1 minute read
The Kemptville Lions Chocolate Easter

submitted by Terry Restoule

With all the snow we've had lately, it's hard to believe that spring is around the corner. Take heart, after an absence of two years due to the pandemic, the Kemptville Lions Club has begun to sell their chocolate bunnies again. Bunnies will be available until Easter (April 9) or while supplies last.

Lions members will be selling the bunnies at Food Basics (2615 County Rd 43, Kemptville) on March 10 - 12th, March 24 - 26th and April 6th. Bunnies will also be available at the B & H (301 Rideau St, Kemptville) on March 17 and 18th, March 31, April 1 and April 9th. The bunnies are all solid chocolate. The large bunnies are $5.00 and the small ones are $3.00.
Please go to facebook.com/kemptvillelions for more information.

Brandon Mayer