Nov 15 17 issue 46 ng times

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Vol. 5, No.46

The Voice of North Grenville

November 15, 2017




Deal reached on Kemptville College

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This past Wednesday, November 8, was a landmark day in the history of North Grenville. Though the Municipality is only 9 years old, there was an announcement on Wednesday that may indeed be commemorated for a very long time to come. The Municipality of North Grenville and the Government of Ontario released a joint statement to announce that the two parties had agreed in principle that the Province will sell a large portion of the main campus and surrounding property of the former Kemptville College Campus to the

Municipality. Although there were no specifics provided on the agreement, such as financial details, breakdown of what exactly the municipality bought, or if other parties were involved in the deal, North Grenville CAO (and North Grenville’s negotiator), Brian Carré, said that the responses to these questions wouldn’t be provided until the formal Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS) was signed. He could only speculate on when that would be, but he hoped that it would happen by Christmas. The CAO added that the non-disclosure agreement that was in place during

negotiations, which kept him from sharing information, is still in place until the APS is signed. The statement released by the two levels of government failed to disclose many key pieces of information about the purchase. What was the price that North Grenville paid? How will it be paid? Where will the money come from? Will we be taking on debt, or be somehow financing the deal? What’s included in the purchase? Is another organization or private company involved in the purchase? Why does nothing about Kemptville Campus appear in the municipal budget? How

will the plan move forward without any money? Who’s responsible for fixing/ replacing the underground infrastructure? Do the schools that are there have a financial stake in the deal? Will we finally be able to see all of the feasibility study prepared by BDO? When asked about what he could disclose, Brian Carré was able to explain that most pieces of the main campus lands and buildings were included in the deal. He also said that areas such as the crop land, forested area, trail system, agroforestry centre, greenhouses, sports continued on page 2

The North Grenville Times continued from front page facilities, teaching and administration buildings, storage buildings, residences, and the main cafeteria were all included. As far as which pieces of land were included, approximately 633 of the 850 acres will now be owned by North Grenville. During negotiations, the provincial government decided to assign dollar

values to particular items and pieces of the former college’s land. The biggest piece missing from the deal was what is referred to as “the Farm”, which is the piece of land that lies on the east side of County Road 44 and includes the Barr Arena, amongst other buildings. When asked why this piece was excluded, the

CAO replied that “bottom line, it was simply too expensive”. The CAO also mused that it didn’t really fit into the future vision for the Kemptville Campus Education and Community Hub. Another piece that was not included was a section of land that is bordered to the south by Concession Road and on one side by the South

Branch River. This section was believed to be desired by developers as prime residential development land. Despite the rumours, the message was clear that there was absolutely no intention of selling any part of this new land acquisition for further residential development.

Thanks to Judy Garland Reward offered for return of wood processor for Making Hearts Light by Hilary Thomson at Christmas A few members of the community have rallied around a local man who had a $20,000 wood processor stolen last month. On October 15, Troy Dulmage realized that his wood processor had been taken in the night from where he stores it on his son’s farm on South Gower Drive, between Hess and Pelton Roads. Troy says his son was the last person to see it when he was out on the property late Saturday night. “Police said it looked like they knew what they were doing,” Troy says. Troy’s son, Dan Dulmage, says that this isn’t the first time they’ve had a piece of large equipment stolen off their property. They had a solar-powered electric fencer stolen last summer, and a snowmobile was taken from their property on Christmas Eve last year. “We were home, and someone just drove it off the property,” Dan says. “It’s very frustrating.” In an effort to get the wood processor back and catch the person who stole it, Eric Monkman, Chuck Comeau, and Gary Bolton are offering a reward of $2,500 for the return of the equipment and arrest of the person or persons responsible. Eric says he believes that thefts like this are becoming more and more of an issue in the area. “There is a local underground network of thieves and drug dealers,” he says. “Small thefts fuel the drug culture.” According to the OPP, there has not been a rise in thefts or property crimes in North Grenville this year. That being said, it is possible that small thefts are still happening that go unreported. Troy agrees with Eric that it’s becoming more and more of a problem in the farming community. “It kind of makes you sick to think people are doing that,” he says.

Upcoming auditions An Inspector Calls

by Cathie Raina 'An Inspector Calls', by J.B. Priestley, is a drama, written in 1945, and taking place in an English Industrial town in 1912. An inspector arrives to interrogate an eminently respectable family regarding the suicide of a young girl. All members are implicated lightly or deeply in the young girl's undoing. The cast requires 4 men, ages mid-20s to 60, and 3 women, ages mid-20s to 60. The Kemptville Players will hold auditions on Sunday, December 3, at 2:00 pm, and Wednesday, December 6, at 7:00 pm. at the IOOF HALL, 119 Clothier St., Kemptville. Rehearsals will be starting in January, on Sundays at 2:00 pm and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. The play will take place May 10-13, 2018. Contact:

by Elisabeth Rubli Many holiday songs we know and love today were made popular by famous crooners of the time, like Bing Crosby, Judy Garland, and Frank Sinatra. Soft and sentimental melodies, lulling you into dreams of tinsel and sugarplums. “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” is one of the holiday classics you’ll enjoy in the North Grenville Concert Choir’s upcoming presentation of “A Crooner Christmas”. This song premiered in the 1944 movie “Meet Me in St. Louis”, in a famous scene where Judy Garland and her little sister console each other before moving away from the home that they love. The original lyrics, however, did not conjure up visions of sugarplums. In fact, they were downright depressing! “Have yourself a merry little Christmas / It may be your last.... Faithful friends who were dear to us / Will be near to us no more.” Garland was so taken aback, that she asked the songwriters to change the lyrics for the film. And we now sing the more hopeful: "Let your heart be light / Next year all our troubles will be out of sight” NGCC promises to make your heart light and the Yuletide gay with this nostalgic collection of classic seasonal songs! A Crooner Christmas: Sunday, November 26, 2:00pm, at St. Clare’s Anglican in Winchester; Friday, December 1, 7:30pm, at Southgate Church in Kemptville; and Sunday, December 2, 7:30pm, at Holy Trinity Church in Merrickville. Tickets $15 available at Brewed Awakenings in Kemptville, Mirick’s Landing in Merrickville, and online at www.ngcc.eventbrite. ca. For info call 613-322-6484, or visit

Holy Cross Raffle Winners The winners of the Holy Cross Church Bazaar, Kemptville, held on November 4, 2017 are: 1st Prize - Floral Appliqué Quilt: Margaret Brunton 2nd Prize - Polaroid Tablet and Keyboard: Josie Ruyf 3rd Prize - Christmas Wall Hanging: Jeannie Wardleworth

The Voice of North Grenville

Engaging the community - win with the Times

This week's giveaway is a $25 dollar gift card to Salamanders, Downtown Kemptville

Salamanders Restaurant is a great spot for family gatherings and is very child-friendly. Their aim is to give all of their guests the very best food and service possible. Come and experience the relaxing, comfortable and warm atmosphere at Salamanders today. Prizes will be given away, and to be eligible they must be a subscriber to our web site. We send weekly updates on the most important news and events happening in North Grenville, as well as giveaways and contests like this one! We never spam, share, or sell our list, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Prizes will be announced in the paper, Facebook and on our site on Wednesdays, and will run for a week.

Subscribe today by going to our website at “Whether your needs are simple or complex, I will address your investment and retirement related needs.”


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November 15, 2017


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The Spirit of Christmas in Oxford Mills

free pancake breakfast with Santa at the United Church on Water Street. This event is sponsored by Gerry Van Gurp and will be served by the North Grenville Scouts. Sausages generously donated by Erick Le Pors of Dial-aChef. Santa Claus will meet with children and adults alike, and review the notes he has been making all year! Get your picture taken with him and earn extra ‘Santa Points’. Local craftspeople will display their wares both inside and outside Maplewood Hall at the Christmas Craft Sale from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Visitors can keep warm around the fire barrels that will be ablaze outside, and by purchasing a delicious bowl of soup from the Brigadoon Restaurant. Keep up to date by visiting our Facebook Event page.

The Christmas Craft Sale, 2016 Photo by Jim DeVette by Marc Nadeau Get into the Christmas spirit on Friday, December 1 and Saturday, December 2, at some festive events hosted by the Oxford Mills Community Association. The weekend starts with carolling at 6:30 on Friday evening in front of the historic town hall, led by the Oxford Mills

Sisterhood of Guiding. Bring your best voice, your youngsters, and a flashlight to sing in the season. The Christmas tree will be lit at 7 p.m., after which everyone is welcome to make their way to Maplewood Hall to meet with Santa and enjoy a hot chocolate and

home-baked treats. This is a time to meet with friends and neighbours, to socialize, and appreciate the community we live in. At around 8 p.m., judges will tour the hamlet and surrounding area to chose the most beautifully decorated homes. Come back on Saturday morning at 9:00 for a




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To the People of Kemptville This Thank-you is long over due. The members of the South Wind Brigade had the amazing good fortune to participate in a once-in-a-life time, eight day Voyageur Canoe trip from Kingston to Ottawa to celebrate Canada 150. The entire Brigade of over 130 paddlers and 14 voyageur canoes were invited to be guests in Kemptville on June 29 of this year. This paddle was a challenging endeavour, even more so with the continual downpour from Merrickville and all the way up the South Branch to the water-logged shores of Curry Park. Imagine the surprise of 130 soaking wet paddlers when they reached Kemptville. Neighbours offered to store our gear and, seemingly out of nowhere, a stream of cars arrived to drive us to a location where we could spend the night out of the

bad weather. We arrived to find that the Rotary Club had moved the entire BBQ set up from Curry Park to the new site, where they fed 130 grateful paddlers. That night we camped, comfy, cosy and well-fed. The following day, Pastor Ken Gehrels of the Christian Reformed Church graciously provided refuge, as we sorted out logistics to continue the paddle through Ottawa on Canada Day. In addition to the Rotary Club and Pastor Gehrels, we wish to thank Mayor David Gordon and Councillor Donovan Arnaud for the invitation to Kemptville and for making the arrangements for emergency shelter. A big thank you to Doug Lee for his humanitarian response. We also wish to thank David Shanahan and Maggie Boyer, of the

North Grenville Times, for their support from the first discussions about the Brigade visiting Kemptville, until the last of us boarded a yellow school bus bound for Hartwell Locks. Most importantly, a big shout out to the people of Kemptville! This truly was a memorable paddle adventure on so many levels, not the least being the kindness and generosity of the good people of Kemptville.

CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville

Furniture - Boat Seats/Repairs Ken Schliemann Leather / Vinyl Repair 613.713.4444 Mortorcycle / Ski-Doo 132 Prescott St., Kemptville

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Gord Logan

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Thank you, David Kroetsch and Kay Rogers, On behalf of Max Finkelstein and the South Wind Voyageur Brigade

Send in your letters to the editor to

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physiotherapy . massage therapy . acupuncture/dry needling . exercise November 15, 2017


Mike Gaynor/Micheline Dionne

115 Sanders Street, Kemptville


The North Grenville Times Merrickville/Wolford Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford

A piece of history for sale in Eastons Corners

The Carriage Factory today of family pride, much like cars today. The carriage factory in Eastons Corners, that is now up for sale, was started by Robert G. Eastman in the 1850s. When he moved to Merrickville to start up another carriage-making business, the factory was taken over by John Watts and Sons, who continued to operate into the 20th century. Most recently, the building was restored and made into an antiques shop. It is now the only surviving reminder of the carriage industry in the area.

Twin carriage shops in Eastons Corners, Wolford township. The first one (right) was built about 1870 by Mr. Watts whose name can still be seen on the building; the second one was added a few years later to cope with the expanding trade. Credit: Parks Canada by Hilary Thomson A few properties have come up for tax sale in Merrickville-Wolford, one of which holds a building that is part of the rich carriagemaking history of the area. The John Watts and Sons Carriage Factory in Eastons Corners is a glimpse into the past, when carriage works

lined the Rideau Corridor. The carriages built in these factories were necessary to fill the need for horse drawn buggies that were being used for moving freight goods, delivering mail, visiting neighbours, picking up supplies, and dating. By 1840, carriages had become an integral part of everyday life in the pioneering community. The carriage not only

supported trade in the area, but also the growth of “carriage works”, as it was called, which included foundry and wood processing industries. As these trades were already alive and well in Merrickville-Wolford, carriage-making was a natural next step. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th century, horse-drawn carriages reigned supreme and became a source

Christmas Fun from TNIM by Andrea Howard Theatre Night in Merrickville has been entertaining villagers and visitors for 42 years! The award-winning tradition will continue this December with our production of “My Three Angels”, by Sam and Bella Spewak. The story takes place in 1910, on Christmas Eve, in a shop in French Guiana. The shopkeeper has hired three convicts from the local prison to repair his roof. The cons overhear their boss worrying about family and business troubles that might lead to their losing their jobs. And these truly tough guys have started falling in love with the nice folks they work for! So, using not altogether lawful methods, the convicts set about putting things right. “My Three Angels” is a light comedy of errors, with enough cons 'n scams and twists 'n turns to keep the audience spellbound. Oldsters among us may recall the classic November 15, 2017

1955 buddy film, “We're No Angels”, starring Humphrey Bogart, Aldo Ray and Peter Ustinov. Our three angels will be Al Billiald, Stephen Fuller, and Ian Bell. The shopkeeper, his wife and daughter will be played by Roly Roy, Sheila Cook and Peyton Horning. Dick Shearman and Michael Phillips play the unwelcome family. Shirley Molloy is the local busybody, and Chris Chinkiwsky will make his acting debut with a cameo role. The play is produced by Bronwen McKnight and directed by Margaret Shearman, the grande dame of TNIM, whose swansong, alas, this production will be. And what a crew they have engaged: fully 20 volunteers are involved in creating the show – from stage managers, costume, sound, lighting, properties and set designers, to builders and painters, to musicians and make-up artists. Another 10 or so kick in to bring it home:

Merrickville-Wolford Treasurer, Sheila Kehoe, says the property that holds the old carriage factory, as well as several other properties in the municipality, are being sold for non-payment of taxes, as per the Municipal Act. If the Municipality does not receive payment before November 30, and if there are bids for the properties, they will be sold to the highest bidder. The property at 88 Main Street in Eastons Corners is sitting at a minimum tender amount of $14,650.27. The successful purchaser will be responsible for paying the

amount tendered, plus the accumulated taxes, HST if applicable, and the relevant land transfer tax. For more information on the other properties listed for tax sale visit


publicity, tickets, programs, lobby decoration and canteen. International students from Fulford Academy practice their English by being ushers, and join the dozen volunteers enlisted just to transform the Merrickville Community Centre into a 200-seat theatre, in order to showcase our top drawer productions for your amusement. Well, we have fun doing it too… especially for a full house! And it's never too late to get involved. What can we say… it takes a village to raise a curtain! So, to lighten the holiday season, plan to kick back for a good laugh with some fine, live, community theatre. “My Three Angels” will play Friday and Saturday, December 8 and 9, at 7:30, and Sunday December 10 at 2. Tickets are available online at www.merrickvilletheatre. org, or in person at Mrs. McGarrigle's Fine Foods and the Merrickville Book Emporium.




DECEMBER 8, 9, 10 ~ 2017





The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Remembrance day in Merrickville

New date for South Korean visit

by Hilary Thomson The Embassy contacted the Merrickville and District Chamber of Commerce in October, expressing interest in paying a visit to the Village. The South Korean Embassy picks one small town in Canada every year to visit, and this year the honour has fallen to Merrickville. November 24 will be Korea Day in Merrickville-Wolford, with South Korean representatives making presentations and visiting with members of the business community. The Embassy will be making two presentations to the youth in Merrickville about South Korea, one to the elementary schools (Merrickville Public School and Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys) and another to Fulford Preparatory College. Karl Feige has asked that the Municipality sponsor a lunch for the dignitaries and local business owners and, in the evening, he hopes to organize a reception, complete with traditional Korean food and drink. “It is a bit of an honour to be chosen by them,” Karl says. “It’s important for us, because we are in the tourism industry, and what they take away from their visit is going to be logged and shared.” Welcoming a South Korean presence in Merrickville-Wolford is yet another opportunity for the community to play a role on the world stage. Karl says that, with European leisure boating company Le Boat coming to the area in the spring, any exposure that the Municipality can have in countries around the world will bode will for increasing tourism and make MerrrickvilleWolford an even more popular destination.

Talking hiking at the Health Centre

On November 18, Merrickville District Trails Society member, Ivan Wood, will be making a presentation at the Community Health Centre in Merrickville about his experiences hiking in

Musical Melodies Concert in Merrickville Merrickville Children and Adult Choirs join together to present their “Musical Melodies” concert on Sunday, December 3 at 7:00 p.m. at the Merrickville United Church. The choirs will be joined by guests Rideau Voices, a vocal trio. Come and be inspired by songs, including “Thank You For The Music”, “I Got Rhythm”, “Moonlight Serenade”, and “All That Jazz”. You will leave the concert saying to yourself: "I can't help singing!" Susan Maconnachie, Choir Director, and Kathleen Howard, Accompanist, have volunteered their time and shared their musical talents to prepare the children and adults for this wonderful evening of music. Admission is by donation and proceeds from the concert will go to the Merrickville Food Cupboard. For more information, please contact Susan Maconnachie at linessusan@ November 15, 2017

South America. The presentation is part of the Trails Society’s Fall Trails Talk, where the objective is to promote awareness of the trails in Merrickville, and how great walking can

be for the body, mind and spirit. Ivan is also a charter member of the Merrickville Cross Country Ski Club and an avid hiker. He travels and hikes in interesting places all over the world and will be talking about his recent hiking trips to Patagonia, Torres Del Paine National Park in Chile, and Glacier National Park in Argentina. The doors of the Health Centre will open at 9:30am, with the talk beginning at 10:00am. All are welcome and light refreshments will be served.

Jang Hoi Kim Lee, Consul General of South Korea, attended the event and laid a wreath at the cenotaph.

Larkspur Mall Merchants

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Glen Morrison and Gail Garland play the Last Post at the Remembrance ceremonies

E-mail: For a chance to win prizes which include gift certificates


The North Grenville Times

Draft budget for 2018 available & ready for public comments

submitted by the Municipality of North Grenville The first draft of Budget 2018: Journey Towards Financial Sustainability, is a balanced budget that allocates over $26 million to fund projects as diverse as road re-construction, a new play structure, a satellite fire station and continued improvements to the trails system. Of the $26 million included in the budget, approximately $13.5 million will be raised from Municipal taxes which represents a 2% tax rate increase in keeping with the Council-approved Long-Term Financial Plan. The remaining budget will be funded from a variety of other sources including grants, user fees, development charges and reserves. Budget 2018 does not include any new borrowing. The first draft of the budget was released on the Municipal website on November 6 and formally presented at the Committee of the Whole meeting that evening. The complete draft budget is on the Municipal website at Paper copies of the budget are available for review at the Municipal Office (285 County Road 44) or the Public Library (1 Water Street). The presentation that was made at the Committee meeting with highlights from Budget 2018 is also available on the website. The next steps in the process are special budget meetings for public consultation which are scheduled for: November 16 at 3:30 p.m. The budget meetings are open to the public and will be live streamed on the Municipal website. Video of the meetings will also be archived and available for viewing anytime on the Agenda & Minutes page of the website. The public is encouraged to stay informed and engaged by asking questions during the budget process. Questions can be asked in person at the special meetings or asked via email or phone to any member of Council, Director of Finance/Treasurer Nicole Zywicki or CAO Brian Carré.

Hard to balance home budgets by the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit Juggling the budget is an increased challenge when income source is minimum wage or social programs. A family of four, with one full time minimum wage earner, a single, female-led family with two children receiving Ontario Works, or a male on disability benefits, all struggle to cover the cost of basic living needs. In Leeds, Grenville and Lanark, almost 10% of our total households are food insecure. Food insecurity means not having enough money to buy nutritious food. Those who are food insecure are at higher risk for poor physical, oral and mental health. “Food charity is not the solution,” says Marie Traynor, Registered Dietitian. “It is a short-term relief strategy and an emergency response to dire need, rather than a solution to the root causes of food insecurity. Food insecurity is an income-based problem, not a food-based problem.” Imagine not having enough money for your basic needs every month, which leads to choosing between nutritious food and other basic living costs. Marie adds, “when money is tight meals are skipped, birth weights, nutritional health, learning and productivity decrease and the risk of disease increases.” See the Health Unit’s 2017 Food Insecurity infographic for the numbers and use them to raise awareness of the financial constraints of poverty that are the root causes of food insecurity and; and as a call to action for economic policy changes. Nutritious_Food_Basket.pdf. November 15, 2017

The Voice of North Grenville

Beware of Job Ad Scams them by e-mai l, or phone, it is often unprofessional. Watch for grammatical errors and, possibly, poor English. Often the boss or employer is from out of town and unclear about his location. Watch out for onthe-spot job offers. You may be an excellent candidate for the job, but beware of offers made without a face to face interview. They may ask you for your bank account information to set up a direct deposit ,or to transfer money into your account. They may ask for personal information, such as your date of birth and social insurance number. Don't fall for an overpayment scam. No company would overpay an employee and then ask them to wire the money elsewhere. They may want you to pay for something; for example, they may ask you to purchase a

The Grenville County Ontario Provincial Police would like to remind the public that scammers will prey on those seeking employment. Fraudulent job advertisement has been placed in local newspapers, on-line and in text messages. The fraudulent ads are often vague, the criteria and experience for the applicant is minimal and the pay is above average. The scammer looks to attract as many job seekers as possible. Here are some tips to spot a job scam: Always be wary of work from home or secret shopper positions. Be suspicious of jobs advertised with a generic title, such as caregiver or customer service representative. Be wary of vague job requirements and job descriptions. If you are in contact with

Holly Tea and Bazaar

type of software, or pay for a resume review. Legitimate employers will not ask for money, or try to sell you services or products. If you have been a victim of a scam, please contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501,

or you can contact the local police. Please do your part in recognizing fraud, reporting it, and stopping it.

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

*Gifts *Home Decor *Accent Furniture 207 Prescott Street (Old Kemptville Library)


Remembrance Day at Bayfield Manor

St. John’s United Church, 400 Prescott, Kemptville. All are welcome on November 25, 9 am to 2 pm., for our annual Holly Tea and Bazaar. Lots on offer: bake table, silent auction, seasonal crafts, treasure table, door prizes, something for everyone. Join us for morning coffee and a treat or stay for lunch and enjoy some Christmas musical entertainment. For further details, please check out our web site: www. kemptvilleunitedchurch. org, or call the office at 613-258-3259. Fully a c c e s s i b l e . We l o o k forward to spending time with you.

On November 10, Bayfield Manor hosted a special Remembrance day with members from the Sea Cadets, Legion and Fire Department in attendance. Lila Gilmer is laying a wreath with the help of two young Cadets.




613.258.9400 613.258.5508


The North Grenville Times

Who owns Heritage? by David Shanahan There’s been some hard thinking done recently on the subject of heritage. This week, we have learned about the draft agreement between Ontario and North Grenville concerning the future of Kemptville College. The statement released by the two governments can be read in this issue of the Times. The College has been part of the community for almost a century, and is most certainly a part of our heritage, so it was important that we maintained some control over what happens to the land and the buildings. The Statement does not, by any means, answer all the questions we may have about the plans for the College that have been agreed upon, but there is, at least, a sense that things are moving

forward. Though, as the story by Deron Johnston points out, there are some troubling parts of the Statement that will be watched with concern until all the details of the deal are revealed. Another recent controversy over heritage came with the decision by Council to approve a resolution which effectively means that Leslie Hall will be demolished. This is another century-old part of our heritage that will be sorely missed by the community. In fact, even now, the loss of a practical, efficient and convenientlysited meeting hall is making itself felt. There is simply nowhere else in Kemptville that can adequately replace Leslie Hall. But the controversy involved serious issues that are not easy to decide. The Municipal Heritage

Advisory Committee did their job in bringing forward resolutions in an attempt to save this piece of our heritage. Those who voted against the resolutions, thereby condemning the Hall to destruction, did so, primarily, because the owners, the people of St. James’ Anglican Church responsible for the Hall, did not want it designated as a heritage structure because they simply could not afford the huge sum of money that would be needed to renovate the Hall and make it safe and useable again. So, who owns heritage: the owners of a building, or the community? Who gets to decide which parts of our built heritage are protected, and which are left to be demolished? This is not an easy question, and perhaps there is no single answer. Every case needs to be

The Voice of North Grenville

addressed individually, taking into account the rights of the property owners, the rights of the community, and the state of the building in question. Where the municipality is the owner, as it was with Acton’s Corners School, there is a responsibility, I believe, to act on the wishes and consent of the community, and not to make a quick cash grab by disposing of the asset for a low gain. The article in the Merrickville-Wolford section on the Carriage Factory in Eastons Corners is another example. It is up for a tax sale, unless the taxes are paid by the end of this month. But, rather than gain around $15,000 for the municipal coffers, wouldn’t it be better for the Municipality to take over the property as part of a heritage development project for Eastons Corners as a whole?

T h e Vi l l a g e o f Merrickville has gained a great deal from its heritage character, and is a living proof of the potential for heritage tourism which exists in our region. We live on a World Heritage site, and, to date, nothing has been done in North Grenville to take advantage of that fact. New tourist facilities are coming in next year with the start of the Le Boat operations, and that indicates quite clearly that a European company sees the value of investing in this region as a draw for international tourist traffic. Where is our vision? North Grenville has lost too much of its built heritage already. Not everything can be saved, but what can be, should be. Individual property owners may have rights, and those rights should be respected. But the community as a whole

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Only in Ontario There is a new update form LHIN produced and passed down to Ontario's Community Health Service Centres across Ontario you may or may not be asked to fill out, depending on the location of the centre. So, did the Minister of Health, Dr Hoskins, direct LHIN to produce this form, and, if so, why do the Wynne Liberals need to know our personal information that is not related to health care? This is an invasion of our privacy, in my opinion, as our doctor or doctors already has our medical records. So why does the Ontario government need this info? What will the

Ontario government do with this info, if people actually fill this form out? Do you get better health care if you are white vs other races, or vice versa, or if you make 100 thousand dollars or more a year, do you get better health care than a person making 20 thousand dollars or less a year, or vice versa, or, if you have a family, are you getting better health care than a single person or vice versa? What business does the Ontario health care system operated by the liberals have asking people to fill forms out asking if you are male or female, then asking how you identify yourself, as a

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 November 15, 2017

Marketing Peter Peers 613 989-2850

Dear Editor, I would like to thank all the staff of the North Grenville Times who contributed to the articles featured in the Remembrance Day 2017 edition. The pictures, photos, post cards and personal histories shared with its readers, were very interesting and once again showed what sacrifices were made. Well done. Regards Rita & Bill White

Male - Female -Two Spirited - Intersex - Trans - Female to Male - or Male to Female None - Do not know Other - prefer not to answer? Then they ask you your Sexual Orientation: are you - Heterosexual - Lesbian Bisexual - Two Spirit - Gay - Queer - Other - Do not know - prefer not to answer? What does any of this have to do with health care. I would urge people to contact their local MPP You may want to copy and paste the actual form Dear Editor, Ross Ayotte Smiths Falls Hilary, once again you print a story that fills our hearts, it makes us proud to live in “small town Canada”. Thank you NG Times for placing the story about these two amazing teens, Taylor and Peyton, on your front page where it belongs. Their accomplishments are inspiring and promising. Perhaps you would consider a weekly column that highlights all the “good” that the youth of North Grenville do. How are they completing their

the north grenville

ISSN 2291-0301

TIMES Editor David Shanahan 613-258-5083

Copy Editor Pat Jessop 613-258-4671


Production Manager Marguerite Boyer 613-215-0735


volunteer hours? Projects they are working on in the high schools to share with the community, like the blanket crocheted by the art students at St. Mikes for the LTC at Kemptville Hospital and so on. We have been inundated lately with press about the ineptness of our current city council, the strong handed manner they have treated the Vichos family, the continual increase in taxes with no improvements to our infrastructure etc. It was encouraging to read about these remarkable young ladies. What they have accomplished in just a few years is more than deserving of the awards and commendations they have received. I for one look forward to more stories like this one! J. Stover

Send in your letters to the editor to

Mailing Address 10 Water Street Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Accounting 613-258-4671

also has a right to preserve and protect our shared heritage. If that means compensating owners, then let’s at least look into devising a plan for the future use and preservation of our heritage. This is not a sop to elites, nor is it a waste of taxpayers’ money. The new Official Plan should take seriously the economic potential of heritage, instead of seeing “old buildings” as a drain on our taxes. I know the municipality and some members of Council feel somewhat burned by reaction to the Acton’s Corners debacle. And so they should. But a realistic, practical and comprehensive heritage policy for North Grenville (and MerrickvilleWolford), based on active and serious participation by heritage groups, will make it a great deal easier for everyone to make good decisions in future. And good decisions on heritage matters would be a really welcome change of approach.

CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville

Staff Reporter Deron Johnston Staff Reporter Hilary Thomson

Municipality Matters

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Report from the United Counties

by David Gordon The United Counties of Leeds & Grenville [UCLG] Council has been dealing recently with the problem of chronic homelessness in the province and our municipalities. The goal of the Ontario Government is to end homelessness by the year 2025, and the UCLG are preparing a study to estimate the size of the problem in our region. The Canadian definition of homelessness is the situation of an individual, or family, without stable, permanent, appropriate housing, or the immediate prospect, means and ability of acquiring it. It is the result of systemic or societal barriers, a lack of affordable and appropriate housing , and the individual or household’s financial, mental, cognitive, behavioural, or physical challenges. Most people do not choose to be homeless, and the experience is generally negative, unpleasant, stressful, and distressing. Homelessness has been one

of the hidden shames of Canada for years and now, finally, we are looking at the problem and attempting to eliminate some of the things that create homelessness. The Province, along with the UCLG, will be doing a local enumeration of people experiencing homelessness, and this is planned to take place in May, 2018. The objectives of local homeless enumeration are, first of all, to provide a snapshot of homelessness, including information on the scope and nature of homelessness in our communities, and to provide a mechanism for tracking progress and trends including establishing a baseline sample that can to used to track progress in reducing homelessness and chronic homelessness over time. This will also add to the accuracy of provincial reporting on the problem of homelessness. The enumeration will provide data that our Service Managers can use to monitor the impact of local strategies and initiatives, and will provide information to drive change, spur innovation, and enable continuous improvement. Data gathered through enumeration can provide information about whether programs and initiatives are having the desired impact on the problem of homelessness in the United Counties. Due to the size and

response time’s targets for sudden cardiac arrest and CTAS levels within Leeds and Grenville were achieved. The average response time to life threatening calls in Leeds and Grenville is currently at nine minutes thirty five seconds. Paramedic services from other municipalities responded to 895 calls in Leeds and Grenville, compared to 794 in 2016. LGPS responded to 594 calls outside Leeds and Grenville, as compared to 612 in 2016. Staff will continue to monitor the crossborder calls in Ottawa and Cornwall, Stormont Dundas and Glengarry, where there are no cross-border billing agreements. The UCLG Council is composed of the mayors of all the Townships and Villages in Leeds and Grenville. The current Council is chaired by Robin Jones, Mayor of the Village of Westport, who is the Warden of the United Counties. The role of Council is to represent the public and to represent the various communities as the Municipal Council does in each one. The Counties Council usually meets on the third Thursday during the third full week of each month, in the Council Chambers, 25 Central Avenue West, Brockville, Ontario. The next UCLG Council meeting takes place on November 23.

mix of urban and rural populations in Leeds and Grenville, it was determined that the most productive way of enumeration would be a method called Period Prevalence Count. This method is a coordinated, multi-day count that captures the incidence of homelessness over a period of time. This method is sometimes p r e f e r r e d i n O n t a r i o ’s rural and Northern areas, where people experiencing homelessness are most often hidden, and less likely to be visible on the streets and in shelters. The plan is to report back on the results of the Homelessness Enumeration to the Joint Services Committee in September, 2018. UCLG Paramedic Call Report: The County Council also received a summary report of the Leeds and Grenville Paramedic Service [LGPS] Third Quarter Call Report, ending September 30, 2017. As of September 30, 2017, LGPS has responded to 9,111 emergency calls compared to 8,813 for the same period in 2016, an increase of 298 calls. Non-urgent patient transfers have increased slightly compared to the same period last year. As of September 30, 2017, staff have responded to 302 non-urgent transfers, compared to 298 in 2016, an increase of four calls. The third-quarter

UPDATE UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, November 27 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, November 20 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at in Agenda & Minutes under the Govern tab. COMMITTEE MEETINGS Police Services Board – Tuesday, November 21 at 1:30 pm at the Municipal Centre.


Dec 4 – 6:30 pm – Presentation of final draft to Committee Dec 11 – 6:30 pm – Budget adoption by Council


There will be a public meeting house on Monday, November 20 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the North Grenville Municipal Centre to present the draft Official Plan to the Committee of the Whole for their recommendation regarding adoption to Council and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. A copy of the draft Plan is available on the Municipal website at


Winter parking restrictions came into effect on November 15 and last through April 15. While restrictions are in effect, parking on Municipal roads is not allowed between 11:00 pm and 8:00 am. A vehicle which is parked in a manner interfering with snow clearing or removal operations may be issued a ticket and/or removed at the owner’s expense.

The Municipality of North Grenville

285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-9569 x130 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-9569 x201 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-9569 x206 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002

A Wider Vision: An Interview with Councillor Donovan Arnaud

The NG Times sat down with Councillor Donovan Arnaud last week to talk about his two years on Council. NG Times: You have now reached the end of your second year as Councillor on the North Grenville Municipal Council, and we thought this would be a good time to take a look at the past two years and report on what’s been happening. Donovan: The job takes more time than I imagined, and you have to be available to the people when they have a problem or an idea. That means you meet with them, not just in Council meetings, but whenever they want to talk to you. You represent them, so you bring their concerns to the Council table, to staff, or to whoever can be of help to them. So, as someone thinking of running for the job, you ask yourself: can I do that? Would my being on Council benefit the community and bring something to the table that November 15, 2017

would be worth having? It is a four-year commitment, and you have to be ready to make decisions and deal with issues as they come up. There is a very steep learning curve, I found, and you need to lean on your colleagues and staff in order to learn the ropes, the procedures and the job. NG Times: So, would you recommend the job to others? Donovan: Looking ahead five or ten years, it’s important that we have an active Council, ready to get things done for the benefit of the people of North Grenville. After two years on Council, I’ve learned a few things about what it takes to have that kind of Council. I would recommend that anyone thinking of running in next year’s election think about these things. You need to know that you have something to offer, that you have the energy, time and commitment to be involved. You have to ask yourself: do I have something to contribute?

Do I have that wider vision that can make things better for the people of this community, or am I just looking for an ego boost by being a Councillor? NG Times: What, specifically, do you feel has been accomplished in your two years to date? Donovan: My area of responsibility on council has been Economic Development, and I’ve chaired the Economic Development Advisory Committee, which is a Committee of Council made up of members of the public and myself, along with municipal staff support. The Committee has been in place for a few years now, and it was decided, earlier this year, to have a review of the entire Economic Development approach that has been taken in North Grenville. We are expecting huge growth in population and development over the next ten years, and we needed to stop and take a breath, to see where things have been working, and where

they could be better. So, an Economic Development Review was begun and a report on that has now been presented to Council and the Committee. The Report can be found on the Municipal web site, and has a number of recommendations for the future. NG Times: How do you see the Report changing policy or attitudes to economic development in the municipality? Donovan: I hope to see the Economic Development Advisory Committee play an active role in implementing those recommendations. What we need in North Grenville is a wider vision of where we’re going, and how to get there. This means much more than just building more houses and stores, it means targeting jobs for our growing population, jobs that are well-paying and long-term in areas like technical and scientific services, finance and insurance. The Report says that agri-businesses is


expected to represent one of the fastest growing employment sectors for North Grenville, and we have to build on that. NG Times: How do you see your role in future? Donovan: Our job on Council, and on the Advisory Committee, is to make things easier for people to do business here. Recently, there’s been a lot of controversy over how a local business has been treated by the Municipality. Councillor Bertram and I have been working to get that fixed and to find a way of making sure that doesn’t happen again. We have procedures and regulations that are not always helpful, and I believe process should serve people, and not prevent them from achieving what they could. On Council, we’re there to serve the residents of North Grenville and that is our business. Process and procedure is essential to keep everything on track, and that is the role of staff. I believe we have

an excellent team working at the Municipality and we work together to make things happen. The Economic Development Review was part of that. I am not a procedure kind of person, my job is to get things done the best way we can and allow people to get on with the least amount of interference. North Grenville has a vibrant future ahead of it and the next five or ten years will be vital in deciding the direction we take. This is an exciting idea, and needs a lot of thought and vision. The Economic Development Review is part of that: a stepping back to rethink where we’re going and adjust to changes that are happening around us. We need that wider vision, and we need the whole community to be part of it.

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Gord Brown reports from Parliament Hill

Honoured to serve on Security and Intelligence committee Gord Brown, Member of Parliament for LeedsGrenville – Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes, says he is honoured to be chosen to serve on the newly-announced National Security and Intelligence Committee. “I am pleased and honoured that the Prime Minister chose me as one of the members of this committee,” says Gord. “This is an important committee that matches similar committees functioning in the United States and Great Britain.” Prime Minister, Justin

Trudeau, today announced the establishment of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, a multiparty committee that includes representatives from both the House of Commons and the Senate. According to a release from the Prime Minister’s office, the committee – to be chaired by David McGuinty, Member of Parliament for Ottawa South – will have the authority to review national security and intelligence activities carried out across the Government of Canada. This includes activities undertaken by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Communications Security Establishment, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Canada Border Services Agency, amongst many others. The Committee’s mandate allows an unprecedented level of review and promotes governmentwide accountability. The Committee will provide the Prime Minister with annual

Honourable Vernon White, Senate. Religious rights protected: Gord thanked his colleagues on the Justice Committee for successfully working to protect religious gatherings in Canada. “Conservatives have been working hard to ensure that sections of the Criminal Code, which makes it a crime to unlawfully obstruct, threaten, or harm a religious official before, during, or after they perform a religious service, remained in the Code. That section also makes interrupting or disturbing a religious service a crime,” he explained. Clause 14 in Bill C-5, which was introduced by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honourable Jody WilsonRaybould, just days before the summer parliamentary recess on June 6, 2017, would have repealed this section of the Criminal Code. On Wednesday of last week, the Honourable Rob Nicholson, Member of Parliament

reports on its reviews – including any findings and recommendations – that will be tabled in both Houses of Parliament and referred to the appropriate Standing Committees. Special reports may also be issued as needed. The Committee was created under the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Act, which received Royal Assent on June 22, 2017. Its work will mirror similar committees in the United States and Britain. The members of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians will include, in addition to Gord Brown, the Honourable Tony Clement, P.C., Conservative; the Honourable Percy E. Downe, Senate; Emmanuel Dubourg, Liberal; the Honourable Hedy Fry, P.C., Liberal; Gudie Hutchings, Liberal; the Honourable Frances Lankin, P.C., C.M., Senate; David J. McGuinty, Liberal (Chair); Murray Rankin, NDP; Brenda Shanahan, Liberal; the

Joint statement on Kemptville campus

Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Jeff Leal and David Gordon, Mayor of North Grenville, released the following joint statement: The Government of Ontario and Municipality of North Grenville are pleased to have reached an agreement in principle to sell a large portion of the main campus, and surrounding property of the former Kemptville College Campus, where the University of Guelph previously delivered agricultural programming, to the Municipality of North Grenville. This agreement in principle, when implemented, will help North Grenville transform the majority of the Kemptville campus into a multi-tenant, education and community hub focussing on 3 pillars: education and training, health and wellness and economic development. By working together, we are ensuring that the Kemptville site remains a positive economic asset for the community. "I am pleased that by working with the Municipality of North Grenville, we have reached an agreement in principle that reflects the needs of the municipality and the province. I'd like to also take the opportunity to thank Brian Carré, Chief November 15, 2017

Administrative Officer, for working diligently to help achieve a positive outcome for all parties" said Jeff Leal, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. "I would like to express my sincere thanks to Minister Leal, the ARIO and the University of Guelph for their continued support to maintain the facilities throughout this transition. The renewal of the former Kemptville Campus will see the property and building infrastructure repurposed for bilingual education and related community service activities, under the mandate of climate change adaptation and agricultural resiliency. Partnership discussions with both public and private sector organizations, including government and private industry are ongoing" said David Gordon, Mayor of the Municipality of North Grenville. This outcome is good news for the residents of North Grenville, surrounding communities and the province. The agreement in principle fulfills the Ontario government's commitment to find innovative and sustainable solutions that return value for Ontario taxpayers while helping the municipality meet the local needs of the community.

for Niagara Falls and the Opposition Shadow Minister for Justice, proposed two amendments to Bill C-51 at the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. The first amendment would keep religious protections (Section 176) in the Criminal Code of Canada, while the second amendment would modernize the language of this Section. “Holding the Justin Trudeau Liberal Government to account is our job as the Conservative Opposition. Yesterday, we were successful with the support of tens of thousands of Canadians, including many from LeedsGrenville –Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes, who took the time to send me letters and emails about their concerns over this Bill,” Gord noted. At a time when hate crimes

against religious communities across Canada are increasing, the Justin Trudeau Liberals tried to quietly remove the religious protections covered in our Criminal Code, Gord said. “It is our belief that disturbing a religious service is a very serious offence and should not be treated as a mere mischief charge. “In the words of the Right Honourable John G. Diefenbaker: ‘I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind’.”

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in principle to sell a portion of the land and facilities owned by the Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario (ARIO), a provincial agency reporting to OMAFRA, to the Municipality of North Grenville ensures that Ontario taxpayers receive a fair return on the sale.

We look forward to providing additional details regarding this agreement once finalized. Quick Facts: In 2014, the province hired Lyle Vanclief, a former federal Minister of Agriculture, to explore options for the future of the campus. His report recommended that the government enter into negotiations with North Grenville to transfer the property to the municipality. In 2015, the government established a Learning Working Group to explore new learning models for delivering learning, training and instruction at the Kemptville campus. The working group's report concluded there were no early adopters for post-secondary education at the campus at that time. Subsequently, Minister Leal instructed OMAFRA to collaborate with the Municipality of North Grenville to reach a solution that meets the needs of North Grenville and Eastern Ontario while ensuring a fair return for Ontario taxpayers. Findings from a 2016 BDO Feasibility Study recommended a mixed use education and community hub for the renewal of the Kemptville Campus. The terms of the agreement

212 Van Buren St.




The North Grenville Times


The Voice of North Grenville



"Where Santa Shops and Saves"

saveoneverything Store Your Your saveoneverything Store since 1961 2970 County Road 43, Kemptville 613.258.7888 A Huge Thanks

To all our Volunteers! Because of you North Grenville is a richer place.

Santa Claus Parade The 2017 Kemptville Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade takes place this coming Saturday, November 18. This year’s edition of the Santa Claus parade will begin at Holy Cross starting at 1:00pm. The parade route will follow Clothier St West, and then Prescott St, to the Kemptville College. The theme for this year's parade is "Christmas Movies".


2970 County Road Kemptville Along the 43, route, watch for the North Grenville Fire Service collecting cash donations, The Rotary Club of Kemptville will be collecting food, and Royal LePage Team Realty will be collecting Toys. All donations stay local.


Enjoy the Parade!

Mark & Ginette Streit

1303 Kindom Rd., Kemptville November 15, 2017



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Saturday, November 18, 1 pm Annual Kemptville Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade

Get your letters ready for Santa! Canada Post in Kemptville would like to inform the public, young and old, that it is now time to write those letters to Santa Claus before the great Christmas rush! If you bring your letters to the Santa Claus Parade in Kemptville on Saturday, November 18, Canada Post will collect them there and will then forward them on to their local office at the North Pole, to make sure they reach Santa in good time before he leaves on Christmas Eve.

Come and E Out njoy Para the de! Chris Drozda Lisa Deschambault Broker

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THOMAS M. BYRNE Barrister and Solicitor

November 15, 2017

What do you think...Kemptville robbed...trapper well over line. Another exciting contest with a close loss on Wednesday night in home barn against Navan Grads by the sportsguy Canadians continued their Sunday afternoon in our onslaught on 73's. Cooper barn to face the top seeded Lukenda, who replaced Nick Carleton Place Canadians, Bond ,was slammed with 18 who peppered our stoppers shots, with only 1 for 73's. with 40 shots, with our boys At 4:42, Carleton Place, with only managed 13 on their net man advantage, Thorne with to crush our 73's 7-1. Carleton Broughman found Samuel Place opened the first with Knoblauch to rifle it into Townend and Thorne setting the mesh for PPG. Townend up Zachary Tupker to beat and Thorne to Ben Tupker to Nick Bond at 14:29. At 19:45, pump it by Lukenda at 9:03 Justin Cmunt, assisted from to close out the game. Knoblauch with Kitt, to make Kemptville special teams it a two goal lead. Kemptville’s shut-down Canadians to one, only goal came at 19:57, when with nine opportunities, and Keifer knocked it down over recorded 30 PIM to 24 PIM to Thousand, into the middle on the slab. for Eric Faith to bang it home. Wednesday night home S e c o n d g o a r o u n d game against the Navan belonged to Carleton Place, as Grads was a very tight game they scored three unanswered until the final run, when markers, starting with Tim the defensive brain freeze Theochardis, assisted by occurred to fall to defeat by Hopkins and Francis at 11:53. 6-4. McGrath blew over the Then the combination of line, across to Garrett, to Alec Hopkins and Francis again, Taillon flying up right side, to Connor Hill at 12:18, to to open the first at :58 for the put them ahead by 3. Sam 73's. Grads bounced back Allison, with helpers from hard at 5:23, when Michael Broughman and Warywoda, Locatelli PPG, assisted from closed out the period at 14:49 McPherson and Besner, with with a 5-1 score. man advantage to tie the F i n a l t w e n t y : t h e game. Salloum and Haymes 12

assisted Curtis Fabbro PPG with the go ahead at 10:46. Johnny Pickering, with helpers from Saulloum and DeKemp at 14:19, to put the Canadians up by 2 to end the first. Kemptville iced a much more speedy aggressive club for the second ,as McGrath cycled low behind the net, out to Garrett, back to Jared Patterson, off the half boards to beat Joseph Giacobbo at 3:14. Faith forced the rubber tape to tape on to Fry, back to Ben McDonald, to launch a missile through a crowd from the point at 5:04. Conley give and go to Domitrovic, across to John Beaton from top of the circle, for go ahead at 12:44. Canadians tied it at four, when Besner, with Locatelli, capitalized on a broken play to Noel DeKemp at 17:50 to end session. Last twenty, the 73's were caught setting up the Grads for their two goals and win of 6-4. Kemptville forced many attacks on their opposition without results, and one goal called back. At 16:56, when

a clearing pass landed on stick of Locatelli, to Samuel Salloum for tie breaker and stripping of puck by Jed Raby, ahead to Will Murray, to slap it in for insurance at 19:25 for 6-4 victory. Rockland Nationals hosted Kemptville 73's on Friday as they handed the visitors a 4-2 loss. The 73's struck first, with Kiefer setting from point to Faith down low and Jared Patterson drove it past the post at 17:23 to end initial period. Rockland owned the second, as Trevor Coyendall, with helpers from Stanley and Graham, evened it up at 1:08. Benjamin Pruneau, assisted from Boyer and Power, with PPG at 4:17 to move Rockland in front. Insurance came when Keating, over to Louis Chapot, into open space at 11:04 and give the Nationals a 3-1 lead. Final frame, with both squads to capitalize with one apiece, as Figueira pinched low, down to new roster member Joel Frazee for his first of the season at 13:25. Rockland answered with Leblanc tic-tac-toe to Mathieu Blanchette at 19:42 to end the contest with a close 4-2 loss. Come on out and support your warriors on ice with next home game Sunday, November 19, at 2 pm...... Hockey with EDGE.

The North Grenville Times


ACROSS 1. Twice-baked bread 5. Church alcove 9. Volumes (abbrev.) 13. A single time 14. Ups and _____ 16. Margarine 17. Armed conflicts 18. Truth (archaic) 19. Teller of untruths 20. Jackets and trousers 22. Zodiacal prediction 24. Goad 26. Ski jacket 27. Irrigated 30. Goober 33. Infidelity 35. Laser printer powder 37. Needlefish 38. Slowly losing life

41. African antelope 42. Expels 45. Thoroughbred 48. Sleeping sickness carrier 51. Provide commentary 52. Of very poor quality 54. Car trunk (British) 55. Sub-tenant contracts 59. Smell 62. Urine component 63. Type of mattress 65. A long way off 66. Bearing 67. Pee 68. Hoodwink 69. Found on most beaches 70. Being 71. If not


DOWN 1. Seating sections 2. Two-toed sloth 3. Sacred Christian writings 4. Sparrow hawk 5. Commercials 6. Milne bear 7. A swift descent through the air 8. Catch 9. Lava mountain 10. Hodgepodge 11. Jump 12. Achy 15. Beach 21. Classify 23. Three-handed card game 25. Accomplishment 27. Tail motions 28. Suit 29. Not wet 31. Thankless 32. Basic belief 34. Sharp high-pitched cry 36. Boorish 39. Religious sister 40. Seize 43. Marsh 44. Anagram of "Ties" 46. God of love 47. Material with a raised pattern 49. Foul-up 50. Guarantee 53. Abominable snowmen 55. Totals 56. Murres 57. Existed 58. Male offspring 60. Short sleeps 61. Tall woody plant 64. Born as

Nov 16 Youngsters of Yore, 1:30 pm, Library Program Room. Nov 18 Kinsmen Santa Claus parade, beginning at Holy Cross at 1 pm. Following the parade, join us for Santa's North Pole at the North Grenville Public Library. Nov 18 Christmas Bake Sale 10:30 am, Buffet Luncheon 11:30 am-1 pm., St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Prescott St., Kemptville. Nov 18 Fall Talk Merrickville Trails Society: Ivan Wood presents “Hiking in Patagonia, Torres Del Paine and Glacier National Park” at Merrickville District Community Health Centre 9:30 am. All welcome. Light refreshments. Nov 25 Holly Tea and Bazaar, St. John’s United Church, 9 am to 2 pm. Bake table, silent auction, seasonal crafts, treasure table, door prizes, something for everyone. Nov 25 Spencerville Library Buck-A-Bag Used Book Sale, 10:30 am to 1:00 pm. Books of all kinds for all ages. Dec 1,2 Christmas in Oxford Mills starting at 6:30 pm Friday, Maplewood Park and 9 am on Saturday at the United Church for Pancake breakfast. Lots of activities for the whole family.

Weekly and recurring events Mon

Kemptville Quilters Guild, 2nd Mon./mth at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Kemptville Cancer Support Group, 3rd Mon/mth, St. John’s United Church, Prescott St., 2 pm. All welcome. For info, please call Ellen Vibert-Miller at 613258-7778. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, NG Municipal Centre Tues BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tue/mth, 7 pm. New members welcomed! Wed NG Photography Club - 1st Wed./mth, 7-9 pm, at the Grenville Mutual Insurance, 380 Colonnade Drive. See for info. Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed/mth, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed/mth., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. New Horizon Club: Meetings held at the Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall.. All adults 55 plus welcome to join. For info re programs and membership call Janet 613-269-2737. Probus Club of North Grenville, 3rd Wed./mth. Everyone is welcome to join us at 9:30 am at St Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall for fellowship. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed/mth. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Thurs Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:15 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs/mth., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. NGPL Science and Technology Group meetings are held the 1st/Thurs/mth, 7-9 pm in the program room at the Library. Fri Friendship Lunch held at St. John's United Church. Lunch is served at 11:30, donations accepted but not expected. Everyone welcome. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri/mth, 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. Sat Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat/mth, 100 Reuben Crescent. Adults $5. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Euchre Tournament, 3rd Sat/mth. Registration 12-12:30pm. Cost $10.00 Games start 12:30 pm at the Kemptville Legion, 100 Reuben Crescent, Refreshments available. Everyone Welcome. Sun Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. M,W,F Kemptville and Area Walking Group meet at Municipal Centre at 8 am. All welcome.

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku



The Voice of North Grenville


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Solution to last week’s Crossword

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Brochures Flyers

the north grenville

TIMES 613.215.0735 November 15, 2017




The North Grenville Times


The Voice of North Grenville

First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word.

SERVICES 613-299-8830

TOES IN NEED Professional, Sterile Advanced Mobile Foot Care Nurse 613 858 4383

Local Author Barbara Avon. Editing Services also available. Driveway Sealing Sprayed with quality asphalt oil plus Masonry Services call Keith - 613-258-2135

smoking) home on private 3 acre lot for rent in Oxford Mills. Heats with pellet stove Appliances included $1500.00/ monthly plus utilities. Please email inquiries to

Firewood: hardwood. $90 a face NOW HIRING: Engineers cord, delivered. 613-258-4416 or Technologists Machinists Me613-913-8480(cell). chanics Please submit resumes via email to: info@compendiumFREE - 2 Hayden Bird cages and extras suitable for breeders. FOR SALE Phone 613-269-2010 Looking to rent farmland for Firewood Hardwood $95/cord 2018 crop year. Call or text Filter, UV, 58mm, new 5.00 ve3m- 613-262-1204 Joseph 343.262.1979 Nexen WinGuard SUV225/65R17

P R O FE S S I O N A L PA I N T E R 4 Winters $95/tire. Joseph SNOW REMOVAL: walkways, Commercial & Residential 343.262.1979 stairs, deck, small driveways 613.276.4583 Kemptville area 613.295.0300 or 613 258.3847 Custom built trailer for Complete Home Proper t y transporting Garden Tractor, Retired carpenter. I miss Clean up: house cleaning, dump Snowmobile etc. Best offer. working and keeping busy, runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up ser- 613/258-4519 so looking for work. I am an vices 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 honest trustworthy and very Antique Massey Harris 13 good at what I do. Renova- The Plumb”Mur” Plus Bathroom row, grass and grain seeder tions, kitchens, bathrooms, PLUS more. Murray 613.519.5274 for sale. Seeder is in working home repair. Call George at order. Call 613-269-4415. 613-462-7637 Rural Home Care services- 1 yr old Good Year tires SEWING: Weddings to altera- Affordable, professional & expe- 185/60 R15 needing a good tions, stonehousesewing. rienced care for your loved one. home for the winter. $150.00 com. Call Sharon at 613-224- 613.868.0356 for set. Please contact RJ at 3182, Kemptville. 613-282-4868 HANDY MAN specializing in renoDogWatch Hidden Fences vations & house staging. We do it 1 new Nordic & rim 225/75/15 . $75.00. 613 258 6254 613-290-5559 all CALL 613.294.2416 SEW BE IT clothing repairs alterations zippers hems 258-0108

Goodnight Bed Company Four winter tires on rims. Supporting your well-being General Arctic 215/65/16.980. with genuine sleep solutions. $400. 613-258-5769. 613 258 2902. Looking for Avon products, 25 yr old Napoleon fireplace please call Joan at 613-258- You Name It, I Can Sew It. Call and 27 ft of insulated chim7644 Rhonda at 258-5248 ney. Fireplace needs welding. $500 obo 6132587425 Small backhoe, bush hog and yard work. Call Dan 229-4520. Rock My House music lessons in Stack of newspapers 1826fiddle, piano, drums and more. 1976, 1901 Eatons catalogue CFSC & CRFSC Courses & 613 258 5656. $90.00 613-269-3384 eveExams Steve Hoy 1894steve@ nings mink stole $85.00 613-258-6162 269 -3384 evenings


Natural way to deal with Pain Call1-800-361-1351 Furnished room in a shared house

for rent, $700/mth in Oxford Mills.

Improve bloating, reflux and Call 613 294 7420 gut discomfort. Nutrition and gut healthwww.Whole- EXECUTIVE 3 BEDROOM APT., KEMPTVILLE, Carol Pil- DOWNTOWN DEC. 1. $1800 + SET PRICE lar RHN 613 258 7133 UTILITIES. 613-794-3551

Housecleaning Every mother/ father needs a housewife phone COUNTRY HOME FOR RENT. Sandy 613.219.7277 $1400 MONTHLY, CALL 613325-9540 FOR DETAILS

Firearms Safety courses. Non restricted and restrict- COMMERCIAL 2 BAYS GARAGES + ed. Kemptville area, cathy- OFFICE SPACE. AVAILABLE DEC. 1. 613-794-3551 Snowbirds I'll do home se- Young lady looking to share my curity checks while you're home in Kemptville with quiet, away 613-294-0385. mature, clean working profesProperty clean-up, trees, brush, scrap metal anything removed. Wayne Scott 613286-9072. SEAMSTRESS - 30+ years of experience, in Merrickville. kimNovember 15, 2017

sional female or student. References. 613 857-3381 or text.

Kemptville one bedroom apt, Dec 1, $725.00 plus hydro, water 613-266-9549

Email to

Infant Car seat Used once $50 or best offer 613.258.8820 Mixed hardwood firewood. $100 per cord delivered. Charlie 9892768. Firewood: dry softwood(pine) 59/cord hardwood(ash) $95/cord pickup 613 269 3836 Mixed hardwood firewood, $100 a cord delivered. Jon 227-3650 FIrewood Hardwood $100/cord delivered. Softwood $75 Call Peter 613-913-0810. Dry seasoned firewood. Split and delivered. Call: Wayne Scott 613-286-9072

CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

WANTED Eric Gutknecht Memorial Bursary: jams & jellies (charity) 250 ml canning jars. Billy 258-4529 (or drop off at 529 George Street) Co-pilot with pilots licence. phone 613-258-2958 Looking to harvest cedar trees from 3 ft high and + off acreage. (613)799-0958

Indoor RV, boat storage. Rea- Knitting yarns wanted. Gilsonable rates. Call Jon 613- lian 613-258-5558 227-3650. SINGLE WOMAN looking to share Explorer car top carrier my residence & expenses in $145.00 square pedestal Kemptville with mature Lady table $55.00M 613 269-3567 or Ladies. Please call my rep. 613.258.2142 New Beautiful-tone drywall primer sealer 18.9 liters Looking for a roommate to share a house in Merrickville. $50.00. 613 269-3386 $550 inclusive per month. For sale: Craftsman12hp References required. Contact snowblower $250.00. Phone Meredith at (613)323-0162 or meredithgowling@gmail. 613-258-4005 com F-150, 2010, 208402 kms. High cap. Excellent condi- Wanted 2 or 3 bedroom aparttion. Asking $18000.00 613- ment on one floor, Kemptville 613.258.0964 258-4902. Household furniture by ap- WANTED TO BUY Ducks-Muscovy pointment, dealers welcome, also Massey Harris Tractor 613301-1747 call 613 269 4759 2014 Yamaha ATV excel- Senior needs old car batteries lent condition $9,000 for making weights. Call 613 258 6254. 613.258.4867

Small 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom (non14

ESTIMATOR/SUPERVISOR WANTED Local Construction Company has an opening at our Kemptville Division for an Estimator/Supervisor, working in the excavation and aggregate industry. This position is full-time and includes a benefit package. Primary Responsibilities: • Supervise and co-ordinate personnel • Provide customer pricing and work scheduling • Liaison with other divisions and managers The successful candidates should have: • Knowledge of excavation and aggregate industry • Good communication, organizational, mathematical and problem-solving skills • The ability to work well with others • Basic computer skills • Valid driver’s license Interested candidates, please submit your resume by December 1, 2017 at 4:00 PM to: Or in person at: 109 Washburn Road Athens, Ontario We wish to thank all who apply for this position, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted

North Grenville's

Senior Times

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Let’s Connect…

Paul A. Jansen, BA, LLB.

Rachel S. Jansen, B.Comm., J.D.

215 Van Buren Street, Kemptville 613.258.7462

Real Estate - Wills & Estates - Family Law - Corporate the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email:

by Susan Smith, Executive Director, Kemptville & District Home Support November arrived, and I was hopeful that the beautiful fall weather would continue. The cycle of the seasons did, in fact, continue, with the leaves off of the trees and the cold weather settling in. Something else that continues is the amazing talent in this area, and the spirit of giving back to the community. This is so evident in the production of ‘We’ll Meet Again’. The thousands of volunteer hours that were given, from the moment

SECOND INFORMATION SESSION November 22, 2017 @ 1:30 pm Theatre Room of the North Grenville Municipal Centre

Louise Atchison decided to bring this show back to Kemptville, to the last of the borrowed/rented items being returned in the coming week, speaks volumes about this phenomenal group of people. It was such great fun to be able to go backstage on the night of dress rehearsal. This gave me a brief glimpse into the hours leading up to opening night. The cast, Sing’n Seniors, the band, and production crew were ‘polishing’ the last of the details. There was a great sense of comradery backstage, with everyone well practiced and anticipating opening night. The weekly articles in the NG Times gave snapshots and some background about the show. However, to be in the audience was such a great feeling. For me, it was great to see so many people I have come to know and respect

sharing their gift of music and performance. I laughed at so many spots during the evening, and almost held my breath in others, as the music was so beautiful. To hear the audience sing along in some of the chorus’ was powerful. Music connects us all in shared experiences. Leaving the theatre Friday night, a conversation was started by someone mentioning that both shows were sold-out and, “Wouldn’t it be great to find out from the people that came: ‘How did they hear about the show?’ and ‘Why did they come?’” I would love to get a call or an email from people to hear your answers. Thank you to everyone who was involved in ‘We’ll Meet Again”. Words cannot express the gratitude for this opportunity that we had, both leading up to, and at the shows.

This Friday, November 17, we are partnering with Grenville County O.P.P. to present a FREE information session on ‘Internet Safety for Seniors’, including refreshments, from 1-2:30 pm. Grenville Mutual Insurance has arranged for us to use their community room, located at 380 Colonnade Drive in Kemptville. Many of us are on email, doing a quick ‘google’ search, looking on Kijiji or Pinterest, and perhaps even dating sites. These can be good tools, if we know how to keep safe. If we think we are safe, without getting all of the information, it is important to remember the Titanic. A quote often used in safety meetings is from Captain Edward J. Smith, “It will never happen to me.” Let’s keep connected and safe! Until next time, Susan.


At this information session, we will provide a construction update in order to keep everyone informed of our progress. You can be well assured that we are working continuously and diligently towards a successful opening.

Afterwards you are invited for a light snack and a concert with a GREAT ENTERTAINER in the Banquet Hall

Locally owned and operated Please visit our website at November 15, 2017


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

South Branch holds food drive for HOL South Branch Elementary School in Kemptville recently held a food drive for the House of Lazarus [HOL] Food Bank in Mountain. The donation was picked up by HOL staff on November 7. In all, the students collected 1,000 pounds of food, an amazing achievement. P i c t u re d : S o u t h Branch students with all the food items they collected. Thanks goes out to South Branch students and staff for their contribution!

PHYSIO - SPORTSPhysiotherapy INJURIES - MASSAGE Kemptville 613-258-7661


ed jur


Inspirations Manotick Art Association


Art Show & Sale Saturday November 18 & SUnday November 19 10:00 am - 4:30 pm Free Entry Where: Royal Canadian Legion 5550 Ann St. Manotick, Ontario

Cash donations to ROSSS (Rural Ottawa SOuth SUpport Services) gratefully accepted

Review participating artists at

From left to right, top row: Carol Ann Hodges – Motor Trendz, Sandy Carre- Kemptville Insurance, Eric Sonego – Eric Sonego Professional Group, Rick Grahame – Grahame’s Bakery, Samantha Rivet-Stevenson – RBC Debbie Watt – Executive Director of the Beth Donovan Hospice, Lorraine Chartrand – Canine Country Retreat, Michelle Ansel – Prestige Home Developments, Front row: Rebecca Cronk – Get Cronk’d Fitness Studio, Danielle Leclerc – Prestige Home Developments

We l i v e i n a n extremely generous community and these individuals prove it! When Samantha Rivet-Stevenson was looking for support

for a fundraising bonspiel for the Beth Donovan Hospice, these community boosters were among those who enthusiastically answered the call.

Horizons Painting Residential & Commercial Professional Local Painter Liability Insurance Interior & Exterior Quality Workmanship Great rates Free estimates Fully Insured

References Supplied

Call 613.276.4583 November 15, 2017

Special thanks to Rekmans for being the Title Sponsor for the event! There are still a few limited sponsorship opportunities available for the Hurry Hard for

the Hospice Bonspiel on November 18 - contact Samantha at Samantha. rivet-stevenson@rbc. com or 613-816-9697 for more information.

ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH Advent/Christmas Services: All Are Welcome DECEMBER 3 - 10 am service with the message of HOPE. Communion will be served. This is also White Gift Sunday when we are encouraged to offer food donations for those in need DECEMBER 10 –10 am service with the message of PEACE DECEMBER 17 - 10 am service with the message of JOY, “A Child is Born”, a Christmas cantata as presented by the church choir DECEMBER 24 –10 am service with the message of LOVE DECEMBER 24 - Evening Services 6 pm a retelling of the Christmas story 10 pm – traditional service with communion served by intinction Our facilities are fully accessible

400 Prescott Street Kemptville 258-3259 16

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

South Gower Business Park We ’r e H e r e To S e r v e Yo u

Willis Kerr Contracting Ltd, a family owned business in operation since 1976, has built a solid reputation for quality workmanship and safety in the marketplace. For the past 40 years, Willis Kerr Contracting has been serving the commercial, municipal, residential and farming sectors in Eastern Ontario. Willis Kerr Contracting is a full service general contractor offering the following services:


Robert Walker, CPA, CA Dinah Boal T: 613.258.3282

Crystal Lang Brad Mehlman F: 613.258.4391

2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business park

• Roadbuilding and Reconstruction • Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement • Utility Trenching (hydro, telecommunications, gas) • Sanitary, Storm and Watermain Installation • Site Servicing, Land Clearing • Septic System Design and Installation • Excavation and Landscaping • Aggregate Supply SELECT SIRES GENERVATIONS INC.

Willis Kerr Contracting’s history of success lies in its ability to consistently deliver quality workmanship through the development of skilled employees dedicated to customer service, public relations and our safety culture. Our employee compliment ranges between 25 and 40 workers throughout the traditional construction season. Willis Kerr Contracting operates from its main office in Kemptville (Ontario), where management, and office administration, support the construction operations. Willis Kerr Contracting operates two aggregate sources, The Kerr Pit, located at 641 South Gower Drive, east of Kemptville, and the Brissenden Pit, located at 1077 County Road #1 at Reid’s Mills. Both sites offer a wide range of materials supplying the construction industry, including, crushed stone, fine aggregate for use in the production of concrete and asphalt, tile bed sand, screened topsoil, and much more. Please visit our website at for a full list of materials for sale.

PO BOX 489 Kemptville, Ont K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-3800 Fax: 613-258-7257

Cargo Horse Utility Tow Dolly Truck Decks November 15, 2017

Dump Flatbed Roll-off Livestock Toy/Car Hauler 613-258-9085 17

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Creating a Rideau Grenville Archaeological Society


or are located in, an area having one of 13 listed criteria. They include known archaeological sites, distance from water sources, e l e v a t e d t o p o g r a p h y, unusual land formations, and local knowledge. M r. W h i t t a k e r h a s reported a number of potential and actual archaeological sites to Mr. Mosher, and he believes community involvement is essential to finding yet unrecognized sites. Merrickville-Wolford will update archaeological policies i their new Official Plan, as required by the Province of Ontario, and the new United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Official Plan. The new Official Plan begins early in the 2018. Section 4.5.2 of O ff i c i a l P l a n f o r t h e United Counties of Leeds and Grenville concerns Archaeological Resources. County policy encourages local municipalities to undertake the preparation of archaeological management plans in conserving archaeological resources and areas of archaeological potential. The municipalities and county do not have the resources to actively seek and log archaeological sites. A Rideau Grenville Archaeological Society would contribute the local knowledge vital to the identification of important archaeological resources. Interested parties should contact Michael Whittaker at or 613-258-0477.

Holiday Coupons

Hear for the Holidays! Take advantage of these limited-time, end of the year offers! The holidays are a wonderful time to reconnect and celebrate with family and friends. That’s why we’re celebrating the holidays with these limited-time coupon offers. Combine and redeem them at more than 200 participating locations in Canada! Book your FREE hearing test today!

There are sites yet to be discovered. The Iroquoian Village, ca.1500, near Roebuck in Augusta Township is one of those in Leeds & Grenville that has been studied. Photo by Alan L Brown. Our local historical r e c o g n i z e s t h a t t h e r e societies, North Grenville may be archaeological and Merrickville and remains of prehistoric and District, do an outstanding historic habitation, or areas and ever-improving job containing archaeological of preserving the history p o t e n t i a l , w i t h i n t h e of our people, places, and Municipality. Section 12.7, Cultural Heritage events. Identifying, registering a n d A r c h a e o l o g i c a l a n d p r e s e r v i n g o u r Resources, of the North archaeological heritage has Grenville Official Plan not occasion to be foremost contains the municipality’s in the collective efforts to current and proposed new recognize our subsurface archaeological policies. “Typically, staff requests prehistoric and historic archaeological assessments heritage. “I propose the formation as a pre-condition to of a Rideau Grenville development applications Archaeological Society, when the development seeking a membership in is located within one of the Ontario Archaeological the areas specified in this Society, which would section”, said Phil Mosher, hold regular, informative Planner, Municipality of m e e t i n g s w i t h g u e s t North Grenville. “From speakers related to the time to time, there may profession,” said Michael be other circumstances, Whittaker of Bishop’s b e s i d e s d e v e l o p m e n t Mills. “I believe a number applications, that trigger of people living south of requirements.” In North Grenville, the Rideau River want to actively locate, protect, areas of archaeological and perhaps, eventually, potential include where the dig under the guidance of lands in question contain, a licensed archaeologist.” the north grenville An inquiry into forming a sub-group of the Ottawa Chapter of the Ontario Peter Peers Archaeological Society Marketing Consultant has not been answered at the time of writing. Phone 613 989 2850 North Grenville Email:




Hearing tests are provided free of charge for adults ages 18 and older. 50 reward mile offer is limited to adults ages 50 and over and is non-transferable. Please allow up to 45 days for the reward miles to appear in your collector account. ®†™†Trademark of AIR MILES® International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne Inc. and Canada Hearing Ltd. Expires 12/30/17. Limit first-time tests, per Collector Account.

Newsletters Layout & Design


This is a free service regardless of make, model, or where you bought your hearing aids. Get a 3 month supply of batteries when you join our battery club. No purchase required. See clinic for details. Expires 12/30/17. New customers only, limited to one-time use.



TIMES November 15, 2017

Earn up to 1,000 AIR MILES® reward miles with your purchase of select hearing aids.

Reward mile value is non-transferable and depends on select models purchased. Please allow up to 45 days for the reward miles to appear in your collector account. ®†™†Trademark of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne Inc. and HearingLife Canada Ltd. Expires 12/30/17. Limit one offer per customer, per Collector Account.


Members of our trusted partners SAVE 10% or more off on everyday or promotional pricing!

Please see clinic for the full list of member discounts. See the reverse side of this flyer for the trusted partners we offer this discount to. Present membership card at time of purchase. Expires 12/30/17. Limit one use per customer per year.

Over 200 locations nationwide - Call a nearby clinic below or visit to Book your FREE Hearing Test. • Brockville - Madden Hearing | 68 William Street | Call Heather at 1-888-691-8971 • Carleton Place - Madden Hearing | 130 Lansdowne Avenue | Call Shelley at 1-888-691-7285 • Cornwall | 315 Pitt Street | Call Vanessa at 1-888-691-8987 • Kemptville - Madden Hearing | 2671 Concession Road | Call Morgan at 1-888-691-7514 • Ottawa Bank | 2430 Bank Street | Call Shanan at 1-888-691-8917 • Ottawa Holland | 118 Holland Avenue | Call Shayna at 1-888-691-9006 • Ottawa Iris | 2730 Iris Street | Call Krista at 1-888-691-8677 • Ottawa Merivale | 501-1580 Merivale Road | Call toll-free 1-888-691-9289 • Ottawa Montreal Rd | 13A-585 Montreal Road | Call toll-free 1-888-691-9339 • Pembroke | 157 Alfred Street | Call Megan at 1-888-691-9430 • Perth - Madden Hearing | 104-40 Sunset Boulevard | Call Shelly at 1-888-691-9536 • Smiths Falls - Madden Hearing | 91 Cornelia Street West | Call Connie at 1-888-691-9550


Brochures Flyers

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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

North Grenville Community Service Council and Holy Cross Knights of Columbus 2017 Christmas Hampers The Knights of Columbus has provided a non-denominational Food Bank for over 40 years; Christmas Food Hampers and Gifts are delivered each year to families and seniors. Requests from residents who live in North Grenville are sent to NGCSC and they contact applicants to determine what help is needed. The North Grenville Community Service Council [NGCSC] Special Need Program provides help to Families coping with illness in the home. Community merchants and private residents sponsor those who are dealing with health issues, or for children with a disability. Kemptville Animal Hospital Trim for Tins, Canadian Tire Staff, KBC Rona Staff, MNR employees, O’Farrell Financial Staff, Royal Lepage Gale Real Estate, Craig Gerlach, President of Current Systems, Randy Cavill of Walmar Ventilation Products, Kelahers Family, Hulse & Playfair McGarry, Joanne Huel & family, and many more, purchase movie and Shoppers Gift Cards needed for teens and seniors. Families and seniors who need help can contact Claire, NGCSC, or Fred, K of C Food Bank. Claire:, 613-258-6470. Fred: fred.macdonald@, 613-447-9039. Angel Tree at KBC Rona for special needs request starts on November 18; return to Rona by December 10. The North Grenville Community Service Council consists of Lions, Kinsmen, Rotary, Legion 212, and Knights of Columbus. Together they make impossible dreams come true.

301 Rideau Street, Kemptville

Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6

Boneless Chicken Breasts

Value Pack 8.80/kg



Remembrance Day in Kemptville

Lactantia Half & Half Cream 1 litre



Prices effective:

Friday, Nov. 17 to Thursday, Nov. 23, 2017 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements”

November 15, 2017


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville


Remembrance Day in Kemptville

Photo by Deron Johnston

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November 15, 2017


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