) Head Office 109 Washburn Rd., Athens, On Hunter613-924-2634Quarry 1909 County Rd. 21 Spencerville, On613-269-4004WilsonQuarry1590 County Rd. 43, Smiths Falls, On 613-269-4004

• Children ages 5 and under – FREE

We look forward to welcoming you to IPM 2022!
Daily Tickets: One ticket is required per day, per person. (For example, one adult attending all five days will need five adult tickets)
of Agricultural
• Youth (ages 6 - 15) - $5 (HST included)


The RAM Rodeo is a classic and long-time fan favourite of the IPM. Fans will be holding their breath and jumping with excitement as the talented compete in events such as barrel-racing, bucking broncos, and the dangerous, yet thrilling, bull riding competitions. And to add even more excitement to this thrilling event, the RAM Rodeo results are counted toward the Rodeo Tour so every lasso, buck, and bronc comes with very high stakes!
A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

precision movement, and dangerous & daring manoeuvrers all while on horseback. They are known to dazzle viewers worldwide as they are the only Canadian ever to be invited to the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, CA and have also acted as Honour Guard for Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.
Hunter Brothers
The 2022 IPM will be hosting the Canadian Cowgirls Rodeo Drill Team. This unique group (who hail from Chatham-Kent, Ontario!) does coordinated formations,

Once again, the Agricultural Tent will showcase the Enviro-Farm. A scale model farming operation that showcases several environmentally sustainable techniques currently in use in agriculture.

12 A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Drill Team

The IPM will be hosting Canada’s Celtic Rock Warriors! The Mudmen combine rock, bagpipes, and Celtic influence for an energetic and unique sound that will have you dancing whether you were planning to or not. This fun, hard-hitting, Canadian group has quite the list of events including Special Olympics Opening Ceremonies, 7 Grey Cups, and 3 Briers; the IPM is excited to be added to this list.
Harvex Agricultural Tent
13September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville Your Country REALTOR® Proudly serving North and South Dundas, North and South Grenville, Stormont and all points in between! Bus: 613.258.1990 Dir: www.jenniferhindorff.comjenniferhindorff@royallepage.ca613.218.7128 Enjoy your time at the 2022 IPM! email: 2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business Park 613 258 3282 Enjoy the IPM GLEN ROBINSON & SONS PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR For all your New Construction, Renovation, Service, Water Treatment, Air-conditioning and In-floor Heating Needs QUALITY SERVICE, REASONABLE RATES, FREE ESTI MATES Ron Robinson, Prop. RR2 Chesterville, ON 613-448-2894 Enjoy the MATCH! 10 A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Visitors to the Agricultural Tent will find a mix of agriculture-related vendors and service providers. Both local and regional displays create a wonderful backdrop for our Tailgate Talk lecture series – see the tent for topics and times.

The Ottawa Valley Seed growers are celebrating the Eastern inductees to the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame. During the IPM the inductees’ photos and bios will be displayed in the Harvex Agriculture Tent to honour these local pioneers of agriculture.
Amber Marshall
The 2022 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo (IPM) is pleased to welcome Canadian actress Amber Marshall. Amber will be showing off that star power as she co-MCs the Rodeo on Saturday! Amber is known for her excellent work as Amy Fleming in the Canadian classic, ‘Heartland,’ which saw her win Canada’s Screen Star in 2013.
11A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
The IPM will be hosting Canada’s Celtic Rock Warriors! The Mudmen combine rock, bagpipes, and Celtic influence for an energetic and unique sound that will have you dancing whether you were planning to or not. This fun, hard-hitting, Canadian group has quite the list of events including Special Olympics Opening Ceremonies, 7 Grey Cups, and 3 Briers; the IPM is excited to be added to this list.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is the Canadian Armed Forces Parachute Team, the SkyHawks! This talented and professional squad preform highly technical and daring parachute manoeuvres as a unit. The SkyHawks perform at sporting events, air shows, and festivals across Canada. Be ready to be amazed as this team flies through the sky before our very eyes.
precision movement, and dangerous & daring manoeuvrers all while on horseback. They are known to dazzle viewers worldwide as they are the only Canadian ever to be invited to the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, CA and have also acted as Honour Guard for Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.
We are thrilled to welcome the Canadian country group Hunter Brothers. This group combines smooth vocals and pop influence to create a sound that just feels immersive and has you swaying along. The Hunter Brothers have received many accolades including over a dozen national nominations and a dozen provincial awards for their work. Come out to see this high-powered group own the stage!

Main Stage Mud Men- 2pm-3pm Daisy Train- 3:30pm-4:30pm Lounge CountryStageRoads- 12:30HOJORO1:30pm Trio – 2pm-3pm
HeirsLoungeof the Dog- 12pm-1pm White Brothers Country Music Band – 1:30pm-2:30pm Peter and Mally- 3:30pmFriendsMutuals5pmand
Mud Men- 4pm- 5pm Grenville Mutual Stage Rosewood- 1pm- 3pm Eastern Ontario Square Dance and Round Dance Association- 3:30pm- 5pm RV FreddyParkVette and the Rhinestone Cowboys- 8pm-10pm Wednesday Sept 21 st
Kyle Felhaver and Brandy Creek- 1:30pm- 2:30pm Steel Grey Band – 3:30pmKyleMutuals5pmFelhaver- 11am-12pm
Main UkuleleStageWorkshop- 10-11am
The Mighty 4:30pmMighty2:30pmCornCR5-LoungeCory3:30pmHillbillyStewarts12:30pmKieran10am-11amHarmonics-Robinson-11:30am-Glen–1pm-2pmHighway–2:20pm-Coons-4pm-5pmTent12pm-1pmowerBlue-1:30pm-Harmonics-3pm-
Mike Shaw- 2pm- 3pm Nelson Colt- 3:30pm- 5pm RV Buckledown-Park 7pm-8:30pm Nelson Colt Band- 9- 11pm Saturday Sept 24 th
14 www.ngtimes.caSeptember 15, 2022
IPM and Rural Expo welcomes the Hunter Brothers

In addition to the Hunter Brothers, the IPM schedule boosts entertainers and music of all kinds throughout the four day event running from September 20 to 24.

Cat Murphy Band- 12:30pmNaomi1:30pmBristow – 2pm-3pm
Family Ceilidh hosted by the Gallagher Family- 1pm- 4pm RV AmbushPark (presented by 1000 island RVs) – 7pm-10pm
The Riverstones- 2pmDoubleback-3:30pm 4pm-5pm OddLoungeMan Out- 12pm-1pm
The Grateful Kids- 11:30amRon12:30pmGallinger and Helen Parson’s – 1pm-2pm Marleen Fawcett and Mountain Breeze- 2:30pm-3:30pm Nayana- 4pm-5pm Lounge
For Tickets visit:,visit:https://
million video & audio streams to date, Hunter Brothers have amassed a large volume of industry credibility in a record amount of time, including multiple CCMA Award nominations, JUNO Award nominations and SCMA Award wins. The brothers rst signed with Open Road recordings and released their debut “El Dorado” in 2016. This year, the Hunter brothers are making their debut at the IPM on September 24.
Kieran Robinson- 1:30pmStewarts2:30pm Glen- 3:30pmEddieRV4:30pmParkand the StingraysDW7pm-8:30pmJames-9pm- 11pm Friday Sept 23 rd
The Canadian grown musician group from Shaunavon, Saskatchewan the HUNTER BROTHERS will appear at the 2022 International Plowing Match (IPM) & Rural Expo inKemptville in the third week of WithSeptember.over61
RV Park- Mud Men 8-10pm Tuesday Sept 20
The Riverstones- 12:30pm1:30pm
HillbillyMutualsHighway- 12pm-1pm
Marleen Fawcett and Mountain Breeze - 4pm- 5pm RV WayneParkRostad – 7pm-9pm

The Posse- 9pm-11:30pm Thursday Sept 22 nd Main Stage
Monday Sept 19
TheMainstageGallaghers- 10am-11am VIP Awards- 11:30am-1pm
Wayne Rostad- 3:30pm- 5pm CatMutualsMurphy Band – 10:30amNaomi11:30amBristow- 12pm- 1pm
Eastern Ontario Square Dancing and Round Dancing- 12:30pm- 1:30pm
Glenn Silverson Band1:30pm- 3pm
QueenMainstageofthe Furrow Speeches- 10am-12pm
ML Trailers, Bourget 2B 13-15
Como Farm Equipment, Winchester 4A 20
Raw For Pets, St. Thomas 1B 24
Sew Special Embroidery, Belwood 4A 55
Photo by Elaine Hanlon
Calhoun SuperStructures, Morrisburg 4A 08
Grain Farmers of Ontario VIP/Special Events Tent 3B 19-23
Smiths Farm Equipment (Jasper) Limited, Jasper 4B 31-32
Wilson Sheds, Kemptville 2A 31
Alexandria Camping Centre, Alexandria2A 41-50
Clearview Lumber Ltd., Smiths Falls 2A 38
Tent 3B 55-61
Green Valley Heating Inc., Granton 2A 40
Calhoun SuperStructures, Morrisburg 4A 08
PJ Trailers Canada, Dunvegan 4A 27-29 Quilt Tent 3A 48-54
Rideau Auctions Inc., Winchester 1B 25-26
Kemptville Homes Real Estate Brokerage, Kemptville 2A 16
The Ontario Mutuals Main Stage 3B 13-18
Sevita International, Inkerman 4A 06
The Mutual Avenue Stage 3A 27-32
Grenville Cattlemen’s Association/Beef Farmers of Ontario 4A 03
Dixons Automotive Group, Brockville 2B 16 Dodge 2B 01-05
Wallenstein Equipment Inc., Wallenstein 4A 22
Commercial Tent 1A 13-19
Hwy 511 Heating Solutions Inc., Perth2A 24-26
Can-Am, Sherbrooke QC, 2B 39-40
Broeders Farm Equipment, North Augusta4B41-43
Souvenir Tent - IPM 2022 3A 23-26
Leeds Grenville Regional ShowcaseSouth 3
M&P Farm Equipment Ltd., Almonte 4A 16
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs 3B 37-40
Ontario PC Caucus 3A 35
Central Boiler, Pembroke 2A 37
Harvex Agriculture Tent South 4
J.R. Brisson Equipment Ltd, Vars 4A 18
The Best Adirondack Chair Company, Kemptville 3B 06
Med-E-Ox Mobility in Motion, Goderich4B 25-26
M&P Farm Equipment Ltd., Almonte 4A 16
PJ Trailers Canada, Dunvegan 4A 27-29
Food Banks of Leeds & Grenville 3A 06
G. Tackaberry & Sons Construction, Athens 4B 45-46
Grain Farmers of Ontario VIP/Special Events Tent 3B 19-23
Antiques and Historical Displays North 1
Family Centre and Lost Persons Tent
Trottier Farm Equip Ltd., Alexandria 4B 13-16
Dixons Automotive Group, Brockville 2B 16 Dodge 2B 01-05
Lifestyles Tent 3B 45-50
As of August 10, 2022 NG Photography Club
Weagant Farm Supplies Topline Equipment, Winchester 4A 24-26
Artisan Tent 3B 63-68
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), Pickering 2A 19
Lucan Biddulph Recreation Committee, Lucan 2A 17
Blacks Creek Innovations Inc., Kemptville4B48-49
Como Farm Equipment, Winchester 4A 20
Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), Guelph 4A38-40
Co-operators, Kemptville 2B 08
Enertech Global LLC, St. Thomas 2A 35
Canadian Cowgirls 2A 01-06
Barrhaven Ford, Ottawa 2A 08-09
The Septic Store, Osgoode 2A 22-23
Kemptville Building Centre (BMR), Kemptville 2A 28
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), Pickering 2A 19
Gospel Focus, Kirkfield 2A 29-30
Sommers Generator Systems, Stratford 4B 06
ASL Agrodrain Limited, Osgoode 1A 24-26
Crawford Sheds Inc., Nepean 2B 20-21
Enertech Global LLC, St. Thomas 2A 35
Sommers Generator Systems, Stratford 4B 06
Amigos Distributing, New Dundee 2A 07
Amigos Distributing, New Dundee 2A 07
Grenville Mutual Insurance, Kemptville3B27-32

M.R. Blais Sales & Service Inc., Vars 4A 11-12
Ontario PC Caucus 3A 35
De Dell Seeds Inc., Melbourne 4A 09
Wright’s Welding Ltd., North Gower 4A 13-14
The Best Adirondack Chair Company, Kemptville 3B 06
L S Tractor, Battleboro, North Carolina4B 27-29
Dewdad Inc., Scarborough 1B 13
Hydro One Education Centre North 2
Barrhaven Ford, Ottawa 2A 08-09
Ontario Flag and Pole, Sutton West 2A 27
Country Aerial Photography, Kenilworth 1B 18
Raw For Pets, St. Thomas 1B 24 Reformed Evangelistic Outreach, Ancaster1B 17
Sparlings and Ultramar, Calgary, AB 2B 25
Ontario Flag and Pole, Sutton West 2A 27 Ontario Harvestore, Innerkip 4B 10 Ontario Landowners Association, Woodlawn4B09
Municipality of North Grenville 3B 07-12
Güttler / PMI-Ag, Stanstead QC 4A 34
MMA Trader, Maple 1B 19
SMG Champion / Clark Code Repairs, Oxford Mills 4A 50-51
Sevita International, Inkerman 4A 06
Cedar Run Farm and Sincere Preserves, Prescott 4A 43
L S Tractor, Battleboro, North Carolina4B 27-29
Bytown Timberworks, Greely 2A 18
Ottawa Equipment & Hydraulic Inc., Ottawa 4A 46-49
Ontario Landowners Association, Woodlawn4B09
& The Firelight Farmgirl, Lyndhurst 4B 34
St. Lawrence District Masonic Association, Athens 3B 04
Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Mississauga3B 42-44
Partnership Park 3A 17-22
J.R. Brisson Equipment Ltd, Vars 4A 18
Yogi’s Leather Shop, Conn 1B 14
Rideau Auctions Inc., Winchester 1B 25-26
BMO Bank of Montreal 3A 07-12
Brown’s Marina, Elgin 2B 34
Storm Internet, Ottawa 3A 55-57
Lockwood Brothers Construction, Oxford Station 2A 20-21
Big W Welding Livestock Equipment
The Ontario Mutuals Main Stage 3B 13-18
Fellowship of Christian Farmers - Canada, Alexandria 2B 22-23
Grenville Mutual Insurance, ..........................................Kemptville3B27-32
David Brown Construction, Ingleside 4A 41
Hydro One 3A 41-47
Family Centre and Lost Persons Tent 3A 14-16
Kemptville Homes Real Estate Brokerage, Kemptville 2A 16
Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Mississauga3B 42-44
L.S. Bilodeau Inc., Saint-Ephrem QC 2A 34
Ontario Mutual Insurance Association3A27-32
Hwy 511 Heating Solutions Inc., Perth2A 24-26
Ontario Plowmen’s Association Welcome Centre & Future IPMs 3B 24-26
BDL Equipment, Mountain 4A 31-32
Willis Kerr Contracting Ltd., Mountain 4B 51-54
Algonquin College - Perth Campus, Perth3B34-35
Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Ontario Plowmen’s Association Welcome Centre & Future IPMs 3B 24-26
Tailgate Talks Harvex Agriculture Tent
Municipality of North Grenville 3B 07-12
iSolara Solar Power, Ottawa 2A 14
Dan R Equipment, Winchester 4B 36-40
Med-E-Ox Mobility in Motion, Goderich4B 25-26
Broeders Farm Equipment, North Augusta4B41-43
Final Furrow Lounge 1A 27-40, 1B 27-40
Floral Design Landscaping & Pools, Kemptville2A33
Hydro One 3A 41-47
Lifestyles Tent 3B 45-50
Old Hickory Buildings of Ottawa & Kingston, Yarker 2A 13
EXIT Realty Eastern Ontario 2A 32
Harvex Agriculture Tent .............. South 4
Floral Design Landscaping & Pools, Kemptville2A33
27A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Smiths Farm Equipment (Jasper) Limited, Jasper 4B 31-32
Ontario Harvestore, Innerkip 4B 10
ZipGrow Inc., Cornwall 4B 07
Cooke Scales Inc., Chesterville 4A 04
Crawford Sheds Inc., Nepean 2B 20-21
St. Lawrence District Masonic Association, Athens 3B 04
SMG Champion / Clark Code Repairs, Oxford Mills 4A 50-51
Vermeer Canada, Brampton 4A 36
G. & J. Yelle Inc., Crysler 4B 19-20
Storm Internet, Ottawa ............ 3A 55-57
Grenville Cattlemen’s Association/Beef Farmers of Ontario 4A 03
Walsh Farm Supply, Cobden 4A 01-02
M.R. Blais Sales & Service Inc., Vars 4A 11-12
Leeds Grenville Regional ShowcaseSouth 3
DBC Environmental, Long Sault 4A 42 De Dell Seeds Inc., Melbourne 4A 09
Levac Propane, St-Isidore 2B 17-18
DBC Environmental, Long Sault 4A 42
Oegema, Nicholson & Associates, Manotick2B 10
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 3B 36
Algonquin College - Perth Campus, Perth3B34-35
Surf & Turf Instant Shelters Inc., Stoney Creek2A15
BMO Bank of Montreal .............. 3A 07-12
G. Tackaberry & Sons Construction, Athens 4B 45-46
Dewdad Inc., Scarborough 1B 13
Kwikcare Corp, Perth 2B 06
Bill Zandbergen, Brinston 4A 52-54
Artisan Tent 3B 63-68
RuralRogersLiving Tent 3B 55-61
Cedar Run Farm and Sincere Preserves, Prescott 4A 43
Ottawa Rideau Region Soil & Crop, Jasper 4A 37 Partnership Park 3A 17-22
Bell Mobility
ASL Agrodrain Limited, Osgoode 1A 24-26
Final Furrow Lounge 1A 27-40, 1B 27-40
Weagant Farm Supplies Topline Equipment, Winchester 4A 24-26
Myers Kemptville Chevrolet Buick GMC, Kemptville 2B 26
Tailgate Talks Harvex Agriculture Tent
RAM Truck Corral ................... South 1 & 2
Mudeas, Lynden 4B 21
15September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville CELEBRATING Tel: 613.258.3479 311 Ryan's Well Drive, Kemptville PROUD SPONSOR of this year's Plowing Match Jen MacDonald, BA, RDH Call 613 258 3200 or text 613 283 2078 to book your teeth cleaning appointment County Rd 43, Kemptville (old OPP building)

Delta Power Equipment, Mitchell 4A 23
Antiques and Historical Displays North 1
Trottier Farm Equip Ltd., Alexandria 4B 13-16

The Septic Store, Osgoode 2A 22-23
Wilson Sheds, Kemptville ............... 2A 31
Quilt Tent 3A 48-54
Shaw Bros. Limited, Barrie 4A 44-45
Lions Club of Kemptville, Kemptville 3A 05
BrokerLink, Stittsville 2B 30-31
Levac Propane, St-Isidore 2B 17-18
Ottawa Camping Trailers, Ottawa 2B 36-37
Central Boiler, Pembroke 2A 37
Can-Am, Sherbrooke QC, 2B 39-40
Britespan Building Systems, Wingham 4B 12
Wright’s Welding Ltd., North Gower 4A 13-14
BDL Equipment, Mountain 4A 31-32
Lockwood Brothers Construction, Oxford Station 2A 20-21

Britespan Building Systems, Wingham 4B 12
Surf & Turf Instant Shelters Inc., Stoney Creek2A15
De-on Supply Inc., Waterloo 2A 39
Sew Special Embroidery, Belwood 4A 55
As of August 10, 2022
Green Valley Heating Inc., Granton 2A 40
Lucan Biddulph Recreation Committee, Lucan 2A 17
Harvex Agromart Inc., Oxford Station ...... 4B 01-04
Reformed Evangelistic Outreach, Ancaster1B 17
Alexandria Camping Centre, Alexandria2A 41-50
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority,3BManotick01-02
Lions Club of Kemptville, Kemptville 3A 05
Old Hickory Buildings of Ottawa & Kingston, Yarker 2A 13
A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
The Mutual Avenue Stage 3A 27-32
Ottawa Rideau Region Soil & Crop, Jasper 4A 37
Food Banks of Leeds & Grenville 3A 06
Myers Kemptville Chevrolet Buick GMC, Kemptville 2B 26 Oegema, Nicholson & Associates, Manotick2B 10
Mudeas, Lynden 4B 21
Kwikcare Corp, Perth 2B 06
O’Farrell Wealth & Estate Planning, Kemptville ......................... 3A 37-40

Fellowship of Christian Farmers - Canada, Alexandria 2B 22-23
Ottawa Equipment & Hydraulic Inc., Ottawa 4A 46-49
Canadian Cowgirls 2A 01-06
Cooke Scales Inc., Chesterville 4A 04 Co-operators, Kemptville 2B 08
Gospel Focus, Kirkfield 2A 29-30
Harvex Agromart Inc., Oxford Station4B01-04
iLGi Canada, St. Agatha 4B 18
Sparlings and Ultramar, Calgary, AB 2B 25
Bill Zandbergen, Brinston 4A 52-54
Hydro One Education Centre North 2
L.S. Bilodeau Inc., Saint-Ephrem QC 2A 34
Brown’s Marina, Elgin 2B 34
Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), Guelph 4A38-40

Clearview Lumber Ltd., Smiths Falls 2A 38
ZipGrow Inc., Cornwall 4B 07
Blacks Creek Innovations Inc., Kemptville4B48-49
Country Aerial Photography, Kenilworth 1B 18
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 3B 36 Ontario Mutual Insurance ..........................................Association3A27-32
Commercial Tent 1A 13-19
iLGi Canada, St. Agatha 4B 18
Güttler / PMI-Ag, Stanstead QC 4A 34
Ottawa Camping Trailers, Ottawa 2B 36-37
Big W Welding Livestock Equipment & The Firelight Farmgirl, Lyndhurst 4B 34
G. & J. Yelle Inc., Crysler 4B 19-20
Kemptville Building Centre (BMR), Kemptville 2A 28
Bell Mobility
Yogi’s Leather Shop, Conn 1B 14
Francis Canada Truck Centre Inc., Ottawa 2B 11
Delta Power Equipment, Mitchell 4A 23
RAM Truck Corral South 1 & 2
De-on Supply Inc., Waterloo 2A 39
ML Trailers, Bourget 2B 13-15
Francis Canada Truck Centre Inc., Ottawa 2B 11

David Brown Construction, Ingleside 4A 41
Vermeer Canada, Brampton 4A 36
Souvenir Tent - IPM 2022 3A 23-26
EXIT Realty Eastern Ontario 2A 32
Walsh Farm Supply, Cobden 4A 01-02
O’Farrell Wealth & Estate Planning, Kemptville 3A 37-40

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority,3BManotick01-02
BrokerLink, Stittsville ................ 2B 30-31
Shaw Bros. Limited, Barrie 4A 44-45
Wallenstein Equipment Inc., Wallenstein 4A 22
Bytown Timberworks, Greely 2A 18
Dan R Equipment, Winchester 4B 36-40
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs 3B 37-40
iSolara Solar Power, Ottawa 2A 14
Willis Kerr Contracting Ltd., Mountain 4B 51-54
The Voice of North Grenville 16 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022 Come see us at our booth #4B-27-29 (613) 989-2636 1748 County Road 1, Mountain ON activitiesallEnjoythe at IPM 2022

Nicky T’s, Ottawa 4B 23

Consultants), Smith Falls
No Go Coffee Co., Kemptville 3A 33
17September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville 709www.creeksidedentalcentre.caRideauSt.613.258.9889 PROUD SPONSOR 115 Clothier St., E., Kemptville 613.258.2317 Welcome all visitors to North Grenville! Stop by for some fresh baked goods Grahame's Bakery Thank you to all the volunteers that are making this the best event ever in North Grenville 2928 A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. A Community Showcase of Agricultural and Rural Living, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Ontario Woodlot Association, Kemptville
Oasis Therapy, Milton
Whitteker Storage Inc. / Whitteker Environmental Services Inc., Brinston

Floral Design Landscaping & Pools, Kemptville
Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Ontario(OAAS)Stockyards Inc., Cookstown
Raj Sweet and Treat, Toronto 1B 15
Collège La Cité, Ottawa
Better Farming | Small Farm Canada, Guelph
Horizon Seed Canada Inc., Courtland

Gravitate Travel, Kemptville
Tailgate TUNGUSTalksCorporation, Ottawa Udder Comfort. Williamsburg
Collège Boréal, Sudbury
Ottawa Valley Seed Growers Association, Russell
Glengarry, Cornwall Travel In Style Destinations, White Lake United Counties of Prescott and Russell, UpperL’OrignalCanada Snowmobile Region, Carleton UWO/CREVAWC,Place London
I Want Ice Cream, London 2A 11, 4B 56
Jugar Sales Ltd., Smiths Falls

Smellink Realty, Iroquois
Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Winnipeg, MB Ceresco, St-Urbain-Premier, QC
The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and
Guy Duchesne Cook House Inc., L’Orignal 3A 01-03

Fraktals Chocolate, Aurora
Beyond Wireless Inc. - Rogers and Fido
HearingLife Canada, Toronto
Pal Around Crafts, Ottawa Perfect Pillow Co., Kanata Portraits by Paddy, Kemptville The Bismuth Smith, Montreal QC The Jewel Tree, Toronto
Incinerating Toilets Inc., Minden
Upper Canada District School Board, Brockville
Eastern Ontario Square and Round Dance Association (EOSARDA), Ottawa Elmira Stove Works, Arnprior
ANTIQUES & HISTORICAL TENT (North 1) Kemptville College Alumni, Lombary
UpperMarieCanada Creamery Inc., Iroquois
Fat Les’s, Kemptville 2B 28

Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario, Stoney Creek Stitch by Stitch, Kingston
ICEE, Guelph 4A 79
Mill Street Crafts, Oxford Station
Up In Smoke BBQ, Cornwall 2B 41
Drainage Superintendents Association of Ontario, North Gower
Eastern Ontario AgriNews, Apple Hill Electrical Safety Authority (ESA), Ottawa

Kemptville Hearing Clinic, Kemptville Operation Lifesaver, Ottawa Red Barn Naturals, Jasper Select Holidays, Innisfail
Premium Power Packs, Birch Hills, SK
We Listen. We care. We are local. We’ll even match any Ontario competitor’s price! Local Exper t Service to take care of you along the way Karen Mccallion Hearing Instrument Specialist Amber Croteau Hearing Instrument Dispenserwww.hearme.ca613-215-1501 Price Match Guarantee
Equi-Soul, South Mountain
Authorized Dealer, Sudbury Carelinks Canada, Elgin Green Party of Ontario

DT Mobile Wash, Brinston
Jerry Cummings Painting Inc., Russell

Jeff’s Catering, Uxbridge 2A 12, 4B 24
Myers Kemptville Chevrolet Buick GMC, Kemptville
Pure Scents Canada, Mountain Scentsy Fragrance, Coldwater Southbridge Care Homes (Kemptville Home) Titanium Exclusive Cookware, Toronto Vollara, Napanee
Canadian Snowbird Association Inc., Toronto Cornwall Tourism, Cornwall Crossfield Publishing & Unbuttoned - our Farming Life, St. Marys

Estate Limited, Brockville
National Farmers Union - Ontario, Guelph Nutra-Fix Inc, Chesterville
Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Mississauga 3B 41
BeaverTails Pastry, Ottawa 1A 20
CW Catering, Carleton Place 2B 12
Egg Farmers of Ontario

Metcalf Food & Beverage Inc., Kitchener 3B 52-54
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Grenville Cattlemen’s Association/Beef Farmers of Ontario Ontario Fur Manager Federation, Sault Ste
1896 Candle Co. and Newboro Soap Company, Perth Artfully Recycled, Mallorytown Belts That Last, Gravenhurst B’s Nest Wood Designs, North Gower Chatterfield Farm, Jasper Delastpillow & Weighted Blanket, Berwick Fox & Fern Farm, South Mountain Hometown Daisy Designs, Kemptville Janet’s Artisan Coats, Kemptville Knot Hole Woodworking, Oxford Station Lazy Daisy, Gravenhurst Mel’s Belts, Gravenhurst
Ascend LLP, Peterborough Beauty 4 Life Inc., Maple
Old Fashioned Fudge Inc., Perth 4A 80
Big Lemon Handcrafted Lemonade, Ottawa 2B 27
Agricultural Hall of Fame Agriculture & Agrifood Canada, Ottawa Baker Tilly REO LLP, Winchester
Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario, CulliganGuelphReal
QUILT TENT (3A 48-54)
Krown Rust Control, Schomberg LeafFilter Gutter Protection, Hudson, Ohio

This past Sunday, the press was invited to take a tour of the grounds at the IPM. Having no reporter on hand to go, I had the task of attending. On reaching the site, I looked over the area and realised that there was no way I was going to be able to walk the distance to the tent set up for us. I have a disability and am waiting for hip surgery. I can walk a block with some difficulty, but that’s about it.
These wagons, which can easily support my walker should I feel the need to bring it, tour the grounds, picking and dropping people off at all of the various events. There are also rest stops for those needing them. The Municipality is providing a sheltered rest stop as well.
Drone shot submitted by the IPM

However, the organisers of this event had all their bases covered, including accessibility for those like me who think they can’t attend the event due to their handicap. They have provided all we need to attend. Once you arrive on your chosen day, there is a vast parking area set up across the street from the IPM grounds. Each section of this area is marked with numbers. Wagons arrive to pick you up, they then stamp your hand and off you go. The stamp is to remind people like me who might forget where they parked their car.
by Marguerite Boyer
you need assistance.
And best of all, they have accessible washrooms.
Accessibility and the PlowingInternationalMatch

I would also like to thank the organisers and volunteers for the tour of the entire area, including the RV campground. It is impressive what they have achieved in such a short time. I have spent many years walking through this area, and the transformation has been incredible, all to be returned to its natural state when all this is over. Truly amazing and impressive!
SCS is excited to be a participant. We will be showcasing our organization to thousands of people who will be visiting our community. Please pop by our booth and say hello and see our photo wall of smiles. 1226 County Rd 31, WINCHESTER, ON K0C 2K0 613.774.0992

All mobility scooters (personal and rented) are permitted at the IPM. You can also rent a scooter for the day or the week. Reservations are for full days or for the week, none by the hour. To reserve, call 1-800-2655500 ext. 203, or ext. 208, between 8 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday, or
The Voice of North Grenville 18 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022 11250 County Rd. 43 WINCHESTER, ON K0C 2K0 (613) 774-2887 5077 County Rd. 29 Brockville, ON K6V 5T4 (613) 342-0668 2676 County Rd. 43, Kemptville www.natureswayselect.c613.258.7772a Paul A. Jansen, BA, LLB. Rachel S. Jansen, B.Comm., J.D. Tel: info@jansenlaw.comFax:613.258.7462613.258.7761

I am glad I attended this press conference. Before this, I was convinced that there was no way someone like me could attend the IPM itself. But there is no excuse now for any of us. So come out and enjoy the event, you will be well cared for.
over 1,000 volunteers should

19September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville September 20-24, 2022 North Grenville Welcomes the IPM to Kemptville! Ram Rodeo & Canadian Cowgirls Plowing Competitions Live Entertainment: Wayne Rostad, Mud Men, Daisy Train, Rosewood, Heirs of the Dog, The Riverstones, Hunter Brothers Concert and more! Food Galore Skyhawks Parachute Team Hundreds of Exhibitors Fun for the Whole Family! Something BIG is coming to North Grenville... As the host Municipality, let’s give a warm North Grenville welcome to the thousands of visitors coming to town for the IPM! North Grenville’s Council looks forward to seeing you there!

Kemptville Cancer Support Group monthly meetings have a new meeting home starting in September 21 at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. Third Wed/month starting from 1-3 pm. 100 Rubin St, Kemptville, Higmar Room, downstairs. For further information, call Ellen Vibert-Miller at 613-258-7778. No food or drinks will be served. Hope to see you there.

The Voice of North Grenville 20 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022

United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Accessibility Survey


We want to hear from you! The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville is conducting a survey about accessibility to gather information for its 2023-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. To complete the survey visit the Counties’ website at or contact the Accessibility Coordinator at or call 1-800-770-2170 for alternate formats.

It is with profound sadness that we share the passing of Marian deVries. Predeceased by her husband Henk deVries, her parents Harold and Bessie Patterson, her sister Velma and her son Gregory deVries. Dear sister of John (Jackie) Patterson. Loving mother of Cheryl, Deborah (Chris Merritt), Steven (Anita Kotlarchuk) and David (Cheryl Gordon). Proud grandmother of Taylor (Kristen), Alexandra (Alexander), Aimee (John), Rebecca (Geoff), Danielle (Michael), Scott (Ashley) and Erin (Devon). Great-grandmother to James, Avery, Jack, Alex, Hendrick, Vivienne, Aiden, Liam, Easton, Cole, Warren and Fallyn. Marian was well known and a long term resident of Kemptville. Past Board member of St. John’s United Church, Past President of Kemptville Rotary and Recipient of the Paul Harris Fellow award. Small Business Owner of the Fabric Shoppe and Mariannes Ice Cream Parlour & Tea Room. Member of the Kemptville BIA as well as various office manager positions with Raina’s, Marvan’s & Hylan Wood Preservers. Marian was an avid gardener, artistic quilter, seamstress, painter, and a phenomenal baker and enjoyed Curling. Marian’s family would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to the Staff of Rideau Village and West Carleton Village at Carleton Lodge for their kindness and compassionate care to Marian.

Fish Fry at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church September 24: Fish Fry St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall, 319 Prescott Street, Kemptville, 4:30 - 7:00 pm. Eat in or take out. Tickets $17.00 for adults, $12.00 for kids under 12. For tickets or details, contact, or call 613-715-3049.
KLUB 67 Euchre – Fun, social card playing every 2nd and 4th Wednesday monthly at 1pm, September to May. Kemptville Legion, 100 Reuben Cres. Everyone welcome, $5.00, cash prizes.

A Private Family Service has taken place. Interment South Gower Cemetery. In Memoriam, donations in Marian’s name may be made to the Alzheimer Society.
MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: the north grenville TIMES


St. MUSICWeSundayPresbyterianPaul’sChurchKemptvilleOntarioService,ChoirPractice,SpecialOccasionswelcomerequestsforfurtherpositiondetailsatmusic@stpaulskemptville.caDIRECTORWANTED Professional Fully Insured Commercial & Residential www.horizonspainting.caPainting Kutebah kutebah1984@gmail.comAlyousef613-276-4583
Arrangements entrusted to the Byers Funeral Home, South Mountain (613-989-3836). Online condolences may be made at Marian Doreen (nee Patterson) June 6, 1931-September 7, 2022

Slowly mix in the apple and the cheese Spoon into a greased loaf pan
Kemptville Area Room. Mature student, studying automotive repair in Kemptville, needs a quiet room with bathroom facilities from September to November and from February to April. Weekdays only. Has small fridge, Kitchen not required. Needs reliable internet access. Call Chris 613-2007016.
Lady’s hybrid bike 21 speeds excellent condition – well equipped. Pictures/specs available $140. Fred 613-258-3596
½ cup of butter at room temperature
21September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville HelpYourSupportLocalBusinesses SHOP LOCALLY Solutions to last week’s Sudoku Solution to last week’s Crossword Easy Medium Hard CROSSWORDClassifiedsClassifieds

2 cups of flour
add to the dry ingredients
by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville
Spoon the resulting batter into a greased loaf pan and bake for one hour or till a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool on a rack just long enough till you can cut generous slices with a bread knife. Serve with this season’s honey of your choice.
Add the eggs, one at a time
AllSensational!thebestto you all, and thanks for your continuing kind feedback.
Occasional muscle required part time for landscaping and waterfront maintenance on Boyd Landing , Merrickville. Heavy work. Pays $100 for five-hour day. Must have transportation. Phone 613 2847780.
Apple Cheese Bread
1 teaspoon of salt
It’s apple harvest season, and there are so many ways to prepare this great fruit for eating, it’s hard to choose. The following recipe combines apples, cheese, and bread into one recipe. What could be better? So this week’s recipe is Apple Cheese Bread, compliments of Beth, my spouse (and spice) of some 55 years (high school sweethearts, doncha know) although Liane lays claim to it also.
¾ cup of sugar
2 eggs
Norco City Commuter Bike. Mint condition $300. Nick 613 890 3512
Use your beater on medium setting to make the mixture fluffy
From Paul at
Send in @ngtimes.calettersyourtoeditor
RETIRED Renovations,CARPENTERkitchens,bathrooms,additions,decks,homerepair.CallGeorgeat6134627637HANDYMANSERVICESCallBill6137742922 SERVICES Hedge613-795-1845'SmallTrimmingorTallCallRob The Food Corner JONFORCORDPLUSPERFORFIREWOOODSALE$110FACECORDDELIVERY.3MINIMUMDELIVERY.613-227-3650 ACROSS 1. Sag 6. A lyric poet 10. Algonquian Indian 14. Chain of hills 15. Double-reed woodwind 16. 365 days 17. Fruit of the oak tree 18. Spoiled child 19. Scorch 20. Well-worn 22. Slave 23. Deposited 24. Pressure 26. Expert 30. North northeast 31. 2000 pounds 32. Weightlifters pump 33.thisYield 35. Glacial ice formation 39. Pamphlet 41. Complete control 43. Hawaiian veranda 44. Exhausts 46. Mid-month days 47. Frozen water 49. Camp bed 50. Jacket 51. Intense dislike 54. Flock members 56. Gulf port 57. Showing curiosity 63. Fork prong 64. Rude person 65. Daughter of a sibling 66. British tax 67. Individual 68. Elbowroom 69. Colors 70. Managed with difficulty 71. S S S DOWN 1. "Darn!" 2. Wealthy 3. Scent 4. Brute 5. Prison-related 6. Cotton laces 7. Worn down 8. Big laugh 9. Hate 10. Relating to computers 11. Employ again 12. Deservedly receives 13. Sea eagles 21. Terpsichore 25. Throw 26. Fish's breathing ap27.paratusComponent used as 28.fertilizerHorse color 29. Iniquity 34. Given authority 36. Overhaul 37. District 38. Vesicle 40. Vermin 42. Daisylike bloom 45. Polish remover 48. Safe to eat 51. Emerge from the egg 52. Farewell 53. On edge 55. Feeling 58. Cozy corner 59. Small mouthfuls 60. Earl Grey and orange pekoe 61. Behold, in old Rome 62. D D D
1 ½ teaspoon of baking powder
½ cup sharp cheese, grated
In a large bowl, combine the first four Creamingredientsthebutter and sugar together and
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 large apple, peeled, cored and finely
Heat your oven to 350F
As our community continues to face challenge and uncertainty, the 3M Harvest Lunch and its team of dedicated volunteers will kick off what we hope will be our most successful United Way Campaign yet.
The effects of the pandemic continue to take a toll in our region, with more people than ever struggling to access healthy food, safe housing, and other basic needs. The local food bank, for example, is experiencing drastic increases in food cost and difficulty procuring items due to shortages. Marginalized youth and seniors are often going hungry because they do not have access to food on a regular basis. This is a basic necessity of life.
would have been provided with all the proper resources, including financial help to pay for those resources, if needed.
“We are thrilled to offer the 3M Harvest Lunch event again this year in our Leeds & Grenville area. 3M is an amazing partner who shares our values of caring and supporting this community.” says Trish Buote, Executive Director United Way Leeds & Grenville. “This program is a WIN, WIN, WIN, WIN! With this program, you are buying a lunch for someone in need, from a local business, delivered by local 3M volunteers and you get to be a part of helping someone’s journey to move ahead in life.”
The Voice of North Grenville 22 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022

have been vocal in recent years about potential negative effects from minimum wage increases, though even massive, time-tested corporations are starting to raise their starting salaries above minimum wage in order to recruit and retain staff.
3M Canada and United Way Leeds & Grenville are teaming up again this year to launch the region’s second 3M Harvest Lunch on September 16.

MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: the north grenville TIMES

If you would like to show your support, go to #FASDMonth2022! that everyone is encouraged to use to help change the conversation around FASD.
by Ashley Sloan September 9, also known as Red Shoe Day, is an important date for local resident Tracy Crawford. She is devoted to raising awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, also known as FASD. The theme for this year's FASD awareness day is Building Strengths and Abilities. This is a cause close to her heart, and she shares a story to shed light on how it affects not only the child with FASD, but the home and the community.
United continuesWayto serve up #LocalLove
Under today’s adoptive processes, Andy would never have been placed with that particular family. They try to keep children within the same heritage and cultural background when possible, but his prospective parents would also have been screened and would not have been identified as people who could properly address the condition of FASD. His eventual forever home
Among those needs is FASD. As is the case with many special needs, FASD is on a spectrum; children with FASD can present with disorders as mild as a learning disability, or with profound deficits and mood and behavioural disruptions. It can be a very heartbreaking diagnosis and takes a lot of special care, patience, support, and an abundance of love to parent a child with this diagnosis. A proper match is key. Often, when people hear you have adopted, they are very curious as to the history of the children and the usual response to these types of inquiries is, ‘It’s not my story to tell’, which is to protect the privacy of our children.Myadopted uncle wasn’t so lucky. Now I want to preface this part of the story by saying that in 1958, there was no diagnosis of FASD to be made – very likely, the connection to alcohol and fetus development had not yet been made. Adoptions were much more like ordering from a catalogue, there wasn’t very much in the way of a Home Study (if any at all), and there was no PRIDE course. In short, things were DIFFERENT. When you know better, you do better.
Andy would reach out from time to time, he was still a loving man, but it was hard to understand him – whether due to FASD, or due to the drugs he was on. He wanted a different life, but was helpless to obtain it. His family loved him, but were also powerless to provide the help he needed. His life story was one of tragedy.
From September 16 to October 7, the 3M Harvest Lunch Team will work with six different United Way agencies and hold eleven events across Leeds & Grenville to serve and deliver lunches being provided by local businesses. We’re asking our community to show their local love by purchasing a lunch. Every $10 ticket sold buys a meal for a neighbour in need in our community. Meals can be purchased on the website. Simply click the yellow 3M Harvest Lunch banner! Note: a tax receipt will be provided.
items, now often flashes with bold messages of “now hiring”. At one chain restaurant location, there was a sign offering an upcoming “hiring day”, with interviews given on the spot.
The United Way Leeds & Grenville 3M Harvest Lunch aims to provide 1,500 free lunches to the most vulnerable in our local community. That is a 50% increase in target over 2021 because the number of food insecure individuals and families in our community continues to grow.
Locally, the new Wendys location and existing McDonalds location in Kempt-

"I am an adoptive mother of two kids, and let me brag a little here – they are the best kids ever, and every bit MINE. Some people are under the impression that adoption is like Amazon – you put in your order for a baby, girl, caramel skin toned with hazel eyes, and they find the appropriate kid and show up at your door. Nothing could be further from the truth. Prospective adoptive parents are thoroughly screened, interviewed as part of a Home Study, and take a preparatory course named PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education).Onceall of this is complete, the parents are deemed to be adopt ready and the matching process begins. Part of the Home Study is to answer questions on how comfortable you are with the various special needs a child may have, or may develop, to ensure that kids with special needs aren’t matched to parents who are not prepared to handle those particular needs.
Andy – I’m sorry, I love you, I wish things had been different."
Wage hikes show desperation of job market
It wasn't until 2020 that the Government of Canada officially recognized September as FASD Awareness Month. This was started with three parent advocates from Canada and the United States. They wanted to bring attention to FASD and the impact of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The significance of September 9 was to recognize the 9th day of the 9th month of going alcohol free for the full 9 months of pregnancy. The very first day was celebrated on 9/9/99. The Red Shoe idea started in 2013, when Canadian educator and advocate, R. J. Formanek, wore red shoes on an international stage to talk about FASD. For him, wearing red shoes is a symbol of power and strength. Since then, this has become a global movement, as more community members became involved to increase visibility. Without the passion from Tracy, and her willingness to share her story, I would not have been made aware of FASD.
The current labour shortage affecting most of the country is causing many employers to raise their starting wages in desperation, making this an excellent time for prospective workers to go job hunting. Some large companies
While the increase in worker wages is becoming far more pervasive lately, this is not a new reality. In March of this year, a CBC report predicted that wages would skyrocket in 2022 as a result of the labour shortage. “In this job market, if you're not getting a raise, it's time to change jobs, because chances are it will pay more,” reads a line from that report.
3M Harvest Lunch aims to provide 1,500 lunches for neighbours in need
Andy would still have had major obstacles to overcome, and he’d likely need lifelong support; but his story would have had a much happier ending.
on their workers as a result of the current competition for employees in the market. For employees, wage increases can mean nothing but good news, not only because it means they make more money, but also because it represents a certain desperation in the search for employees which is bound to motivate employers to make other positive changes to the workplace climate as well.
ville are both offering above minimum wage to start, even for installednage,Roadsidenon-supervisors.electronicsig-whichwasoriginallytoadvertisemenu

and that included Andy. He struggled in school and had behavioural problems that would present as disobedience. As he grew up, Andy’s behaviours became more troubling; he would lie, steal, and break the law, and eventually he turned to drugs. For as long as they were able, his parents redressed his mistakes and gave him multiple chances to change the path he was on, but it was to no avail. Eventually, much to their own heartbreak, they made the horrible decision to ask Andy to leave the family home as an adult – he was too disruptive and they needed to safeguard their other children. Andy would be in and out of jail, halfway houses, and rehab, none of which helped because none of these would address the underlying condition of FASD.
To the east, the Walmart warehouse in the city of Cornwall is advertising not only a starting wage of $18.90 per hour for new labourers, but also a $3,000 signing bonus.

Paying out higher wages will undoubtedly affect different companies’ finances differently. From a learning perspective, many corporate decision makers may come to place more value
To protect the privacy of my family and my uncle, I will call him Andy, and he has passed away. Andy was adopted as an infant. He came into a family that loved him, was financially stable, but maybe not well equipped to deal with the challenges that Andy would bring. Andy’s parents had high standards for all their children,
Lighting it up RED
What do these wage hikes mean for employers, employees, and the public?
by Brandon Mayer
The Kemptville Beer Store was collecting empty beer cans and bottles for their annual Roger's House fundraiser on the weekend. Store Manager Melanie says they will be taking donations till the end of the month.

23September 15, 2022 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

• 3D Design • Interlock • Natural Stone • Lighting • Planting • Water Features Send in your letters editor@ngtimes.cato

Picture: Store Manager Melanie with kemptville Beer Store Employee Nadine

In the past, there has been much debate surrounding saving for a down payment in a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) as opposed to using a Registered Retirement Savings Plan. As each individual has a different

Many first-time homebuyers have taken advantage of the ability to access up to $35,000 of their Registered
Hockey with edge, as the exhibition continues with Ottawa Jr. Senators in front of the 73’s home fans to meet the Jr Senators on Wednesday evening, and Friday night to play the Jr Senators in Ottawa.
Carleton Place with 9-8 SOG to wrap up the final twenty.Sunday matinee turned into a lopsided affair when the Brockville Braves showed up in Kemptville’s barn with a taxi squad that were slammed 57 SOG to 12 and suffered a 9 to 1 slaughter.Kemptville started Braxton Bennett in the goal, and Brockville’s starter was Jesse Lahache. Kemptville dressed nine of their veteran roster with eleven newbees who spent 90% of the 60 minutes in the opposition etratedPalmerwithKemptvillezone.openedaPPGfromRhettwhenMerrettpen-thelinetoRoss
Kemptville came out strong, with Jacob Biron as back stop, with Jackson Pundyk between the pipes for Carleton Place as they drew first blood at 12:20. Man advantage for 73’s, as Borgia ham-
on top of the half circle, top shelf after feathering from Palmer at 16:50 to end second 7-1. Kemptville outgunned Brockville 19 to 4.
Hockey is back
Devon Savignac with Lane Morency glances back to confirm the frozen rubber breached the blue paint for the second marker of a 9 - 1 lopsided victory during Sunday’s matinee exhibition contest.
Kemptville came out flat for the second stanza with the ice surface assisting, as the D tried to clean from behind the net, and at :14 the rubber stopped in a puddle and Canadians’ Matteo Disipio slammed it home to tie it at one. Matteo Disipio counted his second marker with a helper from Colangelo for the tie breaker at 3:59.
By Cole O’FarrellFinancialSeabrook,AdvisorWealth& Estate

at 1:55 to start the blood bath. Lammi on the move, reversed to Houle one point ahead to Devon Savignac through the five hole at 8:13 to close out the fi rst with two goal lead.
mered the stoppers pads and Wyatt Warner PPG on the doorstep rifled in the rebound. Kemptville outgunned their opponent by 12 to 7 to end the first.
Kemptville peppered their opponent 22 SOG to 2. The combination of Campeau and Kelly over to Ty Whyte PPG in the slot with man extra at :54. Kai Rabuka slapped one into the mesh after Ty Whyte directed it back to the point at 1:53. Morency with Merrett to find Chase Lammi in the rocking chair to launch it home at 8:02. Benjamin Campeau held the line to hammer it through a crowd at 9:49 to make it a six marker runaway. Both teams replaced their stoppers with Conor Blackwood for the 73’s and Dustin Riff for the Braves at Undisciplined9:50. play gave Brockville a 5 on 3 advantage, which they capitalized on at 14:15 when Roenick Jakieloszek PPG flipped it into open space by Conor Blackwood to ruin Braxton Bennett’s SO. Xavier Borgia

Planning | Assante Capital Management Ltd.

Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) to purchase their first home. This is a tax-free benefit that they can use to help with their down payment. This provides them with the taxable deduction when money is contributed to the RRSP and grants them access to a portion of a down payment. The one catch with this program is that once funds are taken from their RRSP to help with the down payment of a house, they must pay back the money borrowed from their RRSP within 15 years from the withdrawal date. This can sometimes create a budgeting issue. The individuals have a mortgage as well as a repayment to their RRSP.
The FHSA account has the benefits of both a TaxFree Savings Account and a Registered Retirement Savings Account where contributions to the FHSA are tax deductible and the withdrawal is tax-free. The beauty of the FHSA account is that you do not have to pay back the personal loan into the FHSA and the withdrawal comes to the account holder tax free.
Kemptville was outshot by 9 to 5 to close second.

Last twenty saw the 73’s count another two markers as Palmer resumed his magic to set up Tanner Fennell at 10:10 and Ross over to Whyte onto the tape of Benjamin Campeau to close out a 9-1 romp.
The Canadian Government is introducing a new investment account to help young Canadians achieve their first-time house purchasing goals. Have you heard about the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA)?TheCanadian Government is planning on releasing the FHSA in 2023. The intention is to help Canadians save for the purchase of a home while providing tax benefits and tax relief when it comes time to withdraw the funds for the purchase of a home. Let’s highlight the degree of flexibility the account will bring to prospective homebuyers.
The Voice of North Grenville 24 The North Grenville Times September 15, 2022 613 258 1990 139 PRESCOTT ST KEMPTVILLE, CON h r i s D r o z d a | B r o k e r C h r i s D r o z d a c o m S u e B a r n e s | B r o k e r J o h n C a r k n e r | R E A L T O R ® c a r k n e r b a r n e s c o Nm o t i n t e n d e d o s o l i c t t h o s e u n d e r c o n r a c t Benefits of using a Real Estate Agent Lists your home at the right price Better home presentations More buyer Exposure Speeds up closing time Get your home SOLD at top dollar Over 45 years experience combined! For more information on listing your home, call us today! North Grenville’s Local Financial Service Professionals Contact us and start planning today! Cole Seabrook Financial Advisor Assante Capital Management Ltd. Sarah Chisholm Financial Advisor Assante Capital Management Ltd. 1-877-989-1997 | OFARRELLWEALTH.COM | OFARRELL@ASSANTE.COM BROCKVILLE CORNWA LL KEMPTVILLE RENFREW WINCHESTER Assante Capital Management Ltd. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada

Like TFSA’s and RRSP’s, there will be contribution limits. The initial thought is said to be $8000.00 annually with the ability to carry forward room. This will have a major impact for young individuals

Your 73’s met the Carleton Place Canadians on Friday evening for their first seasonal exhibition contest on home ice, but it was not in their favour, as they posted 4-1 loss.
We are always open to questions; if you would like to learn more about the FHSA please feel free to reach out! Follow us on Facebook @OFarrellWealth or visit him at 613.258.1997 or visit to discuss your circumstances prior to acting on the information above. Assante Capital Management Ltd. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.
The final twenty belonged to Carleton Place, as Derek Hamilton from Disipio beat Braxton Bennett who replaced Jacob Biron at 11:08 of the second for the insurance at 9:31. Caton Ryan on a solo effort to give the Canadians a 4-1 victory at 14:39.
by the sportsguy
financial situation, at the end of the day, it depends on many variables such as an individual’s taxable income, contribution room to said account, and budget. This is where the Tax-Free Fist Home Buyers Account will benefit young individuals.
Tax-free First Time Home Savings Account
and couples when it comes time to save for the purchase of their first home.