Issue 50 2013 November 13 NG Times

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the north grenville


Vol. 1, No. 50

The Voice of North Grenville

Nov 13, 2013

Legion dinner honours veterans

North Grenville remembers page 7

Jean Sharples, who served in the Women’s Auxiliary and has been a Legion member for twenty-five years, greets Mayor David Gordon at the Legion dinner Photo courtesy Micheal Pacitto The Kemptville Legion held their traditional annual dinner in honour of veterans last Saturday evening and the North Grenville Times was honoured to be invited to attend. The dinner, which is always held on the Saturday before Remembrance Day, pays tribute to those Canadians who served in the military since World War I, including duty as Peacekeepers with the United Nations, as well as in peacetime service. This year

marked the 60th anniversary of the Armistice ending hostilities in Korea. The guest speaker for the event was Jim Gunn, who had served as a sniper in the Korean War. Jim spoke of the last days of that conflict before the Armistice was signed, and described how he became a prisoner of war of the North Koreans. He remained a prisoner for four months, and when he was released, the 5' 10" soldier weighed barely 120 pounds. It

is an experience he has never forgotten. The dinner was a wonderful affair, attended by Legion members and representatives of the RCMP, OPP, Emergency Services and North Grenville Fire Service, as well as Mayor David Gordon, who is also a Legion member. Music for the evening was provided by Piper Mike Durant, the Korean Players, and Brenda Reinkeleurs. Piper Mike led the honour party in, and the Korean Players provided

music from the Korean War era, leading to a huge singalong session. The group’s organizer, Terry Meagher, also wrote a book about the life of the Canadian Infantry soldier in Korea. Brenda simply had everyone in tears with her rendition of two beautifully moving songs. The dinner was also attended by Deputy Provincial Commander Ken Sorenti and Deputy District Commander Sharon Murray.

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The North Grenville Times

Scotiabank staff “Walk for Mammography” raises $14,200

The Voice of North Grenville

Grammar Minute by Pat Babin

In 2012, Phineas J. Caruthers wrote a book entitled, Style and Circumstance, the Gentleperson’s Guide to Good Grammar. On the cover, he adds, “This book is a guide for gentlepersons; that is to say, those who would not flaunt their syntax boastfully, but rather, let their well-structured and grammatically correct sentences

submitted by Mary Boucher Scotiabank Staff and members of the KDH Foundation join Brenda Hill, Manager at Scotiabank, Kemptville Branch as she presents a cheque to Colin Goodfellow, CEO of the Kemptville District Hospital. The cheque represents pledges collected by Scotiabank staff who walked on October 5 in the Kemptville Walks for Mammography, one of the signature events of the KDH Foundation. Scotiabank matched the first $5,000 pledged, bringing the cheque total to $14,200. Thank you to all who supported the Walk.

reaches over 150 communities each year, travelling a combined distance of over 10,000 kilometres: making a difference, one stop at a time. The Train is about 1,000 feet in length with fourteen brightly decorated rail cars, each decorated with hundreds of thousands of LED Christmas lights. The train includes a modified box car that has been turned into a travelling stage with lights and music that fill the air! In Merrickville, cash and food donations will be gratefully accepted for the Merrickville Emergency Food Cupboard at Merrickville District Community Health Centre, House of Lazarus in Mountain and Food for All in Prescott, helping families in need throughout our area. Some of the most needed food items are: peanut butter, canned meats and fish, canned fruit and canned

And also (use one word or the other) Large in size (large denotes size) Mix together (as opposed to mix apart?) Phineas will be revisited next week.

Humidification Installation of Duct work HRV cleaning Air Filtration Dryer Vent Cleaning Sanitization (our own specially formulated eco-friendly product!)

Don’t miss the Holiday Train and fantastic concert to support local food banks Once again the spectacular Canadian Pacific Holiday Train is stopping in Merrickville to host a fantastic concert and to support our local food banks. The Holiday Train will stop at the East Broadway & County Road 2 tracks at 5:45 pm on Wednesday, November 27, for about one hour. This year, we are thrilled to have two of Canada’s best recording artists and singer-songwriters on the train to entertain us! Jim Cuddy, a lead singer from Blue Rodeo and Juno award winner, and Melanie Doane will perform an exciting concert at the Merrickville stop! This is the 15th year that the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train program has travelled across Canada and the United States raising money, food and awareness for food banks and hunger issues at each stop. The Holiday Train

speak for themselves.” Phineas has added a section on Repetition. Here are a few redundant phrases: Advance planning (planning is always done in advance) Cash money (is cash ever anything else?)

Joe Plunkett 613-258-0663 Toll Free: 1-866-880-5397

vegetables, canned soups and stews, breakfast cereals, pasta products, fruit juices, beans and legumes and canned milk. Please bring along your generous bags of food or donation of cash to support all those in need at this time of year. Hot chocolate will be provided and traditional Christmas carols will be played by local duet, Ballintra, with flute, whistle and guitar, beginning at about 4:30 pm. Please come out and enjoy this annual fundraiser and talented performances from these great musicians, and support local food banks. Help us kick off our annual “Christmas in Merrickville” week. For more information, please visit www. If you would like to volunteer to help with this exciting event, please contact JoAnn Helmer at 926-2750.

North Grenville Public Library hosts author Kevin Morris

by Beth Nicol The North Grenville Public Library will host an evening book signing event with author Kevin Morris on Thursday, November 21 at 7 pm. Published by General Store Publishing House, “In Times Wanting,” draws on Kevin’s experiences in international


development in Mexico, his work in Artist-Run-Centres across Canada and his careers as a teacher, a potter and a youth worker. Set in Ottawa, the Gatineau and Mexico, “In Times Wanting,” draws upon a little-known history of youth and community engagement between Canada and Mexico. It tells the story of Berrin and Eileen, both in search of new beginnings after returning from a tumultuous stay in Mexico. Meeting after a ten year separation, they work towards an understanding of themselves and the world as they know it, each eventually

experiencing a personal vision. It is an accounting of their ideals and dreams, their struggles and adversities and ultimately their hopes. Kevin’s work as a community developer for youth centres across Canada (Youth Centres Canada formerly TYPS) regularly brought him to the North Grenville vicinity. He is delighted to be able to return and to share his thoughts on his latest novel. In Times Wanting ISBN: 9781771230285 Genral Store Publishing House, Renfrew, Ontario retails for $25.00.


613-258-7787 Kemptville Nov. 13, 2013


The North Grenville Times

North Grenville remembers

ments, the Legion, the Military and Veterans; wreaths from Police, Fire and Emergency Services; wreaths laid by representatives of Community Groups, Schools and Churches. Families remembering their loved ones brought wreaths; local businesses were represented as well. A wreath was placed in memory of Blake Williamson. Throughout it all, silence. Men, women, children, babes in carriages – united in quiet remembrance and prayer. The snow began, the chill set in. Still no one moved or complained. The service came to an end as soldiers, old and young, paraded by, marching back to the Legion. A lone voice calling out over and over said it all as they marched by. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

photo courtesy Micheal Pacitto by Beth Nicol Hundreds stood in the grayness of the cold morning, the silence broken by spontaneous applause as they marched by. The Legion 212 pipe band was in the lead, followed by rows of veterans, a squadron from the Royal Canadian Regiment from Petawawa Ontario, North Grenville Sea Cadets and a flag party of Scouts, Brownies and Cubs. The cenotaph on Prescott Street stood cold, drab and bare, soon to be awash in a sea of red,

gold and green. Under the direction of Master of Ceremonies, Ray Ansell, the 2013 Remembrance Day Ceremony began. Prayers for Remembrance, Canadian Unity and World Peace were offered; Scripture was read, a meditation and benediction given, lead in turn by various church ministers: L. Harrison, S. Kandalaff, A. Shim, K. Gehreis, Steve Kohls and Pauline Pratt. The schools were well represented, with Ivy Deblois of N.G.D.H.S. leading

the National Anthem and God Save the Queen, and Hannah St. John of St. Michael’s H.S. reading, “In Flanders Fields.” Pat Maloney led the traditional, “O God Our Help in Ages Past.” “The Last Post,” and “Reveille,” were played by Denis Bisson, and the haunting sounds of the “Lament,” by Pipe Major Mike Durant. The Act of Remembrance was recited by Legion President Ralph Pulfer. And then the wreaths were placed. Wreaths representing Govern-

The Voice of North Grenville

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Nov. 13, 2013


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Another anniversary I nearly forgot it was an anniversary. That is something that would usually get you into trouble; but, in this case, we nearly all forgot. The thing is, this is the first issue of the second year of the North Grenville Times. We are a year old and still here. This may cause a wide range of responses throughout the community, but for us it is something about which we are very happy indeed. Some of you will know that there was a predecessor to the Times, the Newsletter was a monthly publication that began in April, 2005 and went through many trials and tribulations for more than seven and a half years. But we, that is Maggie and I, knew that we had taken it as far as it could go and we would either have to expand or close. Along came Rob Lunan who, to his everlasting surprise, convinced us that expansion to a weekly newspaper was the way to go. North Grenville has a great tradition of local newspapers, and we three felt that there was a void in that

department after the old Advance was bought out by a large corporation. They, we felt, had their place, but there was room for a truly locally-owned and locallyfocused paper that would concentrate on North Grenville. We wanted a paper in which everyone would have a voice when they wanted one, a newspaper that was written by and for the people of North Grenville and would reflect the issues, values and concerns that we all share in this Municipality. From the beginning, we have wanted to give all sections of the community space to talk about what mattered to them. This included the service groups, churches, politicians and clubs, as well as groups with particular interests, such as the Fetherston Park residents, those concerned about pipelines, or the people in South Gower battling the proposed LaFarge pit. Letters to the Editor were also a venue for comment, whether it supported or opposed the line we as a paper were taking. That was the point: we need a forum for debate as well as information, a place where people could find out the facts and

varying opinions on issues. There is a school of thought that says that newspapers, and newspaper writers, should be “objective” and not give their opinion on issues. Or else such opinions should be confined to editorial pages. I have never accepted that fully. After all, choosing what news to publish, or what topics to cover, is not an objective decision. It is a choice about what is interesting or important, and, if you’re going to make that fundamental choice, then you might as well take a stand. This is ok, as long as you also give opposing points of view equal space. That is the basic philosophy of the Voice of North Grenville. To make this work, there has to be mutual respect and fairness all round. This, of course, leaves room for fun, strong views, and straight talking on all sides. But we are a mature society: I think we can take it! We also wanted to support local business (being a local business ourselves), and so we decided that we would only take advertising from North Grenville businesses. The only exception would be where there was

Dear Editor, My husband and I have just recently realized how lucky we are. We have our very own speed bump at the end of our driveway. This speed bump gets higher every spring and I would expect that young skateboarders would have a wonderful time should they happen to roll down our driveway and hit the speed bump. I know that every time we turn into our driveway we get a lift every time we bump over it. Last June, we were a bit concerned about this bump and wrote a letter to the Township Public Works Department to ask them to please come and lower the culvert to flatten the driveway again. After all, these culverts are on Township property, not on our property.

We received no response. In August I visited the Township office and asked to speak to someone who might be able to help with this problem. I did speak with a very pleasant young man (I failed to ask his name) who assured me that he would bring my concern to those very people. We still have not had any response. So, being a fairly positive person, I decided to put a positive spin on the problem and that, perhaps, these speed bumps are being provided in place of any other type of recreational activity which is non-existent in our subdivision. In addition, there is a second culvert leading to utility boxes at the corner of the property which has risen even higher than the one under our driveway. This one provides its very own challenge and hazard as

the culvert itself is now above ground and rusted, jagged holes have appeared It is also interesting to note that the water in the ditch goes below the culvert rather than through it. But, again, to put a positive spin on it, perhaps that culvert could be used in some reality show where people overcome hazards or perhaps this is just part of a new grand plan for drainage from the subdivision to the river. Despite the "fun" that can be derived from having our very own speed bump, I have to admit that our first preference would be that the speed bump be lowered. With winter on its way to be followed by another spring thaw, no doubt the culvert will rise yet again along with our frustration at the lack of response from the Township. Shirley Price

by David Shanahan

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 Nov. 13, 2013

no equivalent business in the area. The area we cover, by choice, includes villages such as Spencerville and South Mountain, places for which North Grenville was their natural focus for shopping and events. We have kept to that policy. To be honest, there were questions as to whether there would be enough news and content to fill a weekly paper. And the amount of work required to publish weekly was far more than doing a monthly Newsletter! Deadlines came by before, it seemed, the last one had passed. But that’s where you came in: North Grenville is an amazingly active place, and the people like to talk to each other. That is what the Times is: a place where the people of North Grenville talk to each other about all sorts of things. I believe we need to know about the past as well as the present, if we are to shape the future. Our history and heritage is what we have built on, and, in a time of great expansion and change, it also becomes an anchor to keep us true. About 6,300 copies of the NG Times are mailed out to homes every week, and about

Send in your letters to the editor to

CLASSIFIEDS: First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!

Here’s to a second successful year for all!

TIMES Editor David Shanahan 613-258-5083

Rob and I thank them most sincerely for what they do to make the NG Times what it is. And we thank you, reader, for accepting it as warmly as you have and giving us the chance to do what we do. I don’t know what the next year will bring, but it will be exciting, exasperating, humbling and fun. And maybe just a little controversial? We can only hope.

Thank you to all our advertisers over the past year that have helped the North Grenville Times become The Voice of North Grenville

the north grenville

Marketing Peter Peers 613 989- 2850

four or five hundred more get picked up in local stores and restaurants. I could make a pitch to advertisers at this point, but I think the point is obvious. This is a community that is in touch with itself, its neighbours and the issues that matter to it. It is our newspaper, like no other. Nor do we take it for granted. It is a privilege to produce this newspaper and see what a great community we live in. That is not a cliché: it is sincerely meant. Maggie and Rob and I have been joined by some generous and talented people over this past year. Some, like Anne and Heather, have moved on to other things. Others have joined in the fun and stress and creative nightmare that the NG Times can be (especially on Mondays when we go to press). Gord and Peter find ads to pay the bills. Pat and Mike (sounds like an Irish comedy act!) work on putting the paper together, and making it look good. Beth has joined in the writing side, and Patrick on design, and we have a number of writers who add their share regularly. Some have even discovered a new joy in writing for you. Maggie,

ISSN 2291-0301

Copy Editor Pat Jessop 613-258-5083


Production Manager Marguerite Boyer 613-258-5083

Mailing Address P.O. Box 35, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Graphics Micheal Pacitto 613-710-7104

CFO Rob Lunan 613-797-3800

Staff Reporter Beth Nicol 613-258-0033

Municipality Matters

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The backbone of our Municipality

by David Gordon I have been Mayor of North Grenville for three years now, and that seems a good time to think about a few things. There is a lot that happens behind the scenes, things that the public never get to hear about for good reasons. I can’t always talk about negotiations that we’re having to bring in new business, or to solve some problems that have not been dealt with before. There are situations that depend on discretion and closed door meetings, otherwise people would not be prepared to sit down and talk. There are also actions that are taken that can be talked about, but are so uninteresting to the general public that no-one hears about them. For example, the United Counties take up a lot of my time, and this has been the case for mayors and reeves for many years. Driving to and from

Brockville to attend Council meetings every day, for just a forty-five minute meeting, is tiring and sometimes seems like a waste of time. So Council decided recently that meetings should be held on just four days a week, so that long car trips by mayors from municipalities further from Brockville would make best use of their time. That is a big change for the better that most people wouldn’t really care about. But there are other things that I learn about that I think more people should know. These things concern some of our Municipal staffers and the work they do that is beyond their official job descriptions. I call these the backbone of our Municipality, because without these people things would not go as smoothly, and life would be harder for some people. For example, everyone visiting the Municipal Centre on business of all

one particular woman in the community. She was always either complaining, or asking for something. There was usually nothing that could be done about her complaints, and it would have been very easy to just stop listening, or answering the phone. But the staffer did neither of those things. He came to realise that this woman lived alone, had medical problems, and was just lonely. So he went out and bought a pizza and brought it over to her house. He sat and talked and shared pizza with her. Then he did that every month, so she always knew he was coming for a visit. He also checked in with her during the month to make sure she was all right. None of this was part of his job description. He would not want his identity revealed (he is a very quiet man), so I will only say that he is Roads Superintendent and his initials are D. S. Noone will guess that means Doug Scott, will they? These people go to work every day and they do a great job for the people of North Grenville. They also make life easier and better for me and all members of Council. They really are the backbone of our community and deserve our thanks and our respect. I have met many people in the three years since I was elected to this position, but I have never met nicer or better than the ones who work for you and me. Thank you all.

kinds have their first meeting with the people at the front counter. It might seem like a small thing to deal with the public as they arrive, but there’s a lot that happens at that counter to make life better for everyone. The courtesy, friendliness and efficiency of Brenda, Brenda and Cheryl means that seniors, people with a complaint, or just people a bit intimidated by being in the building, are made to feel at ease and able to conduct their business. They go away, at least from the front counter, feeling that they’ve been treated well and with respect. I should say that the other staff and Council members also appreciate the times when the front counter deals with the members of the public who can be demanding and not very respectful. I have not met anyone in my time in office who has had a bad word to say about Kevin Henry and his staff. If there is a problem to be fixed, Kevin is there as quickly as possible, and usually with the right answer to the problem. He always seems calm, capable and ready to help. He and his people take care of our municipal buildings and everything in them with great professionalism and efficiency. I want to tell you about one member of staff who would not appreciate the publicity. He was getting a lot of phone calls from

Women’s Institute Fall News Submitted by Jeanne Lambert PRO Bishop‘s Mills Women’s Institute The Bishop’s Mills Women’s Institute’s October meeting was wellattended and included a compelling presentation from Sheri Camillone about her travels and volunteer work in Africa. Sheri shared her stories and photos of her two trips to Ogooma, Uganda working with women and children. Sheri works full-time as Chaplain at St Michael Catholic High School in Kemptville. The Roll Call question for the evening was “Where in the world would you like to travel?” and a variety of answers were given from the dozen members present. Sheri was presented with a thank-you gift by meeting Nov. 13, 2013

Convener Irene Scott. The Membership Committee reported their progress on the new WI signage design and hopes to have the colours and design confirmed and signs completed this fall. The new website for the Community Association will include pages for the WI and will link to the other media. In other business, ROSE Program participants reported on the Fall Crafts Workshop held in September and shared photos of the table decoration and recipes they made. Treasurer Liz Streight reported on the success of the WI’s Spencerville Fair display. The date for the annual Fundraising

Christmas Auction was confirmed for Thursday, December 12. The Bishop’s Mills Women’s Institute has been involved in the community since 1985, including documenting the history of the village and encouraging positive change. The Bishop’s Mills Women’s Institute holds monthly meetings and welcomes new members interested in meeting their neighbours and getting involved in their community. The next meeting will be our annual cookie exchange, hosted by Wanda Tensen and will be held on Thursday, November 14 at the Community Hall.

If you are interested in finding out more about WI, see the Provincial organization’s website: www.fwio. and check out the BMWI page on Facebook . For information about attending local meetings, please contact President Sheryl McKim 613-9262472 or Jeanne Lambert at jmlambert@tdgraham. com .


Grenville County Ontario Provincial Police are investigating the discharge of a rifle that injured a local hunter. Shortly after 2:30 pm, the OPP was dispatched to a weapon discharge at

1935 County Road 43, North Grenville. A 23 year old local male was located in the bush with a shoulder wound. The male was air lifted to the Ottawa Civic Hospital with a non-life threatening injury. Police do not suspect foul play and the investigation is ongoing.

Gord Brown encourages donations for typhoon relief Gord Brown, Member of Parliament for LeedsGrenville, today encouraged people to donate to the Red Cross to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan. The Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and Minister for La Francophonie, and the Honourable John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs, have already announced Canadian support to address the catastrophic effects of the typhoon. Canada will provide up to $5 million in support to humanitarian organizations striving to meet the needs of the people affected by this typhoon in the Philippines and surrounding regions. Emergency relief activities will include the provision of emergency shelter, food, water, livelihood support, and other essential services. “Canada is deeply concerned by the impact of this catastrophic typhoon,” said Minister Paradis. “We continue to monitor the situation closely and are working with Canadian and international humanitarian partners to determine what assistance is required.” The situation related to Typhoon Haiyan is evolving rapidly. The strongest typhoon this year, it slammed into the Philippines on Friday, November 8, 2013, setting off landslides, knocking out power in several provinces, and cutting communications in the country's central region of island provinces. The typhoon was expected to track toward Vietnam, where it was expected to make landfall on November 10. Significant loss of life, a large number of injuries, as well as destruction of property, have been reported. Nearly 4.3 million people are reportedly affected, and al-

though needs assessments are ongoing, humanitarian needs are expected to be substantial. “In addition to the support announced today, Canada has provided support through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to provide immediate assistance to those affected by Typhoon Haiyan,” said Minister Paradis. “The destruction is alarming, and Canada will continue to ensure needs are being met,” said Minister Baird. “Canada remains committed to supporting the most vulnerable people around the world. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this devastating storm.” The Government of Canada will continue to monitor the situation to ensure humanitarian needs are met and provide further assistance if required. According to its web site, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has been working with the Philippine Red Cross as it prepared rapid response teams and supplies for those worst affected by the storm. Search and rescue teams are on standby and emergency supplies of blankets, sleeping mats, hygiene kits and water carriers have been sent from stores in Manila to a warehouse in Cebu ready for distribution in the coming days. The Canadian Red Cross is on stand-by with both personnel and supplies, including its field hospital, ready to be deployed quickly if requested. To make a donation to the Typhoon Haiyan fund contact your local Red Cross or go to, donate-online/donate-to-thetyphoon-haiyan-fund<http:// donate-online/donate-to-thetyphoon-haiyan-fund>.

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

We’re here to serve you Rooney Feeds Ltd. has been serving, helping and guiding the local farming community for over 50 years. Three generations of Rooneys have helped to guide the business to the respectable position it is in today. We’ve done this because we believe in the community and its people and are proud to be a part of it.

With our original store and mill in Iroquois and our expansion into South Gower,we can continue to provide the best quality products and service to our valued customers. The Iroquois location, which opened in 1962, has its own mixing mill, which allows us to have full control over the ingredients that go into some of our most popular livestock feeds. It also allows us to make custom mixes to satisfy the desires of the local farmer. We are located at the corner of Hwy. 43 and Cty. Rd. 22, also called South Gower Drive. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm, and Saturday 9 am to 4 pm. Rooney Feeds Ltd. is also proud to be one of the leading suppliers of wild birdseed. We have our own custom blend, as well as a new Le Geyt Premium blend, developed by Mrs. Le Geyt of the Ottawa Citizen World of Birds, that was launched in June of 2013. In our fiscal year of 2012/2013, we sold over 182 tonnes of birdseed. We know birdfeeding. We stock all types of feeders for your feathered friends, our feeders are chosen for long lasting durabilty, and bird choice. Each year, we have a birdseed sale. Four train cars of fresh seed has been booked and heading our way.This year we are expecting our fresh supply to arrive approximately the first week in December and the sale will last throughout the month, or while quantities last. In both locations we’ve hired top quality people that are only too happy to help you find the right product for your animals. Whether that’s food, health products, fencing or horse shoes, or anything in between, we’ve got you covered. And if we don’t have what you’re looking for ,we can certainly order it for you. To learn more about Rooney Feeds Ltd. visit them at or you can find us on Facebook.


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Cargo Horse Utility Tow Dolly Truck Decks

Dump Flatbed Roll-off Livestock Toy/Car Hauler Nov. 13, 2013



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Remembrance Day in North Grenville - 2013

Nov. 13, 2013


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Regular Store Hours

Mon. - Fri. 8 to 8

Sat. - 8 to 6 Sun. 9 to 6


301 Rideau Street, Kemptville

Prices effective: Friday, November15 to Saturday, November 21, 2013 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements�

Nov. 13, 2013


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Petvalu in Kemptville were proud sponsors of the recent Cutest Pet Contest in the North Grenville Times. We supplied the First Prize winner with a $50 Gift Certificate to go along with the free photo session with Mike+Ness Photo. A full report and pictures of the prize presentations will appear in next week’s NG Times.

Kemptville’s local

Pet Experts! DID YOU KNOW? We have adoptable pets in-store every day. Nail Trimmings on the last Friday of every month. Visit us on Nov. 29th, 4-7pm Take your pet’s Glamour Shot. Visit us on Dec. 14th for Pet Photos with Santa!

We sell live feeder insects

309 Colonnade Drive, Kemptville (613) 258-2459 ™ Trademark used under license.

Nov. 13, 2013


The North Grenville Times

Let’s Connect…

Food costing survey completed for the Tri-county The Health Unit has recently completed the Nutritious Food Basket costing for 2013. The annual food costing, done by all Public Units in Ontario, calculates the price of 67 food items from a number of grocery stores in the area. This year, across Leeds, Grenville and Lanark counties, the cost of feeding a family of four (2 adults + 2 children) is $178 per week (or $772 per month). This is a 9% increase in the cost of food alone in the past three years (since 2010). “The challenge with the rising cost of food is that as other costs of living, such as household bills and the price of gas, increase and there is less and less money available for buying food,” says Dianne

Oickle, a Registered Dietitian at the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit. “So not only does it become more difficult to choose healthy foods, it sometimes becomes a choice between eating enough and paying for other family needs like rent and transportation.” While families who live on a low-income are at risk of not being able to afford healthy food, it is not limited to those who are unemployed or receiving social assistance. According to the Canadian Community Health Survey (2011), 9.3% of people in Leeds, Grenville, and Lanark reported that they were not able to afford the food they needed in the previous year. Dianne notes, “Individuals

by Susan Smith, Executive Director, Kemptville District Home Support Inc.

who are working hard at lower paying jobs may be trying to support themselves or their families with an income that is just not enough to cover everything that is needed. And as families struggle with losing work and less income, their ability to afford healthy food decreases. The Nutritious Food Basket survey records the lowest cost at each grocery store for 67 foods, and estimates the average cost by age and life stage group. Results can be used to raise awareness of the cost of healthy eating in our community. To learn more about the health effects of not being able to afford healthy food, go to nutrition/.

Happy Holidays from Rideau Hill Camp Rideau Hill Camp has just announced its Christmas Musical Fundraiser to be held at St. John’s United Church in Kemptville on Sunday December 8. Doors open at 6 pm for the viewing of the silent auction, and at 7 pm the community will be treated to the voices of the Ottawa Valley Men’s Choir. This fundraiser will kick-off our fundraising efforts to renovate the oldest and most beloved building on the camp property, our “Historic

Rec Hall”. This lovely old favourite will be getting a new roof, windows and siding. The camp is now accepting gifts and donations on behalf of this very necessary and timely project. All gifts of over $300 will be honoured with the donor’s name engraved on a plaque inside the building. The following items will be needed for the musical/Auction night. (The Auction will be a great time for the community to complete some Christmas

The Voice of North Grenville

shopping.) · New or gently used Auction Items · Gift baskets · Baked goods for sale or serving · Volunteers to help staff this event The Rideau Hill Camp Board is in need of enthusiastic volunteers to join our fundraising committee. PLEASE contact Kathy or Dale Kirkpatrick at 613-258 -4367 or at

I am excited to be writing this monthly column. While sitting at my desk just starting to type my first submission, a huge gust of wind came up and the windows shook. Immediately my thoughts turned to the weather and the time of year. It is so hard to believe that November is here. We really have had a great extended fall. However, now I have to get ready for the idea that soon we will be adjusting to our Canadian winter! Many will continue to get out and participate in activities. Others in the community find it very difficult getting out in the winter. What connects us? It can be our families, friends, where we work and our place of worship. Connections with others can be in many forms. We can connect with people in so many different ways now. It can be in person, over the telephone, by email, Skype and the hand written note. Heather Gilmour, from Stats Canada, wrote an article in October 2012 titled “Social participation and the health and well-being of Canadian seniors”. The findings in this article are similar to those of the World Health Organization’s work on the Social Determinants of Health. Her message is that connectivity, the social interactions we have with others, are vital to

maintaining our links to our community; and, our total well-being. One interesting point is that it is not just that we have a connection to one or more people; it is the number of different connections that further enhance our well-being. Our social networks connect us with others in many different and meaningful ways. We can get the sense of safety and security, enjoyment, information, a listening ear and a sense of meaning. All of these can reduce the risk of loneliness and isolation. One of the programs that we offer through KDHSI is Telephone Reassurance. This is a free service that connects a volunteer to a person requesting a daily call. The volunteer calls at the same time daily, Monday – Friday. The calls are usually just a quick check-in to see if all is well and how the client is doing. If the client is going to be away they let us know and we inform the volunteer. Over the years I have had great response from the clients, and their families, about how nice it was that there was someone caring enough to check in on them. If the volunteers can’t reach the client by phone, trying off and on for an hour, they call our office. We then

‘go into action’ and make calls to the emergency contact people that the client has given us. There have been only a few situations where I had to get involved because the client didn’t answer the phone. When I got to the client’s home, I had to call the ambulance, with a positive outcome. On another occasion the client forgot to tell us that she had an appointment that morning and would be out. The emergency contact person was able to tell us this. We have several volunteers that are available to make Telephone Reassurance calls. If you would like more information on this service, or have any comments, I would enjoy getting your call. I can be reached at 613 258 3203 or

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ or call 613 258 6402

Don’t forget... Santa Claus Parade and St. Michael HS Christmas Craft Show this weekend See Events on page 13 for details

Nov. 13, 2013


The North Grenville Times

Dr. Carla Eamon offers the latest in Retinal Imaging Technology

The Fundamentals 2: Jesus: the only Foundation by David Shanahan We are looking at those beliefs, doctrines, that are crucial to being a Christian. At the centre, the heart’s core of Christianity is Jesus of Nazareth, a man who lived in Palestine, who lived in that country all his life, with just a short stay in Egypt when he was a baby. He was a carpenter, worked all his life, and only became a public figure in his thirties. For about three years, he was an itinerant preacher, gathering around him a small group of followers and a popular following that grew and decreased according to what he taught. Palestine was ruled by Rome at the time, and various groups in the country wanted Jesus to take on a political role, while others were afraid that is precisely what he would do. After three years, he was arrested by the religious-political authorities, tried for blasphemy and executed by crucifixion. They were afraid he would eventually precipitate a political uprising against Rome, although he constantly emphasised that his kingdom was not of this world, and Rome faced no threat from him. Nevertheless, his execution was designed to remove him from the scene and to punish him for the claims he made about himself. At the time of his arrest, his closest friends and followers deserted him, with one or two exceptions. In fact, it was one of his close friends who betrayed him for the reward. With his death and burial, it seemed that the entire episode was closed. Yet, today, two thousand years later, most of the world calculates the year according to when he lived and died. His teachings are acknowledged as some of the most profound and beautiful thoughts ever spoken. He has, without any qualification, had a greater influence on world history than anyone else who ever lived. And yet there are a few who deny he ever existed, despite the overwhelming historical evidence. History, perhaps most especially our own day, has confirmed Nov. 13, 2013

his own words: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” [Matthew 12:29-31] A teacher known for his words of love, tolerance, forgiveness and peace is still causing division and debate after two millennia. There has to be a reason for this. The reason, according to Christians throughout those years, is that Jesus of Nazareth was, in fact, God himself become man and bringing to us the full revelation of who God is and what it is he wants of the human race, individually. Whatever you think of this claim, it should be noted that this was the foundation upon which Christianity was built, and without it, Christianity ceases to matter. It is at the core of the New Testament and every writer of the books in the New Testament holds that belief. Why do they believe Jesus is God? Because, firstly, he claimed to be and proved it by the Resurrection (another of the key and essential beliefs that make a Christian). When he was arrested and tried, the crime of which he was accused was that he was claiming to be God. The charge was blasphemy. This Teacher of love and peace and tolerance also said quite clearly: “... if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.” [John 8.24] He had no qualms about placing himself at the centre of his teaching and what it implied for the human race: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” [Matthew 7.24-27] There is no shortage of evidence from the

The Voice of North Grenville

New Testament that Jesus claimed to be God. There is no arguing with John who wrote in the very first words of his Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” The Word was God from before the beginning. Everything that is was made by and through him. John is also clear that this Word was no spiritual fantasy: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” This is the first great fact of Christianity, without belief in this, you cannot claim to be a follower of Jesus. But we have to explain why he came, what his coming meant and what it accomplished. It was not just to teach wonderful things, or give us “an example” of how to be nice. It is called Salvation, and we will next look at what that word means and why it was so vital that Jesus of Nazareth is also called Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour.

Dr. Carla Eamon stands behind her new Nidek AFC Retinal Camera. It enhances her ability to provide patients with advanced diagnostic analysis of their ocular health and a comprehensive documentation of their current retinal condition. The examination process is quick and easy; the long term benefits are countless. by Beth Nicol A visit to the optometrist for a regularly scheduled eye examination is not usually something you would write about. A trip to the office of Kemptville Optometrist, Dr. Carla Eamon, recently is definitely word worthy. The examination room is now equipped with a new ultrahigh resolution Retinal Camera and it is amazing. The Nidek AFC Retinal Camera takes the optometrist’s ability to offer comprehensive eye care to a whole new level. It is an excellent diagnostic tool as well as a valuable record keeper, documenting your retinal health from visit to visit.


Optometrists have routinely used a retinal exam as means of identifying and noting the progress of specific eye conditions. The retina, located at the back of the eye, is central to healthy vision. Light coming through the lens of the eye is captured on the retina, first producing a picture and then forwarding it to the brain via the optic nerve. It is the only place in the body where blood vessels can be viewed without the use of invasive medical procedures. This allows for the identification of potential health problems as well as eye conditions. This newest of the Nidek AFC cameras sends the

digital image wirelessly to the doctor’s office computer where it can be inspected, manipulated to allow examination from various vantage points and then be kept on file as a visual marker for future reference. The ability to now compare images side by side makes subtle changes over time easier to spot and to identify. An optometrist is able to interpret retinal digital readouts to confirm or negate the presence of Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Retinal Detachment, Hypertension, Diabetic Retinopathy, Optic Nerve Disease or PreCancerous Lesions. Dr. Eamon recommends that all her patients get a retinal exam, particularly those with a history of eye disease, who suffer from visual aberrations (floaters for example), are Diabetic or have High Blood Pressure. Everyone over 50 years of age is urged to make an appointment to initiate an ocular health record. Digital retinal imaging is not included in the provincial hospital insurance plan, so be sure to check your independent plan for coverage. The cost is $30.00. Contact Information: Dr. Carla Eamon, 3-212 Van Buren St. Kemptville Phone: 613-258-7438 Email: Facebook: Dr CL Eamon - Optometrist

The North Grenville Times


First 15 words are FREE for North Grenville Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word


or chance www.HannaMac- 2004 Camry. $100. OBO. (613) 258-7297 258-5557.

Yoga for everyone. Wednesday starting Oct. 23, 5:306:30 pm: Thursday, Oct. 24, 12 - 1 at Independent Grocer. Call Maureen 258-9902

I Can Sew It: Rhonda Cybul- Barely used Yardman snow skie-613-258-5248 Rhonda@ blower, 277 cc, OHV S.E.T., electric starter, 26”, lazy owner, $550. Call 613-258Al’s Cleanup Services Dump runs, 7563 Grass, Landscaping Al Scott R R #1 Oxford Station(613) 258-3847 Moving Sale: Mechanical and power tools. Some home House Cleaning - Kemptville area. furnishings, snowblowers, For quote call 613-294-0385 or STIHL chain saws, lumber and more. Call 258-3098

Boat & car storage available at Osgoode Storage. Dry concrete floor and steel walls. Book your spot now. Call 613-826-2511 Osgoode Mini Storage available. Short and long term units available in various sizes. Clean and secure, comparative rates. Call 613-8262511 House Cleaning-Every working Mother and father needs a House Wife. Each home is custom priced to ensure my cleaning will meet your needs & budget. Sandi 613219-7277 Grade 9-11 MATH TUTORING: Local math teacher, 4 years experience. Old Town Kemptville, $30/hr 613-863-5639 Stonehouse Studio Sewing - new in Kemptville! Alterations or new; formal or casual. Sharon 224-3182

Property Clean up, yards, garages, basements, loads to dump,anything removed. 613258-7955

Rowing machine. Excellent condition Photos available. ve3mhm@sympatico 613.258.3557..............$ 25.00

Sienna Fine Arts Art Classes and Supplies www.siennafinearts. com 613-878-9706

Scroll saw, Delta, 15” Photos available 613.258.3557 $ 22.00

Commercial/Residential cleaning- Kemptville area. For quote email Mrandmrsclean613@gmail. com or call 613-867-2184

1954 Heintzman Upright Grand Piano, very good condition. Asking $1350 obo offer. Contact Kathy 613-2150657


Firewood, cut, split and delivered $90/cord. Call Peter at 258-5504

Farmhouse for rent December 1st. Osgoode Area. Large 4 bedroom, 2 bath home for rent. $1300. + utilities. Double attached garage, large mudroom, 3 season porch, fridge and stove available if required. For more information please call 613-826-2511

HANDYMAN, no job too big or too small. I can do it all.Free estimates and references 2 bedroom unit for rent, available. Paul 613-791-8597 $950, Gas and Electricity extra Downtown KemptvilleDRUM LESSONS - Professional Contact Justin 613-296-5906 drummer/teacher accepting students. All levels welcome! Kemptville Two Bedroom, Two Bryan Valeriani 613 298 5913 Bath Bungalow. Finished basement, backyard and garage. Quiet Neighborhood $1200 + Helen’s Sewing Room All kinds of utilities. No Smoking. No Pets. sewing 613 258 5583 References. 613-258-5510

Rock My House Music Centre Spacious, quiet 2 bedroom offers lessons in Piano, Violin, apt. Excellent for retirees. Guitar, Drums, Bass and Vocals. Stove & fridge incl. No smoking, no pets. 512 Clother, call Piano and Music Theory Lessons: 258-3010 Elisa Lane www.kemptvillemusic. com 613-215-0549 FOR SALE Kemptville - Shop AVON at home Personal service and 100% guar- Winter tires and rims. Used antee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 only last season. 4 Arctic Claw tires P1856515, 4 rims X991 28N. paid $800, open to K e m p t v i l l e L o c k s m i t h offers . Call 613 513 4696 55 8 - 8 5 42 * l o c ko u t * r e ke y * installation*residential Chris 4 Firestone Winterforce Snow Halden 558-8542 Show this ad - Tires (M+S) 215/65R16 , on 5 get 10% off holes rim Used one season call 613-258-0589 Bowen Therapy Restore your health. PAIN, Respiratory, Diges- Corner TVentertainment unit. tive & more. 613-799-3315. www. Expresso color. Excellent dition, $200. Call 258-5103 One Tear Studio, Paintings/ Winter tires / rims 205-65R15 Soapstone Sculptures/Butterfly Cooper Weathermaster from Hearts. Visit by appointment Nov. 13, 2013

The Voice of North Grenville

Restored Antiques grandmother and grandfather Platform Rockers $250 each 613 258 1712 Storage trunk with brasslike fittings, 31Wx17Dx15H, can be padlocked, leather handles, lightweight, $40 258-5558WANTED Old AM-FM sterio receiver, call 613-808-7624 Snowblower, Yardman, 9.5 hp/27”, like new, $700, call 613 258-9320 Kitchen cupboards, lower cabinets, all have pull-out features, incl. countertop, sink, taps. Excellent condition. Oak round table with extension, 6 press-back chairs. Call 613-989-6135 Baby change table, white, excellent condition, $30, 613258-5558.

ROTARY CASH CALENDAR 10th Anniversary Edition NOW AVAILABLE OVER $20,000 IN CASH PRIZES TO BE WON! Bonus draws of $1000 A WINNER EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR Only 5,000 CALENDARS PRINTED. Support Rotary Projects Order today by phone Claire: 613-258-6470 Email Or pick up at Hudson Autobody Prescott St Kemptville PATTERSON HADDEN & BROWN INS B&H Mall Rideau St. M5 Digital Creekside Mall County RD 43 Kemptville Members selling at B&H Grocer & Jonsson’s Independent grocer Great gift for Family, Friends, Teachers, Staff $20.00 Each

Five ways to face the frost this winter Warm up your long johns and dust off your snow shovel because winter is moving in. Just because the weather is making some changes, don’t avoid it, embrace it. There are lots of ways to spend your time throughout this chilly season, so here’s five to help you get started – for every kind of winter personality. This winter, try volunteering with a local organization that offers outdoor opportunities. The Nature Conservancy of Canada is hosting winter conservation volunteer events across the country. For the snow-pros Should this winter be white, the snow-lovers have many options for passing time. Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are great ways to get outdoors and stay active this winter. You will be too distracted by the snowflakes landing on your nose to be fickle about the below-zero wind chill. And if your sibling has yet to return your equipment from last season, make do with the snow in your front yard. You can’t deny the

nostalgia attached to building a snowman or crafting a snow angel. Get your family and friends together for this outdoor fun, warm up with some hot chocolate afterwards! The nature-lover Looking to graduate from amateur to intermediate birder or wildlife photographer? Then get outside! Winter brings out some of the most enchanting seasonal species and scenes. From the Snowy owl to elk, snowshoe hares to red squirrels – you could catch sight of these beautiful animals, right outside your front door. The stay-putter Maybe you’re ready for winter to come and go and you’ve got your computer warmed up for some serious online shopping. Not to worry, there’s still ways to embrace the season without leaving the house. Donate to a local conservation organization, and show nature that you care. Visit www.giftsofnature.

ca to choose from a number of conservation projects working to protect nature in your community. The go-getter This winter, try volunteering with a local organization that offers outdoor opportunities. The Nature Conservancy of Canada is hosting winter conservation volunteer events across the country, one of which is a day of Scotch pine removal. The crafter Forget dreaming about crafts while scrolling through Pinterest, start collecting pine cones and grab the peanut butter – it’s the right time of year for bird feeders. Pine cone bird feeders are a fun and easy way to spend time with your friends and family, and to provide winter birds with a tasty treat. Stick the peanut butter in between each layer of the cone – et voila! Grab some string for tree-hanging and stay close by to be sure you see the birds enjoying your creation.

W CLASSIFIEDS: A First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!



The Voice of North Grenville


ACROSS 1. Winglike 5. Blaze 10. Crazes 14. Solitary 15. Parts portrayed 16. Cain's brother 17. Sweater eater 18. Apparent 20. Spire 22. Debauch 23. Former boxing champ 24. Something of value 25. An organic compound 32. It makes dough rise 33. Posts 34. Accomplished 37. Head 38. Danced

39. Workbench attachment 40. Historic period 41. Keen 42. European blackbird 43. Broadcast equipment 45. Gorillalike 49. Consumed food 50. Non-Jew 53. Tick 57. Vacillation 59. Diva's solo 60. Found on a finger 61. Bread from Heaven 62. Between the head and shoulders 63. Delight 64. Vomited 65. Views

DOWN 1. Charity 2. Plunder 3. Initial wager 4. Practice 5. Cavort 6. Fail to win 7. Altitude (abbrev.) 8. A fitting reward (archaic) 9. Feudal worker 10. Carnivals 11. Religious fathers 12. Look closely 13. Mixture of rain and snow 19. Straddles 21. Conspiracy 25. Hoopla 26. 365 days 27. Information 28. Girlfriend (Spanish) 29. Large black bird 30. Caskets 31. Not young 34. Soil 35. Small island 36. Bambi was one 38. Glass container 39. Former soldiers 41. Set of principles 42. Small amount 44. A frenzied woman 45. Growing old 46. Prison-related 47. An independent film company 48. Inscribed pillar 51. Not stiff 52. Brother of Jacob 53. Accomplished 54. No charge 55. Bloodsucking insects 56. Wild Tibetan oxen 58. Writing liquid

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku




Solution to last week’s Crossword


Youngsters of Yore, Kemptville Public Library, 1:30 pm. Guest speaker 14— June Norgaard---Saga of a Stone House 1809-2013 Nov 15 Fitness Friday! at Oxford-on-Rideau PS, Oxford Mills from 6:30-8 pm. Come out and enjoy an evening of Jiu Jitsui, Yoga and Zumba with nutritious snacks prepared by students. This is a FREE event and everyone is welcome!, 258-3141 Nov 16 Annual K insmen Santa Claus Parade in partnership with the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce. Parade leaves at 1 pm from Holy Cross School/Church Parking lot. This year's Theme "A Child's Dream" Nov 16 14th Annual St. M ichael's Catholic High School Christmas Craft Show. 10 am to 4 pm. 100+ tables of Christmas Gift Ideas. Chip stand. Admission with Donation of $1.00 or a canned good. Nov 18 North Grenville Cancer Support 2 pm St. John's United Church, Everyone W elcome Nov 20 K emptville H orticultural Society meeting 7:30 pm, Kemptville Pentecostal Church. Guest: Kemptville Florist: Christmas Decorations plus a Mini-Show on Christmas Table Centerpieces Contact: Arline at 613-258-4645 Nov 20 Probus Club of North Grenville, 9:30 am Gathering Time, 10 am Meeting Time St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall. Speaker: Richard Brisson, Canadian Security Establishment speaking on Enigma Decoding Machine Nov 29 M eeples H elping Peeples (Special Game Night) 7:30 to 11 pm at Maplewood Hall, Oxford Mills. Come learn to play Blueprints, Z-Man Game's newest release or one of the other many family favourites like Agricola, Carcassonne and Tsuro. Door prizes provided by Z-Man Games, Twice The Fun and Comfort by AJ's - Amission $3; Kids 12 and under $1 (proceeds to support the OM CA) Nov 30 Old Town Christmas 10 to 4 pm - Enjoy horse-drawn wagon rides, an Artisan Market in the Old Fire Hall, fire barrels with hot dogs and s’mores, and roving carollers. Be sure to visit our North Pole! Nov 30 St. John’s United Church W hile browsing the bake table, candy corner and craft table, take time for coffee/tea and a muffin, served from 9-11 am. For those looking for an inviting warm lunch, Joyce and her crew will be serving up something wonderful from 11:30- 1:30, accompanied by some festive caroling. A special welcome to the children to do some shopping in the Kids Korner where only they can shop and we'll even help with the wrapping and tagging. Nov 30 Lantern M aking W orkshop: 1 to 3pm at M aplewood Hall, Oxford Mills. This workshop is in preparation of the tree lighting ceremony in Oxford Mills Dec 6. The paper lanterns made can be used at the tree lighting ceremony and through the Christmas holidays. Come join us and you will leave with your very own lantern. All supplies will be provided. For more info please email or call 258-6485. Dec 14 3rd Annual Christmas Show case, Sale & Cafe, 9.30-4.30 pm. Weekly and Presented recurring events by The Artsy FM Sister Chicks at the North Grenville Community Church, next to Kemptville Hospital. Amazing Door Prize. Wed The Grenville Photography Club - Meeting first Wednesday Free North Admission. of every month at the Old Fire Hall, 25 Reuben Crescent. For more info see Bingo- First and third Wednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available Klub 67 Euchre every 2 nd & 4th Wednesday of the month starting at 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church downstairs. Everyone welcome - $5. Vivian Howe 613-258-2540 Probus Club of North Grenville every 3rd Wed. of the month with the exception of Dec., July and Aug. 9:30 am., St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall. New Members Welcome The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church (downstairs) 2659 Concession Street every 3 rd Tues. 7 pm. New members welcomed! Thurs Bridge -St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691 North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1 st & 3 rd Thurs. of the month, 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665 The French Connexion: Le quatrième jeudi du mois, venez nous joindre pour un souper et des conversations en français. Fri Friendship Lunch - Until Dec. 13. Leslie Hall, hosted by four churches of Kemptville and the Salvation Army, 11:30 am. Freewill offerings are gratefully accepted. Call 613-258-4804 for more information. Sat Games night, 6:30 pm, St. John's United Church. Fully accessible. Please call Barbara at 613-258-4526 for further details. M on North Grenville Cancer Support Group. Every 3rd Mon. of the month with exception of month of Dec., July and Aug., 2 pm, St. John's United Church. Anyone needing support is welcome to attend M odern Square Dancing in Kemptville at NG District High School, 7-7:45 is free to all beginners. Casual attire! Info Shelley 258-0016 or email welcome Tues BNI Networking Group Breakfast- Alumni Building, University of Guelph, 7-8:30am. Call 613-258-0553 for more information. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $3, partner preferred but not necessary. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691 M others of Preschoolers Support Group-St.John’s United Church, 6:30-8 pm. W hether you’re a townie, rural, stay-at-home, working, teen, adoptive, special-needs, single or married, MOPS is for you! For more information, call Angie Brown at 613-223-3979 M on Wed Fri Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am Contact: Eva 258-4487

The North Grenville Times end up to Quinn Carroll who in turn found Matt Tugnutt streaking down the left wing and he beat the Colts goalie to restore Kemptville's lead. The period ended with a score of 2-1 in the 73's favour. In the third, both teams maintained the pace they had displayed for the rest of the game. David Higgs won a footrace in the 73's end and cleared the puck all the way down the ice. Dylan Giberson stripped the Colts defenceman of the puck and Jesse Blais picked it up. As Blais went behind the Cornwall net, he fed Giberson in the slot for the one timer

73’s Honor Canadian Forces

@rinkrat Mid -week, the 73's traded two of their players to the Hawkesbury Hawks. Jonathan Cyr and Niko Legault are now members of the Hawks organization. Kemptville acquired defenceman David Higgs, who is a second year player in the league and a draft pick in return. General Manager Terry Nichols said: “We were very young on our blue line and have picked up an older, more experienced defenceman who can add much needed stability.” On Friday night, the Kemptville 73's made the trip down County Road 43 to tangle with the Smiths Falls Bears. The first period was sluggish at best and Smiths Falls controlled the play. At 7:05 of the first, the Bears scored a power play goal that Jake Tugnutt had no chance on. Three and a half minutes

later, the Bears added to their lead when a clearing pass was intercepted and Smiths Falls found the back of the net quickly. At the end of the first Smiths Falls was leading 2-0, out shooting Kemptville 12-4. In the second the 73's discovered their game and took it to the Bears, dominating the play throughout the period but they were unable to solve Smiths Falls goalie, Michael Pinios. Again, in the third period, Kemptville controlled the game and continued their physical play. Early in the period, the 73's notched their first of the game on the power play; and it only took fifteen seconds. Jesse Blais won the face off in the Bears end and sent the puck back to newcomer, David Higgs. He slid it across the blue line to Brandon Cole. Cole found Blais on the half wall and Blais was allowed to skate out to the high slot where a great

The Voice of North Grenville

wrist shot put Kemptville on the board. The 73's outshot Smiths Falls 24-12 in the last two periods but were unable to get another one passed the Bears net minder. Jake Tugnutt was named second star. On Sunday afternoon, the Cornwall Colts visited North Grenville. The game opened with a Color Party from the Royal Canadian Legion coming to center ice. The group was represented both by members of the Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary. After the singing of the National Anthem by 9 year old Catherine Orlichy, Kemptville Legion President, Ralph Pulfer, officiated over the ceremonial puck drop. Ralph is a decorated veteran of several campaigns, the most recent being Afghanistan. The CCHL and the Kemptville 73's are proud to remember the achievements and sacrifices of our veterans. The 73's opened the scoring in the first period when the puck came back to the point and Cody Hendsbee let a shot go that bounced off the end boards. The puck was held in on the other side by Quinn Wichers. Wichers took a shot that was deflected on the way to the net by Quinn Carroll. Kemptville was up 1-0 to end the first. Just over halfway through the second, Cornwall was able to tie the game. Five and a half minutes later, Jonathon Masters cleared the puck from his own

and the rocket shot made it a 3-1 game. The Colts pulled their goalie in favour of an extra attacker in the dying seconds of the game. Quinn Carroll and Matt Tugnutt recovered the puck in their own end and worked it up the ice. The final pass went to Aaron Hickie who deposited in the empty net. The 73's won by a 4-1 score. Quinn Carroll was the first star of the game and Matt Tugnutt picked up the second star honors. The 73's are holding a fund raising raffle for the rest of November to support Brett Nugent and his family. Brett

is a Shawville Junior B player who suffered a spinal cord injury at the end of October. The raffle items will be displayed at the next home game. The 73's have three games this week. Up first are the Nepean Raiders on Wednesday at the Nepean Sportsplex. The home game is on Friday night when the Kanata Stallions will be here. The opening faceoff is at 7:30. Then on Sunday, the team travels to Navan to battle the Cumberland Grads. Come and see some great hockey in your community. See you at the rink!

Picture caption: Slam the Door - Kemptville’s Jake Tugnutt (31) slams the door on Bears Daniele Disipio (15)









Mustangs capture second LGSSAA boys volleyball title in school history

The St. Michael Senior boys volleyball team brought home a LGSSAA Gold medal yesterday beating the St. Mary Crusaders Nov. 13, 2013

3 sets to 1 to advance to the EOSSAA championship on Thursday, November 14 in Pembroke. The Mustangs cruised through

the semi finals handily defeating Brockville Collegiate Institute 25-12 and 25-11 to earn a spot in the championship match. In

the best of five finals, the Mustangs won the first two sets over St. Mary before dropping the third set 26-28. In the fourth set, the Mustangs found their rhythm and won 25-13 to claim top spot in Leeds and Grenville this season. Excellent setting by James Murray and stellar defense from Alex Cornel helped lead the Mustangs to victory. Shawn Kingsbury led all hitters with 16 kills in the final match. Congratulations to the Mustangs who enter the EOSSAA championships with an overall season record of 93 wins and 27 losses. The boys have displayed an excellent work ethic this season and look forward to competing at EOSSAA this week.


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Another treasure trove from WWI by David Shanahan Bill Kilfoyle was looking through a trunk in the attic of his home on Elizabeth Street before Remembrance Day and found a collection of postcards sent from France between 1914 and 1917. They were addressed to his Aunt Ethel Young and were sent by her boyfriend, Jack Balch, who was serving with B Company of the 21st Canadians. We are very grateful to Bill and his sister, Jean Kilfoyle, for allowing the NG Times to share them with you. Pictured here are a few of those postcards, a series of three entitled: “The Girl I Left Behind Me”. The photograph of the soldier shown here was on one of the postcards, but it is unknown at present if it is a picture of Corporal Balch. If it is, it was taken before he received his stripes. The messages on the post-

cards are quite moving, and reflect the feelings of a young Canadian far from home. Some of the text is reproduced here: “England, July 30, /15. My Darling, We are having a very hard time now, long route marches and brigade drill. We expect to be reviewed by Lord Kitchener and King George. How I wish it was over. I hate the darn thing. There was more talk of it in the papers and around here what good soldiers we were that I am sick and tired of it....It came from Brigade Office that we would be in the trenches inside of three weeks. I hope that is true as I am sick and tired of this place...I have not saw a girl I liked here yet.” Undated: “Please don’t talk of enjoying myself. I could not enjoy myself here but I am doing my best...Please tell Mary and Clara to write tot. I have had only one letter and

that was from home except yours...Those fellows that are wounded go right back as soon as they are well. There are some wounded passing through here all the time in train loads and others going to take their places.” “August 8th, 1917. Dear Ethel, Well, the summer is passing quick. It will not be long until the Fall Fairs start again. I thought sure I should be home for them this year but I don’t think so now as it won’t be long. I remain forever yours, Jack.” No date: “Just a line to see if you are getting any of my letters as I have not got any for a long time. I hope you are not forgetting me. Maybe they are going astray. I hope that is all it is.” Christmas, 1917: “With love from Jack to his Darling Ethel. From Cpl. W. J. Balch, B. Coy.”

A North Grenville Historical Society Exhibition:Archival Photographs, Documents, Maps November 25 to December 28 Monday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm Geronimo’s Coffee House.146 Prescott St., From 1823 to 1914 some 30 schools were built in what is now North Grenville. They were our Pioneer Era Schools. Just 50 years ago, children were still being educated in 17 of these school houses. Soon these schools would be closed and the doors locked. In September 1964, the children of Oxford would be bussed to the new Oxford-on-Rideau public school, and in the fall of 1965 the children of South Gower to South Gower Public School. In 2012, the North Grenville Photography Club began a project to photograph all the pioneer era schools that had survived. Some schools have weathered the actions of man and climate with grace, others are barely recognizable, some have just disappeared.Travelling the roads of North Grenville on the project were photographers. Francine Cross, Caleb Gamble, Thomas Greene, Burnice Sheppard, Paul Stebbing, Sylvia Vezina, Jancy Watkins, Mary Sue Wilson, and the Exhibition Photographic Producer Larry Loke. This contemporary record forms a key element in the Exhibition. The Archives of the North Grenville Historical Nov. 13, 2013

Society includes archival maps, early documents and vintage photographs. It is from this treasured heritage resource that most of the visuals for the exhibition were sourced. A most important resource used in creating the exhibition were the local historians who documented the story of our community from the memories of our pioneers. In Oxford on Rideau this invaluable research is contained in these books: • Jean Newans All Around the Township Oxford-on-Rideau 1784-1984 • Ruth G. Burritt Burritt’s Rapids 1793-1900 • Olivia Mills & Renee Smith Burritt’s Rapids 17931993 A Scrapbook • Jean Newans The Way We Were 1930-1939 • Eleanor O’Neill Irishtown, A Community Portions of the text were drawn from the words of: Tom Graham, Eleanor O’Neil Hossie, Jean Newans, Eleanor O’Neil, Harold Tompkins and the late Harold Bolton, Lois Dangerfield, Winnifred Lamrock and Minnie Pelton The exhibit Our Pioneer Era Schools is a tribute to all the pioneering families, the school children, teachers and trustees who built,

These are two of a series of three postcards given to soldiers to mail home during WWI. The postcards emphasise the farway home that the men are fighting to get back to. The NGHS are grateful to Bill and Jean Kilfoyle for sharing these historic documents.

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worked and studied in these schools in the 19th and 20th centuries. We invite to the Exhibition, the many pre-1964 students, their teachers, school administrators and trustees, who just fifty years ago were preparing for amalgamation. We also invite our local historians and those who shared their recollections and memories. An invitation is also extended to the schoolchildren of 2013, their parents and teachers. Step into Geronimo’s and let the North Grenville Historical Society take you back in time. Perhaps sip on one of Heather Childs’ delicious coffees as you view our Exhibition. As always at a North Grenville Historical Society event, a warm welcome awaits. (Especially in early winter at a coffee house!) For their professional assistance and expertise the North Grenville Historical Society acknowledges and thanks: The North Grenville Photography Club, Ted Hitman Canal Gallery and Frame Shop, Joy Cox and Rochinda Bates Coba Studios and Print Shop, Heather Childs Geronimo Coffee House, Marguerite Boyer, and Micheal Pacitto, The North Grenville Times.


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Library Night at the Movies at Friends AGM

photo’s courtesy of George Gouthro

by Ann Newton A fierce battle was waged on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at the AGM of the Friends of the North Grenville Public Library when two teams – the Bright Lights and the Whiz Kids - competed against one another in a Trivia Bee. The Trivia Master or should we say Mistress, Joan Simpson, the Judge, Sue Higgins and the Timekeeper, Peter Bunn managed to maintain order when some of the contestants, who shall remain nameless, became overly excited and shouted out their answers without consulting with their respective teams. An unexpected development was the participation by a member of the audience, George Buys, who was able to provide the correct response to some of the questions that had proved too challenging for both groups. Despite a valiant effort on the part of the Whiz Kids (Ann Newton, Doug Thompson, Eric Harris,

Nov. 13, 2013

Ann Newton

Marie Gouthro and Ann Campbell), the Bright Lights (Gwyn Jones, Marie Gouthro, Terry Butler and John Barclay) emerged victorious with a score of 19 to 15. Both teams were presented with certificates at the conclusion of the Bee, which provided some consolation to the defeated. Another highlight of the evening was the presentation to Cathy Lindsey of the 2013 Star of the Library Award “for service above and beyond in support of the North Grenville Public Library”.

Gwyn Jones

Registration for Fill a Bag Campaign underway by Beth Nicol The “Fill a Bag” campaign is still looking for volunteers. Organized by the North Grenville Community Church to support the Salvation Army Christmas Baskets and the Food Bank, the drive has become community wide. For those donating canned goods and household products, the process is simple: take the bag from the front door; fill it; set it out for pick up a week later. For the campaign to be successful, the bags need to be distributed and picked up. This is where an army of volunteers is needed. The time commitment: a few hours on two consecutive Sunday afternoons. Volunteers will meet at the


Salvation Army Christmas Distribution Centre (the old Giant Tiger Store) on Sunday, November 24t at 1 pm. to collect bags and a map. They then proceed to drop off a bag at the doorstep of each home in their assigned neighbourhood. On December 1 at 1 pm, volunteers will begin to collect the filled bags and return them to the S.A. Christmas Distribution Centre. Young people will be on hand with grocery carts to assist with the unloading of vehicles. Inside a pizza bar will provide a snack for those needing sustenance. Many hands do make a job easier. Each vehicle should have a team of 2 or 3 helpers to drop off and pick up the bags. It can be a family affair, a

team from work, a service club, or friends and neighbours. To make the distribution logistics easier, volunteers are asked to register online at www. The process is simple and necessary. For those without access to a computer, registration can be completed over the phone by calling the

church. (613-258-4815) Dates to keep in mind: Registration .. the sooner the better November 24 – 1 pm Meet at the Salvation Army Distribution Centre (200 Saunders St.) to collect bags for distribution to area homes. December 1 – 1 pm Bag collection begins.

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