January 4, issue 1 volume 5 web

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The Voice of North Grenville

Vol. 5, No. 1

January 4, 2017

A Community Christmas spirit

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The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated



by David Shanahan

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And so that was Christmas, and what have we done? The year just past was one to encourage cynicism, fear and doubt about the future. But it ended with an event at Leslie Hall on Christmas Day to give a strong, positive answer to all that negativity. As long as there are communities like ours, then there is hope for the world. The second Community Christmas Dinner took place between 11.30 and around 2 on Christmas Day: a completely free celebration which included a full traditional Christmas dinner

and desserts, beverages, music and lots and lots of good cheer. Approximately 250 meals were served, including sitdown, delivery, and special meals. And it was all the work of volunteers who donated the food, the decorations, the drinks, who cooked, prepared and served the food, set and cleared the tables, washed the dishes and played live music. It included volunteers collecting people from their homes, and bringing them back home afterwards, even to places outside North Grenville. It included volunteers delivering meals to people who could not come to Leslie Hall, but

wanted to share in the day. When it was learned that there were almost a dozen people working on Christmas Day at Kemptville District Hospital, meals were delivered to them too. And it was all done without fuss, anonymously and with great grace. As one organiser put it: “This is a community event, with all individuals involved believing it is better to give than receive during this special time, and who want to share their day with their friends and neighbours�. It was wonderful to see people moving through the hall, making sure everyone had whatever they needed.

Extra tables had to be set up to cope with the crowd, and it seemed that, as soon as a place became vacant, it was immediately filled with a newcomer, cutlery supplied and bowls of coleslaw and condiments ready to hand. The servers were cheerful, and the portions were generous. One woman stood by with her young girls serving bread rolls. Others were in the kitchen keeping the servers supplied with turkey, ham, potatoes, stuffing, gravy, vegetables, and everything needed for a happy Christmas meal. It was wonderful. continued on page 2

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continued from front page Leslie Hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and volunteers were on hand to welcome people as they arrived, take their coats for them, and wish them a Merry Christmas. Ron Donnelly played a great and varied selection of Christmas songs from the stage throughout the event, adding so much to the atmosphere of the hall. There were people there from all parts of the region, some enjoying their first Christmas in Canada, and others who were life-long residents. Everyone

was welcome. This may sound a little over-the-top, but I assure you, it really was that good, that uplifting and that moving too. Remember: it was all done free of charge, no credit asked, no thanks required. That is the Christmas spirit in our communities. Now the challenge is not to forget what is possible when people work together like that. Now Christmas is past for another year, a brand new year has arrived, but still the needs exist among our friends and

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The Voice of North Grenville neighbours. Food banks, thrift stores, helping hands, all are needed more than ever. Much of the need in our community is relatively hidden. It’s no longer just the elderly and the unemployed who look to food banks; families where people have jobs still find it hard to make ends meet. Hydro costs, accommodation, food, heating, all are things which cost more and more. But we have a community that can provide that Christmas dinner, service groups and churches, individuals

and organisations that stand on the front line to be a link between those who need help, and those who can provide it. Let’s make sure that the spirit shown on Christmas Day continues to be shown throughout 2017. Whatever is going on in the rest of the world, we can be so thankful that we live in such a country, such a province, such a municipality. What better way to celebrate Canada’s 150th than by carrying on this great tradition of compassion, caring and generosity? Happy New Year!

Local spa gives Christmas to family in need

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L-R: Don Gilchrist, NGAT Chair; April Green, Scotiabank; Roger Shantz and Brenda Dillabaugh, NGAT; and Angela Dunnington, Scotiabank.

Heritage on display in Kemptville

L-R: Dr. David Shanahan NGHS, Dr. Shawn Yakimovich, KBIA, Shelley Stinson and Ken Baird of the South Branch Bistro. Photo Credit: Barking Monkey Studio Ten heritage panels were unveiled last week at the South Branch Bistro in Old Town Kemptville. Produced by the North Grenville Historical Society [NGHS] and the Old Town Kemptville Business Improvement Area [KBIA], these panels were originally displayed for just a single day during the Doors Open - North

Grenville event, until Ken Baird and Kelly Stinson of the South Branch Bistro stepped up to have them framed and put on display at their restaurant at 15 Clothier Street East. The panels were designed by Ken Mews, President of the NGHS, and written by Dr. David Shanahan.

North Grenville Accessible Transportation [NGAT] held a special Christmas gift basket raffle to help them raise money for the purchase of a new vehicle. They raised $504 and Scotiabank matched their efforts for a grand total of $1,008. The $300 gift basket was won by Penny Lennox. NGAT wants to thank everyone who bought a raffle ticket, all local businesses who contributed to the basket, and Scotiabank for hosting and their generous matching donation. NGAT adapted vehicles provide a taxi service for residents in the municipality of

North Grenville. The service is available to individuals who cannot use conventional vehicles, people who use wheelchairs, walkers, or individuals with other physical limitations requiring assisted transport – attendants can travel with client. NGAT operates on a very tight budget, getting its funding from the North Grenville Municipality, United Way, client fares, advertising on the vehicles, the local business community, service clubs and private donations. The board of directors at NGAT consists strictly of volunteers, who are striving to keep the buses on the road.

The staff at Aphroditi Escape Salon and Spa opened their hearts to a family in need this holiday, giving them a Christmas unlike any they have had in years. This community supports me and I wanted to do something to give back,” says Sherry-Lynn Stark, owner of the spa. When she mentioned the idea to her staff, they jumped on it and worked hard to put together all the food needed for a proper Christmas dinner, along with gifts for the family, which included services at the spa. “It was a team effort,” Sherry-Lynn says. “They all chipped in out of their own pockets.” Through connections with the Kemptville Christian Reformed Church, the spa was able to get in touch with a family who needed a helping hand this holiday season. “It was a matter of identifying one among many,” says Ken Gehrels, the pastor at the church. “It was an honour to help facilitate the link between the spa and the family.” Because of the generosity of the staff at Aphroditi Escape Salon and Spa, the family was able to have their first Christmas dinner together in years. Ken says the family is very thankful and is looking forward to coming in to experience the spa services they have been given. “It makes me feel wonderful,” Sherry-Lynn says.

Aleta Karstad announces 2017 calendar Here's a calendar composed in celebration of Canada's lakes and rivers, in hopes that the loss of protection that they've recently suffered can be reversed. Nature Artist Aleta Karstad, by popular request, has gathered her favourite water paintings for your 2017 calendar. Aleta and her biologist husband Fred Schueler have written "Thoughts on The Natural Rights of Water" for the last page. Sales of paintings support the science, as Aleta Karstad and Fred

the north grenville

TIMES Gord Logan

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 258 6402 Email: gord@ngtimes.ca

January 4, 2017

L-R: Ken Gehrels, Sherry-Lynn Stark, Ashlee Service, Tracy Lyons, Jessica Gibson, Kim DeSchiffart (Absent: Jennie Childs, Fiona Mahon)


Schueler explore Canada. Price: $19.72. They can be ordered through Aleta’s blog at: karstaddailypaintings. blogspot.ca.


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

CRTC ruling on broadband OPP uniform recruitment introduces new reach program welcomed “On behalf of all rural residents across Eastern Ontario and those who travel to and from our region, we applaud yesterday’s ruling by the CRTC making access to mobile broadband and high speed internet services an essential service,” said Peter Emon, Chair of the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC). “It is what we had hoped they would do,” stated Dave Burton, Chair of the Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN). “Together both of our organizations have been working hard over these past 8 years to close the gaps in internet services across the whole of our region,” he added. “When we made our submissions to the Commission last April EORN urged them help ensure that rural people and rural businesses get the same type of access to high speed internet services that our urban neighbours enjoy,” stated Dave. “We asked that the Commission also develop an ongoing fund to help organizations like ours to continue to work with the telecommunications industry and that is exactly what they have done”. EORN estimates that about one-sixth of areas in rural Eastern Ontario where there are homes, businesses or major roads, is a cellular dead zone. This lack of access to mobile calling and data is a risk to the region’s economic vitality, quality of life and public safety. EORN, which helped expand high-speed internet access in the region, is now seeking federal and provincial support for a public-private initiative valued at about $200 million. The project would cover some 99 per cent of the region, providing mobile access to 72,000 more homes and businesses as well as those who travel its highways. “With this announcement and the funds that will be made available we think the time is right to act quickly on our project to improve cellular networks particularly in the rural areas of Eastern Ontario,” stated Chair Emon. “We need to build new towers, improve existing ones as well as add coverage and capacity and we are confident given our experience on the first EORN project that we can create another success partnership with private sector companies in our region,” concluded Dave Burton.

The Ontario Provincial Police [OPP] will be hiring hundreds of Provincial Constables over the coming years, and with opportunities for a career with the OPP at an all-time high, many candidates are wondering how they can be more competitive for a career in policing. The OPP’s Uniform Recruitment Unit is excited to announce the REACH Program. REACH, which stands for Recruit Essential Attributes for Competitive Hiring, was designed to help candidates navigate through the application process, identify areas of improvement and prepare for an interview with the OPP. In addition to providing resume tips, fitness guidelines and competency-based interview preparation, the program will also offer mock interviews and small-group-mentoring sessions for participants throughout Ontario – and across Canada! “There’s never been a better time to apply to the OPP, or a more exciting time to work in Uniform Recruitment,” says Inspector Bryan MacKillop. “Using social media, we’ve been able to reach more people than ever before. The REACH Program is designed to take that a step further, by identifying people who want to make a difference in their communities and giving them the tools they need to be successful.” As a part of the REACH Program, the OPP are also introducing a Recruitment Council. It will be comprised of leaders and subject matter experts from emergent and diverse communities, and we will work collaboratively with the Council to ensure our strategies are truly responsive to community needs. The council will also provide feedback on how to actively engage with the communities we serve. Interested in applying to the REACH Program? Email Outreach Coordinator Angie Sloan at opp.recruitment.outreach@ opp.ca. More information about the program will also be released on social media in the coming weeks. Follow Uniform Recruitment on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.

UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, January 9 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at www.northgrenville.ca/document-library. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, January 16 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre.


Winter parking restrictions came into effect on November 15 and last through April 15. While restrictions are in effect, parking on Municipal roads is not allowed between 11:00 pm and 8:00 am. A vehicle which is parked in a manner interfering with snow clearing or removal operations may be issued a ticket and/or removed at the owner’s expense.

The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44 PO Box 130 Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 general@northgrenville.on.ca Building: 613-258-4424 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-2438 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-2438 ext. 6 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002 www.NorthGrenville.ca

Building a Sustainable North Grenville

OPP Weekly Report

Between December 12th and December 18th, the Kemptville Office of North Grenville Ontario Provincial Police investigated 70 general occurrences: 12 in Kemptville, 43 elsewhere in the Municipality of North Grenville, 11 in the Village of Merrickville-Wolford and 4 on Highway 416. As the weather continues to change this winter season motorist should be adjusting their driving accordingly. Here are some tips for winter driving: Pack an emergency kit for your vehicle. Leave extra stopping distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Learn and practice winter driving techniques before you need them. Check road and weather conditions ahead of time. Remove all snow from your vehicle before each trip. Give yourself extra travel time in bad weather. Avoid using cruise control on slippery roads. Travel with a fully charged cell phone. SLOW DOWN and WEAR your seatbelt. These driving tips will make roads safer during the winter months for everyone using them. Prevention is better than recovery. Winter driving can be risky, so be prepared!

the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email: peter@ngtimes.ca

A national packaging tax rather than a Carbon Tax by Brian Lonergan I went to a chain store last week and bought a few articles for $56. and was then charged five cents for a bag to carry these goods home. I complained to the Company about this, stating that I should have bought less as I would not have needed the large plastic bag. They answered by saying they were doing this to save the environment by reducing landfill. I retorted that the packaging residue from what I bought would occupy twenty times the landfill space than their bag would. In fact I could recycle my kitchen garbage with the bag in lieu of buying a black garbage bag. One bag would cancel the other out, easing that landfill January 4, 2017

problem they insist is there. However, for the Chain Store that is not the issue. It would cost them the immense profit they make charging for the bags as well, lowering their packaging costs overall as less people buy these bags at their inflated cost. Their excuse is that they are doing something for the environment. Balderdash! On Christmas Day, Canada's fifteen million households filled many landfill pits with torn up Christmas paper, ribbons, bows and boxes with the residue from under their Christmas trees. Most kids don't pay attention to this misuse of non biodegradable paper as they rip it all away to get at the prizes underneath. I'm sure many households

filled a garbage pail or two with this mess at considerable cost to Municipal coffers who must rid of it all. My grandson commented that why is anything under the tree wrapped at all? Let us also look at other packaging waste that permeates throughout our society. We buy screws and nails at the hardware store that cost a fraction of the packaging used to hold them. The hard plastic enveloping them requires scissors to cut through and in some cases a lumberjack's arm to open. Cosmetics, toys, medications, food products, and especially Easter chocolate are rife with unnecessary superfluous packaging. Taxing this packaging waste would collect far more funds

than even the proposed National Carbon Tax would. The Carbon Tax would cost a commuting worker an extra eleven cents a litre at the pump. The Post Office would then raise their "fuel surcharge" when we mail a package. All delivery costs would similarly rise. What is one to do as an alternative, fill up his car with sawdust? The point is that this is not a tax but a "penalty". Companies and residents would also have to pay a large percentage more to heat their domains. This would add to the cost of producing manufactured goods, further reducing Canada's balance of payments on the world market. In the USA, Trump wants to bring jobs back home while Canada pro3

poses to keep exporting jobs as they can no longer compete with these extra added costs. Household residents would bear the brunt of the heating tax as there is no present alternative to fuelling their existing furnaces. Alas what is one to do about the dreaded Carbon tax? Not much as governments only see the revenues and don't see the damage these measures will do to our failing economy. It doesn't matter that the people will have a net decline in personal income at the end of the year. Governments will have their pound of blood and the money that goes with it. As usual, the tiny elite that run Canada will have their way!

NGCC sings for Canada 150!

New year, new challenge: to anyone who always wanted to sing, here is your chance! The North Grenville Concert Choir is about to start a new session and would like to invite you to come join us, so if you love to sing, this is your opportunity. We will be preparing a very exciting program of all Canadian songs to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday. Rehearsals are Mondays from 7 - 9 PM at St. John’s United Church in Kemptville and will begin January 9. For more information please call 613-258-1281 or go to www.ngcc.net. www.ngtimes.ca


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Days of future past by David Shanahan Happy New Year and welcome to 2017! In other years, this might have been a sincere, but casual wish for all; but, somehow, this year it seems a lot more like a fervent prayer than a casual wish. People seem divided over whether 2016 was a fine year or a fear year, so much happened that seemed to threaten peace and sanity around the world. There was so much political, social and economic disruption, so many terrorist attacks, so much volatility in markets and currency circles. Then there were the high profile deaths. The death of someone famous is no more important than each of the hundreds of thousands, millions of other deaths that happened in 2016. And, let’s face it, in modern society a lot of celebrities are just famous for being famous. But 2016 saw the departure of so many individuals of genuine talent, who had made a positive contribution to our lives through the arts. Music was most obviously an area of great loss. Icons of music, true geniuses some of them, were silenced: David Bowie, Prince and Leonard Cohen were icons of generations. George Martin, producer, composer

and arranger, the fifth Beatle, had a wonderful life and career. Glenn Frey of the Eagles and Paul Kantner of the Jefferson Airplane, René Angélil, husband and mentor and guiding hand of the worldwide success of Celine Dion, and Merle Haggard all died in 2016. Keith Emerson and Greg Lake, two-thirds of Emerson, Lake and Palmer, died, and the year brought us the loss of Rick Parfitt of Status Quo, George Michael, Scotty Moore, guitarist for Elvis Presley from Sun Records on, and Leon Russell. It wasn’t just music that suffered losses. Actors, like Alan Rickman [Die Hard, Robin Hood, Truly, Madly Deeply], Gene Wilder [Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory], Florence Henderson [The Brady Bunch], Robert Vaughn [The Man from UNCLE, The Magnificent Seven], Charmian Carr [The Sound of Music’s oldest daughter], and Andrew Sachs [Manuel in Fawlty Towers]. Playwrights and directors like Edward Albee [Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?], Peter Shaffer [Equus], Garry Marshall [Beaches, Pretty Woman, Happy Days, Mork and Mindy, The Odd Couple, The Lucy Show], these helped form popular culture.

And then there was the Star Wars sadness. Kenny Baker [R2D2] dies in August, and then just a few days ago, Carrie Fisher [Princess Leia, The Blues Brothers, When Harry Met Sally] died the day before her actress mother, Debbie Reynolds {Singing in the Rain, The Unsinkable Molly Brown]. Writers Umberto Eco [The Name of the Rose] and Harper Lee [To Kill A Mocking Bird] were lost to literature. Nancy Reagan and Fidel Castro represented two very different streams of modern politics. Muhammad Ali, Arnold Palmer and Johan Cruyff were legends in their sporting fields. Depressed yet? What about the Canadian losses, in addition to Cohen and Angélil, we lost Gordie Howe, Alan Thicke, and Arthur Hiller, Canadian film director [Love Story, the In-Laws]. His wife of 68 years died just two months before him. Rob Ford’s fall from grace ended with his death in March. And all of these are just a small selection of what could be listed against 2016. Is it just me, or was 2016 a particularly bad year for losses of such positive and inspiring, creative people? Perhaps it seems worse because of what else was happening around the world.

With Brexit, the United Kingdom shocked itself by voting to leave the European Union, leading to a rise in racist incidents, economic uncertainty and the fear that other countries would follow suit. It also led to the possibility that the UK could split up, with Scotland and Northern Ireland voting to remain in the EU. The Northern Ireland Peace Process was also in question, as the Irish border would become the only land frontier between the UK and the EU. Then there was Trump. Feelings about his election range widely across the political spectrum. Some see a parallel between the rise of fascism and the election of Trump. The Crash of 1929 was repeated, they say, in 2008, and the subsequent election of Hitler in 1933 parallels Trump’s election in 2016. The influence of rightwing, racist and isolationist talk and action is seen as a highly volatile brew, the end result of which we will begin to see in 2017 and on into the decade. Trump actually invited the Russians to hack into Democrats e-mails during the campaign, a remarkable, almost treasonous act, and then refused to believe fourteen US intelligence agencies who showed that Russia had done

that very thing to influence his election. Trump prefers to believe Putin’s claims of innocence to his own government agencies reports. The relationship between the incoming President and the Russian President is one of the more interesting elements in political scenarios that will be played out in the coming years. Compared to all of that, where is North Grenville at? It seems so safe and familiar, so ordinary and normal. Life goes on with its usual issues and alarms. Will County Road 43 ever become a four-lane with lots more roundabouts? Will we ever be told what happened to Forbes Symon, the Kemptville Meadows litigation, failed appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board? Will anything ever be clear about the future of Kemptville College? These, and other stories, remain to be told and the Times hopes to tell them in 2017. We look forward to the residents of this and neighbouring communities continuing to talk to each other through these pages, to confound the cynics and the doubters by their generosity, compassion and interest in what’s happening around them. No doubt, we will continue to suffer our own losses, as we did with the deaths of

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor; Is Premier Wynne’s New Year’s resolution to continue to take more money out of our pockets as the cap and trade tax starts on just about everything we buy on January 1, 2017? We already pay HST on just about everything we buy thanks to the Liberals. Premier Wynne is imposing a hidden 4.3 cent a litre gas tax, which includes home heating oil, then she is charging HST

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan gord@ngtimes.ca 613-258-6402 January 4, 2017

on top of the gas tax. When the Liberals announced their 87 billion dollar hydro upgrades in 2007, it had very little to do with the environment, as a spokesperson for former energy minister Brad Duguid had stated even if Quebec hydroelectric power is clean energy we won't purchase the power because it won't create jobs in Ontario, so Ontario is going to invest 9 billion dol-

Special Rates lars to produce 1.5 per cent of our power by solar by 2030 and develop a solar industry in Ontario. While the Liberals were boasting this would create 50 thousand jobs other experts had stated that for every green job created 3-4 other jobs are lost, also the liberals ignored data from the experts that said hydro rates would rise and greenhouse gas reduction may not even occur under

there wind and solar power agenda. Premier Wynne finally acknowledged the Liberals messed up in their hydro plan so she decided to give us different forms of hydro rebates which will get added on to our predicted provincial debt of 370 billion dollars by 2020. I would also like to note when the liberals took office our provincial debt was 138 billion dollars. The other things that don't make any sense is we export power to Quebec, Manitoba, USA at major loss - also on March 4, 2016 the OPG released a report that in 20142015 the OPG spilled water or diverted water at our Ontario hydroelectric dams which would be equivalent to 3.2 terawatts of power to fully

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ISSN 2291-0301 www.ngtimes.ca


Marketing Peter Peers peter@ngtimes.ca 613 989-2850

Tim Bond, Anstace EsmondeWhite, Owen Fitz’Gerald and Andrea Struthers. For all of our troubles, and we certainly have some of them, we continue to live in a good and civilised (in the true sense of that word) society. We can’t know what 2017 will bring. We know that we will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of Confederation, and hopefully that will mean more than just another Canada Day. Because, the more we look around the world today, and the more we think about what happened and what we lost in 2016, the deeper and more personal should be our appreciation of this country, this place in which we live. Another year over, and a new one just begun....

Editor David Shanahan david@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083

Copy Editor Pat Jessop editor@ngtimes.ca 613-258-4671


Production Manager Marguerite Boyer production@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083


supply 350 thousand homes in each year which we had to pay for and now Premier Wynne has purchased 2 terawatts of unneeded power a year for 7 years from Quebec. The Liberals should have bought cheap Quebec hydro 10 years ago so we’re not buying un-needed power now and exporting more surplus power due to the intermittent power produced by wind and solar which has to be backed up by gas and nuclear plants which makes the grid impossible to manage efficiently remember Premier Wynne has been in cabinet since the start of this crisis and now Premier Wynne is imposing a cap & trade tax (cash grab) on us which some experts say will have little effect on the environment. Ross Ayotte, Smiths Falls Mailing Address P.O. Box 35, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0

Graphics Accounting Micheal Pacitto cfo@ngtimes.ca mike@ngtimes.ca 613-258-4671 613-710-7104

Wedding & Engagement Announcements 1 col. x 4" B&W $36, Colour $42 2 col. x 3 1/2" B&W $55, Colour $65 Photo may be included.

For Advertising rates please contact Peter at peter@ngtimes.ca or call 613 989 2850

Staff Reporter Beth Nicol beth@ngtimes.ca 613-258-0033 Staff Reporter Hilary Thomson hilary@ngtimes.ca


The North Grenville Times

Lions help spread Christmas spirit with North Dundas Christmas fund’s annual basket campaign

Gord Brown reflects on busy year

This year has been busy for Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes Member of Parliament Gord Brown. “Being party Whip has kept me busy in Ottawa while I also maintain a hectic schedule of meetings in the riding,” says Gord. “It was an honour being chosen in late 2015 by interim leader Rona Ambrose to be the Official Opposition Whip”. Due to the light Parliamentary schedule in 2015, this year has been his first full year in that position. “As well as working with our Conservative members to ensure that they are achieving their personal goals I meet regularly with other party Whips, and as an Officer of the House, some of my time is dedicated to ensuring the House of Commons operates effectively and efficiently.” Despite the workload as Whip, he has also introduced two Private Members Bills and has worked with constituents on issues that concern them. “The first Bill I introduced is a Bill that will see better access for boaters along the international border between Canada and the United States,” he explained. Currently, when US boaters enter Canadian waters, whether they are landing or not, they have to report to the Canadian Customs. Also, when Canadian boaters who have merely transited US waters pass across the Canadian border, they have to report. “My bill, which is gaining multi-party support, will eliminate this red tape.” Gord also introduced a second Bill that will establish

A band of around 50 volunteers from the Mountain Township and District Lions Club along with family and friends were on hand for the North Dundas Christmas Fund’s annual Christmas basket event at the South Mountain Agricultural Hall. Each year the Lions help with the distribution of the many baskets in cooperation with the food bank, the House of Lazarus, several generous families and local businesses. The over 150 people who benefit from this event are all in the western portion of North Dundas, as there are similar events organized by the North Dundas Christmas fund in Winchester and Chesterville as well. The North Dundas Christmas Fund has been working hard for years now putting together the Christmas hampers to help make sure every family has a Merry Christmas. Baskets consist of groceries and some toiletries and the families also have a chance to pick from a mountain of donated toys, clothes, snowsuits, and household goods. We are so fortunate to live in a community full of so many caring individuals that help make this event possible.

New Policing rules go into effect

As of January 1, 2017, a new regulation came into effect that will prohibit police from requesting identifying information arbitrarily, or based on a person's race or presence in a high-crime neighbourhood during certain police-public interactions. The regulation reflects feedback from public consultations on how to improve transparency, oversight and public confidence, and establishes new training, record-keeping, and reporting requirements to strengthen accountability. The regulation also sets out new rules that police must follow when requesting identifying information, and outlines in what situations these new rules apply. The new rules apply if an officer asks the person for identifying information or to see an identifying document while looking into suspicious activities, gathering intelligence, or investigating possible criminal activity. The new rules do not apply if police ask for identifying information or to see an identifying document while doing a traffic stop; arresting or detaining someone, executing a warrant, or investigating a specific crime. Ontario is the first jurisdiction in Canada to set out clear and consistent rules for voluntary police-public interactions where police are seeking to collect identifying information. These rules will ensure these interactions are conducted without bias or discrimination, and done in a manner that promotes public confidence and keeps Ontario communities safe. Training, which was developed in consultation with an expert roundtable, has also been incorporated into the basic training program for new police recruits at the Ontario Police College. The Code of Conduct for police has been updated to reflect the new regulation; failure to follow the rules will be considered a Code of Conduct violation that may result in discipline. Ontario will appoint an independent reviewer to complete a review of the regulation within two years of full regulatory implementation in consultation with Ontario’s Anti-Racism Directorate. In 2017, Ontario will launch a multi-year academic study to understand the impact of collecting information on the ability of police to solve crime, analyse and identify the impact of race-based collections and analyze the impact of the new regulations on this practice.

As we approach our 15th Anniversary, we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to you for supporting our various initiatives. We are so fortunate to have access to such a magnificent Library! The location is perfect; the staff, extremely dedicated. Happy New Year! Friends of the North Grenville Public Library

a legacy fund for the maintenance of National Historic Sites owned and operated by the federal government. “This will aid sites such as Fort Henry, the Rideau Canal, Fort Wellington and Bellevue House.” He expects to see action on both these Bills in 2017 and hopes to have the border Bill passed for boaters as early as this summer. Meanwhile, pressing the federal government for more infrastructure money for the Rideau Canal and Fort Wellington resulted in two announcements earlier in the year. “I am pleased that we were able to acquire more infrastructure money for the canal, and money to accomplish needed work at the fort.” Gord has also encouraged the environment minister to look at modern interpretation services for the Rideau Canal and will continue to press this issue in 2017. He has also been working hard to correct a problem for the “Forgotten Survivors” of Thalidomide. A compensation package introduced in 2015 includes requirements that can’t be met by many survivors. Paperwork and witnesses are no longer available, so they are unable to prove their mothers took Thalidomide even though their physical disabilities clearly show tell-tale signs. “I have been working locally with a Gananoque man along with survivors from across Canada to get the criteria for compensation changed. I hope for results from these efforts in 2017 as well,” he said. He also spent time this year working on border wait times at the Johnstown crossing, and higher than average gasoline prices in Brockville. “The minister has already indicated that some changes have taken place at the border crossing and I have not heard any other concerns as

of now.” Meanwhile, the Competition Bureau and the minister responsible refuse to act in small markets with single suppliers such as Brockville, to help curb rising fuel costs. “I am continuing to monitor this issue as well,” notes Gord. In the Fall he conducted an electoral reform consultation and a Householder, sent out the first of December, included the local results of that consultation. “This has been an important issue in our riding and I expect to hear more about this in the 2017.” The coming year will be busy, as Gord and his caucus members continue to hold the new government to account for their continued deficit spending and integrity issues. “My door is always open if anyone has any concerns,” he notes. “My main constituency office will remain in the 1000 Islands Mall and I will continue to operate three other offices in Kemptville, Westport, and Gananoque.”

CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to production@ngtimes.ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville

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VanBuren Street reopens to traffic

We are currently inviting applications from experienced:

The North Grenville Public Works Department is pleased to announce that the water main installation which was taking place under County Road 24 (VanBuren Street) and County Road 19 (Rideau River Road) has been completed ahead of schedule. The roads have been repaved and are now open to vehicular traffic. In the spring, the Municipality will be back on site to complete the final stages including landscaping and shouldering. January 4, 2017

The Voice of North Grenville

ESTIMATORS  PROJECT MANAGERS  PROJECT COORDINATORS  SUPERINTENDENTS  GENERAL FOREMEN Please email confidential applications with cover letter and one-page resumé to careers@rjbourgon.com. Specify position of interest. While all applications are appreciated, only applicants considered for an interview will be contacted. Position details, salary and benefits will be reviewed at the interview stage.



The North Grenville Times

301 Rideau Street, Kemptville

The Voice of North Grenville

Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6


Prices effective: Friday, January 6 to Thursday, January 12, 2017 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements”

January 4, 2017



Merrickville/Wolford Times

The Voice of North Grenville

the Merrickville-Wolford

TIMES The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford

2016: Merrickville-Wolford in review

From New Years Day until December 31, Merrickville-Wolford had a busy and productive year. There were the usual series of festivals, events and special occasions to enjoy, bringing visitors in from far and wide. Limerick Forest held an Open Day in March, which attracted a very large crowd of visitors to the Interpretive Centre and the trails. Throughout the day there was a steady stream of people, lineups for the horse drawn sleds, people walking, snow shoeing or skiing along the trails. March also included the launch of the new municipal website, and the start of “Merrickville Bridge to Canada”, with plans to bring Syrian refugees to the area. The group had the support of the local Council, and continued their efforts through the year. In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Leeds and Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre honoured Janet Campbell of Mrs. McGarrigle’s Fine Food Shop with their annual Lifetime Achievement

Award. Mrs. McGarrigle’s has been in business since 1988 when Janet and a partner started making mustard from a Grandmother’s recipes. In May, the Merrickville House and Garden Show also gave residents something fun to do. June brought the Merrickville Eco Fair, and that same month the Merrickville Celebrates Women event put the focus on the role women play in the community’s social, economic and cultural spheres. Naturally, July started off with the big Canada Day celebrations. Merrickville enjoyed the presence of the local MP, MPP, RCMP Pipe Band. There was a special recognition of Sally MacInnis, who was the 2016 recipient of the Moira Walker Memorial Award for International Service, a very prestigious honour.

Sally MacInnis receives congratulations from Gord Brown, MP and Steve Clark, MPP In Merrickville-Wolford, there was reason for pride and rejoicing when Merrickville Public School achieved gold standing with ECO- Schools Ontario. The school spearheaded many initiatives including; Boomerang

lunches, Monitor Monsters, National Sweater Day, Healthy Earth Month, Winter Carnival Mascots, and Recycle your Electronics. Merrickville-Wolford lost a leading and deeplyrespected resident when

Andrea Struthers died on August 25. She and her husband, Doug, who had served many years as Mayor of the municipality, added so much to the life of their community, bringing a strong sense of service and commitment

to their work. Doug continues the tradition. The Merrickville Agricultural Fair and Steam Show in August followed two more great events, the Merrickville Car Show and Canal Fest. There hardly seemed to be a week throughout the summer months when there wasn’t some wonderful celebration taking place. The Merrickville Public Library presented two performances of an adaptation of the “Shakesapearean” play Pericles, Prince of Tyre at the Fairgrounds. Merrickville Librarian, Mary Kate Laphen, directed and co-produced the show with Susan Maconnachie. It was the second summer play produced by the Library, which carries on a busy programme of arts and crafts, the TD summer reading club and computer coding activities. John Regan arrived continued on page 8

The Blockhouse Festival was another annual event in Merrickville that drew large numbers of people from all around the region for the two-day festivities.

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January 4, 2017



ted@canalgallery.com www.ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times 2016: Merrickville-Wolford in review continued... as the new Chief Administrative Officer for Merrickville-Wolford in September. John was the second senior staffer to be added to the municipality and brings a wealth of experience and energy to the position. The municipality was in the news for another win too. At the 2016 Communities in Bloom Ontario Provincial Awards Ceremony, the Village

of Merrickville-Wolford came away with the five Bloom Award which is the maximum achievement under the program. Only nine other communities in Ontario achieved this rating, with MerrickvilleWolford the only Village to make the list. The other big story to emerge in the last weeks of September was all about the Energy East pipeline and a motion of support







to take a stand on the issue. Lots of heat, and very little light emerged. A public meeting was held in November as part of the campaign to keep Wolford Public School open in spite of the threat of closure next year. A large protest meeting was held outside Queen’s Park also. Merrickville-Wolford formed a new Agriculture Committee to ensure that concerns of rural residents were addressed. The annual CN Holiday Train stopped in Merrickville at the end of the month, bringing its yearly feast of lights, music and support for local food banks. Of course, the year came to its traditional end with the Santa Claus Parade which was part of Christmas in Merrickville, an event showing the Village in its best, almost Dickensian light. And these are only some of the events and celebrations that made 2016 in Merrickville-Wolford such a wonderful place to live.

for the project which was passed by the United Counties. A public meeting was held in Merrickville to inform the residents about what was happening, and for Mayor David Nash to get the feelings of people on the matter. Mayor David Gordon of North Grenville came under attack for introducing the motion as Warden of the United Counties, given that the NG Council had voted not

Celebrating Canada’s Garden Days, the Ramble hosted ART, JAZZ & the GARDEN at Rideau Woodland Ramble in June. On a beautiful, sunny day, people wandered through the walks and greenhouses, enjoying the shade, the scenery and the music. The number of visitors overwhelmed the parking area at the gardens and both sides of the road outside were lined with cars, as the event drew people from a wide area. Music was provided by Red Jazz, and members of the MAG Artists (Merrickville Artists Guild), and several other guest artists were in the garden displaying and selling their art.

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Special Award presentation

Mapping the journey to successful employment North Grenville Employment Resource Centre 125 Prescott St, Kemptville Call to register: (613) 258-6576 (800) 214-7066

CSE is OPEN from 9:00—12:00 on Saturday January 7th!!!

The Municipality of Merrickville-Wolford presented Ken Janes with a special award at the council meeting in December for his service to the Community. For the past 25 years, Ken sat as a member of the Planning Advisory Committee, which is responsible for the zoning of properties in the Municipality, and the Committee of Adjustment, which looks at granting minor variances on site plan requirements.

The Voice of North Grenville





Next Month

JAN 3rd

Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30

JAN 17th

Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 YOUTH Job Search, 3:00—4:30

JAN 5th

Resumes and Cover Letters, 10:00—11:30 PRIME! Information Session, 2:30—3:30

JAN 19th

Smart Serve, 9:00—1:00 CSE Days!! All day coffee and snacks!

JAN 6th

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30

JAN 20th

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30

JAN 10th

Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 YOUTH Resumes, 3:00—4:30

JAN 24th

Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 YOUTH Prepare for an Interview, 3:00—4:30

Always check our website for special events and information on CSE programs and services for job seekers of all ages (15 and up!)

JAN 11th

Resume Rescue Clinic, 10:00—2:00

JAN 25th

Service Canada Outreach, 9:00—3:00 (Closed 12—1 for lunch)

JAN 12th

Job Search Strategies, 10:00—11:30

JAN 26th

W.H.M.I.S., 9:00—12:00 Prepare for Interviews, 1:00—2:30

JAN 13th

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30

JAN 27th

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30

JAN 16th

New PRIME! Group starts—Good Luck!

JAN 31st

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30 YOUTH Customer Services, 3:00—4:30

the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers

CSE Consulting Outreach Services January 18th: Merrickville Health Centre, 9:00—11:00 January 10th & 24th: TR Leger, Kemptville, 10:00—12:00

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email: peter@ngtimes.ca

January 4, 2017

Check out our online job board at: www.cseconsulting.com

Follow CSE on:

Employment Ontario programs are funded in part by the Government of Canada. Les programmes Emploi Ontario sont financés en partie par le gouvernement du Canada.



The North Grenville Times


The Voice of North Grenville

First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word. SERVICES Complete Home Proper t y Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up services 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 Snow removal booking now! Be ready! Driveways, steps, walkways and roofs h 258.3847 C 295.0300 Snow removal Tractor with loader and blower. Call Owen 613-297-7526 Call Laurel 613-314-8321 for MARY KAY products and parties and WELCOME WAGON visits in North Grenville Extra pounds slowing you down? Solutions with Nutrition Coach Carol Pillar R.H.N. 613-258-7133, support@wholesumapproach. com Housecleaning Every mother/ father needs a housewife phone Sandy 613.219.7277 Certified Personal Trainer $35/hr I’ll come to you! Start your New Years Resolution! Email kimberly.stapleton74@ gmail.com for more information

2 bedroom, Kemptville $950 +. “Fibrefifty” Theatrical standup Central location, private bal- trunk circa-1920, good shape, $100. Call George at 613-258-7653. cony, heated floor, natural gas. Clean, quiet, references required 613.263.5476 Unique festive wreaths made Furnished room for rent $500. a from unwanted Christmas trees. month in Oxford Mills call 613- Jen 613 258 6413 294-7420 Free composted horse manure Large one bedroom in the Fort for pickup. Email elmcrestquesTown of Prescott.675.00 + utili- trian@gmail.com ties, Call 613-325-9540 Crate and Barrel Rojo Red Tall CabWinter rental, cosy 2 bed- inet for sale - 82”hx16”dx54”w. room furnished house near Asking $1,000. Send email to Merrickville. Jan-Mar. no tineboyer@gmail.com pets/smokers. References, $1500/mo all incl. 258 4207 FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Hardwood $100 per cord delivered. Softwood $75 per cord delivered. Call WANTED Peter 613-913-0810. Oxford Mills

now booking assingments-short or long term - 613.258.5284

ONE ON ONE Computer Training: Sigma Computer Systems is now offering 1/2 hour classes on SatPost-Concussion Tutoring Sup- urdays. Please call 613.258.9716 port OCT certified. Ashley: 613- for more information 898-8676 or ashley@magma.ca HANDY MAN specializing in renoMATH TUTORING, qualified vations & house staging. We do it teacher. Grades 7-11, 8-9pm in all CALL 613.294.2416 old town 613.863.5639 You Name It, I Can Sew It. Call CFSC $ CRFSC Courses and Rhonda at 258-5248 exams Steve Hoy 613.258.6162 2shoy@xplornet.com Heartland Fence & Deck. Renovation specialist. Brian 613-796COMMISSIONED OIL PAINTINGS / 9790 PRIVATE ART LESSONSmiriammas. wix.com/mmas FB: Miriam- Property clean-up, trees/brush/ MasArt yard waste, scrap metal, dump runs, anything removed. Call DJ’S RENOVATONS. We’re com- Wayne Scott at 613 286 9072 mitted to your Renovation. We do it all. 613.698.5733 Rock My House music lessons in fiddle, piano, drums and more. Looking for AVON products? 613 258 5656 Please call Joan at 613-258-7644. Handyman/Contractor with years The Plumb”Mur” Plus Bathroom of experience. No job too big or PLUS more. Murray 613.519.5274 small. Unlimited references, call nmmuir@gmail.com for free estimate 613.791.8597


Nexus Walker: $200 (Retail $417) Adjustable height, basket, hand brakes, folds. 613 258-6732 Baby bassinet, Navy/white $40. oo Merrickville 613.803.7274 Mixed hardwood firewood. $100 per cord delivered. Two cord minimum.Charlie 989-2768. Mixed hardwood firewood, $100 a cord delivered. jon 227-3650 DIGITAL ASTHMA monitor never used $40. Call 613-215-0669 4 Snow tires on alloy rims for G.M. 225x60x16. Call 613 258 2604 HELP WANTED

Shinglers and labourers required Seagate 1.5TB Expansion External immediately. Please call 613599-0010 Drive, $70 firm. 613-269-3301

5pc Peavy Drum Set w/High Hat Class E or B license-licensed Looking to rent Farmland for Good Condition $400.00Don (613) (mini-bus) Bus Driver required for crops in the North Grenville 808-4725 or (613) 258-6413 a run in Kemptville. Email resume area. Call or text 613-262to nanda@wubs.ca or call 6131204 Panasonic air conditioner 10,000 223-3241 for more information. BTU good shape $175 Call 613 WANTED 2 OR 3 BEDROOM APART- 258-2753 For MENT ON ONE FLOOR, KEMPTAdvertising Used Power Lift Recliner BurVILLE 613.258.0964 rates gundy, asking $500 613-852-7031 please Senior needs old car batteries contact for making weights. Call 613 FIREWOOD (Merrickville)DRY& Gord at 258 6254. READY to Burn SOFTWOOD(PINE) gord@ $49.00/ CHORD HARDWOOD(ASH) ngtimes.ca $95.00/ CHORD PICKUP 613 269 Merrickville:Casual Relief Cook Weekends. Contact: peter@new- 3836 or call gate180.com 613 258 6402 Variety of lumber, pine, hemlock, FOR SALE maple, spruce, 1” and 2”. For details call 314-9327. Fibrefifty” Theatrical standup Special Rates trunk circa-1920, good shape, LARGE COLLECTION of ANTIQUE $100.00. George tel:613-258- DINING ROOM TABLES & CHAIRS Wedding & $119.00-$195.00 VG CONDITION 7653 Engagement 613 269 3836 4 tires 175/70r13 snow tracker, Announcements 4 - 185/70414 magna grip,; 2 toyo Men’s skates, size 12. “DR XLR8, 1 col. x 4" B&W $36, 235/65r15. 613 314 9327 (11/16) Senior”. $25. Call 613-821-3664. Colour $42

Mobile Foot Care - TOES IN NEED 613.858.4383

SEWING: Weddings to alterations at STONEHOUSE SEWING. Call Sharon at 613-224If you want to purchase AVON 3182. products, call Joan 613.258.7644

Frame Local! Country Ways CusPrivate piano lessons, home tom Picture framing 613.322.6484 daycare, younique products call dam5@bell.net tara 819 664 6448 11/16) Certified Packer can help you Well Grounded Foot Care Ad- prepare for your move. Cinderella vanced/ Diabetic Mobile 613.859.4644 Clinic. Anita Plunkett R.P.N. 613294-2122 wellgrounded2016@ Speech therapy for children gmail.com in Kemptville and surrounding area. www.wellingtonkids.ca Bartlett Built Welding & Fabrica- 613-206-1627 tionSteel, Aluminum, Stainless Call Kevin 705-933-2517 Brendan Plunkett: Finishing Carpentry Call or e-mail for a quote. Mr & Mrs Clean residential/ 613-986-4533 plunkett1994@ commercial cleaning. For hotmail.com quote mrandmrsclean613@gmail. com or 613-867-2184 Rural Home Care services-Affordable, personal, professional & SNOW BIRDS-PLAN NOW. Quali- experienced care for your loved fied professional house sitter, one. 613.868.0356

Email to production@ngtimes.ca

FOR RENT Kemptville , Large ground floor one bedroom, $750.00 plus utilities , 613-325-9540 3 bedroom Bungalow, Kemptville, 5 appliance, gas heat. $1275 plus utilities. 853-6592 D28 Rooms to rent for month of Decemberr. Kitchen privileges. 613-258-7778 RENTAL: Clean, Quiet 3 Bdrm, River Rd. Sarah Lystiuk 613818-8426

Kemptville 3 bedroom bungalow. Winter sports car cover, 3 years 3 b e d / 2 b a t h H i g h R a n c h References; first/last. $1250 + old. Asking $40. Call 613-821- in osgoode only $358,000 utilities. Call 613-258-2502 3664. w w w.330 0annet te.com 1d:1002232

2 col. x 3 1/2" B&W $55, Colour $65 Photo may be included.

Firefighter retires after 41 years The North Grenville Fire Service held their annual Awards and Appreciation Banquet on Saturday December 17, 2016 at the Municipal Centre. There was a special retirement presentation made to Firefighter Dan Gordon on behalf of the municipality. Dan Gordon has been in the fire service for 41 years. Dan started with the Kemptville Fire Department back in 1975. Dan has served his community generously for 41 years always putting other people’s needs before his own. We will be forever in debt for his exemplary service and sacrifices over this 41 year career.

L-R: Firefighter Dan Gordon’s Family: Dan, Monica, Firefighter Dan Gordon, Kathy, Mike. January 4, 2017



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville


ACROSS 1. Fleeced 6. "Oh my!" 10. Quash 14. Foreword 15. Lubricate 16. Portent 17. Shorthand 18. Secluded valley 19. Alley 20. Flip 22. Jar tops 23. Suffering 24. Bobbins 26. Dung beetle 30. Anagram of "Diary" 32. Amalgam 33. Motorboat 37. A Maori club 38. Numbskulls

39. Affirm 40. Patronized 42. Cacophony 43. Motherless calf 44. Lemon or canary 45. Housemaids 47. Woman 48. Give the cold shoulder 49. Seducer 56. Data 57. Arab chieftain 58. Avoid 59. Ballet attire 60. Eat 61. Light wispy precipitation 62. Narrow opening 63. Droops 64. Duck down DOWN 1. Snake sound

2. Savvy about 3. Flower stalk 4. Sea eagle 5. Threshold 6. Seaweed 7. Humdinger 8. Cain's brother 9. Sentinels 10. A sport involving a ball and a net 11. Electronic letters 12. Looks after 13. 1 1 1 1 21. Weep 25. Mistake 26. Exhausts 27. Applaud 28. Countertenor 29. Circuitous 30. Foolish 31. Blown away 33. Minute opening 34. Egg-shaped 35. Relating to aircraft 36. An old spelling of "True" 38. Dog sleighs 41. Comes after Mi and Fah 42. Accept as true 44. Long-haired wild ox 45. Void 46. Muslim jurist 47. Coils 48. Seats oneself 50. Dogfish 51. Little dent 52. 57 in Roman numerals 53. Piecrust ingredient 54. Border 55. Back

Jan 5 Jan 7 Jan 11

Weekly and recurring events Mon





Solutions to last week’s Sudoku Fri Sat




January 4, 2017

Youngsters of Yore, 1:30 pm, Library Program Room. Guest Speaker: Doug Hughes-Trip on the Rhine. Kemptville Snowmobile Klub fundraiser breakfast, 8 to 11 am at the old clubhouse 1505 O'Neill Rd, Oxford station. Cost: $7. New Horizon Club starts off new year with a pot luck lunch at noon in the Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall. Please bring your own dishes. For info call Janet 613-269-2737.



Kemptville Quilters Guild, every 2nd Mon. at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, Leslie Hall on Clothier St. BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! NG Photography Club - first Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm at the Grenville Mutual Building Conference room. See ngphotoclub.ca Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed. beginning Sept. 14, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Kemptville Legion cribbage night, 2nd and 4th Wed. Start time 7 pm. All welcome. Come and play for fun. New Horizon Club, 2nd & 4th Wed. at the Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall. Meetings at 2 pm. Special events with meals at noon. All adults 55 plus welcome to join. For info re programs and membership call Janet 613-269-2737 Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed of the month, starting October 5. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) is your host for Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri., 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. All ages welcome. Friendship Lunch, Leslie Hall, hosted by St. James, Holy Cross, Salvation Army, St. John and Kemptville Pentecostal Churches, 11:30 am. Donations accepted but not expected, everyone welcome. Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat. Adults $5. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Kerith Debt Freedom Centre – Provides free and confidential coaching to help you get and stay out of debt, 2nd & 4th Sat.of each month. Call 613-258-4815 x 103 or www.kdfc.ca to request an appointment. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) selects a game for their “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. See what games are coming up, sign up for their newsletter. Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487.

Solution to last week’s Crossword



The Voice of North Grenville

Local Agri-Food Tourism by Deron Johnston Herding fifty adults on to a bus is no easy task. Not even when all of those same adults are excited about the bus’s destination. Just outside the bus, we’re all milling about talking amongst ourselves, ‘networking’, which might be the single most important part of this trip. When the bus is finally loaded, the door closes and our group heads off on a local agrifood tour around the Bay of Quinte area. Our first stop is not far away: it’s at a production facility called Sprague Foods Ltd. in Belleville. The company mostly produces private label food products for American and Canadian markets, including for Walmart and Loblaws (PC Blue Menu and PC Organics). The facility is about the size of a big box retail store and employs approximately eighty people. This family-run business buys its raw materials from as many Canadian sources as possible, according to Richard Sprague, who is the President and tour conductor. In fact, he said that he wished they could buy everything from Canada and has been searching for a large Canadian producer of pulses (beans etc.) for some time. The second stop on the tour was to the newly opened Barn Owl Malt craft malting business just outside of Belleville. The Huffman family takes great pride in malting Ontario-grown grains and,

despite just starting out, they are already looking to increase their production. Using a facility about the size of a triple car garage, the Huffmans use a food grade cement floor to do their traditional floor malting process. Malted grains are used by the craft brewing industry, and many Ontario craft brewers have to import them from other countries and provinces. Barn Owl Malt is currently the only malting business in Eastern Ontario, which seems bizarre because of the explosion of the craft brewing industry in Ontario and the extremely high demand for malted grains. The next stop was just south of Tweed, at the Enright Cattle Company. These local beef producers raise red and black Simmental cattle on an all-vegetable diet without the use of hormones. While walking through their barn and pasture field, Kara Enright told the group that the family business is able to plant, grow and harvest all of the feed for their cattle. Kara also outlined the past financial struggles of the business; up until a few years ago both she and her husband had to work away from the farm to make ends meet. With the help of some government resources, they decided to change their business model by shifting from supplying to a meat wholesale operation at low profit, to selling directly to their own customers, making higher profit. Kara said that this new approach turned their business around

sold through their Feed In Tariff contract back to their hydro supplier at .02¢ per kw/hr higher than what they would pay for it. Family patriarch Keith led the tour and remarked that, despite all of the money required to pay for the equipment, he anticipated that because of the sales of the large volume of electricity produced, the equipment would be paid for within three years. The electricity produced by the farm could supply energy to as many as 1,500 homes. Later that night, I thought back to the day and what I had learned. The first thing that I learned was that there are currently several diverse business opportunities in the agri-food industry in Eastern Ontario. I also learned that a family was able to turn their business around with the help of resources that are available to all agri-food businesses. Finally, I learned that the tour that I just went on represented approximately $5,000 in revenue for those local agri-food businesses. In worldwide tourism spending, one third of all tourism dollars are spent on food. Local agri-food tourism not only generates money for the businesses they visit, it indirectly provides marketing for both the businesses involved and the region, and it educates people about agriculture and food. For these reasons and more, agri-food tourism is a very important piece in any strong local food system. Who’s got a bus?

dramatically. The fourth stop on the tour was to Potter Settlement Wines, which was also just outside of Tweed and the only winery in all of Hastings County. Though not currently open to the public, this boutique winery has been selling their wines to high-end restaurants, mostly in the Northern U.S., with prices as high as $200 per bottle. Hidden in one of the most unlikely areas for a winery, right at the edge of the Canadian Shield region, this family-owned winery is experiencing rapid growth, but strives to maintain its approach to making only the highest quality wines. Tour conductor and former soap opera actor, Sandor Johnson, said that the land has been in his family since the early 1800’s. Needless to say, there were many smiling faces boarding the bus after doing tastings of several of their excellent wines. The final stop of the tour may have been the most fascinating, but had the least appeal to the senses. When the bus pulled into the long laneway at Donnandale Farms, north of Belleville, just outside of the village of Stirling, it appeared to be a typical larger-scale dairy farm. However, the actual reason for this tour stop was to highlight their two anaerobic digesters, which convert biomass (biodegradable waste – used cooking oil, animal waste etc.) into electricity at a rate of about 750 kilowatts per hour. The electricity is then

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Q ualit y Wor k at R easonable Pr ices

On December 7, the members of the Acton’s Corners Hospital Auxiliary gathered at Maplewood Hall in Oxford Mills to enjoy a Christmas Pot Luck meal. An important part of the evening was the draw for a beautiful quilt of “The Jewel Box” pattern. The lucky recipient was Dianne Dunleavy of Kemptville. The raffle enabled the members to give the Kemptville District Hospital Auxiliary $5,000 for Patient Care. Thanks to Maretta Hay for making the quilt and to all who participated in this endeavour.



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Two Rivers Food Hub launches new storage space

L-R: MPP Steve Clark, MPP Randy Hillier, Trillium Representative Louise Heslop, Two Rivers Board Chair Peter McKenna, Two Rivers GM Bruce Enloe and Lanark Warden Bill Dobson Last Thursday, the Two Rivers Food Hub welcomed the public to a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially mark the completion of a commercial cold storage unit. Local MPPs Randy Hillier and Steve Clark, and Louise Heslop, Chair of the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s (OTF) local Grant Review Team, were on hand to deliver their congratulations and hear more about how the new space will help farmers extend their season and offer access to local produce year-round. In 2015, the Hub and the Rideau Community Health Services received a three-year, $196,200 grant from OTF to purchase new equipment and help to further develop the Hub with its work in Lanark and Leeds

and Grenville Counties. “There is a deeply rooted history of cooperative efforts in Ontario’s agricultural history,” remarked Randy Hillier, MPP for LanarkFrontenac-Lennox & Addington. “Through this generous contribution by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Two Rivers Food Hub will be able to greatly expand their efforts through even greater cooperation with our shared communities.” “I’m pleased this investment by the Ontario Trillium Foundation has helped the partners who had the vision for the Two Rivers Food Hub grow it into such a strong organization. The Hub was founded to support and service small- and mid-sized farms in Lanark,

Leeds and Grenville and connect producers to customers across Eastern Ontario. The Two Rivers Food Hub’s success can be measured by the strong local food sector we’re so proud of in our region today,” added Steve Clark, MPP for Leeds-Grenville. The new 16,000-cubic foot cooler features a combined cold, frozen and humidity-controlled ‘root cellar’, making it ideal for root crops such as carrots, potatoes, beets and turnips. The space is currently being used by eight producers, with storage and cooler space available for farms to store crops for year-round sales. “The addition of the cold storage to the Food Hub would not have been possible without the investment by

the Ontario Trillium Foundation,” said Peter McKenna, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Two Rivers Food Hub. “With this investment, we are growing our capacity to distribute locally-grown produce to our service areas as well as providing muchneeded support to area farmers to prolong their growing season.” The Two Rivers Food Hub is a connection point for buyers and sellers of local foods. Its mandate is to support the small farm agricultural community around the two rivers that run through Lanark, Leeds and Grenville counties. The food hub is well positioned to service the tri-county area from its physical location in the Gal-

David Wilcox added to Kemptville Live, 2017

David Wilcox has been added to the line-up for next summer’s Kemptville Live Music Festival at Kemptville College. This is the second act confirmed for the event, with Gordon Lightfoot scheduled to take the stage on Sunday, July 23. Canadian rocker David Wilcox’s career took off with a bang when he joined Ian and Sylvia Tyson’s band, Great Specked Bird in 1970. He was later featured with Maria Muldaur before going solo in1973. In the ensuing 40-plus years, David has toured constantly showcasing his talents as a guitarist, but also his formidable skills as a singer-songwriter. His first album was released back in 1977 and included two of his best-known songs Bad Apple and Hipnotizin’ Boogie. His next album, which also went Gold, included more hits, Downtown Came Uptown and Riverboat Fantasy. More recent releases include Guitar Heroes, for Stony Plain Records in 2013 where David is teamed with legendary guitar slingers James Burton, Alvin Lee and Amos Garrett. In all, Wilcox has released 9 studio albums and 5 compilations. This certified Juno Award winning rock star will appear on our festival stage on Saturday July 22, 2017.

lipeau Centre on County Road 43 in Smiths Falls. For general information, visit https:// tworiversfoodhub.com. An agency of the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is one of Canada’s largest

granting foundations. With a budget of over $136 million, OTF awards grants to some 1,000 projects every year to build healthy and vibrant Ontario communities. www.otf.ca.

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