2 minute read
The amazing women of North Grenville


By Marguerite Boyer
I am now a senior citizen, and it seems so very odd indeed. I still haven’t figured out what I am going to do when I grow up. There have always been some new adventures in my life, some so positive and some not so good. But that is life, and we roll with it.

My job here at the NG Times has given me so much insight into this community. I chose to live here some 30 odd years ago, though quite by accident. We moved here to get away from the big city and to isolate. Thirty years later, and here I am in the thick of it all. So much for isolation, and towing my poor husband behind me, who is quite happy in his man cave and alone. My work has given me the opportunity to meet some truly awesome people. So, as we come to celebrate International Women’s Day, I think of all of those women I know here in my community. Each of them has contributed equally, whether it was some big event they organised, or knitting, sewing, bringing comfort to someone in need, volunteering, etc. Each task, whether it be out there in the public eye, or done quietly behind the scenes, has equal merit. For International Women’s Day, I went around one day taking pictures of women to include in this issue. One volunteer, when I asked her for permission to take her picture, said she was not important enough to be included.

That stunned me. Just because she goes around quietly doing her volunteering does not make her less important than someone who is out there in public view. To me, this woman has just as much value as any other. That is the best part of my work here at the NG Times: meeting such amazing women from all walks of life, and of all ages. (Of course, there are some amazing men also, but this is not their day). And such strong women in business. During COVID, I was going around talking and checking in with them, hearing their pain and frustration, and about how they were having to remain so strong and adapt to the new way of doing things. They put in such long hours. Then there were the mothers in isolation, not having their play groups or school for their kids.
Spring is sweet… make it sweeter with Maple Syrup!

So many amazing women! I am glad I had this chance to meet so many of you and to share small parts of your world. Yes, I say this again. North Grenville is one of the most amazing communities, and I am so glad I moved here. I have been inspired by so many women. You know who you are, so never undervalue your importance.
Thank you to all the women who sent in their photos.!