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November 2, 2016
Heritage buildings given breathing space
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The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
By Ken Mews, President, North Grenville Historical Society The Kemptville Court House or Old Town Hall and the Former Oxfordo n - R i d e a u To w n s h i p Hall have been given a reprieve, or at least a bit of breathing space before the Municipality decides how to dispose of them. Last Monday, the Committee-of-the- Whole accepted the report of heritage consultant Marcus Létourneau describing the results of the public consultation on the two buildings held during the summer. The consultant included a number of
recommendations on what should happen next. These were also approved at the committee and will be confirmed at Council. “The recommendations allow everybody - the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (MHAC), the North Grenville Historical Society and the Municipality to explore options, to consult and to arrive at decisions with which we can all be happy,” was the reaction of Rowena Cooper, chair of the MHAC. This is also the view of the NGHS. Tw o f o c u s g r o u p meetings were held in June, one with the Municipal Heritage Advisory
Committee and another with the Historical Society. One public meeting and an online survey from July 11 to August 3 also provided input to the report. The survey received 156 responses. This exceptionally high participation, according to the consultant, indicates just how much our community cares about these key heritage sites. The response rate later sparked an exchange between the consultant and Deputy Mayor Barb Tobin, who said she was “not impressed” by Marcus Létourneau comparing the survey response in North Grenville to a similarly
small number obtained in Mississauga with a much larger population. She said issues like this attracted much more interest in small places, like our community. When asked, the consultant later said, based on his experience, he would have predicted a response rate of 20 or 30 in a place like North Grenville. The contributors shared many of the same concerns across the board. The majority felt that the buildings should not be demolished (89% for the Court House and 95% for the Township Hall) or continued on page 2
The North Grenville Times Heritage Buildings (con’t) sold unconditionally (84% and 96% respectively). Most felt that it would be preferable to continue the leases in place at the Court House or find appropriate tenants who would respect the historic character of the building. The situation at the hall in Oxford Mills, which is also a National Heritage Site, presents greater challenges, but contributors still felt the building should not be sold but might find a community use or be leased with significant restrictions on appropriate uses and what
could be changed. The first recommendation noted that the designation bylaws currently meant to protect the buildings require updating and more research, so that they protect what is actually there and what is valued by the community. This, in part, ties in with the next recommendation—to hire a built heritage architect or engineer to prepare a conservation plan, so we know what the true costs of holding onto these structures will be. Next, he recommended that the Municipality engage a real estate expert to
The Voice of North Grenville
and 68% said they would be willing to help with fundraising. In his last recommendation, the consultant urged the Municipality to continue to inform and engage the community in the process of finding a future for these buildings. The community has demonstrated its interest, it is now up to the Municipality to keep us in the loop and engage us in finding solutions. You can find the full report on the NG Times web site:
conduct a market analysis of the two properties to attempt to determine their real economic potential, through finding new uses, while protecting their heritage asset value with new rental arrangements and covenants. Finding a way to pay for heritage conservation is clearly the key factor in saving the Court House and the Hall. The report gave a number of suggestions of grants for which the Municipality could apply. When asked, 71% said they were not concerned about how much it would cost to preserve the buildings
Dancing the Chicken Dance at the New Horizon Club Oktoberfest celebration
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Dancers are from left to right Mary Smith, Shirley Price, Janet Glaves and Dorothy Hobbs. Photo credit Jean Travers Submitted by Shirley Price With polkas and waltzes playing in the background, The New Horizon Club celebrated Oktoberfest with a feast of German style sausage, buns, potato salad, coleslaw and sauerkraut with all the “fixings”. Lunch was followed by a cake and coffee/tea and a chance
to mix and mingle with friends. Helene and Moe Guilbault were wished a happy anniversary in honour of their recent 65th wedding anniversary. To get into the Oktoberfest mood, Shirley Price and Janet Glaves led the group in the “chicken dance” and taught a group of willing participants the “Farmer’s
Wife” danced to the Lonely Shepherd from the movie The Sound of Music. Good food, laughter, dance and music – what more could anyone want? The next meeting will be held at the Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall on November 9, with Terry Meagher as speaker. Terry is a historian, author
and veteran and will talk about the Battle of Hong Kong . On November 23, the guest speaker will be Ralph Raina. He will talk about the long road he had to climb, beginning with his years in the TB hospital in Ottawa when in his teens, to achieving success in business and municipal politics where
Introducing Phil Burger
he spent nineteen years as Councillor, Mayor and Reeve in the town of Kemptville. Both meetings will be held at the Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall beginning at 2 pm. The New Horizon annual Christmas lunch will be held on Wednesday, December 14 at noon. Tickets will be $25.00 and must be purchased in advance. Call Jean 613283-6439 to reserve your tickets. For information about our spring program and membership, call Janet at 613-2692737.
the north grenville
TIMES Peter Peers Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Sales Representative Phone 613 989 2850 Email: Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
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An autumn stroll at the Arboretum by Ken Green November 2, 2016
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The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Hospice Extravaganza
by Deron Johnston “I have a dream” was the central theme of the speech given by Beth Donovan Hospice’s executive director Debbie Watt at the annual Beth Donovan Hospice Fall Extravaganza. The dream for BDH is one that has been shared by successive executive directors. That dream was to find a ‘forever home’, where all programming and staff can be brought together under the same roof. It is a dream that has now, finally, become a reality, thanks to the many volunteers, staff and generous contributors. Approximately 200 guests learned that phase one of the new building is to be completed in January, 2017 and will allow BDH to move their offices and staff into their new home on French Settlement Road, just outside of Kemptville. Phase two will involve bringing day hospice and all other
programming under that same roof, and then phase three will involve the creation of hospice beds, which will be mostly dependent on increased government funding. Guests were advis ed about a ‘wish list’ for the new hospice building. It includes things like much needed household items that people can purchase, and small projects or maintenance activities for which people can volunteer. The wish list was created to allow anyone who wanted to contribute in their own way to the new hospice building. Throughout the night, several people were recognized for their contributions to BDH, including Barbara-Ann Lajoie and Sue Walker, who were recognized for their five years of service. The outstanding contributions of former executive director Dawn Rodger were also highlighted. As
Holy Cross Catholic Church Annual Bazaar
Holy Cross Catholic Church Annual Bazaar is coming up once again in Kemptville on November 5th, running from 9:30 am until 1:30 pm. The location is Clothier Street West in Kemptville. As always there will be a baked goods table, books, crafts, hand knitted & crocheted items, a silent auction and a regift table. There will also be a delicious homemade lunch available. The draws for the lovely twin-sized quilt, lap quilt and pottery bowl will be held at 1 pm on Bazaar day.
Mutual Insurance and Hulse Playfair & McGarry are also important contributors to BDH. Of course, there were many other individuals and local businesses who donated prizes for both the silent and live auctions to whom BDH is truly grateful. No Fall Extravaganza is complete without both the live auction and cake auction which are two of the most highly anticipated parts of the evening for guests. The combination of MC Hugh Colton and auctioneer Hunter McCaig kept everyone laughing and helped raise even more money than expected, with one cake in particular selling for $650. Hunter and Rideau Auctions were also extremely generous and donated several vacation resort stays as part of the live auction, with lucky bidders getting treated to stays in places like Hawaii and Costa Rica. The fundraising committee wants to thank all of the volunteers for their many hours of hard work in organizing an event of this size. In closing, the Beth Donovan Hospice was elated to report that, through everyone’s efforts, they were able to raise a staggering $51,000! Truly a ‘dreamy’ sum for such a remarkable annual event.
well, guests heard about all of the compassionate programming and the number of lives touched by the organization, thanks to a great presentation by grief counsellor Erika DeSchiffart. BDH wants to thank platinum sponsors Tallman Group, gold sponsor B Baird Water Conditioning, gold sponsor TD Bank Group, gold sponsor Mill Street Florist (who made the beautiful centrepieces) and silver sponsor O’Farrell Financial, for their contributions to making the evening possible. The event was hosted by eQuinelle at their new clubhouse and featured a delicious roast beef meal generously prepared and served by members of the Knights of Columbus #5333, with special contributions from Grahame’s Bakery, Brewed Aw a k e n i n g s a n d t h e Crusty Baker. Corporate sponsors CIBC (Barrhaven Town Centre), Grenville
Erick LePors
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Get your family Christmas photo
École Sainte-Marguerite Bourgeoys will be holding a Christmas photography fundraiser at their Kemptville campus to raise money for new outdoor equipment and financing educational concerts and shows for their students. On Saturday, November 12, an area of the school (a classroom or the gym depending on numbers) will be set up like a studio with three professional photographers on hand to take pictures to be used in family Christmas cards. “We wanted to do something different,” says Sylvie Daigle, one of the parents organizing the fundraiser. “We wanted it to be something we knew parents could use.” Each photography session will be 15 minutes and every family will come away with 40 different photographs to choose from. The cost of a session is $40. In order to book an appointment, please contact Sylvie Daigle at
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The North Grenville Times
Free flu vaccine available across Ontario
Ontario is investing in school buildings
The free flu vaccine will be available in Ontario starting this week. The vaccine will be available at doctor's offices, local public health units and community immunization clinics. Anyone five years of age and older can also be vaccinated for free by trained pharmacists at approximately 2,600 pharmacies across the province. Influenza is a serious respiratory infection that can lead to hospitalization and even death. It's important to get the flu shot every year to protect yourself, and those around you. Children under five, pregnant women and seniors are especially at risk of getting seriously ill from the flu. The vaccine is very safe and helps to protect against the most common strains of the virus. People are also reminded to take everyday measures to protect themselves from the flu: Clean your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your sleeve, not your hand Clean and disinfect surfaces often, such as countertops, telephones and keyboards; flu viruses can live on surfaces for up to eight hours In 2015-16, approximately 2,500 participating pharmacies administered more than 869,000 doses of publicly funded influenza vaccine. The flu vaccine is offered free of charge to anyone over the age of six months who either lives, works, or goes to school in Ontario. Children and youth between the ages of five and 17 years can get the flu vaccine as an injection or nasal spray at a health care provider’s office, local public health unit or at a participating pharmacy. Kids under five years of age must get the flu vaccine at a health care provider’s office or participating public health unit.
The Ontario Government has announced that it is investing $474 million in 2016 to build 28 new schools, and to expand and renovate 23 existing ones to support more than 21,000 students across the province as they learn and grow. This investment, according to the Minister of Education, “ will ensure students are learning in highquality, modern buildings that can better support their achievement and well-being”. Ontario is making this investment in 51 schools in 36 communities to address demand in areas of high population growth, and to replace schools that are in poor condition. The Province is providing school boards across the province with more than $12 billion over 10 years to help build new schools in areas of high growth, improve the condition of existing schools and invest in projects to reduce surplus space through school consolidations. Since 2013, the province has provided more than $2 billion in capital funding for school boards to support 127 new schools and 133 additions and renovations. Mitzie Hunter, Ontario’s Minister of Education, stated that: “High-quality schools are the heart of our local communities and the foundation of our publicly funded education system. We know that better buildings support better learning. The funding announced today is a strategic investment in student achievement and well-being, and in the long-term prosperity of our province.”
Highway 43 Car Club gives back
Ontario Municipal Board being
The Government of Ontario is undertaking a comprehensive review of how the Ontario Municipal Board [OMB] operates and its role in the province's landuse planning system. The OMB plays a central role in Ontario's land-use planning process as an independent, public body through which people can appeal or defend land-use decisions that affect their property or community. Land use planning helps communities effectively manage their land and resources. It helps them decide where and how to grow; where to build homes and factories, parks and schools, roads and sewers and other essential infrastructure; and, protects the natural environment such as water resources and forests. It sets goals for future development and determines how to best reach these goals. While the OMB has diverse powers and responsibilities, its primary
function is that of an appeal body on land use planning issues, and most matters before the Board are appeals under the Planning Act. The Board also deals with nonplanning matters including expropriation, development charges, and ward boundaries. Land use disputes occur on issues as varied as where industrial development should be located, the height of a building, what type of community services should be provided and more. As part of the review, the government is consulting the public on possible changes to the OMB that they hope would allow for more meaningful and affordable public participation. The changes under consideration would provide easier public access to information about the OMB and its processes through an expanded Citizen Liaison Office. The OMB Review has been organized according to the following five themes:
The Voice of North Grenville
OMB’s jurisdiction and powers; citizen participation and local perspective; clear and predictable decisionmaking; modern procedures and faster decisions; and alternative dispute resolution and fewer hearings. Written comments can be submitted online at www. or by email at OMBReview@ontario. ca. Submissions can also be mailed to Ontario Municipal Board Review, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Provincial Planning Policy Branch, 777 Bay Street, 13th Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 2E5. Consultation closes December 19, 2016. A town hall meeting will be held in Ottawa on November 9, 2016 at St. Anthony’s Banquet Hall, 523 St. Anthony Street. RSVPs are encouraged by November 4. Registration forms are available online at Page15043.aspx.
by Hilary Thomson The Highway 43 Car Club presented four local charities with a cheque for $500 on Friday morning at the North Grenville Fire Station. The Kemptville Salvation Army Food Bank, House of Lazarus, the Dundas County Food Bank and the Kanata Food Cupboard benefitted from the funds raised at the club’s weekly Cruise Nights held from the first Friday in May to the last Friday in September every year in the Food Basics parking lot. Club President Rod Rafter started the club seven years ago and it
has since grown to 400 members. Along with the weekly Cruise Nights, they also hold a Father’s Day show in Kemptville, an all GM show at Myers in Kanata and a show at the BMR in Winchester. Money raised at these events goes towards supporting their operations with any extra going to local charities. The Car Club also holds shows at retirement residences in the area. “I am very proud of what we do,” Rod says. “We look at ourselves as a service club. I called it the Highway 43 Car Club because we care about all the communities that run along Highway 43.”
Rod also wants to thank all the club’s sponsors without whom they would not be able to do what they do. Photo L-R: North Grenville Deputy Mayor B a r b To b i n , C a l v i n Wo n g ( K e m p t v i l l e Salvation Army), Rod Rafter (Founder and President Hwy 43 Car Club), Bob Hanes (ClubExecutive), Cathy Ashby (House of Lazarus), Charlie Gordon (Club Executive - BackRow), Kevan Whittaker (Club Executive), Karen Waters (Kanata Food Cupboard), Ian McKelvie (Dundas County Food Cupboard), Mike Lecuyer (Club Vice President). CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville
613-215-0735 November 2, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Fall is here … About Rotary: Rotary members, as volunteers, conduct projects and donated time and energy to address today’s humanitarian challenges, including i l l i t e r a c y, d i s e a s e , hunger, poverty, lack o f c l e a n w a t e r, a n d environmental concerns while encouraging high standards in all vocations. Rotary members strive to build goodwill and peace, and provide humanitarian service in the communities and throughout the world. For more information, visit or call President Cora @ 613-258-5396
And with it, an opportunity for Rotarians to move into the kitchen and take on the task of helping those less fortunate. At a recent meeting held at the Kemptville Christian Reformed Church Rotarians rolled up their sleeves, donned aprons and scrubbed their hands in preparation for baking a variety of quiches for flash freezing and donation to the House of Lazarus Food Bank. Pictured are Rotarians Cora Beking, Nancy Miller McKenzie, Wayne Desormeaux, Jennifer Franssen and others sharing the tasks. .
Trivia fever strikes Youngsters of Yore
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the north grenville
TIMES Gord Logan Marketing Consultant Sales Representative
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photo by George Gouthro Team B, The Bookworms, won the coveted Donald Trump banner at last Thursday’s Trivia Competition at the North Grenville Public Library in Kemptville. Second place was a three-way tie among the Intelligentsia, the Bibliophiles, and the Enlightened Ones. Participants were Youngsters of Yore. Scorekeeper was Jean Kilfoyle. The Inquisitor, on special assignment from his trivia den at the Bayfield Retirement Home, was Parick Babin. Among the eighty trivia questions were: a) What kind of animal was Napoleon terrified of? b) Who betrayed Samson to the Philistines? c) How many seconds must a cowboy stay aboard a rodeo bronco? d) What Roman governor tried Christ? e) What was one thing the Lone Ranger and Roy Rogers never did? f) What was Pinocchio’s father’s name? g) What’s the most intelligent creature on Earth after women/men? Answers: a) Terrified of cats, b) Delilah, c) eight seconds, d) Pontius Pilate, e) Kill someone, f) Geppetto, g) Dolphin. The Bee Hive Trivia group meets every Tuesday morning in the Bayfield Retirement Home Library. Submitted by Patrick Babin
The "Spirit of Christmas" Project
The North Grenville Times would like to hear from you about what you think makes the holidays so special. We will be accepting artwork, poems, personal stories and also children’s letters to Santa, from now until Christmas. We will publish as many as we can and there will be prizes for the top submissions in both the child and adult categories.
(prizes to be announced) 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills K0G 1S0 or email
November 2, 2016
The North Grenville Times
Jonsson’s YIG to sell wine and beer
The Voice of North Grenville
ANNOUNCEMENTS William Joseph O’Neill
Colleen Anne O’Neill
by David Shanahan J o n s s o n ’s Yo u r Independent grocer in the Kemptville Mall is one of 67 stores in Ontario to be given a licence to sell beer and wine, a real coup for a local store. Store owner, Steve Jonsson, and his staff put in an overnight reorganisation of the store, starting at 9pm the night before, in order to have the new stock in place when they opened for business last weekend. Steve says that the initial stock will feature Ontario wines, and half of the shelf space for beer will be dedicated to craft brews, with the focus being on Ontario breweries. One condition of the licence is that Ontario wines only will be sold for the first three years of the program. The range of wines and beer, as well as the space given to each, will increase gradually, with a refrigerated section coming in the New Year. To avoid unnecessary delays, all the cash lanes will handle beer and wine sales, with each cashier having SmartServe, or having a SmartServe person available. It seems appropriate that Kemptville is one of the first smaller communities to get this facility. Kemptville native, G. Howard Ferguson, when he was Premier of
November 2, 2016
Ontario, introduced the LCBO to Ontario. The new licence at the YIG supports local Ontario brewers and wine producers, and Steve says he has some craft beers not available through the LCBO. Prices are the same as those charged at LCBO stores, and are tied to any promotions or specials featured at the LCBO in future. Ultimately, beer and cider will be available in up to 450 grocery stores across Ontario, including 300 that also sell wine. Allowing wine to be sold in grocery stores across the province follows the final recommendations made by the Premier's Advisory Council on Government Assets. Other recent changes to beverage alcohol retailing in Ontario include the sale of beer in grocery stores last December, cider this June, and online shopping at The government conducted extensive industry consultations to define a fair and socially responsible model for beer, wine and cider sales in grocery stores. All grocery stores that sell wine or beer must abide by the requirements for the safe sale of alcohol overseen by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). The sale of wine, beer and cider adheres to standard hours, which are:
Son of Patricia and Hugh O’Neill, graduated from Carleton University on June 10, 2016 with a bachelor of music specializing in performance. He now works as a freelance musician.”
Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Staff selling alcohol must be a minimum of 18 years of age and be trained on Ontario's standards for social responsibility, including making sure customers under the age of 19 and intoxicated individuals do not purchase alcohol. Stores will also be restricted to selling wines with a retail price of $10.95 (per 750 mL bottle) or higher. Jonsson’s YIG was a very busy place last weekend, quite aside from the new wine and beer sales. Between providing space for the Snowsuit program with the Salvation Army, or gathering food for the food banks, the YIG managed to hold eleven different activities during last week. The store has won Gold Awards from Foodland Ontario in each of the past two years, and has qualified for Platinum status this year, and Steve is hoping that this takes his operation to a new level of service for the people of his community.
Daughter of Patricia and Hugh O'Neill, graduate from the University of Guelph on June 16, 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Honours Agriculture. She is now employed at the Bank of Montreal.
1PM TO 5PM Best Wishes only
For Advertising rates please contact Ken at or call 613.297.3722
Send in your letters to the editor to
The North Grenville Times
Business as usual by David Shanahan
The official motto of the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville is: “Where lifestyle grows good business”. I’m not exactly sure what that means, but it doesn’t seem to apply to North Grenville these days. Good business, I imagine, means that businesses are doing well, providing good service and possibly even working together to improve the overall business environment. Recent statements by the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce seem to cast doubt on that. Full disclosure: I was on the Chamber Board for a year, resigning because the Chamber Board was not supporting local business, preferring to ally itself with corporations based outside the municipality. On top of that, there seemed to be no plan in place to actually make the Chamber a positive source of ideas and networking ideas for local businesses. The Chamber Board now has two members who work for the Royal Bank, which
seems unbalanced, and one who works for Metroland Media, a division of Torstar. Some members have only a very tangential link to North Grenville, not being actually based here. This lack of focus on local business was reflected in their decision not to support a recent Kemptville Business Improvement Area [KBIA] initiative to promote businesses in Downtown Kemptville. In fact, their relationship with the KBIA is, to say the least, strained. They seem to see the downtown business group as a rival for the affections of commercial operations in that part of the municipality. When Councillor Donovan Arnaud was given responsibility for Economic Development, he approached both the Chamber and the KBIA with the hope that they could work together somehow, and create a better environment for business in North Grenville. He managed to get them to agree to share office space, something one would think would be a natural fit, and a positive move. The agreement was
announced, and Councillor Arnaud then made an approach to the NG Library Board to allow the Chamber and KBIA to share a space at the Library on Prescott Street. Once again, this seemed like a positive move on the part of Councillor Arnaud, and it took some convincing to get the Library Board to give up space which they planned to use themselves. But the initiative was finally approved by all. That is, until the Chamber Board then informed the other parties that they didn’t want to move into the Library, they wanted space in the Municipal Centre, where Big Brothers/ Big Sisters now have offices. Chamber members are raising concerns about the lack of services provided to them by the Board. At present, there is not even a web site operating for the Chamber. The only activities organised by the Board over the past year have been two lunches, which were addressed by a motivational speaker, and a Little black Dress event, which was advertised for women only. The event raised funds for the Chamber and the
Kemptville District Hospital. It is difficult to know how it encouraged local businesses, however. This whole issue underlines the need for some coherent plan for economic development in North Grenville. The BR+E section of the municipal government has concentrated on Kemptville and continues to organise gatherings where people can network and learn. But the KBIA have a report by a consultant hired to advise on future growth which states that the group must expand or perish. Expansion into the “Triangle” area formed by Rideau and Sanders is on the KBIA agenda, but the consultant’s report stated that only a Kemptville-wide expansion would give the organisation a solid foundation for future activities. This raises an issue: what, then, is the mandate of the KBIA and how does it conflict, or mesh, with that of the Chamber? What, indeed, is the mandate of the Chamber itself? Does North Grenville need both? What Councillor Arnaud has
the contract, when they are buying hydro from Quebec, which is not required, at a rumoured cost of $1 billion - it is no wonder that PierreOlivier Pineau, Associate Professor and Electricity Market Expert, University of Montreal HEC Business School, had previously stated that Ontario probably has the worse energy market in the world. Premier Wynne’s answer is that she wants to buy clean Quebec Hydro to phase out or lower production from our gas power plants. Does this make any sense? Why would the Liberals not use our hydroelectric power to do this and manage the grid in a more efficient way, as we pay for 3.2 terawatts hours of non-produced power a year only to buy 2 terawatts hours of power a year from Quebec? Ross Ayotte Smiths Falls
The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 November 2, 2016
been working towards, in trying to bring these two business groups together, is necessary and could lay the groundwork for future economic development. But all sides need to be willing t o w o r k t o g e t h e r. T h e Chamber, the KBIA, as well as other business groups in North Grenville, need to work together as much as possible for the benefit of all. In the past, BIA’s and Chambers have come and gone in North Grenville: there is nothing inevitable about their survival. In the years when there was either no Chamber, or a non-active one, businesses did not seem to miss it. There has to be a good reason for people to spend hard-earned money to join an organisation, whether it’s a Chamber of Commerce or a BIA: it has to be relevant, supportive of its members,
and willing to work with others. It should supply something more businessfriendly than little black dresses. Donovan Arnaud and the Economic Development Committee are trying to reenergise the business life of this community. They deserve time, encouragement and support in their work.
the north grenville
TIMES Peter Peers Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Sales Representative Phone 613 989 2850 Email: Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: Ontarian's must question Premier Wynne's motive to buy hydro from Quebec when, on Friday March 4, 2016, the OPG released a report that, in 2014 and 2015, the OPG spilled or diverted water at our hydroelectric dams that would have produced roughly 3.2 terawatt hours of power in each of those years. That is enough hydro to fully supply 350,000 homes and, yes, we paid for this non-produced power. On September 27, 2016 the Wynne Liberals stated they will cancel plans to sign new solar, wind and other green energy contracts, as we are producing enough hydro in Ontario to meet our demand for the next decade. We know Ontario is over producing hydro, so how does this 7-year deal with Quebec benefit us at a rumoured price of 5 cents a kwh? How can the Liberals say this deal will save us $70 million over the length of
The Voice of North Grenville
Public meeting
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at the North Grenville Public Library’s Norenberg Building Tallman Room. T h e O l d To w n Kemptville BIA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held November 23, 2016 at 6:30pm. Two locations are currently being considered - The North Grenville Curling Club on Reuben and Geronimo Coffee House
The Municipality of North Grenville implemented a Community Improvement Program (CIP) in 2014 within the Rideau-Sanders Triangle. The CIP offers a suite of financial incentive programs to stimulate the revitalization of properties within a designated area. T h e O l d To w n Kemptville BIA has asked the Municipality for consideration to expand the program into Old Town Kemptville. A public meeting will present the current program, the expansion proposal and provide Friends of Downtown with the opportunity to ask questions and provide input in preparation for Municipal Council 2017 budget deliberations.
the north grenville
Marketing Peter Peers 613 989-2850
ISSN 2291-0301
The Voice of North Grenville
Editor David Shanahan 613-215-0735
Production Manager Copy Editor Marguerite Boyer Pat Jessop 613-215-0735 613-258-4671
on Prescott. Stay tuned for the official announcement in the NG Times and on social media. Old Town Christmas Volunteer and help to make Christmas in Old Town a community event to remember this year. The Kemptville Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade, the North Pole and the Artisans' Craft Fair all require volunteer help in coordinating and running these familyfocused events. This year's theme is "A Disney Christmas". The Parade leaves Holy Cross School Parking Lot at 1:00pm. From Holy Cross it goes East on Clothier
Reporter Hilary Thomson Graphics Micheal Pacitto 613-710-7104
Street, then turns Right into Prescott Street, ending at Kemptville College. Float Entry Forms must be submitted by 5pm Wednesday, November 16. Check the Kemptville Kinsmen Facebook page for updates. For further information on participating in this year's Parade as a sponsor or to enter a float contact Chris Drozda at: chris@ or 613-223-6625 For enquiries about helping out in Old Town on November 19th contact John Barclay at: exec.
Mailing Address 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Accounting Pat Jessop 613-258-4671
The North Grenville Times
2016 Christmas Wish
The North Grenville Community Service Council [NGCSC] wishes to thank all those who made Christmas possible for many in our community last year. Each year we help the Knights of Columbus, who provide for so many families during the year with their food bank, which is accessible to all, but especially at Christmas with Hampers and Gifts for the children. This team of volunteers works hard with one goal in mind: no family will suffer or go hungry. A tree will soon go up at Holy Cross Church with angels bearing the information on a child or youth’s Christmas wishes. Families and seniors who need help can contact Claire NGCSC at askmeone@, or phone 613258-6470; or contact Fred at Knights of Columbus fred.macdonald@hotmail. com, 613-447-9039. Contact
them before December 15 in connection with Hampers. Please contact us ASAP for the Angel Tree request. Continued support comes from Legion 212, Kinsmen, Rotary, and Lions Club. The Kemptville Animal Hospital have trimmed pets nails and collected funds and food since 2013 for families. We have also had great and valued support from Beking Eggs, B&H Grocers, Giant Tiger, Shoppers Drug Mart, Jonsson Independent and so many others who help with discounts and gifts for teens. Canadian Tire Staff, KBC Staff, MNR employees, Service Ontario, O’Farrell Financial Staff, Gale Real Estate, Joanne Huel & family, and Craig Gerlach, President Current Systems, each sponsor a special needs family each year. Last year, we handled 32 single requests involving
Steve Clark welcomes change of mind
Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark is welcoming an announcement that the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) has scrapped a plan that would have reduced its presence in rural and Northern communities. Under the regional model, which the OTF board chair confirmed was proceeding as recently as a July 8, 2016 letter to MPP Clark, the number of catchment areas would have been reduced to five from 16. “I’m pleased with the announcement because it demonstrates the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport and OTF actually listened to the concerns I’ve raised on behalf of volunteer organizations across the province,” Steve said. “With the threat of regionalization now off the table, I’m hopeful we can work together to ensure this cherished program can continue to do outstanding work in the communities it serves.” In an after-hours debate in the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday, October 25, Steve touched on some of the other program changes announced by OTF. These include a move to a single intake per year for the Seed, Grow and Capital grant streams. The fourth stream, Collective Impact, will continue to have a year-round intake. “I am concerned with one intake per year for capital grants because if an organization is turned down, they’ll have to wait a full year to apply again. Many of these capital projects are time sensitive and have other fundraising involved, so that delay of 12 months could be a significant challenge.” Steve noted the timing should take into account that OTF’s capital funding was suspended this year so it could deliver the government’s Ontario 150 program. “The next intake for the capital program isn’t until October 25, 2017. That means nearly two years will have passed before those small volunteer organizations that rely on capital funding to maintain their facilities will have access to a grant.” Steve also called for the tremendous number of vacancies on OTF’s 16 Grant Review Teams to be filled. OTF’s agreement with the government requires at least 18 volunteers on each team, but only Toronto has the minimum – the rest average just 9.4. “It’s critical that we fill those vacancies immediately to ensure more local voices from our communities are involved in the granting process.”
members help the Knights of Columbus organize the gift side of their Christmas Hampers; they in turn provide Food Hampers for those who apply to us. Together we accept applicants from
74 adults who needed food Hampers. We also helped 47 families with 98 children with Hampers and gifts, as well as nine special needs referrals. North Grenville Community Service Council
The Voice of North Grenville
residents who live in North Grenville. NGCSC also passes on those who call from other areas to a group who will help them.
Make Christmas possible for all. Please Donate.
CEPEO est à la recherche de candidat(e) pour combler la liste de : SECRÉTAIRES OCCASIONNELS(LES) LIEU : École publique Kemptville 830, rue Prescott, Kemptville (Ontario) Veuillez consulter le site WEB du CEPEO pour obtenir les numéros de dossiers et les renseignements supplémentaires. François Laperle, Directeur du Service des ressources humaines
WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT AND SANITARY PUMP STATION OPTIMIZATION AND EXPANSION The Municipality of North Grenville (the Municipality) is initiating a Municipal Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Update for the optimization and expansion of the Municipality’s Water Pollution Control Plant (sewage treatment) and the Bridge Street Pumping Station located in the urban community of Kemptville. In 2010, Phases 1 to 4 of the Class EA process were completed and the Municipality initiated Phase 5 of the process by commencing dialogue with the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority regarding the potential for a phosphorus offsetting program. Due to financial constraints, further progress with the phosphorus offsetting program and proposed Water Pollution Control Plant upgrades identified in the Environmental Study Report (ESR) were deferred. An updated Class EA is required as there have been significant changes in the Project Environment since completion of the ESR (i.e., changes to flows associated with the 2010 Class EA design period, project costs, changing receiving stream quality, development of innovative and energy efficient technology, etc.) As part of the Class EA process for reviewing the Water Pollution Control Plant and Sanitary Pump Station Optimization and Expansion, public comment during the evaluation of alternative solutions will be requested. The Municipality is planning to conduct two public information sessions during the course of the study. Project information will also be available to the public at the Municipal Office and the Municipality’s website, We are interested in hearing any comments or concerns that you may have about this project. A public database of comments will be maintained and, with the exception of personal information, included in the study documentation that will be made available for public review. Parties interested in providing input or that wish to obtain additional information at this stage of the study are asked to submit comments in writing to: The Municipality of North Grenville; Water Pollution Control Plant and Sanitary Pump Station Optimization and Expansion Class EA Update Mrs. Sarah Gore, P.Eng. c/o J.L. Richards & Associates Limited 864 Lady Ellen Place Ottawa, ON K1Z 5M2 Facsimile: 613-728-6012 Electronic-mail: Please copy any correspondence to: Mr. Mike Finley, P.Eng. Superintendent of Environmental Services The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44 Box 130 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Facsimile: 613-258-9260 Electronic-mail: Issued: November 3, 2016
November 2, 2016
The North Grenville Times
Council Meeting October 24, 2016 by Deron Johnston There were a number of presentations at this week’s council meeting. Melissa Francis, the program manager at the Leeds & Grenville Immigration Partnership, made a presentation about her organization and its services and role within the region. Carl Bickerdike and James Holland spoke about their 2016 Forest Cover Study on behalf of South Nation Conservation on the importance of maintaining 30% forest cover for municipalities. Chuck Farmer, director of the Independent Electricity System Operator also made a presentation on “ O n t a r i o ’s E v o l v i n g Energy Landscape”, which included lots of interesting information, but he had to cut his presentation short. Councillor Bertram and Mayor Gordon both asked questions about the cost of hydro for residents, but unfortunately each presentation was limited to only ten minutes with very little time for council to ask questions. Because of the nature of the subjects, it would’ve been wise for council to consider a motion to extend time for these presentations and for questions from the residents to be allowed as well. The final presentation was from the parents of students of the Oxford on Rideau Public School seeking a resolution of support from the municipality regarding the possible closure of the school by the Upper Canada District School Board. The initial draft report about the possible closures contains a number of key errors and casts doubt on the accuracy of the report, according to the parents. Some of the many points that the group feels need to be considered
CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville November 2, 2016
are: the negative effects of changing schools on children, the loss of smaller class sizes where teachers have more time with each student, increased time spent on a bus, and the closure would mean that the brand new Kemptville Public School that hasn’t even been finished yet will be over capacity before it opens its doors. Group spokespeople Brent LekxToniolo and Jen Monk stated that the school itself is also a community hub for Oxford Mills and hosts community events and groups like scouts and guides three times per week. Council passed a resolution of support for the group. Council also passed resolutions of support for two FIT 5 hydro-electric applications. One was for a new project at the Oxford Mills dam and the other was for the project in Burritt’s Rapids. The
municipality is a partner on the project in Burritt’s Rapids, but the Oxford Mills project took people by surprise. Last week, the Ottawa Renewable Energy Cooperative sought a letter of support from the municipality for their own FIT 5 application for a solar energy project on private property, but council passed a resolution to not issue a letter of support. Part of council’s argument against the letter of support was that OREC didn’t consult with the public on their project. However, the organization that wants to use the Oxford Mills dam were not required to consult with the public and had their request for support approved by council on the spot. Later in the council meeting, council decided to defer on a final decision on the letter of support for the OREC solar project until the public meeting (that’s now been arranged
between OREC and the municipality) takes place in November. Near the end of the meeting, a letter from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario titled ‘Close the Fiscal Gap’ (it had been moved from the ‘Correspondence’ section of the agenda to the ‘New Business’ section by deputy mayor Tobin at the beginning of the meeting) was presented. The letter talked about the AMO’s assertion that, if funding from the provincial and federal governments doesn’t improve, infrastructure costs will force municipalities to raise property taxes as high as 80% over the next ten years. Council discussed the letter briefly and deputy mayor Tobin read a resolution to support it and council approved it. This makes one wonder if this is a hint of things to come.
The Voice of North Grenville
UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, November 14 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, November 7 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at COMMITTEE MEETINGS Library Board – Thursday, November 10 at 7:00 pm at the Public Library, 1 Water St.
Tender NG16-13 has been issued for the restoration of the former Armoury Building at 25 Reuben Cres. The tender closes on November 15, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Tender details are on our website at or by contacting Kevin Henry, Facilities Supervisor at khenry@ or 613-258-9569 Ext 124.
PUBLIC MEETING – COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Municipality of North Grenville will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the North Grenville Library, Norenberg Building, 1 Water St., Kemptville to discuss the current Community Improvement Program (CIP) and the request by the Old Town Kemptville BIA to expand the program into Old Town Kemptville (Prescott St.). For further information please contact Teri Devine, Economic Development Officer at or 613258-9569 Ext 115.
Municipality of North Grenville Waterfront Trails and Pedestrian Bridge on South Branch of the Rideau River Project
NOTICE OF COMPLETION THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE has completed the process for a multi-use pathway along the South Branch of the Rideau River and proposed pedestrian bridge over the South Branch of the Rideau River. The Municipality of North Grenville retained CIMA to prepare a detailed design for this project. Preliminary designs were developed for the waterfront trail and pedestrian bridge and presented at a public meeting at the North Grenville Municipal Centre on March 4, 2015. This waterfront trail and pedestrian bridge project is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) which was prepared by the Municipal Engineers Association and was approved by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. The Municipal Class EA is an approved environmental assessment planning process which describes the steps which a proponent must follow in order to meet the requirements of the Ontario EA Act. This project is subject to Municipal Class EA, Schedule B requirements; as this is a project which: • Has the potential for some adverse environmental effects • Is approved subject to a screening process, which includes contacting directly affected public and relevant review agencies • Generally includes improvements and minor expansions to existing facilities.
The Municipality of North Grenville is hosting a Rural Summit on Saturday, November 26, 2016 at Kemptville College, Parish Hall. The event includes presentations, information and discussion to foster communications and suggestions on how we can all continue to work together to support our rural area and benefit from our rural way of life. To see the agenda and to register for the Rural Summit, visit For further information please contact Teri Devine, Economic Development Officer at or 613258-9569 Ext 115. The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44 PO Box 130 Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-4424 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-2438 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-2438 ext. 6 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002
The purpose of this notice is to inform the public of the completion of the planning stage of this project. The Municipality is making the final Waterfront Trail and Pedestrian Bridge design available to the general public at the following locations: 1. Municipal Centre, 285 County Road # 44, Kemptville, ON KOG 1J0, Tel: 613-258-9569 2. Municipal Website at Written Comments may be submitted until December 3, 2016 to: Mark Guy Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road #44 P.O. Box 130 Kemptville ON. K0G 1J0 Phone: 613-258-9569 Ext. 107 Email: The Environmental Assessment Act has provisions that allow an interested person, Aboriginal community, or government agency to ask for a higher level of assessment for a Class Environmental Assessment project if they feel that there are outstanding issues that have not been adequately addressed by the proponent. This higher level of assessment is referred to as a Part II Order request. Such requests must be addressed in writing to the Minister of the Environment and received no later than December 3, 2016 at the following address: The Honourable Glen Murray Minister of the Environment & Climate Change 77 Wellesley Street West 11th Floor, Ferguson Block Toronto, ON M7A 2T5 Tel: 416-314-6790 Fax: 416-325-3159 Please note that a duplicate copy of a Part II Order request must also be sent to the Municipality of North Grenville at the address noted above. Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and will be released, if requested, to any person.
Merrickville/Wolford Times The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in Merrickville/Wolford and North Grenville
the Merrickville-Wolford
TIMES The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford
Local author publishes book about underage soldiers
TNIM welcomes new faces to ‘Frozen Dreams’ submitted by Mary Kate Laphen Theatre Night in Merrickville is excited to feature new talent in the group’s upcoming production of “Frozen Dreams”, by Robert Ainsworth. The cast of six includes actors new to the group and some who are returning to the TNIM stage after a long absence. Margaret Shearman, a long-time TNIM member and director, is always excited to welcome new actors and bring something fresh to the stage. “Frozen Dreams” is an awardwinning, but lesser known, play by an Ontario playwright – as was TNIM’s spring production of “Hamish”, which Margaret also directed and which also featured new TNIM members. Margaret had been riveted by one of Ainsworth’s earlier plays, and when she first read “Frozen Dreams”, she knew she had to direct it. “Frozen Dreams” is a gripping comedy-drama that takes a sensitive look at a group of three homeless men on a Christmas Eve. One of them - a developmentally delayed young man - has received a frozen turkey from a charity. The gift is an
Roy Spry joined the Merchant Navy at 16 after leaving home in Leskard, Ontario by Hilary Thomson A new book coauthored by Merrickville resident Dan Black looks at the reality of Canada’s underage soldiers during the Second World War. The book, called Too Young To Die, is the second of two books written by Dan and his fellow author John Boileau of Glen Margaret, Nova Scotia. The first, called Old Enough To Fight, was published in 2013 and tells the stories of Canada’s youngest heroes during the First World War. The idea for the books came to Dan in 2008 when he was the editor of Legion Magazine. “I wanted to write a book but I didn’t think I could take it on alone because of the demands of a full time job,” Dan says. John was a freelance writer and regular contributor to the magazine at the time and when Dan approached him
with the idea of writing a book about Canada’s underage soldiers, John jumped at the idea. “He thought it was a great topic for us to tackle.” Through many years of research, interviews with veterans and countless hours at Library and Archives Canada, Dan and John were able to piece together several stories that give their readers a snapshot of why and how these young men (many as young as 14) were able to enlist when the minimum age to join was 18. “They were very creative,” Dan says. From the Army, to the Air Force, the Navy and the Merchant Navy, these boys slipped through the cracks and infiltrated all arms of the military to serve their country. Dan estimates that there were thousands of underage soldiers that fought alongside men that were old enough to be their fathers. “We didn’t want to turn the book into a list
of underage soldiers,” Dan says. “We wanted to tell a story. That meant slowing down and picking a crosssection of them to try to learn as much about them as possible, that way they would be representative of the larger picture.” Too Young To Die is not about glorifying war. It’s about telling a three dimensional story that often gets forgotten, Dan says. “My favourite part has been getting to know the characters, what they were about leading up to and during the war. We wanted to make it less about the battles and more about their part in it.” An official book launch will be held at the Merrickville Public Library on Saturday, November 19 at 3 pm. There will also be a book signing at the Merrickville Book Emporium the following weekend on Saturday, November 26 at noon.
ironic one for a homeless person, but the three of them band together to find a way to cook the turkey. “The script touches on many serious themes with humour and emotion,” Margaret explains. “But this is not a play about despair, it’s a play full of hope and compassion and the chance of new beginnings.” New to the TNIM stage are Mary Robertson, who plays an eccentric bag lady, and Anita Plunkett, who plays a kindly public health nurse. Both actresses have many years of acting experience. Mary has worked with the Brockville Theatre Guild; and Anita, who has recently moved to the Merrickville area, has acted with both the Kemptville Players and Dundas County Players. The homeless men are played by Al Billiald, Peter Crate, and Douglas Piepers. While Al has had leading roles in many of the group’s recent shows, it has been a number of years since either Peter or Douglas have been seen on TNIM’s stage. Peter had a role in TNIM’s award-winning production of “Having Hope at Home” three years ago. Douglas acted in TNIM’s
“Rainmaker in 2007, and has also performed with the Mississippi Mudds, Kemptville Youth Musical Theatre Company, and the Kemptville Players, but has not been on stage for several years. “This is quite an interesting role to jump back into theatre with,” says Douglas. “My character suffers from a mental disability and it's an acting challenge I believe I'm having success with. The play has a lot of heart and I've never had a role like this with such depth of character to play with before. I'm loving that experience.” Keith Stanton rounds out the cast as a police officer. Keith usually works backstage with TNIM, but, after playing an outrageous French squire in last fall’s “Sleeping Beauty”, he is enjoying being on stage. “Frozen Dreams” runs November 18, 19, and 20 (matinee) at the Merrickville Community C e n t r e . Ti c k e t s a r e available from TNIM’s website: w w w., and at Mrs. McGarrigle’s Fine Food Shop, or the Merrickville Book Emporium, both in Merrickville.
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We’re overstocked on great moldings, and want to clear out inventory. Bring your next frame job to us....your neighbours did! You’ll get the same great deal!
230 Saint Lawrence Street Merrickville
November 2, 2016
The North Grenville Times
301 Rideau Street, Kemptville
Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6
The Voice of North Grenville
Prices effective: Friday, Nov. 4 to Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements�
November 2, 2016
The North Grenville Times
Energy East concern #3:
Putting a local face on renewable energy by Deron Johnston The Ottawa Renewable Energy Co-operative was formed in the fall of 2010, one year after the creation of the Green Energy Act in Ontario. They were the third renewable energy co-operative to emerge from that time period in Ontario. Originally OREC was an exclusively Ottawa co-operative, but the members voted to expand into other regions around Ottawa. There was plenty of interest in renewable energy in communities surrounding Ottawa, but no group was able to step forward and get a cooperative of their own off the ground. So OREC decided to expand into areas where there were opportunities and lots of community support. Energy co-operatives are not a new thing, they’ve been very successful in Europe for years especially in Germany where 50% of their renewable power comes from co-ops and solar farmers. Just like co-operatives in other fields, OREC is 100% owned by its individual members who live across Eastern Ontario. Ideally, OREC likes to work with their members and use their land and buildings to build revenue generating projects that gives other members the opportunity to
invest in. This way members get a benefit from leasing their land and another benefit when the project gets built and starts generating revenue. Recently OREC held two information meetings in the Kemptville area to recruit people to become new members and join the cooperative. Their goal of 50 new members in the area was achieved quickly. This goal was important because it allowed them to increase their chances of being approved for a FIT 5 contract (a contract that is needed to sell the energy created by the project) for three potential solar projects that are currently awaiting green lights in the North Grenville area. These three projects are located just outside of Kemptville, near Oxford Station and just outside of Spencerville. These projects represent the potential for the creation of local jobs and local renewable energy. OREC recently requested a letter of support from the municipality for the first potential solar project on private land which is just west of Kemptville. The letter of support would mean that their FIT application would have a higher probability of being approved. Acting manager of planning Phil
What help after an accident?
by Deron Johnston On this past Thursday night, October 27, Lock 17 Bistro in Burritt's Rapids hosted a special local beer and food pairing evening in cooperation with local brewer, Ashton Brewing Company. According to restaurant owner Gilles Brisebois, and Quinn Hodgkins, the November 2, 2016
VP of operations for the Ashton Brewing Company, the two businesses have developed a very strong, positive relationship and the fruit of that relationship was deliciously on display for everyone who had the privilege of attending. The meal was five courses, each of which was accompanied by one
In last week’s edition the article “Concern #2” talked about assessing the risks that Energy East could bring us, and how prohibitively costly insurance to cover against all those risks would almost certainly be. Well, TransCanada has been to town and we think we’ve been told that it doesn’t work that way. What we think we heard was that people that live near pipelines are supposed to trust that they’ll be taken care of when problems occur. Perhaps one could be excused for assuming that during those many Open Houses and presentations to Municipalities and County, TransCanada had issued promises for how they would protect us against the impacts of their pipeline. Mostly what we got when we asked were platitudes of how unlikely a spill is, the “world class”, “state of the art” (pick your own buzzword) nature of the engineering, and how comprehensive and quick the response would be. So, after asking around the only promise that anyone remembers was this: if a spill contaminates your aquifer, TransCanada will bring you bottled water. Now, I’d like to believe that they don’t just mean they’ll bring cases of plastic water bottles. Hopefully they mean that they’ll buy you a cistern and make a permanent arrangement – probably decades long – to have clean water trucked to your house weekly. Better yet: a water treatment facility and a network of pipes in the affected rural areas. After all, the average Canadian uses about 250 litres per day. And if you have a business like a farm with animals you need a lot of water to sustain it. That’s ALL we recall hearing. Nothing about compensation for property value loss from spills or the risk of one, or productivity loss, health impacts, evacuation costs, business contingency costs, impacts during construction, posting of bonds, emergency responses and readiness costs, the use of chemical dispersants, cost of
temporary and permanent water system replacement…. the list goes on. It would seem that Tr a n s C a n a d a i s m a k i n g no promises, the obvious explanation for which is that they do not want to be accountable for anything more than the law legally requires. All this begs a deeper understanding of how we are supposedly protected from pipelines and their spills. Some say to look at other spills to see how coverage applies. There are big recent examples from Kalamazoo and the Husky spill in Saskatchewan. But protection is determined by national and provincial laws. Kalamazoo is covered by US laws and Husky by the law of another province. Because Energy East is an inter-provincial pipeline, it would be covered by Bill C-46, introduced in 2015 and known as the “Pipeline Safety Act”. It will largely be administered by the NEB, so you’re excused if this doesn’t instill confidence. The Pipeline Safety Act only came into force on the 19th of June this year, so examples of how well it can be applied do not exist. It has been lauded for two fundamental aspects: use of the “Polluter Pay” principle and the accountability for losses of “non-use value” (noncommercial value) to public resources and environment. It imposes a $1B (one billion dollar) cap on liability for the clean-up, but does not assign unlimited absolute liability, and it only applies to pipelines that ship over 250,000 barrels per day. Note that the Kalamazoo mess was from a pipeline that moved less dilbit than Energy East, that the clean-up didn’t get all the spilled product, and that the cost was over $1.2B US (not Canadian dollars) which did NOT include compensation to those impacted. The Act goes further and empowers Cabinet to increase or decrease the liability limit. The NEB also has the authority to recover costs from the industry at large, and Cabinet can appoint a tribunal to examine cost recovery for people like us. Unfortunately these approaches are discretionary and rare is the
person who trusts the NEB, or who doesn’t suspect that industrial interests will have the bigger voice with Cabinet. Government can choose to pay compensation out of revenues, but that could potentially leave taxpayers footing the bill if industry cannot make good. Further, to make the pipeline company absolutely liable there has to be legally established proof of negligence. A hard task given that the keeper of evidence is the pipeline operator and that they have virtually no oversight. In theory, TransCanada may have to pay for costs beyond simple clean-up, even though clean-up is never complete. But with a Carbon Bubble looming and the decline of the fossil fuel industry a necessity if we are to avoid fullscale anthropogenic climate change, the pipeline will almost certainly not be a profitable investment. As margins decrease, cost cutting measures like fewer integrity checks, less scheduled maintenance and fewer safety upgrades could increase the risk of a spill. I, for one, would not bet that TransCanada would have sufficient liquidity. If it goes ahead, I would want bonds or third party assurance, and that third party should not be you and I (government). Where does this leave us? With platitudes but no assurances. An untested new law with a cap that is insufficient for the costs of a major spill. An unproven process that requires you to take action to seek compensation via NEB and tribunals that don’t yet exist. But why am I telling you about this? Given that Mayor Gordon has clearly stated that he is supportive of TransCanada’s Energy East project, should we assume he knows your concerns, that he is aware of the implications of the Pipeline Safety Act, and that he has seen research that will soothe your fears? Or should we assume something else? The problem is that he isn’t sharing any of this with us.
out the roasted vanilla bean and bourbon hidden in this complex and robust stout. The meal was extremely well orchestrated with each course seemingly timed to arrive at the table at exactly the right time, just after the pour of each beer. Chef Taylor Barker was to be congratulated for both
his menu choices and his execution. This was the second in a series of these special events, with the first event seeing Lock 17 Bistro partnered with local favourite, Beaus Brewery. If you’re a fan of either great beer or great food or both, keep your eyes open for the next instalment.
This writer can assure you that you won’t leave disappointed. But get your tickets early, as the event was sold out. You can check out both participants by visiting and www.
by Chris Weissflog
Gerrard recommended to council at the most recent Committee of the Whole meeting that council not sign a letter of support because he felt that the zoning was not correct for this type of project. Janice Ashworth of OREC attended the meeting as well and argued the case for approving the letter of support. That night ,council voted to not give OREC a letter of support also partly because there had not been a public meeting. However, at last week’s council meeting, council voted to defer the final vote on the letter of support to the next council meeting November 14, after a public meeting which had just very recently been arranged to happen in November. If you’re interested in supporting local renewable energy projects, come out to the public meeting on November 14 at 6:30 pm at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. If you’re curious about becoming a member of OREC or would like to learn more about their organization and investment opportunities, please contact their communication associate David Mazur-Goulet at or visit their website at www.
Five courses plus five beers equals a perfect ten
L-R: Ashton Brewing Company - VP operations - Quinn Hodgkins Lock 17 Bistro - Marketing Manager - Cailie McNeill Lock 17 Bistro - Chef - Taylor Barker
The Voice of North Grenville
of ABC’s carefully chosen craft beers. The first course was a rich roasted parsnip and garlic puree soup with pieces of candied almonds. It was paired with ABC’s malty Red Rye ale which was both unfiltered and remarkable on its own. The second course was a unique salad with roasted beets and quinoa which was paired with a crisp, pumpkin spiced ale. The third course was a salty duck confit with bacon lardons and creamed corn. A cream ale was chosen to stand beside the duck and performed remarkably. The fourth course was braised oxtail with pickled shallots and a celery root puree. ABC’s unique and light Session beer was the oxtail’s partner for this round. The fifth and final course was a moist carrot cake with cream cheese icing infused with maple syrup, much to the delight of all. One bite plus a small mouthful of ABC’s award winning stout quickly brought 12
The North Grenville Times
ACROSS 1. A single time 5. Ticketed 10. "Smallest" particle 14. Role 15. French school 16. Balcony section 17. Gauntness 19. Trim 20. Confederate soldier 21. Impolite dinner sound 22. Washed-out 23. Helps 25. Long stories 27. Purchase 28. Emits 31. An unidentified aircraft 34. Merchandise that is shoddy 35. Mineral rock 36. Midmonth date 37. Small goose
38. Venician magstrate 39. Barbie's beau 40. Cut of beef 41. Beauty parlor 42. Alienate 44. Consumer Price Index 45. Even 46. Adult male chicken 50. Not those 52. Insect stage 54. Center of a storm 55. Japanese wrestling 56. Graniteware 58. Food thickener 59. Varnish ingredient 60. Corrosive 61. Lease 62. Something of value 63. Not we
DOWN 1. A drama set to music 2. What we are called 3. Grouches 4. And so forth 5. Loyalty 6. Convulsion 7. French for "Black" 8. Running away 9. Lair 10. Lama pacos 11. In inedible mushroom 12. Monster 13. A fitting reward (archaic) 18. Put out 22. Informer 24. Nile bird 26. Agreement 28. Delete 29. Therefore 30. Observed 31. Bicycle 32. Poems 33. A man of refinement 34. Excavating machines 37. Part of a skeleton 38. Speaker's platform 40. Rant 41. Thread holder 43. Vacation destination 44. Powerfully persuasive 46. Bog hemp 47. Instruct 48. Lofty nest 49. Slender 50. Russian emperor 51. Large 53. Catholic church service 56. Historic period 57. A Buddhist temple
Nov 3 Nov 5
Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 9 Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 12 Nov 12 Nov 15
Youngsters of Yore, 1:30 pm, Library Program Room. Guest Speaker: Connie Lamble, Wills and Power of Attorney 50 & 60's Rock and Roll Music and Dance in support of St. James Anglican Church and the Beth Donovan Hospice, 7-12 pm, Leslie Hall, 19 Clothier Street. $20/person. For tickets: 613-912-8747 or at Hospice Office. Pizza Served at 10 pm. Annual Remembrance Service at The Commemorative Park, 416/ exit 40, Cty Rd 19, 10:30am Church Parade at North Grenville Community Church 10:30am New Horizon Club, guest speaker Terry Meagher, veteran, author and historian, who will speak about the Battle of Hong Kong, Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall at 2 pm. Refreshments will be served. Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph 11 am Kemptville Legion Craft show 9-3 pm. Vendors please call Lorena 613-258-9065 for tables. Christmas Bake Sale and Luncheon: bake sale 10:30, luncheon 11:30-1 pm, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 319 Prescott St., Kemptville All you can eat spaghetti supper for a goodwill donation, 4:30-7 pm, hosted by Oxford Mills Guides. St. Andrew's United Church Hall, 34 Main St, Bishops Mills. Money: It's Just Dollars and Sense! 1000 Islands Credit Counselling holding free workshops, CSE Consulting, 125 Prescott St., 1-3 pm. Learn about budgeting, savings, credit, fraud prevention and financial planning. To register, go to or contact Cheryl at 613-498-2111.
Weekly and recurring events Mon
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku Wed
The Voice of North Grenville
Medium Thurs
Fri Fri Sat
Hard Sun M,W,F
Kemptville Quilters Guild, every 2nd Mon. at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, Leslie Hall on Clothier St. BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! NG Photography Club - first Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm at the Auditorium of the Municipal Centre. See Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed. beginning Sept. 14, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Kemptville Legion cribbage night, 2nd and 4th Wed. Start time 7 pm. All welcome. Come and play for fun. New Horizon Club, 2nd & 4th Wed. at the Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall. Regular meetings begin at 2 pm. Special events with lunch begin at noon. Programs call 258-9315, membership info Janet at 269-2737. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed of the month, starting October 5. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) is your host for Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri., 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. All ages welcome. Friendship Lunch, Leslie Hall, hosted by St. James, Holy Cross, Salvation Army, St. John and Kemptville Pentecostal Churches, 11:30 am. Donations accepted but not expected, everyone welcome. Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat. Adults $5. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Kerith Debt Freedom Centre – Provides free and confidential coaching to help you get and stay out of debt, 2nd & 4th Sat.of each month. Call 613-258-4815 x 103 or to request an appointment. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) selects a game for their “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. See what games are coming up, sign up for their newsletter. Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487.
the north grenville
TIMES The Voice of North Grenville
November 2, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word. SERVICES Complete Home Property Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up services 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 Snow removal booking now! Be ready! Driveways, steps, walkways and roofs h 258.3847 C 295.0300
Rock My House music lessons 246 ZERO TURN MOWER - $3000 in fiddle, piano, drums and BRIGGS & SRATTON ENDURANCE COMMISSIONED OIL PAINTINGS more. 613 258 5656 SERIES V-TWIN 23 HP 46 INCH / PRIVATE ART LESSONSmiriCUT USED 20 HRS WARRANTY FB: Handyman/Contractor with MUST SELL - MOVING INTO A MiriamMasArt years of experience. No job too CONDO NO TAXES TO PAYSAVE big or small. Unlimited refer- YOURSELF $900 FROM ORIGINAL DJ’S RENOVATONS. We’re com- ences, call for free estimate PRICE mitted to your Renovation. We 613.791.8597 do it all. 613.698.5733 2006 V O L K S W A G E N D I E S E L SEWING: Weddings to altera- 210000 KM 5 SPEED,SAFETY AND LOOKING FOR AVON PRODUCTS? tions at STONEHOUSE SEWING. ETESTED. 613 258 5650 PLEASE CALL JOAN AT 613-258- Call Sharon at 613-224-3182.
Snow removal Tractor with loader and blowerCall Owen 613-297- 7644. 7526 FOR RENT The Plumb”Mur” Plus Bathroom GIVE YOUR CHILD THE ACADEMIC PLUS more. Murray 613.519.5274 1 BEDROOM, 405 PRESCOTT, ADVANTAGE TO COMPETE IN $700.00 + UTILITIES, DEC 1, BOB
Mobile Foot Care - TOES IN NEED 613.858.4383 If you want to purchase AVON products, call Joan 613.258.7644
2 bedroom, Kemptville $950 +. Central location, private balcony, heated floor, natural gas. Clean, quiet, references required 613.263.5476
Frame Local! Countr y Ways Custom Picture framing Furnished room for rent $500. 613.322.6484 a month in Oxford Mills call 613-294-7420 Stucco & Parging Services, also specializing in repointing WANTED & chinking. Free estimates. 613.818.5187 PARKING SPOT INDOORS OR OUT-
Extra pounds slowing you down? SIDE FOR THE WINTER MONTHSSolutions with Nutrition Coach Certified Packer can help you CLOSE TO THE HOLY CROSS CHURCH, Carol Pillar R.H.N. 613-258-7133, prepare for your move. Cinderella 613-215-0884 support@wholesumapproach. 613.859.4644 com NG CONCERT CHOIR Speech therapy for children NEEDS INEXPENSIVE SEHousecleaning Every mother/ in Kemptville and surrounding CURE COSTUME STORfather needs a housewife phone area. AGE SPACE. 258-3851 Sandy 613.219.7277 613-206-1627 WELL GROUNDED FOOT CARE ADVANCED/ DIABETIC MOBILE CLINIC. ANITA PLUNKETT R.P.N. 613-294-2122 WELLGROUNDED2016@GMAIL.COM BARTLETT BUILT WELDING & FABRICATIONSTEEL, ALUMINUM, STAINLESS CALL KEVIN 705-933-2517 MR & MRS CLEAN RESIDENTIAL/ COMMERCIAL CLEANING. FOR QUOTE MRANDMRSCLEAN613@ GMAIL.COM OR 613-867-2184
Brendan Plunkett: Finishing Carpentry Call or e-mail for a quote. 613-986-4533
Rural Home Care services-Affordable, personal, professional 250 ML CANNING JARS FOR CHARITY & experienced care for your loved JAM & JELLY SALES. CALL BILLY/ one. 613.868.0356 VALERIE @ 258.4529 ONE ON ONE Computer Training: Sigma Computer Systems is now offering 1/2 hour classes on Saturdays. Please call 613.258.9716 for more information
SNOW BIRDS-PLAN NOW. Qualified professional HANDY MAN specializing in house sitter, now booking ass- renovations & house staging. We ingments-short or long term do it all CALL 613.294.2416 - 613.258.5284 You Name It, I Can Sew Post-Concussion Tutoring It. Call Rhonda at 258-5248 Support OCT certified. Ashley: 613-898-8676 or ashley@ HEARTLAND FENCE & DECK. RENOVATION SPECIALIST. BRIAN 613-796-9790
MATH TUTORING, qualified teacher. Grades 7-11, 8-9pm in Property clean-up, trees/ old town 613.863.5639 brush/yard waste, scrap metal, dump runs, anything removed. CFSC $ CRFSC Courses and Call Wayne Scott at 613 286 9072 exams Steve Hoy 613.258.6162 November 2, 2016
Senior needs old car batteries for making weights. Call 613 258 6254. FOR SALE FOR SALE - 2016 HUSQVARNA Z 14
Email to
Class E or B license-licensed (mini-bus) Bus Driver required for a run in Kemptville. Email resume to or call 613223-3241 for more information. WANTED GRADE 12 MATH TUTOR WANTED, FLEXIBLE HOURS, RATE NEGOTIABLE 613-791-1925 APARTMENT WANTED MERRICKVILLE. MUST BE GROUND FLOOR EASY ACCESS FOR SENIOR ALL INCLUSIVE RENT. (613) 269-4637.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Hardwood MIXED HARDWOOD FIREWOOD. $100.00 per cord delivered. Soft- $100 PER CORD DELIVERED. wood 75.00 per cord delivered. TWO CORD MINIMUM.CHARLIE Call Peter 613-913-0810. Oxford 989-2768. Mills SEAGATE 1.5TB EXPANSION EXTERNAL DRIVE, $70 FIRM. 613-269-3301
Shinglers and labourers required immediately. Please call 613599-0010
CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville
For Advertising rates please contact Peter at or call 613 989 2850
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
FALL CAR CARE 2016 (NC) As Canadians, we’ve become accustomed to harsh weather conditions and have come to embrace the unexpected. As much fun as this season can be, winter is also challenging for drivers. That’s why it’s imperative that every driver properly prepares their vehicle to handle the snow, ice, and slush.
Everything you need to know about winter tires
Winter tires are manufactured with a specific tread and a rubber compound designed to maintain your vehicle's grip, traction, and braking quality at lower temperatures. Nadeau recommends the Michelin X-Ice Xi3. Rated by consumer specialized reports as among the best in its category for several years running, it provides ultimate winter confidence and safety over many kilometres.
According to Carl Nadeau, Michelin driving expert, the first
step is making sure your vehicle is equipped with the right set of winter tires. He says a common misconception is that winter tires are only necessary when snow begins to fall.
Quebec is currently the only province in Canada where winter tires are required by law from December 15 to March 15. According to a recent survey, the introduction of mandatory winter tire use has resulted in a 5 per cent decline in road accidents. Transport Canada encourages all provinces to use winter tires during this time period.
“But winter tires are required when the temperature falls below 7 degrees Celsius. At that temperature, both summer and all-season tires begin to stiffen. At temperatures consistently below10 degrees Celsius, they have an effect similar to a hockey puck,” Nadeau explains.
November 2, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
FALL CAR CARE 2016 4 tips to get your vehicle ready for frigid conditions (NC) From scraping snow off your car to maneuvering through a snowstorm, winter driving can be frustrating for even the most seasoned driver. “Like it or not, winter driving is a Canadian driver's rite of passage,” says Darryl Croft, automotive maintenance expert at OK Tire. “Although winter conditions vary by province, knowing what to do and how to get your car winter ready is the best way to ensure you arrive at your destination safely.”Here are Croft's top winter tips to get you and your car through the winter safely: 1. Extend your battery life. Cold temperatures can prove disastrous when it comes to battery life. To prevent being stranded in the cold, have your battery checked by an automotive expert to determine if yours will last the winter. Batteries should generally be replaced every five years.
2. Keep the gas tank full. Fuel economy is worse during colder months due to idling, lowered tire pressure, and increased usage of electrical devices. To prevent getting stranded, refill your gas tank before the gauge hits below the halfway mark. 3. Winter tire 101. Finding the right tire is essential for getting you through winter safely. Take into consideration the car make, model, weather, and wear before buying winter tires. Remember that allweather tires aren't designed for severe cold. Winter tires offer the best traction, handling, and braking in temperatures below 7°C. 4. Pack a survival kit. A winter survival kit will prepare you for any situation. A small shovel and non-clumping kitty litter or salt (for traction) are essential if you get stuck in snow. Other items to have in your kit include a blanket, warm clothing, non-perishable food items, candles and matches, emergency flares, flashlight, and booster cables. Find more information at
2840 County Road 43 Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0
Now offering rust proofing service to cars and light trucks
Mark Streit
“Taking care of cars and people who drive them” November 2, 2016
Ginette Streit
1303 Kingdom Rd, Kemptville, 613-258-6607 16
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
FALL CAR CARE 2016 Get a grip on winter driving with proper tire maintenance CNC) As soon as the temperature drops to 7°C, many non-winter tires begin to lose traction and grip. Winter tires are typically made with a different rubber compound than all-season and summer tires, allowing them to remain softer during cold weather. This provides the flexibility that ultimately leads to excellent handling and traction even in the absence of snow or ice. But having winter tires is only half the battle. One of the best things you can do for your safety and the safety of any passengers and other drivers on the road is ensuring your winter tires are properly maintained. “Tougher driving conditions mean more wear and tear on your tires, so it's a good idea to check your winter tires before hitting the road — especially if they've already seen a few seasons,” recommends Andrew Horsman, executive director of Ontario Tire Stewardship. “While it's always important to have a well-maintained set of tires on your vehicle, the difference in performance can be even more dramatic in the winter.” Follow these tips to keep your tires well-maintained this season: Put a lid on it. If valve caps are left off, the moisture in the valves can freeze. This can lead to escaped air and a flat tire. Stay watchful. Check your tire pressure at least once a month when the tires are cold and before you head out for a drive. While this is good practice all year, it's especially important in the winter when air pressure and temperatures are at extremes. Under- or over-inflated tires may not accelerate, brake, or steer properly. Not sure what your tire pressure should be? The vehicle information placard is a small sticker that lists the proper pressure for both your front and rear tires. Be consistent. Use winter tires on all four wheels. While it may seem less costly to replace one or two tires at a time, having mismatched tires can lead to rapid and uneven tread wear or even mechanical issues. Inconsistent traction can be dangerous and can lead to sliding and skidding. Replace and recycle. Part of safe winter driving is knowing when your tires have outlived their lifespan. Replace winter tires every two to three seasons, and drop-off up to four used tires free at a registered Ontario Tire Stewardship collector.
November 2, 2016
35 Years in Business
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
FALL CAR CARE 2016 Top 5 tips for winter-proofing your car (NC) For many Canadians winter means hot chocolate, hockey, and holidays. It also means getting your car ready to brave the cold and challenging road conditions. “Winter driving can be a challenge when the roads are icy and slippery. Accidents can increase in those months,” explains Tracy Laughlin, Vice President, Personal Lines, Ontario and Atlantic at Intact Insurance. “It's always best to be prepared for the unexpected when driving during winter. One part of the solution is adopting sensible driving habits and the other part is preparing your car.” Here are Laughlin's tips to help ensure you stay safe on the roads this winter: 1. Change your tires. Replace your all-season tires with winter tires. These will allow you to stop up sooner and will improve your control of the vehicle. Keep up the maintenance of your tires by inspecting them regularly and checking the tire pressure at least once a month. 2. Check your wipers. You can't drive if you can't see, so make sure your wiper blades are working properly or consider getting new ones that clear the windshield without leaving streaks. This will improve your vision and driving during a winter storm. 3. Check fluid and heat. Make sure your car has enough windshield washer fluid. Switch to a fluid that is rated -40°C during cold months. Test your heating system to ensure it's working properly. 4. Pack an emergency kit. An emergency kit comes in handy if your car breaks down or if you're in an accident. The kit should include things like antifreeze, a flashlight, batteries, blankets, a candle, matches, hazard markers, a snow shovel, an ice scraper, sand, booster cables, food, and the phone number of a local towing company. 5. Clean your car. Before driving, remove all the snow and ice from your car. Key areas are the hood, roof, windows, and most importantly, the lights that help you see road obstacles, vehicles, and pedestrians.
Change up time.....Time to beat the rush for your Winter tires and Jordan Cook of Myers Kemptville is already primed and ready for your next appointment.
December 15, 2016
November 2, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
MYERS Kemptville
We Are Kemptville’s #1 Tire Dealer! GOODYEAR ULTRA GRIP
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The North Grenville Times
Royal LePage OVCA Women’s Fall Curling Classic
The event where champions are made
Team Arsenault by Jim Dolan As I write this final article in the lead up to the Royal LePage OVCA Women’s Fall Classic that runs from Nov 3-6 at the North Grenville Curling Club in Kemptville, I am watching the introduction of the women’s semi-finalist teams in the World Financial Group Masters event from Okotoks, Alberta. What piques my interest is that all
four teams in the semi-final - Ottawa’s Rachel Homan, Caledon, Ontario’s Allison Flaxey, Sweden’s Anna Hasselborg and Switzerland’s Silvana Tirinzoni, have played in the Royal LePage OVCA Women’s Fall Classic. Rachel Homan is a two time winner of the Fall Classic. Flaxey and Tirinzoni finished runners up and Hasselborg made it to the quarter-final.
Team Macauley It has me dig a little deeper and I discover that at least 20 of the 60 women players in the event have participated in the Fall Classic at the North Grenville Curling Club in downtown Kemptville. This is simply mind boggling to me to think that local curling fans who have attended the Fall Classic over the years have enjoyed watching some of the best curlers in the world hone their skills at an event in
their own backyard. What attracts 24 teams to come to Kemptville every year to play in the Fall Classic? I think there are five reasons. We have an enthusiastic supporter of women’s curling in local Title Sponsor – Royal LePage Team Realty. We have many other local sponsors who allow us to put on a first class event. Our club is blessed with so many dedicated and
Catch up hockey doesn’t cut it for 73’s
Andiano for the go ahead and Nicolas Samson will snap it through the five-hole to even it up again. Samanski snapped one into goalie’s body and Jared Burke capitalized to give Ottawa a 3 - 2 victory. Tuesday night’s game featured the Smiths Falls Bears in our barn seeking revenge after their loss in September. Back and forth effort for both clubs, as they tried to corral the bouncing puck, but Michael McKenney from Gibson and Golassco at 2:30 to put the Bears on the sheet. Kemptvile SOG 14 - 6 and down by one to end first frame. Second goaround as the Bears on a three-on-one from DiCarlo and Shannon as Jared Henry pumped in the rebound at 4:34. Kemptville came back at 3:04 with PPG when Guy wins draw across to Row to find Matt Tugnutt gliding through the circle to spoil Kitchen’s SO. Kemptville’s SOG 12 - 9, behind by one. Last twenty: at 19:25 Tracy across the neautral zone unto Rowe’s stick
Not to night....73's out played in own barn as Nicolas Hodgins was continuely being swarmed thesportsguy After the previous loss received in Ottawa against the Senators in September the boys are seeking retribution on Sunday. The “sin-bin” was busy before Ottawa finally opened the scoring at 1:46, as Cole Lavoie pumped in rebound with helpers from White and Cross to close out period. SOG for Senators 12 to 8. Next frame: Merrick Rippon from McCaw and Samson at 17:42 to put Ottawa ahead by two. At 14:11 Tracy knocks down the rubber and his man over the line to Alex November 2, 2016
Row who ``dips & dives`` over stoppers shoulder to make it two to one. The 73`s would spend double time on the slab to give Ottawa the advantage, but PK shut them down to end on 2 to 1 for Senators. SOG for Ottawa was 18 to 8. Final twenty: at 13:30 the boys launched their comeback when Kirkby wins the battle off the boards, over to Wichers to rifle it and Tyler Beauparlant pick up rebound to tie at two. Ottawa called TO to settle down situation at 1:36 and
Kemptville would follow suit at 0:46 with man advantage. SOG for Kemptville 16 to 11 and moving to OT. Extra time with-out final result except for 73’s stay on the slab and their PK came through to force SO. Second sniper Quinn Wichers hesitated as he slid puck past Andriano down and out. Ottawa responded as Zachary Cross criss-crossed with a back hander to beat Hodgins. Next two shooters for both clubs will be stoned by their stoppers. Owen Guy for Kemptville will undress 20
The Voice of North Grenville
enthusiastic volunteers who through their hard work allow the event to run so smoothly. Our curling facility provides teams with a unique curling experience of playing on arena ice as the building used to be home to some great local hockey teams. And finally, I believe that teams come to experience our down home hospitality that you can only find when you visit small communities like North Grenville. It makes me proud to be a member of this community. If you want to see if the upcoming class of women’s curlers, including Erin Macaulay and Danielle Inglis, can make the Fall Classic a stepping stone to future greatnest or watch a number of veteran curling teams, including, Canadian Curling Hall of Fame member - Nova Scotia’s Marry-Anne Arsenault, Ontario’s Sherry Middaugh, Quebec’s MarieFrance Larouche or Ottawa’s veteran Cheryl McBain, show
the younger generation that they will have to wait till next year to hoist the Fall Classic Championship Shield, then come by the North Grenville Curling for four great days of curling beginning November 3. Games run all day Thursday starting at 9:15 am with the final draw at 9:00 pm and Friday starting at 8:45 am with the final draw starting at 8:00 pm. On Saturday there are four draws at 9:00 am, 11:30 am, 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Championship Sunday features the Quarter Finals at 9:00 am, the semifinals at 12:30 pm and the Championship game at 3:30 pm. For a complete list of teams, draws and games visit the Fall Classic website at Admission is $15 for an Event Pass and $10 for a Day Pass. Persons 17 and under are admitted free.
over to Alex Row in the slot to out-wait the stopper for the tie goal. Tre Folkes answered back with helpers from Busschaert and Peterson at 5:20. The go-ahead came from Nicolas Coates with assist from Garlassco and McKenny at 4:45. Hodgins pulled at 3:03 to give 73’s opportunity to bounce back, but bad coverage gave Busschaeart chance to clear to Tre Folkes in open ice to end contest with SHG and EN at 2:21. Bears were hungry a were fed a 5 - 2 win. Kemptville played catchup hockey from the first puckdrop and the defence could not stop the swarming of the net. Hopefully Friday’s challenge with Carleton Place Canadians will be a stronger effort. Unfortunately, the initial SHG goal from Connor Merkley at 13:56 set the scene for the game. Canadians outshot 73’s by 13 - 9. Carleton Place is a well oiled machine, with Hughes constantly shouting out directions to his troops. They are always looking to spring open man through neutral zone and, if this
doesn’t connect, they suffer icing the rubber. Carleton Place continued to force the play in the second for two unanswered markers, as Lombardozzi found Colin Hill for PPG at 5:15. Another PPG at 3:17 when Dodson and Freisen cyled around to Cade Townend to make it 3 0 for the Canadians. Carleton Place SOG 20 to 12. Final frame: Kemptville gets on the board at 18:48 with a man advantage, pass and go from Guy to Alavi, and Alex Row buries the garbage over sprawling Hughes. At 1:52 Hodgins is pulled with the 73’s down by 3 to 1. They are in opposition end, but can’t initiate shooting lanes, so 73’s call TO at 1:23 to draw a plan. Matt Tugnutt rattles a rocket off a defender that travels all the way down the ice into a 73’s open net at 0:03 to end the night with 4 - 1 loss for our boys. Kemptville SOG 13 - 9. Next home game against the Hawkesbury Hawks on Tuesday, November 1 at 7:30. Come out and support your team…Hockey with EDGE and excitement.