the north grenville
Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford
Vol. 4, No 46
The Voice of North Grenville
November 16, 2016
Concern over school closures increases
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Oxford-on-Rideau Public School is on the list for possible closure
The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
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by David Shanahan The Upper Canada District School Board’s [UCDSB] series of public meetings to discuss the possible closure of schools in the Board’s region has led to some serious discouragement among the parents who have been involved in preparing presentation for what the Board is calling the Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) public meetings, scheduled to be held this week in the Grenville County sector. The UCDSB originally described the ARC meetings as a way “to receive feedback on the draft recommendations for possible school closures and consolidations as
presented in an Initial Staff Report received by the Board of Trustees in September”. There are 29 schools being considered for closure, ten of which are in Leeds-Grenville, and the Board will announce in March which 16 of those schools will be closed by the end of this school year. Another 13 will close at a later date, subject to provincial government funding decisions. While Board Chair, Jeff McMillan was careful to insist that: “We want people to be aware that no final decisions have been made,” he said that the ARC meetings would help the Board to make the right decisions on closures in the new year. “The ARC’s will receive delegations
from the community and share insights of the feedback received to date. Information received throughout the process will be included by the ARCs in a final report that will be prepared by UCDSB staff and presented to the Board of Trustees on February 15, 2017. Final Board decisions will take place on March 23, 2017", according to a Board statement. But, as parent groups organised to prepare presentations to the ARC meetings, they became increasingly upset at the way in which the process was structured, and this has led to some resignations by individuals who had become involved in their local ARC, thinking they
would be able to make the presentation on behalf of their school. The Board informed them that, as members of ARC, they would not be allowed make presentations on behalf of their school. Other ARC members have become extremely angry at the shoddy preparation by the Board for these public consultations, as Board representatives did not seem sufficiently knowledgeable in dealing with questions raised by parent committees. Christine Crate-Pavan, Parent Chair of Wolford for the ARC, resigned on November 10, noting that she was not the only ARC member to step down. “There is a huge continued on page 2
Don’t miss the Santa Claus Parade November 19
The North Grenville Times
Terry Meagher guest speaker at New Horizons Club
At the meeting of the New Horizon Club,held on November 9, Douglas Brunton introduced the guest speaker, Terry Meagher, local historian and author of the book, “Betrayal”, which tells the story of the Battle of Hong Kong in December, 1941. Terry is originally from the Strait of Canso, Nova Scotia. When he was 18 he enlisted in the Canadian Army as a member of the Royal Canadian Regiment and soon found himself a front-line soldier in the Korean War. After the war, he went to St. Francis University in Nova Scotia, received his BA and became a teacher in Northern Ontario, teaching for eleven years. He went on to teach at the Kemptville College for 21 years and is a resident of Kemptville. The Canadian soldiers who were sent to defend Hong Kong were serving with the Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers. Of the 1975 Canadians sent to Hong Kong, more than 1050 were killed or wounded during the battle and subsequent capture and imprisonment as Japanese prisoners of war, one of the highest casualty rates in Canadian theatres during World War II. In Terry’s book “BETRAYAL”, he answers many questions about why
Concern over school closures (Continued from front page) wave across the board and others calling on all ARC members to protest this unfair process.” In her letter of resignation, sent to Susan Edwards, a Superintendent of Schools with the UCDSB, Christine protested against the failure of the Board to adequately address either the concerns regarding the ARC process, or the timely provision of information for parents. “We are all tired of hearing ‘that's a good question’, ‘we will look into it’, ‘let me ask someone else’, ‘we will try and find that information’, we need and are entitled to real answers...As you know, this is a time sensitive matter, but the board seems to want to delay everything out as much as they can for the parents fighting for their schools. You are asking us to make a sound decision but yet choose not to provide us with all the information and facts.” Christine was not alone in expressing this judgement on the ARC November 16, 2016
process. Michelle Taylor, a member of the ARC group and parent of a child at Pineview Public School in Athens, also resigned last week, citing very similar complaints. She described it as “an undiplomatic and hostile process”, which forced “busy parents and community members to prepare professional presentations, complete with Powerpoint notes; forcing anyone wanting to speak to register with the school board several days in advance, with prepared presentation attached; limiting speakers to 8 per session; and picking and choosing who gets to speak”. Michelle’s conclusion was that “these sessions are an absolute farce”. She then called on all ARC members across the Province to resign. Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark has asked that the ARC process be put on hold and issued an open letter to Board Chair, Jeff McMillan. “I urge you to remove the restriction limiting public delegations
The Voice of North Grenville
to eight and ensure all voices are heard. Frankly, on a matter as important as this one, more meetings in more locations with more time for delegations should always be the default position of any public organization.” The North Grenville Municipal Council issued a letter of support for the parents at Oxfordon-Rideau Public School in Oxford Mills in their attempts to prevent the closure of that school.
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mainly untrained, untried Canadian troops were sent to defend Hong Kong. This story was of special interest to many New Horizon Club members who knew Ken Ewing, a long-time member, who joined the Royal Rifles at the age of fifteen, fought in the Battle of Hong Kong and spent the remainder of the war years as a Japanese prisoner of war. The story of the Battle of Hong Kong is particularly poignant now as we remember all those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Terry and his wife Marina brought history to life as they talked about the battle and the betrayal of Canadian soldiers sent to fight an unwinnable battle. Terry and Marina were thanked by Shirley Price who presented them with a donation from the club to the Poppy Fund of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 212 in
Kemptville. The next meeting of the New Horizon Club will be held on Wednesday, November 23 at 2 pm in the Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall. The guest speaker will be Ralph Raina, well known resident of Kemptville, who, after his recovery from tuberculosis in the TB hospital in Ottawa, went on to a successful career as an entrepreneur and to become Counsellor, Reeve, and Mayor of the Town of Kemptville. The annual Christmas dinner will be held on December 14 at noon. Tickets are $25.00 and must be purchased in advance. Call Jean at 613-2836439. The New Horizon Club meets each second and fourth Wednesday of the month. For information about club programs and membership, please call Janet (613-269-2737).
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The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Hulse, Playfair & McGarry renovations begin on Kemptville Chapel
Sharon McGarry and Patrick McGarry, along with their colleagues,
are pleased to announce that major renovations are underway to our
with Lockwood Brothers Construction and other local businesses for this exciting initiative. The significant renovations will see a redesign of our building’s interior, including a dedicated reception centre, and a brand new exterior appearance in keeping with Kemptville’s heritage. We will proudly continue to serve the community’s needs during renovation which is scheduled for completion May, 2017. Proudly Locally Owned and Operated. Since 1925.
Kemptville Chapel. Hulse, Playfair & McGarry is proud to have partnered
FAST Rural Transit Summit by Deron Johnston This past week, Brockville was the site of a community meeting on rural transit called the FAST Summit, hosted by the Every Kid In Our Community [EKIOC] transportation workgroup. Despite the name of the group, this workgroup was created “to understand the needs, barriers, inventory and preferences of all Leeds and Grenville residents”. The meeting was to seek input from residents, community organizations and businesses on what the best model for a rural transit system would be, and how best to put it together. The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville [UCLG] asked EKIOC to explore the possibilities of having a transit system for the United Counties. The UCLG is a large, second tier municipality, with just over 100,000 people and is approximately 3,384 square kilometres in size. It contains 30 people per
square kilometre, and the median age of its residents is 47 years old. During a recent survey that was not publicized very well, 1,000 UCLG residents responded, and approximately 25% of respondents said that they had trouble getting to medical and heath related appointments and resources. In 2010/2011, North Leeds conducted a transportation pilot project that lasted for 18 months and was funded by a Trillium grant from the provincial government. In 2014, Dillon Consulting prepared a report for the Rural Institute of Ontario called “Towards Coordinated Rural Transportation” with which UCLG assisted. This report recommended a series of steps to establish a process to: -Identify groups that share common goals that could work together -Inventory existing transportation resources, services and stakeholders -Identify demand for
service and current service gaps -Assess different coordination models and make a recommendation -Identify the building blocks of the preferred model -Select a preferred coordination model A lot of work and data collection has been done already by the EKIOC transportation workgroup. Now they’re asking for help from the public in choosing a coordination model and to create at least one additional working group that would help them pursue funding, community partners, and stakeholders. Probably the biggest stumbling block to a transportation system for Leeds-Grenville is funding. Many smaller municipalities simply don’t have the money, or have very little that they could contribute. This is why it would be best if the UCLG took on the municipal funding component and that
the system was centralized. Furthermore, the UCLG might only be required to pay a portion of the cost. The best chance for a sustainable funding model would be for revenue supporting the system to come from users in the form of fees, from private businesses, as sponsors and contributors, and from the UCLG. Some encouraging information shared, was that there are twenty-two active transit pilot projects currently being funded by the Ministry of Transportation in Ontario, totalling $2 million. The good news is that there is going to be a second round of projects, starting in 2018. Wouldn’t it be great if the municipality of North Grenville stepped forward to offer to be one of the pilot projects in 2018? If you’d like more information or would be interested in helping as part of the transportation workgroup, email Beth Steel at beth@, or call 613803-8518.
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A Timely anniversary It is with great surprise and quiet pleasure that we announce that, with this issue, the North Grenville Times is marking its fourth anniversary! Our very first issue arrived in mailboxes on November 19, 2012, and, with our famous attention to detail, it is the only issue in four years where we forgot to print the date and issue number on the front page. Yes, we notice all the little details. The entire crew thank you, readers, advertisers and friends of all kinds, for your support over these four years, and for keeping us going with kind words, smiles and even the occasional criticism. Our hope and aim is to bring you the news from your community, to provide an opportunity for all of us to talk to each other freely, and to appreciate the wonderful place in which we live. It is sometimes necessary to talk about the things that need improving, but we all know that there is a strong foundation of community spirit, compassion and energy that shows through every day throughout the municipality. Thanks again for your support. We hope to carry on with this intriguing adventure for years to come. November 16, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Santa Claus Parade
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November 16, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Saturday, November 19 Annual Kemptville Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade This year’s theme is a “Disney Christmas” and will feature floats from service groups and businesses in the area. The Parade starts at 1 pm from the parking lot at Holy Cross School and will wind its way along Clothier Street and down Prescott Street, ending at the Kemptville College. The Rotary Club of Kemptville will be handing out candy for the children and collecting non-perishable food items for the local food bank as they walk along with the parade and their float. They will also be selling hot dogs and sausages for the hungry parade-watchers with all proceeds going toward community initiatives. The North Pole is at the North Grenville Public Library this year from 1-6 pm. Children can come write their letter to Santa, do a Christmas craft and best of all meet Santa after the parade!
Enjoy the Parade!
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Energy East Concern #5: Canadian Oil for Canadians by Chris Weissflog The Energy East issue raises serious questions about local democratic processes and transparency, and what those who govern us understand about the risks this major pipeline project poses. It also brings to the forefront a big question about how and from whom these decision-makers get their information and just how reliable it is, especially when it is coming from TransCanada itself. From slide decks they used at County and North Grenville Councils there is a selling point: Canadian Oil for Canadians. It suggests two things: energy independence and the ethical superiority of Canadian bitumen. Their slides show how Quebec and the Maritime Provinces are reliant on imported oil; it could be up to 80% of their needs. They mention how Canada takes in 736,000 foreign barrels per day and imply that some of the 3.7 million barrels of daily bitumen production could be used to satisfy Canadian demand. An interesting suggestion that even Elizabeth May has made. So why isn’t it already being done? It’s certainly not for a
lack of transportation infrastructure; we’ve seen rail already being used to move bitumen across Canada. One reason is because there’s no capacity in Eastern Canada to refine such heavy crude. But TransCanada is appealing to our sense of patriotism with their “nation-building project” by implying the opportunity to make ourselves energy independent. So why aren’t fossil fuel companies already stepping up to satisfy this supposed demand to “buy Canadian” at the pumps? Ultimately, with Energy East there is no plan to refine heavy oil in Eastern Canada. What we do know about their plan is that partner company Irving Oil intends to build big tanks and big loading terminals in St John NB so that big tankers can take it to where those heavy oil refineries already exist, and that’s not in Canada. Which brings us to the second part: there’s more to this proposal than a hint about making Canada energy independent. There is also the “ethical oil” theme: where oil from so many foreign sources is compromised by the ethics of their governments, unlike the purity of the
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The North Grenville Times
Canadian product, or so the argument goes. It sounds good until one actually examines the claim. We blatantly saw this in a widely used image: foreign flags on gas pump handles, and a question asking you where you would like your fuel to come from. It had flags of countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Angola, Venezuela and Canada. It figured prominently in Energy East web-based advertising, with images like these on the “Energy East Action Network” website for “grassroots support”; a website paid for by TransCanada. The image has since been scrubbed, probably because the overt use of the “ethical oil” argument has since become a source of embarrassment for the cause. It hasn’t however, stopped the use of such flag imagery: it is still being used to this day by
TransCanada as a “dog whistle” to those who want to believe the “ethical oil” argument has merit, and are in presentations TransCanada has recently given to County Council. So, how “ethical” is bitumen when compared to other oils? First the others: there’s Saudi Arabia’s record of women’s rights and human rights in the Yemen; there’s separatist conflict in Angola, an unstable economy in Venezuela, and sectarian violence in Iraq. And then there are the companies that are operating in such places, many of which are also mining bitumen in Alberta: companies like NEXEN, SUNCOR and the Chinese company CNOOC (a communist State Owned Enterprise). Doesn’t operating in less “ethical” countries tarnish them and by extension their global product, including Canadian bitumen?
The Voice of North Grenville
And then there is dilbit. When shipped by pipeline it is 30% diluent, possibly from Saudi Arabia. Presumably, it is then 70% ethical, at best. But is Canada or its bitumen beyond ethical reproach? Consider the tar sands ecosphere: 170 square miles of land in Alberta dug down 40 meters, massive tailings ponds and a mountain of sulfur. And the industry has put aside 1% of the money necessary to remediate it when it winds down. Don’t be fooled: despite the rhetoric, it is impossible to believe there will be funds available to replace the boreal forest when the carbon bubble bursts (the story is the same for Alberta’s oil wells). It is hard to imagine that until the sands of time cover it up again, it will be anything other than a health and environmental risk as well as a public liability. Where are the
Terry Butler back at home Terry Butler, ex-Councillor in North Grenville and well-known owner of Butler’s Victorian Pantry, has been in hospital for surgery recently. His family have let friends know that he is now back home. His daughters posted on Facebook: “After a successful surgery Dad is recovering at home with family. With limited information, we want to thank everyone for your thoughts, prayers and support through this difficult time.” Everyone at the Times wishes Terry all the best as he recuperates and assure him and his family that they are in our prayers. So Terry: rest, relax, and what not!
ethics of that? And what of the health concerns from environmental toxicity for peoples and First Nations in the region? Governments past have deliberately neglected environmental measurement to avoid knowing the impact. Not so ethical. All we see are knowingly misleading claims that leverage patriotic emotions for an offering that is not included in the plan, and far outside any reasonable expectations for industry to deliver. But it sounds good if you want to believe it, if you don’t think twice, and if you don’t ask questions. If Mayor Gordon knows better, I would like to see the evidence. I don’t buy “gag orders” or the excuse that he can’t share because the source of his information doesn’t want its identity revealed.
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Remembrance Day Parade 2016
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Traditional Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Cenotaph on Prescott Street, North Grenville 6
The North Grenville Times
Municipality Matters
The Voice of North Grenville
Councillor Tobin accuses colleagues by David Shanahan A storm in a teacup at the North Grenville Council table became a little more serious last week, when Councillor Barb Tobin took issue with the Mayor and a fellow Co u ncillor, D onovan Arnaud, accusing them, effectively, of lying to Council and to her. She also accused Councillor Arnaud of going against rules and resolutions of Council. It was quite a serious charge to level against Council members. It began when Donovan Arnaud, in his capacity as Chair of the Economic Development Committee, tried to bring together the Chamber of Commerce and the Kemptville BIA, and seemed to have got their agreement to share office space and staff in an effort to be more efficient and productive. With that in mind, he attended a meeting of the Library Board to see about getting a room at the Library on Prescott Street for the use of the Chamber and BIA.
It seems his approach was rather heavy-handed, in the view of the Board, and they felt he was forcing them into giving up the room, in spite of the fact that Council had passed a Resolution some time ago, and before Councillor Arnaud was appointed, giving the Board jurisdiction over the room and its use. The Councillor, once the Resolution was brought to his attention, admitted at the Committee of the Whole last week that he had acted in ignorance. The issue seemed to be resolved at that point. To make the entire matter somewhat moot, the NG Chamber of Commerce announced that they were not interested in the Library room, having their eye, instead, on a space in the Municipal Centre now occupied by Big Brothers - Big Sisters. This was not enough for Councillor Tobin, however, who has always claimed what might be called a special relationship with the Library. The
impression is that she was almost solely responsible for the Library’s existence. Following the meeting of Council, she informed the media that: “This is all political; downright out political. Councillor Bertram told me there had been a Board meeting. I came to members of Council and asked for an explanation, to explain to me what was going on. Unfortunately, they didn’t give me the same story. I play by the rules, I play by the policy.” She rejected the claim by Councillor Arnaud that he had not known about the Resolution giving the room to the Board, and stated that both he and the Mayor had, in fact, known of it. “It’s the rules for me. I know information was gathered, and from my research I also know that the two people involved were very aware there was a Resolution in play. That’s why I said to them [at the Committee of the Whole], I always do my homework. The first conversation I had with one of those people
[they] forgot I always do my homework, so I got a different story about how all that played out. I don’t like throwing anyone under the bus, we all make mistakes, but there’s a rule in play and I can’t break them”. It seems that Councillor Tobin was not happy with the way the entire issue had been dealt with, both in public and in private, by Council. Contradictory accounts of events seem to have reached her, and she felt it important to bring it before the public: “It’s the process. It’s all process for me, it’s the rules, and it’s all the transparency of that. We all have one vote and that’s the important part. This is not to throw anyone under the bus, it’s to say that this doesn’t seem right to me, I’m going to have to discuss this in public. My conscience is clear, and I never throw anyone under the bus without letting them pull their foot out first. It didn’t happen, for me.” This is not an official Council situation, as Councillor Arnaud was acting unilaterally in approaching the Library Board. CAO of the Municipality, Brian Carré, pointed out that “Staff were not involved in any way, shape or form with that initiative”. Councillor Arnaud commented simply that “I have no comment. This issue, as far as I am concerned, is over and forgotten. I have moved on”. It seemed a sensible decision.
Committee of the Whole Highlights Nov. 7, 2016
by Deron Johnston To begin this week’s Committee of the Whole meeting, Deputy Mayor B a r b To b i n v o i c e d concern over what she considered a policy issue regarding the minutes from the most recent Library Board meeting at which Councillor Donovan Arnaud was a guest of Councillor Jim Bertram (who is the Council member assigned to the library board). Under the Planning and Development part of the agenda, the Ottawa Renewable Energy Cooperative participated in an information session to help Council and the public understand the scope of their proposed solar project. OREC had applied for a letter of support last month from the municipality, but Council passed a resolution denying the letter of support, then decided to defer the matter until a public meeting could be set up to help inform residents about the project. Some residents who live in the area surrounding the proposed location of the project November 16, 2016
were unhappy about the short notice they received about the information session. Several of them asked questions about the project and seemed to be mostly satisfied with the answers they received from OREC general manager Janice Ashworth. However, the owner of the property assured residents that, if they were opposed to the project, he would consider cancelling it. At the November 14 meeting of Council, they will vote on the previous resolution, that Council would not write a letter of support. The LA Group made a presentation to Council on their third update of the site plan for the Kemptville Landing Condominium project in downtown Kemptville. The newest site plan had a number of changes, including: lowering both buildings to seven and eight floors respectively, reducing the number of units to 121, shifting the locations of the buildings slightly and changing the buildings to all brick exterior. Gilles Brisebois of LA Group was happy to report that all of the people who had
put down a deposit had approved of the changes proposed. Mr. Brisebois wanted to begin digging on December 1 because project financing was conditional and he needed to begin work before the end of December. He estimated it would take twelve months before the first owners could move in. CAO Brian Carré suggested to Council that the ‘reports from members of Council’ become a written report, in addition to their verbal report. This report would be included in the agenda package that is released just before each Council meeting. This sparked some discussion from Council. Councillor Bertram stated that he would continue to give his full verbal report, as usual, but agreed to submit a written report as well. The idea behind submitting a written report was to save time, so that Council members could verbally touch only on more important things, but all of the information would still be available in the written report. For Parks, Recreation and Culture, Councillor
Onasanya (who is the chair of the Canada Day organizing committee) spoke about ‘Canada Day 150’ and the inability of the organizing committee to find enough volunteers to have quorum in order to be able to vote on agenda items. Councillor Onasanya announced that activities will be planned for the entire day in Kemptville on Canada Day. This may be controversial, as Oxford Mills has a Canada Day celebration that runs from late morning to early afternoon and attracts hundreds of people. Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, M a r k G u y, o u t l i n e d two new projects. One will upgrade the WiFi 7
UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, November 28 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, November 21 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at COMMITTEE MEETINGS Police Services Board – Tuesday, November 22 at 1:30 pm at the Municipal Centre
The Municipality of North Grenville is hosting a Rural Summit on Saturday, November 26, 2016 at Kemptville College, Parish Hall. The event includes presentations, information and discussion to foster communications and suggestions on how we can all continue to work together to support our rural area and benefit from our rural way of life. To see the agenda and to register for the Rural Summit, visit For further information please contact Teri Devine, Economic Development Officer at tdevine@ or 613-258-9569 Ext 115.
WASTE SITE ATTENDANT – Casual, Part-Time The Municipality of North Grenville is accepting applications for a Casual, Part-time Waste Site Attendant. Visit careers for more information. The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44 PO Box 130 Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-4424 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-2438 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-2438 ext. 6 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002
capabilities in the main hall of the Municipal Centre. This has been a concern for people who have rented the space and had trouble using the WiFi for things like accepting credit card payments. The cost of the upgrade surprisingly came in under budget, which made Deputy Mayor Tobin uncomfortable. However, another project which included the building of a new interactive kiosk
in the Municipal Centre offices waiting area went over budget, but the total amount for both worked out to about the same.
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The North Grenville Times
Teach your children by David Shanahan “You who are on the road must have a code that you can live by”: Graham Nash “I've seen the future, brother: it is murder”: Leonard Cohen Is it too extreme to say that the future has changed since the US election? I don’t think so. Even here in our communities in Eastern Ontario, we’re going to feel the effects of what the Electoral College delivered last week. Not the American people, of course, because Clinton actually won more of their votes than Trump did. In fact, he received fewer votes than Mitt Romney or John McCain did in the previous elections. But the result remains the same, regardless. Why is this so important? Think of all our socio-economic society has been built up on over the past decades. International trade agreements, concern for the environment, Dear Editor: POLITICAL AFFILIATION I do not support any political party during its mandate and this article is not written to influence people on which party to vote for. I find it frustrating talking about politics to people who refuse to listen to other opinions because they have always supported the same party. Now the embarrassing question, Why? My opinion of the ruling party during its mandate is based solely on the following two criteria: what they do, and how well they do it. Of course, we have to factor in the election platform of all parties prior to election, and how well individual members of parliament have represented us regardless which party they belong to. We send these members to Parliament to take decisions for the good of the people and we must be in a position to remind them at election time. I have been following the political scene in The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 November 16, 2016
The Voice of North Grenville
tolerance and equality for religious, ethnic and gender minorities, respect for political opponents, all of this has been undermined by the Trump campaign rhetoric. Even the truth is a casualty: when the President-elect of the United States can lie, openly and unashamedly, saying things that he and everyone else knows are untrue, how can he ever be trusted again? Perhaps, it may even be worse than that: perhaps he doesn’t know he’s lying, doesn’t realise he’s telling complete lies? Perhaps he doesn’t know enough to know when he’s lying? Isn’t that even more worrying? If he keeps his campaign promises, he will try and prosecute Clinton and put her in jail. He will send out police squads to track down and deport undocumented workers, some of whom may have been born in the US. And what do we tell our children? Is this the role model we will point
to as the best and the brightest we can produce in leadership? Harder, of course, for Americans; but Canadian children also are asking questions. Is the Trump approach really the way to success? Does he really reflect the views that we, as a society, should have about immigrants, the disabled, other religions, the environment. Is this how we should properly view women? Is that the kind of attitude that you need to have in order to succeed in business and politics? What else are they to think? Trump threatens to cancel trade agreements with Canada and other countries. Perhaps this would be an opportunity to renegotiate deals, where new conditions are needed. But Trump seems to be threatening to return to an economic isolationism, a walled camp, where America First is the Prime Directive. That may be fine for Americans, though I doubt it will be as much
of a paradise for American workers as they seem to think, but the effect on Canadian employment could be severe, especially as our two economies are now so intricately linked that any attempt to separate them could be traumatic indeed. Apparently, Climate Change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese Government for some nefarious reason. Trump says he will cancel his country’s part in the recent Paris Accords, and get those coal-fired plants working again. Pipelines will be encouraged, fracking too, no doubt. But, given that Canada, and Ontario specifically, is investing in policies such as cap and trade, limiting carbon emissions, etc., the Trump approach will throw our economy into even more turmoil than our Government’s plans may. But, behind all of this concern lies a deeper issue, one that is far more fundamental to us all as
human beings. Trump has let loose demons that society had managed to suppress after great and costly struggles. The vicious and personal attacks he has made, and encouraged his supporters to make, on opponents, on “the other”, has crossed a line that cannot easily be re-established. How many other wanna-be demagogues are going to look at his hate-filled, ignorant, misogynist, bigoted, racist, lying campaign and decide that, if it worked to get Trump elected, it’s ok for them to use the same approach too. The fact is that the election results are not an isolated phenomenon. The British voted to leave the European Union, much against the predictions of the pollsters and politicos. (Though, to be fair, the Scots and the people of Northern Ireland voted to remain, and the Welsh seem to have changed their opinion recently). There is a groundswell of anger
Canada, the U.S.A. and Europe for many years and it is beyond me how people can be life-long supporters of a political party. Will they always be part of the party base, regardless of that party’s performance? Why not keep an open mind? How can they remain objective? The American election is the most recent example. Regardless of what the Republican presidential candidate said or did, or how insulting he was to his opponents, the unwavering party faithful always found a way to defend his actions. The Party first, the rest after. Marcel Paquette Kemptville
have representatives from both parties and the town has to get down to brass tax and put this college to use. Guelph has little or no back bone. Mr Raina also stated that our money will have to end its trip to Toronto and Ottawa. Thanks Mr Raina, for these words. The College is one of the many buildings that could be used for seminars, a good kitchen and will need to be improved. The gym can be used for anyone who attends seminars, and if Guelph wants to pull out we can do without them. I believe that we need more backbone and stand up to the govt's. They do not own us and I WILL POINT OUT THAT IT IS THE FARMERS AND RAILROAD PEOPLE T H AT B U I LT T H I S COUNTRY, certainly not the governments. Kemptville can be, and is, a good community and it is up to us to keep it going. I was born and raised in the community, served in the OKA crisis. It may not have meant much
to other people, but it sure meant a lot to me. We have a wonderful hospital, fire department, police department, and a wonderful group of people who work for the town, and everyone should be standing behind these people. I personally do not want houses springing up on college land because there is no rhyme or reason that houses have to be built ,because a lot of people would like gardens and there is no reason why gardens cannot be put in, each on looking after their own. Also we have a wonderful group of Churches, and the love that is among the people. Just look at the Good Friday walk through the streets.
Maybe, if we kept the trains on then, people could get a ride to Ottawa to work, or shopping, and come home at night. Many did this years ago, and we’ve got to start taking a stand against both governments. For it is getting to be a dictatorship, and, if no one stands up to them, then we are all in trouble. Mr Raina, you still have good ideas Bro and keep them coming. In closing, if no one is going to listen to us, then why should we bother even putting people back into office. But then, there is welfare on a much smaller level for them. Capt Milfred W.A. Harper, Black Watch rtd
Dear Editor: In re - reading the NG Times from a few weeks ago former mayor Ralph Raina posted in the paper that the council should get on board and demand from the federal and provincial levels that we demand something to be done with all our gov't buildings. We
the north grenville
Marketing Peter Peers 613 989-2850
ISSN 2291-0301
The Voice of North Grenville
Editor David Shanahan 613-215-0735
Production Manager Copy Editor Marguerite Boyer Pat Jessop 613-215-0735 613-258-4671
Reporter Hilary Thomson Graphics Micheal Pacitto 613-710-7104
coming to the surface around the globe, and it is heading in the direction taken in the 1920's and 30's. We can’t know yet what the results of Trump’s election will mean for civil and human rights. But we do know that the Russian Government hacked computers of the Democratic Party, among others, to steer the election Trump’s way. With a friend of Putin the White House, I would be very fearful if I lived in the Ukraine, or the Baltic States. And I cannot imagine what a Russia and Syria, freed from pressure from the West, will do in Syria, Iran and Irag, beyond even the barbaric savagery they have indulged in already. The world has changed, and Trump’s election is only the most obvious sign of the direction it is taking. We in Canada have to hold on to “a code you can live by”. It is ironic that the man who saw the future, described it as “murder”, should choose this week to leave the stage. We will miss Leonard Cohen. We will also miss standards of decency, honour and integrity in public life. We thought it was bad before: what can we expect in the future?
Mailing Address 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Accounting Pat Jessop 613-258-4671
The North Grenville Times
Local food is good local business
Local Food Or Lottery Ticket? by Deron Johnston Local food is an important subject that has been gaining momentum in the region over the past few years. This publication has printed a number of articles about local food in the past, including the possibilities for local food, the benefits of it, and even the reasoning behind why it’s important. Please consider the following information about the importance of local food. Agriculture and agrifood is the 2nd largest employment sector in the Ontario economy. Increasing the output of local food creates jobs, helps create new businesses, and adds more tax revenue to the municipality. Buying local food means that one dollar spent can circulate as many as seven times within the community before it leaves North Grenville. Locally grown or locally made foods look better, taste better, and are more nutritious. The food is often harvested or made at precisely the right time for best flavour, freshest appearance, and maximum nutritional value. Imported food often sits for days in warehouses, travels great distances, and is handled by many people before it gets to your plate. Local food is safer. It’s much less likely to be preserved or chemically treated. You also know exactly where it comes from. Livestock are processed in nearby facilities, and farmers are more likely to have direct oversight on processing. You can even look the farmer in the eye at their roadside stand or at the farmers’ market and ask them questions. Farmers know their responsibilities to keep food safe and take it very seriously. Local food encourages both environmental and financial sustainability. Farms typically use fewer municipal services than the value of the taxes that they generate. A cow doesn’t drive on our roads, an apple doesn’t call the police if it’s noisy outside. In addition, farms often have their own ecosystems and capture far more carbon than they could ever produce. They also preserve fertile land, protect water resources, and can offer a safe habitat for a wide range of wildlife. Local food ensures food
Nicole LeBlanc prepares baking mix at Heather’s Healthy Harvest By Hilary Thomson Former owner of The Branch, Nicole LeBlanc, is making buns, and loving it. Her business, “Love My Buns”, began a few years ago when she started making and selling glutenfree, low-carb buns in The Branch Restaurant kitchen, and selling them at local health food stores. The idea for making this type of bread was inspired by her 8-year-old daughter, Abigail. Abigail is on the autism spectrum and, when she was very young, Nicole and her husband, Bruce Enloe, started researching what other parents of children with autism were doing to help their children. “When she was two, we put her on a diet that we had read about, which is pretty much the same as a paleo or grain-free diet,” Nicole says. “We saw a great deal of progress right out of the gate, so we knew we were on the right track.” Nicole says she has also felt the benefits of the paleo diet. Paleo is a way of eating that limits carbohydrates by cutting out grains, starches, refined sugars and processed foods. After suffering for years with joint pain due to inflammation, Nicole says her pain has decreased significantly after limiting her grain, starch and sugar intake. In order to make baked goods that fit into the family’s new diet, Nicole and Bruce started grinding up pumpkin seeds to make flour. “It was very time consuming,” Nicole says. When she found out that coconut flour was available in stores she jumped on it, started experimenting, and emerged with the recipe for Love My Buns. November 16, 2016
For a few years, Nicole baked her buns and sold them ready-made. However, when they decided to sell The Branch last spring, she knew she would have to adapt her business, because she would no longer have access to a commercial kitchen. “A dry mix makes so much more sense business-wise, because it is so convenient to ship and store,” she says. A f t e r s o m e experimentation, she came up with a mix that not only makes bread, but can also be used for pancakes, muffins and even pizza crust. With the addition of a few wet ingredients, the buns can be made in just a few minutes in the microwave. “I’m just so excited about it, because the possibilities are endless,” Nicole says. “It’s so easy to use that I see it on the shelves of regular grocery stores.” Nicole is currently working out of Heather’s Healthy Harvest in Kemptville, where she has a large standing mixer to create the baking mix. While she and Bruce do miss the community they built at The Branch, her current lifestyle is more conducive to spending time as a family. “We get to have dinner together,” Nicole says beaming. “I still love cooking and I get to make something different every
The Voice of North Grenville
night.” The Love My Buns Miracle Bread mix just hit the shelves a week and a half ago at Heather’s Healthy Harvest, Nature’s Way, and Healthily Ever After in Merrickville. She is also selling the mix through her website, www.lovemybuns. ca, and has sent orders as far away as Victoria, BC. She says her next step is to break into the Ottawa market. “The next steps are a little bit bigger and a little bit scarier, because now I’m going out there in the world, where people don’t know me. I’m knocking on doors of bigger businesses. There is a bit of a fear factor there,” she admits. Nicole is fueled by passion. The same passion for healthy local food that kept her and Bruce going at The Branch for so many years. “Now I have the same energy and determination, but it’s for a different product,” she says. “It’s so great that I can help people and still really enjoy my lifestyle.”
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security. In 2008, there was a global food crisis when food commodity prices, like wheat and rice, soared because of global crop failures. It created riots and massive food shortages around the world. By growing and producing more food locally, it decreases the need for importing as much food. This also means that the price of food would remain relatively stable and only increase incrementally rather than following massive price spikes in the event of global food disasters. The demand for local food has risen dramatically in the past decade. Consumers are seeking out local products more often now. At a recent local business reception, Janet Campbell, the owner of Mrs. McGarrigle’s in Merrickville, told the audience that the biggest change that she’s noticed in her business in the past ten years is that customers are demanding more and more local products. A strong local food system can also help other business sectors like tourism, retail and manufacturing. Having restaurants that serve good local food, having a vibrant farmers’ market, and having local retailers selling local food products
can all lead to more tourists coming to North Grenville to spend their money. Manufactured products from locally grown ingredients can be exported and sold in other parts of the province, country and continent. All of this can lead to more jobs, better paying jobs, less time driving and more time at home for residents, as well as more municipal tax revenue for improved infrastructure, facilities and services. Despite all of this, local food has had little or no support politically i n t h i s m u n i c i p a l i t y. Without the local political will to pursue the many benefits of local food, it becomes that much more difficult to build a strong, sustainable local food system. Municipal political support makes it much easier to pursue essential funding and gain access to other critical resources at both the federal and provincial government level. Doesn’t building a local food system make more sense than wishing for a large employer to ride into town (looking to get everything for free) like every other municipality in Eastern Ontario? We’re just as likely to win the lottery. Besides, local food tastes better than lottery tickets.
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
SANTA CLAUS PARADE - NOVEMBER 19 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville
Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6
Prices effective: Friday, Nov. 18 to Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements”
November 16, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Spirit of Christmas in Oxford Mills
submitted by John Barclay The Oxford Mills Community Association invites everyone to join them in celebrating the Spirit of Christmas on December 2nd and 3rd. Festivities begin at the Oxford Mills Town Hall (beside Maplewood Hall) for the annual Christmas Tree lighting on Friday evening. This year, thanks to a small community grant, the lights will be absolutely
dazzling. The event starts around 6:30pm and includes carol singing led by our local Girl Guides. After tree lighting and caroling all are welcome over to Maplewood Hall for cookies, hot chocolate, to view Silent Auction items and to have a visit with Father Christmas!! Around 8pm you will see the OMCA hay wagon, sponsored by The North Grenville Times,
Friends of the Forestry Centre AGM Sponsored by Gerry Van Gurp and Olde Porch Primitives. There will be free photos with Santa and developing on site. Finally, please join your neighbours on December 3rd from 10am till 3pm in beautiful Maplewood Hall. This is the OMCA's 5th Annual Spirit of Christmas Craft Sale. Over the past five years we have paid attention to what our attendees ask for in a vendor. This year each vendor booked has been carefully chosen. The craft sale will offer an intimate shopping experience, and a chance to fulfill every Christmas wish. You will not be disappointed. We will also have Oxford Mills' landmark Brigadoon Restaurant supplying soup and biscuits for purchase, with money raised going to the OMCA to support their free community activities.
leave to tour the hamlet and judge which home has the most beautiful Christmas lights and decorations. Winners will be announced the next day (December 3rd) at the Spirit of Christmas and Craft Sale in Oxford Mills. Next day (December 3rd) from 8:30am till 10:30am enjoy a free Pancake Breakfast with Santa at the Oxford Mills United Church.
MEET AND GREET OPEN HOUSE The Law Office Of Connie Lamble
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November 16, 2016
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An important aspect of our AGM is the election of members to our Board of Directors. All members are invited to stand for a position on the Board of Directors. Members may be nominated from the floor of the AGM to stand for election to the Board. Members may selfnominate. All members are eligible to vote. Four (4) director at large positions will be open for election during the nomination process. We have all had that moment in Ferguson Forest Centre when we think how lucky we are to have this Jewel of a place to gather and enjoy a dose of nature. There are recreational and educational opportunities that we could respond to and we need your help as a member, volunteer or director. As a user who cares about Ferguson Forest Centre, this is your chance to give back a little. Mission: The Friends of the Ferguson Forest Centre brings together individual and community partners committed to protecting and fostering the overall wellbeing of the lands north of County Road 43, east of County Road 44, south of the Rideau River and west of the South Branch of the Rideau River, also known as the Kemptville Creek, that are either the property of the Ontario
Sales Representative
Direct 613-447-8090 Office 613-258-1990
2868 County Road 43, Unit #1 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Tel: 613.269.2022
Thursday, November 24, 2016 @ 7 pm NG Public Library, Norenberg Building, Tallman Room 7:00 to 7:30 pm Networking, Membership Renewal, Light Refreshments 7:30 to 9:00 pm Annual General Meeting with guest speaker Scott Danford, Forestry Program Manager, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
Linda McKee
Account Executive Kemptville tel: (613) 258-8898 2600 County fax: (613) 526-4974
The Voice of North Grenville
Louise Thompson Consultant / Leader/Trainer 613.258.7175 www.partylite/louisethompson
Samantha Rivet-Stevenson, PFP
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Counterfeit Christians by David Shanahan
Christians can find themselves in a strange place in our modern society. On the one hand, there’s a whole lot of people claiming to be Christians, who clearly a r e n ’t . O n t h e o t h e r hand, simply saying that someone isn’t a Christian leads to judgement: “How dare you say someone isn’t a Christian! Who are you to say that?” In the end, we get hit from both sides: bad press because of people acting in a very antiJesus manner, yet calling themselves Christians; and then being accused of arrogance, intolerance, etc., if we point out that the people killing, or being racist, or hating women, or whatever, are not following Jesus in any way. It’s hardly fair. One reason for the problem is that society has developed the idea
that everything is relative, without absolutes. What is true for you, is not necessarily true for me. We have a buffet approach to religion these days: pick and choose what you like and ignore the rest, but still claim the right to pick the label you feel comfortable with. But we don’t accept that kind of thinking (I almost said “reasoning”!) In many other important areas of life. No-one can just decide that they’re Canadian citizens, because it suits them and they want into the country. There are rules and definitions that have to be observed. Likewise, no-one can decide, all by themselves, that the rules of baseball or hockey don’t apply to them: they would be thrown out of the game and looked at with scorn, to say the least. Certainly, no-one would accuse the Canadian Government of being intolerant and
The North Grenville Times judgmental for refusing entry to someone claiming to be a citizen without cause. The other main reason for this counterfeit Christian phenomenon is basic ignorance of Christianity itself. A waitress in a restaurant the other day asked me about the book I was reading, and I told her it was the New Testament. “Oh”, she said, “what’s that about?” Recently, on CBC Radio, someone explained the high level of spousal abuse in the Ottawa Valley by pointing out that there are a lot of “faith communities” in the area. I think they meant churches. Why is there a belief that Christianity is anti-women, or condones abuse? Because of counterfeit Christians. The sad fact is that much of the inaccurate and critical attitudes towards Christianity are caused by those claiming to be Christians. Sometimes,
In honour of WWII Prisoners of War Submitted by Ellen Miller An appreciation dinner was held at Nestle Down Bed and Breakfast in Kemptville, by Terry Meagher and his wife Marina, to thank friends who assisted him in compiling his book “BETRAYAL – Canadian Soldiers Hong Kong 1941”. In attendance were Bill and his wife Eva Wiseman, Nick and his wife Lynne Ward, Ivan and his wife Sue Fenton, and Sue, wife of the late Ken Ewing, and her son Michael. Major Bill Wiseman commanded a platoon in the third battalion Parachute Regiment, and a company in 5 Airborne Brigade. He commanded two British Battalions in Germany and Bosnia and lectured for two years at Sandhurst Military College. His father was a POW in Hong Kong. Bill and Eva live between Kemptville and Spencerville. Lt. Colonel Nick Wa r d s e r v e d i n t h e Second Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and as an Instructor of Gunnery at the artillery school. He reclassified and worked in military intelligence where he became the chief intelligence officer for a multinational brigade in November 16, 2016
Bosnia – Hercegovina. He also served as Liaison Officer to British Intelligence. He and Lynne live in Kemptville. Major General Ivan Fenton became battalion commander of 3 RCR in Germany and later commanded Camp Petawawa. As a brigade general, he served in the Kosovo Campaign and later commanded land forces in the western region of Canada. He became Chief of Operations for NATO in Brussels where as a major general he commanded units from 26 countries. He was editor of this book. Ivan and Sue live in Ottawa. The late Ken Ewing was a private soldier in Hong Kong, and at sixteen the youngest in the two Canadian Battalions who fought at Hong Kong. Ken’s wife Sue and her son Michael live on the River Road between Merrickville and Kemptville. Ellen Vibert-Miller’s cousin was a POW in Hong Kong. His name was Phillip Lawlis. Her husband Allison’s uncle David Miller was also in Hong Kong during WWII. Terry Meagher was a rifleman in Korea in 1952 and 1953. Terry started to write this book as one
they really are Christians who have become confused with Christendom (more on that later), but many times counterfeit Christians, make it up as you go along types, are teaching and preaching things that have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus, or are even diametrically opposed to what he taught. To be fair, churches can have a lot of counterfeit Christians in them too. Jesus talked about the wheat and the weeds, pointing out that they grow up together and can’t be removed easily. The division will come at harvest time. He also said something which may be the heaviest quote in the entire Bible: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” [Matthew 7.21] These are the counterfeit Christians; the ones who claim his
The Voice of North Grenville name, but don’t obey his word. Here’s something else he says to them: “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”[Luke 6.46] Right now, evangelical Christians in the U.S. are agonising over who to vote for in the Presidential election, but many are leaning toward Trump. He may be a misogynist, l i a r, r a c i s t , i g n o r a n t buffoon, but he is against abortion (possibly) and promises to appoint a good conservative to the Supreme Court. Other so-called Christian evangelicals are heading for the hills, storing up weapons and ammunition to defend themselves in the event of a breakdown in the economy or government. How is any of this compatible with the refusal of Jesus to defend himself at his arrest and trial: Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my
iTunes Cards for “Back Taxes” is a Scam soldier’s story but when he researched it more, he saw there were great injustices done and the bureaucrats in Canada had betrayed these men. They had sent them on a senseless task for which nobody was to pay. It was covered up. Second, after the Canadians had suffered more KIAs (Killed in Action) than any other nation, the British generals made them scapegoats, the second betrayal. They covered themselves and said the Canadians were sub standard. Terry asked three ranking soldiers to help him with the technical data, which they did, and they were able to exonerate the Canadian regiments in Hong Kong. Terry has spoken to NATO veterans at the Legion, Youngsters of Yore, Kemptville Library, Kemptville Historical Society and has two more talks scheduled at New Horizons, Burritts Rapids Hall and Country Walk, Clubhouse, Kemptville. Terry has sold between 250-300 copies to date. He has a copy sitting in the Library at Parliament in Ottawa. He can be reached at 613-258-5539 or Terry@ 12
Grenville County Ontario Provincial Police are cautioning the public about a scam that has targeted homes in our community and resulted in the loss of $5,600 to two victims. i Tu n e s g i f t c a r d s are used by consumers to purchase music and movies. The CAFC has seen an increase in complaints where fraudsters request payment through the purchase of iTunes gift cards. In 2016 alone, the C an ad ian An t i-F rau d Centre [CAFC] has received 46 complaints involving the use of iTunes gift cards as payment with losses totaling $85,041. The most common approach reported has fraudsters impersonating the real Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Consumers receive a call or text message claiming that they owe "back taxes" as the result of an audit. The payment must be made immediately to avoid a fine. However, the recipient is told that the outstanding warrant that can be avoided if the payment is made promptly. In many cases, individuals are told they will be deported if the taxes are not paid right away. Consumers are
instructed to purchase and activate iTunes gift cards and provide the codes back to the fraudsters. Warning sign(s) - How to protect yourself: If you are asked to pay for any service or product with an iTunes gift card, don't do it, it's a scam. Ask yourself why the CRA would be asking for payment through an iTunes gift card over the phone or text message, when they already have you on file as a taxpayer. Contact the CRA to confirm that you in fact owe back taxes, or are entitled to a refund, before providing any personal or banking information.
servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” [John 18.36] The Letter to the Hebrews points out that one of the effects of becoming a Christian i s e s c a p e f r o m f e a r, especially fear of death: “Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.”[Hebrews 2.14-15] The real problem is that many people, Christians and non-Christians alike, have confused two different things: Christianity and Christendom. There are solid historical reasons for the confusion, and that is something we can look at next time.
For more information about frauds contact the Canadian AntiFraud Centre at www. or 1-888-495-8501. Anyone with information on the above occurrence is asked to call Grenville County O.P.P. Communication Centre at 1-888-310-1122, the Kemptville Detachment at 613-258-3441 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222(TIPS) 8477 or submit your tip on-line at www. Crime Stoppers does not want your name, you don't go to court, and you could earn cash reward.
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for free estimate 613.791.8597
Winter sports car cover, 3 years FIREWOOD $110 @cord. You will old. Asking $40. Call 613-821- find cheaper but not better. Call Billy @ 258-4529 COMMISSIONED OIL PAINTINGS / SEWING: Weddings to altera- 3664. PRIVATE ART LESSONSmiriammas. tions at STONEHOUSE SEWING. “Fibrefifty” Theatrical standup Mixed hardwood firewood. $100 FB: Miriam- Call Sharon at 613-224-3182. trunk circa-1920, good shape, MasArt per cord delivered. Two cord $100. Call George at 613-258-7653. minimum.Charlie 989-2768. FOR RENT DJ’S RENOVATONS. We’re committed to your Renovation. We Winter rental- cozy 2 bedroom mixed hardwood firewood, $100 do it all. 613.698.5733 furnished house near merrick- Washer & dryer good condition a cord delivered. jon 227-3650 ville. Jan.-Mar. No pets/smokers. $250.00 for the pair ! will sale Looking for AVON products? References-$1500./Mo all incl. number # 613- DIGITAL ASTHMA monitor never Please call Joan at 613-258-7644. 258-4207 658- 5504 please leave message . used $40. Call 613-215-0669
Snow removal Tractor with loader and blower. Call Owen 613-297-7526 The Plumb”Mur” Plus Bathroom 2 bedroom, Kemptville $950 +. PLUS more. Murray 613.519.5274 Central location, private balGIVE YOUR CHILD THE ACADEMIC cony, heated floor, natural gas. ADVANTAGE TO COMPETE IN Clean, quiet, references required TODAY’S WORLD! Enroll your Mobile Foot Care - TOES IN NEED 613.263.5476 children in the kumon math & 613.858.4383 reading program. classes are Furnished room for rent $500. a on Mondays and Thursdays, 4-7 If you want to purchase AVON month in Oxford Mills call 613pm in Kemptville. email nelson- products, call Joan 613.258.7644 294-7420 or call 613-258-4924. Frame Local! Country Ways Cus- Winter rental, cosy 2 bedroom house near Merricktom Picture framing 613.322.6484 furnished ville. Jan-Mar. no pets/smokCall Laurel 613-314-8321 for ers. References, $1500/mo all incl. 258 4207 MARY KAY products and parties and WELCOME WAGON visits in Certified Packer can help you North Grenville prepare for your move. Cinderella 2 Bed Appartment for rent. Accessible living on ground level 613.859.4644 with wider doorways and easy Extra pounds slowing you down? access washroom. Includes 5 apSolutions with Nutrition Coach Speech therapy for children pliances. Snow cleared and lawns Carol Pillar R.H.N. 613-258-7133, in Kemptville and surrounding mowed for you. Beautiful and well support@wholesumapproach. area. maintained for snow birds. Perfect for retirement living. 613-448-2350 com 613-206-1627 (27/16) Housecleaning Every mother/ Brendan Plunkett: Finishing Carfather needs a housewife phone pentry Call or e-mail for a quote. Sandy 613.219.7277 613-986-4533 plunkett1994@ WANTED Private piano lessons, home NG Concert Choir needs inexdaycare, younique products call Rural Home Care services-Afford- pensive secure costume storage able, personal, professional & space. 258-3851 tara 819 664 6448 11/16) experienced care for your loved Well Grounded Foot Care Ad- one. 613.868.0356 Parking spot near Downtown vanced/ Diabetic Mobile Kemptville. 613.818.7040 Clinic. Anita Plunkett R.P.N. 613- ONE ON ONE Computer Training: 294-2122 wellgrounded2016@ Sigma Computer Systems is now LOOKING FOR LABOURER AND offering 1/2 hour classes on Sat- SKILLED ROOFER. CALL OR TEXT urdays. Please call 613.258.9716 613.894.5210 Bartlett Built Welding & Fabrica- for more information WANTED 2 OR 3 BEDROOM APARTtionSteel, Aluminum, Stainless HANDY MAN specializing in reno- MENT ON ONE FLOOR, KEMPTCall Kevin 705-933-2517 vations & house staging. We do it VILLE 613.258.0964 Mr & Mrs Clean residential/ all CALL 613.294.2416 Senior needs old car batteries commercial cleaning. For quote mrandmrsclean613@gmail. You Name It, I Can Sew It. Call for making weights. Call 613 Rhonda at 258-5248 258 6254. com or 613-867-2184 SNOW BIRDS-PLAN NOW. Quali- Heartland Fence & Deck. Renovafied professional house sitter, tion specialist. Brian 613-796now booking assingments-short 9790 or long term - 613.258.5284 Property clean-up, trees/brush/ Post-Concussion Tutoring Sup- yard waste, scrap metal, dump port OCT certified. Ashley: 613- runs, anything removed. Call 898-8676 or Wayne Scott at 613 286 9072 MATH TUTORING, qualified Rock My House music lessons in teacher. Grades 7-11, 8-9pm in fiddle, piano, drums and more. old town 613.863.5639 613 258 5656 CFSC $ CRFSC Courses and exams Steve Hoy 613.258.6162 November 16, 2016
Email to
Friends of the Library AGM Thursday, November 17, 7 pm at the NG Library Harry Haider, Owner of Giant Tiger, to be honoured
Unique festive wreaths made 4 snow tires on alloy rims 225x60x16 from unwanted Christmas trees. to fit Chev $600 (11/27) Jen 613 258 6413 Free composted horse manure HELP WANTED for pickup. Email St. Johns United Church in Kemptville is seeking qualified canCrate and Barrel Rojo Red Tall Cab- didates for a part-time admininet for sale - 82”hx16”dx54”w. istrative assistant position. For Asking $1,000. Send email to information about the position and how to apply, go to: https:// www.kemptvilleunitedchurch. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Hardwood org/ $100 per cord delivered. Softwood $75 per cord delivered. Call Shinglers and labourers required Peter 613-913-0810. Oxford Mills immediately. Please call 613599-0010 Seagate 1.5TB Expansion External Drive, $70 firm. 613-269-3301 Class E or B license-licensed (mini-bus) Bus Driver required for 5pc Peavy Drum Set w/High Hat a run in Kemptville. Email resume Good Condition $400.00Don (613) to or call 613223-3241 for more information. 808-4725 or (613) 258-6413 Panasonic air conditioner 10,000 BTU good shape $175 Call 613 258-2753 Used Power Lift Recliner Burgundy, asking $500 613-852-7031 FIREWOOD (Merrickville)DRY& READY to Burn SOFTWOOD(PINE) $49.00/ CHORD HARDWOOD(ASH) $95.00/ CHORD PICKUP 613 269 3836 Variety of lumber, pine, hemlock, maple, spruce, 1” and 2”. For details call 314-9327. LARGE COLLECTION of ANTIQUE DINING ROOM TABLES & CHAIRS $119.00-$195.00 VG CONDITION 613 269 3836
Merrickville:Casual Relief Cook Weekends. Contact: peter@new- Men’s skates, size 12. “DR XLR8, Senior”. $25. Call 613-821-3664. 3 bed/2bath High Ranch FOR SALE in osgoode only $358,000 w w w.330 0annet 6ft quality artificial Christmas 1d:1002232 tree $60; decorations for tree; 2 light up deer, $30; approx. 100ft Nexus Walker: $200 (Retail $417) led lights $30. Call 613 258 2915, Adjustable height, basket, hand brakes, folds. 613 258-6732 after 6 pm (11/16)
Handyman/Contractor with years 4 tires 175/70r13 snow tracker, Baby bassinet, Navy/white $40. of experience. No job too big or 4 - 185/70414 magna grip,; 2 toyo oo Merrickville 613.803.7274 small. Unlimited references, call 235/65r15. 613 314 9327 (11/16) 13
FREE FREE kittens. Call 258-2745
Send your letters to editor@ngtimes. ca
WANTED Merrickville: Casual Relief Cook Weekends. Contact: CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville
the north grenville
TIMES Peter Peers Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Sales Representative Phone 613 989 2850 Email: Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
Holy Cross Raffle Winners
The winners of the Holy Cross Church Bazaar, Kemptville, held on November 5, 2016 are:
1st Prize - Heritage Quilt: Paula Nisi 2nd Prize - Lap Quilt: Margaret Newman 3rd Prize - Pottery Bowl: Doreen VandenTillaart
The North Grenville Times
ACROSS 1. Satisfy 5. Office worker 10. Extent 14. Snip 15. Bog hemp 16. Meal in a shell 17. Renunciation 19. Mining finds 20. Mist 21. Stave off 22. An edict of the Russian tsar 23. An appliance for frozen food 25. Fertile areas 27. Hankering 28. Having a higher rank 31. American retailer 34. Show-off 35. Letter after sigma 36. Constellation bear 37. Aquatic mammals
38. Collections 39. Dawn goddess 40. Covered with protective barbs 41. Sheriff's group 42. Earthquake waves 44. Altitude (abbrev.) 45. Fable writer 46. A person who disputes 50. Put out 52. French for "Man" 54. Fuss 55. Narrow opening 56. A young unmarried woman (archaic) 58. Wash 59. Mountain crest 60. Pigeon-___ 61. Pitcher 62. Units of force 63. Terminates
DOWN 1. Stave 2. Bower 3. Slight color 4. An uncle 5. Cowardly 6. Not earlier 7. Arab chieftain 8. Exuberantly 9. Cognizance 10. Writer of "Dracula" 11. Leeches 12. Air force heroes 13. Schnozzola 18. Stares 22. End ___ 24. Tropical American wildcat 26. Mimics 28. Rise rapidly 29. Horse feed 30. Ploy 31. Cooking fat 32. God of love 33. Soothing 34. Outer boundary 37. Japanese wrestling 38. Drunkards 40. Headquarters 41. Layers 43. Spay 44. Battalions 46. Overact 47. Claw 48. Stagnated 49. Female students 50. Small island 51. Shredded cabbage 53. Portent 56. Father 57. French for "Summer"
Nov 17
Youngsters of Yore, 1:30 pm, Library Program Room. Guest Speakers: Peter Murdoch, Author of "The Frogs On Steven's Creek", a book for children. Nov 18-19 Bazaar and Lunch at Holy Trinity Church, Merrickville. Fri 7-9 pm, Sat 11-3pm. Lunch on Sat. $10. Lots of baking, crafts, jewellery decorative and useful items, tourtieres. Nov 19 Annual Kemptville Kinsmen Santa Clause Parade, 1 pm . Starts at Holy Cross School ending at Kemptville College. North Pole at NG Public Library from 1-6 pm. Nov 19 Kemptville Players Kids Meeting. Topic: Basic Set Design and Costuming at the IOOF Hall- 19 Clothier St., Kemptville. Grade 3 and Up- 3:00-4:30 pm. *** Note the change of date Nov 23 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Old Town Kemptville Business Improvement Area, 6:30 to 8 pm at Geronimo Coffee House, 146 Prescott Street. This meeting is free and open to all BIA Members, Associate Members and the General Public. Nov 26 Christmas Tea, St. James Anglican Church, Leslie Hall, 2-4 pm. Adults $ 8.00, Children $ 4.00. Christmas Gift Table and Door prize. Nov 26 17th Annual St. Michael CHS Christmas Craft Show, 2755 County Road 43, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Join us for one of the Ottawa Valley's largest Christmas Craft shows with 165+ tables of gift ideas by crafters, artisans, woodworkers, bakers, jewellers and more! Food court with a variety of cuisines. Santa visits in the afternoon! Admission $2 or food bank donation. Nov 26 21st Annual Merrickville Agricultural Society Christmas Craft Show, 10 am to 4 pm at the Merrickville Community Centre, 106 Read St. Free admission & parking. Nov 30 Beth Donovan Hospice's Grief Counsellor, Erika DeSchiffart, and
Hospice Chaplain, Rev. Susan Shantz, are presenting a "Surviving the Holidays" workshop from 6:30-8 pm at the North Grenville Community Church.
Weekly and recurring events Mon
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku Tues
Fri Sat
M,W,F November 16, 2016
The Voice of North Grenville
Kemptville Quilters Guild, every 2nd Mon. at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, Leslie Hall on Clothier St. BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! NG Photography Club - first Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm at the Auditorium of the Municipal Centre. See Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed. beginning Sept. 14, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Kemptville Legion cribbage night, 2nd and 4th Wed. Start time 7 pm. All welcome. Come and play for fun. New Horizon Club, 2nd & 4th Wed. at the Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall. Regular meetings begin at 2 pm. Special events with lunch begin at noon. Programs call 258-9315, membership info Janet at 269-2737. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed of the month, starting October 5. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) is your host for Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri., 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. All ages welcome. Friendship Lunch, Leslie Hall, hosted by St. James, Holy Cross, Salvation Army, St. John and Kemptville Pentecostal Churches, 11:30 am. Donations accepted but not expected, everyone welcome. Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat. Adults $5. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Kerith Debt Freedom Centre – Provides free and confidential coaching to help you get and stay out of debt, 2nd & 4th Sat.of each month. Call 613-258-4815 x 103 or to request an appointment. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) selects a game for their “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. See what games are coming up, sign up for their newsletter. Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487.
Litter Box Blues
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Courtesy of Dr. Lynn Lambourne of the Grenville-Dundas Veterinary Clinic in Kemptville. Does your cat strain or vocalize in the litter pan or avoid the litter box altogether? If so, your feline friend may have serious urinary health concerns. Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), formerly known as Feline urological syndrome (FUS), is the term used to describe an assortment of conditions that affect a cat’s urinary bladder and urinary passage(urethra). A cat affected with FLUTD may exhibit one or more of the following clinical signs: - Straining to urinate - Pain/vocalization when urinating - Blood in the urine - Frequent trips to the litter box - Lengthy attempts to urinate - Excessive licking of their
urinary opening - Urinating outside the litter box, including on floors, counters, sinks and bathtubs - Inability to urinate (urinary blockage). Felines of any age can be affected by this condition however it is most commonly seen in cats that are: - Middle-aged - Over-weight - Indoors - Inactive or who exercise very little - Fed exclusively dry food - Stressed for any reason Potential causes of FLUTD include: - Urinary stones - Urinary passage (urethra) plugs. Plugs may consist of minerals, cells, mucus, blood clots and other debris. - Environmental stressors leading to anxiety - Urinary tract infections -Cancer Urinary blockage, also
referred to as urethral obstruction, is almost always a male cat problem and is considered a true medical emergency. When the urethra plugs up, the bladder continues to fill with urine and becomes unbearably painful. A d d i t i o n a l l y, u r i n e begins to back e kidneys resulting in toxic waste products accumulating in the bloodstream causing electrolyte abnormalities which can lead to heart failure and death. Any cat that blocks must receive immediate veterinary attention as this is a lifethreatening condition. FLUTD is not something that can be ignored. If your cat experiences any of the clinical signs previously listed, make an appointment with your veterinarian immediately.
Your pet’s doctor will examine your cat and do a urinalysis (urine test) to start. Based on these results your veterinarian will determine if X-rays, blood work and urine culture are warranted. Once a diagnosis is made, your veterinarian will
need to concentrate on your pet’s body condition, life-style, nutrition or environmental enrichment, your veterinarian is your best source of information in the fight against feline lower urinary tract disease.
How to care for your pet in winter (NC) The harsh winter can affect our pets the same ways it affects us, so it's important to consider the well-being of our furry family members throughout the season. Sure, bundling Milo up in a doggy parka might make for an adorable Instagram post, but there's a lot more you can do to maintain your pet's health this winter. Here are some tips: Help him counter the elements. Your pet's fur is his best defense against the cold dry air. Keeping his coat healthy will go a long way in protecting him from winter's bite. Fortunately, some of
November 16, 2016
determine a course of treatment best suited to your cat’s condition. Be proactive! Talk to your veterinary health care team about your cat’s urinary health and ways you can reduce the factors that lead to FLUTD. Whether you
the same methods you use to keep your skin and hair healthy can help your pet too. Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids help nourish the skin and coat. If your pet is scratching more than usual or his fur is visibly dry and dull, he may not be getting enough fatty acids from his diet and a supplement formulated for pets may be a good idea. The salt and other chemicals commonly used to treat roads and sidewalks during the snowy months can also cause the skin on your pet's paws to become dry and itchy and even begin to crack. A daily dose of omega-3 will go help with this as well. You may also want to consider biotin, a natural health product for pets that can help strengthen keratin in skin and fur. Part of the B-complex vitamins essential for many body systems, biotin has been shown to be particularly good at supporting healthy and luxurious fur. Reevaluate his diet. It's always important for
dogs to get daily exercise so unless there's extreme weather, don't let a little bit of cold stop you from going for a walk. Remember that just like humans, dogs bodies burn more calories and require more energy to keep warm during winter so consider increasing your pup's food intake a bit. Some processed pet foods can contain allergens that can contribute to skin problems and obesity. Instead try exploring whole food options at your local natural health store to find pet foods made with quality ingredients. While there, inquire about a quality multivitamin that can help your pet get some of the nutrients that may be missing from his diet. Although these supplements may sound familiar, keep in mind that your daily dose is optimized for humans so look for products specifically formulated for pets. Find a CHFA Member health store near you at
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
South Gower Business Park We ’r e H e r e To S e r v e Yo u
Select Sires GenerVations Select Sires GenerVations is a progressive Canadian company providing semen and products to passionateCanadian cattle breeders. Producing Consistent Results….. Select Sires GenerVations is an industry leader in bringing excellent programs, services, and reproductive management solutions to dairy and beef producers. Through our commitment to the highest quality products and the best trained professional sales and service staff, Select Sires GenerVations has become your trusted source in the breeding industry. With strong roots in the farming community, we continue to listen to the needs and desires of our customers to produce innovative solutions and products. We look forward to assisting all of your needs – YOUR SUCCESS is Our Passion.
* Dairy & Beef Genetics * On Farm AI Training * SMS Mating Program * Young Sire Program * Farm Supplies * Nitrogen Contracts Select Sires GenerVations Inc. P.O. Box 489, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-3800 Fax: 613-258-7257
Cargo Horse Utility Tow Dolly Truck Decks
November 16, 2016
Dump Flatbed Roll-off Livestock Toy/Car Hauler 613-258-9085
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
73’s take on Bears and Lumber Kings
Too much rubber.....Smiths Falls Bears peppered 40 SOG at Brooks and Hodgins to give them 6 - 4 win by thesportsguy T h e 7 3 ’s m o t o r e d down the valley to meet the Pembroke Lumber Kings Sunday, November 4. Lumber Kings would be looking for pay-back after their loss in September. Pembroke notched first marker at 19:43 from Patrick Kyte with helpers from Gimour and Clavelle. Bobby Dow answered back when Alavi and Tracy attacked through the neutral zone at 19:17 to even it up. Pembroke go ahead at 15:44 as Browne and Falivena assisted Ben VanOoteghem. Brady Elder showed is quick, magic hands to beat the stopper after receiving tape-on-tape from McGrath and Beauparlant at 14:36. Rest of period was slab-time only for both clubs, with Pembroke SOG 12 - 9 and tied at two.
Special teams played a key roll, as the second opened with Lumber Kings man-advantage. J.R. York initiated a play to Beauparlant to give Brady Elder PPG with his second goal of the evening at 2:49. Pembroke SOG 11 - 3 with 14 PIM. Final twenty was a back and forth effort until Alavi sprung Matt Tugnutt to blast his signature shot by Jake Smith for the insurance at 9:10. Gilmour and Clavelle combination to Connor Jean at 5:38 to move Lumber Kings within striking distance. Smith pulled at 1:30 for extra man, but the 73’s held their ground. Pembroke needed a TO 1:00 to settle the troops and Tugnutt was the spoiler as he found Alex Row to bury a EN at 0:23. Pembroke SOG 11 - 10 and Kemptville with
Row to Matt Tugnutt from the half circle to even the score. Brent Garvey with helpers from DiCarlo and Shannon at 17:09 to move the Bears ahead and chase Peter Brooks to end the second. Bears out-gunned 73’s 11 -9 with both clubs picking up 36 PIM. Final twenty Bears Michael McKenney assisted by Garlasco and Garvey to dig a hole for the 73’s 4 -2 at 14:27. They kept coming Folkes to Galasco through the middle over to Cole Busschaert at 11:21 for the insurance. After a aggressive wall attack by 73’s, Neill Samanski corrals the loose puck to beat Dobson with a back-
another win of 5 -3. Very fast and furious game with out a visit to the sin-bin for the third. Peter Brooks faced 34 shots to Jake Smith 21. Friday’s game is in the den of the Smiths Falls Bears as Kemptville 73’s hungry for revenge after their home lose in October. The Bears pounced first with a PPG from Matthieu Franche with helper from Busschaert at 5:15. Another shot from Gervais and Alex Kealey tipped it by Peter Brooks at 4:24 to give Smiths Falls a two goal lead. Alavi to down to Tracy below the line outfront to middle of the slot so Bobby Dow flipped it high to spoil Dobson SO and put 73’s on the board at 1:47. Period ended with Bears SOG 13 - 11. A t 1 9 : 4 3 7 3 ’s Beauparlant off the wall to
Submitted by Marie Traynor RD, Registered Dietitian and Public Health Nutritionist Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit All of us should be trying to eat more vegetables and fruit every day. When fresh vegetables are on sale, if you can, buy extra, then blanch and freeze them for later use. To blanch vegetables, boil them for a few minutes first. Then place the vegetables in icecold water to stop cooking,
The artists of the Manotick Art Association have spent the summer months creating new works of art, and are looking forward to showing them at our annual Fall Show & Sale. Join us on Saturday, November 19 and/or Sunday, November 20 from 10 am to 4:30 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion, 5550 Ann Street in Manotick, (across from the Mews Shopping Centre). Admission is free, however cash donations to the Food Cupboard will be gratefully accepted. Come and see the hundreds of original pieces of artwork ranging from oil, acrylic, mixed media and water colour paintings, as-well-as photography and glass work. Something for everyone, for your home or for that special someone at Christmas. Everyone welcome!
Kemptville & District Home Support November is here and the calendar is full of fun activities. Let’s make KDHSI the place to go for active aging! KDHSI is located at 215 Sanders St., Suite 101 in Old Town Kemptville, 613-258-3203.
November 16, 2016
speedy Hunter Galasco for EN and win 1:08. Bears blasted the 73’s 16 - 4. Both Kemptville stoppers faced 40 SOG compared to Smiths Falls only 24. Next home game is Tuesday, November 22 at 7:30 pm when the Cumberland Grads visit our barn. Come out and support your team… Hockey with EDGE and excitement.
the north grenville
TIMES Gord Logan Marketing Consultant Sales Representative
Phone 613 258 6402 Email: Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
Best Food Buys
Inspirations Art Show & Sale
Thursday November 17 Foot Care Clinic, by appointment. Exercise Class: 9:00-10:00 Sing’n Seniors: 1:30-3:00 Friday November 18 Foot Care Clinic, by appointment. Exercise Class: 11:00 – 12 noon Monday November 21 Alzheimer Society Minds in Motion 10:00-12:00 For more information Call 1-866-576-8556 Euchre: 1:00 to 4:00 Parkinson Support Group: 1:30
hand at 11:21. The winning combination of Dow and Tugnutt on a PP over to Victor Tracy with a rocket off the half wall to make it 5 - 4 contest at 5:45. Without any shots on goal Coach Tugnutt called a TO to set up strategy. Nicholas Hodgins retired to the bench to give 73’s extra attacker . Busschaert wins the draw across to Folkes whe lines one to a
drain water and freeze. Label with the date. Go online to Foodland Ontario for lots of recipe ideas. Root vegetables such as beets, carrots, potatoes, turnips and rutabaga can also be less expensive and are versatile. Roast them, mash them and bake them for to a variety of nutrients for less money. Canned and frozen can be nutritious as well and are often on sale. Try to: -Choose canned fruit packed in water. -Look for canned fruit
and vegetables with little or no added fat, salt or sugar, compare products by using the Nutrition Facts Table. More than 15% sodium per serving is too much. -Choose frozen vegetables without sauces or breading. -Frozen vegetables in bags allow you to use only as much as you need each time. Save money by drinking water to quench thirst; trade juice for a whole fruit.
The “Spirit of Christmas” Project The North Grenville Times would like to hear from you about what you think makes the holidays so special. We will be accepting artwork, poems, personal stories and also children’s letters to Santa, from now until Christmas. We will publish as many as we can and there will be prizes for the top submissions in both the child and adult categories.
Tuesday November 22 Exercise Class: 9:00-10:00 Art Class with Gayle: 10:00-12 noon. Skip-Bo: 10:00-12 noon. Create-a-Card with Tina: 1:00-3:00 Wednesday November 23 Bridge: 9:00 – 12 noon Diners’ Club: 12 noon by reservation
HELP US SPREAD THE MAGIC OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON! (prizes to be announced) 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills K0G 1S0 or email
For more information on how to get involved in the activities, or to volunteer, please call KDHSI at 613-2583203 or stop by for a tour! 17
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Merrickville/Wolford Times Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in Merrickville/Wolford and North Grenville
the Merrickville-Wolford
TIMES The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford
Merrickville-Wolford remembers
By Hilary Thomson T h e Vi l l a g e o f Merrickville-Wolford remembered the fallen at their annual Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph on Friday morning. The howling wind and chill in the air didn’t stop members of the Legion, Merrickville-Wolford Council, and kids from the Scouts and Girl Guides
of Canada from marching from the Legion to the Cenotaph on St. Lawrence Street, accompanied by the traditional sound of the bagpipes. A large group of people surrounded the cenotaph, awaiting the arrival of the parade and the start of the ceremony. Along with the traditional playing of the last post and moment of silence, there
Busy time in Merrickville
was a scripture reading and several prayers by the leaders of the various churches in the community. A prayer was said for the Queen, the fallen, for our country, and peace. The most moving part of the morning was the wreath-laying, where members of the community had the opportunity to lay a wreath in honour of a fallen loved one. Service
groups, local businesses, families and schools laid their wreaths, pausing for a moment to remember those they had chosen to honour. At the end of the ceremony, people were encouraged to add their poppies to an empty wreath by the podium as their own gesture of remembrance and respect. After the ceremony, the Legion invited everyone to a pot luck lunch and also supplied hot dogs and much-needed hot chocolate for the kids at the community centre.
by David Shanahan As the Christmas Season approaches (at breakneck speed), Merrickville is gearing up for a very busy November. The 21st Annual Merrickville Christmas Craft Fair takes place on Saturday, November 26, from 10:00am to 4:00pm at the Merrickville Community Centre, 106 Read St. There is free admission and parking. A great opportunity to buy a one-of-a-kind gift for someone special. That evening, you can attend the Snow Ball between 7:00pm and 11:59pm (not midnight, 11 . 5 9 p m ! ) . I t t a k e s place at The Baldachin Inn Ballroom, on St. Lawrence Street and all the proceeds go to benefit the Merrickville Food Bank. Performing at the Snow Ball will be 4 Way Street, Maria Hawkins, Heather Snow & the Flakes, and Lori Sutherland and Friends. There will be
guest appearances, a live auction, raffle and door prizes. Once again, local businesses have stepped up to support this great event, and tickets are $25 each, available at The Village Bean, Merrickville Book Emporium, Bullets & Bones, and on-line at Call 613-809-6875 for more information. Then, one of highlights of the year! The CP Holiday Train arrives in Merrickville on Sunday, November 27, between 4:45 and 7:45pm. The station is at 103 East Broadway & County Road 2, south side of the crossing near Bay Street. Music and fun begins at 5.00pm, with Dallas Smith and Odds performing. On Saturday, December 3, comes the main event: Christmas in Merrickville, starting at 9am and running through the day. More details on this in next week’s Times.
L L A F ING Canal Gallery & Frame Shop M A FR VINGS SA
We’re overstocked on great moldings, and want to clear out inventory. Bring your next frame job to us....your neighbours did! You’ll get the same great deal!
230 Saint Lawrence Street Merrickville
November 16, 2016
The North Grenville Times
School days
meeting incidents rose to such a pitch that, in 1962, all four members of the board resigned, leaving Mr. Harris as the sole survivor. A by-election last November, and then a general election in December, brought in four new board members, Willis Hamilton, Dwight Bennett, Lorne Pominville and Dwight Bolton, and plans for a new school started to roll. SecretaryTreasurer of the board, and one of the main figures in setting up the new school is Hugh Margetts. The Oxford Municipal Council accepted the board’s recommendation, approved the money bylaw for the building and, a few weeks ago, the $253,000 contract was awarded. The first sods were turned by Reeve Whitney Black, board chairman Charles Harris, and Miss Winifred Lamrock of the Oxford Mills School.
Students from the older schools turn the sod for their new combined Oxford-on-Rideau Public School in October, 1963. by David Shanahan Wi t h t h e r e c e n t announcement that Oxford-on-Rideau Public School is on the list of schools that are being considered for closure next year, the community has rallied around the staff and students to make the case for keeping the school operating. In October, 1963 one of the most experienced teachers at the time, Winnie Lamrock, reported on an historic moment in education: the sod-turning for the new school to be opened in Oxford Mills. Here is what she wrote: “Next September will open a brand new era in education for public school students in Oxford-onRideau township, as sod was turned in an official ceremony Friday afternoon for the new area school. Contract for the $253,000, 12-room school was awarded to Wiseman and Thompson Construction of Finch, and the architect is H. H. Roberts of Westport. The school will be built on a seven-acre site on the south bank of the Rideau Branch on the northern limits of Oxford Mills, on property purchased from Hilton Buckingham. One of the features in the new school will be a giant gym-auditorium, which will be equipped with a
November 16, 2016
stage and lighting and sound equipment. The school will also feature a PA system, hooked up to each classroom. This will facilitate class announcements and special radio programmes. Officiating at the sodturning ceremonies last Friday was Grenville Public School Inspector, Harold Knisley of Prescott, along with Oxford Township School Area Board Chairman, Charles Harris and Reeve Whitney Black. Representing the 12 teachers in the township was Mrs. Dorothea Brown o f B u r r i t t ’s R a p i d s , President of the Oxford Teachers’ Association. The new school replaces the 12 schools now in use throughout the township, and Friday’s ceremony was a climax to a long, difficult struggle for the improved educational facilities in Oxford. The need for improved school facilities became apparent about three years ago, when the Department of Health complained to the school board about the sanitary conditions and general disrepair of some of the school buildings. A survey conducted by the board showed it would cost the township taxpayer almost as much money to repair the oneroom schools as it would
to build an area school to accommodate students from the entire township. Hero of the new school battle has to be Chairman Charles Harris. Mr. Harris was one of the few board members of three years ago to advocate strongly for the new area school. Board debates and public
The Voice of North Grenville In addition, 12 pupils, representing each of the 12 township schools, each turned a shovelful.” Since it opened, Oxford-on-Rideau School has experienced huge surges in enrollment which had many students housed in portables. Then came times when it was
underused, as children grew up and the local population aged. Parents and concerned residents today see future growth which will require the school to be there when it’s needed.
The North Grenville Times
Parlons de nos enfants! Une réussite pour le 5e Forum des parents du CECCE Le 5e Forum des parents organisé par le Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE), qui se déroulait samedi dernier, fut une fois de plus une réussite. Des dizaines de parents se sont déplacés pour assister à des conférences et ateliers sous le thème: Parlons de nos enfants! Cette année, la formule encourageait davantage l'interactivité entre les parents. Ceux-ci avaient donc la chance de poser leurs questions et d'interagir durant la conférence avec le panel d’experts du CECCE et
un organisme partenaire qui étaient présents pour discuter de sujets préalablement proposés par les parents. Ainsi, des experts qualifiés du CECCE et de la communauté avaient été invités pour contribuer aux discussions et aussi présenter les ressources disponibles au Conseil pour les familles. Le panel était composé entre autres du directeur du service de l'enfance en difficulté au soutien à l'apprentissage, d’une lead en santé mentale, ainsi que de travailleuses sociales. « Les participants
Rotary Cash Calendar on sale at: Independent Grocers, 10 am to 4 pm Thursday, November 17; Saturday, November 19; Thursday, November 24; and Saturday, November 26. Friday, December 2 and Saturday, December 3. Canadian Tire Friday, December 2 and Saturday, December 3. Calendars are also being sold at Hudson Auto Body, B&H Grocer, Gale Realty, Tallman's Truck Centre, and the Nancy Morgan Dance Studio.
November 16, 2016
leur réussite, car il est indéniable que lorsque les parents s’impliquent dans l’éducation de leurs enfants, cela augmente leur niveau de réussite scolaire. » Pour celles et ceux qui n’ont pu assister à la rencontre et pour celles et ceux qui désirent obtenir davantage d’information, un rapport du Forum sera mis à la disposition des parents sur le site Web du Conseil (www. dans les semaines à venir. Chef de file reconnu pour la transformation de l’expérience d’apprentissage, l’excellence et la bienveillance de ses écoles catholiques et sa synergie avec la communauté, le CECCE, avec plus de 22 600 élèves fréquentant 42 écoles élémentaires, 12 écoles secondaires et une école pour adultes, est le plus grand réseau canadien d’écoles de langue française à l’extérieur du Québec. Les élèves du CECCE obtiennent les meilleurs résultats en province, et 96 % d’entre eux obtiennent leur diplôme.
ont tellement apprécié la conférence et les ateliers qu’ils auraient voulu que le Forum s’étire davantage tellement les sujets abordés étaient intéressants et pertinents », de dire Réjean Sirois, directeur de l’éducation du CECCE. « Les thèmes discutés par les experts durant le Forum, tels que l’anxiété chez l’enfant, la cyberintimidation et la relation parent-ado, sont très actuels. Il est donc du devoir du CECCE de présenter aux parents les ressources qui sont offertes par le Conseil aux familles qui en éprouvent le besoin. » « Cet événement tout à fait gratuit pour les familles se veut un lieu de rencontre pour discuter d’un sujet commun et cher à tout parent : le bien-être des enfants. » affirme Johanne Lacombe, présidente du CECCE. « Avec le succès de cette 5e édition, cela vient confirmer les efforts du Conseil à mettre en oeuvre un forum pour fournir des outils et des réponses aux parents afin qu’ils soient en mesure de mieux comprendre leurs enfants et ainsi mieux les accompagner dans leur développement et
The Voice of North Grenville
Bowl for the Heart
by Hilary Thomson Over 30 people bowled at the Kemptville Bowling Alley this Sunday to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. This is the 4th annual Bowl for Heart fundraiser that has been organized by part-owner of the bowling alley ,Darrell Miller. “My mother had a heart attack back in 2000,” Darrell says. “It is a cause that is close to my heart.” Everyone who participated in the tournament either fundraised or paid a fee to participate. Local dairy farmer John Shillings raised a whopping $2,700 in honour of his granddaughter who was born with a condition called supraventricular tachycardia, or an abnormally fast heart rhythm. Within the first few weeks of her life she had to be rushed to the hospital because her heart was beating over 300 beats per minute. “She’s five now, but she still lives with it,” John says. “He mother checks her heart rate every day.” The bowlers raised a grand total of $5,890 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Ashley Manswell, a representative from the Foundation, says the money will go directly towards helping to save lives and support the families of people with heart disease.“For this, we are truly grateful,” she says.