5 minute read
Tid Bit Musings
by Elva Patterson Rutters RSSW
Focusing on women is synonymous with focusing on men. Be it roles, fashion, physical attributes, personalities, temperaments, habits, interests, passions and so on, the element of definition is in fact comparison and the resulting justification or refuting. Ironically, much doesn't compute with being sensible or practical. When there is equal focus on men and on women, true respect and equality has blossomed. Where does your mindset rest or perhaps fluctuate?
Our upbringing sets an example for our reactions and perhaps normalizes acceptance of indicators others find objectionable. To develop your understanding, start by defining an expectation and explore why you have that opinion. For starters, why should the woman be the one making breakfast? Perhaps in your background that is what your parents did. If on a farm, the man went out to check the livestock prior to coming in to the kitchen for a breakfast made by his "fraa" (wife). But in today’s world, both can work together to make breakfast or brunch, or take turns. If the wife is sick, had surgery, gave birth, is nursing the child, changing diapers, why does she have to get up to make the breakfast when the male can easily put toast in the toaster or make porridge?
Times do change, as do the roles of women and men. Women need to be respected and treated with dignity, as do everyone else. Behaviors are the objective component. Variance of physique, hair length, dress styles, sexual orientation, ritual, etc, all are as different as the day is long. Ask yourself if it is morally threatening or life threatening for your situation and react accordingly.
Unfortunately, males physically have the equipment to force sex onto the spouse but that is sexual abuse. To force your wife into non-consensual sex is RAPE!!! Sexual assaults of female children is higher than females raping little boys or even boys being sexually abused by males but that is only by reports. Reports are more difficult by males (young or adult) unfortunately. For too many years women were sexual objects with no regard for feelings or respect. The tide has turned. Sadly, the institutionalized abuse is being highlighted and all we can do is change our levels of acceptance AND our own behaviors. Your behavior, attitude and beliefs will be the catalyst for change. As Nike says - JUST DO IT!
Five Days of Fun this March Break at the Library
North Grenville Councillor elected RVCA board chair
and to our future,” said Robinson, who has been a board member since 2018. “I will do what I can and encourage others to do what they can to support and maintain what has been recognized throughout North America as a great watershed planning model.”
There were many new faces around the board table on Feb. 23, the first formal meeting of 2023 and the start of a new four-year board term following municipal elections last October.
Submitted by Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
North Grenville Councillor Kristin Strackerjan is the new board chair for the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA).

Strackerjan was elected at the RVCA’s board meeting on Feb. 23. Anne Robinson, citizen representative for the City of Ottawa, was elected vice chair.
“My time on the RVCA board has been very interesting, and adding the responsibility of chair will allow me to be further engaged in other areas of discussion, such as at Conservation Ontario meetings,” Strack- erjan said.
She noted that she lives in a high-growth area with many waterways intersecting with development.
“The conservation of land and ensuring that developments proceed with due consideration to science is more important than ever. Protecting our watershed and our green areas is paramount.”
Robinson said she is keen to take on the role of vice chair, having supported the conservation authority’s purpose for many years.
“The work of conservation authorities is vital to the health of our watersheds in Ontario
Departing board chair Pieter Leenhouts brought extensive knowledge and a steady hand to the board during his four-year tenure as chair. Leenhouts was a dedicated board member, having participated as an Ottawa appointee since 2015 and serving as vice chair in 2018.
The RVCA staff and board thank him for his service to conservation in the Rideau Valley watershed.
To find information about RVCA’s governance structure, board meetings and agendas visit www.rvca.ca/governance.
We have family fun for everyone at the North Grenville Public Library this March Break (13th to 17th). Our new children's program coordinator, Caitlin Thorne, has planned a fabulous line-up. All programs start at 10 a.m., except for Wednesday, where we start at 10:30 a.m.
Music Monday (All Ages): Music Bingo featuring classic family favourites and a few radio hits. Then warm up your singing voices and slip on your dancing shoes for a Family Sing-along & Dance Party - especially fun for the little ones.
Tinker Tuesday (All Ages): Everyone is welcome to join us for a morning of LEGO building. Take up a building challenge or use your own creative ideas. At 11:30 a.m. we will share our creations and vote on a number of exciting categories.

Wellness Wednesday (Ages 5+): OmShanti from Bodhi Tree Yoga will be joining us to lead a special family YOGA practice with mindful movements, breathing, and meditation for littles and their caregiver. Space is limited and registration is required. To register, go to our website. 10:30 start time.
Theatre Thursday (Ages 6+): Feeling dramatic? Try out a Theatre Workshop! We will practice warming up, getting our minds and bodies ready with drama games and activities, and then read, rehearse and perform some Reader's Theatre scripts.
Friday Fun Day (All Ages): Happy St. Patrick's Day! There will be something for everyone on Friday Fun Day. Join us for a Story and Build a leprechaun trap, or try out some Colouring and test your luck at some tabletop Games. Don't forget to wear green! For more information, go to www.ngpl.ca/programs-events-for-kids or contact Caitlin at kids@ngpl.ca.
HISTORICALLY SPEAKING Maple production throughout the years
production in Athens. The operation, the maple syrup processing equipment, the bottling, and the quality control of the products used at Golden Moment Farm are impressive. Norma and John started small in 1997 and over the last 25 years of maple production, their business has grown to produce and sell quality maple syrup and maple products throughout the Leeds and Grenville area.
The Merrickville and District Historical Society invites you to our next lecture on Tuesday, March 28, 7 PM at the Merrickville Legion. The month of March is maple syrup time, so our lecture is timely: “Maple Production Through the Years”.

Norma Banford of Golden Moment Farm will take us through the history of maple production from the early days when Indigenous peoples harvested the sap with its sweet and woody flavour from the maple trees of Canada to Norma and John Banford’s sleek, machinery-operated

If you are familiar with the sugar shack in the forest, sugaring-off parties, maple syrup taffy on snow or tapping yours and neighbours’ maple trees, this presentation has a lot to offer you. Or maybe a new-found hobby will come of it! Join us for an evening of listening, learning, and asking questions to a maple production expert. You might even get a chance to purchase something sweet from the trees! And enjoy a treat from Violets on Main Bakery while you listen!