November 30 16 issue 48, ng times

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the north grenville


Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford

The Voice of North Grenville

Vol. 4, No 49

November 30, 2016

North Grenville Rural Summit

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The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

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by Deron Johnston A warm November morning greeted rural residents as they made their way to the inaugural North Grenville Rural Summit this past Saturday. Fittingly hosted at the former Kemptville College, the summit was an attempt to reach out to the rural residents of North Grenville and provide information to them about municipal services. Thanks to the vision of councillor Jim Bertram and his desire to see more input into municipal activities from rural residents, the summit came to life this past year and will now take place

every two years. CAO Brian Carre opened the summit with an introductory greeting and talked about the day’s proceedings, then MPP Steve Clark said a few words of welcome and thanked everyone for coming. Katie Nolan, who is our local representative from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, was the keynote speaker and told the assembled group of approximately fifty residents about the role of OMAFRA and the tools and programs they use to help municipalities improve the lives of rural residents.

Deputy Clerk Katie Valentin was the next speaker and outlined to everyone the different ways that the municipality attempts to communicate with residents. Clerk Cahl Pominville followed right after and gave a sometimes humorous presentation about the process the municipality uses to make decisions. The rest of the morning was divided up into six separate twenty-minute breakout sessions, where each municipal department made presentations. Each department had its own dedicated room, and residents rotated from room to room so that they

had a chance to see each presentation with a fiveminute break in between. The presentations were made by the directors in charge of each department, with the councillors who chaired that department also in attendance. The scope and responsibilities of each department were covered, but, more importantly with such a short amount of time, it was sometimes difficult to answer all of the questions that residents had before the next session was scheduled to start and a whole new group of residents came in. continued on page 2

The North Grenville Times

Substance Abuse Poster Contest a winning event

Richard A. Savoy – Substance Abuse Poster Contest Chairman, Knights of Columbus, Council 5333, Kemptville Over the past several years, many fraternal organizations, businesses, schools, churches, synagogues and individuals have donated their time and money to the fight against the ever present epidemic of substance abuse. One way to rectify this worldwide problem is through the spread of information. Increasing public awareness concerning

the dangers of drugs and alcohol through the cooperation of individuals and organizations has garnered significant results. The Knights of Columbus is an international, Catholic, family, fraternal service organization with nearly 1.8 million members in nearly 14,000 local c o u n c i l s . L a s t y e a r, Knights donated more than 68 million volunteer hours and $154 million to charitable and benevolent causes, sponsoring projects to benefit the

Catholic Church, councils, communities, families, pro-life and youth. Congratulations to our Kemptville schools: Holy Cross Catholic School, South Branch Elementary School and North Grenville District High School (NGDHS) for their participation in the 7th annual Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Poster contest. With over 90 posters submitted, the judges had to choose a winning poster from the age groups of 8 to 11 and 12 to 14. Winning

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November 30, 2016

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facilities like the animal research laboratory, the food science building and, of course, a modern commercial kitchen in the cafeteria. Overall, the residents seemed mostly satisfied with the summit, despite a lack of understanding going into it about what it really was. Hopefully, in two years it’ll grow to be a full-day event, so that there’s more time for twoway communication, and so more content can be added to really pique the interest of, and to attract, more rural residents. More specific information on subjects like agricultural innovations, local food opportunities, green energy alternatives and also location specific historical information would certainly help. Special thanks should go to the economic development staff for organizing this important event.

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Nortel Pensioner?

John Gray

continued from front page After a quick lunch of soup and sandwiches in the cafeteria of the former Kemptville College, for those who signed up there was a guided bus tour of the rural areas of the municipality. Municipal staff and knowledgeable local residents were on hand to provide background information, key points of interest and insight as the bus wound its way through rural North Grenville. Walking from Parish Hall where the summit took place to the cafeteria for lunch, there were several reminders about both the shadow and sunlight that the former Kemptville College represents for North Grenville. It’s a reminder about how vibrant and important it was in the past, but is now dark and silent. But it also is a reminder about the possibilities for a very bright future as you walk by some great

in the age group of 8 to 11 for Alcohol Abuse from South Branch Elementary was Wade Claxton, and from Holy Cross Catholic School for Substance Abuse was Payton Cory. In the 12 to 14 category the winners from NGDHS were Kevin Streight for Alcohol Abuse, and Brianne Ferguson for Substance Abuse. The winners will receive a certificate and $100 dollars for their efforts and artistic expression. A big part of the success of this contest goes out to our students, school staff and our wonderful judges. The winners’ posters move onto District, next to Provincial and hopefully onto International. Good luck and looking forward to next year! On behalf of the Kemptville Knights of Columbus Council 5333, congratulations to all who participated on another successful Substance Abuse Poster contest. Best Regards,

The Voice of North Grenville 2

The North Grenville Times

SHOP LOCALLY for a vibrant community

Submitted by Clare Weissflog Sustainable North Grenville invites you to join us for some seasonal cheer at our annual get-together and Give North Grenville silent auction. The event takes place on Tuesday, December 6, from 6:30-9 pm at the Maplewood Hall in Oxford Mills and features specialty items gathered from local merchants and artisans. To be a sustainable

community, it is important to support your local economy by buying from local businesses and artisans. Why not commit to buying at least some of your gifts this year in the North Grenville and Merrickville area? Shopping locally supports your family and friends who rely on the jobs that local businesses provide, as well as the choice and ready availability of many amenities and services which keep our community vibrant.

Use it or lose it! Among our many offerings this year is a beautiful Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel. Thank you to Arn and Jan Snyder of Forest Row Farm for this amazing contribution. Thank you also to our other generous supporters so far: Love My Buns, Ahimsa Yoga, Grahame’s Bakery, Vincent Spa Garage, Business Strategies, Aubin Farm, Geronimos, Body and Sole, Downtowne Ice Cream Shoppe, as well as hand-made items from crafty individuals. Thank you in advance to our additional contributors. Find out more by following Sustainable North Grenville on Facebook and see photos of some of the items to be auctioned. Please contact Clare Weissflog @ c2nlt2@ if you would like to make a donation. This festive, lamp-lit evening will also feature some

uplifting tunes from Bella Borealis, as well as some light refreshments, all in the beautiful heritage Maplewood Hall in the charming hamlet of Oxford Mills. Take a little time between bidding to go for a stroll around the village and take in the Christmas lights and decorations; but don’t take too long, as bidding will wrap up around 8-8.30! Get some great ideas for spending your giftgiving dollars locally, enjoy some seasonal food and entertainment, and support North Grenville’s entrepreneurs at the same time. The event is free, and everyone is welcome. Come out and join us at 6.30 pm on Tuesday, December 6, at Maplewood Hall, Maplewood Ave., County Rd 18, Oxford Mills! Monies raised will support the 2017 North Grenville Sustainability Fair on April 23.

A Christmas tradition returns


The Voice of North Grenville

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated Erick LePors

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Mark your calendars! The North Grenville Concert Choir has been working hard since the beginning of September rehearsing Georg Friedrich Handel’s Messiah under the wonderful direction of Phillip Konopka. It has been three years since it was performed in our community and many among us are greatly looking forward to it. The choir is honoured to be accompanied by members of Ottawa’s Divertimento Orchestra under the direction of Gordon Slater. The Messiah is undoubtedly Handel’s most famous work in choral music and, though it was written as an Easter offering with a scriptural text, it has often been sung during the Christmas season. Handel was regarded as one of the greatest composers of the Baroque era with numerous operas, oratorios, anthems November 30, 2016

and organ concertos to his name, yet some would argue that the Messiah was most assuredly “Handel at his most brilliant”! Messiah was first performed in Dublin on April 13, 1742, but it really only became popular during Handel’s final years of life, in the late 1750s. Today, more than 200 years later, it remains one of the best-known musical works of the Baroque period. When you consider the fact that he composed this masterpiece in just 24 days, one can only begin to imagine how highly respected he was among his peers. As Ludwig van Beethoven said of Handel: “He is the greatest composer that ever lived. I would uncover my head and kneel before his tomb.” In North Grenville, and indeed around the world, Messiah will be performed in many churches and concert halls during the Advent


season, and with great joy. This glorious music never gets old … just like the singing of Silent Night on Christmas Eve, it is always beautiful and meaningful. With a matinee concert this year, what an amazing opportunity to bring our very young people to see an orchestra right here at home! There will be three p e r f o r m a n c e s : F r i d a y, December 9, at 7:30 pm at Merrickville United Church, and two performances on Saturday, December 10, at St. James Anglican Church in Kemptville, at 2 pm and 7:30 pm. Tickets are $20, ($10 for 12 years & under) at Hairdooz, or call 613258 1348; or at Brewed Awakenings or call 613-2586878.

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The Spirit of Christmas in Oxford Mills

December 2nd

Merry Christmas to all!

The Oxford Mills Community Association invites everyone to join them in celebrating the Spirit of Christmas on December 2nd and 3rd. Festivities begin at the Oxford Mills Town Hall (beside Maplewood Hall) for the ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING on Friday evening. This year, thanks to a small community grant, the lights will be absolutely dazzling. The event starts around 6:30pm and includes carol singing led by our local Girl Guides. After tree lighting and caroling all are welcome over to Maplewood Hall for cookies, hot chocolate, to view Silent Auction items and to have a visit with Father Christmas!! Around 8pm you will see the OMCA HAY WAGON, sponsored by The North Grenville Times, leave to tour the hamlet and judge which home has the most beautiful Christmas lights and decorations. Winners will be announced the next day (December 3rd) at the Spirit of Christmas and Craft Sale in Oxford Mills.

November 30, 2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The Spirit of Christmas in Oxford Mills

December 3rd

December 3rd from 8:30am till 10:30am enjoy a FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST WITH SANTA at the Oxford Mills United Church. Sponsored by Gerry Van Gurp and Olde Porch Primitives. There will be free photos with Santa and developing on site. Finally, please join your neighbours on December 3rd from 10am till 3pm in beautiful Maplewood Hall. This is the OMCA’s 5th Annual Spirit of Christmas Craft Sale. Over the past five years we have paid attention to what our attendees ask for in a vendor. This year each vendor booked has been carefully chosen. The craft sale will offer an intimate shopping experience, and a chance to fulfill every Christmas wish. You will not be disappointed. We will also have Oxford Mills’ landmark Brigadoon Restaurant supplying soup and biscuits for purchase, with money raised going to the OMCA to support their free community activities.

Place your orders early for Christmas and the Holidays

Grahame’s Bakery The Family’s Choice Heritage wood-fired brick oven operating commercially since 1885 115 Clothier St. E., Kemptville 613-258-2317

Olde Porch Primitives

9 Water St. Oxford Mills, ON K0G 1S0

November 30, 2016


Debbie & Gerry Van Gurp 613-258-2122

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

United Counties join all for ambulance allocations The five upper-tier rural municipalities neighbouring the City of Ottawa are calling on the Province of Ontario, and particularly Premier Kathleen Wynne and Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Dr. Eric Hoskins, to solve the apparent impasse regarding rural municipal land ambulance service resources being diverted to the City of Ottawa. These five rural municipalities, being the County of Renfrew, the County of Lanark, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, have increasingly been challenged by issues pertaining to both the operations and financing of paramedic services to their communities. Since the Province’s download of paramedic services in 2001, call volumes have continued to increase and costs have followed suit. While municipalities recognize the continued 50% funding from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, the pressure of increasing call volumes has required innovation from municipalities in order to optimize paramedic services and respond to the legislated performance response times outlined in the Ambulance Act. “Our land ambulance services are facing

significant challenges as a result of situations where the City of Ottawa has failed to meet its own required resources and respond to its own service demands,” stated Warden David Gordon, of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. “When our municipalities are required to assist and respond to calls outside of their communities – and increasingly within the City of Ottawa – they expose themselves to an increase in response times and a lack of appropriate resources back home, and therefore are unable to meet their commitments for their own residents, as set out in the Ambulance Act.” The City of Ottawa’s deployment plans focus on its urban core as opposed to the rural, outlying areas within its periphery. As a result, the City relies on its ne ighbours t o service its shortfalls: between June 2015 and June 2016, call volumes from neighbouring municipalities into the City of Ottawa increased by 60%, with the largest increases in service calls coming from Prescott and Russell (105%), Lanark (88%) and Renfrew (41%). Furthermore, the City of Ottawa has maintained its refusal to reimburse its neighbors for services rendered, even though provincial legislation allows for such agreements between neighbouring municipalities. Several

municipalities in Eastern Ontario have been successful in implementing cross-border arrangements for the provision of interm u n i ci p al p aram ed i c services. Other services require agreements for mutual aid support for a b n o r m a l e m e rg e n c y crises, such as disaster or a specifically defined number of calls. This type of practice is very functional and responsible. “ To r e q u i r e o n e municipality to respond on a regular and daily basis, outside its jurisdiction, creates a very dangerous situation for the responding municipality,” added Chris Lloyd, Paramedic Chief for Leeds and Grenville. “Resources quickly become depleted and the responding municipality is consequently unable to provide adequate services to its own residents because they are subsequently called to respond to other calls within the neighbouring jurisdiction.” The position of “seamlessness” taken by the Emergency Health Services Branch (EHSB) places an unfair burden on municipalities, both in the delivery of appropriate paramedic services and financial costs. Recent announcements from the City of Ottawa in regards to the hiring of 38 additional paramedics through 2018 will not solve the current impasse, but instead, will only serve to meet the City’s population growth within that time period.

“Beyond our legal requirement to respond, our municipalities are ready and willing, as good neighbours, to respond to emergency calls outside our jurisdictions. But when these calls come as a direct result of the City of Ottawa’s deployment plans, which favour its urban core – exposing its rural areas to prolonged response times with an explicit expectation of drawing in paramedic resources from neighbouring municipalities – this goes beyond reasonable expectations, and puts lives at risk within our own municipalities,” concluded Warden Gordon. “The bottom line is that rural taxpayers should not be required to subsidize neighboring municipalities for the latter’s lack of vehicles and resources. Municipalities must be held accountable and not rely on their neighbours, unless in extenuating circumstances.” The five rural Counties are therefore calling on the Province of Ontario to modify the definition of “seamlessness,” in order to meet the expectations of today’s delivery of paramedic services. In addition, municipalities should have the ability to recover the costs associated to service delivery outside their own jurisdictions – a condition that was once mandatory, but which was rendered optional by the Province in 2008.

North Grenville Dog Parks Inc. Inaugural Dog Park Derby and 2017 Calendar

November 30, 2016

than before! You will enjoy freshly made sushi and a live action grill section, where you can enjoy signature dishes every night. The only problem left for you, in the face of all those succulent options, will be to make room for an amazing dessert selection. There will be incredible sponsorship and advertising opportunities for this event as well. For more information e-mail North Grenville Dog Parks Inc. at northgrenvilledogparks@ Just in time for Christmas, tickets will be available December 3 at Canadian Tire Kemptville, and on December 4 at B&H Grocer, and

Jonsson’s Independent Grocer, from 9 am until 3 pm. Tickets are $40 (adults) and $20 (children 6 to 12). Children 5 and under eat free. At the same time, you will not want to miss the opportunity to purchase our inaugural Dog Park Calendar for 2017, which highlights the 12 best dog photos from over 60 submissions, which

will also be on sale. This beautiful desk calendar will sell for $10 and will include great discount coupons from some of our local businesses. Do not be disappointed. Be sure to get your tickets and calendar; they make great stocking stuffers, and all proceeds go to the Ferguson Forest Dog Park Project.

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On Sunday, February 5, 2017, North Grenville Dog Parks Inc. and Canadian Tire, Kemptville will host its first annual “Dog Park Derby” at the Rideau Carleton Raceway. This event is a major fundraiser for the firstever off-leash dog park in North Grenville, located in Ferguson Forest. The evening promises to be fun-filled, with live racing, fine dining, a spectacular silent auction, 50/50 Draw, door prizes, a complimentary race program, a $2 race coupon, a $5 slot voucher, free valet parking and coat check. If you have not been to the raceway lately, the newlyrenovated dining room offers even more choices

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The North Grenville Times

Municipality Matters

The Voice of North Grenville

Steve Clark joins parents at Queen’s Park to protest school closures

Parents from Eastern Ontario, including LeedsGrenville, joined those from across the province at a rally at Queen’s Park to protest ongoing accommodation reviews that could see up to 600 schools close. “The fact parents have travelled hours in terrible weather to be here today is a testament to how hard they’re working to save these schools and ensure their children can continue to learn close to home,”

Steve said. Of the 600 schools targeted for closure in Ontario, 29 are located within the Upper Canada District School Board and 10 in Leeds-Grenville. Steve spoke to the rally, and took Minister of Education Mitzie Hunter to task for sitting on the sidelines while the fate of rural education is left to a flawed process that prioritizes school closures rather than exploring other long-term solutions.

students at the forefront, when the options include putting young children on the bus for an hour or more in one direction?” Steve asked. “Or sending students to overcrowded schools and jamming them into portables, while the board waits for money to build a mega-school?” If students were truly being put at the forefront, such proposals would never have seen the light of day, he said. Earlier in the day, Steve rose in Question Period to call on the Premier to immediately put a moratorium on school closures. “The Premier and Education Minister must get away from Queen’s Park and see for themselves what’s really happening across Ontario. These reviews are just smoke and mirrors that give the appearance of consultation,” Steve said. “True consultation starts before recommendations are made – not after.”

“Her Ministry created this disastrous Pupil Accommodation Review process, and pulled the funding that supported these rural schools to put everything in motion. And she thinks she’s going to get a pass? No chance.” Steve said the Minister is showing how out of touch she is with what’s really happening by her insistence that students will be kept “at the forefront of every decision we make.” “How is it keeping

MPP Clark’s annual Christmas open house

UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, December 12 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, December 5 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. For agenda information, please visit the Municipal website at COMMITTEE MEETINGS Economic Development Advisory Committee – Wednesday, December 7 at 12:30 pm at the Municipal Centre Heritage Advisory Committee – Thursday, December 8 at 2:00 pm at the Municipal Centre Library Board – Thursday, December 8 at 7:00 pm at the Public Library, 1 Water St.

COMMUNITY GRANTS – Canada 150 Events

To support community groups in celebrating Canada’s 150th throughout 2017, the Municipality is inviting applications through an additional and immediate intake to the grant program. The deadline for this first application round is December 15, 2016, at 5:00 pm. Visit for more information or contact Nicole Zywicki at


Winter parking restrictions came into effect on November 15th and last through April 15th. While restrictions are in effect, parking on Municipal roads is not allowed between 11:00 pm and 8:00 am. A vehicle which is parked in a manner interfering with snow clearing or removal operations may be issued a ticket and The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44 PO Box 130 Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-4424 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-2438 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-2438 ext. 6 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002

Warm & Dry.

Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark is inviting everyone in the riding to take a break from the busy holiday season by taking a timeout to visit his seventh annual Community Christmas Open House. The event is free of charge, open to the entire community, and takes place on Sunday, December 4 from 3-5 p.m. Once again this year, the open house is being held at the Brockville Convention Centre, 7829 Kent Boulevard. “I look forward to my Christmas open house every year, because it’s a great chance to catch up with everyone, enjoy some wonderful food and refreshments, hear some excellent local entertainment, and even spend time with Santa,” Steve said. As with his past Christmas receptions, MPP Clark is asking everyone to bring along non-perishable food items and canned goods to support the local food banks that will have volunteers in attendance. “Leeds-Grenville residents are incredibly generous and this gives us a chance to help the food banks with their remarkable efforts to assist families in need at this time of year,” Steve added.

Warm Blundstone Winter boots shut out nasty weather with genuine 100% wool fleece and cold-defying Thinsulate . Waterproof leather, elastics and seams. Blundstone Winter. Pull-on, kick-off comfort for cold & wet Canadian weather. TM

OPP Christmas Charity BBQ

The OPP Christmas Charity Barbeque is fast approaching! The event takes place on Thursday, December 1 from 11:30 am to 1 pm at the Kemptville OPP detachment, with all proceeds going to the Salvation Army Christmas Campaign. All unwrapped toys, non-perishable food items and monetary donations are accepted. Special thanks to our sponsor Royal LePage Gale Real Estate.

SIU invokes mandate

#584 The Winter in Rustic Brown. Also available in Black. $239.95.

On Monday, November 14, 2016 at approximately 12:26 a.m., officers from the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Grenville County detachment responded to a call for service at a residence located on River Road, North Grenville. A female was placed under arrest and while being transported to the detachment, there was an interaction that occurred between the female and the officer in which both sustained injuries. The OPP has notified the province’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) which has invoked its mandate. As a result, the OPP will not be able to provide any further information. Any other inquiries should be directed to SIU Communications at (416) 622-2342. November 30, 2016

UPDATE 2727 County Rd. #43, Unit 3, Kemptville

613-258-6100 7


The North Grenville Times

Missing the boat on Local Food by Deron Johnston This past week the city of Belleville was host to the Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference. Organized by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the annual event attracts hundreds of foodies, farmers, researchers, authors, politicians, entrepreneurs, chefs, municipal staff and all levels of government employees from across Canada, and even a few people from the U.S. It’s a veritable big box candy store for anyone with an interest in agriculture and food. Kemptville resident Katie Nolan was one of the organizers. The first day of the conference was a local food tour, where a full bus of participants toured across the Bay of Quinte area stopping in at five different local food businesses along the way. A new malting facility (for beer production), a premium beef farm, a well hidden boutique winery, a food canning facility, and a three hundred head dairy farm that was actually on the tour because of their anaerobic bio-digester

(which converts organic waste into electricity), were all on the day’s schedule. Armed with a local food bag lunch, participants were treated to a textbook example of how enjoyable and informative local food tourism can be. The possibilities for economic development through local food tourism seemed endless. Immediately following the tour was the local food extravaganza, with two rooms full of local food businesses giving out delectable samples of their craft. Local wines, local craft beer, local fresh pasta, and a wide variety of local meats were just some of the delicacies served up by the business owners themselves. Three solid hours of nibbling and networking were a fitting end to a memorable first day. The second day of the conference was a series of guest speakers and information sessions. The range of topics discussed was remarkable. Everything from converting your lawn to a garden, to providing municipalities with a step by step approach to developing local food for economic development, were

just some of the topics that were presented. The keynote speaker was Sarah Elton, a best-selling and awardwinning author, who talked extensively about the theme of the conference, which was ‘resiliency’ in local food systems. Her two books, ‘Locavore’ and ‘Consumed’, should be priority reading for anyone working in or curious about agriculture and local food. Kemptville’s own Bruce Enloe, who is the general manager of the Two Rivers Food Hub in Smiths Falls, was also one of the guests speakers. Probably one of the key takeaways from the conference was the need for education. There is a huge void in terms of education about all aspects of local food. There was an especially urgent call for young people to be taught how to grow food, process food and prepare it in order to live healthier lives. If not shown this, and the value of making their own food, they’ll choose unhealthy options like cheap, unhealthy, processed foods that are too easy to just heat and eat. There was also a call to educate adults, community

leaders, and politicians about not only the health benefits of local food, but the community and economic development possibilities around developing a strong local food system. Currently, we have some great good local food assets here in the North Grenville area. Those assets could become even stronger by bringing them together and cultivating new assets in order to build a strong sustainable local food system. This can be accomplished by providing education and training, and creating opportunities to share information about funding options, available resources, and recent innovations. Until recently, there has been a large leadership void in the area of local food. The Kemptville Farmers’ Market has attempted to fill this void by working with their current vendors and encouraging anyone else to start producing their own food and then to become a market vendor. The market is starting to develop strategic partnerships in order to bring leaders and experts in different areas of local food to speak to their vendors and anyone else with an interest

A sinking feeling - Thinking of Energy East by Chris Turnbull It has been several months since Mayor Gordon led the motion for the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville to sign a letter of support for Energy East (TransCanada) and several months since Chris Weissflog spoke at the Committee of the Whole on behalf of Sustainable North Grenville and other community members. Chris’s presentation demonstrated how long the Energy East pipeline has been before Council (2013), requested neutrality from Council until there were sufficient facts and effects of a potential pipeline, as per Council’s own Resolution, and requested that the Mayor withdraw his motion at the UCLG. It was disappointing to attend that Committee of the Whole meeting and realize ranks had closed; according to the CAO, residents had misunderstood

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 November 30, 2016

the Resolution’s meaning. By extension, this dismissed the issues of Municipal neutrality, conflict of interest, and acknowledgement of community interest. No apology was issued, despite the Mayor ’s conflict of interest in this matter. It seems somewhat as if the issue of the pipeline is a bit of a bugaboo that Council would rather side-step or, more simply, just not have it brought up again. In the absence of any information from Council, their role as Intervener, and what they might say on behalf of our community, is unclear. Yet, here is plenty of research to support the risk that an Energy East pipeline would present to North Grenville. A recent (September, 2016) technical report by Savaria, commissioned by the Council of Canadians and Ecology Ottawa, offers clear, scientific information directly related

TransCanada’s claims about pipeline leaks and monitoring, aquifer contamination, and wetland/ecosystem effects. Chris Weissflog’s recent articles, addressing not only the potential Energy East Pipeline and its negative effects on North Grenville, were there to be a dilbit leak into our aquifers, but the wider implications of continued fossil fuel investment and climate change facts, have been excellent and educational. Transparency and communication at the leadership level, good scientific measurement and data, and the ability to analyse and gather solid information in the face of superficial information that misleads rather than informs, are also components of his articles. Chris writes on behalf of Sustainable North Grenville, demonstrating expertise from a range of community members who are actively

thinking about community, climate change, and economic and social efficiencies in this changing political and environmental era. These articles take effort to write. It takes effort to address a Council unwilling to share information and members who are defensive when asked or challenged — who close ranks. It takes effort to touch base with our community in this way, also — where do residents stand in terms of the pipeline and the larger issues that the articles pinpoint? As a community, we need to acknowledge and deal with the fundamental issues that could irreversably affect us, the ecologies that support us and the species we live among. The potential Energy East Pipeline needs to be discussed in a clear, considered, and well communicated way; we cannot rely on TransCanada, and their assurances and

the north grenville


Marketing Peter Peers 613 989-2850

ISSN 2291-0301


The Voice of North Grenville

Editor David Shanahan 613-215-0735

Production Manager Copy Editor Marguerite Boyer Pat Jessop 613-215-0735 613-258-4671


The Voice of North Grenville

in local food. It was great to see Councillor Donovan Arnaud in attendance for the second day of the conference and hear him speak passionately about what he saw and heard and how he believes that local food has incredible potential for North Grenville. Here’s hoping that he can light a fire under other members of council and staff, so that they begin to understand the enormous potential for economic development in sectors like job creation, increased tourism and even the improved health of residents which are all possible with a strong local food system. What became obvious throughout the conference was that we’re

reassurances, to guide us. As a community, we need an indication that Council as a group is aware of the issues, has shaped some plans, and is prepared to, on behalf of residents, critically question Tr a n s C a n a d a ’s c l a i m s . Council has communicated nothing with respect to what is guiding their decision making, other than that TransCanada has been in touch. They need to open up. A few questions: What information, particular to this region, has TransCanada supplied Council? Environmental assessments, crisis planning, potable water estimates, costs? What information has Council gathered, independently of TransCanada? Is Council willing/able to strike a committee for Energy East, or communicate with residents before the NEB hearings? Has Council reached out to Anishinaabeg (among which, Algonquin) or Reporter Hilary Thomson Graphics Micheal Pacitto 613-710-7104

currently missing the boat on local food in the North Grenville area. When you compare the benefits of local food that other regions of Eastern Ontario are enjoying, it’s a very big boat that we’re missing. However, I do take a little comfort in knowing that councillor Arnaud professes to be a former Navy man.

Haudenosaunee (Mohawk) nations, other Municipalities, and community groups to share knowledge and evidence? What information between groups could be shared? If the potential Energy East Pipeline were approved, what kinds of contingency plans (in case of dilbit leak) have Council devised? Your voice is important. Pipelines do leak. We drink the water and exist on the land that the pipeline would run through. This is an issue that merits working together and sharing information. Perhaps our Council members don’t realize that the Energy East Pipeline is an issue of concern to many in our community. Let them know your thoughts — they are your representatives. Sustainable North Grenville can be contacted via their website, if you have knowledge or additional information regarding the Energy East Pipeline. www. Mailing Address 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0 Accounting Pat Jessop 613-258-4671

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Ralph Raina speaker at the New Horizon Club North Grenville’s and learning the history Syrian refugee family

submitted by Shirley Price At their meeting on We d n e s d a y, N o v e m b e r 23, the New Horizon Club members were welcomed by President Shirley Price, who then introduced Ralph Raina, now retired, entrepreneur and former Counsellor, Mayor, and Reeve of the Town of Kemptville. Mr. Raina is a natural raconteur and kept his audience fascinated, as he described his battle against tuberculosis as a patient in the Royal Ottawa Sanatorium. Tuberculosis was a muchfeared disease until the development of drugs such as Streptomycin, which was

known as the miracle drug. Mr. Raina was the second person in Ottawa to receive this drug. Although he was pronounced “cured” after being treated by Streptomycin, he subsequently had to return to the Sanatorium for further treatment, including the removal of seven ribs. He was finally pronounced cured and discharged. In the meantime, his family had moved to Kemptville. Ralph joined them; but, as he put it, “I had no money, seven ribs out, no formal education and no job, and still had to drive to Ottawa every two weeks for

of some of the buildings in Kemptville, such as the theatre and the Armouries. Doug Brunton thanked Mr. Raina for coming to speak to the New Horizon Club members and presented him with a donation to the Salvation Army, the charity chosen by him because of their kindness to his family when they first arrived in Kemptville. The New Horizon Club Christmas Dinner will be held on December 14 at the Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall. Tickets are $25.00 and must be purchased in advance. Call Jean 613-283-6439. The first meeting in 2017 will be a pot luck lunch and social hour to be held on Wednesday, January 11, at noon. Bring your pot luck contribution and your own dishes. All seniors 55 plus are welcome to join this active group which meets each second and fourth Wednesday. For program and membership information, call Janet at 613-269-2737.

pneumothorax treatments. What was I to do?” He solved his dilemma by selling clothing door to door to farmers in the area. His brother loaned him a car and, with borrowed money, he paid fifty dollars for a Pedlar’s Licence, found a wholesaler, purchased inventory, and was on his way to his life as an entrepreneur, eventually purchasing property and building a retail store where he did business for many years. His audience enjoyed his personal stories from his years as a pedlar throughout the Grenville County area,

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

Mapping the journey to successful employment

CSE is OPEN from 9:00—12:00 on Saturday January 7th!!!

North Grenville Employment Resource Centre 125 Prescott St, Kemptville Call to register: (613) 258-6576 (800) 214-7066





Next Month

DEC 2nd

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30 CSE Days!! All day coffee and snacks!

DEC 20th

Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 YOUTH Prepare for an Interview, 3:00—4:30

DEC 6th

Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 DEC 21st YOUTH Resumes, 3:00—4:30

Happy Holidays from CSE Consulting! Join us every Friday in December for holiday treats and coffee!

DEC 8th

Resumes and Cover Letters, 10:00—11:30

Resume Rescue Clinic, 10:00—2:00

DEC 22nd

W.H.M.I.S., 9:00—12:00 Prepare for Interviews, 10:00—11:30

DEC 23rd

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30 CSE Days!! All day coffee and snacks!

DEC 9th

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30 CSE Days!! All day coffee and snacks!

DEC 13th

Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 DEC 26th YOUTH Job Search, 3:00—4:30


DEC 15th

Job Search Strategies, 10:00—11:30

DEC 27th

DEC 16th

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30 CSE Days!! All day coffee and snacks!

DEC 29th

YOUTH Customer Services, 1:00—2:30

DEC 19th

Smart Serve, 9:00—1:00

DEC 30th

Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30 CSE Days!! All day coffee and snacks!

Check out our website for special events and to see what services CSE has to assist you.

Thank you to all of our past and present clients and employers we look forward to continuing to work with you in the new year to meet your employment needs!

by Hilary Thomson The members of Refugees In North Grenville (RING) held a potluck last Saturday to welcome their Syrian refugee family to the community. Kutebah and Kadijah Al Yousef and their three children arrived on September 9, and since then have slowly been settling into their new home. “People are very nice here,” says Kadijah. “Everyone was smiling when we got off the plane.” The Al Yousefs lived in a refugee camp for over three years in Turkey and all three of their children were born there. They lived in a house made of concrete, with no insulation and heated mainly by coal. “This was very dangerous because of carbon monoxide poisoning,” says Kutebah, “Many people die in Turkey because of it.” Finding work was difficult for Kutebah, as it was seasonal and quite dangerous. Both he and Kadijah have degrees in physics from the University of Aleppo in Syria, but it was impossible to find jobs in their field in Turkey. Kadijah was often left alone to look after the children, all of whom are under 3, while Kutebah tried to support the family financially. “There is no future in Turkey,” Kutebah says. “There is nothing for me and nothing for my children.” The Al Yousefs are happy to be in Kemptville and want to express their thanks for everything that RING has done for them. Their English is getting better by the day, and Kutebah hopes to find work soon as a house painter. In the future he would love to go back to school and find work in the science or technology sector. “I will work, I will study; it might take 20 years, but I will do anything to create a future for myself and my family,” he says. One of the hurdles that will face the family in the coming months is the cold weather. While their children have already enjoyed playing in the snow, the cold is definitely not something they are used to. Although the Al Yousefs agree that one of their favourite things about being in Kemptville is having a safe and secure house for their family, Kutebah insists that the people they’ve met are the most important. “Me and my family are very thankful,” he says. the north grenville


CSE Consulting Outreach Services December 21st: Merrickville Health Centre, 9:00—11:00 December 13th: TR Leger, Kemptville, 10:00—12:00

Gord Logan

Check out our online job board at: Employment Ontario programs are funded in part by the Government of Canada. Les programmes Emploi Ontario sont financés en partie par le gouvernement du Canada.

November 30, 2016

L-R: Jawdat Al Yousef, Kadija Kutini, Rasha Al Yousef, Zayna Al Yousef, Kutebah Al Yousef


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The Voice of North Grenville

Christmas Poinsettias on SALE NOW! 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville

Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6


Prices effective: Friday, Dec. 2 to Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements�

November 30, 2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

The Stove Store The Stove Store was established in 1972 (45 years) by Mel Shannon who is a resident of the area. From its humble beginnings in the garage of his home, the store eventually moved to its present location at 6 Beverly St. Spencerville and contrary to its name, The Stove Store does not just sell stoves. It is a major supplier and installer of all types of heating and cooling equipment. The Stove Store carries a wide variety of gas and wood furnaces, fireplaces and inserts, freestanding pellet, wood, gas units and air conditioners. The Stove Store specializes in geothermal systems, ductless heating systems and cooling units. For those finishing touches, there is a large variety of stone facings and mantels. No job is too big, too small or too far away for The Stove Store’s factory trained installers and service technicians. All estimates, in home or in the showroom, are completed by qualified and knowledgeable sales staff, and they are always FREE. Drop by The Stove Store’s comfortable 1800 square foot showroom where there are over 55 heating and cooling units and fireplaces on display, with 35 of them operational. You will find the most up to date products on the market and you can discover the newest of technologies as they become available. Mel Shannon and The Stove Store have set a high standard for quality performance and customer satisfaction for their installations and professional services. They will continue this tradition of excellence into the future. The Stove Store , (613) 658-3101, 1-888-370-9859 Also visit us on the web at:


Hours: Wed. - Sat. 10-5 & Sun. 11-4 9 Water St., Oxford Mills

Debbie Van Gurp, Shopkeeper

613-258-2122 taxes always included

November 30, 2016


The North Grenville Times

Transparency, Innovation and Imagination by Woody Armour Transparency: Tickey tacky little boxes and they all look just the same… So went Pete Seeger’s popular folk (“Little Boxes”) song in the early 60’s which described urban sprawl. This highly popular ditty was a criticism of lack of imagination and of real estate profiteering. Now, look across the Highway 43, north from McDonalds. There are two housing units which were purported to be representative of the housing units to be built in the Northwest quadrant. The ones now being built are not the same as the ones “on Show”. Do these houses, the ones being built, not have the look and feel of “little boxes … and they all look the same.” With these ticky tacky units come some other unannounced features. There will be another 200 to 300 automobiles on Highway 43 during the morning and evening rush hour. There will be a large number of

young people, 200 to 300 estimated, which will require playgrounds, splash pads, playing fields and ice rinks which Kemptville, (not North Grenville), does not have. So, what we have is noise pollution, light pollution, traffic pollution and probably trash and dog poop problems. The municipal planning department describes this as “Green and Growing”. A million or more dollars have been spent on the real estate project, with no discernable benefits to anybody, save real estate agents and developers. All that will come out of this construction venture is a definite requirement for more amenities by the new inhabitants, for which they will only pay a small portion. What is more telling is that the rural component of the municipality, about 60% of residents in North Grenville, those on well and septic, will be expected to pay for many of the supplementary features (recreation facilities) that must be built after the

builders are gone. This construction truly represents, on the part of the municipal planning department, lack of imagination, innovation and transparency, which are features of a modern society, and this will come back to bite. Had there been transparency these units would probably never have been built. Innovation: In ancient Greece there were small towns, villages etc., operating independently, but loosely connected by some feature such as trade agreements, or possibly the military protection of a larger city. These were known as city states. This was a common arrangement in the ancient world. Now let us jump forward 2,500 years. We are now entering an era of transworld trade agreements. The loosely “connected feature of the ancient world” is, today, these trade agreements. A major problem with these agreements is that the major

players are huge, they need to be to span the globe and to handle the amounts of products required to do this type of commerce. In the process of doing this, their daily business, they squeeze out the smaller operator, and potentially crush the tiny operator. A classic example of this is Walmart: this operator creates retail deserts wherever it goes, only the very large survive. This feature is also common in the chemical industry and others, usually via mergers, as no single entity has the cash, or credit, to pay for the takeover. So, the answer to the tiny operator’s survival lies in the past, we must look back, to go forward. The answer is in the city states, and their local central markets, ”Buy locally” worked then, as it will work today in North Grenville, if the council co-operates. This then is the innovative solution to the possibility of being squashed. Imagination: This is the most interesting

The Voice of North Grenville Wishing

part, and North Grenville has a unique situation to exploit and prosper. Agriculture was the basis of most city states, and therein lays the solution. Here are the facts. The municipality has a population of approximately 16,000. We know from various creditable sources that the average person spends $50 per week on groceries, and from the ancients we know there are 365 days in a year. If we multiply these numbers out (16,000x$50x365) we have approximately $39 million per year spent on groceries. If we, as a community of various farmers, could capture only 15% of this market, ($5.85 million) we would, locally, employ about 100 people on about 40 farms. The implication for export and processing is huge, as is the price and quality of “local” food products. Cheese factories, Malting houses and craft breweries are very possible: it happens elsewhere, why not here? This would also

Mary Josephine Porter a Happy 70th Birthday on November 27

Loving birthday wishes from husband Ray and also from Michael, Anne, Marie, Debbie, Darlene, Diane and families. XOXO

partially solve the problem of the dying town centre. We also have what is left of the College to contribute to innovation. The reason this does not happen is the luddites. It is, sadly, a unique situation we have in North Grenville. We are surrounded by a number of active innovation companies, yet we are stifled by luddites. Our problems of unemployment, underemployment and food insecurity are self- inflicted.

Robert Noseworthy earns Bill Thake Memorial Leadership Award

A homebuilder known for helping transform his community and spiking its growth rate is the recipient of the Bill Thake Memorial Aw a r d f o r E c o n o m i c Development Leadership. R o b N o s e w o r t h y, President and CEO of Westerra Homes & Developments, received the award for his community building efforts as an ambassador attracting new residents, investments and business to North Grenville. The award was presented by Warden David Gordon and the late Mr. Thake’s wife, Marlene, at the 8th annual United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Economic Development Summit recently. Also honoured was nominee Joe Moulton, November 30, 2016

who runs businesses in Spencerville and Kemptville. Both men have volunteered their time and resources to build stronger communities. “These are business people who also put their time, money and dedication into strengthening their greater communities so they are better places to live and do business,” said Warden David Gordon. “They look at the bigger picture and go the extra step to not just grow their own business but the businesses and community around it”. Rob earned the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year in 2010, the Mayor’s Commendation Award in recognition of his exceptional

which will be embarking on a $2 million Campaign for the Modernization of Clinics in 2017. Mr. Moulton is credited with putting Spencerville “back on the map” by purchasing the historic Spencerville Hotel three years ago and restoring its splendour for commercial and residential use. He believes businesses can once again thrive in our smaller communities – not just our larger centres. He and his wife and business partner, JoAnne, are dedicated to supporting their community by employing local people, contractors and suppliers. Together they have given their expertise to community causes and events, including the everpopular Spencerville Fair. The Fair Board recognized the couple in 2013 “for their outstanding years of service and contributions to the Fair.” Joe designed, and continues to host for free, the Spencerville Agricultural Society and Spencerville Business and Community Connections group websites. JoeComputer provides free Wi-Fi at the Spencerville and Cardinal arenas. Since the Bill Thake award’s inception almost six years ago, 27 deserving

volunteer service to the community in 2014, and the North Grenville Economic Development Ambassador Award in 2015. He was founder five years ago of the North Grenville Home Builders Association and continues as Chair. As an ambassador, Robert assisted in attracting Lapointe Developments, a company now building the multi-million dollar, 100room Kemptville Retirement Living residence. He is known for his support of 20 non-profit organizations and was Chair of the 2013 Build Committee for the Habitat for Humanity Thousand Islands Kemptville Build. Robert is also the Chair of the Kemptville District Hospital Foundation Board, 12

women and men have been honoured with nominations and seven have received the award. Past recipients include Jean Jacque Rousseau, Municipality of North Grenville; and joint 2013 winners Don Ross, Leeds and the Thousand Islands, and Don Munz of North Grenville. The summit attracted more than 200 business operators, non-forprofit organizations and government

representatives from Leeds Grenville and neighbouring regions. It was hosted by the Counties Economic Development Department in partnership with Gord Brown, MP for Leeds-Grenville, 1000 Islands and Rideau Lakes, and Steve Clark, MPP for Leeds-Grenville, the 1000 Islands, Valley Heartland and Grenville Community Futures Development Corporations, and the 1000 Islands Region Workforce Development Board.


Repair - Maintenance - Renovation Residential - Commercial - Industrial


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The Voice of North Grenville

First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word. SERVICES Complete Home Proper t y Clean up: house cleaning, dump runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up services 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 Snow removal booking now! Be ready! Driveways, steps, walkways and roofs h 258.3847 C 295.0300 LOCAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 20YRS+ EXPERIENCE. NEW CONSTRUCTION, RENOS, POOLS/ HOT TUBS, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL. COMPETITIVE PRICING. FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY LICENSED & INSURED. JASON - J.R.WILLIS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LTD. 613-407-3344 WWW.JRWEC.CA

Snow removal Tractor with loader and blower. Call Owen 613-297-7526 GIVE YOUR CHILD THE ACADEMIC ADVANTAGE TO COMPETE IN TODAY’S WORLD! Enroll your

children in the kumon math & reading program. classes are on Mondays and Thursdays, 4-7 pm in Kemptville. email or call 613-258-4924. Call Laurel 613-314-8321 for MARY KAY products and parties and WELCOME WAGON visits in North Grenville Extra pounds slowing you down? Solutions with Nutrition Coach Carol Pillar R.H.N. 613-258-7133, support@wholesumapproach. com Housecleaning Every mother/ father needs a housewife phone Sandy 613.219.7277

port OCT certified. Ashley: 613- Rock My House music lessons in 898-8676 or fiddle, piano, drums and more. 613 258 5656 MATH TUTORING, qualified teacher. Grades 7-11, 8-9pm in Handyman/Contractor with years old town 613.863.5639 of experience. No job too big or small. Unlimited references, call CFSC $ CRFSC Courses and for free estimate 613.791.8597 exams Steve Hoy 613.258.6162 SEWING: Weddings to alterations at STONEHOUSE SEWING. COMMISSIONED OIL PAINTINGS / Call Sharon at 613-224-3182. PRIVATE ART LESSONSmiriammas. FB: MiriamFOR RENT MasArt Winter rental- cozy 2 bedroom DJ’S RENOVATONS. We’re com- furnished house near merrickmitted to your Renovation. We ville. Jan.-Mar. No pets/smokers. do it all. 613.698.5733 References-$1500./Mo all incl. 258-4207 Looking for AVON products? Please call Joan at 613-258-7644. Kemptville 3 bedroom bungalow. References; first/last. $1250 + The Plumb”Mur” Plus Bathroom utilities. Call 613-258-2502 PLUS more. Murray 613.519.5274 2 bedroom, Kemptville $950 +. Central location, private balMobile Foot Care - TOES IN NEED cony, heated floor, natural gas. 613.858.4383 Clean, quiet, references required 613.263.5476 If you want to purchase AVON products, call Joan 613.258.7644 Furnished room for rent $500. a month in Oxford Mills call 613Frame Local! Country Ways Cus- 294-7420 tom Picture framing 613.322.6484 2 Bed Appartment for rent.Accessible living on ground level with Certified Packer can help you wider doorways and easy access prepare for your move. Cinderella washroom. Includes 5 appliances. 613.859.4644 Snow cleared and lawns mowed for you. Beautiful and well mainSpeech therapy for children tained for snow birds. Perfect for in Kemptville and surrounding retirement living. 613-448-2350 area. (27/16) 613-206-1627 Winter rental, cosy 2 bedroom house near MerrickBrendan Plunkett: Finishing Car- furnished ville. Jan-Mar. no pets/smokpentry Call or e-mail for a quote. ers. References, $1500/mo all 613-986-4533 plunkett1994@ incl. 258 4207

new, w/ cover, basket,oxygen tank holder and metal ramps for loading into a vehicle. Was $1200 plus accessories new. Asking $950 or BO. Will deliver if needed. Terry @ 613 485 9108.

in osgoode only $358,000 w w w.330 0annet 1d:1002232 Nexus Walker: $200 (Retail $417) Adjustable height, basket, hand brakes, folds. 613 258-6732

Fibrefifty” Theatrical standup trunk circa-1920, good shape, Baby bassinet, Navy/white $40. $100.00. George tel:613-258- oo Merrickville 613.803.7274 7653 FIREWOOD $110 @cord. You will 4 tires 175/70r13 snow tracker, find cheaper but not better. Call 4 - 185/70414 magna grip,; 2 toyo Billy @ 258-4529 235/65r15. 613 314 9327 (11/16) Mixed hardwood firewood. $100 Winter sports car cover, 3 years per cord delivered. Two cord old. Asking $40. Call 613-821- minimum.Charlie 989-2768. 3664. Mixed hardwood firewood, $100 “Fibrefifty” Theatrical standup a cord delivered. jon 227-3650 trunk circa-1920, good shape, $100. Call George at 613-258-7653. DIGITAL ASTHMA monitor never used $40. Call 613-215-0669 Unique festive wreaths made 4 Snow tires on alloy rims for G.M. from unwanted Christmas trees. 225x60x16. Call 613 258 2604 Jen 613 258 6413 HELP WANTED Free composted horse manure for pickup. Email elmcrestques- Shinglers and labourers required immediately. Please call 613599-0010 Crate and Barrel Rojo Red Tall Cabinet for sale - 82”hx16”dx54”w. Class E or B license-licensed Asking $1,000. Send email to (mini-bus) Bus Driver required for a run in Kemptville. Email resume to or call 613FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Hardwood 223-3241 for more information. $100 per cord delivered. Softwood $75 per cord delivered. Call Peter 613-913-0810. Oxford Mills Seagate 1.5TB Expansion External Drive, $70 firm. 613-269-3301 5pc Peavy Drum Set w/High Hat Good Condition $400.00Don (613) 808-4725 or (613) 258-6413

WANTED Panasonic air conditioner 10,000 Rural Home Care services-AffordPrivate piano lessons, home able, personal, professional & BTU good shape $175 Call 613 daycare, younique products call experienced care for your loved Parking spot near Downtown 258-2753 Kemptville. 613.818.7040 tara 819 664 6448 11/16) one. 613.868.0356 Used Power Lift Recliner BurWell Grounded Foot Care Ad- ONE ON ONE Computer Training: LOOKING FOR LABOURER AND gundy, asking $500 613-852-7031 vanced/ Diabetic Mobile Sigma Computer Systems is now SKILLED ROOFER. CALL OR TEXT FIREWOOD (Merrickville)DRY& Clinic. Anita Plunkett R.P.N. 613- offering 1/2 hour classes on Sat- 613.894.5210 READY to Burn SOFTWOOD(PINE) 294-2122 wellgrounded2016@ urdays. Please call 613.258.9716 for more information WANTED 2 OR 3 BEDROOM APART- $49.00/ CHORD HARDWOOD(ASH) MENT ON ONE FLOOR, KEMPT- $95.00/ CHORD PICKUP 613 269 3836 Bartlett Built Welding & Fabrica- HANDY MAN specializing in reno- VILLE 613.258.0964 tionSteel, Aluminum, Stainless vations & house staging. We do it Call Kevin 705-933-2517 all CALL 613.294.2416 Senior needs old car batteries Variety of lumber, pine, hemlock, for making weights. Call 613 maple, spruce, 1” and 2”. For Mr & Mrs Clean residential/ You Name It, I Can Sew It. Call 258 6254. details call 314-9327. commercial cleaning. For Rhonda at 258-5248 quote mrandmrsclean613@gmail. LARGE COLLECTION of ANTIQUE Merrickville:Casual Relief Cook Weekends. Contact: peter@newcom or 613-867-2184 Heartland Fence & Deck. RenovaDINING ROOM TABLES & CHAIRS tion specialist. Brian 613-796- $119.00-$195.00 VG CONDITION SNOW BIRDS-PLAN NOW. Quali- 9790 613 269 3836 fied professional house sitter, FOR SALE Men’s skates, size 12. “DR XLR8, now booking assingments-short Property clean-up, trees/brush/ yard waste, scrap metal, dump Senior”. $25. Call 613-821-3664. or long term - 613.258.5284 runs, anything removed. Call Go.Go S54LX travel scooter for the physically challenged-almost 3 b e d / 2 b a t h H i g h R a n c h Post-Concussion Tutoring Sup- Wayne Scott at 613 286 9072 November 30, 2016

Email to


The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

WANTED Merrickville: Casual Relief Cook Weekends. Contact:

CLASSIFIEDS: First 10 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville/ Merrickville

The "Spirit of Christmas" Project The North Grenville Times would like to hear from you about what you think makes the holidays so special. We will be accepting artwork, poems, personal stories and also children’s letters to Santa, from now until Christmas. We will publish as many as we can and there will be prizes for the top submissions in both the child and adult categories. HELP US SPREAD THE MAGIC OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON! (prizes to be announced) 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills K0G 1S0 or email

Time to buy locally

Christmas is the perfect time to support local businesses. Buy Christmas presents from small local businesses and self-employed people. Buy from neighbours who sell online, from local artisans, bookstores, florists, jewellers, bakers and craftspeople. Enjoy a hot chocolate at a local small café. Keeping your money in the community means jobs, more money flowing through your neighbours’ businesses. That way, more local people will have a better Christmas. the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email:

The North Grenville Times



ACROSS 1. Mosquitoes 6. Certain 10. Go to and fro 14. Relative magnitudes 15. Urgent request 16. Cartoon bear 17. Beautify 18. Colors 19. Not less 20. Young unmarried woman (archaic) 22. Rind 23. Daughter of Zeus and Demeter 24. Wealthy 26. Snare 30. A parcel of land 31. Drunkard 32. Fit

33. Opinion 35. Record player 39. Without a weapon 41. Business executive 43. Popular dance music 44. Bristle 46. Ardor 47. A very long period 49. European peak 50. Catch a glimpse of 51. Order of business 54. Adolescent 56. Publicize 57. Not arrogant 63. Greek letter 64. Lots 65. Forbidden 66. Kiss 67. Corridor 68. Balderdash

69. Hoopla 70. Not we 71. Affirmatives DOWN 1. Alumnus 2. Zero 3. "Smallest" particle 4. Novice 5. Relating to audible sound 6. Elliptical orbs 7. Emit long loud cries 8. Bobbin 9. Artists' workstands 10. Empathize 11. Courted 12. Yes 13. Submit 21. Figure out 25. Klutz's cry 26. Boom 27. Hindu princess 28. "Oh my!" 29. Portion 34. Senselessly 36. Poems 37. Half-moon tide 38. Paris airport 40. State of mind 42. Scruffs 45. Palatable 48. Zero 51. Gorillalike 52. Black-footed albatross 53. Prevent legally 55. Kooky 58. Ark builder 59. Filly's mother 60. Nile bird 61. No 62. "Comes and ____

Nov 30

Dec 1

Dec 2 Dec 2-3

Dec 3

Dec 3-4

Dec 6

Sustainable North Grenville Annual get-together and Give North Grenville silent auction, 6:30-9 pm at the Maplewood Hall in Oxford Mills and features specialty items gathered from local merchants and artisans.

Weekly and recurring events Mon





Fri Fri



Sun M,W,F

November 30, 2016

Beth Donovan Hospice's Grief Counsellor, Erika DeSchiffart, and Hospice Chaplain, Rev. Susan Shantz, are presenting a "Surviving the Holidays" workshop from 6:30-8 pm at the North Grenville Community Church. OPP Christmas Charity BBQ, 11:30 am to 1 pm at the Kemptville OPP detachment with all proceeds going to the Salvation Army Christmas Campaign. All unwrapped toys, non-perishable food items and monetary donations are accepted. BBQ sponsor Royal LePage Gale Real Estate. Youngsters of Yore, 1:30 pm, Library Program Room. Guest Speaker: Alice Basarke, Untold Stories of WWII. Oxford Mills Community Association Spirit of Christmas, Oxford Mills Town Hall annual Christmas Tree lighting on Friday evening around 6:30 pm and includes carol singing led by our local Girl Guides, followed by cookies, hot chocolate, and a visit with Father Christmas! Craft and Bake Sale, Bayfield Manor Nursing and Retirement Home at 100 Elvira St., 1:30-4 pm. Delicious baked goods, and numerous vendor craft tables, a display of beautiful art work for sale, painted by our residents. All proceeds goes to Bayfield Manor’s Residents Council. Dog Park Derby tickets and 2017 Ferguson Forest Dog Park calendars on sale at Canadian Tire, Kemptville and December 4 at B&H Grocer and Jonsson’s Independent Grocer from 9-3 pm. All proceeds to the Ferguson Forest Dog Park project.

Dec 9-10 North Grenville Concert Choir Messiah, Dec. 9 at 7:30 pm at Merrickville United Church and Dec. 10 at St. James Anglican Church in Kemptville at 2 pm and 7:30 pm. Tickets are $20, ($10 for 12 years & under) at Hairdooz or call 613-258 1348; or at Brewed Awakenings or call 613-258-6878.

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku


The Voice of North Grenville


Kemptville Quilters Guild, every 2nd Mon. at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, Leslie Hall on Clothier St. BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! NG Photography Club - first Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm at the Auditorium of the Municipal Centre. See Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed. beginning Sept. 14, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Kemptville Legion cribbage night, 2nd and 4th Wed. Start time 7 pm. All welcome. Come and play for fun. New Horizon Club, 2nd & 4th Wed. at the Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall. Regular meetings begin at 2 pm. Special events with lunch begin at noon. Programs call 258-9315, membership info Janet at 269-2737. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed of the month, starting October 5. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) is your host for Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri., 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. All ages welcome. Friendship Lunch, Leslie Hall, hosted by St. James, Holy Cross, Salvation Army, St. John and Kemptville Pentecostal Churches, 11:30 am. Donations accepted but not expected, everyone welcome. Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat. Adults $5. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Kerith Debt Freedom Centre – Provides free and confidential coaching to help you get and stay out of debt, 2nd & 4th Sat.of each month. Call 613-258-4815 x 103 or to request an appointment. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) selects a game for their “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. See what games are coming up, sign up for their newsletter. Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487.

The North Grenville Times

KDH Grateful

On behalf of our patients, KDH staff are very grateful for the recent donation of this specialized wheelchair, generously gifted to the hospital by TLC Medical Supply and Power Plus Mobility. The chair, worth more than $7,000, is a muchneeded addition that will provide pressure relief and greatly enhance our patients' mobility, positioning and overall quality of life. Jackie Poitras from TLC Medical Supply (second from left) is pictured with KDH staff (left to right) Tia Giguere, Patricia Tischart, Lindsay Smith, Tanya Collins, and Deborah Mitchell.

Christmas Gift Guide 2016 We want to help you Showcase your unique Gifts, Talents, and Trades at this Festive time of the year.


All advertisers in this Special Supplement will have a chance to win a 1/4 Page Full Colour ad. Draw will take place on December 8. Just our way of "Sharing the Magic" We publish on December 7 deadline is December 1. Mailed to over 9000 homes in North Grenville and Merrickville-Wolford through Canada Post


Peter Peers Marketing Phone: 613-989-2850

OPP Launches Festive R.I.D.E. Campaign

Last year, 2015, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) investigated 65 road collisions in which a drug-impaired driver was found to be the primary cause of the crash. So far this year (2016), the same factor was behind 59 such collisions on OPPpatrolled roads. Tragically, 35 people have died so far this year in alcohol/drugrelated crashes, which has the total number of road deaths in this causal category over the last ten years nearing the 650 mark. With its annual Festive “Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere” (R.I.D.E.) campaign getting underway this week, the OPP is determined to dispel the myth that driving while high on drugs cannot be detected by police and is a safe alternative to

driving under the influence of alcohol. Through the OPP Drug Evaluation and Classification Program, officers are trained as Drug Recognition Evaluators, giving them the authority and tools needed to detect drug-impaired drivers – something they hope no driver gives them a reason to use during the holidays. Over the coming weeks, the OPP hopes to conduct a successful campaign in which every single driver they pull over in a Festive R.I.D.E. Stop is a sober, drug-free driver. OPP Deputy Commissioner Brad Blair, Provincial Commander, Tr a ff i c S a f e t y a n d Operational Support, said, on launching this year’s R.I.D.E. program: “The solution to ending impaired-related road deaths is a simple one. Never drive if you are impaired by alcohol or drugs and know that you are doing the right thing by calling 9-1-1 to report an impaired driver. By working together, we

The Voice of North Grenville

Gord Logan Marketing Phone: 613-258-6402

can positively influence driver behaviour in an effort to make sober, drugfree driving a social norm B&B Small during the holidays Engines and throughout the Cadet year.” Cub Also commenting NO 23 16 on the launch was David Orazietti, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, who emphasised the responsibility of each citizen to play their part in keeping the roads safe from impaired drivers this coming holiday season: “ T h i s y e a r ’s F e s t i v e R.I.D.E. Campaign reminds us that we all have a role to play in preventing impaired driving. As we get together with family and friends this holiday season, plan ahead. Arrange for a designated driver and if you see someone you think is impaired, arrange a ride for them or suggest alternate arrangements. These simple steps can go a long way to keeping our families, friends, and roads safe every day of the year.” The R.I.D.E. program runs from November 21, 2016, until January 7, 2017.

the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email:

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated


10510 Loughlin Ridge Rd., (North of Hallville)

Mountain, ON, K0E 1S0

November 30, 2016



Fax: 613-258-2638 Cell. 613-277-2823

The North Grenville Times

Healthy Brains – The Food Factor submitted by Mary Campbell Education & Support Coordinator Alzheimer Society of Lanark Leeds Grenville “You are what you eat”. It is well known that your diet has an impact on a person’s physical health. The foods you eat play a major role in weight maintenance and your risk for health problems such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and stroke. Diet also appears to have an impact on brain health. There is a great deal of evidence which suggests diet plays a role in protecting your brain from deteriorating with age. There are two primary food groups that may benefit the brain and protect it as it ages. These are foods with vitamin E and foods with healthy fats. Enough vitamin E can help protect the neurons in your brain from breaking down, and has been found to be associated with improved memory performance. Good sources of vitamin E include dark leafy greens such as kale, Swiss chard, spinach, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and asparagus. Research has also shown that healthy fats help prevent cognitive decline and memory lapses. This can be explained by the fact that the brain is primarily made up of fat. The brain is about 60 percent fat and it takes more fats to maintain a healthy brain. While helping to maintain healthy brain cells, healthy fats also nurture regeneration of brain cells. Healthy fats are found in oil-based salad dressings, seeds, avocado, nuts and peanut butter. These fats are also present in fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel. Cell damage in the brain can be reduced by eating foods high in antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which are unstable molecules produced by various chemical reactions in the body. Free radicals can damage cells, and may play a role in heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Free radicals increase with age and bodies become less capable of breaking them down. Fruits high in antioxidants include prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, red grapes and cherries. Vegetables high in antioxidants include kale, spinach, beets, red peppers, onions, corn, and eggplant. It is very possible to maintain a healthy brain. Aside from maintaining a healthy diet with good amounts of vitamin E and healthy fats, it is also a good idea to get daily exercise and adequate sleep. Remember that it is possible to keep your brain in shape just like keeping the body in shape, but you have to work at it. Did you know? The Alzheimer Society offers educational presentations on a variety of topics to community and professional groups. Please contact the Alzheimer Society toll free 1-866-576-8556 to book a date.

The Voice of North Grenville

How to get sick less often this winter

(NC) Besides making you feel bad, getting sick often can put a real damper on holiday festivities and any winter getaways you are planning. Fortunately, Marlene Day, a registered nurse at EMD Serono, says there are quick and easy steps you can take to help keep yourself from falling prey to a nasty cold or flu. Here are her top tips for getting sick less often this winter. 1. Get social. Turns out that one sure-fire way to feel good is having tons of fun. Connecting with people you like can help boost your system. Research shows you'll get the most benefit by having diverse social groups, so hang out with different kinds of friends and family. 2. Channel your inner relaxation guru. People who manage stress through exercise, meditation, or relaxation techniques have a better shot at fighting viruses. Take time to learn what helps you unwind and be sure to practice it regularly, even for only a short time. A positive outlook also goes a long way. 3. Back to basics. This should go without saying, but we can all use a little reminder to take care of ourselves when life gets busy. Get enough quality sleep, exercise regularly, make sure all your vaccinations (including the flu shot) are up to date, and eat nutritious meals. Finally, Marlene Day adds this simple reminder: “wash your hands!”


Get your free flu shot from your health care provider or one of many local participating pharmacies Getting a Flu Shot is the best way to prevent the spread of influenza.

The Health Unit will not be providing community flu clinics this year. For info on how to get your free flu shot: Call 1-800-660-5853 or visit

the north grenville

TIMES Peter Peers

Marketing Consultant Phone 613 989 2850 Email:

November 30, 2016


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

73’s Hodgins post a SO against Grads and get shut-out by Braves

Poetry in motion...Bobby Dow slips through the defence to display his magical movement as he slides the rubber under a bewildered Grad's Ryan Coughlin by the sportsguy The Cumberland Grads were in the house on Tuesday night to meet the 73’s, with only one win in three meetings: they wanted serious payback. After Cumberland fails to spring their floater through the neutral zone, Kemptville’s Giguere puts it on Owen Guy’s tape, and he razzle dazzles the defence through his legs, off the goalie’s trapper, into the mesh at 9:55. Bobby Dow knocks down a clearing pass to glide over the Grads line with a display of his magic hands to confuse Coughlin, and slip it under his pads at 7:17 to close out first frame and out-gun their opponents 13 to 8. By the 73’s controlling the draws, they initiated offence and this continued into the second; but the Grads turned it up a notch. Cumberland concentrated on their high man to open the doors, but 73’s kept shutting down the line, and Hodgins stoned them as he faced 20 shots. At 4:28, with Dow on the attack through the middle, to Alex Rowe to launch it home for the insurance. Kemptville only managed

Just in time for Christmas.... • • •

New line of natural cosmetics from Pure Anada in Manitoba Fresh handmade chocolates from Rochef Chocolatiers in Gatineau, Just harvested organic nuts coming from Rancho Vignola in B.C.

215 Sanders Street, Unit #105, Kemptville ON


Indulge with healthier holiday habits this season (NC) Between late-night cocktail parties, end-of-year celebrations, and family feasts, bad habits abound during the holiday season. Feel good about enjoying the festivities with these tips for healthier holiday habits. 1. Consume treats wisely. A great trick for indulging in your favourite foods while lowering your calorie intake and increasing your nutrients is to eat a small meal before arriving at the event. Have a hearty soup or salad packed with veggies at home and then enjoy that slice of cake or fried app at the party. 2. Get moving. Instead of trying to fit hitting the gym every day into your busy schedule, use your holiday errands and events to help you squeeze in some exercise. Walk around the mall to find the perfect gift rather than shopping online, run around and play with the kids at your family get-together, and hunt for rustic holiday décor like branches and pinecones on a nature hike.

Time to buy locally

Christmas is the perfect time to support local businesses. Buy Christmas Presents from small local businesses and self-employed people. Buy from neighbours who sell online, from local artisans, bookstores, florists, jewellers, bakers and craftspeople. Enjoy a hot chocolate at a local small café. Keeping your money in the community means jobs, more money flowing through your neighbours’ businesses. That way, more local people will have a better Christmas.

3. Stop smoking. A recent survey shows the most common scenarios that trigger cravings are after having a meal, being with friends, and consuming alcohol — situations we often face during the holidays. “For help with all your triggers, try Combination Therapy,” advises family physician Dr. Richard Tytus. “The Nicoderm patch is now authorized by Health Canada for combined use with Nicorette fast-acting products to provide both ongoing support and support to control sudden cravings.” 4. Destress. Stress is more harmful than you think — chronic stress has been shown to affect the brain’s size, structure, and how it functions. So one of the best things you can do for your health is find ways to destress. Combine standard methods for unwinding — like exercise and meditation — with doing things that you love. Practice your hobby, spend more time outdoors, reconnect with friends — whatever makes you happy will also help you relax. 5. Make small changes. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was the perfect workout routine. Instead of setting unrealistic goals that are impossible to achieve, create a healthier life by making simple changes that add up to a big difference. Park a little further away or get off one stop earlier on public transit for a burst of activity. Add a couple of vegetables to your pasta sauce. Get 15 more minutes of sleep. November 30, 2016


to penetrate Cumberland’s defence for nine shots, but capitalized on one to give them a 3-0 lead. Final twenty was a scrappy struggle for both squads, as the only marks on the sheet were PIM’s. Nicholas Hodgins robbed Grad’s Jared Leslie of a penalty shot at 9:05, which darkened the spirits of Cumberland. The 73’s PK was very strong and concise to keep the Grads off the board. Grads pulled their stopper at 4:06 for extra man without result, and both clubs recorded 10 SOG. Hodgins stood on his head, facing 38 shots and posting his first SO of the season with 3-0 win. Friday night in Brockville to face the tenacious Braves, the boys were without some of their key contributors. Initial frame was a see-saw affair with both having opportunities, and the sinbin was the only action happening. The Braves SOG 16-10. Second session: the Braves struck first at 11:45, when Moore and Jordan set-up Andrew Jarvis for a

PPG. Kemptville answered back within a minute, as Row off the half-wall over to Guy, back handed to Bobby Dow streaming over the middle to tie it at one. Brockville out-gun Kemptville 11 - 9. Third and final belonged to the Braves as the 73’s got caught up in a cycling maze, from Jordan and Jarvis to Devin Moore at 10:59 to pull ahead by one. Dustin Rinaldo, assisted by Hancock and Tonge, for Brockville’s insurance at 3:35. The 73’s yanked Hodgins for extra man at 2:44 and Braves picked up EN at 0:31, as Kemptville on attack, and Jordan corralled puck to Caruso, over to Devin Moore, who slapped it to clear into open net at other end. Brockville were 12-10 SOG and victorious 4 to 1. Come on out and experience Hockey with EDGE….great entertainment value.

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

Have you heard THE NEWS?

CHRISTMAS DAY COMMUNITY DINNER Leslie Hall. Sunday, December 25, Noon until 2 pm

Turkey or Ham with all the trimmings with great company

For more information contact : Al or Angie at 613.258.1654 or 613.223.3979 Deliveries from 11:30 am Pick up service available

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Merrickville/Wolford Times Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in Merrickville/Wolford and North Grenville

the Merrickville-Wolford

TIMES The Voice of Merrickville/Wolford

Christmas in Merrickville

“Messiah” performance in Merrickville

by Hilary Thomson Christmas in Merrickville is here this weekend and it’s full of activities, entertainment, shopping and ways to give back. The day will truly be a community event with service clubs, local businesses and individual citizens chipping in to make it a success. The Legion will be holding its annual Breakfast with Santa from 8:30-10:30 am on Saturday morning. There will also be a Cookie Walk and Weigh in the morning at the Merrickville Community Centre, where participants can pick up a box at the door and fill it with an assortment of home baked cookies. Boxes of cookies are charged by weight and all the proceeds will be going towards the

The North Grenville Concert Choir is very proud to present Handel’s Messiah accompanied by members of Ottawa's Divertimento Orchestra. It has been several years since this was performed in our community and for many people, it has become part of their Christmas tradition. The Merrickville performance will take place on Friday, December 9, at 7:30 pm at Merrickville United Church. Tickets are $20 at Hairdooz or call 613-258 1348; information is available at

Merrickville-Wolford CAO outlines ideas for economic development by Hilary Thomson Merrickville-Wolford Chief Administrative Officer [CAO] John Regan has only been on the job for two months, but despite the aches and pains of settling in to his new role, he already has some ideas about how to use his experience to benefit the Municipality. Wi t h a d e g r e e i n Economic Development from the University of Waterloo, John is looking forward to putting some of his expertise to work. While doing some light industrial development is on his radar, he is convinced that the focus needs to be on what Merrickville-Wolford does best: tourism and agriculture. “My knee-jerk reaction is that we have so much going for us,” John says enthusiastically. “We’re called the Jewel and I so believe that. We need to focus on who we are.” With the focus on tourism and agriculture, the CAO says he wants to expand and bolster the two sectors by ensuring they run more efficiently, and may even look at combining them. One of the things that he said surprised him is that there isn’t a designated tourism officer in Merrickville, considering how much of the

economy is based on tourism, and the many events that go on in the village throughout the year. “I think there is an opportunity to get someone in to coordinate things,” he says. “We could partner with another community, or even the county, to keep costs down.” Keeping the Municipality looking its best is something that is definitely a priority for John. With a downtown that is known for its beauty, John feels it is important to uphold that and invest appropriately. “When you’re known for your beautiful downtown, you need to put your money where your mouth is and make sure that when banners get tattered, we replace them,” he says. There has also been an issue, lately, regarding St. Lawrence Street becoming overcrowded with a-frame signs. Although there is a need to direct people down the side streets, John believes there is a more creative way of doing it that doesn’t litter the street with signage. “We need to invest more in streetscaping,” he says. “There is huge opportunity there for us.” He says it is also important to invest in the other hamlets in Merrickville-Wolford, like Eastons Corners and Jasper. “We’re one community and we need to treat everybody

the same and with respect. It’s about quality of place and life for our residents as well.” On the agriculture side, John wants to look at how the township can promote farm-gate business, and maybe look at alternative crops to expand the sector. “Over 50% of our population live in Wolford. We can’t forget about that,” he says. Agri-tourism is something that John believes would be interesting to develop. In French River, where he held the position of CAO, they have a Bison farm which draws many people to it every year who want to see a Bison up close. “There are many people from the city who have never seen a cow being milked,” John says. “There are some good best practices from all across the province that we could use in the region.” John is adamant that economic development in Merrickville-Wolford is not something that can be looked at in isolation. His plan is to work with surrounding municipalities, like Perth and Smiths Falls, which have resources like hotels that Merrickville doesn’t have. “It’s a win-win scenario,” he says. “What is good from Merrickville-Wolford is good for the region and vice-versa.”

Merrickville Day Nursery School. The United Church basement will be the venue for the first ever Vendor Market with 17 vendors selling an assortment of locally-made crafts. The United Church will also be the venue for a concert put on by the Adult and Youth Choir at 2 pm. In terms of entertainment, the Sidecar Cafe is also showcasing Christmas with Elvis this year, with a live Elvis impersonator. Christmas in Merrickville would not be complete without the annual Santa Claus Parade. It is being hosted by the Merrickville Volunteer Fire Department Association and will wend its way down Saint Lawrence Street starting at 11am. They are also taking donations of unwrapped toys during the parade, for children in

need. Non-perishable food items are being collected for the Merrickville Lions Hamper Fund, or at the Building a Mountain of Food van, in front of Food Town. Pictures with the big guy himself can be taken along St. Lawrence Street starting at 1pm. These are only a few of the activities and attractions that are going on throughout the day. Shops will be open late into the evening for those who want to do some Christmas shopping while enjoying the day in Merrickville. Saint Lawrence Street will be closed to traffic for the day and a small fee will be charged for some of the activities. For more information about what is going on visit their website at www. christmasinmerrickville. ca.

Municipality holding public meeting to present strategic plan

Merrickville-Wolford Council and Staff will be holding two public meetings at the beginning of December to present the Municipality’s strategic plan for the next five years. As part of the strategic planning process, the Committee, which is composed of community members along with two members of council, held three focus groups to pinpoint the areas that mattered most to the community. “The horsepower sitting around that table is amazing,” says CAO John Regan. “They’ve done some amazing work.” Merrickville-Wolford Council had a special council meeting on November 24 in order to be ready to present the draft strategic plan to the public. The first meeting will be held at the Merrickville Community Centre at 7:00pm on December 1, and the second will be on December 7 at the Eastons Corners Centennial Hall at 7 pm.

L L FA ING Canal Gallery & Frame Shop M A FR VINGS SA

We’re overstocked on great moldings, and want to clear out inventory. Bring your next frame job to us....your neighbours did! You’ll get the same great deal!

230 Saint Lawrence Street Merrickville

November 30, 2016



The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Christmas in Merrickville December 3, 2016

1. Breakfast with Santa 8:30 am - 10:30 am 2. Cookie Walk & Weigh 9:00 am - 1:30 pm 2. Childrens Activities 9:00 am - 3 pm 2. Face painting Noon - 2 pm 2. Dr. FourFace Extravaganza! 2 am - 4 pm 3. Silent Auction 9:00 am - 9 pm 4. Horse Drawn Wagon Rides 9 - 10:30 / 1 pm - 8:30 pm 5. Fire Barrels & Snacks Noon - 8:30 pm 6. Hot Apple Cider 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm 7. Diego the magician 1 pm - 3 pm 8. Chili Tent 11:30 am - 2 pm & 4 pm - 6:30 pm 9. Pictures with Santa 1 pm - 4:30 pm 10. Santa Claus Parade Starts at 11 am 11. Christmas with Elvis 1 pm - 4 pm 12. Children’s Decorated Trees All December 13. Petting Zoo 1 pm - 4 pm 14. Info Tent Noon - 5 pm 15. Design your own Christmas Ball 16. Broomball Match Starts at 2:15 pm 17. Tree Lighting Ceremony Starts at 5 pm 18. Juice Jam 1pm - 2 pm 19. Vendor Market (United Church) Noon - 5 pm 19. Adult & Youth Choir (United Church) 2 pm - 3:15 pm

St. Lawrence Street will be closed to traffic. Activities and location are subject to change

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It’s Worth the Drive


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November 30, 2016


The North Grenville Times

Canada Day Volunteers needed Preparations for Canada’s 150th birthday celebrations are well under way and the Canada Day Committee is seeking enthusiastic individuals to help make the 150th the best celebration yet. Community events of this size require a lot of help

and while there is a strong core group of volunteers and partner organizations, there are a number of key areas where more people are needed. F i r s t , a Vo l u n t e e r Coordinator is needed to help recruit and manage volunteers. This is an important role as the event depends heavily on volunteers for success. A Promotions and Media

Coordinator is needed to assist in the development and implementation of a communications plan, to liaise with local media and to assist in social media management. A Sponsorship Coordinator is required to prepare sponsorship packages and seek out corporate s p o n s o r s . F i n a l l y, a Logistics Coordinator is needed to manage

The Voice of North Grenville

requirements such as staging and set up, security and traffic/parking management. In addition to recruiting these key positions, event day opportunities include helping with kids games, set up/tear down, traffic control, entering a float in the parade, organizing new activities to add to the day and more. According to Councillor

Frank Onasanya, Chair of the Canada Day Committee, as much as the event will celebrate the country’s birthday, it also helps to bring people together. “We hope to make the sesquicentennial celebration the ultimate opportunity to celebrate our country and our heritage, as well as our community. It’s a great way to build volunteer

experience, get involved in your community, meet new people and show your Canadian pride.” Individuals, organizations and businesses who wish to help are asked to contact Ta m m y H u r l b e r t a t thurlbert@northgrenville. or 613-258-9569 ext. 123.


Tim & Debbie Girard are pleased to announce the opening of ‘Good Night Bed Company’ as of November 22, 2016. Our beautiful new store is located at 15 Precision Drive, Unit 3, Kemptville, Ontario (South Gower Business Park). The Girard’s are pleased to be back in Eastern Ontario after working the bedding industry for many years in western Canada. Tim & Debbie managed two stores in Medicine Hat, Alberta, and were invested partners in a highly successful mattress chain throughout Alberta and BC. They bring their knowledge, expertise and enthusiastic commitment to the Kemptville area with their new business ‘Good Night Bed Company’. Tim & Debbie believe a good night’s sleep is crucial to a healthy life. Proper sleep will restore, refresh and renew the body, mind and spirit. Improving their customer’s well-being through a good night sleep, is their mission. They stress personal fitment of their clients to specific beds during the selection process. This is based on the client’s individual sleep circumstances and issues. They believe in providing genuine sleep solutions to support and enhance their client’s well-being. Tim and Debbie would like to cordially invite you to their Grand Opening, from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, December 3, 2016. Meanwhile, we wish each and everyone of you a ‘Good Night’ tonight!

November 30, 2016

Supporting Your Well-Being

NOW OPEN! We Offer Genuine Sleep Solutions 15 Precision Drive, Unit 3 Kemptville, Ontario K0J 1J0



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