#26 May 29th 2013

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the north grenville


TIMES The Voice of North Grenville

Vol. 1, No. 26

May 29, 2013

Historical Society’s Archaeological Roadshow a great success dressed as Hamilton Row, the maker of the wheel. Some daring visitors had their picture taken in the jail cell which still forms part of the Court House. It was a busy place throughout the morning, with a lot of really fascinating material being brought in by residents to share with the NGHS. It is hoped that much of it will eventually be scanned or otherwise become part of the Archives holdings. One of the big delights of the event was the arrival of a fire truck from the early twentieth century, provided for the event by the North Grenville Fire Service. Bill Kinnear stayed outside all morning showing people the truck and the photograph from the NG Archives showing the

very same vehicle outside the same building around 1915, when the Court House was the Fire Hall. It was amazing to see the vehicle back at the same location where it had been stationed so many years ago. The NGHS Board were quick to get on board and have their own link to history recorded for the future. Everyone involved deserves great credit for the manner in which the day was organised and carried through so successfully. Thanks also to Gordon Moat (Hamilton Row), Chief Paul Hutt and the North Grenville Fire Service. We look forward to seeing Dr. Paul Thibaudeau and his colleagues from the Ontario Archaeological Society next year for another Roadshow.


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NGHS Board members David Shanahan, Pam Gordon, Doug Macdonald and Ann Newton on Engine 14


Norma Fisher with antique 1913 wedding dress The North Grenville Historical Society joined forces with the Ontario Archaeological Society to put on a special event at the NG Archives during the Dandelion Festival. Based on the Antiques Roadshow concept, the NGHS and

OAS set up displays of archaeological and historic artifacts, documents and photographs, and invited the public to bring in their own finds for discussion and identification. Between 9:30 and 1 pm on Saturday, about one hundred people

“Coffee to wake the dead”

passed through the doors and browsed through the displays. The in-house experts were kept busy, and Gordon Moat put on a spinning display on an original spinning wheel built in Kemptville in the middle of the nineteenth century. Gordon arrived

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Anniversary Park opening ends a seven-year campaign

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Terry Butler and John Wilson cut the cake to celebrate the opening of Anniversary Park and the completion of the last Legacy Project Last Friday, May 24, the official opening of Anniversary Park took place at the Ferguson Forest Centre. In spite of very heavy rain, a large crowd turned out to mark the opening of the Park and the culmination of seven years of projects begun back in 2006 to mark the 150th anniversary of Kemptville and the 175th anniversary of the Rideau Canal. As the rain came down, people kept warm with burgers and hot dogs provided by the North Grenville Fire Service, personally prepared by Chief Paul Hutt and Fire Prevention Officer Elizabeth Greenberg. North Grenville Mayor David Gordon and John Wilson, Ferguson Forest Centre Director, welcomed everyone and spoke about the importance of the FFC to the community, and praised the work that had been done over the years to bring Anniversary Park into being. For Councillor Terry Butler, the day had a special significance. As he looks to the end of his Council career, he could look back on an amazing record of success for the original 150th Anniversary Committee and the various projects which they had initiated to mark that anniversary in 2007. Terry reviewed the history of the projects: May 29, 2013

“Good morning. As you can see on the invitation, this project arose out of the 150th Anniversary Committee - Celebrating Our Past and the 175th Anniversary of the Rideau Canal. There were five Legacy Projects: 1) Ryan’s Well, opening August 22, 2008. I am sure we all know the story of Ryan Hreljac. If not, see me: I could talk about it for hours. 2) The Giving Garden. In the Spring of 2008, volunteers and students from St. Michael High School, led by Terry McEvoy, tilled two patches of land at the Giving Garden site. It has taken off from there. 3) The 150 km NG Trails were officially launched with a celebration at Rotary Park in June, 2007. And 4) The South Branch Trail is a proposed path along the west of the South Branch from Old Town to the Ferguson Forest Centre. Projects three and four have been incorporated into the Community Integrated Trails Strategy. Today we are here to open project number five, Anniversary Park. This is a beautiful rustic area with a shelter and picnic tables nestled in the Ferguson Forest Centre beside the river and connected to the Turtle Trail and Arboretum. The highlight of the Park is the dock for launching canoes and kayaks. We made our first presentation to Parks

Canada and the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority on July 19, 2006. Working together, we are here today. This is a big step into the Day Tripping market, which is our tourism goal. Put your canoe into the water at the Old Town dock in the basin, or at Currie Park, and canoe to here, relax down the Turtle Trail and reflect in the Arboretum, then canoe back to shop and dine in Old Town. In closing, on behalf of our Municipal Council and staff, I would like to thank all of our partners, our dedicated volunteers, and the Ferguson Forest centre, who have made our community a better place to live, work and play. When you are involved in projects that run over seven or eight years, you get to work with a lot of great people. I want to thank them all. It has been one of the best periods of my life. Thank you.” The Municipality partnered with the FFC, the NG Chamber of Commerce, Parks Canada and the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority on the Anniversary Park project and there has been a great deal of support from local business, community groups and volunteers. There are not many committees who have such a track record: five projects proposed in 2006, and all five completed successfully. Congratulations to all concerned.



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

A busy time for the Lions Club There is lots going on with the Lions Club this year. Soon we will be picking a winner for the annual 50/50 draw. This will be done on July 1 at the Canada Day Celebration in Oxford Mills at 3 p.m.. You will no doubt see some of us selling tickets at the local stores over the next several weeks. This is a great chance to support Lions Club initiatives and to potentially win half of the proceeds from ticket sales. 2750 tickets were printed and hopefully, with your support will be sold. Last year $1800 went to a lucky winner. Certainly to be considered as well is the "Scott Woods Band Swingin' Fiddles" Concert, which will be held this year on September 19 at the Municipal Centre. The Scott Woods Band are a professional group which tours through much of Canada.

The band has received rave reviews as it travels from City to Town to City. Scott has been Canadian Fiddle Champion and presents a two-hour fun-filled fiddle variety show featuring three fiddlers playing sweetly in harmony, sensational step dancing, Scott's famous trick fiddling and, of course, home spun family humour. Tickets should be purchased in advance if possible and are available at the Municipal Centre Desk, Wine Villa at 200 Saunders Street, and at Royal LePage Gale Real estate at 1-304 Colonnade Drive. You can also call 613 258-5739, or 613 258-2252, or talk to a Lions Club member. Enjoy the warmer weather, gardening, opening up the cottage, or just sitting on the porch relaxing with a cup of coffee. The Lions Club members look forward to seeing you soon.

Gas leak causes disruption At approximately 11:45 on May 22, as a result of construction work on Clothier Street East, a 2" gas main was damaged. As a result of the significant leak and potential hazardous condition, Fire Services evacuated the businesses and residents on Clothier Street from 103 to 220 Clothier. Enbridge Gas was able to turn off the natural gas safely as they worked on repairing the gas main. The North Grenville Fire Service and the Municipality of North Grenville would like to thank the residents and businesses for their cooperation during this time. They were able to return to their residence/business at approximately 1:30 pm.

Opening soon. Sydney and Shari are pleased to announce that they're opening their own salon in downtown Kemptville effective June 4th . Feel free to drop by and say hi or call in advance to book an appointment. Sydney Koens

Shari Koens


arrayhairstudio@gmail.com like us on facebook May 29, 2013

201 Prescott St, Kemptville 3

Editorial Page Serious Philosophy by David Shanahan Given all the heavy duty issues that have come up over the past year, perhaps it is time to discuss some important philosophical questions; approaches to life, ideologies, recipes for home-made wine, etc. Of course, all the really serious philosophers around here are free to use their immense brainpower and join in the discussion now that the Sens no longer take up all their free time. Clouds and silver linings. So, I give you the following investigation into philosophy. I make no claim to originality: in fact, I stole every single quote. A Spaniard was trying to explain his personal philosophy to an Irishman by defining the meaning of “manana”. “It means ‘tomorrow’, or ‘sometime’, or ‘maybe one day’. This is how we see life: no rush, no pressure. Do you Irish have a similar word in your language?” The Irishman thought for a while and said: “Yes, we do. But it doesn’t have the same sense of urgency”. Now there’s a philosophy to get behind! Let’s look at some other pearls of wisdom, and reflect that life isn’t all about conflict, confusion,

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: The Photographic Artist Noble Johnston, mentioned in your History Section of the North Grenville Times, May 15, 2013, married my 2nd great grand Aunt Margaret Fraser, daughter of my great, great, great, grandparents Simon Fraser of Oxford (formerly of Edwardsburg and York) and Margaret Meldrum ( Widow Armstrong of Matilda). They resided in Kemptville at the time and were married in South Gower 30 July 1879 by Reverend John Leishman. Gerald Thomas Anderson

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc.

Marketing Consultant Gord J. Logan gord@ngtimes.ca 613-258-6402 May 29, 2013

taxes and Councils. I sometimes feel guilty about what I eat: burgers, pasta, chocolate, etc. But then I read this deep insight into diet: “I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes”. People get all wired up about getting things, shopping and “upgrading”. But Stephen Wright put it into perspective when he said: “You can't have everything... where would you put it?” Even knowledge is a questionable asset: it's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions. One thing I do know and will share without a qualm: if at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you. Let’s face it: sometimes things just seem to go against you, and you need to accept the fact. Brendan Behan said about the Irish: If it was raining soup, the Irish would go out with forks. Or, as John Lennon said: Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. Perhaps you will never know the answer to your dilemma. It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. Or, perhaps your role is to bring a little

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Dandelion Festival Rock Climbing

insanity into people’s dull lives. Here are some tips on how to do that (aside from publishing a newspaper): If you work in an office, try a few of these. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice. Put a chair facing a printer. Sit there all day and tell people you're waiting for your document. Send an e-mail back and forth to yourself, engaging yourself in an intellectual debate. Forward the mail to a co-worker and ask her to settle the disagreement. Life can be so much more surreal than any work of fiction, and possibly funnier too. There was a famous politician in the eighteenth century who came out with genuine gems, meaning every word he said. For example, he once complained about his political opponents that: “Half the lies our opponents tell about us are not true.” That sums up much of politics and journalism, I suppose. In the meantime and in the midst of all the angst, anger, hatred, uncertainty and despair around us, it is good to remember that they are not the whole story. Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else. I plan on living forever. So far, so good.

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

Photo courtesy of Brian MacGillivray, NG Photography Club

North Grenville Sports Hall of Fame seeks nominations for 2013 The North Grenville Sports Hall of Fame is seeking nominations for induction this fall. The Selection Committee is eager to hear from the community as to who should be considered forinduction into this prestigious ranking. Nomination guidelines and forms are available at the Hall of Fame’s online portal at www. ngsportlegacy.ca and printed copies are available at the North Grenville Municipal Centre Hall of Fame display. Nominations must be submitted no later than June 15th, 2013.

Fame was established in 2010 to instill in young and old a sense of pride and recognition of sport accomplishments; to provide continuity in linking our past with current and future events; and to celebrate those who contribute to sport through recognition of athletes and builders, public display of their achievements and preservation of sport heritage. For more information: Heather Burns, Co-Chair, North Grenville Sports Hall of Fame Selection Com- Photo courtesy of Terri-Lynn Love, mittee 613-258-4005 NG Photography Club

The 2013 Induction Ceremony will be held on Thursday, September 26, following a fundraising golf tournament at eQuinelle Golf Club. Funds raised through the tournament are distributed as bursaries to local athletes, sports teams and organizations to help them achieve their goals. If you are interested in participating in the tournament or would like to contribute in some way, please contact Selection Committee Co-Chair Doug Rigby at drigby@ ttctruck.ca. The North Grenville Sports Hall of

the north grenville

TIMES Editor

David Shanahan editor@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083

ISSN 2291-0301


Copy Editor

Production Manager

Pat Jessop editor@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083

Marguerite Boyer production@ngtimes.ca 613-258-5083


Mailing Address P.O. Box 35, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0


Michael Pacitto mike@ngtimes.ca 613-710-7104


Rob Lunan cfo@ngtimes.ca 613-797-3800


Municipality Matters

The North Grenville Times

Municipality Matters is a regular feature in which local politicians and officials talk about their work and what’s happening in their world

by Mayor David Gordon I was sitting on my front porch with a cup of tea, enjoying the peace and quiet, when I realised how good we have it in North Grenville. Then I went to the Dandelion Festival and saw all the work that volunteers had put into it, and, again, I thought how good it is to live in North Grenville. At the opening of Anniversary Park and the Historical Society’s Road Show, I could look around and see people coming out to support their community, sometimes in spite of rain and wind and cold. There are, I know, a lot of things that need fixing about this place we live in, but at times like these, I know we have something special that we’re building together. There is a time for pointing out the problems but there is also a time to sit back and think about the positives, and this past weekend was one of those times. I am in the fortunate position of seeing things

from a different point of view when I drive down to Brockville for County meetings. I spend at least seven days every month there, and I talk and spend time with Mayors from all the regions of Leeds and Grenville. Listening to the issues and problems faced by so many of those other municipalities brings home to me every time how fortunate we are here in North Grenville. We are located in a very favourable place, with the 416, a hospital, university, two high schools and so much more. We are growing and we are on, I think, the right path to continued prosperity for our people. There was a time when things were very different. This area was in need and looked to the United Counties for help in many areas. A look at our history will show how much we have gained from our place in Leeds & Grenville. Today, we are in a very good position. We supply a major share of the budget for the Counties and are considered one of the very few municipalities to experience economic growth over the past ten years. That brings some responsibility with it, and we should be happy to pay our fair share to help others, just as they helped us in the past. But my job also involves looking after North Grenville’s interests at County, which is why I spend so much time there in meetings and committees and talks. With pro-

New Location for Nakhon Thai Restaurant

vincial cutbacks, there is less and less to go around, especially for basic infrastructure. Every dollar we receive is a dollar someone else loses out on. Right now, we have five County projects going on for North Grenville, and the planned development of County Road 43 through Kemptville will be a major investment by the County in our own community. We have had CR 18 resurfaced, and the railway bridge at CR 44 is being renovated too. Not many people realise how much of our future is being decided in Brockville, and it is my job to make sure the right decisions are being made. As I said, there are things that need fixing, and there are things we can complain about, and that is part of the job we all do. But I, as Mayor, and Council in general, have to always think ahead to what is to be in five or ten years time, and what is best for all of the people of North Grenville. Sometimes, people think Council can do more than we are actually allowed do. Some don’t understand the role County or the Province play in the process. So, I will continue to drive to Brockville and attend the meetings, arguing our case, playing the part we have to play in the wider community, and fighting to protect what we have here that makes North Grenville such a good place to live. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.

Nakhon Thai held their Grand Opening on May 16 at their new location on Highway 43. Mayor David Gordon presented congratulations from MPP Steve Clark. Also in attendance were Chamber Board Members, Councillors and Community Living North Grenville Directors who took part in the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. An authentic entertainment experience followed the ceremony with the Ottawa Thai Dancers and Musicians. Nakhon Thai provided complimentary finger foods and wine tastings by Harwood Estates Vineyards. Attendees were encouraged to make donations to Community Living North Grenville. Owners Tan & Aaron Orlicky are looking forward to serving their regular customers and welcoming new customers to experience their authentic Thai cuisine and atmosphere, both inside and outside on the patio.

Take a peek at KYC Thanks to Darren Isaacs from DSR, the Kemptville Youth Centre now has the North and West lengths of their back yard fenced in. Darren volunteered his time and energy to complete the project. Thanks also to First Stop Rentals for lending their digging equipment for the project. The generosity of a North Grenville Community grant and the Brazeau Family allowed Darren to build the fence that now permits youth to play freely behind the Kemptville Youth Centre. Mayor David Gordon, a longtime supporter of Kemptville Youth Centre stated, “The Municipality of North Grenville is pleased to extend our support to the Kemptville Youth Centre through our Community Grants Program. Organizations such as this are truly making a difference at the grassroots level and support our goal of a healthy community.” The Kemptville Youth Centre will be completing some maintenance and a facelift over the next months and is actively looking for businesses and individuals that have some time, renovation skills or products that can be used. They are starting with some painting, minor repairs and cleaning at their June 1s spring work bee. If you have a few tools and know how to use them, give Robin Heald, Executive Director for the youth centre a call at 613-258-5212. They can plan some jobs for you. If you enjoy giving back with some spring cleaning, they have a long list of cleaning including window washing, carpet cleaning, and organizing storage that might suit you. Come out to enjoy a morning of giving back to your community. May 29, 2013

The Voice of North Grenville


The North Grenville Times

Grammar Minute

Navy League of Canada, Kemptville Branch chael’s Catholic High School on Saturday June 1 at 2 pm. Please arrive 45 minutes prior to the beginning of the event. This will allow for a briefing on the unit and the event. The Royal Canadian Sea Cadets is an exciting program that provides boys and girls aged 12 – 18, opportunities and challenges relevant for today's youth. The aim of the program is to develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership; promote physical fitness; and stimulate the interest of youth in the

Figures of Speech: Similes and Metaphors During our elementary and high school years we most probably encountered the parts of speech. Who could forget the adjective, the adverb, the noun, or the verb? Some of us would just as soon forget them; some of us have already forgotten them! Today, we move to a new dimension, figures of speech. They are not new; we have all employed them, especially if we have written prose or poetry. There are two main figures of speech: simile and metaphor. Both are popular literary devices. Think of Stephen King or any other bestselling author. Both the simile and the metaphor serve similar functions. They paint a comparison for the reader. How do you tell them apart? Similes use comparison words (like, as, etc.). Metaphors do not. This breakfast is like sunshine. (simile) Both similes and metaphors are used to compare two nouns either in a negative or positive way. They are a way of connecting emotionally with the reader. Bill sang a moving song. The coach was a rock. Tom’s political views were bright green. We have all heard, “the fog was thick enough to cut with a knife.” Remember Martin Luther King’s “been to the mountaintop”? A powerful metaphor!! When Maya Angelou named her autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, she was not referring to confined birds but rather about how she was able to escape illiteracy, oppression, and poverty. Masterful metaphorical language! As I write this column, one would almost think that spring is right around the corner.

The Voice of North Grenville

On behalf of the Kemptville Branch of the Navy League of Canada and the Officers and Cadets of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC) DEFIANT, I wish to invite you to attend and report on the Cadet Annual Review ceremony, which is to be held in the gymnasium at St. Mi-

sea. It is a program delivered in partnership by The Navy League of Canada and the Department of National Defence. The Cadet Annual Review which is sponsored by the Navy League serves as an opportunity for the cadets to demonstrate their achievements over the past year and to share in their successes with their families and friends and the community. This year, RCSCC Defiant will welcome Rear Admiral Jennifer J. Bennett, CMM CD, Chief of Reserves and

Cadets as the Reviewing Officer and visiting guests will include parents and friends of the cadets, members of the Canadian Forces and Senior Officials from the Ontario Division of the Navy League of Canada. The ceremony includes a formal inspection of the Corps by the Reviewing Officer and members of the Navy League, a cadet march past and the presentation of awards to deserving members of the Corps. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the ceremony.


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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

How Kemptville has changed Part XI – Clothier Street, Sanders to Rideau Street

Leslie Block, now home to the Branch Restaurant by Jim Dolan It is a cold damp Friday - the start of Memorial Day weekend for our friends south of the border in the United States. It is one of those days when you just want to brew a fresh pot of coffee and pick up a favourite book and re-read the special passages that bring sunshine to your life on such a dreary day. However, today finds me walking past the parking lot at the corner of Sanders and Clothier Streets. If this was 1961, I might be just going into or coming out of Lorne Johnston’s Pool Hall. For many young boys it was where we first learned about geometry, before we even knew that someday it would be a subject we would be forced to take in school. From the older boys and young men we would learn more important angles - angles not demonstrated with a cue and ball, but through spoken words which we would need to survive as we grew older and wiser. I stop to look in the windows of the new Benson’s Auto Parts Store. More recently it housed Al’s Antique Furniture and before that it was the location of the Old Canadian Tire. This location is also the current home of the Kemptville Fabric Shoppe. This building was the original location of the Swedlove’s General Store in the 1930s. The Swedlove’s would purchase a number of buildings along the north side of Cloth-

May 29, 2013

ier Street, including the Finnerty Block. This would allow them to expand their businesses to include a fine furniture store. I am sure Pat Maloney has many interesting stories to tell about the years he spent working for the Swedlove family. Walking further west along the north side of Clothier Street, I pass by an outdoor patio. I wish it was a much warmer day so I could sit down for a nice cool pint. When I was a young man, this space was occupied by a building that was the location of Don’s and then John’s Barber Shop. Back then, especially in the summer when business might be a little slow, you could hear John on guitar and Don on banjo playing a few licks. Don O’Neill owned the Barber Shop in the early 60s and hired John Casgrain in 1964. In 1976, Don decided to chase fame and fortune on the country music circuit full time, so he sold the business to John. Don had some good times and a lot of memories chasing his dream, especially when he played with Tommy Hunter on tour in 1982-83. John’s Barber Shop is still in business but under new ownership, and it is now located in Raina’s Mall on Sanders Street. It is hard to believe that both John and Don still work there. Just imagine the stories they could tell from over 50 years of cutting hair in our community. Next to the patio is the O’Heaphy Irish Pub, which takes its name from owner Patti Lindsay (maiden

rent location of the B&H Grocer. He simply needed more space as the IGA was the beginning of the supermarket era. I am sure I bought mello rolls at Elliott’s when I was a young boy. Borden’s Dairy made them in Canada. A mello roll was simply an exceptional tasting and very creamy ice cream. Mello rolls were about three inches long and cylindrical in shape. They came wrapped in brown paper. You had to peel off the paper and place the ice cream in a cone. I recall three flavours - vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. My memory may be playing tricks on me but after Elliott’s moved I believe a Western Tire and Auto Supply Store owned by Charlie Hodgson operated for a short time at this location in the 60s. Later the building was taken over by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce when it opened its first branch in Kemptville. I can remember going into the branch in the fall of 1971 to fill out an application for a job. The manager told me I was over qualified for any positions they had at the branch. It was the first time I was told that I was over qualified for a job. It turned out to be the second best job news I ever got in my life. The stone building next to the Grocery Store is currently the home of the Branch Restaurant. This building once housed the Bell Telephone Central Office. Back in the days before direct dialing, which was not installed in town until the early 60s, to place a call from home, you had to ring the central office and the call would be placed by an operator. In town there were private (one party) or semi–private (two party) lines. Country folk might find themselves sharing lines with multiple families. My family shared a party line with another household. If a person was on the line when you picked up the receiver, you couldn’t place a call until that person hung up. It was annoying at times, but you could always catch up on what was happening in that family’s life if you were the least bit nosey. This building also housed the law office of Gerald D. Loucks. Mr. Loucks had a unique filing system. It always seemed like every chair had a pile

name Heaphy) who grew up in Burritt’s Rapids. O’Heaphy’s is an excellent place to share great pub fare and catch up on recent happenings with friends. In the book, “North Grenville Glimpses of the Past”, copies of which are available from the North Grenville Historical Society, we learn that this location was the site of the very first store in Kemptville. Owned by Levius Church, it opened at the end of the 1820’s. The first Post Office in town operated out of Church’s store. This location was also the site of the first garage which was run by Del Seymour. It was also home to the Salvation Army Thrift Store before it became the pub. Next to O’Heaphy’s is the Moonlight Family Dining Restaurant. When I came back to Kemptville in 1969, it was called the Bright Spot Restaurant and was owned by Peter the Greek and his brother, Bill. The original owner Roland Lemire opened the restaurant in the early 60s. The MidTown Grill was still in business on Prescott Street in the late 60s, but many of the younger people in town were now hanging out at the Bright Spot. It became the happening place to be early on Friday and Saturday evenings. You could be found either inside or outside waiting for your buddies to arrive to decide what you were going to do that night. It seemed that every young person who had a car in town could be seen cruising up and down Prescott Street looking for someone or something to do while listening to the best music in the world. For many, especially those with cars, it would often be a trip to the Lighthouse on the east side of Rideau River just north of the Rideau Hill Camp to hear the best rock and roll bands in the Ottawa area. Next to the Bright Spot were two buildings commonly referred to as the Leslie Block. The building closest to the Bright Spot was demolished in the 1990s to provide more parking for the restaurant. When I was young, the building was the location of Elliott’s Grocery Store. Mr. Elliott’s business subsequently would become affiliated with the IGA. A short time later, he would move his store to the cur-


of files on it. It was a wonder he could ever find the correct documents. Lorne Stewart also operated his Electrical Business at this location for many years. Next to the Branch Restaurant, until recently, was the Family World Convenience Store. I am not sure what business occupied this space in the late 50s, but Sam Gaw told me that when he was young it was a Grocery and Candy Store

owned by the Ross family. He said that in his day you could buy quite a few candies for a nickel. My final article in this series will feature the Kemptville Hotel - a place that was very special to many of us who grew up in North Grenville in the 70s, and 80s. Does anyone have a picture of the outside or inside of the hotel from that time period; it would be great addition to the story?

Del Seymour’s garage and Don O’Neill’s barber shop

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

A Part of Your Community Since 1963 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville

Regular Store Hours

Mon. - Fri. 8 to 8 Sat. - 8 to 6 Sun. 9 to 6 613.258.3014

Prices effective: Friday, May 31 to Thursday, June 6, 2013 May 29, 2013



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Brent Kelaher plays foul!

Photo courtesy of Photography Club member David VanGilst The Dunk Tank at the Dandelion Festival was a huge hit with many passers by. One got a chance to dunk the Fire Chief Paul Hutt and many more prominent citizens. Shown above is Brent Kelaher, the Dandelion Festival Co-ordinator, cheating during one of the many sittings. It seemed no one was able to dunk Krista George or even wanted to, since it was so cold out and the water in the tank not much better. However, Brent decided to cheat and take poor Krista by surprise. As he passed by the dunk tank, seemingly just to get to the other side, he moved forward and did the unexpected, manually hitting the target with his hand, surprising the crowd and poor Krista. Loud shouts of foul play were heard. Brent, not blinking an eye nor breaking his stride, kept on going but now with a huge smile on his face.

Rogue Hats

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rowlandleather.ca May 29, 2013


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

New Kemptville Ukulele Group Come see what all the excitement is about! Everyone is welcome! Have you ever said to yourself, “I should learn how to play a musical instrument”? Well here is your chance and it’s easy to play and inexpensive! And most importantly it’s fun! There has been a resurgence of the Ukulele. Yes, the Ukulele. The Ukulele (a.k.a. Uke) was brought to Hawaii by the Portuguese in the 1870s. It was popularised by King Kalākaua of Hawaii who was an ardent supporter and promoter of the instrument. In the 1920s, the ukulele became very popular as a jazz instrument throughout North America. So forget about about the Tiny Tim’s 1970’s venture into the Uke world. It’s a serious instrument. Before we moved to Kemptville from Ottawa, we discovered the Bytown Ukulele Group (BUG). As BUG jams are in downtown Ottawa it just has been too difficult to attend their sessions. So I figured let’s get a Kemptville

Ukulele Group (KUG). It’s surprising how many groups there are around the world. Where: Bruce of The Branch Texas Grill has offered his restaurant as the venue. With BUG we would meet earlier to have a bite to eat and liquids of course. Socialize a bit and then get into the music. Date: Thursday June 6, 2013, Food service Fellowship: 5:00 (17:00) - optional Time: 7:30 (19:30) The Ottawa Folklore Centre has generously volunteered to provide loaner Ukes for those who do not own one. As well, Arthur McGregor (owner of OFC) will provide us with a Uke teacher to get us started. Once you’re hooked, OFC will provide us with a group discount on Uke purchases. How much does a Uke cost: They start at about $40.00 and up. Buy a Uke tuner, it’s worth the approximately $20. We are also working with BUG to share their music which has been written for the Ukulele. Beginners – don’t be shy! We’ll have so much

KYC’s Got Talent Youth of North Grenville and surrounding area have been practicing their talents and are ready to share them with the community on Friday, June 7 at the Kemptville Youth Centre (KYC) located at 5 Oxford Street West. The evening will begin with a BBQ at 5:30 pm and will be followed by outstanding youth talent performances starting at

May 29, 2013

6:45 pm. Admission is $5 at the door for adults and free for youth 18 years of age and under. All BBQ and admission proceeds will go to the Kemptville Youth Centre. Don’t miss out on the amazing talent KYC has for you this year! During rehearsals at KYC, youth and staff become more and more astounded every day with the

fun! I put the begin in beginner. If you're just starting out and plan on joining us regularly at the pub, you'll get lots of help from fellow ukers and even though you might not be able to keep up with everything right at the beginning, you'll still be able to belt out the songs, and you'll catch on quickly to the chords with practice. We suggest that you download or buy a uke chord chart and start to become familiar with chords such as C, C7, F, G, G7, D, D7, B flat, A, Am, A7, Em, E7 to maximize your experience. An electronic chromatic tuner is also an invaluable purchase! The Ottawa Folklore Centre staff (our sponsors) are very helpful in everything to do with ukes. You can phone them to enquire about ukulele lessons and workshops or pay them a visit at 1111 Bank St. And there's our Facebook page, just for added ukulele fun! If you'd like further information about KUG, you can call Tony Marcantonio at 613-989-4586 or email him at cookoutroaster@gmail.com. level of talent that many are demonstrating. Alexandra Smith, KYC Marketing Intern stated, “Some of the rehearsals have pulled people from around the building to watch and enjoy, and the performers were at times so good that staff thought their favourite song was playing on the radio.” This is the second year that The Kemptville Youth Centre is hosting KYC’s Got

For 53 years, HEYDAY has been Kemptville’s best event for


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Talent. John Bennett, former youth and now adult volunteer said, “Last year I was stunned by how well the youth of the community performed under pressure. It is not something that I think I could ever do. Courage isn’t a matter of not being frightened, it’s being afraid and doing what you have to do successfully.” Haley Wright, one of the singers highlighted in the talent show said, “There’s a lot of talent in


the show this year and I am very excited to share it with the rest of the performers and community. We look forward to seeing you there.” Humidification If you’re 12 to 18 Installation of Duct work years of age and have HRV cleaning Air Filtration a talent that you would Dryer Vent Cleaning like to share with our Sanitization community, there’s still (our own specially formulated time to participate! Drop eco-friendly product!) by KYC on Wednesday, Joe Plunkett June 5 between 4 and 6 pm so your performance 613-258-0663 can be previewed and Toll Free: incorporated into the show. 1-866-880-5397


The North Grenville Times

Gaelic Glen Stables:

A local treasure to the equestrian community by Dina Snippe Saturday, April 27 was the start of the 2013 hunter/jumper show season for local horses and riders. Gaelic Glen Stables on Crozier Road in Oxford Mills opened the season by hosting a Bronze level show at the facility. The next weekend, May 4 and 5, the Durie family and many volunteers ran a Silver hunter/jumper show at Gaelic Glen as well. Gaelic Glen Stables, now an important part of the Ottawa-area hunter/ jumper horse show circuit, had a much different start. As is fondly remembered by Debbie Williams, owner of Turnout Stables and lifelong friend of Suzanne Tighe (nee Durie), the farm was purchased by Gary Durie, Suzanne’s father, back in 1973 before his wife Carol had even laid eyes on it. Though the house needed some work, Carol fell in love with the property and Gary was forgiven as soon as she saw the barn. From then until the late 1980s, Carol and Gary raised and competed Standardbred horses under the farm name Gaelic Stables. At one point, the farm had five Standardbred horses actively training and racing. Carol and Suzanne kept their own hunter/ jumper show horses on the property, and eventually the family got out of raising Standardbreds. Due to the natural sand footing and spacious grounds, Carol and Suzanne felt their farm made an ideal horse show setting. In 1997, they saw that dream come to life when they hosted their first Bronze (local-level) hunter/ jumper horse show. Silver (provincial-level) hunter/jumper horse shows started at the farm in 2000, and since then, Gaelic Glen Stables has hosted at least one hunter/jumper horse show every year. Gaelic Glen is a legendary venue in the minds of Ottawa valley competitors because of the fantastic footing that holds up to any weather conditions and gives everyone a safe enMay 29, 2013

vironment for themselves and their horses. Along with running horse shows, riding her horses, and caring for her family, Carol was Mrs. Durie to many students in the area. Throughout her career, she taught at Kemptville Public School, then at North Grenville District High School, and finished teaching at South Branch Elementary School. Carol was greatly involved in the community as well. She spent time running a skating club, working with the Kemptville Minor Hockey Association, running a gymnastics club, among many other side projects. Carol passed away in 2010 from breast cancer, and as true evidence of her passion for horses, continued riding until a few months before she died. Horse shows at Gaelic Glen Stables have an additional goal now: raising money to contribute to the Kemptville District Hospital Mammography campaign. Through raffle ticket sales, entries to the $1000 Memorial Hunter Classic, lemonade sales, and donations, Gaelic Glen has raised over $3500. This money, combined with the funds raised by the Carol Durie Memorial Golf Tournament, made up a donation of approximately $150,000 to the KDH Mammography fund over the past three years. Just as the funds raised in Carol’s memory continue to grow, so too do the horse shows at Gaelic Glen. Every year sees more horses and riders taking advantage of the safe, friendly competition site provided for all levels of showing by Gaelic Glen. As Suzanne’s five year old daughter Caitlyn becomes more involved in showing, more show series could be hosted by the venue. Gaelic Glen Stables will be part of the local hunter/jumper show circuit for years to come.

The Voice of North Grenville

“Are You Listening To Me?” 4+ words in a sentence, answers simple questions • 4-5 years- Talks easily to children and adults; pays attention to simple stories; can tell a story about himself Warning Signs: Stops babbling; experiences fluid draining from ears; frequently pulls ears (with fever or crankiness); frequently gets colds, ear infections; does not understand someone who is facing them; speaks loudly or turns up the volume of television or radio; does not say single words by 12 months; does not respond when called; needs things repeated Source: The Canadian Association of SpeechLanguage Pathologists and Audiologists, www. caslpa.ca If you are concerned about your child’s speech and language development and/ or hearing skills, call the Language Express Preschool Speech System at 1-888-503-8885 / 613-2832742. A speech-language assessment can identify your child’s strengths and needs, and can help you prepare your child for success in communicating, reading and writing. For

Language Express Encourages Parents to Watch for Signs of Hearing Impairment. Children learn speech and language from listening to others. If a child doesn’t hear well, learning to speak and communicate will be harder. A family doctor or speech-language pathologist should be contacted if a child is not reaching some of the milestones at or below their age. Hearing Milestones: • Up to 6 months- Startles, cries, awakens to loud sounds; responds to music, noise, voices • 7-12 months-Turns or looks whenever name called; responds to requests (“Want more?”, “Come here”); looks at or points to everyday objects on request (e.g. “bottle”) • 1-2 years- Tries to “talk” by repeating some sounds; points to body part when asked without seeing speaker 2-3 years-Listens to simple stories; follows twostep requests (“Get the ball and put it here”); follows simple commands without seeing speaker • 3-4 years- Hears someone in another room; hears and repeats whispers; uses

Photo courtesy of John Wilberforce, Photography Club

more information, check out our website: www. language-express.ca. Contact: Catherine Robinson, Clinical Coordinator, Language Express PSL, 613-283-2740 ext 4260

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ACROSS 1. Cicatrices 6. Extend credit 10. Fraud 14. A nine-piece musical group 15. Region 16. Sit for a photo 17. Entertain 18. Fiber source 19. Send forth 20. Composition board 22. Formally surrender 23. Flippant 24. A piece of mail 26. Dry riverbed 30. 3 in Roman numerals 31. Historic period 32. Distinctive flair 33. Foot covering 35. Vamoose

39. French for "New" 41. Weblike 43. Prohibit 44. Not barefoot 46. Wicked 47. Get prone 49. Female sheep 50. Dispatched 51. Extreme cruelty 54. Charity 56. Feces 57. Administrative official 63. Bright thought 64. Dry 65. Excuse 66. Decree 67. Water chestnut 68. Outspoken 69. Not aft 70. A magician 71. Excrete

The Voice of North Grenville

DOWN 1. Break 2. Unwakable state 3. Rectum 4. A musical pause 5. Precipitous 6. Difficult 7. Fickle 8. Close 9. Caress 10. Eyeglasses 11. Astronomical visitor 12. Comment to the audience 13. Gauge 21. African antelope 25. At one time (archaic) 26. Make (one's way) 27. Found in some lotions 28. Apply 29. Annul 34. Information 36. Rend 37. Analogous 38. Defrost 40. Twin sister of Ares 42. Swelling under the skin 45. Earshot 48. Preserve a dead body 51. Rigid 52. Sound 53. Gloomy, in poetry 55. Debonair 58. Murres 59. Blockage 60. Type of cereal grass 61. Garments of goat hair 62. Lean

Send in your community events to editor@ngtimes.ca

May 30 June 1 June 1

June 1

June 2

June 15 June 16 June 14-16


Youngsters of Yore, Kemptville Public Library, 1:30 pm Lillian Leonard: Volunteering at The Kemptville District Hospital. Planting Day at the Giving Garden- community members invited to garden located on Hwy 43 at 9 am. Bring your clippers, sunhat, watering can and your smile! Masonic Fish Fry at the Municipal Centre 5 pm till 9 Good food, good friends Tickets are $15 for Adults, $8 for under 12. Entertainment by the Gruff Sisters Kitchen Party. Tickets available at Grahames Bakery, T's country Pawn Shop and Jim Perry Motor Sale. St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Car wash – 9:00-1 p.m.; Bake & plant sale – 10:30 a.m.; Cold buffet luncheon 11:00-1 pm Ham, beef, turkey, salads and dessert, cost $8.00. The church is handicap accessible, ramp at parking lot at side Anniversary Service - St. Andrew's United Church, Bishop's Mills 11 a.m.Guest Speaker - Rev. Paul Vavasour, Special Music - North Augusta Pastoral Charge Choir. A Potluck Lunch in the Church Hall to follow the service. Kemptville Legion Breakfast, 8-10 am. Bacon, ham,sausage, eggs, pancakes, potatoes, home made beans, muffins. Adults $5.00, Children under 12, $3.00 Father’s Day breakfast, Kemptville Legion 8 – 10 am. Serving Pancakes & Sausages $5.00. All Welcome. Kemptville Ribfest. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds & Grenville is hosting our third annual Kemptville RibFest at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. Kemptville Ribfest hopes to attract more that 20,000 people over 3 days to enjoy great music, a free Big Time Pro wrestling show, pony rides, petting zoo, free family activities, boat & ATV show, open space for socializing, and of course, great food!! All proceeds from the event go directly to help fund the high quality mentoring programs we currently provide to over 150 children and youth in the North Grenville area

Weekly and recurring events Wed

The North Grenville Photography Club - Meeting first Wednesday of every month at the Old Fire Hall, 25 Reuben Crescent. For more info see ngphotoclub.ca Bingo- First and third Wednesday of the month, Kemptville Legion. Games start at 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available Thurs Bridge - Every Thursday, St. John’s United Church, Kemptville, 6:30 and 6:45 pm. Cost $5, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Elaine at 613-258-3783 North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting first and third Thursday of the month, 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. For more info, call 613-258-7665 Fri Friendship Lunch - Leslie Hall from 11:30-12:30 pm. Everyone welcome. Tues BNI Networking Group Breakfast- Alumni Building, University of Guelph, 7-8:30am. Call 613-258-0553 for more information Mixed Adult Pickup Basketball Game- Every Tuesday night at Holy Cross School gym, 7-9pm. Cost is $5 per night or $50 for the season. All skill levels. For more information, contact Jeff or Samantha at 613-258-1847 or Samantha.rivetstevenson@rbc/.com Bridge- St. John’s United Church, Kemptville, 12:15pm. Cost $3, partner preferred but not necessary. For more info, contact Ellen at 613-258-7778 Mothers of Preschoolers Support Group-St.John’s United Church, 6:30-8 pm. Whether you’re a townie, rural, stay-athome, working, teen, adoptive, special-needs, single or married, MOPS is for you! For more information, call Angie Brown at 613-223-3979 The Branch Artisans Guild - The third Tuesday of each month, (except during the Months of July & August), NG Community Church, 7:00 p.m. For more information contact Sharon Billings at 258-4382. Mon Wed Fri Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre Early birds: 8 A.M. Others 8:30 A.M. Contact: Eva 258-4487

Solutions to last week’s Crossword

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku

May 29, 2013



The North Grenville Times


The Voice of North Grenville

First 15 words are FREE for North Grenville Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word

S E N D t o C LA S S I F I E D S @ N G T I M E S . C A WANTED Retired senior needs old car batteries - making canon balls 613-258-6254 LE SERVICES Kemptville - Shop AVON at home Personal service and 100% guarantee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 baashunt@ sympatico.ca Kemptville Locksmith 558-8542*lockout*rekey* installation*residential Chris Halden 558-8542 Show this ad - get 10% off Looking For a Better Job? Free training in essential skills, certificate courses, computer use. 613-258-8336 ext.61643 Bowen Therapy Restore your health. PAIN, Respiratory, Digestive & more. 613-7993315. www.BowenKemptville.ca One Tear Studio, Paintings/ Soapstone Sculptures/Butterfly Hearts. Visit by appointment or chance www. HannaMacNaughtan.ca (613) 258-7297 Jesrae Pottery 830 Law Road, Oxford Station. Please call 613-258-4671 for an appointment. I Can Sew It: Rhonda Cybulskie-613-258-5248 Rhonda@ICanSewIt.ca Al’s Cleanup Services Dump runs, Grass, Landscaping Al Scott R R #1 Oxford Station(613) 258-3847

to dump,anything removed. diskette trays $35 Brass & 613-258-7955 Glass display unit 8 shelves $25.00 613 258 4582 Homeopathic Practitioner Discover safer, healthier Dining Room set: 6 chairs natural healing alternatives table/buffet/hutch Asking to address pain, fatigue, $350 258-2120 anxiety & more. e-mail francesdynhealth@sympati- “le gut truck” - mobile canco.ca613.258.7602 teen truck w/established route in and around KemptSienna Fine Arts Art Classes ville. Great stops & customand Supplies www.sien- ers - including construction nafinearts.com 613-878- sites, gravel pits, local busi9706 nesses and more! Business includes: 2003 GMC ½ ton, stainless steel box, route and FOR RENT all equipment. Contact Jenn & Brent for details @ 613Kemptville - 2 bdrm - $900 258-0085. + utilities, hardwood floors, gas heat, a/c, no smoking C2008 Coachman Clipper and pets, available immedi- Sport 126ST Tent Trailer. ately. 613- 295-0552 Immaculate. Non-Smokers & pet free. Many feaOld Town Kemptville - 113 tures.$5,900. 613-282-6242 Prescott St. – commercial – 800 sq. ft. available immedi- FIREWOOD – don’t wait! Alately. 613-295-0552 ready seasoned, dry, clean, delivered hardwood. $100/ Old Town Kemptville – 113 cord (call Billy) @ 258-4529 Prescott St. - commercial/ office space – 2000 sq. ft., 2005 Toyota Matrix, 5spd, available immediately. 613- 224000kms, exc. condition, 295-0552 AC/cruise/power, certified 4995$ 613-258-3730. 2 bdrm apt. fridge, stove, washer, dryer, heat, central air. large yard, ample parking, walking distance to all YARD SALE ammenites in kemptville. $900/mth, plus hydro 613 Multi-family, Kingfisher 258 7803 june 1/13 Crescent, Sat. June 1, 8-1. Many collectibles, antiques. One bedroom , perfect for senior. no stairs , down town Heckston United Church Yard Kemptville. $700 plus utl. Sale, June 1st @ 8am Phone 613-258-4741 Tina @ 613-258-4252 to rent a table. Bake Sale and Snack Bar on site. For Sale

Yard sale June 15th at North Grenville Community Church from 8-2 pm Multi-family yard sale, 1611 and 1625 O’Neill Road, Oxford Mills. Saturday-Sunday June 1-2, 8.00 to 5.00

Sales Consultant Wanted

Send in your letters to the editor to editor@ ngtimes.ca CLASSIFIEDS: First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to classifieds@ngtimes.ca.


Annual General Meeting of the Oxford Mills Community Association

Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!

Washer & Dryer, apt size stackable 4yrs old 613 355 5390

House Cleaning - Kemptville area. For quote call 613-2940385 or dhlacombe@gmail. 2002 Alero Fixer UpperGood com body brakes and tires $500 OBO 6132161830 Property Clean up, yards, garages, basements, loads FOR SALE Computer desk with recess keyboard and

June 6, 7 pm All are welcome to the Annual General Meeting of the Oxford Mills Community Association held in Maplewood Hall. The President's Report will lay out the highlights since last year's AGM in May of 2012 and the Financial Statement for 2012 will be presented. The outgoing Board of Directors will describe the options presented by the Municipality regarding the future management of Maplewood Hall and will make their recommendation. Nominations to the new Board will be accepted and an election will be held, followed immediately by the first meeting of the new Board at which officers (President, Treasurer etc) will be appointed. This is a very important meeting and we encourage all members of the community to attend.

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The North Grenville Times

PRIBBLES & NIBBLES . by Marc Meyer

Tuesday, July 9 the Association has invited the Company of Fools to present The Merry Wives of Windsor at Maplewood Park in Oxford Mills. You are encouraged to attend this family-friendly event. Special trees, otherworldly shadows, feast and revels, festive occasions, scapegoats, heaven, hell, and fairy faith ... these have been the subjects of our rambles. Many of these come together in the pivotal scene in The Merry Wives of Windsor where Falstaff faces humiliation in the dark of night as fairies accost him round a certain oak at which a forester named Horne is said to have hanged himself before rising anew as an antlered forest spirit or perhaps as a horned, and restless ghost.

FAIRIES’ GROVE In an earlier 1602 version of the play this scene has no specific setting, beyond taking place in a field near some woods. Nor is the character of Horne, the stag spirit Falstaff is impersonating, as nearly developed. "We will send him (Falstaff) word to meet us in the field, disguised like Horne, with huge horns on his head. The hour shall be just between twelve and one and at that time we will we meet him ... with little boys disguised and dressed like fairies, for to affright fat Falstaff in the woods." The plan in this 1602 version is for the boys to come out of the woods and on cue attack the disguised Sir John : "You fairies that do haunt these shady groves, look round about the wood if you can espy a mortal that doth haunt our sacred round; if such a one you can espy give him his due, and leave not till you pinch him black and blue."

FAIRIES’ DELL In the later 1623 version of the play, hakespeare had given the scene a very specific setting near Windsor Castle and the action takes place at a specific recognizable tree, Herne's Oak, near a specific recognizable chalk-pit called the Fairies’ Dell. In this version the boys playing fairies do not just come out of the wood but are hidden in the pit near to the tree awaiting the arrival of Falstaff. As they wait for Falstaff to arrive, "they are all couched in a pit hard by Herne's oak with obscured lights, which at the very instant of Falstaff's and our meeting, they will at once display to the night." FAIRIES' OTHERWORLDLY HELL And even as the fairies leap out and surprise Falstaff and the woman he is with ( who is in on the plan to make a fool of Falstaff ), we are reminded in stark contrast, to all the goblins and elves emerg-

ing from the woodwork, of the two afterlife options open to those who have not embraced the fairy faith. Mistress Ford exclaims “Heaven forgive our sins” and Falstaff echoing themes we have elsewhere explored states “I think the devil will not have me damned, lest the oil that’s in me should set hell on fire.”

CLASSIFIEDS: First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to classifieds@ngtimes.ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!

The Voice of North Grenville

Bud to Bloom Garden Tour The Kemptville Horticultural Society is pleased to present the “Bud to Bloom Garden Tour” June 22 from 10:00 to 3:00 pm. There are nine stops on this tour, including seven private gardens, Rideau Woodland Ramble and the University of Guelph Kemptville Campus gardens. Tickets costing $15 include a Strawberry Tea at a historic inn. Some of the featured properties include: a Peony Circle Garden several decades old on the grounds of a charming stone house from 1840; a big beautiful garden with a hand-laid stone fence; a pool surrounded by gardens and a variety of trees; a garden planted in bare slate in 1994 which is now an acre of stunning perennials beds, fish ponds, a rock fence and a patio with fire pit; a former inn and

mail stage coach stopover built in 1890 surrounded by gardens that suit the house. Tickets are available at Brewed Awakenings 2868 Country Road 43, Kemptville, or by emailing the Kemptville Horticultural Society at khs_oha@ yahoo.ca. All proceeds from this event will go towards funding our two annual bursaries, which are awarded to deserving students from the University of Guelph Horticultural Program.

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402

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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Grand Manan:

A hidden treasure but not for long! (Part 2) by Barbara Empey. Travel and Food Consultant. As mentioned in part 1, our hosts had booked a whale-watching adventure on a 50’ sloop for us. I couldn’t wait to go and get over my fears of the past. Years ago my family camped on Cape Cod and while there booked a whale watching tour on a converted coast guard boat. When we got out, there were fifteen foot waves and the boat was very long and narrow and actually it was a terrifying experience. Somehow I knew I wanted to try it again while here in the Bay of Fundy with our respected hosts, Debbie and Claude Tremblay. The sailing trip was fabulous; beautiful day and everyone eager to see the whales. We went out into the Bay of Fundy and when the captain, a gorgeous blonde lady, found eddies where birds were feeding, she knew that it was a typical feeding ground for whales. A marine biologist was on board and she had a recording device to make

the sighting of the different whales when they were spotted and 38 were followed. It was terrific! Four hours of sunshine, laughs, nature watching with a few puffins added for delight. On the return trip they offered us mugs of steaming fish chowder with chunks of whole wheat bread and coffee or tea. You could buy candy bars or hats on board too if desired. Quite a thrilling experience; nothing like the last time in Cape Cod, when I kissed the earth upon arrival back to shore. I had overcome my fear at last. If you are a hiker, try Swallowtail Lighthouse. My travel partner likes early morning hikes and so she and the host took off up this rugged cliff and they had to cross a suspended bridge before coming to the lighthouse. I thought about it for about two seconds and went back to sleep, no thank you. There are red, yellow and green trails for hikers. Not being a serious hiker, we drove up to an area which led

without a day off, as there was nobody to replace him and after he died, bodies had to be shipped to the mainland for preparation for burial. Grand Manan is a delight to see and discover. Grand Manan Inn is a dream for the hungry for art and colour and good conversation. The food is superb and the owners are friendly, knowledgeable and professional. You couldn’t have a nicer vacation if you yearn for sea breezes, great seafood, rocky beach combing and shopping at farmers markets and local art galleries. A hidden treasure, to be sure, but not for long.


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to the “Hole in the Wall” where there were some observation decks, overlooking the herring weirs I spoke about earlier. They pound long poles into the ocean floor in a circle and cover it with mesh nets and, besides catching the fish that are in season, sometimes get whales and porpoises or seals-- which they have to rescue before they eat all the profits. We sat with coffee that we had bought at the café in town and enjoyed the view of the ferry crossing the Bay of Fundy, as well as seagulls and unusual birds like terns and ducks that we don’t see where we live. We even saw some seals playing in the rocks below us. This is quite an area for birds, as so far 355 different kinds of birds have been recorded as migrating through this region. Also a must see is the local fishing museum. The most interesting tale was the story of the local mortician who had over his life time buried 2,000 residents

June 2013 Mon 3

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Mapping the journey to successful employment May 29, 2013



The North Grenville Times

New track and football field for North Grenville District High School Plans for a new asphalt track and football field to complement the $17.3 million North Grenville District High School have been given the green light. Tenders for the project will be issued as early as next week after an agreement on fencing and other issues was reached with the Township of North Grenville to allow the project to proceed, said Jeremy Hobbs, chief information and facilities officer for the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB). The new field will support football, soccer, and track and field events.

May 29, 2013

“This is wonderful news for the North Grenville community,” said Trustee Lisa Swan. “We have a beautiful new school and new athletic facilities that will only make the educational experience better for our students. It will also allow the school to host OFSAA events at which UCDSB students can demonstrate their athletic prowess and also be ambassadors who show other students in the province what a beautiful town Kemptville is.” The Board had planned to install the new track last fall on Board property north of the school and just

The Voice of North Grenville

Girls Hockey - Esso Fun Day

west of Riverside Park in Kemptville. However, the township had concerns regarding fencing and signage at the field which have since been resolved. The agreement will see a line of boulders placed along the border between the park and the field, as well as improvements to signage to better fit with the township’s long-term vision for the park, said Hobbs. The UCDSB also plans to build a new asphalt basketball court for Grades 7 and 8 students at the school. The project will be completed by late fall, said Hobbs.

Do you have a daughter who would like to try hockey for the first time? Thinking about joining Kemptville Storm Girls hockey? KDMHA will be running an Esso Fun Day for any girls aged 8-14 who have never played Girls Hockey before. The Esso Fun Day program presents and introduces


the basic fundamental skills and rules of the game to first-time female participants of all ages for no cost. Girls will have the chance to participate in a 90-minute on-ice session to truly experience the joy of hockey. The Esso Fun Day will take place on Saturday, June 1st from 3:30 – 5pm

and is free of charge. Participants are asked to arrive 45 minutes ahead of time. Full equipment will be required (borrow from a friend if necessary). For more information or to register your daughter, please contact Anne at registrar@kemptvillehockey.com or call (613)258-9833.


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