November 23 2016 issue 47 ng times

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the north grenville


Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford

Vol. 4, No 47

The Voice of North Grenville

November 23, 2016

Unseasonably warm, but still Frozen

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The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

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Photo by Deron Johnston

Hard work pays off, winners of the Santa Claus Parade by Deron Johnston Despite the unseasonably warm temperature, you might say that this year’s version of the Kemptville Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade was Frozen. This year’s parade theme was a Disney Christmas, which meant that all sorts of Disney characters, both new and old, were wandering around the parade route, delighting children of all ages. From Olaf and Elsa to 101 Dalmations, the parade was jam-packed with everyone’s favourite. Many local community organizations, like Big Brothers Big Sisters, Community Living, the

Kemptville District Hospital Foundation, and North Grenville Accessible Transportation, had floats in the parade this year, including both of the new French schools: Ecole Publique Kemptville, and Ecole Catholique SainteMarguerite-Bourgeoys. Service clubs, like Rotary Club, Knights of Columbus, the Shriners of Brockville & District, and the Kinsmen, were well represented too. The most impressive float for the parade may have been the holiday train by Jonsson Your Independent Grocer, which had multiple traincars linked together on a long flatbed truck. The local business community had a very

large presence, with floats by O’Farrell Financial, Kemptville Animal Hospital, Cranberry Hill Animal Hospital, Remax, Rona Kemptville, Lockwood Brothers, Myers Kemptville, Tallman Group, and Tackaberry & Sons Construction, to name but a few. There were plenty of kids, both watching and participating, as local Guides & Brownies, Scouts, the Navy League Cadets, Sea Cadets and, especially, Precision Cheer & Dance, who brought lots of energy to the parade. It seemed like the whole team of the Kemptville 73’s were in the parade and clearly made the young hockey players in the crowd very

happy by their presence. As always, the North Grenville Fire Service seemed to be everywhere at once, with two antique fire engines, the ladder truck, and another vehicle towing the sled carrying Santa and Mrs. Claus, while all the while several members walked in the parade and gave out candy, including Chief Paul Hutt and Sparky the fire safety dog. Judging by the smiles coming from children and adults alike, this year’s parade was a great success. Many of the children seemed hardly able to carry all of the candy continued on page 2

The North Grenville Times continued from front page that had been given out during the parade. Despite having sixty-four entries in the parade this year, the time seemed to fly by, as approximately five hundred people lined Clothier and Prescott Streets to catch a glimpse of Santa and Mrs. Claus. Special thanks should

be given to the North Grenville Fire Service for all that they do every year, and to the Rotary Club for helping to try and feed everyone. Thank you also to Cogeco, Eleuthville Media and Hometown TV for recording the event, and, of course, the Kemptville Kinsmen for all of their efforts in organizing this annual family fun spectacle.

The Voice of North Grenville

The "Spirit of Christmas" Project

The North Grenville Times would like to hear from you about what you think makes the holidays so special. We will be accepting artwork, poems, personal stories and also children’s letters to Santa, from now until Christmas. We will publish as many as we can and there will be prizes for the top submissions in both the child and adult categories.


(prizes to be announced) 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills K0G 1S0 or email

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Successful events at NGPL for Ontario Public Library Week Oct 16-22nd 2016

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David Shanahan and Sandra Ridley at the afternoon session of Ontario Public Library Week by Chris Turnbull On Saturday, Oct. 22, the North Grenville Public Library hosted two events (the planned walking tour was cancelled due to rain) to complete its activities for Ontario Public Library Week. The morning session, featuring a reading by local children’s author and art therapist Anne Walsh, was much enjoyed by children and parents. Anne uses story to offer ways for children to manage emotion in her children’s book, “Have You Hugged Your Alien?” Her engaging reading captivated the kids, who were invited, after the reading, to work with clay, googly eyes, playdough, boxes, and all manner of materials to create their own aliens and other creatures. It was a great morning! Anne is the author of two children’s books and has created a deck of arttherapy cards for women, “Women in Transition”. She is currently working on her next book, “The Mommy Monologues”, a collection of stories about motherhood. Her November 23, 2016

books can be found on her website: http://artnsoul. org. In the afternoon, Dr. David Shanahan gave a fascinating talk that focused on the buildings, events, and people who shaped Kemptville and North Grenville, illustrating his talk with on- screen digital archival photographs, and heritage photographs that were displayed around the room. His poems, articulating emotional and tangible effects of migration, were a lovely surprise. He was joined by Canadian poet Sandra Ridley, who read from some of her older works, as well as her newly released “Silvja” (BookThug, 2015), and talked a little bit about what shaped the writing of them. David’s talk and Sandra’s reading corresponded in interesting ways — migration and loss, as well as arrival and reinvention (of self and place) were components of both of their talks. The event was enjoyed by all who attended. David Shanahan is the historian for the North Grenville Historical

Kemptville Branch. Thanks to John Barclay for lending the heritage photos for the afternoon. Thanks also to staff at the NGPL for their assistance with digital set up, boxes, and overall support.

Society. Sandra Ridley is the author of four books of poetry: Fallout, PostApothecary, The Counting House, and Silvija. She has taught poetry at Carleton University and has mentored poets through Ottawa’s Supportive Housing and Mental Health Services “Footprints to Recovery” partnership program for people living with mental illness. She has facilitated poetry workshops for the City of Ottawa, the Ottawa Public Library, and the Tree Reading series, and is the recipient of many awards for her writing. Thank you to all who attended and to Anne Walsh, Dr. David Shanahan, and Sandra Ridley for participating in the Ontario Public Library Week event at the North Grenville Public Library,


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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

ARC meetings take place across the region by Hilary Thomson A series of public meetings was held throughout Eastern Ontario last week as part of the Upper Canada District School Board’s (UCDSB) accommodation review process. The Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) in each of the four districts heard presentations from representatives of some of the schools either slated for closure, or consolidation. Ten of the 29 schools slated for closure are in Leeds-Grenville, one being Oxford-on-Rideau Public School and another Wolford Public School; both are on the Board’s list to be closed at the end of this school year. Each of the public meetings began with a presentation from a Board member explaining the ARC process and the reasoning behind it. The video created by the UCDSB explained that there are currently 10,000 more spaces in schools than are being used, which equates to 30 medium elementary schools. Because the Board receives funding from the government per student, these are spots that are not being paid for. It also argued that bringing children together improves programming through fewer spilt grades, access to staff, more extracurricular activities and greater socialization. They are looking to have the right schools in the right places to support their vision for educational programming. It is clear from the many presentations made by parents representing their schools that they do not agree. Andrew Pamenter, who spoke on behalf of rural schools in general at the meeting in Perth, stated that research shows that consolidation does not

November 23, 2016

present significant savings, or improved educational outcomes for students. He suggested strengthening the local schools and bolstering the value they have in their respective communities. “We need to be speaking with the Province as rural support has been removed,” he s a i d . “ We s h o u l d b e engaging with all school boards to create a strategic rural educational plan.” The rural support that he is talking about is the top-up funding that was previously being provided to the board to support rural schools. The fact that the province has cut this funding has played a huge role in the UCDSB looking to cut costs through consolidation. Rural school closures are an issue that is affecting families throughout the province. So much so, that many people gathered at a rally at Queens Park last week to protest the funding cuts. Parent groups from many of the schools have taken it upon themselves to create a plan to increase enrollment and viability of their schools. Brent LekxToniolo, who presented on behalf of Oxford-OnRideau Public School at the meeting in Prescott, outlined a comprehensive plan to increase enrollment at that school. Parents have suggested making Oxford-On-Rideau a dual track school, offering both French immersion and English streams. Offering an extended daycare program at the school, or organizing a bus for transportation to a local daycare, is also a way they believe will encourage families to become a part of the Oxford-On-Rideau family. They also said that enrollment will increase i n e v i t a b l y, a s N o r t h Grenville is considered one of the fastest growing communities in Ontario.

“There are 2,000 new homes projected for the North West Quadrant alone,” he said. “Closing Oxford-On-Rideau is not an investment in the future, if they are looking for the right schools in the right place.” The effect of closing these rural schools on the children who are enrolled there was also an overarching theme of the meetings. Many of the schools already have high standings in academic achievement, and parents are worried that this will decline and their children will be lost in the shuffle at a larger school. They are also afraid of the affect of an hour-long bus ride to and from school every day. Christine CratePavan represented Wolford Public School at the public meeting in Perth. As a graduate of Wolford Public School herself, she has seen student after student graduate from the school and go on to be leaders in agriculture and the trades. The school also ranked very highly in the EQAO s tandardized tes tin g. “Access to education in rural and agricultural communities is important for kids who grow up on farms,” she says. “Why close a school where students are thriving and excelling at academic excellence.” Like Oxford – On-Rideau, Wolford Public School is also suggesting the addition of French immersion and a daycare to increase enrollment at the school. According to their research, the school is operating under budget already, so there will be no financial gain for the Board to close it. Parents report a strong family atmosphere in rural schools, where kids love going to school and there is no bullying. The buildings are used, not only as educational institutions, but as community hubs

and social gathering places. “The parents are very involved [at Wolford Public School]” Christine says. “We have concerts, movie nights and activity nights. It is important to kids who live in very rural situations to visit with family and friends.” The Board assured those at the meetings that there has been no decision to close or consolidate schools yet. Information is being compiled and organized to present to the Board of Trustees on February 15, 2017. There will be another opportunity for delegations to present to the Trustees on March 2, 2017, with final decisions to be made on March 23, 2017.

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

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The North Grenville Times


Rights and privileges by David Shanahan There are certain rights and freedoms we value in Canada, perhaps especially in North Grenville. After all, we have had experience in the past of those rights being flouted by those in high places. You may have got the impression from reading elsewhere that our right of free speech has been in grave danger in the Council chamber recently; that members of Council were in danger of being silenced in their attempts to address the public. This, however, has been a proverbial storm in a teacup, and those involved agree that there has been some overreaction to suggestions made regarding procedure at Council meetings. The idea was raised that Councillors could submit written reports on their activities, to be included in the briefing package available to the public each Friday before Council, rather than have them recite a monotonous and often repetitive list of events attended (“I was at the BBQ put on by the Goodfellows, and then I went to an event run by

The Voice of North Grenville

the Tigers, followed by a concert put on by the Chamber of Horrors, etc. etc. To which the next Councillor need only add: “Me too.”). Councillor Jim Bertram feared that the written report was a way to stop Councillors making a verbal report at each meeting, and he resisted that idea strenuously. Once he accepted that there was no intention of stopping verbal reports, the temperature dropped and the suggestion was considered in a more reasonable tone. I, for one, am happier to see the Councillor’s over-reaction, if we can call it that, than to have had no reaction at all in the face of what was, at first, perceived as a threat to free communication with the electorate. In the past, Councils have seemed to value secrecy and behind-the-scenes decision making above any attempt at consultation and communication with the public. If you have to err, better it be on the side of openness and respect for freedoms. Ironically, at the last Council meeting, when a member of the public

asked each Councillor why they voted on a certain matter, she was dismissed by Councillor Tobin, who told them to go and check the recording of the meeting to get her answers. Free speech can be such a relative thing when you’re in political office, can’t it? It must be remembered, however, that the Councillor had as a mentor the previous Mayor, who was not one for patience in the face of public questioning. He preferred not to listen to questions, or comments, even from Council members. Councilor Tobin grew up, as it were, under that system, and seems to have been moulded by it. Irony upon irony: this same Council has been constantly prevented from speaking publicly about issues, most especially over the past few months. They are not allowed to speak to us about Kemptville College, the potential lawsuit over Kemptville Meadows, the source of information about Energy East that was provided to Mayor Gordon, or the recent departure of Director of Planning, Forbes Symon.

This is not to say that they don’t necessarily want to speak about these issues. They are legally prevented from doing so. So, Freedom of Information is now the problem. Forbes Symon was the most powerful individual in the Municipality when it came to planning issues, building permits, zoning amendments, etc. He was seconded to negotiate the future of Kemptville College, keeping his salary of more than $100,000 per annum (taxpayers’ dollars, of course). Suddenly, we heard that he was on paid leave, and now “he is no longer with the Municipality”, which is all the Municipality is allowed to say. This legal restriction is not the fault of Council or staff, remember, there would be serious legal consequences were they to say anything. The official comment is: “We wish him well”, but you get the impression they don’t really mean it. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Why is there a need for such a restriction, a confidentiality agreement governing Forbes Symon’s departure? What is it we

are not allowed to know about why he has left? Rights, or privileges? Do we have a right to know, as citizens and taxpayers, the circumstances surrounding such a highprofile departure from the Municipality? Sadly, the answer is that we do not. Members of this Council, and senior staff, have been taking steps to be more transparent in their activities, and that is a welcome step forward over other Councils in the past. It is a cautious process, trying to strike a balance between the taxpayers’ right to know what their representatives are doing in their name, and the need to maintain the proper level of confidentiality and discretion necessary in the running of any business or organisation. Many in the community feel that the process is too slow and that there is not yet sufficient openness. Those of us who remember the Dark Ages of the previous administration B.G. (Before Gordon) will keep a patient and careful watch that our freedoms are not treated simply as privileges that can be granted or withheld as our “betters” decide.

than China, even. How many people had to die in other countries so we could get their oil? Of course, Chris asks what of the health concerns from environmental toxicity for people of First Nations in the region. We speak of our Canadian values, therefore we should all be paying very close attention to how we affect our country and others on this planet. Also, thank you once again, David Shanahan, for your thoughtful editorial, and also to Marcel Paquette for a great letter. Among other things mentioned about the election results, some of the scariest is “hate-filled, ignorant, misogynist, bigoted, racist and lying”. And to make matters worse, the Ku Klux Klan

is celebrating, having a party in North Carolina. This is frightening for everyone in the world. And this morning, I hear on the news that they are bombing hospitals in Syria, and a childrens’ hospital. The “New President”is going after ISIL! How? By bombing children and hospitals? Kath L. Piche.

a towel soaked with blood. Right away a woman beside me, also waiting in ER, asked me if she could do anything for me like get me a drink or something. I thanked her and told her I was alright. At that moment a young couple sitting on the other side of me offered me their tab #4 saying that I looked like I needed to get looked after faster than they did. As they were serving #3, I was able to get attention right away. Although I didn't get their names I just want to thank those people who showed me such compassion and empathy. We've only lived in Kemptville for two years and are very happy to live in this kind of caring community. Howard Godwin

HOW FAR HAVE WE COME AT KEMPTVILLE MEADOWS? How far have we come since I last wrote about this? Not very far. Here we are heading into another w i n t e r, n o t k n o w i n g what is ahead for us at Kemptville Meadows. Kemptville Meadows was built to help people own their own homes: we have single persons, young couples and families, seniors, all are hard working, and many do a lot of volunteering in the community. They are good people that do not deserve what has happened to them. Since summer 2013, just a year after some owners had moved in, the sales came to a stop at Kemptville Meadows.

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The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: Thank you for the amazing articles by Chris Weissflog. I wish he was our Environment Minister. Meanwhile, the “President Elect” is going to throw all things concerning the environment “out of the window”. No climate change there! I just finished reading a book by Noam Chomsky, “Who Rules the World?”. The very few, wealthiest and most powerful people, of course. Do they concern themselves with us? Not a chance. We are, and always have been, collateral damage. I know I’m not very encouraging. The Americans always played games with Saudi Arabia in the past, for their own advantage. Their human rights abuses are the worst in the world, I think, worse The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 November 23, 2016

Dear Editor: On Tuesday, November 9th I was cutting a piece of tin in my back yard when the blade on my grinder broke. I was cut quite badly across the top of my right hand and required 12 stitches at the Kemptville hospital. When I arrived at the hospital Emergency Room I took tab #9 and sat down with my hand wrapped in

the north grenville


Marketing Peter Peers 613 989-2850

ISSN 2291-0301


The Voice of North Grenville

Editor David Shanahan 613-215-0735

Production Manager Copy Editor Marguerite Boyer Pat Jessop 613-215-0735 613-258-4671


Reporter Hilary Thomson Graphics Micheal Pacitto 613-710-7104

The then project manager stated publicly to the Ottawa Citizen in June, 2013, that only 9 units were left to sell, and yet we have 37 units still unsold, still owned by the developer, Stanley Field. I don’t know why they didn’t sell: it was meant to be an affordable housing project to help people get started, or retire. Maybe the unsold units are because HOA, Home Ownership Alternatives, (who financed the development), requested an independent audit in March, 2014 against the developer (Stanley Field), which would have involved others who were involved in this project. HOA made this document public at

Mailing Address 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Accounting Pat Jessop 613-258-4671

Municipality Matters

The North Grenville Times

Nominations open for leading girls/leading women awards

Royal Canadian Legion Provincial Bursary Program

Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark is encouraging local schools, organizations and community groups to participate in the 2017 Leading Women/Leading Girls Building Communities recognition program. Nominations to recognize outstanding women and girls who are working to improve the lives of others through their volunteer work are being accepted until the deadline on January 20, 2017. “I’ve had the honour and privilege of presenting Leading Women/Leading Girls awards to several remarkable recipients in Leeds-Grenville,” said Steve Clark. “The ceremonies not only provide an opportunity to thank them for their great work, but to inspire others to follow their example and do something life-changing for themselves and others.” The provincial program was established in 2006 and recognizes women (nominees 18 years of age and over) and girls (nominees under 18) who have “demonstrated exceptional community leadership to improve the lives of others and have made substantial contributions through volunteer work.” Nominations are submitted to the Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues by local MPPs and the package with detailed instructions can be found on MPP Clark’s website here: http://www.steveclarkmpp. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Leading_Women_ Leading_Girls_2017.pdf Packages are also available on request by emailing: Nominations must include letters of support from two community members and be submitted to MPP Clark prior to the January 20, 2017, deadline.

Provincial Bursary Program applications are now being accepted. If you are a student who is currently attending a college, university, or any other postsecondary institution, you may qualify for a bursary of up to $500 per each academic year. Applications must be received by Provincial Command before Friday March 31,2017. Those who are eligible: • Ex-Servicemen, or currently serving members of the Canadian Forces (Regular, Reserve and Merchant (Navy) and their children and grandchildren. • Ordinary and Life members of the Royal Canadian Legion and their children and grandchildren. • Associate members of the Royal Canadian Legion and their children. • Ladies’ Auxiliary members and their children and grandchildren. • Step-children and step grandchildren may be considered. Application forms are available at branches of the Royal Canadian Legion. Application forms can also be downloaded from the Legion’s Provincial web-site. bursaries. Please note: completed application forms must be mailed to the address shown on the application form. Forms sent by email or fax will not be accepted. For further information, contact the Legion Branch nearest you or Douglas Brunton Zone G-3 Bursary Chairman at 613-2585111 . E mail: d.c.brunton@

Letters to the Editor continued an AGM of owners, so who knows how far that information went? It was December 11, 2013 that owners were told of a water leak, this led to four major water leaks in 2014. It is now November, 2016. Owners had to pay to fix the last water pipe that broke, as well as for an investigation report. This report confirmed that important curb stops that were uncovered, were not installed according to the Ontario Building Code. Owners were told the Municipality have building codes of their own: I have emailed the municipality to ask where to find these building codes on their web site, but I have not had a reply. These leaks caused owners a very large bill of water overages, penalties, and interest; and these penalties are still being added to our bill every two months. What is the Municipality doing about this? Owners did not break the pipes, it was obvious that something was very wrong with the installation. Where is the builder and the developer? Why do owners have to be responsible to pay all of this? Brian Carré, Chief Administrative Officer November 23, 2016

of North Grenville Municipality, stated at a meeting in July, 2016, that owners at Kemptville Meadows owe the deferred development charges when they sell their units. This is not true, there are no agreements with owners that state this. The Municipality should go after the people who owe this money: the developer, Stanley Field Corporation, and HOA, Home Ownership Alternative. Many owners are concerned about speaking up, due to fear that they cannot make a difference. It seems, for an individual such as me, who just wanted to keep Kemptville Meadows an affordable place to live, it is frustrating to have to defend myself to the developer and builder, when all I did was volunteer on the developer’s board to try to help. The problem for me only arose after the water leak and when the board were trying to find answers. What would the previous board, or my board, know about construction, installing water pipes, permits and every aspect of building the Kemptville Meadows project? We didn’t build the houses ourselves. When this construction site

began, a project manager was hired for a handsome sum of money. They are hired because they should have the knowledge and expertise of knowing everything that needs to be done or required. It is their job to guide the board to what is needed from them, not to get them sued! This is a not-for-profit project and the developer can only have owners, who have purchased a unit from the developer, on the board. They earn nothing, they are volunteers. If the people who ran, built, financed, this dream project had all done their job, and had been on top of things, maybe none of the troubles here would have happened, and our properties retained their value. What amazes me is that no one asks questions about what has happened here at Kemptville Meadows, not even anyone from a government department. Surely, the problems Kemptville Meadows has been through should not have happened if the Building Code, rules and regulations for this notfor-profit project had been followed. How can it all be brushed under the rug? So we can all move forward? Which may be easy to say, when you don’t live here.

When all the units and land get sold, and the legal actions are settled, including the water issue, it will be nice when the Kemptville Meadows community can move forward again. So, in my opinion, it has never been the people who live at Kemptville Meadows that have caused all the problems. Responsibility should be with the people involved in this project, who should have made sure that none of the serious problems happened. The water situation needs to be resolved with a settlement that does not leave owners in debt, or have a special assessment served on them, for something they did not cause or create. It is only fair that those responsible should pay and be accountable for this. Our homes are just four years old. I feel we are fighting for our survival. I think back to when I signed on the dotted line, full of hope that this was the right decision for my retirement. Because of those who caused these problems, I definitely question my decision now. It is a shame that this hope has been taken away from me. I only hope that we can all move forward in the near future. By Candy Whitaker 5

The Voice of North Grenville

UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, November 28 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, December 5 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre.


The Municipality of North Grenville is hosting a Rural Summit on Saturday, November 26, 2016 at Kemptville College, Parish Hall. The event includes presentations, information and discussion to foster communications and suggestions on how we can all continue to work together to support our rural area and benefit from our rural way of life. To see the agenda and to register for the Rural Summit, visit For further information please contact Teri Devine, Economic Development Officer at or 613-258-9569 Ext 115.

WASTE SITE ATTENDANT Casual, Part-Time The Municipality of North Grenville is accepting applications for a Casual, Part-time Waste Site Attendant. Visit for more information. WINTER PARKING RESTRICTIONS

Winter parking restrictions came into effect on November 15th and last through April 15th. While restrictions are in effect, parking on Municipal roads is not allowed between 11:00 pm and 8:00 am. A vehicle which is parked in a manner interfering with snow clearing or removal operations may be issued a ticket and/or removed at the owner’s expense. The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44 PO Box 130 Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-4424 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-2438 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-2438 ext. 6 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002

613-215-0735 the north grenville

TIMES Gord Logan Marketing Consultant Sales Representative

Phone 613 258 6402 Email: Phone 613 258 6402 Email:

The North Grenville Times

Big Brothers - Big Sisters staying put After reading a comment in one of last week’s articles, stating that the NG Chamber of Commerce were interested in moving into the office at the Municipal Centre currently occupied by Big Brothers - Big Sisters [BBBS], Jane Fullerton, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville, wanted to assure everyone that they have no intention of moving out of their space in the near future. “We have rented this space for over 5 years. We have a lease for the space mentioned that we fully expect to continue and renew when it expires in a couple of years”, said Jane. Big Brothers Big Sisters provided service to 470 children from the Kemptville office last year - 1,307 children throughout Leeds and Grenville. Big

Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville has been providing mentoring services and supports such as back to school supplies, clothing, shoes and a hot lunch subsidy since 1977. In April of 2011, they opened a satellite office at the North Grenville Municipal Centre in order to better serve the children in need in North Grenville, Merrickville, and Edwardsburg Cardinal. Jane listed the various events that BBBS put on in the area each year. “In 2011, we started our main fund raiser that supports that office, Kemptville Ribfest, following our Brockville Ribfest model. We will be hosting the 7th annual Kemptville Ribfest Father’s Day weekend June 16th-18th 2017. We are participating in the Santa Claus parade in Kemptville just as we

have for the past 5 years. Our 6th annual Christmas party for our kids is on Sunday, December 4 at Geronimo’s as has been our tradition for the past 5 years. The local banks are generously supporting the children we serve by having Christmas giving trees in their locations to ensure that our kids get some gifts this Christmas”. Jane also pointed out that, because of the confidential nature of the services they provide, BBBS cannot share office space, and their current office suits their needs perfectly. “We rent the kitchen a couple of times a year to bake cookies and make sausages and pancakes with the kids. We do a movie night in the theatre and then have pizza in the office. We also do a skating event and of course the office is the

perfect place for us from which to launch our annual Kemptville Ribfest event”, she said. There was concern that the suggestion of the Chamber’s interest in that office may have given rise to speculation that BBBS are vacating the space and/or possibly leaving Kemptville all together. Jane wished to reassure everyone concerned. “I want the public, and especially the people, to whom we provide service to know that this is NOT the case. The Christmas season can be an uncertain time and I would like to make it VERY clear that Big Brothers Big Sisters will be in our usual place at the North Grenville Municipal Centre to support the children we serve.”

The Voice of North Grenville

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the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers Gord Logan

Marketing Consultant Sales Representative Phone 613 989 2850 Email: Phone 613 258 6402 Email:

Star of the Library

by Hilary Thomson The owner of the Giant Tiger in Kemptville was honoured last Thursday at this year’s Friends of the North Grenville Public Library Annual General Meeting. Harry Haider received the Star of the Library Award for his dedication to the library for the past 13 years. Every year, he has donated refreshments for Friends of the Library’s Holiday Fun Fest which runs between Christmas and New Year. “Harry has said ‘take what you want for the kids’, and has never asked to be thanked,” said Kerry Badgley, who presented him with the award. Harry received the award with a big thank you. “We try and do what we can for the community,” he said. His wife Tara and his four children were on hand as special guests to watch him receive recognition for his contribution. After a long stint in Kemptville, Harry and his family will be moving to Peterborough to pursue a new opportunity. Harry will be the owner and manager of a brand new Giant Tiger which will be the largest in Ontario.

What an amazing night at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville! Submitted by Leanne Cadieux The Kemptville crew was hard at work carving their masterpieces. We would like to send out a HUGE THANK YOU TO Steve Jonsson of JONSSON INDEPENDENT GROCER for supplying ALL of the pumpkins used for the event. You made the children’s night a great one. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Leeds and Grenville offers Activity Nights twice a month to children in our community where they can socialize with other children and mentors in our organization. We believe that children are our future and deserve to learn and appreciate all that life has to offer. What if… Every child fulfills their potential? Every child is set on the right path today? Every child in Canada finishes high school, goes to college or university, gets a job and gives back to their community? Our Programs strive to do the following: Provide a role model and a friend for boys and girls Promote the importance of staying in school and healthy relationships with family and peers Instill trust and self confidence in order to make healthy decisions Encourage leadership skills and independent thinking And above all, make a difference while having fun If you are interested in becoming a mentor or would like to enroll your child in any one of our free programs, please feel free to email Leanne Trimble-Cadieux at

November 23, 2016


Leanne-Cadieux, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Steve Jonsson, owner of Jonsson Independent Grocer

The North Grenville Times

Rural Summit this weekend

The Municipality of North Grenville is pleased to announce that they will be hosting a Rural Summit on Saturday, November 26, 2016 8:30am - 1:00pm at Kemptville College, Parish Hall. The Summit will bring North Grenville’s community together t o d iscus s ideas a nd opportunities on how to enhance communications

on the Municipal decisionmaking process and ensure that the rural way of life in North Grenville is preserved. “The Summit is being held in response to the 2013 Community Strategic Plan that was adopted by Council on June 24, 2013,” said Mayor David Gordon. “Council is looking forward to this inaugural event to work together to

Heckston – enjoy rural charm at a relaxed pace with quick access to urban centers for everyday goods and services”. The Summit will include presentations, information and discussion to foster communications and suggestions on how we can all continue to work together to support our rural area and benefit from our rural way of life.

support our rural area.”. The Strategic Plan goes on to explain that “local residents enjoy the small town feel of North Grenville. For many, it is an opportunity to appreciate nature, friendly neighbours and the benefits of a rural quality of life. Residents on farms, acreages and i n N o r t h G r e n v i l l e ’s hamlets – Oxford Mills, Oxford Station, Bishop’s Mills, Burritt’s Rapids and

The Voice of North Grenville

the north grenville

TIMES Gord Logan Marketing Consultant Sales Representative

Phone 613 258 6402 Email: Phone 613 258 6402 Email:


Energy East Wrap-Up: Just Don’t Say “Yes”

November 23, 2016

Independent analysis led her to inform the Minister that he had been misled by departmental staffing that is “riddled with factual and analytical mistakes” where it concerns the need for further pipeline capacity. Robyn’s letter thoughtfully points out where the logic was broken and how “the facts show that, instead of a requirement for a million barrels a day of new capacity by 2020, there exists sufficient oil export capacity on existing transportation infrastructure for Western Canadian crude until at least 2025, and likely beyond.” The second is an open letter to the Prime Minister, signed by over 1,300 researchers and led by Aerin Jacob. They are concerned that “current environmental assessments and regulatory decision-making processes lack scientific rigour”, with concomitant “significant consequences for the health and environment of all Canadians”. They recommend five actions to help rebuild public trust in robust, open, and fair decision-making. Despite the very short nature of this letter, its recommendations are extremely relevant and a minimum standard that we should expect for governance in North Grenville. They are worthy of repeating: (1) seek and act on the best available evidence; (2) make all information from environmental assessments permanently and publicly available; (3) assess cumulative environmental effects from past, present, and

future projects and activities across multiple scales; (4) work to prevent and eliminate real, apparent, or potential conflicts-of-interest by requiring public disclosure; (5) develop explicit decisionmaking criteria and provide full, transparent rationale of factors considered. The takeaway: transparent, sharing processes to support inclusive evidence-based decision-making. The third document is the “Report from the Ministerial Panel for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project”. In many ways, Energy East and Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) projects are in competition with each other: both propose a pipeline to tidewater for diluted bitumen (dilbit) and both proposals were in-play when Trudeau’s Liberals came to power. As well, both reviews were allowed to continue under existing National Energy Board (NEB) processes, despite their lack of comprehensiveness and a promised review of the NEB (to support this point, the NEB is now in a state of upheaval following the stepping down of Senior Chairs and the complete Energy East panel for perceptions of conflict of interest). Yet further, both Energy East and TMX raise similar concerns in regions they pass through, and both are the subject of additional Ministerial reviews to partially address process deficiencies; this report being the product of one of them. What makes this reading of greatest import is that it reflects the kind of consultation

and contemplation one would expect of municipal leadership in North Grenville. Interestingly, the TMX review does not conclude with recommendations. Instead, it offers six very high level and fundamental questions that, if considered carefully, help to resolve issues surrounding the project. The report also lists many of the same concerns that residents of North Grenville have expressed. I suggest one more “bonus” item of reading: ideas that will help fill the void left by the questions the TMX review poses. They are provided by Eugene Kung, a legal expert on such issues and Staff Counsel to West Coast Environmental Law. I now close the circle of this series by returning to what was self-evident in the beginning: if Staff and Council do not have the competency, or capacity, to determine what is in our collective best interest on an issue that is not within their authority to act upon, then there is no rationale for a declaration of support for this pipeline. It is even truer if Council refuses to consider the full scope of our concerns. After all, there is nothing to gain and so much to lose by angering a significant and very worried number of residents. Sustainable North Grenville’s advice to Council on 19 September remains steadfast: just don’t say “yes” to Energy East.

Chris Drozda, Broker & Lisa Deschambault, Sales Representative

MASSIVE Cash & Carry Event*

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by Chris Weissflog The aim of this series of articles was to demonstrate to the public and local government the scale and scope of deeply concerning issues surrounding Energy East. It was started following the Sustainable North Grenville deposition to Council on September 19, where we were shocked to hear that Staff was winding up their research and Council had no plans for public engagement. Then, days later, Mayor Gordon led County Council to sign a letter of support for Energy East. We had even less confidence that reason was holding sway, or that processes would be transparent in North Grenville. While there is still so much more to say and write about our grave concerns with Energy East, two months and six columns later there are still no signs that Council wishes to look further into them, nor to undertake a transparent process that weighs our risks and benefits. Accordingly, let’s use this final column to make one last request and to suggest some reading and reflection on the issue. There are three very recently published and relevant documents that outline rational approaches to managing such an issue; one that so many of us are concerned about. The first is a letter from Robyn Allan – economist and former President and CEO of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia – to the Minister of Natural Resources Canada (NR Can).

Enhancing Home Comfort with Distinction Since 1972

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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Christmas Poinsettias on SALE NOW! 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville

Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6


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November 23, 2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Garth comes to South Mountain… sort of


Robert Walker, CPA, CA Dinah Boal T: 613.258.3282

Crystal Lang Brad Mehlman F: 613.258.4391

2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business park

Te r r y ’s To w i n g & Recovery Ltd Boosting, Fueling, Lockouts & Towing Services


613.223.8113 Terry Turcotte Owner/Operator

submitted by Keith Ardron For those of us who missed the Garth Brooks concerts in Ottawa this p a s t s u m m e r, S o u t h Mountain was the place to be Saturday, November 5. The Garth Brooks cover band, “Fresh Horses”, had the crowd dancing and singing along at the South Mountain Agricultural Hall.

The Mountain Lions Club would like to thank the over 200 supporters who joined us for our annual fall fundraising dinner. The fundraiser was a great success and raised money to support the Lions’ many local charitable initiatives. The annual Fall show is one of our biggest fundraisers for the Mountain Township

entertained while our crew of volunteers served the perfectly cooked chicken and roast beef. The amazing array of desserts disappeared almost as fast as they could be served. The Lions Club would also like to thank our corporate sponsors for the evening, without their support this event would not have been nearly as successful.

and District Lions Club, and enables us to contribute to our local initiatives like the Battle of Hill 70 Memorial, the Ag Hall renovations, Canada Day, the Kemptville and Winchester Hospitals, to name a few. Lion Bob Weagant was in top form with Garth Brooks related trivia, keeping everyone

Bill Bolton’s retirement noted at Council

Kemptville, ON

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Andrew Beveridge, CPA, CA • • • • •

Bookkeeping Services Estate and Succession Planning Farm Tax Returns Financial Statement Preparations Personal and Corporate Tax Returns and Planning

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Retiring Detachment Commander Bill Bolton was presented with a piece of art commissioned from Geraldine Taylor by the Police Services Board at last Monday’s Council Meeting. Pictured are (L-R) Councillor Barb Tobin, Inspector Bolton, NG Police Services Board members Don Sherritt and Mary Boucher, Mayor David Gordon and Board member Bruce Harrison.

Spirit of Christmas in Oxford Mills Friday December 2nd and Saturday December 3rd

Friday night: 6:30pm Join us at Maplewood School in Oxford Mills for carolling led by the local girl guides followed by the arrival of Father Christmas and hot chocolate and cookies in the hall. Our annual Silent Auction (online this year on the Spirit of Christmas in Oxford Mills facebook page. Take a look, there are some great local products for your Christmas shopping! Our hay wagon will then tour the village with our judges to pick the top three decorated houses in the village. Prizes will be awarded for the top three decorated houses at our Craft show at the hall on Saturday December 3rd. Let’s make this our best competition yet! Please get out and light up your house to light up the village! Saturday:8:30-10:30am FREE SANTA CLAUS BREAKFAST! Come to the United Church for a free pancake breakfast sponsored by Gerry Van Gurp Real Estate and Olde Porch Primitives. Also get your photo taken with Santa! 10:00am-3:00pm Christmas Craft Show and Sale Join us for an intimate Christmas shopping experience with local vendors offering hand crafted and specialty sourced products. (Entry fee to Craft Show is being donated to Habitat for Humanity this year.) 12:00pm-1:00pm Pick up your award winning soup luncheon supplied by the Brigadoon restaurant for an amazing price of $3.00. November 23, 2016

Supporting Your Well-Being

NOW OPEN! We Offer Genuine Sleep Solutions 15 Precision Drive, Unit 3 Kemptville, Ontario K0J 1J0 9


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Deadline for Seaway Surge Baseball Club Coach Applications

by Dan Piche The Seaway Surge Baseball Club is currently accepting coaching applications for the 2017 season. The club will be fielding a team at each age group from Mosquito through Midget. Any qualified coaches interested in applying should email info@ The deadline for coach applications is November 30, 2016. The Seaway Surge Baseball Club offers Elite “AA” and “A” Rep level baseball to skilled young men and women looking to develop their talent under the guidance of excellent coaching and in a highly competitive environment. As a member of Baseball Ontario, the National Capital Ontario Baseball Association (NCOBA) and the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association (EOBA), the teams play regular season games against high level teams from throughout the National Capital Region and Eastern Ontario, compete in tournaments in Canada and the United States and challenge the best teams from Ontario for the Baseball Ontario and Baseball Canada Championships. Although spring is not quite in the air, ball season for dedicated players is nearly here. Indoor training sessions will commence in late January and teams will be playing on fields located throughout Eastern Ontario as soon as mother nature will allow. If you are a skilled player or coach and would like to learn more about the club, please send an email to or visit

Assistant Coach Wes Cory developing Mosquito aged players in 2016

Where did the puck go?

Christmas Gift Guide 2016 We want to help you Showcase your unique Gifts, Talents, and Trades at this Festive time of the year.


All advertisers in this Special Supplement will have a chance to win a 1/4 Page Full Colour ad. Draw will take place on December 8. Just our way of "Sharing the Magic" We publish on December 7 deadline is December 1. Mailed to over 9000 homes in North Grenville and Merrickville-Wolford through Canada Post


Efros caught out of position The Cornwall Colts were looking for their first victory against the Kemptville 73’s on Sunday afternoon. Kemptville opened the period with “sin-bin” time and Cornwall struck. At 7:14, 73’s received a double minor as Markell with Cooper to JD Pogue at 6:35 for a PPG. Markel combined with McFarlane over to Vincent Robillard for second to give Colts 2 to zip lead at 2:52. Colts hammered 73’s 20 - 7 SHG. Colts came through the middle and never forced to outside and shut down their shooting lanes. 73’s have to be quicker on the puck in the transition through the neutral zone and have to start winning the draws. Stay off the “slab“ and focus on closing off neutral zone attack at the line. PK for the 4 PIM was fantastic and may have avoided a “catch up” game. Our boys need more rubber at the net to set up more opportunities. 73’s on the “slab” when Matt Tugnutt’s tenacity pays off as he attempted to slide up the wall, but shut down. Then his second attempt, with helper from Row, to create break away and bury a perfect back-hander at 17:40 for SHG. At 2:08, after Guy to Row “tic-tac” play over the centre and Matt Tugnutt quick response with another back hander to beat the stopper for his 21 goal. Second session Colts only out-shot 73’s by 14 - 13 with a even affair. Tracy feathers a loose puck ahead to Adam Alavi, who splits the “D” over the line to strip down Efros for his 5th of the season at 12:34 of final twenty. Row knocks down a clearing attempt, Alavi picks up the puck, back to Tracy, across to Tugnutt, returned to Victor Tracy to launch a rocket from above the circle at 3:39 for PPG. Colts pulled their goalie at 2:57 for extra attacker and would call TO at 1:49, as Conrad with Dirven to Grant Cooper to beat Hodgins at 1:31. With Colts on the attack, Matt Tugnutt performs his magic to steal the rubber and win the race for a EN and “hat trick”, to give the 73’s a 5 to 3 win. Kemptville out-gunned their opponent by 15 - 7. The Hawk’s nest opened with undisciplined first frame, as 20 PIM were accessed and both clubs notched a goal each. The Smith’s teamed up with Brett Everson to draw first blood at 8:38 for the Hawks. Dow and Alavi would feed Alex Row at 5:47 to even it up at one. Hawks SHG 13 - 8. With 73’s receiving a penalty at 0.11, the special teams put on a clinic to keep the onslaught at bay. Bruno Cheff, with helpers from Drobczyk and Theander at 5:43, to pull the Colts ahead by one. Wichers shut down clearing attempt across to Rowe off the half wall to Brady Elder to rifle high wrister over the shoulder of Chan from top of the circle at 4:41 to even the odds. Beaton back to Samanski, over to Tyson Kirkby waiting in the slot to drive it home at 1:43, to close out the second. Kemptville being out-shot by 16 - 14 with a one goal lead. Hawkesbury answered back at 18:51, when a defensive miscue allowed Levesque and Cote to hand off to Jonathon Cyr for a wrap around to tie it up. 73’s Beaton from the point over to Elder to drive a rocket into stoppers pads, and Owen Guy pounce on the rebound to move ahead by one again at 17:25. Kemptville’s Elder off the face-off to Alex Row, gliding through the middle to blow it by Chan for the insurance at 14:51. Then, again, at 9:46, Bissonnette found Cameron Bisson flying up the wing to slam it into open space and chase stopper to the showers. Hawks pulled Standen for extra man at 7:28 and owned 73’s end, and managed to capitalize at 6:19, as C. Smith and Cote set up Eric Theander for a come-back attempt. Hawks would pull Standen various times during the final minutes, but the PK was too strong for their penetration. Even though the boy’s were out-gunned by Hawk’s 53 to 40 SHG, they posted a 6- 4 victory. Come on out and experience Hockey with EDGE….great entertainment value. November 23, 2016

Peter Peers Marketing Phone: 613-989-2850

Gord Logan Marketing Phone: 613-258-6402



The North Grenville Times

Additions to History noted

The Voice of North Grenville

L’École catholique Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys, un partenaire impliqué dans sa communauté Nouvellement établie dans le nouveau pavillon à Kemptville, la communauté scolaire de l’École catholique Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys a tenu à redonner à la communauté qui l’a si gracieusement accueillie en faisant un don de livres en français à la bibliothèque municipale. Depuis 5 ans, un membre du personnel de l’École catholique Sainte-MargueriteBourgeoys se rend à la bibliothèque municipale une fois par mois pour animer l’heure du conte en français en collaboration avec “Library Sue”, Sue Bergeron. Cette activité très prisée par la communauté encourage la lecture en français. « La lecture en français est essentielle au développement de la littératie chez les élèves. Lire des livres en français est une excellente façon pour une famille, dont la langue d’usage n’est pas nécessairement le français, d’introduire la langue dans le quotidien de l’enfant » explique Réjean Sirois, directeur de l’éducation au Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE). « Ce don de livres permettra un choix accru de matériel en français à la bibliothèque municipale de Kemptville, tant pour les élèves, que pour l’ensemble de la communauté » explique Johanne Lacombe, présidente du CECCE. « En plus du don de livres à la bibliothèque municipale, l’École catholique Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys en a profité pour acquérir 1 500 nouveaux livres pour le pavillon Kemptville afin d’offrir une sélection de choix à ses élèves » rajoute-t-elle. Chef de file reconnu pour la transformation de l’expérience d’apprentissage, l’excellence et la bienveillance de ses écoles catholiques et sa synergie avec la communauté, le CECCE, avec plus de 22 600 élèves fréquentant 42 écoles élémentaires, 12 écoles secondaires et une école pour adultes, est le plus grand réseau canadien d’écoles de langue française à l’extérieur du Québec. Les élèves du CECCE obtiennent les meilleurs résultats en province, et 96 % d’entre eux obtiennent leur diplôme.

North Grenville Photography Club

Anderson’s store, pre-1900. Later known as Anderson-Langstaff, and the Red & White

Autumn’s Love by club member Lori Churchill

submitted by Doug MacDonald


The Archives of the North Grenville Historical Society (NGHS) created the “W.H. Anderson Collection” thanks to the donation of family photographs and business documents from Anne Martin, great granddaughter of W.H. Anderson. This new collection provides a glimpse into the commercial and industrial life of North Grenville. W.H. Anderson Collection: Wilson Henry Anderson (1861-1918) was a prominent business leader in Kemptville from 1888; from 1901 with business partner Albert Langstaff in Anderson and Langstaff Co. Ltd., and from 1904 in the Dominion Concrete Company. The heirs of W.H. Anderson operated the department store until the late 1970's. The NGHS wishes to acknowledge Anne Martin’s generous donations.

November 23, 2016


Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes November 27, 2016

4:30 PM to 7:00 PM 119 Clothier St. E. Kemptville

COST ADULTS - $15.00 CHILDREN 12 & UNDER - $5.00

The North Grenville Times



ACROSS 1. Gander 6. Kittens' cries 10. No more than 14. Hearing-related 15. Dash 16. Always 17. Climb 18. Nil 19. Opera star 20. Showing little emotion 22. Frosts 23. A sharply directional antenna 24. Used to boil water 26. Tibia 30. Prefix meaning "Modern" 31. Calypso offshoot 32. Connects two points 33. Sea eagle 35. French for "Storehouse"

39. A former Turkish term of respect 41. Yearner 43. Thermionic tube 44. Wicked 46. Brand of credit card 47. One time around 49. French for "Summer" 50. Dines 51. Ravel classic 54. A few 56. Applications 57. Nationalism 63. Trailer trucks 64. 62 in Roman numerals 65. Move furtively 66. Genuine 67. Aquatic plant 68. Notions 69. Paris airport 70. Bobbin

71. Homes for birds DOWN 1. Sharp intake of breath 2. Ow! 3. By mouth 4. An exchange involving money 5. Mournful poem 6. Zoo 7. Jubilance 8. Dry riverbed 9. Noshes 10. Contemplative 11. Kick out 12. Celebrate 13. Delete 21. Anagram of "Amend" 25. Anagram of "Seek" 26. Toboggan 27. High fidelity 28. Data 29. Unnecessarily 34. An article of opinion 36. Operatic solo 37. Annoyance 38. Historical periods 40. Close 42. Lacquer ingredient 45. Trace 48. Cottonwood 51. Donkey 52. Willow 53. Lawful 55. A red fluorescent dye 58. Spindle 59. It ebbs and flows 60. Midmonth date 61. Thin strip 62. Untidyness

Nov 23 Nov 23

Nov 26 Nov 26

Nov 26 Nov 27

Nov 30

Youngsters of Yore, 1:30 pm, Library Program Room. Guest Speakers: Big Sky Ranch. 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Old Town Kemptville Business Improvement Area, 6:30 to 8 pm at Geronimo Coffee House, 146 Prescott Street. This meeting is free and open to all BIA Members, Associate Members and the General Public. Christmas Tea, St. James Anglican Church, Leslie Hall, 2-4 pm. Adults $ 8.00, Children $ 4.00. Christmas Gift Table and Door prize. 17th Annual St. Michael CHS Christmas Craft Show, 2755 County Road 43, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Join us for one of the Ottawa Valley's largest Christmas Craft shows with 165+ tables of gift ideas by crafters, artisans, woodworkers, bakers, jewellers and more! Food court with a variety of cuisines. Santa visits in the afternoon! Admission $2 or food bank donation. 21st Annual Merrickville Agricultural Society Christmas Craft Show, 10 am to 4 pm at the Merrickville Community Centre, 106 Read St. Free admission & parking. The CP Holiday Train will be rolling into Merrickville this year at 4:45 pm. Featured performers are country artist Dallas Smith and Canadian alternative rock group Odds. Everyone is encouraged to bring a nonperishable food item to donate to the local food bank. Beth Donovan Hospice's Grief Counsellor, Erika DeSchiffart, and Hospice Chaplain, Rev. Susan Shantz, are presenting a "Surviving the Holidays" workshop from 6:30-8 pm at the North Grenville Community Church.

Weekly and recurring events Mon



Solutions to last week’s Sudoku


The Voice of North Grenville



Fri Fri Sat




Kemptville Quilters Guild, every 2nd Mon. at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, Leslie Hall on Clothier St. BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! NG Photography Club - first Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm at the Auditorium of the Municipal Centre. See Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed. beginning Sept. 14, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Kemptville Legion cribbage night, 2nd and 4th Wed. Start time 7 pm. All welcome. Come and play for fun. New Horizon Club, 2nd & 4th Wed. at the Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall. Regular meetings begin at 2 pm. Special events with lunch begin at noon. Programs call 258-9315, membership info Janet at 269-2737. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed of the month, starting October 5. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) is your host for Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri., 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. All ages welcome. Friendship Lunch, Leslie Hall, hosted by St. James, Holy Cross, Salvation Army, St. John and Kemptville Pentecostal Churches, 11:30 am. Donations accepted but not expected, everyone welcome. Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat. Adults $5. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Kerith Debt Freedom Centre – Provides free and confidential coaching to help you get and stay out of debt, 2nd & 4th Sat.of each month. Call 613-258-4815 x 103 or to request an appointment. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) selects a game for their “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. See what games are coming up, sign up for their newsletter. Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487. the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers Gord Logan

Marketing Consultant Sales Representative Phone 613 989 2850 Email:

November 23, 2016


Phone 613 258 6402 Email:

The North Grenville Times


The Voice of North Grenville

First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word. SERVICES Complete Home Proper t y Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up services 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 Snow removal booking now! Be ready! Driveways, steps, walkways and roofs h 258.3847 C 295.0300 LOCAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 20YRS+ EXPERIENCE. NEW CONSTRUCTION, RENOS, POOLS/ HOT TUBS, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL. COMPETITIVE PRICING. FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY LICENSED & INSURED. JASON - J.R.WILLIS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LTD. 613-407-3344 WWW.JRWEC.CA

Snow removal Tractor with loader and blower. Call Owen 613-297-7526

Post-Concussion Tutoring Sup- Property clean-up, trees/brush/ port OCT certified. Ashley: 613- yard waste, scrap metal, dump 898-8676 or runs, anything removed. Call Wayne Scott at 613 286 9072 MATH TUTORING, qualified teacher. Grades 7-11, 8-9pm in Rock My House music lessons in old town 613.863.5639 fiddle, piano, drums and more. 613 258 5656 CFSC $ CRFSC Courses and exams Steve Hoy 613.258.6162 Handyman/Contractor with years of experience. No job too big or small. Unlimited references, call for free estimate 613.791.8597 COMMISSIONED OIL PAINTINGS / PRIVATE ART LESSONSmiriammas. FB: MiriamMasArt DJ’S RENOVATONS. We’re committed to your Renovation. We do it all. 613.698.5733 Looking for AVON products? Please call Joan at 613-258-7644.

FOR SALE Go.Go S54LX travel scooter for the physically challenged-almost new, w/ cover, basket,oxygen tank holder and metal ramps for loading into a vehicle. Was $1200 plus accessories new. Asking $950 or BO. Will deliver if needed. Terry @ 613 485 9108.

$119.00-$195.00 VG CONDITION 613 269 3836 Men’s skates, size 12. “DR XLR8, Senior”. $25. Call 613-821-3664. 3 bed/2bath High Ranch in osgoode only $358,000 w w w.330 0annet 1d:1002232

Nexus Walker: $200 (Retail $417) Adjustable height, basket, hand 4 tires 175/70r13 snow tracker, brakes, folds. 613 258-6732 SEWING: Weddings to altera- 4 - 185/70414 magna grip,; 2 toyo tions at STONEHOUSE SEWING. 235/65r15. 613 314 9327 (11/16) Baby bassinet, Navy/white $40. Call Sharon at 613-224-3182. oo Merrickville 613.803.7274 Winter sports car cover, 3 years FOR RENT old. Asking $40. Call 613-821- FIREWOOD $110 @cord. You will 3664. find cheaper but not better. Call Winter rental- cozy 2 bedroom Billy @ 258-4529 furnished house near merrick- “Fibrefifty” Theatrical standup ville. Jan.-Mar. No pets/smokers. trunk circa-1920, good shape, Mixed hardwood firewood. $100 References-$1500./Mo all incl. $100. Call George at 613-258-7653. per cord delivered. Two cord 258-4207 minimum.Charlie 989-2768.

The Plumb”Mur” Plus Bathroom 2 bedroom, Kemptville $950 +. PLUS more. Murray 613.519.5274 Central location, private cony, heated floor, natural gas. Clean, quiet, references required children in the kumon math & Mobile Foot Care - TOES IN NEED 613.263.5476 reading program. classes are 613.858.4383 on Mondays and Thursdays, 4-7 Furnished room for rent $500. a pm in Kemptville. email nelson- If you want to purchase AVON month in Oxford Mills call or call products, call Joan 613.258.7644 294-7420 613-258-4924. Frame Local! Country Ways Cus- 2 Bed Appartment for rent.AccesCall Laurel 613-314-8321 for tom Picture framing 613.322.6484 sible living on ground level with MARY KAY products and parties wider doorways and easy access and WELCOME WAGON visits in washroom. Includes 5 appliances. North Grenville Certified Packer can help you Snow cleared and lawns mowed prepare for your move. Cinderella for you. Beautiful and well mainExtra pounds slowing you down? 613.859.4644 tained for snow birds. Perfect for Solutions with Nutrition Coach retirement living. 613-448-2350 Carol Pillar R.H.N. 613-258-7133, Speech therapy for children (27/16) support@wholesumapproach. in Kemptville and surrounding com area. Winter rental, cosy 2 bedroom furnished house near Merrick613-206-1627 ville. Jan-Mar. no pets/smokHousecleaning Every mother/ ers. References, $1500/mo all father needs a housewife phone Brendan Plunkett: Finishing Car- incl. 258 4207 Sandy 613.219.7277 pentry Call or e-mail for a quote. 613-986-4533 plunkett1994@ Private piano lessons, home WANTED daycare, younique products call tara 819 664 6448 11/16) Rural Home Care services-Afford- NG Concert Choir needs inexable, personal, professional & pensive secure costume storage Well Grounded Foot Care Ad- experienced care for your loved space. 258-3851 vanced/ Diabetic Mobile one. 613.868.0356 Parking spot near Downtown Clinic. Anita Plunkett R.P.N. 613294-2122 wellgrounded2016@ ONE ON ONE Computer Training: Kemptville. 613.818.7040 Sigma Computer Systems is now offering 1/2 hour classes on Sat- LOOKING FOR LABOURER AND Bartlett Built Welding & Fabrica- urdays. Please call 613.258.9716 SKILLED ROOFER. CALL OR TEXT tionSteel, Aluminum, Stainless for more information 613.894.5210 Call Kevin 705-933-2517 HANDY MAN specializing in reno- WANTED 2 OR 3 BEDROOM APARTMr & Mrs Clean residential/ vations & house staging. We do it MENT ON ONE FLOOR, KEMPTcommercial cleaning. For all CALL 613.294.2416 VILLE 613.258.0964 quote mrandmrsclean613@gmail. com or 613-867-2184 You Name It, I Can Sew It. Call Senior needs old car batteries Rhonda at 258-5248 for making weights. Call 613 SNOW BIRDS-PLAN NOW. Quali258 6254. fied professional house sitter, Heartland Fence & Deck. Renovanow booking assingments-short tion specialist. Brian 613-796- Merrickville:Casual Relief Cook Weekends. Contact: peter@new9790 or long term - 613.258.5284

Washer & dryer good condition mixed hardwood firewood, $100 $250.00 for the pair ! will sellse- a cord delivered. jon 227-3650 number # 613- 6585504 please leave message . DIGITAL ASTHMA monitor never used $40. Call 613-215-0669 Unique festive wreaths made from unwanted Christmas trees. 4 snow tires on alloy rims 225x60x16 to fit Chev $600 (11/27) Jen 613 258 6413


November 23, 2016

Email to

Free composted horse manure for pickup. Email


Shinglers and labourers required Crate and Barrel Rojo Red Tall Cab- immediately. Please call 613inet for sale - 82”hx16”dx54”w. 599-0010 Asking $1,000. Send email to Class E or B license-licensed (mini-bus) Bus Driver required for FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Hardwood a run in Kemptville. Email resume $100 per cord delivered. Soft- to or call 613wood $75 per cord delivered. Call 223-3241 for more information. Peter 613-913-0810. Oxford Mills Seagate 1.5TB Expansion External Drive, $70 firm. 613-269-3301 5pc Peavy Drum Set w/High Hat Good Condition $400.00Don (613) 808-4725 or (613) 258-6413 Panasonic air conditioner 10,000 BTU good shape $175 Call 613 258-2753 Used Power Lift Recliner Burgundy, asking $500 613-852-7031 FIREWOOD (Merrickville)DRY& READY to Burn SOFTWOOD(PINE) $49.00/ CHORD HARDWOOD(ASH) $95.00/ CHORD PICKUP 613 269 3836 Variety of lumber, pine, hemlock, maple, spruce, 1” and 2”. For details call 314-9327. LARGE COLLECTION of ANTIQUE DINING ROOM TABLES & CHAIRS


FREE FREE kittens. Call 258-2745

WANTED Merrickville: Casual Relief Cook Weekends. Contact:

CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville

The "Spirit of Christmas" Project The North Grenville Times would like to hear from you about what you think makes the holidays so special. We will be accepting artwork, poems, personal stories and also children’s letters to Santa, from now until Christmas. We will publish as many as we can and there will be prizes for the top submissions in both the child and adult categories. HELP US SPREAD THE MAGIC OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON! (prizes to be announced) 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills K0G 1S0 or email

Kemptville & District Home Support

November Calendar

Thursday November 24 Exercise Class 9:00-10:00 Alzheimer Caregiver Support Group 1:00-3:00 Sing’n Seniors 1:30-3:00 Friday November 25 Exercise Class 11:00 – 12 noon Monday November 28 Alzheimer Society Minds in Motion 10:00-12:00 For more information Call 1-866-576-8556 Euchre 1:00 to 4:00 Bingo 1:00-4:00 Tuesday November 29 Exercise Class 9:00-10:00 Art Class with Gayle 10:00-12 noon Skip-Bo 10:00-12 noon Create-a-Card with Tina 1:00-3:00 Wednesday November 30 Bridge 9:00-12 noon Diners’ Club 12 noon by reservation For more information on how to get involved in the activities, or to volunteer, please call KDHSI at 613-258-3203 or stop by for a tour!

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Merrickville/Wolford Times Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in Merrickville/Wolford and North Grenville

the Merrickville-Wolford

TIMES The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford

Remembering our Heritage while New trail for Merrickville-Wolford and permissions stage right Wolford Trail Subcommittee by Hilary Thomson now. The plans for the trail to build and maintain walking Reflecting the 21st Century will have to be approved t r a i l s i n M e r r i c k v i l l e The Merrickville and District Trails Society presented a plan to Council last Monday to develop a new trail in Merrickville Wolford. The Wetlands Trail will be a 1-3 km loop which will start at the Merrickville Public Library, following a boardwalk along the river’s edge to a viewing platform overlooking the wetland. The trail will then loop back directly through the fairgrounds. The viewing platform will overlook part of Rideau Migratory Bird Sanctuary, which is protected by the Government of Canada. Timothy Allen, President of the Trails Society, says they are in the planning

Submitted by Michael Whittaker John LeVatte, with Engagement, Partnering and Communications at Parks Canada, will discuss the agency’s outreach to communities along the Rideau Canal in advance of Canada 150 at the Merrickville and District Society public meeting on Tuesday, November 29, at 7 pm at the Merrickville Legion. Mr. LeVatte will review the efforts to rebuild the physical infrastructure, and advance the relationships with stakeholders and the public along the waterway. “Parks Canada is talking with businesses, marina operators and municipalities about mooring and related issues, to get a sense of what is in place, to hear directly from them about what's working, what's not, and how we can work together to ensure the Canal continues to be a world-class attraction,” said Mr. LeVatte. “I want to make sure we do not forget our heritage, but I also think the system needs to reflect 21st-Century thinking.” Parks Canada is looking at creating cycling and paddling apps to attract more visitors to the Rideau Canal and the rich heritage of the communities along the water. Mr. LeVatte’s presentation will be preceded by the brief annual meeting of the Merrickville and District Society.

CP Holiday Train coming to town

by Municipal council, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) and possibly Parks Canada. Tim says they’ve already had a representative from the RVCA out to the area to make sure there aren’t any environmental concerns (significant species, effect on watershed etc.) and there doesn’t appear to be. The next step is to draft a formal proposal for the RVCA which will come from the Municipality, since it will be on their land. Merrickville and District Trail Society is a volunteer organization that works directly with the Merrickville-

Wolford. There are currently six other walking trails that take you both into the Village of Merrickville and through some of the wilderness that surrounds it. “We are here for both the residents of Merrickville and its visitors,” Timothy says. “Walking is a very healthy activity from many points of view.” The Trail Society asked that $1,000 be included in the 2017 Municipal budget for the development of the Wetlands Trail. Council gave their verbal support for the project and the funding will be discussed during their budget discussions over the next couple months.

Agricultural Committee is formed to represent farmers by Hilary Thomson The council of Merrickville-Wolford formed a new agricultural committee at their last meeting, meant to address issues that affect the agricultural community. The committee isn’t entirely new. Councillor Steve Ireland says that there was an agricultural committee during the previous term of council, but they did not meet very often. The hope for this committee, which consists of Councillor Ireland, Councillor Kim Weedmark and three members of the agricultural community in Merrickville-Wolford, will meet every few months to discuss issues that affect the farmers of the community. There are two issues already on the docket for the committee. The first is the proposed burn by-law, which affects what, and how, things can be burned in the open air. Fire Chief Bob Foster says the draft by-law was adopted from North Grenville, and is being amended to take into consideration current agricultural practices and feedback from the community. The second is the new MPAC assessment, which doubled the property value of farms in the most recent assessment, after remaining relatively steady for the past several years.

by Hilary Thomson The CP Holiday Train will be rolling into Merrickville this year at 4:45 pm on Sunday, November 27. As usual, the train will be offering Christmas entertainment for the whole family. This year, the featured performers are country artist Dallas Smith, and Canadian alternative rock group Odds. Part of the CP Holiday Train is also raising awareness of hunger in Canadian communities. Everyone is encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the local food bank. "We are very excited about this year's CP Holiday Train and are encouraging all event attendees to bring healthy, nutritious food items to the shows," said Pam Jolliffe, Interim Executive Director, Food Banks Canada. "For the last two decades, CP has played an integral role in raising essential food for the holidays and in raising awareness of hunger-related issues." In previous years, there have been some safety concerns with so many people parking along both sides of Main Street and then walking in the dark to where the train pulls in on the other side of the bridge. This year there will be several off-duty police officers to direct traffic and ensure that the experience is as organized and safe as possible.

Merrickville Christmas Concert in support of Merrickville Bridge to Canada

Merrickville Children and Adult Choirs present their Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 3, at 2:00 p.m. at Merrickville United Church. The choirs will be joined by guests Rideau Voices, a vocal quartet, and Freddy Simonyi playing the recorder. Susan Maconnachie, Choir Director, and Kathleen Howard, Accompanist, have been sharing their musical talents in preparing the children and adults to bring you a lovely afternoon of traditional and modern holiday music. Admission is by donation, and proceeds from the concert are going to support Merrickville Bridge to Canada with their plan to help a refugee family settle in our community. December 3 is “Christmas in Merrickville”, and the Christmas concert is a fantastic way to help you to get into the spirit of the season. For more information, please contact Susan Maconnachie at

L L FA ING Canal Gallery & Frame Shop M A FR VINGS SA

We’re overstocked on great moldings, and want to clear out inventory. Bring your next frame job to us....your neighbours did! You’ll get the same great deal!

230 Saint Lawrence Street Merrickville

November 23, 2016



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

the north grenville

TIMES Gord Logan Marketing Consultant Sales Representative

Phone 613 258 6402 Email:

Year-end tax tips Phone 613 258 6402 Email:

by Daren Givoque – O’Farrell Financial Services Tax time is still months away, but year-end is approaching fast. That means you should start thinking now about what you can do before December 31 - the deadline for many tax breaks - to create some savings for yourself when tax time does arrive. Here are some things to consider before the year is out. A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is the biggest tax break available to most Canadians. Avoid the stress of scrambling to meet the RRSP deadline by contributing earlier in the year. Contributing as early as possible, or in smaller amounts throughout the year through a pre-authorized contribution plan, allows your savings to generate more compound income. The RRSP deadline for 2017 is March 1 and you can find your limit on your previous year’s Notice of Assessment. Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). Make a $5,500 contribution to your investments held within a TFSA. The contribution is not tax deductible, but the growth and interest earned inside your TFSA are tax-free, and so are withdrawals, which can be made at any time for any purpose. Your life time maximum is $46,500 if you have never contributed and you were eligible back in 2009. Its also important to note the TFSA is not a “ savings account” it is an investment account that can hold almost any investment you want much like your RRSP account . RESPs. If your child is turning 15 this year and you want to ensure he or she will be eligible for the Canadian Education Savings Grant (CESG) in the years he or she turns 16 and 17, by year-end you must be able to show that you contributed at least $2,000 to their investments held within an RESP (with zero withdrawals) or that you contributed at least $100 for your child in any four-year period (again, with no withdrawals). Children's fitness and arts tax credits. The federal government announced its intention to change the child fitness tax credit from a non-refundable to a refundable credit, meaning that families who claim the program cost or registration fee for a physical activity can now receive up to $75 per child for registration or membership for your child in a prescribed program of physical activity. Its important to note that it will be eliminated in 2017. Available to children under 16 years of age or under 18 for children with a disability. The good thing about the changes to the fitness tax credit to a refundable tax credit, is it means that lower income families will still get the same benefit. So, make sure you save the receipts from summer camp, fall/winter sport registration fees, music and dance lessons, and theatre programs to realize some savings. Another big change from 2015 is the amount parents can deduct for child-care expenses, increased by $1,000 annually, per child, to $8,000 for a child under six and $5,000 for a child aged between seven and 16 years old. Many parent will already have noticed the increases to their monthly benefit. Charitable donations. Make charitable donations by December 31 if you want those donations to be eligible for a tax credit this year. Total donations for the year of more than $200 will save you tax at approximately the top marginal tax rate. You can combine your donations with your spouses to maximize the credit. The First-Time Donor's Super Credit, introduced in the 2013 federal budget, allows first-time donors to claim a 25% credit in addition to the regular tax credit for up to $1,000 of donations. Move to save. If you are moving to a province with a lower tax rate, do so before December 31 and you'll pay the lower rate for the full year. If you're moving to a jurisdiction with a higher tax rate, try to delay until 2017. Also, certain expenses may be deductible if you move at least 40km closer to a new place of work. In the end, there are several things everyone can do to try and minimize their tax bill and for good reason when the average Canadian pays over 42% of ever dollar they make to the combined levels of governments. November 23, 2016



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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Remembrance ceremonies at Bayfield Manor

Submitted by Candace Sceviour-Hay Bayfield Manor in Kemptville was the scene of our Remembrance Day Service on November 10. It was held a day early, so that the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 212 Kemptville could participate with us. It was a very poignant and emotional service. Bayfield

November 23, 2016

Manor is a relatively small LTC/Retirement facility nestled in a closely knit community. This was evident by the number of community members who attended the service, or volunteered in some way to make it a success. The Legion provided the Colour Party and Piper, and some of their members also came to watch, which

read poems, as well as a family member from the LTC side. Our own Lilah Gilmer, President of the Resident Council, along with two daughters of one of our staff members, who recently joined the Kemptville Navy League Cadets, laid the wreath on behalf of all Residents. Staff member Joanne Schonauer laid the wreath on behalf of all staff. Jane Johnson, the DOC, spoke of the importance of Remembrance Day and the impact it has had on her personally. Everything came together because of the caring people who surround us and who understand the importance of, not only remembering, but providing the opportunity for our Residents to attend a service of their own. It is said that it takes a village to raise children. It can also be said that it takes a village to help provide a better quality of life for our aging population.

added to the service. The members stood proudly, with their medals shining brightly on their uniforms. A local North Grenville District High School student, Bethany Dunning, who is the granddaughter of one of our residents, sang a beautiful rendition of O’ Canada and God Save the Queen. Two Retirement residents


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Rotary Cash Calendar on sale at: Independent Grocers, 10 am to 4 pm Thursday, November 17; Saturday, November 19; Thursday, November 24; and Saturday, November 26. Friday, December 2 and Saturday, December 3. Canadian Tire Friday, December 2 and Saturday, December 3. Calendars are also being sold at Hudson Auto Body, B&H Grocer, Gale Realty, Tallman's Truck Centre, and the Nancy Morgan Dance Studio.

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