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Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Vol. 5, No.31
The Voice of North Grenville
August 2, 2017
Very Much Alive W H AT W I L L
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The camping and trailer grounds at Kemptville Live were much busier than in previous years. People came from far and wide. Special thanks to Dan Riorden for submitting this photo my death have been greatly being made to people’s musi- the Great Canadian Songbook by Deron Johnston himself, Cummings didn’t exaggerated”. His statement cal bucket lists. Saturday night’s headliner hold anything back and played received a very enthusiasAnother Kemptville Live tic roar from the crowd of was the incomparable Burton a wide variety of his solo hits, Music Festival has come and Lightfoot-ers. While it was Cummings. Though not quite Guess Who hits, and even gone. For this writer, this one obvious that Lightfoot’s voice the same age as Lightfoot an un-scripted classic rock was the most memorable. This has diminished, it was also (nine years younger), Cum- song that he learned before year’s festival was a wonder- obvious that no one cared. mings put on an incredible joining the Guess Who. For ful mix of new and emerging People cheered loudly when show. Though almost seventy, this writer, this was the most talent and a generous helping they heard the opening chords Cummings still had the voice enjoyable performance of the of Canadian music icons. of “Wreck of the Edmund and showmanship to leave the festival. Blues, folk, country and rock Fitzgerald”, and many of his rather large crowd of people Without a doubt, the bigwere all well represented other timeless classics. It was in awe. He sat centre stage, gest name draw for country with a sprinkling of other as if you were listening to the singing and hammering away music fans (and possibly the styles including classical gui- Great Canadian Songbook at his keyboard, drawing biggest draw for the whole tar courtesy of the legendary itself, in human form. His energy from the “Saturday festival) had to be country muLiona Boyd. music endures like no other, night rock and roll crowd” sic star, Dwight Yoakam, who On Sunday afternoon, the and is a part of the fabric of that cheered and drank in ev- was Friday night’s headliner. final day of the festival, Gor- Canadian culture. How ap- ery note. Between songs, he Playing some of his most don Lightfoot took to the stage propriate that he was playing mentioned Gordon Lightfoot famous tunes like “Guitars, as the headliner and closing the festival during Canada’s several times, including how Cadillacs” and his remake of act. Not long after walking sesquicentennial. So many he and other Canadian artists the Elvis song “Little Sister” out, Lightfoot looked out at voices could be heard leaving were indebted to Lightfoot for brought everyone to their the crowd of two thousand or the festival saying: “I’m so paving the way for them years feet. He even paid homage so and uttered the words “As glad that I got to see and hear before. Another artist who you can see, the rumours of him”, with several references would have many entries in continued on page 2
The North Grenville Times continued from front page
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The Voice of North Grenville
The Kemptville Wildcats Minor and Major Boys had their year-end tournaments July 21-23
to one of his greatest influences, Merle Haggard, by playing one of that legend’s songs. Yoakam was all business and kept everyone’s toe tapping throughout the entire set. Both Crystal Shawanda and local music product Brea Lawrenson added their own considerable talents to the evening, as Friday night was a very strong night from top to bottom of the musical lineup. Not to be outdone, Thursday night was another stacked evening, especially for blues music lovers. Angel Forrest gave a powerful performance, and Juno Award winners, Monkey Junk, followed that up with an onslaught of remarkable blues guitar, care of band member and blues legend Tony D. These top quality acts set the table perfectly for another Canadian icon, David Wilcox. The ‘Bearcat’ himself didn’t seem to stop long enough to take a breath, as he dished out song after song, including “Hypnotizin’ Boogie”, that had people dancing everywhere on the grassy field. Wilcox seemed to get stronger as the show went on, and virtually only stopped to mop his brow with a towel. There’s simply not enough space to mention all of the great artists that performed in the festival and give them their due. Rest assured, that every one of them were professional and deserved every second of support that they received from an entire weekend of appreciative music lovers. Now, sadly, we must forge ahead and wait another 361 days until the next festival gets here. In the meantime, I’m going to go over to my MP3 player right now and load up “Canadian Railroad Trilogy” and reflect on how grateful I am to have been able to experience what I did this past weekend.
The Minor Blue team took the B Division title in Williamsburg, while the Major Yellow team accomplished the same in Winchester. Congratulations to both teams on a great end to the season! We hope to see you all again next year.
Join us for our High Energy
FREE Summertime KID's Day Camp August 14 - 18 9 am — 12 noon Kemptville Pentecostal Church 1964 HWY #43 Register @
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August 2, 2017
The North Grenville Times
Team Adelaide walk of celebration Join Team Adelaide this Saturday, August 5, at Maplewood Hall in Oxford Mills for a 2 or 5 km walk/ run to celebrate raising over $50,000 for children’s hospitals since 2011. Team Adelaide is a group of family and friends who have been witness to how much our local children’s hospitals can change lives, and we gather each year to raise money to give back to those same hospitals.
In 2011, inspired by the care received at SickKids Hospital in Toronto, Team Adelaide came together to raise money in support of Children's Hospitals by joining the Walk for Miracles being held annually at that point. Adelaide and her family moved to the Ottawa area in 2013, and began their involvement with the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). The care and support received there
in 2017, we are walking in celebration, having surpassed $50,000 raised overall. We invite and welcome anyone in the community to come and join us for our walk around beautiful Oxford Mills. More information is available on our website ( We look forward to meeting new neighbours and seeing old friends.
continues to be amazing, and Team Adelaide walked in the Ottawa Walk for Miracles, raising money for CHEO, in both 2013 and 2014. In 2015, the Walk for Miracles was no longer supported, but we at Team Adelaide still believe that raising money for CHEO is one of the best ways we can give back. We began 'flying solo' for the first time, with a walk of our own in August, 2015, and again in August, 2016. Now,
The Voice of North Grenville
CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville
since 1992
For Your Summer Barbecue STRESS FREE
New Energy Award-winning Lockwood Brothers Construction Kreations continues to build on its strong reputation
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613.860.2539 The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
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Ken Schliemann
A recent award has cemented family-owned Lockwood Brothers Construction as a proven leader among Ontario's more than 5,000 registered home builders. The local firm has earned the inaugural Ernest Assaly Award for being the Ontario builder who best demonstrates a long-standing commitment to quality, innovation, customer service and community involvement. Only 38 Ontario builders met the rigorous criteria. The award was presented at the 2017 Homeowners' Choice Awards ceremony hosted by Tarion Warranty Corporation. "We have a great team
here," says Corey Lockwood, who founded the company in 1995 when he was just out of school in Montreal. In 2000, he and his wife Kim decided to move to this area where they have family. The company start-up team included Corey and Kim, brother John Lockwood and brother-in-law Bruce McNulty. It didn't take long for people to start noticing their unique homes and the business took off. Today the company has grown to 24 full-time employees. The ever-expanding headquarters, including 10,000-square feet of office and workshop space, is located on scenic Totem Ranch Road in Edwardsburgh
Cardinal Township. There is also a heavy equipment shop on site. Another arm of the business is garbage/debris container bin rentals. It means they don't have to wait for bins on their own construction sites and they also rent them to other operations. Corey commends the entire Lockwood team for the company's achievements and for raising the standard to put it in league with top builders. Office manager Chelsea Baker agrees. "We're a customer service driven business. Everyone knows it is the number one priority." A long line of happy customers will tell you about exceptional craftsmanship,
outstanding design, quality and professionalism from the team at Lockwood Brothers Construction. One client wrote: "They are great builders. They are even better people." "We will look at anything and figure out a way to build it," says Corey. They construct residential, light commercial and out buildings. About 85% of their work is in new home construction. The team has now built more than 250 homes in Leeds Grenville, South Dundas and Ottawa. UCLG Economic Development eNews, with permission
Monkman Forming Ltd. hosts BBQ for Friends of Ferguson Forest Cente The fourth OPP Charity BBQ of the season was a great success! Special thanks to our sponsor, Monkman Forming Incorporated. A total of $600.00 was raised for the. This week's barbeque is sponsored by Jansen Law with proceeds going to North Grenville Community Living. The 17th Annual OPP Charity Barbeques are held every Thursday from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Kemptville OPP detachment. Hope to see you there!
Photo by Tanya Philion Bruce Noble with Liza Duhaime (Friends of Ferguson Forest) pose with members from Monkman Forming Ltd., Liz Davie, Joe Scott and Tanner Johnston August 2, 2017
Kemptville Physiotherapy Now offering Direct Billing!
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Eve of Destruction by David Shanahan Has something very important been broken in the world? Is it my imagination, or have we reached a new low in human relations and in our society in general? I’m an historian, and I have spent a long time examining the past. The world today reminds me forcefully of other eras, times when great civilisations and empires came to an ignoble end. It never happened suddenly, in a day, or even a year. Gradually, decay crept in, the ideals which were the foundation of the society were compromised and undermined. It happened to Greece, Rome, Assyria, Egypt, Britain. It is happening to the United States now, and we’ve been witnesses to it for many decades. We don’t like calling it the American Empire, instead, we refer to the U.S. as a Superpower, domi-
nating the world, not just through military might, but through economic power. Certainly for the last century, the strength of the American economy has underpinned the global economy. But things are changing: the rise of China as an economic powerhouse, the resurgence of the Russian empire under Putin, and the coalition of nations which is the European Union, now rivals the American. That empire has not fallen yet, but it is very sick indeed. It has been corrupted from the inside, as the people have become divided, politics have become toxic, and the entire edifice of American strength has been rotted away. The past six months of the Trump administration is only the most obvious symptom of this disease. The national traumas of the 1960's have never been healed. The loss of two Kennedys, Martin Luther King, and the
Vietnam War were followed closely by the Watergate saga and the loss of faith in many Americans in their government. Conspiracy theories, the rise of armed militias, appropriation by right-wing politics of evangelicals, Iran-Contra, and so many more scandals has torn the heart out of the American Dream. Americans were left feeling very vulnerable and uncertain of the world around them, outside and inside their borders. 911 and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan made them even more afraid and suspicious. Far from the inspiring words on the Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door”, we now have travel bans, threats of walls
between nations, a rejection of everything the country was founded upon. The lamp has almost gone out. Trump is the symbol of all of this corruption. Ignorant, arrogant, petty and foolish, he is destroying decades of work, bringing into disrepute his country’s reputation and standing. But he didn’t start this: he is simply the inevitable result of the decline of American values and standards, a decline that was almost imperceptible to start with. Imagine if even Nixon had said some of the things Trump did during the campaign: his lewd comments about how he approached women, his claim that he could shoot someone in Times Square and get away with it, so many words that we could hardly believe were coming from a Presidential candidate. No-one would have imagined he could be elected. The lies, the bullying, extends now to his
closest staff and family. The most crude language used by his new Chief of Staff about a colleague would have led to his instant dismissal in previous years. Instead, the target of his attack is the one who lost his job. It gets worse every day. Why is this important to us? Like it or not, the U.S. has a huge influence on all of us. What happens there today, affects what happens globally tomorrow. When people like Trump and his family and associates act and talk as they do, it can become the new normal. Hate crimes and open statements against religious and social groups have gone up since he ran for office. He has given freedom to racists, bigots and misogynists to speak out loud like they never did before. This is war of a different kind: a war against sanity, compassion, openness and toleration. It is an attack on civilisation itself, and everything coun-
tries like ours stand for. It is insidious and subtle in its effects, but it must be exposed and resisted. We cannot deny that we can be susceptible as much as anywhere else, to this kind of attack. Whatever your political, religious, or social views may be, this is a threat to all of us, and we must stand openly and publicly against it, wherever it raises its ugly head. Or we will face another Dark Age.
these spots are booked way ahead and that we’d be on the 2018 list. OPP community services officer Cathy Lindsey of the Kemptville detachment reached out in early July to let us know of the July 27 opportunity, just as we were in the hectic countdown to our July 15 Family Fun Fest. Thanks to Friends board members Jennifer Gow and Trish Adams who scrambled to secure a sponsor so we could take part in the BBQ. Although recipient groups of the BBQ’s proceeds are mindful of thanking their sponsors and the public for coming out in support, we also need to give a great big thank you to the Kemptville detachment of the OPP whose weekly barbecues during the summer were started 17 years ago as a community outreach program. Not only do many of
the on-duty officers buy food at the weekly BBQs, but also Cathy Lindsey and her team of summer students spend hours organizing, setting up, selling, and clearing away. This is a lot of work and we thank you for doing this for the community. Liza Duhaime Chair, Board of Directors Friends of the Ferguson Forest Centre
suggest is that the number of wards be increased from the present four to eight.” At the present time, we do not have a wards system. If Mr. Lonergan feels that we have a problem with the present system, it would be refreshing if he would clearly indicate what the problem is. How can the mayor allocate the positions representing the various committees to members of the ward system, when decisions have to be made for the good of the community at large? The ward system automatically elects people to benefit their own ward, which is the entire point of it. This is, however, very often at the expense of the wellbeing of the community as a whole. Incidentally, the mayor must be elected at large. In our present system, the deputy mayor is the council member with the highest number of votes. If we were to switch to a ward system, that method would no longer work. With a municipality as small as ours, it can be, or should be, easily managed by the present system. With our current growth expansion within the municipality, I feel that now is not the time
to even consider the pros and cons for a ward system, even though I firmly disagree with it. Secondly, I totally agree with Mr. Lonergan that they, the present council, when they chose to choose a replacement for the retiring councilor, instead of bringing up the 5th runner up. Was it because they didn’t think he would be a good “team player”? Now I am not saying that the member that was chosen has to be a team player, as he has a free will; however I still feel that it was unfair to the runner up, because he had “the opinion of the public at large.” Finally, I want to reiterate from my last letter that we the people are the ones responsible to elect the council members that have the best interest of the community at large, and there is no place on council for party politics or discrimination of any kind. It is not a problem with the current electoral system, but rather one with those who elect their representatives. Ralph Raina
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: I wish to publicly thank Fran Thompson who invited me to speak at Youngsters of Yore at the North Grenville Public Library on July 13. As an author, it's not always easy for me to speak publicly. That's why I write and didn't choose to be a radio announcer as my vocation! However, the members of the group were lovely and made me and my husband feel extremely welcome. I was able to share my story and talk about my books and to me, that is the greatest gift. In fact, my newest novel, STATIC, was inspired by living in the country! Sharing the love is what it's all about and it's people like Fran who have made our recent move to North Grenville a pleasant one. We are thrilled to be new residents of this great
community and we know we have made the right decision, choosing this area as our new home. Thank you again to Fran, the members of the Youngsters of Yore, the North Grenville Public library and to everyone who has welcomed us so warmly. Barbara Avon Dear Editor: Our thanks to Monkman Concrete Forming of Merrickville for sponsoring the Friends of the Ferguson Forest Centre at the OPP’s charity BBQ series July 27. We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day, and are the happy recipients of $600. The Monkman crew worked really hard at the grill and the BBQ almost sold out of food. The Friends have never had a spot in the OPP’s summer series of BBQs. We had asked to be added and discovered
Dear Editor: I read, with interest, Mr. Johnston's article on the golf tournament. It was well written except for one known inaccurate sentence. The Jean Beliveau jersey was donated by my company, Thibaudeau Construction Inc., a local business happy to support the Kemptville Hospital. Mike Thibaudeau Dear Editor: Re Discussion on Wards System It is refreshing to see that we can have an open minded discussion regarding the pros and cons of a ward system of Municipal Government. Mr. Lonergan stated “What I did
The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 August 2, 2017
Marketing Peter Peers 613 989-2850
the north grenville
ISSN 2291-0301
TIMES Editor David Shanahan 613-258-5083
Copy Editor Pat Jessop 613-258-4671
Production Manager Marguerite Boyer 613-215-0735
Mailing Address 10 Water Street Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Graphics Accounting Micheal Pacitto 613-258-4671 613-710-7104
Staff Reporter Deron Johnston Staff Reporter Hilary Thomson
The North Grenville Times
United Counties react to flooding The Leeds and Grenville Municipal Emergency Control Group met on Thursday, July 27 in the Counties Council Chambers to discuss the recent flooding as a result of near record breaking rainfall experienced in the Counties this week. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Counties’ resources, assets, and accountability, and to create an action plan if conditions deteriorate. Robin Jones, Warden of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville said
she “appreciates the foresight to call the core group together to review our plan and discuss any incidents that are the result of the significant rainfall in our communities”. Due to the heavy rain, there were a number of culverts that were impacted. Staff have started to replace and repair them and there are no current road closures. Maple View Lodge, the Counties long-term care facility experienced some water damage in its public spaces. Roof repairs were
through Twitter @Leeds_ Grenville. No further meetings of the Municipal Emergency Control Group have been scheduled at this time. For information related to flooding, septic systems, and water quality visit the Lanark, Leeds and Grenville website at http://www. flooding.html For more information contact Lesley Todd, Emergency Information Officer, at 613-342-3840 Ext. 2454 or
already underway and the additional rainfall required staff to act quickly to ensure the situation was under control. At no time was there any threat to the residents’ well-being or safety. Chris Lloyd, the Counties Community Emergency Management Coordinator said “we will continue to monitor the situation in the area and will keep the public informed of any updates as they occur.” Updated information will also be provided on the Counties website ( and
A case for community development by Deron Johnston Recently, at the Teeny Tiny Summit that was held in Merrickville, guest speaker Australian Peter Kenyon gave an excellent presentation on what small rural communities can do when they work together and take the future of their communities into their own hands. He gave anecdote after anecdote about rural communities who looked to be lifeless, and then one member of the community makes a decision that causes a chain reaction of positive energy. One of his messages, that seemed to make a few municipal employees and politicians nod in agreement, was for people to stop waiting for the government to fix everything, or make things happen. However, possibly the strongest message from Peter, was that we should all
stop waiting for caring and engaged people to come along and realize that we ourselves are the people that we’ve been looking for. Doug Griffiths, the author of the book “13 Ways To Kill Your Community”, is an Albertan who tours North America giving similar presentations to communities. The former Member of the Legislative Assembly in Alberta has conducted workshops and engaged in consultations with various municipalities, community organizations, and other groups. In his book, Doug highlights the ways that communities continue to harm themselves, often without realizing it. He also gives anecdotes about communities that have turned their fortunes around after realizing what they’ve been doing wrong and then correcting it. Some of the chapters in the “13 Ways” book include “Live In The Past”, “Don’t Engage Youth”,
The Ward System issue is still getting comments on our Facebook page, as well as in the print edition. Most recently, this exchange took place on-line: “I would like to suggest that you get a resolution of support from council before you put much work into this. When I brought this up in 2003 I had absolutely no problem in getting the necessary signatures of support so we could take the question to the OMB. The rest of council were opposed, had the legal resources to fight us so, the OMB ruled against us. I still feel this could work fine with four wards.” Bill Gooch
“Social-A-Bull”. Tourism spiked for the little town and they’ve now branded themselves as the “Punniest Place On Earth”. As important as economic development is to the success of any community or municipality, there should be an equal amount of consideration given to the importance of community development. A community that is made up of caring, engaged people, who understand how critical each and every member of that community is, is absolutely essential to all of those tales of success. People or companies who ride into town with lots of money are nice if you can find them (everyone else is looking for them too), but why would you need them, if you have an entire town full of inspired people?
“Don’t Co-operate”, “Grow Complacent” and “Reject Everything New”. Quite often, we associate these type of success stories with some sort of economic development project. We think of a new and exciting business that comes to town, or someone with a bunch of money comes in, buys something and fixes it up, and it becomes a big sensation. Instead, let’s take a step back and consider the importance of the community itself. To have one of these great stories to tell people, you first need the community to buy into what’s happening. Consider the little town of Bulls in New Zealand that decided to rename all of the businesses, facilities, and organizations to names that contained the town name of “Bulls” in it. The library became “ReadA-Bull”, the police station became “Const-A-Bull” and the Town Hall was re-named
The Voice of North Grenville
UPDATE UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, August 14 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tuesday, August 8 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at
The Municipal Office, Public Library and Waste Transfer Station will be CLOSED on Monday, August 7. There will be NO pick-up of recycling or solid waste on Monday, August 7. Pick-up for the week will be delayed by one day.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - Accessibility Advisory Committee
The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking applications from individuals interested in being appointed to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for the remainder of the term of Council (through to November, 2018). For more information, visit www.
Swimming pool enclosures in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 32-98, as amended. This includes all above-ground and in-ground pools. Copies of this by-law are available from the Building Department or the Municipal website.
Garage sales in North Grenville are regulated by By-Law 10-03. No licence or fee is required, but there are regulations which you must follow. Signage is NOT permitted in traffic circles or attached to traffic signs. Please ensure signage is removed after your sale. Before having a garage sale, please obtain a copy of the by-law from
The Municipality of North Grenville
285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-9569 x130 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-9569 x201 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-9569 x206 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002
In last week’s issue, we published a photograph showing a cheque presentation in Oxford Mills to help pay for the new gazebo there. The photo was taken by Steve Roberts and credit was given to Steve’s Photography. Unfortunately, Steve’s studio is actually called Barking Monkey Studio, so we do apologise for barking up the wrong gazebo.
Mayor Gordon and Councillor Bertram visited Kemptville and District Home Support (KDHSI) to publicize the petition to get HWY 43 project underway.
“I served North Grenville Council for many years - with no ward system in place. It was exceptional and achieved a great deal in only a few years. Other municipal Councils I have served (those with wards) competed for funds, spent time fighting each other and were far less effective. North Grenville is a formidably capable organization. Think carefully about the good situation you have - before seeking change.” Chris Lyon “Less beaurocracy is what governing needs, not more!” Bill Richards the north grenville
Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
August 2, 2017
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
CanalFest 2017 Event Calendar Time: 10:00 am to 4:30 PM Date: August 5th, 6th and 7th. Place: Blockhouse Park, Merrickville On.
Festival Features for the Weekend
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2540 Hwy 43 W. Kemptville ON
2540 Hwy 43 W. Kemptville ON
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165 st. Lawrence St. MERRICKVILLE, ONTARIO / w w w . d o w n t o w n e i c e c r e a m s h o p p e . c a August 2, 2017
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
A remarkable new hearing aid is now available and getting rave reviews from retirees! It is easy to use, looks great in the ear, and marks a MAJOR advancement in hearing technology!
Saturday, August 5th
At last. The hearing aid that thousands have wanted is now available. The latest digital hearing aid technology solves the biggest challenge for hearing aid wearers–hearing well in noisy environments. Nobody will notice it because of its minute size, fitting snugly and comfortably just behind your ear. Everything works automatically. There are no controls to worry about and adjustments are easy to make– even from your smart phone. So you can get back to enjoying your relationships, rather than thinking about your hearing. Because these new hearing aids collect and digitally processes natural, 360 degree sound thousands of times per second, they have been shown to reduce the strain that ef-
10:00: Science/Variety Show for Children, Featuring Dr. Four Face 12:00: Official Opening, 1:00 till 4:00: The Irish Roots Music 5:30 pm: Kids Play Baldoon and the Blockhouse presented by the Library Little Theatre
Sunday, August 6th 10:00 am: Jack Arnold and Russ Kelly 1:00 – 4:00: K Towne Trio 6:30: Kids Play Baldoon and the Blockhouse, presented by the Library Little Theatre
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The North Grenville Times
A Downtown Revival
not only open earlier, but now seven days a week. Recently, Array has moved a bit north and bought the building at 115 Prescott, across from the CIBC. Like To Be Continued's second expansion in four years, it's another concrete example of confidence in the future of downtown Kemptville. Since January of this year, however, the pace has picked up noticeably. Next door to Array's new location, we've seen 113 Prescott, the former Kemptville Advance building, leased to the professional engineers of ISI Controls Inc. Setanta Solutions Inc., another professional IT service, now occupies 206C Prescott, just south of Voice2Net, which opened last year at 200 Prescott. Exit Realty By Design celebrated the Grand Opening of their realty office this Wednesday at 310 Prescott, and Integrated Business Solutions Group is in the process of opening offices at 28 Clothier Street East.
Ken Schliemann stands outside his new showroom for New Energy Kreations, with Array Hair Studio reflected in the window. by John Barclay, Executive Director of the Old Town Kemptville Business Improvement Area Let me start by saying: I know I'm going to forget someone, but there's been
so much new investment going on downtown over the past six months that it's been a challenge to keep track of it. It's hard to pin-point exactly when the turnaround downtown started,
The Voice of North Grenville
as it started slowly. I'll say it was about two years ago, when Array Hair Studio opened across from Geronimo Coffee House, at 201 Prescott. Array brought a nice upscale business that seemed to fit everyone's vision of what Old Town Kemptville could be. Then Teri and Lee McIlvenna bought and developed Geronimo's into a thriving business that's
200 Prescott Street, Kemptville Ph.: 613.713.1555 fax: 613.989.1190
August 2, 2017
Up in the Rideau-Sanders tive businesses housed at Triangle, Andrew Bev- those locations opening eridge CPA opened shop soon. The Prim Shed at at 200 Sanders, and across 419 Rideau Street, and the the street, at 215 Sand- Posh Plum at 207 Prescott, ers, the North Grenville opened just a few months Times now has an office ago. Just last week, New on the ground floor (side Energy Kreations began 200 Prescott Street, renovations Kemptville, K0 entrance). of Ontario a new ThePh.: new growth downshowroom at 132 Prescott, 613-713-1555 Fax: 613-909-1190 town hasn't all just which will greatly improve professional services, the streetscape of that sechowever. We have new tion of Prescott; in other investment downtown words, the broken window through new owners of the has been replaced. mixed martial arts studio We all look forward to (formerly Tekken MMA), see what will occupy the Brewing Oasis, the South former Butler's Victorian Branch Bistro (formerly Pantry (currently being the Branch Restaurant) renovated by new ownand the Clothier Mills ers) and who will be the Motel across the street. new tenants of the vacant The Bowen Approach is storefronts recently leased, now located at 3 Clothier, such as Array's former and Get Cronk'd, a new fit- location. The BIA will ness business at 9 Clothier be working hard this Fall (behind), has just hired a and Winter to help fill the new trainer! GlowSport last of the available com- Kemptville, The Glow mercial spaces downtown. Entertainment Company, Look for even more Grand is opening at 29 Clothier Openings in the months to Street East. come. By the Prescott Bridge, Photo by John Barclay both 10A and 10B Prescott have been leased - look for a number of innova-
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The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
New owners of General Store in Heckston The Heckston store continues its long tradition under new owners, Paul Casselman and Shelly Coons. The former Sherry’s Kitchen has been renamed Shelley’s. The building itself has been in almost constant use since it was first built around 1803. A devastating fire in 1980 resulted in the loss of the top two floors of the old store, but the 18-inch thick walls gave the place a chance at a second life. Since then, it has served as the Heckston general store under various owners, and now Shelley and Paul have taken over this historic location with a new identity and purpose. Best wishes to them and their staff.
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New owners Paul Casselman and Shelly Coons with staff in front of Shelley's.
New gardens wanted for the 1000 Islands and Rideau Canal Garden Trail The Garden Trail Selection Committee for the 1000 Islands and Rideau Canal is looking to include more gardens in its nationally recognized garden trail. Building on its Canada 150 Garden Experience recognition, the Committee is looking to expand its existing fourteen gardens throughout Leeds Grenville. “The gardens that are currently on the trail have been chosen for their beauty, uniqueness and great design”, says Laurie Wight, Chair of the Garden Trail Selection Committee. “Our goal is to educate visitors and leaving them wanting to see more in
the region.” The Garden trail members enjoy meeting and exchanging garden ideas with visitors from across North America and beyond. The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Economic Development Office works with the trail members in promoting the experience. “Gardens are considered to be either key motivators for travelling, and enhancements for a destination”, says Ann Weir, Economic Development Manager. “Visitors typically go for a meal afterwards or do some shopping bringing new revenues into the region.“ A mix of private, public
and garden centre displays are part of the Garden Trail. These include Machal Gardens, Spencerville; A Labour of Love, Oxford Station; and Rideau Woodland Ramble, North Grenville. A brochure and map with details on the 1000 Islands and Rideau Canal Garden Trail can be found at www. gardentrail.1000islandsand Gardens interested in participating in next year’s trail can checkout the trail’s criteria online or contact Laurie Wight at 613-923-5799 or email
South Grenville Bluegrass Festival (Rain or Shine) Drummond Building,
Spencerville Fair Grounds THURSDAY, AUGUST 17 TO SUNDAY, AUGUST 20, 2017
Tennessee Fiddling Prodigy, Carson Peters and his band “Iron Mountain” Acclaimed Pennsylvania Band, “Remingtom Ryde” With 10 Great Ontario Bands: Bill White & White Pine Bluegrass Junction County Road 44 Davis & Grant Dusty Drifters
Grass Under Fire Handsome Molly Maple Hill Sweet Grass The Pie Plates
On-line via at using ‘Pay Pal’ (no Pay Pal account needed, just use your credit card), or ‘Ticketscene’: Kim Wallace: (613) 883-3126 Doris Clary: (613) 673-5142 Melody Music, Cornwall
CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville
August 2, 2017
212 Van Buren St. 613.258.7438
BlueGrass Festival featuring:
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Full Festival (includes RV camping if required) - $60 (advance); $70 (gate) Thursday $10; Friday $20; Saturday $25; Saturday (after 4:00 only) $20; Sunday $15; Under 16 – free if with an adult
Band Scramble, Thursday - Attendees Choir - Euchre tournament, Friday Workshops (guitar, banjo, fiddle, bass, mandolin, vocal) -Stroll to the Mill Food Vendors on site and BBQ chicken by Woodlands - Free coffee - Late night jamming tent - Clean Indoor bathrooms; - High gound campsites; and more
Sides & back – bleachers; Central Seating – bring your own low-back lawn chair
Tennessee Fiddling Prodigy, Carson Peters and his band “Iron Mountain” Acclaimed Pennsylvania Band, “Remington Ryde” With 10 Great Ontario Bands: Bill White & White Pine, Bluegrass Junction, County Road 44, Davis & Grant, Dusty Drifter, Grass Under Fire, Handsome Molly, Maple Hill, Sweet Grass & The Pie Plates
CONTACT: Kim Wallace: (613) 883-3126
The North Grenville Times Merrickville/Wolford Times
The Voice of North Grenville
The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford
Canada 150 mural showcased at Library
Merrickville strings perform at Canada Day celebrations
Giocoso Strings and young string players play Oh Canada at the Canada Day celebrations in Merrickville by Hilary Thomson
Adults and children showcase their artwork which was used to create the Canada 150 mural hanging in the Merrickville Library finger painting, and chalk. of all the art that the chilby Hilary Thomson “Our objective was to take dren and adults created, the children to the North, printed them on shipping As part of the Canada South, East and West of labels, and put them on a gi150 celebrations in Mer- our country through the ant stylized map of Canada. rickville, children and geography, flora and fauna,” She also enlisted one of the artists in the Village, Holly adults alike came together Gloria says. When some of the par- Dean, to do the calligraphy. to create a wall-size mural of Canada that is hanging ents expressed interest in “Merrickville is known for at the Merrickville Public having an art class of their its art tours and theatre,” own, Gloria started up an Gloria says. “But I’d really Library. It is the product of adult group that ran one like people to know about workshops run by retired evening a week at the li- these little things that are teachers, Kathy Brown and brary. “I wanted to give going on in the background. Gloria Stowell, for children them the opportunity, as [I want] to promote art opthat involved them creating adults, to explore their own portunities for children to various art projects based vision and creativity,” she get messy, have fun, and find the joy in creating on the different geographi- says. In order to create the something together.” cal areas of Canada, using mediums like collage, mural, Gloria took pictures
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159 St. Lawrence St. 613-269-3151 August 2, 2017
If you were one of the people braving the rain on Canada Day in Merrickville, you would have had the pleasure of hearing a group of diverse string players who played “Oh Canada” and “God Save the Queen” for the crowd during the celebrations in the Blockhouse Park. The group included adults from the Giocoso Strings, as well as the young pupils of local violinist, Polly McCombe, who worked extremely hard to get ready for the performance. “I thought it would be nice to teach my students how to play by ear and in a group,” Polly says. “It was an opportunity for them to come together, practice and work towards a common goal.”
Polly says she also wanted to make sure her students had something special to remember about the sesquicentennial year. She herself remembers fondly being part of a choir that sang at Expo67 when she was a girl, and hoped to pass that sense of pride on to the younger generation. “I wanted to make it special for them,” she says. The Giocoso Strings consists of three violins, a cello, a base and a viola and there were eight children, from ages six to 17, who played violins, and one who played double base. “I admire the parents that encouraged [the kids] to go for the performance,” says Gloria Stowell, one of the members of the Giocoso Strings. “It was a great promotion of music and
an example of many generations working together.”
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Municipality subsidizes use of recreation facilities for residents
The Municipality of Merrickville-Wolford has committed to helping finance the use of recreational facilities in other municipalities for residents. At the council meeting on June 26, 2017 council passed a resolution for a recreation subsidy. This means that residents who are charged a user fee for using recreation facilities outside of the municipality can bring the receipt to the municipal offices to be reimbursed up to $200 per resident per year. This decision was made after much consultation with the municipality’s recreation committee and the public. Smiths Falls had put in a request for funding to the municipality earlier in the year to allow the residents of Merrickville-Wolford to use their facilities without a surcharge. However, it was decided that rather than allocate the entire budget to one municipality it would be better to ensure the money goes towards the various facilities that are used by Merrickville-Wolford residents in the surrounding area, which includes Smiths Falls, North Grenville and Brockville. “It makes more economic sense to me,” says councillor Chuck MacInnis. “This way it’s spread out to where we need it.” The budget earmarked for this subsidy is $25,600. Any excess funds at the end of the year will be rolled over into a recreation reserve fund to be used for future recreation projects and services in the municipality. 10
The North Grenville Times
Communities in Bloom Summer reading club at the MerrickvillePublic Library Garden of the Month
The Voice of North Grenville
Library Youth Theatre presents The Baldoon and the Blockhouse by Hilary Thomson The Library Youth Theatre will be performing a locally written play at Canalfest this weekend. Originally performed by Theatre Night in Merrickville in 1995, “The Baldoon and the Blockhouse” was written by local author, Eleanor Glenn. The play was sitting untouched in the archives until Librarian, Mary-Kate Laphen, decided it would be the ideal play to do to celebrate Canada 150. She thought it was perfect because it is Canadian and written by a local writer. There are six children and two adults involved in the production and they have all been working very hard, practicing two to three times per week to get ready for opening day. The play will be presented on August 5 and 6 at 4:30 pm on the open air stage at the Blockhouse Park. Admission is free and is sponsored by Theatre Night in Merrickville and the Lions Club.
Our Garden of the Month judges Bob, Clayton and Robyn toured the four nominated gardens for the month of June in Merrickville-Wolford. The trio judged Merrickville-Wolford gardens based on Colour and Balance, Curb Appeal and Distribution and Design. There were nine gardens nominated for the month of July. This month, there were three gardens that took the judges out of the Village to Easton’s Corners, Rose’s Bridge, and along County Road 16. The gardens varied a lot in terms of size, composition, and design, but, in the end, the judges all agreed that, although Tim Molloy’s garden was a serious contender, Rhoda Drake’s garden was the champion. Cy and Rhoda's tiny town garden won as it packs so much colour and diverse plant life in such a small area, with an eye to diverse landscaping. It's a difficult space to work with, but they have done a great job incorporating annuals, perennials, and vegetables in all the nooks and crannies of the yard. Congratulations Rhoda and Cy! You can nominate yourself or a neighbour’s garden by going to our website Merrickville – Wolford Communities in Bloom Committee.
the north grenville
The summer reading club at the Merrickville Public Library is in full swing. Librarian Mary-Kate Laphen says there are over 100 children engaged in the summer reading program which encourages children to pick up a book over the summer. For every book they read they are given tickets to enter into draws for prizes like book packages, movies and posters. Mary-Kate says it’s important to get kids to practice their reading, especially those who are just learning. “It’s surprising what kids can loose over the summer,” she says. Every Thursday at 2pm Mary-Kate runs programming as part of the summer reading club. This year the activities revolve around celebrating Canada and include building model beaver dams, creating art in the style of Ted Harrison, making a native craft, games, outdoor activities and more. Mary-Kate says all the activities also involve some writing to help the kids exercise that muscle as well. “We don’t want kids forgetting how to spell their name over the summer,” she says. Even though the summer is half over there is still time to get involved. There are tons of prizes to be won and Mary-Kate says even those who join the program late have the chance of winning.
the north grenville
TIMES Peter Peers
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Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
Special Rates
Wedding & Engagement Announcements
1 col. x 4" B&W $36, Colour $42 2 col. x 3 1/2" B&W $55, Colour $65 Photo may be included. August 2, 2017
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
CLASSIFIEDS First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word.
Beginning Sept. 5,6,7 & 11, 12, 13, evenings in Kemptville. Minimum age 12. Pre-registration required, limited seating. Tony Gundy Home:258-7816 Cell: 3552607, Office 258-1876 Natural way to deal with Pain Call1-800-361-1351 Looking for AVON products, call Joan at 613-258-7644 Housecleaning $25.00/HR all supplies included - insured police check 613-340-6575 Housecleaning Every mother/ father needs a housewife phone Sandy 613.219.7277 8 Week Language classes in Kemptville, starting in October. FRENCH, SPANISH, SIGN LANGUAGE, and INUKTITUT. Info at SEAMSTRESS - 30+ years of experience, in Merrickville. 613-299-8830 Local Author Barbara Avon. Editing Services also available. Cathie's Cage Free Dog Boarding, Daycare, Walking, local, personal, JUST. LIKE. HOME. Join my Facebook group and text/call 613.301.3683 Pressure washing landscape Painting Dump-runs House/ bush removal Kevin 613 713 1566 August 2, 2017
Speech therapy for children WANTED in Kemptville and surrounding area. Wanted- rent, buy or borrow; a working Super8mm 613-206-1627 SOUND projector- please pandgpostma@ Driveway Sealing Sprayed Brendan Plunkett: Finishing Car- contact with quality asphalt oil plus pentry Call or e-mail for a quote. Masonry Services call Keith - 613-986-4533 plunkett1994@ SINGLE WOMAN looking to 613-258-2135 share my residence & expensMATH EXAM PREP tutor CFSC& CRFSC COURSES& EXAMS es in Kemptville with mature grade 9-11. Old town Kemp- 613-258-6162 1894STEVE@ Lady or Ladies. Please call my rep. 613.258.2142 tville. 7:30-9pm $40/hr 613- GMAIL.COM 863-5639 Rural Home Care services-Afford- Looking to rent farmland. PR O FE S S I O N A L PA I N T E R able, personal, professional & Call or text 613-262-1204 for - Commercial & Residential experienced care for your loved more details. 613.276.4583 Kemptville area one. 613.868.0356 Looking for roommate to Complete Home Proper ty ONE ON ONE Computer Training: share a pleasant house Clean up: house cleaning, dump Sigma Computer Systems is now in Merrickville. Available runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up ser- offering 1/2 hour classes on Sat- August 25, 2017. $550.00 vices 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 urdays. Please call 613.258.9716 inclusive per month. for more information Call Laurel 613-314-8321 for Wanted for the Eric Gutknecht MARY KAY products and parties HANDY MAN specializing in reno- Memorial Bursary: jams & jellies and WELCOME WAGON visits in vations & house staging. We do it (charity) 250 ml canning jars. Billy North Grenville all CALL 613.294.2416 258-4529 (or drop off at 529 george street) Extra pounds slowing you down? You Name It, I Can Sew It. Call Solutions with Nutrition Coach Rhonda at 258-5248 Large amounts of fill, Carol Pillar R.H.N. 613-258-7133, Kemptville area. 613 314 support@wholesumapproach. Heartland Fence & Deck. Renova- 9327 com tion specialist. Brian 613-796Wanted 2 or 3 bedroom apart9790 ment on one floor, Kemptville Welding lessons, call for details the Property clean-up, trees/brush/ 613.258.0964 welding shop 613 258 9935 yard waste, scrap metal, dump Private piano lessons, home runs, anything removed. Call Senior needs old car batteries for making weights. Call 613 daycare, younique products Wayne Scott at 613 286 9072 call tara 819 664 6448 11/16) 258 6254. Rock My House music lessons in House Cleaning - Every Mother & fiddle, piano, drums and more. WANTED TO BUY DucksMuscovy also Massey Harris father needs a house wife. Sandi 613 258 5656 Tractor 613-301-1747 613-219-7277. Handyman/Contractor with years of experience. No job too big or Well Grounded Foot Care Ad- small. Unlimited references, call FOR SALE vanced/ Diabetic Mobile Clin- for free estimate 613.791.8597 ic. Anita Plunkett R.P.N. 613FOR SALE -30 gallon fish acquar294-2122 wellgrounded2016@ Experienced dog walking services ium (no pump) with stand,etc. Kemptville/Oxford Mills. Also home $150.00. Call 613 258 2915 visits for dogs, cats, horses. Sandra Bartlett Built Welding & FabriFree composted horse manure 613-215-0531 cationSteel, Aluminum, Stainless for pickup. Email elmcrestquesCall Kevin 705-933-2517 FOR RENT Mr & Mrs Clean residential/ 26 1/2 foot prowler 5 wheel commercial cleaning. For 1 bedroom apartment Oxford Sta- excellent condition 613 229 quote mrandmrsclean613@ tion. All utilities included except 1411 $5,000 or 613-867-2184 hydro. Washer/dryer, Deck w/bbq, sat. TV and WiFi included. $900 Mercury props, M700 DJ’S RENOVATONS. We’re com- September 1st. 6132583768. >M1500 Good condition. $35 to $75 269-3285 mitted to your Renovation. We do it all. 613.698.5733 2 bedroom basement apartment Firewood for sale, mixed to rent near Oxford Mills off Beach hardwood. $90 a face cord, The Plumb”Mur” Plus Bathroom PLUS more. Murray 613.519.5274 Road. Newly renovated, fridge, delivered. 613-258-4416 or stove, access to washer and dryer. 613-913-8480(cell). $975 per month includes everyFrame Local! Country Ways thing, heat, hydro, satellite tv, wifi, Winter tires (215x60R17) C u s t o m P i c t u r e f r a m i n g garbage disposal, parking. No pets on rims (J16x6 1/2J. Like 613.322.6484 please. Available August 1. Phone new.$775 613-612-5367 613-220-0426. Two Hayden bird cages Certified Packer can help you prepare for your move. Cinderella In a shared house a furnished room 18x18 plus extras $25 Phone 613.859.4644 for rent $700. a month in Oxford 613-269-2010 Mills. Call 613-294-7420. Grants Best Value Lawn. Plan now for grass cutting and garden clean-up. 613-2585284
North Grenville Accessible Transportation will no longer be providing out of town (to Ottawa, Brockville, Smith Falls, etc..) accessible transportation effective August 1, 2017 We are pleased to inform you that ATS (Allegiance Transportation Services) of Kemptville, will be providing this service. Chris MacKay is the owner of ATS. The contact information is: You will be referred to this contact information when calling the NGAT number to book out of town transportation. NGAT has been in operation since 1999, thanks to Municipal and United Way funding, donations from service clubs and concerned citizens, and ridership fares. Accessible out of town public transportation will be a welcome addition to our community. NGAT will continue local services as in the past. Respectfully Presented Chairman Dr. Donald Gilchrist North Grenville Accessible Transportation
Special Rates
Wedding & Engagement Announcements
1 col. x 4" B&W $36, Colour $42 2 col. x 3 1/2" B&W $55, Colour $65 Photo may be included.
4 Cooper summer tires 10KM 215/60/R15 No Rims $250. 613-269-2010
FIREWOOD (Merrickville) dry& ready to burn softwood(pine) $49.00/ cord hardwood(ash) $95.00/ cord pickup 613 269 3836
kitchen set, solid oak. 4 captain's chairs. Antique dresser. Baby bassinet, Navy/white $40. 258-4207 oo Merrickville 613.803.7274
Garrison portable 3 in 1 air- Mixed hardwood firewood. $100 conditioner $225. 613 314 per cord delivered. Two cord 9327 minimum.Charlie 989-2768. Older Fridge $50 613 314 Mixed hardwood firewood, $100 9327 a cord delivered. Jon 227-3650 Filter, UV, 58mm, new 5.00
LOOKING TO HARVEST CEDAR TREES FROM 3 TO 6 FT TALL OFF ACREAGE. 16" hardwood blocks- $75/ (613)799-0958 cord at pile 613 258 7606 CAREGIVER TO SIT WITH Commercial popcorn ma- ELDERLY FATHER CALL OR chine for sale. Asking TEXT 613-223-9475 $950.00. 1/10 Call 6132584161 Infant Car seat Used once $50 or best offer 613.258.8820
FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Hardwood $100 per cord delivered. Softwood $75 per cord delivered. Call Peter 613-913-0810. Oxford Mills
Free kittens. Call 258-2745.
The Voice of North Grenville
ACROSS 1. Herbaceous plant 6. Workbench attachment 10. Rapscallions 14. Positive pole 15. Picnic insects 16. Groan 17. Fortify 19. Cogitate 20. Afternoon nap 21. Consumed food 22. Pot 23. Not written exams 25. Fragrant oil 26. 50% 30. Persons 32. Imitate 35. Nitrify 39. Wine and dine 40. Seamster 41. Windflower
43. Ideal 44. Part of a dress 46. Tardy 47. Evidence 50. Doctrine 53. Optimistic 54. Ghost's cry 55. Deepest part of the self 60. Dogfish 61. Loyalty 63. Adolescent 64. French for "Black" 65. Large body of water 66. Classify 67. Leg joint 68. Homes for birds DOWN 1. Low in pitch 2. Against 3. Achy 4. Midmonth date
5. Slowly, in music 6. Big wine holder 7. Breathe in 8. Type of hat 9. Feudal worker 10. Extraneous 11. Increase 12. Noodles 13. Contemptuous look 18. Needlefish 24. Gorilla 25. Communion table 26. Sister and wife of Zeus 27. Ends a prayer 28. Olympic sled 29. Showy 31. Falafel bread 33. Remote 34. Care for 36. Aquatic plant 37. Horn sound 38. Sea eagle 42. An apparition 43. Dowel 45. Offensive term for an Asian laborer 47. Backsides 48. Juliet's love 49. Willow 51. Russian fighter 52. Negatively charged particle 54. Financial institution 56. A ceremonial staff 57. 1 1 1 1 58. Leave in a hurry 59. Anagram of "Nets" 62. Before, poetically
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku
Aug 8
A Mid Summer Night’s Dream by the Company of Fools, Maplewood Park, 7 pm.
Weekly and recurring events Mon
Fri Sat
Sun M,W,F
Kemptville Quilters Guild, 2nd Mon./mth at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Kemptville Cancer Support Group, 3rd Mon/mth, St. John’s United Church, Prescott St., 2 pm. All welcome. For info, please call Ellen Vibert-Miller at 613-258-7778. BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tue/mth, 7 pm. New members welcomed! NG Photography Club - 1st Wed./mth, 7-9 pm, at the Grenville Mutual Insurance, 380 Colonnade Drive. See for info. Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed/mth, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed/mth., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. New Horizon Club, 2nd & 4th Wed./mth at the Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall. Meetings at 2 pm. All adults 55 plus welcome to join. For info re programs and membership call Janet 613-269-2737. Probus Club of North Grenville, 3rd Wed./mth. Everyone is welcome to join us at 9:30 am at St Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall for fellowship. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed/mth. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:15 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs/mth., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. NGPL Science and Technology Group meetings are held the 1st/Thurs/mth, 7-9 pm in the program room at the Library. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri/mth, 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. All ages welcome. Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat/mth, 100 Reuben Crescent. Adults $5. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Kerith Debt Freedom Centre – Provides free and confidential coaching to help you get and stay out of debt, 2nd & 4th Sat/mth. Call 613-258-4815 x 103 or to request an appointment. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103)“Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. Kemptville and Area Walking Group meet at Municipal Centre at 8 am. All welcome.
Solution to last week’s Crossword
Printing Business Cards Booklets Newsletters Layout & Design
the north grenville
TIMES 613.215.0735
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Local author promotes reading and imagination through book contest
by Hilary Thomson A local author is holding a contest to encourage kids to read and use their imaginations. Barbara Avon is relatively new to North Grenville, having moved from Orleans in April to seek a more peaceful life in the country. “My husband has always wanted to live in the country, so we just made the move,”
she says. Barbara has been writing since she was very young, but publishing her work is a more recent endeavour. “I didn’t publish my first book until 2014, when my husband encouraged me to,” she says. Since then, Barbara has written and published six novels for adults and two children’s books. She says her most recent publication, which is
my books, I want them to eligible to be entered, and the escape,” she says. Barbara has contest is open to all ages. also put out a Christmas novel Barbara says she will be the Business card 2col. wide = 3.375" x 2" and is working on another one main judge, however she will set to be published later this also be enlisting the help of year. With each of her novels her now teenage niece and she issues a red M.A.D.D. nephew, for whom her first In Business Since ribbon, because some of her2002 book was originally created. books also have an underlying “I want to spark the child’s theme of drunk driving. She imagination, get them to put hopes that doing this will get down the technology, and her readers to put the ribbon just draw and see what they on their car antennas to pro- can come up with,” she says. mote safe driving. A couple weeks ago, Barbara announced the start of a contest that asks children to send in their book full of illustrations to have the chance of having their drawings printed permanently in the book’s next edition. Both of her children’s books, “Baba’s Wish” and “Shoemaker Mack”, are
called “Static”, is a romance/ suspense/time travel novel that was inspired by where she lives in North Grenville. “It didn’t take me long to write,” she says. “I guess I was inspired by the country. People who know the area will recognize the scenery.” The unique thing about her children’s novels is that there are blank pages where there should be pictures, to allow children to use their imaginations to create the illustrations. Her first book was originally written for her twin niece and nephew when they were born 14 years ago. When she decided to publish it, she couldn’t find an illustrator that fit the bill, so she came up with the idea to get her young readers to create their own drawings for the story. “I asked friends and readers whether they would be interested in having the kids draw the pictures, and they thought it was a great idea,” she says. Barbara’s adult novels also have a unique element to them. They are all set in the 80s and 90s, with the theme of romance, suspense and, more recently, time travel. “When my readers pick up
The contest will close on December 1, 2017, and a winner will be announced on January 15, 2018. Barbara’s books can be found on Amazon and Kobo and can also be purchased directly through her. For more information about her books, and the children’s book contest, you can email her at
The North Grenville Photography Club
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TRANE NO YES! RENTAL Will you automatically YOU BUY YES! NO YES! stayatthe for the end of the rental term? NO cancel my billing thesame Will you automatically entire rental term? end of the rental term? NO YES! cancel billing at the Will my my payments NO YES! endthe of the rental same for term? the Will my payments Can Istay buyout my NO YES! entire rental term? NO YES! stay the samerental for the early without Will my payments entire rental term? a penalty? NO YES! stayI buyout the same for the Can my NO YES! entireearly rental term? rental without Can I buyout my Will Iaown the NO YES! penalty? rental early without NO YES! Can I buyout my a penalty? equipment at the end NO YES! rental early without of myWill rental I ownterm? the a penalty? NO YES! equipment at the end Will I own the NO YES! of my rental term? equipment at the end Will I own the NO YES! of my rental term? equipment at the end Can I use my credit card How does the maintenance
Is the rental transferable if I to pay?of my rental term? plan work? want to sell my house? Can I use my credit How does comfort the maintenance the rental transferable if I Yes. Paying by credit cardcard Your home specialist Is Yes. If you’re selling your to pay? plan work? want to sell my house? means that you’ll getdoes an the maintenance will work with yourental to select a home, you may transfer your Can I use my credit card How Is the transferable if I Yes. Paying by credit card Your home comfort specialist Yes. If you’re selling your to pay? plan work? want tothat sell my house? rental agreement to the new affordable monthly maintenance plan gives Can Ilow use credit card Howwork doeswith the maintenance Ishome, the rental transferable if I means thatmy you’ll get an will you to select a you may transfer your Yes. Paying by credit card AND the Your home comfort specialist Yes.peace If you’re selling your home owner. payment points/ you complete of mind. to pay? low monthly plan work? plan that gives want sell my house? affordable maintenance rentaltoagreement to the new means that you’llrewards get an from your will work with you to select a home, you may transfer your credit Yes. Paying bythe credit card Yourcomplete home comfort Yes. If you’re selling your payment AND points/ you peacespecialist of mind. home owner. affordable low monthly means that maintenance gives rental new you may transfer your anplan that will work with youagreement to select a to the home, card provider. rewards fromyou’ll yourget credit
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MosaiCanada150/Gatineau-An impressive free garden event featuring sculptures, paintings and a one-kilometre stroll through 40 fantastic horticulture arrangements. Photo by club member Bernice Sheppard. August 2, 2017
Williamsburg, Ontario 14
It’s Hard To Stop A Trane.
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
B&H Parking Lot Every Sunday 12 - 4 pm 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville
Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6
18 X 500 ml
Prices effective: Friday, August 4 to Thursday, August 10, 2017 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements� August 2, 2017
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Family Day in the Forest - What’s Bugging You? Tuesday, 8th August, 2017, 10:00 AM Meet at the Arboretum Parking Lot Ferguson Forest Centre, 275 County Road 44 Join Andrea “The Bug Lady” Howard from Merrickville to see what bugs we can find in the wild flower gardens at Ferguson Forest Centre. This is a family activity, but children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Bring drinking water and a jam jar, bug nets will be provided.
CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/Merrickville
Get Ready for your Vacation!
This event is free and open to the public. For further information call Bill or Monica Wallace at 613-258-6544, or email, . We will leave from the arboretum parking lot at 10am. Directions to the Arboretum Parking lot: Enter Ferguson Forest Centre at the main entrance (275 County Road 44) and drive along Veterans Way to where it intersects in a T-junction with Honour Way, turn left and the parking lot is on the right about 150 yards along Honour Way. 1303 Kindom Rd., Kemptville
Ottawa Fury practice with KDSC Supporting your Well-Being Supporting Well-Being WithYour Genuine Sleep Solutions
TIRED OF TRAFFIC, PARKING AND SALES RUNAROUND? We're Your Hometown Mattress Store! Just Affordable World Class Products, Knowledge and Service Stay Calm, Sleep On! 613-258-2902 15 Precision Drive, Unit 3 Kemptville
OPEN AUGUST 4th Fury and KDSC members enjoy their community practice at South Gower Park. photo by Deron Johnston by David Shanahan Club’s Head Coach, put it: ville, the club uses the fields On Wednesday, July 26, “It’s invaluable. The kids are and facilities at South Gower Ottawa Fury FC pro play- going to remember this for the Park, which are extensive and of a high quality, to alers and Elite Girls hosted rest of their lives”. their Giant Tiger CommuThe KDSC is a not for low training, coaching and, nity Practice in South Gower profit organisation, in opera- most importantly, games to Park with the Kemptville tion since 1987, and involves be held, both competitive and District Soccer Club. It was more than 1,300 children in recreational. The visit of the Fury was a a wonderful experience for their programs. The club conthe young players, as they sists of three main programs – positive step in promoting the watched and participated Recreational, Developmental game and the club in the rewith these professionals, and Competitive, encompass- gion, and will be a lasting ininspired by their skill, their ing players of ages U3 to Over spiration for players, coaches, team play, and their enthu- 35. In co-operation with the parents and volunteers with siasm. As Alan Archer, the Municipality of North Gren- the KDSC.
Next door to MARco
613.851.0248 2840 County Rd. 43, Kemptville
MARKET EVALUATION Find out how much your property is worth in today's market! *This is not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale August 2, 2017
304 Colonnade Dr., Kemptville 16
Lisa Deschambault
Sales Representative
Chris Drozda Broker