the north grenville
Reaching by direct mail 9,000 homes and businesses in North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford
Vol. 4, No 43
The Voice of North Grenville
October 26, 2016
Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys celebrates opening of Kemptville campus
What will he be?
Complete Eye Exam Regular Line Frame All Prescription Lenses
613.258.1997 292 County RD 44, Kemptville |
The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
L-R: North Grenville CAO Brian Carre, School Board Trustee Anouk Tremblay, Mayor David Gordon, Director of Education Réjean Sirois, MPP Steve Clark, Saint-Marguerite-Bourgeoys Principal Johanne Begin.
by Hilary Thomson
REBATES May Never Be This High Again
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The gym in the W.B. George building of the Kemptville College was full of parents, school board representatives and local dignitaries last Tuesday to celebrate the opening of the new Kemptville Campus of French Catholic School Saint MargueriteBourgeoys. The Conseil des Écoles Catholiques du Centre Est (CECCE) welcomed 120 students to the new campus at the beginning of this school year. Having a French Catholic school in
Kemptville has been the dream of many parents who believe in the benefits of bilingualism and Catholic values. The campus allows the students who live in North Grenville to benefit from a French Catholic education without having to be bussed to another municipality. The demand is definitely there, as enrolment surpassed the initial projection of 80 students. R i g h t n o w, t h e Kemptville campus offers classes from Kindergarten to Grade 9. The idea is that they will add another grade per year until they offer all
grades from elementary through high school in 2019. “We are already almost at capacity,” says Director of Education Réjean Sirois. “We are looking at renting another building to accommodate the expansion.” As there is currently no entirely French Catholic High School in North Grenville, this will allow Saint Marguerite-Bourgeoys students to continue their education in their own community. This school has been somewhat of a passion project for staff, parents and students alike. The
school has been shaped through immense collaboration with students and parents, to design a school that fits their wants and needs. “The kids have a voice,” says School Board Trustee and parent Anouk Tremblay. “They have been very dedicated.” MPP Steve Clark was on hand at the celebration to offer his congratulations. “I am very happy to be here and very proud to have students on Kemptville College property,” he said. Mayor David Gordon also outlined the importance continued on page 2
The North Grenville Times continuedfrom front page the school has for the community as a whole. “When I was growing up in the valley, there was a French community and an
English community and we didn’t go together,” he remembered. “We’ve grown up and realized the importance of comradeship and our children. We’ve
The Voice of North Grenville
as possible. “We want to be a key player in the campus’ revitalization,” Anouk says.
come a long way, baby.” At this point, the school only has a year lease on the properties they are using, but their goal is to secure a long term lease as soon
Kemptville Horticultural Society beautifies Rotary Park
Photo by Ness McCutcheon submitted by Doreen Hill In the early spring of 2016. the Kemptville Horticultural Society decided to re-vamp the gardens at Rotary Park to mark the 150th anniversary of Canada as a Nation in
2017. Plans were drawn up and the Municipality was contacted with a proposal. The Municipality donated $800 towards plants for the two beds in Rotary Park. The Horticultural
the Horticultural Society members throughout the summer. The Rotary Club was contacted and they donated $500 to buy the 150th Commemorative Tulip Bulbs. Home Hardware had exclusive rights to these bulbs and 500 were ordered. Volunteers from the Horticultural Society planted these bulbs in Rotary Park on Monday and Tuesday of last week. The Kemptville Horticultural Society hopes that Rotary Park will look beautiful both in the Spring and Summer of 2017 to mark the 150th Anniversary of Canada as a Nation.
Society donated $400 and volunteer labour. Plants were ordered and volunteers from the Horticultural Society prepared the beds and planted 150 perennials. These beds were tended by
Kemptville Building Centre/ Rona Open House
A free Swiffer you say? Habitat for Humanity’s first ReStore was opened in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1991. Today, there are almost 100 locations across Canada and almost 1,000 worldwide generating funds to support the work of Habitat for Humanity. It’s estimated that Habitat’s ReStores in Canada have been directly responsible for the construction of 1,200 Habitat for Humanity homes and in excess of 250,000 tonnes of material being diverted from landfills.
The new Habitat House prepares to land at the Oxford Mills site Swiffer is helping which is a step towards mark 25 years of Habitat ensuring all Canadians for Humanity’s ReStore have a safe and affordable by donating $1 for every place to call home.” Wi t h n e a r l y 1 0 0 ReStore transaction from October 17 to October 31, locations across Canada, helping more families build Habitat for Humanity’s strength, stability and self- ReStores are home and reliance through affordable building supply stores Habitat for Humanity that accept and resell quality new and used homeownership. “Since 2013, P&G and building supplies, home Swiffer have been strong furnishing, appliances and supporters of Habitat for décor. Habitat’s ReStores Humanity Canada and a c c e p t d o n a t i o n s o f we couldn’t be happier secondhand, overstocked local items, discontinued to partner again to help andsh , re w! as celebrate this landmark F as well nosalvageable n o n r materials donated anniversary for Habitat cobuilding ReStore,” said Corinne by manufacturers, stores, Durieu, Communications contractors and individuals. Manager from Procter Proceeds fund Habitat for & Gamble Canada. “We Humanity operations and encourage Canadians to homebuilding projects in visit their local ReStore and communities across the take part in this promotion, country. October 26, 2016
“Supporting Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore means more families are able to partner with Habitat for Humanity, building strength, stability and self-reliance,” said Mark Rodgers, President & CEO of Habitat for Humanity Canada. “We’re so grateful that Swiffer has come on board to help us celebrate the 25th anniversary of Habitat’s ReStore and that this promotion will encourage more Canadians to get out to their local store.” To provide additional incentive, Swiffer is also giving out a free Swiffer Duster with all purchases while supplies last. The Kemptville ReStore is at 3 Industrial Road, off County Road 43.
On the evening of October 19th, Kemptville Building Centre Rona celebrated a milestone in style. As a gesture of appreciation to customers, Eric Norenberg hosted an event to mark 41 years of KBC’s family-run business in Kemptville. A great crowd of guests were in attendance to enjoy a night of good food, live music, catching up and sharing memories.
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Final Market This Sunday Sunday 12-4 pm 200 Sanders St
Thank you for shopping lo cal 2
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Algonquins achieve milestone toward Treaty with Ontario and Canada The Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario and the Algonquins of Ontario celebrated a major milestone in their journey toward reconciliation and renewed relationships on October 18 by signing a historic Agreement-in-Principle (AIP). This is a key step toward a modern-day treaty to resolve a longstanding land claim that covers an area of 36,000 square kilometres in eastern Ontario. The non-binding AIP paves the way for continued negotiations toward a final agreement that will define the ongoing rights of the Algonquins of Ontario to lands and natural resources within the settlement area. The goal is to provide clarity going forward for all who live and work in the claim territory, balance the rights and interests of all concerned and create new economic opportunities for the benefit of the Algonquins of Ontario and their neighbours. The AIP was shaped by consultations with the ten Algonquins of Ontario communities, other Indigenous groups and the public. This important dialogue will continue during the negotiations toward a final agreement. The AIP sets out the main elements of a potential settlement, including that the Algonquins of Ontario would receive $300 million in capital funding from Canada and Ontario and
approximately but not less than 117,500 acres of provincial Crown lands would be transferred to Algonquin ownership. If the negotiators are successful in achieving a final agreement, it will need to be approved by the Algonquins of Ontario voters in a ratification vote and then by the Ontario Legislature and Parliament of Canada. No privatelyowned land will be taken away from anyone to settle the claim and no one will lose access to their private property. Algonquin Park will remain a park for the enjoyment of all. “This major step toward Ontario's first modern treaty shows what's possible when strong partners work together in the spirit of reconciliation. More than a million people share this land with the Algonquins of Ontario, and a modern treaty will clear a path for neighbours to become partners, bringing new economic opportunities to their communities”, s a y s D a v i d Z i m m e r, Ontario Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation. The federal Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, also commented on the draft agreement: “The signing of the Agreement-inPrinciple is a momentous milestone and a significant step forward on renewing Canada’s relationship with the Algonquins of Ontario. We are working together to
Algonquins of Ontario, Robert J. Potts, pointed to this historic grievance in welcoming the AIP: “The signing of the AIP today marks a critical step forward in a journey that began almost 250 years ago when the first Algonquin Petition was submitted to the Crown in 1772. As we move forward into the next phase of our negotiations, the Algonquins of Ontario look forward to working in cooperation with the Governments of Canada and Ontario to improve upon what we have achieved to date and build a strong and equitable modernday treaty. We believe that together we can work towards reconciliation and securing the long delayed justice that the Algonquin people deserve.”
resolve one of the largest land claims in the country. Achieved in a spirit of cooperation and partnership, this landmark AIP brings us closer to the first modernday treaty in Ontario and our shared goal to find a balanced solution that advances reconciliation for the benefit of all Canadians.” The change of government at the federal level last year has resulted in a much more open approach by the Trudeau Government, and the relationship between First Nations and levels of government in Canada has certainly improved. The Algonquin people have been waiting more than two hundred years to get some justice for the taking of their traditional lands. In 1783, the Crown signed land deals with a number of Mississauga and Mohawk leaders which covered the lands between the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers, even though this was Algonquin territory. In the French regime, the Ottawa River was, in fact, known as the Great River of the Algonquin. Even before European arrival in this region of North America, a major trading route ran through the territory and the Algonquin were recognised as the rightful inhabitants and were paid tolls on all goods travelling up and down the Ottawa River. The Principal Negotiator and Senior Legal Counsel,
Erick LePors
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January 21, 2017
Hallowe’en Bash Saturday, October 29
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Holy Cross Catholic Church Annual Bazaar
Holy Cross Catholic Church Annual Bazaar is coming up once again in Kemptville on November 5th, running from 9:30 am until 1:30 pm. The location is Clothier Street West. As always there will be a baked goods table, books, crafts, hand knitted & crocheted items, a silent auction and a regift table. There will also be a delicious homemade lunch available. The draws for the lovely twin-sized quilt, lap quilt and pottery bowl will be held at 1 pm on Bazaar day.
October 26, 2016
Becky McCarthy
Shelley Stinson
Jay Low
15 Clothier Street East, Kemptville, ON
613.258.3737 HOURS:
Mon. - Sat. 9AM to 11 PM Sunday 9 AM - 9 PM
The North Grenville Times
Official Plan Review Process – Draft Text and Schedules Released The Municipality’s Official Plan has been drafted and is available for public comment. This draft document is the result of consultation over the 2014-2016 time period with residents of North Grenville, interested individuals, Provincial agencies and the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville. The entire document and draft schedules (maps) are available to be viewed at www.northgrenville. ca/work. Should you wish to provide comments on this draft, either a specific section or schedule (map), please click on the PlaceSpeak link and create an account to post comments or contact Phil Mosher, Planner, at pmosher@ Thank you for your continued interest in the Municipality’s Official Plan process
Vaccine confusion
On September 21 last, we reported that the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) had announced that a free shingles vaccine was available for seniors as of September 15. Unfortunately, the Ministry did not manage to get the free vaccines out to doctors and clinics in North Grenville until October 14, a full month later. As a result, many local seniors went to their doctor for the vaccine, some of them before leaving for the winter. Because the medics had not received their supply, patients were given a prescription by their doctor to fill in a pharmacy. The prescriptions had to be paid for, at $120 each, and this caused upset and concern for people who were expecting the vaccine to be free, as announced by the Ministry. The Times contacted the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for a response to the situation and received the following from representative: “The coverage for publicly funded shingle vaccines for seniors between 65 and 70 years of age started on September 15, 2016. There really isn't any reimbursement process through OHIP for people whose vaccination was administered prior to the official start date. “If you were within the eligible age group at the time of your vaccination, providing also that the vaccines was administered on the day of or after the eligibility start date, and have been charged for a service that should have been covered, we encourage you to speak with your physician directly about reimbursing the charge and then submit it through OHIP.” This may cause further confusion, as the physicians have referred patients to the pharmacies for a refund, as they were the ones charging for the vaccine. If any reader is in this position, they should contact their doctor and pharmacist for further directions. E-mails should also be sent to the Ministry and to Steve Clark MPP giving details of the individual cases.
Steve Clark to host public meetings with Hydro One Ombudsman North Grenville Municipal Centre. “Hydro bills continue to be the No. 1 issue that I hear about in my constituency office and that’s why I’ve invited Fiona Crean to come to Leeds-Grenville and hear from those for whom energy poverty is a sad reality,” Steve said. “I want to thank Mayor David Gordon and the Municipality of North Grenville, as well as the B r o c k v i l l e C h a m b e r, for agreeing to co-host these important public meetings.” Steve has spoken out regularly at Queen’s Park about sky-rocketing electricity rates and how
Leeds-Grenville residents and businesses with questions and concerns about their Hydro One bills will have an opportunity to raise them directly with the utility’s Ombudsman Fiona Crean at a pair of public meetings next month. Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark announced the meetings, which he is co-hosting with the Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce and Municipality of North Grenville, which will take place on Tuesday, November 8. They will be held from 2-4 pm at the Brockville Arts Centre and from 6-8 pm at the
they are forcing families to choose between heating and eating, while making Ontario less competitive for business and industry. “But we also continue to hear from those who are having problems with inaccurate, inconsistent billing and from businesses being charged outrageous deposit fees,” Steve said, adding that unreliable power also continues to be an issue in communities. “This is an opportunity to raise those complaints directly with Ms. Crean, who now has the responsibility for being the voice of the public within Hydro One.” As part of its Hydro
Gord Brown introduces Bill to aid federal National Historic Sites
Gord Brown, Member of Parliament for LeedsGrenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes introduced a Private Member’s Bill that will permit National Historic Sites operated by the federal government to establish special accounts and issue charitable receipts for donations intended to be used for reconstruction of the sites. The Bill, - Conservation of National Historic S it es Acco u n t - wi ll allow individuals and corporations to donate to a special reconstruction account and receive a tax receipt. Like a legacy fund, that account will build interest that can be used for restoration work on a National Historic Site. “This Bill is a reworking of a Bill that I introduced in 2013,” he explained. “It stems from an idea floated on the Rideau waterway during Eric Noremberg greets customers at Customer Appreciation night, KBC/Rona
discussions leading up to the 150th anniversary of the canal back in the 1980’s. It was mentioned again in the consultations I had along the Rideau in 2012-2013.” Gord noted that, currently, donations of land can be made for conservation purposes and tax receipts issued. “Meanwhile, our federallyoperated National Historic Sites need help and I believe many will donate to a fund that will be used for preservation of the site.” The Bill is not a shortterm solution, according to Gord. Donated money will be placed in a fund and interest can be used for conservation work. “It will take some time to build up a fund large enough to deliver significant interest but imagine if this had happened years ago.” Sites do not have to participate. The program
The Voice of North Grenville
will allow them to establish a long-term plan for reconstruction activities, separate from regular maintenance and programming. It may also encourage more people and businesses to contribute to a long-term arrangement. Gord pointed out that, while the idea for the Bill originated on the Rideau in an effort to help the waterway, he realized it should be applied to all National Historic Sites. “In my own riding there several examples of sites that will benefit from this Bill such as the Rideau and Fort Wellington and just down the road, Fort Henry and Bellevue House can also participate.”
One sell-off, the Wynne government removed the utility from under the watch of the provincial Ombudsman’s office. Ms. Crean was appointed to her role as Hydro One’s first Ombudsman one year ago after previously serving as the City of Toronto’s first Ombudsman. The public meetings in Brockville and Kemptville are open to the public and will include a presentation from Fiona Crean and an opportunity for questions from those in attendance.
1PM TO 5PM Best Wishes only
The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
Ham & Scalloped Potatoes October 30, 2016
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM 119 Clothier St. E. Kemptville
COST ADULTS - $15.00 CHILDREN 12 & UNDER - $5.00
The The North North Grenville Grenville Times Times
Business Profiles
The The Voice Voice of of North North Grenville Grenville
Olde Porch Primitives 8th Anniversary Christmas Open House
Come on in for a variety of Door prizes including
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Come in and enjoy a warm cup of cider and homemade cookies 9 Water St, Oxford Mills (613) 258-2122
Hours:Wed. Wed.--Sat. Sat.10-5 10-5 Hours: & Sun. 11-4 & Sun. 11-4 WaterSt., St., 99Water Oxford Mills Oxford Mills
DebbieVan VanGurp, Gurp,Shopkeeper Shopkeeper Debbie
613-258-2122 613-258-2122 taxesalways always taxes included included
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October October19, 26,2016 2016
The North Grenville Times
Email service disruption – Municipality of North Grenville The Municipality of North Grenville is upgrading their email service. This upgrade is expected to cause a short email service interruption on Tuesday, November 1. Please be advised that email communications with Municipal Council and Staff that day may be delayed. If you require urgent assistance on November 1, it is recommended that you contact the Municipal Office by telephone at 613-258-9569. If you do not know the extension of the person you are trying to reach, please dial 0 and a Customer Service Representative will direct your call.
The Voice of North Grenville
Mapping the journey to successful employment North Grenville Employment Resource Centre 125 Prescott St, Kemptville Call to register: (613) 258-6576 (800) 214-7066
CSE is OPEN from 9:00—12:00 on Saturday November 26th!!! Date
Next Month
NOV 1st
Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 YOUTH Resumes, 3:00—4:30
NOV 17th
Working from Home, 10:00—11:30 CSE Days!! All day coffee and snacks!
NOV 3rd
Resumes and Cover Letters, 10:00—11:30
NOV 18th
Job Search Strategies, 10:00—11:30 Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30
NOV 22nd
Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 YOUTH Prepare for an Interview, 3:00—4:30
Come JOIN US in celebrating Canada Career Week 2016 with a special workshop series November 7— 11th, focusing on rebranding yourself in your career!
NOV 4th
Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30
NOV 7th
Computer Basics and Introduction to Word, 9:00—12:00 Applying Online, 1:00—3:00 Social Media, 3:00—4:30
NOV 23rd
WHMIS, 9:00—1:00 Service Canada Outreach, 9:00—3:00 Closed 12—1 for lunch
NOV 8th
Targeting your Resume, 9:00—12:00 Customer Service Training, 1:00—2:30
NOV 24th
Prepare for Interviews, 10:00—11:30
NOV 9th
Dress For Success, 9:00—11:30 Apprenticeship, 2:00—3:30
NOV 25th
Information and Decision Making, 1:00—2:30
NOV 10th
Personality Dimensions, 9:00—3:00
NOV 29th
Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 YOUTH Customer Service Training, 3:00—4:30
NOV 11th
Rebrand your Image, 9:00—3:00
NOV 30th
Smart Serve, 9:00—1:00
Always check our website for special events and information on CSE programs and services for job seekers of all ages (15 and up!)
Lest We forget…. NOV 15
Information and Decision Making, 10:00—11:30 YOUTH Job Search, 3:00—4:30
NOV 16th
Resume Rescue Clinic, 10:00—2:00
CSE Consulting Outreach Services November 15th: Merrickville Health Centre, 9:00—11:00 November 8 & 22: TR Leger, Kemptville, 10:00—12:00
Check out our online job board at:
Follow CSE on:
Employment Ontario programs are funded in part by the Government of Canada. Les programmes Emploi Ontario sont financés en partie par le gouvernement du Canada.
Knights of Columbus Council 5333 Kemptville 2016 Charity Golf Tournament
We Thank Our Sponsors for Helping Us Help Our Community Canadian Tire Platinum Sponsors: Baird’s Water Conditioning Gold Sponsors: Dr. Leonard & Dr. Evans Kemptville Smiles Dentistry Rekmans Automotive Silver Sponsors
43 Auto Works Action Coach B & B Small Engines B & H Independent Grocery Back on Track Brewing Oasis Byers Funeral Home Inc. CAA Central Paving Classic Graphics Connie Lamble Law Office The Co-operators Cruickshank Construction Elmer & Kim Whetung Falsetto Landscaping Gord Robins Electric Grahame's Bakery Harvex The Heat Source Herbal One Hoffman Materials Hudson Auto Body Hulse Playfair, McGarry Jansen Law Jonsson's Independent October 26, 2016
Kemptville Animal Hospital Kemptville Bowling Alley KBC - RONA Kemptville Kitchen & Windows Kemptville Suites Kemptville Transportation Services Kinnear Construction KrisAlis Inc. Manotick Dental Clinic McGahey Insurance Myers Motors Kemptville North Grenville Times O'Farrell Financial Patterson Hadden & Brown Randy’s Performance Automotive RB Heating Climate Care Sheila Pratt & Ron Littau Sherry's Kitchen Inc Solution One Financial Surgenor Barrhaven Tackaberry Construction Thomas M. Byrne - Solicitor Tibbs Transport Timely Touchups - Sheds Valley Sanitation Services Ltd Wilson Motors Ltd. 6
416 Tire/O'Heaphy's Array Hair Studio Back in Motion Body & Sole Brewed Awakenings Brigadoon Restaurant Cassidy Engraving & Trophies CIBC Bank Dr. Eamon, Optometrist Fast Eddie's Diner Ferguson Forest First Stop Rentals Five Star Restaurant Giant Tiger Green Tech Joe's Barber Shop John's Barber Shop JT Auto Parts Kemptville Florist Kemptville Home Hardware Kemptville Restaurant Laurier Optical Lesley Wilson
Louise and Company MacEwen Gas MacEwen Petroleum Inc Olde Porch Primitives Ottawa Fastener Supply Pete & Sue Baribeau Pioneer Nursery Pure Hair Design Quickie Pioneer Quintan Products Inc. Reis Equipment Reynold's Car Wash Rideau Auctions Rose Automotive Sam’s Pizza Shoeless Joe's Sigma Computers Spa Jada Esthetic Centre Tallman Truck Centres TLC Medical TSC Country Store Walmart Willis Kerr Construction
Thank You
The North Grenville Times
Weighty matters by Hilary Thomson I don’t know about you, but I get quite a lot of my news from Facebook. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely appreciate typical news sources like newspapers (ahem) and the radio, but I find that I get a good sampling of different types of articles on my newsfeed thanks to my network of contacts from journalism school, family and friends. I also have quite a large network of eating disorder recovery friends, from my years of being in and out of recovery, who share thoughtful and interesting articles that they find relevant to the journey. Last week, as I was scrolling through my newsfeed, I came across an article that stopped me in my tracks. It was an article from the Huffington Post entitled “3 reasons why you should never comment on someone’s weight.” The author, psychotherapist
and social worker Jennifer Rollin bemoans how socially acceptable it is to comment when someone has lost weight or gained weight. “I am sometimes struck by how I can be among a group of ambitious successful women who have amazing careers and are raising children, yet the conversation is primarily focused around dieting and weight-related concerns,” she writes. “These are women who have achieved incredible things and yet they are choosing to focus on something so trivial and meaningless. I do not blame them, as this is largely a cultural and societal issue.” I have to agree with her. Even with my sensitivity towards weight, which comes inherently with having an eating disorder, I often get drawn in to the “Omg you look so great. Have you lost weight?”conversation that Rollin is talking about. In those situations, I tell myself that I am just
participating in the cultural norm of our society. Not everyone has an eating disorder and there are people out there who work just as hard at losing weight for their health as I have gaining and maintaining my weight. Why shouldn’t they be validated for that? Because, in the end, weight is just one parameter of health and wellness. Given the low long-term success rate of diets, commenting on the weight someone has lost may make them feel even worse if they gain it back in the future. Weight loss is also a symptom of so many other health issues, both mental and physical. Imagine how horrible it would be if you commented on a co-worker’s weight only to find out they had cancer or some other fatal disease. Your friend who his slimmed down may be suffering from depression, anxiety or an eating disorder. You truly never know what is going on
under the surface. Somehow our society vilifies gaining weight and glorifies losing it, even when a person who has gained a few pounds may be the happiest they have ever been, while the person who has lost weight may be going through some of the worst times of their life. When I first lost a noticeable amount of weight because of my eating disorder, I remember my friend’s mom telling me how good I looked. It felt great in the moment, but it solidified the fact in my mind that I had to stay at or below that weight, no matter what the cost. I know how much I weighed then; and to this day, ten years later, I’m still insecure when my weight goes above that magic number. I would hate to see the same thing happen to another impressionable teenage girl. As I mentioned before, I am not immune to the urge to talk about weight with friends and family.
When it’s brought up, I engage, because I feel like I should. After all, it is a topic that I know a lot about. However, when you think about it, there are so many more important things to talk about. People’s hopes, dreams and interests shouldn’t come second to a number on a scale. At the very least, you can bring up the sad state of US politics at the moment. That should get at least a few people going at your next family gathering. Jokes aside though, next time you get the urge to make a comment about someone’s weight, or share the latest diet tip you saw online, take a step back and ask yourself who it’s helping. The answer is probably no one.
Ontario. Being assigned to Prescott made living in the Leeds-Grenville area advantageous for seagoing personnel - relocation was offered to the area and travel expenses to and from the ships to Prescott was fully paid. In 2006, a new bureaucrat was appointed Assistant Commissioner (AC) to lead the Coast Guard in Ontario. This new AC decided that all seagoing positions would be moved to Sarnia - there was no consultation with employees, unions, or even the AC's own staff. There was no reason given for this change - there are no Coast Guard ships in Sarnia, no Coast Guard base in Sarnia, not even a Coast Guard dock just an office building 4 kilometres inland. I questioned management on this decision and never did get an answer as to why 110 jobs were being transferred from my community to Sarnia - I
was told, however, that the fact the new AC was born and raised in Sarnia was certainly not a factor. I fought management as best I could but was eventually told by the AC's lickspittle staff the deal was done. So where do you turn when some transient bureaucrat swings through and arbitrarily removes 110 good paying federal public service jobs from your community? I turned to my MP Gord Brown seemed like an easy one for an MP to handle especially as his party formed the Government. In December 2006, I wrote a letter to Gord Brown and informed him of the situation. I explained the loss of jobs in his constituency and urged him to step in and act to keep these jobs in our community. I also brought up that there would be three new Coast Guard vessels coming to Ontario in the future and he should try to get the crews of
those ships assigned to Prescott. Gord's only action was to send my letter to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. The response came back from the Minister's Office in February 2007 in the form of a letter (signed by the Minister but actually written by one of the AC's staff - the author couldn't resist telling me this) and it was not very satisfying. There was certainly no indication there would be a change in the new policy of transferring seagoing jobs from Prescott to Sarnia. Over the following year, I corresponded with Gord Brown on the job transfer in the hope he could have some impact - I gave him questions to ask, arguments to make, etc. I also continued to question Coast Guard management in hopes of changing the decision, but in March, 2008 I was told by Coast Guard that the topic was no longer open for discussion. The jobs were gone.
I moved to North Grenville in 1997 in order to be near my home port at Prescott and I have retired to this community. The person who is hired to replace me in the Coast Guard will have no reason to choose to live in our community - indeed it would be detrimental to move near Prescott as this person will be based out of Sarnia. Under Gord Brown's watch, we lost 110 federal public service seagoing jobs from our community and their associated salaries and pensions. Also, the three new Coast Guard ships I mentioned to Gord have indeed arrived in Ontario - all 50 new seagoing jobs located in Sarnia - none in our community. So here is the bottom line on Gord Brown: you open a chip wagon and want a ribbon cut? - Gord's your man; you want an MP to play kindergarten games on the floor of the House of
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: In your September 21 issue, you published a l e t ter f r om f ormer Kemptville Mayor Ralph Raina in which he encourages MP Gord Brown and others to lobby the federal government for a federal building in North Grenville and I certainly agree that such a building, and the associated federal public service jobs, would be a huge economic benefit to our community. Unfortunately, it has been my experience that MP Gord Brown is simply not the man for this task - I will explain…. There is already a significant federal government building in our area - the Canadian Coast Guard base at Prescott. I recently retired from the Coast Guard where I was employed as a Ship's Officer and for most of my career I was based at Prescott, as were over a hundred other men and women who crew Coast Guard vessels in
The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing Gord J. Logan 613-258-6402 October 26, 2016
The Voice of North Grenville
the north grenville
Marketing Peter Peers 613 989-2850
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TIMES Peter Peers Gord Logan
Marketing Consultant Sales Representative Phone 613 989 2850 Email: Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
Commons and pretend he can't get past the uber-agile Tom Mulcair? - Gord's your man; you want to keep or increase federal public service jobs in your community? - Gord's certainly not the man. Sincerely, John Love Oxford Station Dear Editor: Over the last seventeen years, I have enjoyed the freedom and ambiance of daily walks around the Kemptville College Campus, but never more than over recent several weeks. Over the years, I had often despaired over the condition and presentation of the properties’ gardens, many of which I thought neglected beyond any hope of rehabilitation. Happily, all that has changed! The entire campus has been rejuvenated, manicured in fact, and the gardens continued on next page Mailing Address 10 Water Street, Oxford Mills, ON, K0G 1S0
Production Manager Copy Editor Marguerite Boyer Pat Jessop 613-215-0735 613-258-4671
The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
the north grenville
ISSN 2291-0301
The Voice of North Grenville
Send in your letters to the editor to
Graphics Micheal Pacitto 613-710-7104
Accounting Pat Jessop 613-258-4671
Letters to the Editor continued have been brought back to immaculate order and optimum visual appeal. I would like to thank and commend the company of workers, whomever they may be, who must have worked tirelessly with great knowledge and dedication to clear many of the gardens. Your work is appreciated and admired and a real achievement. What lovely surroundings for the children attending school on the grounds. The campus never looked lovelier. Cathy Hernberger Dear Editor: With regards to your article “Energy East and Local Democracy by Chris Weissflog, I, for one, want to be a part of the discussion about what kind of future we want. One of the pillars of a democracy is a free press. Too often, newspapers will follow a sensational item for a few days, then move on to something else. I have been impressed that your newspaper is still following this story, and is trying to get it’s readers engaged. This new pipeline proposal has huge implications for not only our own lifestyle, but that of future generations. We need to get this right, and we need to make sure that our politicians don’t go behind our backs and make decisions that the people who elected them don’t support. The article lays out very clearly the bizarre decision that our Mayor David Gordon made in supporting the Energy East pipeline. What is it that compels politicians to engage in so much contradictory behaviour? Politicians nowadays seem to focus on short term economic and corporate priorities, rather
than the health and well being of the people that they are elected to represent. Somebody once told me that you can divide people who want to become politicians into two types, crusaders and opportunists. Most, it seems, fall into the latter category, and we elect these people because they have “experience”, being businessmen, lawyers, etc. “Experience” isn’t necessary for the day to day running of the Town, because that is what Town staff do. It doesn’t take “experience” to find out what your constituents want. You just ask them. The Energy East pipeline, the largest in North America, is set up solely for the profit of the oil companies. It will provide short term jobs during construction, and some jobs doing the monitoring. It was said that the Keystone pipeline was going to provide thousands of jobs, but when pressed as to how many permanent jobs were to be provided, it was admitted that the number was a paltry 35 positions. The Ontario Energy Board has already said that the risks outweigh the benefits of the Energy East pipeline going through Ontario. If Mayor Gordon has proof to the contrary, then why doesn’t he share it with us? Maybe the “proof” came from the pipeline proponents, who are scarcely unbiased. If it came from people employed by the County, then we should be told of their findings. We pay their salaries, so the information should be readily available to us. The fact that it isn’t is unacceptable. Maybe our Mayor should remember that we live in a democracy, and that he should be making his decisions with us, not for us. Colin Creasey Kemptville
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Sale of Land for Tax Arrears By Public Tender MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, October, 27, 2016 at 285 County Road 44, Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. Description of Lands:
Minimum Tender Amount
Roll No. 07.19.716.025.09000 - . . . . . . . $6,160.35 Part of Park Lot J, Plan 8, Bishop Mills as in PR195310, Municipality of North Grenville, County of Grenville - PIN 68109-0204 (LT) Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20% of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.
UPDATE UPCOMING MEETINGS COUNCIL Monday, November 14 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, November 7 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Centre.
Tender for Multi-Use Pathway
Tender NG16-19 has been issued for a Multi-use Pathway, Phase 1A & 1B, for County Rd. 44. The tender closes on November 3, 2016 at 12:00 noon. Tender details are on our web site at or by contacting Mark Guy, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture at mguy@northgrenville. or 613-258-9569 Ext 107.
Please note that construction of the East Quadrant Water Distribution System will take place from October 20th until the end of November. There will be traffic disruptions in the area of VanBuren St. from Jack St. to County Rd. 19 and on County Rd. 19 from VanBuren St. to Ryan’s Well Way during this time. The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44 PO Box 130 Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 Building: 613-258-4424 Fax: 613-258-1441 Fire Services Info: 613-258-2438 Fax: 613-258-1031 By-Law Services: 613-258-2438 ext. 6 Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002
This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. Tender to be submitted on prescribed form in an envelope clearly marked “Tender - Sale of Land for Tax Arrears”. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Judy Carroll, Deputy Treasurer Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Road 44, P.O. Box 130 Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 613-258-9569 x 105
Dear Editor: Anyway you look at it, Wellington Road is a disgrace---a stain on our Community, particularly for the residents of Westerra Way. How can the Municipality be so callous? An irate potholer, Patrick Babin
MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville will hold a meeting open to the public, on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the North Grenville Public Library, Norenberg Building, 1 Water Street, Kemptville. THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING is to discuss the current Community Improvement Program (CIP) and the request by the Old Town Kemptville BIA to expand the program into Old Town Kemptville (Prescott Street). The information gathered at the public meeting will be used to build a business case for the proposed expansion to be presented to Council for consideration in the 2017 budget process. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to this item is available by contacting; Teri Devine, Economic Development Officer Email: Telephone: 613-258-9569 ext. 115 DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH GRENVILLE THIS 21st DAY OF OCTOBER, 2016.
October 26, 2016
The North Grenville Times
In memory of Mom and Dad, Rose and Ken (Red) Grahame
One year ago October 3 we lost our Mother, Grandmother, G.G Rose ( Seguin) Dad left us October 30, 2005, 11 years ago
We miss Mom’s direction and her homemade soups for lunch. She would stop in every day just to make sure we were doing things the way we were supposed to...if we weren’t, she was quick to correct us. We miss Dad’s sharp cynical wit ...he was always right, even if he was wrong! He had strong political views! We respected that and learned from it. We wished that we had written down or recorded some of his sayings and stories. Although since we heard them enough, they should be etched in our memories. This is also a Thank you , albeit one year later. To Hulse, Playfair & McGarry Funeral Home in Kemptville, Mark, Pam and Ronnie and staff, Mom’s journey was made special the day of her funeral when her last ride down Clothier Street was a memorable one, just like Rocket Rosie she left in a hurry, back door open! To St. James Anglican Church, Father Robert and staff for your uplifting service, Rachel Tennant, Norma Fisher and Uncle Gerry Seguin for your readings. To M.P. Gord Brown for reminding us how Mom and Dad were. Ivy DeBlois for singing “In the Arms of the Angels”, your angelic voice brought us to tears. Thank you to Muriel White and the Independent Order of Oddfellows for the reception after the funeral. Thank you Barb, Bill, Catherine Campbell, Joyce and Maurice Seguin, and Leah Leinweber for preparing food. Rachel, Tami, Sarah and Phil Davies for feeding us all week. Thank you to Jim and Judy Beveridge and your staff at B&H for the fruit and veggie trays, delivering and putting away groceries for Mom when she needed it and especially for keeping her a TV guide each week! Thank you to the friends and family who sent so many beautiful flowers and donated to the Kemptville District Hospital Foundation. Thank you to Joan Ann Wallace for spending so much time with Mom on Sunday afternoons and special occasions. Mom’s last highlight was going to Daniel Alfredsson’s retirement game with the Ottawa Senators, it was made possible by Michael Wallace. She loved playing cards with her friends and family, Aunt Joyce and Uncle Maurice, Aunt Nicole, Aunt Suzanne, Aunt Mary, Ken Hunt and her Club 67 pals. Thank you to Dr. J. Evans and staff, and Kemptville District Hospital for your care during the years that Mom struggled with C.O.P.D. Thank you to the Leeds Grenville Emergency Medical Service and O.P.P. for your quick response on the day of Mom’s passing. Kemptville Home Support and R.O.S.S. were a great help to her during her last two months with us. Although we tried to engage C.C.A.C., we were unable to.
The Voice of North Grenville
Energy East Concern #2: Risk Assessment Unfortunately, with all the tasks they have, they really don’t have the capacity, and also likely lack the capability, to do one. And there is nothing to suggest that they want to contract it out. For a pipeline project like Energy East this work should be done at the national level by the NEB, where it would be at the core of their process, and probably wouldn’t be released to us until most of their work is done, if it is even released at all. To be succinct, when done, right a PRA is a very detailed, in-depth, e x h a u s t i v e s t u d y. I t examines all risks for probability, frequency, size, scope, severity and all associated costs. It puts numbers to the individual risks and adds them up. And don’t think we need only to look at risks from spills that occur when a valve or pipe bursts, or when a human error is made and a valve is left open or not closed, or when pipeline operators decide to not believe their automated leak detection system and leave a pipeline running. We need to look at other risks. We need to consider things like changing weather patterns, vandalism, or even activists who might try to physically shut down a pipeline, as happened earlier this month in the
by Chris Weissflog Last week’s article discussed some of the potential risks that North Grenville residents will face if the Energy East pipeline is built. It is good to be aware of risks, but to make good decisions it is also important to measure risks. So, if NG Council wants to follow the example of County Council and decide whether the pipeline is in our collective best i n t e re s t s , s h o u l d n ’ t they do so after they’ve taken stock of all the foreseeable costs and benefits? In general terms, this is a process that begins by identifying and measuring all the possible risks and their impacts. This is risk assessment, and no big decision should ever be made without one. Banks do them, investors do them, businesses do them, and it is fundamental to what insurance companies do. Risk assessment is even done by everyday people like you and I. We do them often without even thinking about it, even though we may not call it that; like when we chose to put on a helmet before biking For Council to know whether Energy East is good for us, they should start with a Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA).
USA. And then there is another risk that hasn’t been mentioned yet, but is very real: terrorism. If it is easy to imagine how damaging the impact of an accidental spill could be, imagine the impact of a spill from an intentional event? Has that been factored into the equation? In the calculus of a terrorist, the outcome has potential for immense value. And if you want a second opinion about the risks Energy East poses, ask an insurer to protect you against impacts from the pipeline project. Tell them you want it to cover all of the people in North Grenville, have zero-deductible, coverage against any and all negative outcomes resulting from the pipeline’s presence, and to reimburse people for all losses, tangible and intangible. Consider this: insurance rates for houses with oil heating have risen 10 to 25 percent over the last decade, and why? Because remediating the effects of a household oil tank leak can cost well over a million dollars! It is unlikely that you could find insurance to cover you from Energy East, and if you could, the cost of such a policy would be prohibitive. That is a good
indicator of the level of risk we are facing. It is very doubtful that any value the pipeline brings to residents of North Grenville will offset the cost of protecting you against pipeline risks. These are costs that we are being told to accept so that a large corporation can make billions of dollars. Government is about managing society for our collective good. Effective management requires decision-making which – in turn – is made with good information. It does not appear that Council or staff have anywhere near sufficient information to make any decision about a project with so much potential harm for our community. And, if they do, they should share it with us. After all, in their own words “… Council and the residents of the Municipality of North Grenville need to understand the environmental impacts of this project, including, but not limited to, our drinking water, air, land and associated risks to the Rideau River system…”. So, where is that risk assessment? And if there isn’t one, what criteria will Council use to determine its costs and benefits?
Mom and Dad, you both have had some of your friends join you in heaven this year...Harry Pratt, Dorothy Christie, Doug Robertson, Tim Bond and Ken Burnett...have a great party! Sincerely missing you, Debbie, Cindy, Ricky and families
What’s Happening @ KYC
Free Programs at Kemptville Youth Centre
• Bake Night every Monday from 4-6, come by and make some delicious treats. • Have you got what it takes to play Nerf Capture the Flag? Come test your skills Friday from 6-8pm. • Game Night Wednesday, October 26th = 5 Oxford St. W. 613-258-5212 RENT OUR SPACE!!!!!
October 26, 2016
The North Grenville Times
What I've Learned by TeamMctwo I am siting on my deck feeling the warm sunshine overlooking a beautiful lake that is alive with falls colours. It is earth cache day so the mind has turned to all the wonders of nature that we cachers get to enjoy that muggles miss out on. one GPSr, one camera + one or more cachers looking for one or more caches = heaven here anywhere on earth. Thinking of cachers and caches. At the last Finch Eat and meet even, Ron talked about how successful the “Ian-CITO1" ( Kemptville area) was and how welcoming the mayor had been. This was a big night as one member cacher had a birthday cake) and Family ties reached a major milestone by having their 10,000 Find. We then discussed what topics we would like to see over the winter. As part of this discussion it was brought up about helping Tammy Hurlbert
(Recreation Coordinator, North Grenville) with her mission to get North Grenville on the Geocaching map by having 150 new caches created for the 150 birthday of Canada. The group was “all-in” for the project. Tammy is working very hard to make geocaching available to all residents of North Grenville, giving them a reason to enjoy the outdoors while remaining close to home. I am going to issue a challenge to North Grenville geocachers. Let’s get 150 new cachers in North Grenville! If you haven't tried it, check out a GPSr from the library and give geocaching a try. Cachers, bring along a friend on your next excursion (If you had done it last week, you could have earned a souvenir). It is fun, it is healthy and it can be done close to home. If you have found your first cache since 1 June 2016, send Tammy an email with your geocaching handle
and your first cache find. (thurlbert@northgrenville. Just as a point of interest, Geocaching Events are OPEN to all geocachers, or anyone who may be interested in becoming a geocacher. Come on out to Finch, or maybe visit the Capital Cachers in Ottawa. (We one big family). You can go to, then click on “events near me”. Then search the list for any local events. The pilgrimage to Remember: The characters (Travel Bugs) started their journey on August 15, with a timetable to be home at one of six local Legions for Remembrance Day, 2018. This project is going extremely well. The travel bugs are all on the move. As I was writing this article, I got an email informing me that Anne (Branch 212, Kempville) was visiting Normandy Beach area and there are pictures on Anne’s page. Frank (Branch 97)
The Voice of North Grenville
and Harry (Branch 343) show little activity, but they have both lucked in, as they will be travelling overseas with jingshen and Kilroy. Tom (Branch 314) has racked up over a thousand miles travelling around Ontario and the northern New York State. On the other hand, Nick (Branch 372) is gone. I checked the last site he was visiting and found that Roads and Grounds had cleaned out the ditch, so it really looks like Nick and the other TBs in the Caped Crusader Cache are now part of a dirt dump somewhere. Nick’s girlfriend “Sharron” has joined the Red Cross as an ambulance driver and will be on her way to the memorial to Women at war in London soon. What I've learned: Geocachers are one big family and are not territorial: they will take on an activity that will make geocaching better for everyone.
Introducing Phil Burger
THOMAS BYRNE Barrister and Solicitor
General Practice - Corporate/ Commercial - Family Law Residential Real Estate-Wills & Powers of Attorney 613.258.1277 222 Prescott St., Kemptville
Move for JM Automotive Small Business to Corporate....we do it. It is only black and white, until it isn’t.... give us a call to avoid the gray areas.
Andrew Beveridge, CPA, CA • • • • •
Bookkeeping Services Estate and Succession Planning Farm Tax Returns Financial Statement Preparations Personal and Corporate Tax Returns and Planning
200 Sanders Street Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0
(l-r) Travis Mackenzie, Fiona and Jim McKenney, Mayor Gordon, Jason Rothwell, Brandon MacDonald After six years in Oxford Station, J.M. Automotive has moved to a bigger location in Heckston. The owners, Jim and Fiona McKenney, wanted to celebrate with a Grand Opening to thank their customers and invite new customers to come and check out the shop. Being parents of a childhood cancer survivor, they wanted to use the occasion to raise awareness and funds so they entered a team in Neon Nights. Over one hundred people came out for the BBQ and enjoyed some burgers and hotdogs as well as taking part in their raffle. Over $550 was raised! Mayor Gordon attended and presented a Certificate of Recognition and helped cut the ribbon to bless the business and wish them prosperity.
ESTATE & PREPLANNING SEMINAR Tuesday, November 1 1:30-3:00pm
Brown Chapel,
805 Prescott Street, Kemptville RSVP 613-258-2435 or Light refreshments will be served October 26, 2016
The North Grenville Times
Regular Store Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 to 8, Sat. - 8 to 6, Sun. 9 to 6 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville
The Voice of North Grenville
Last week of the season Oct. 30
or Higher
Cut from Canada Premium Grade AAA or Higher
Prices effective: Friday, Oct. 28 to Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 “We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements”
October 26, 2016
The North Grenville Times
73’s create exciting hockey with close wins
Kemptville pulled their stopper and Dow found Matt Tugnutt on top of the crease to bang it in to force OT. Kemptville finally outshooting Cornwall 16 - 7. OT was a defensive contest with only two SOG by both squads trying to capitalize on each others mistakes and setting up a SO. Six shooters would face Lascelle and Hodgins, but Owen Guy would slip it by to give Kemptville the 5 - 4 victory. Friday night’s game at home against the Nepean raiders started with a bang as Kemptville intiated their “special team” of five forwards with man advantage as Guys takes the draw to Tugnutt across to Victor Tracy to launch a laser over Chapman’s shoulder at 10:27 PPG. William Cullen assisted from Brant and Murphy would even the odds at 6:26 with PPG. Raiders closed out the period with P.J. Heger with helpers from Arseneau and Groulx at 1:11 to put them one up. SOG 12 - 11 for 73’s. Next twenty same undisciplined play as the “ sin-bin slab” stayed warm. William Cullen assisted from Brant and Murphy with another PPG chased Peter Brooks to the shower at 17:22. At 16:10 with the
Chapman caught way, way, way out......Bobby Dow and Owen Guy take advantage thesportsguy After the previous loss received at the hands of the Kemptville 73’s, Carleton Place Canadians were seeking retribution on Sunday, but the 73’s had another plan in mind. The first was a back and forth effort, with Kemptville taking charge at 18:35: with man advantage, Beaton found Dow to Tyson Kirkby to open scoring. At 17:41, Sheedy over to Joey Warywoda for one-all tie and end the period with the Canadians out-gunning the 73’s by 12 to 7. Second was a repeat of first, with undisciplined play to put the 73’s ahead at 14:51 as Guy, Row and Matt Tugnutt slammed in PPG. Then again, the “GTR” line (not the rock band) pounced on the puck for a PPG as Guy, Tugnutt gave the honours to Alex Row for the insurance at 0:24.
Kemptville out-shot their opponent by 9 to 3. Very defensive session as each club played tight aggressive hockey. The “sin-bin bench” stayed warm for the last twenty as the Canadians racked up 10 minutes of spectator time. Carleton Place pulled their stopper at 2:23 in the final minutes and the 73’s closed out as Guy, Wichers onto Bobby Dow’s stick into open space 1:51 for EN. Kemptville blasted Hughes with 15 shots to Hodgins, receiving 9. To post another win of 4 - 1. Next road game was in Cornwall against the Colts seeking revenge for their loss here in September. Kemptville opened at 18:32 when Wichers to Guy breaking over the middle back to Matt Tugnutt with a quick hard shot over the shoulder of Lascelle. Giguere blocked clearing pass over to Tugnutt to feed
Guy with a rocket into the mesh for a two goal lead at 15:27. Dean Derouchie assisted from MacCormick and McRae at 10:20 to spoil Hodgins shut-out. Colt’s Nick Lalonde awarded a PS at 3:00 and Nicholas Hodgins robbed him clean. The Colts blasted 73’s 16 to 9 behind by one. Row and Guy working the boards to Matt Tugnutt on point to drive home the insurance at 16:13 for PPG and second goal of the game. At 14:19 with man-advantage, the Colt’s evened it up from Dirven and Conrad to Nick Lalonde PPG. Nick Lalonde would tie it with helpers from St. Germain and Cooper at 1:29. Cornwall out-gunned Kemptville by 15 to 8 to wrap up the session even at three. Grant Cooper would get helpers from Lalonde and Derouchie at 14:56 to put Cornwall ahead. At 1:29
The Voice of North Grenville
GTR line cycling down low from Row behind the net to Guy and onto point where Matt Tugnuut launches a missile to move them closer. Nepean pounced back at 8:00 with Kemptville down two men and Corey Tam from Brant and Heger to make 4 - 2. Geoff Dempster assisted by Belec and Brant at 0:08 mark putting 73’s behind 5 to 2. SOG for Kemptville 18 - 16. Through past games, the 73’s have been successful to come back in the third if the clock doesn’t run out. Tugnutt strips the defender off puck over to Dow to hammer it on net and Owen Guy picks up the spillage into open space at 19:07. Kirkby clears puck to Row breaking through zone and dishes it ahead to Adam Alavi to make it a 5 - 4 game at 12:23. The insurance from Mayea to Reid Murphy at 8:48 looked like a done deal. Coach Tugnutt called TO at 3:57 to settle his troops down after Nepean accessed two infractions. At 3:40, with 73’s up by two men, Row for
the north grenville
TIMES Gord Logan Marketing Consultant Sales Representative
Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
Rock The Classic - Women’s Fall Curling Classic
L-R Leigh Armstrong, Lee Merklinger, Jo-Ann Rizzo, Sherry Middaugh By Jim Dolan To show its appreciation for all the support from curlers, fans, sponsors and the community over the years, the Fall Classic invites the public to join members of the North Grenville Curling Club for its Rock the Classic Pub Night on Friday, November 4. Admission is free for all fans and the public who arrive at the club after 6 pm. So come early and watch some exceptional women athletes curl and then stay October 26, 2016
to enjoy a live band “Still Rockin” who will play from 8:30 to 11:30. The Royal LePage O V C A Wo m e n ’s F a l l Classic is a World Curling Tour event. It is the largest all women’s competitive curling bonspiel in Canada east of Toronto, Ontario. Teams will play for $17,500 in prize money and the winner will take home $5,500. The field is once again strong. For a complete list of teams and draw times,
visit the Fall Classic website at There are so many good teams in this year’s event, from Newfoundland to Manitoba in Canada, as well as the number one women’s team from Japan. If you had to pick just two – Sherry Middaugh from Coldwater and Ayumi Ogasawara from Sapporo Japan would have to be considered the favourites. They are the top two teams in the event based on World Curling Tour standings. 12
The Sherry Middaugh team will be making its third appearance at the Classic. I last met Sherry at the Ottawa Brier. When Sherry said her team would be coming to this year’s Fall Classic, I could not have been happier because local fans of curling will have the opportunity to meet a team that represents all that is good about women’s curling. Sherry and her third Jo-Ann Rizzo are both over 50 years old and they still burn with a desire to become better each new season. That passion is what separates the great competitors from the good players. The team spent part of the summer training and they used video to analyze their deliveries. Sherry said: “It proved helpful in pointing out some bad habits that had crept into their deliveries over the years.” Off the ice, Sherry, Jo-Anne and teammates Lee Merklinger and Leigh Armstrong are true ambassadors for the sport they love.
Tugnutts quick release from top of circle and Owen Guy slams in rebound for PPG and still on extended PP. Guy cycling with Tugnutt as he releases from point and Alex Row tips it through for PPG to force OT at 3:02. Nepean take a TO at 0:51 to evaluate what just happened. 73’s landed on the “slab” again at 0:22 and will have a man down to open OT. Kemptville SOG 17 to 13. After surviving the Raiders PP attempt, the boys got on their bicycle in opponent’s end. Wichers back and forth to Guy so Matt Tugnutt could bury the rubber at 1:49 and avoid SO with a tough win of 7 - 6. I think maybe this club should be renamed the “heart attack kids” because of their close encounters. Next home game is on Friday, October 28 at 7:30 when we will be seeking revenge against Ottawa Senators for our loss in September……Hockey with EDGE. Come on out and experience what you have been missing.
Phone 613 258 6402 Email:
If you are looking for a crowd-favourite team, you have to look no further than Nova Scotia’s Mary-Anne Arsenault. Team Arsenault always attracts a large local following, especially from the Smiths Falls area. Given the quality of the field, local teams would have to be considered as dark horses in the event. However, fans should not be surprised if Ottawa area teams make it to Championship Sunday, especially teams skipped by Erin Morrissey, Erin Macaulay, Hollie Nicol and the veteran Cheryl McBain. The players really enjoy
meeting the fans so come by the club, bring your provincial or Japanese Flag and cheer on your favourite team. The Fall Classic b e g i n s o n T h u r s d a y, November 3 with five draws starting at 9:15 am. Preliminary round action continues on Friday at 8:45 am and Saturday at 9 am. Championship Sunday begins at 9 am with the quarterfinals. The semi-finals are slated for 12:30 pm, followed by the championship game at 3:30 pm. Admission is $15 for an Event Pass. A day pass is $10. Persons 17 and under are admitted free.
The North Grenville Times
ACROSS 1. Anagram of "Balsa" 6. An abandoned calf 10. Competent 14. Hard wood 15. Largest continent 16. Average 17. Muslim jurist 18. Enumerate 19. Insulation 20. Number of people present 22. Pang 23. Mongolian desert 24. Bacon serving 26. Bottomless 30. Put clothing on 31. Aye 32. Sea eagle 33. "Comes and ____" 35. Fertile area in a desert 39. Urinary organs 41. A piece of jewelry
43. S S S S 44. God of love 46. A single time 47. Explosive 49. Altitude (abbrev.) 50. 500 sheets 51. Edict 54. Bearing 56. Shade of blue 57. Specter 63. Curtail 64. Jacket 65. Slight color 66. Salute 67. Desire 68. Anagram of "Sneer" 69. Balm ingredient 70. P P P P 71. Adjust again DOWN 1. Chancel
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku
2. Adjoin 3. Not hard 4. Pot 5. Prevaricating 6. Jailhouse 7. Laughable 8. Platter 9. Diner 10. A high ranking diplomat 11. Shore 12. Wood shaping machine 13. Go in 21. Of doubtful quality (British) 25. Many millennia 26. Apollo astronaut Slayton 27. Goddess of discord 28. Terminates 29. Capable of being penetrated 34. Pillages 36. Rational 37. Ancient Peruvian 38. Flower stalk 40. Feudal worker 42. A chemical compound 45. Violent disorder 48. A small mug 51. Russian country house 52. Identical 53. Oddity 55. Fertilizer ingredient 58. Minute opening 59. Rubber wheel 60. Hotels 61. Curved molding 62. Where a bird lives
Youngsters of Yore, 1:30 pm, Library Program Room. Guest Speaker: Jenny Read, KDH Communications Department Oct 27-30 KPI presents the comedy "Social Security", Urbandale Arts Centre, NG Municipal Centre. Oct 27-29, 7:30 pm and Oct 30, 2 pm. Tickets available at B&H Grocer, Business Strategies, and the Municipal Centre, or by calling 613-258-2051. Recommended audience 18 and over. Oct 28 World Hope Canada’s Annual Fall Fundraising Dinner, Southgate Community Church, 6 pm. Dinner is free however a free will offering will be taken to support the ministries of World Hope Canada. Oct 29 Indoor Yard Sale, 8 am-2 pm, NG Community Church, 2659 Concession Rd. Proceeds to support our youth. Great deals, come on out, and thank you for your generous support. Oct 29 Kemptville Legion euchre tournament. Registration from 11-12 noon. Play starts at noon. Cost is $10 per person. Light lunch available. Oct 29 Kreepy Kemptville in Old Town Kemptville, 10-1 pm. Treats and Activities with participating merchants for your little goblins and ghouls. Take them on a trick and treat tour of downtown. Oct 30 Canine Halloween Party fundraiser, 2 to 4 pm at the Kemptville Canine Centre in the Creekside Mall. Humans don't need a costume but dogs do! There will be a costume parade, bobbing for wieners and prizes! Join in the Halloween fun and bring the kids but don't forget the dog! Nov 5 50 & 60's Rock and Roll Music and Dance in support of St. James Anglican Church and the Beth Donovan Hospice, 7-12 pm, Leslie Hall, 19 Clothier Street. $20/person. For tickets: 613-912-8747 or at Hospice Office. Pizza Served at 10 pm. Nov 9 New Horizon Club, guest speaker Terry Meagher, veteran, author and historian, who will speak about the Battle of Hong Kong, Burritt’s Rapids Community Hall at 2 pm. Refreshments will be served. Nov 12 Kemptville Legion Craft show 9-3 pm. Vendors please call Lorena 613-258-9065 for tables. Nov 12 Christmas Bake Sale and Luncheon: bake sale 10:30, luncheon 11:30-1 pm, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 319 Prescott St., Kemptville Nov 12 All you can eat spaghetti supper for a goodwill donation, 4:30-7 pm, hosted by Oxford Mills Guides. St. Andrew's United Church Hall, 34 Main St, Bishops Mills. Oct 27
Weekly and recurring events Mon
Fri Fri Sat
Sun M,W,F October 26, 2016
The Voice of North Grenville
Kemptville Quilters Guild, every 2nd Mon. at the Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Road 43, 7 pm. New members welcome. Modern square dance club, Grenville Gremlins,7:30-10 pm, Leslie Hall on Clothier St. BNI Networking Group Breakfast, Grenville Mutual Insurance Building, 380 Colonnade Dr, 7- 8:30 am. Info: 613-918-0430. Bridge- St. John’s United Church, 12:15 pm. Cost $4. All levels of bridge players welcome. Info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. The Branch Artisans Guild, North Grenville Community Church, 2659 Concession Street every 3rd Tuesday, 7 pm. New members welcomed! NG Photography Club - first Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm at the Auditorium of the Municipal Centre. See Klub 67 Euchre every 2nd & 4th Wed. beginning Sept. 14, 1:15 pm, St. John's United Church. Everyone welcome $5.00. Bingo- 1st & 3rd Wed., Kemptville Legion, 1 pm. All welcome. Refreshments available. Kemptville Legion cribbage night, 2nd and 4th Wed. Start time 7 pm. All welcome. Come and play for fun. New Horizon Club, 2nd & 4th Wed. at the Burritt`s Rapids Community Hall. Regular meetings begin at 2 pm. Special events with lunch begin at noon. Programs call 258-9315, membership info Janet at 269-2737. Holy Cross Church monthly suppers, 1st Wed of the month, starting October 5. Adults $8, Children $5. All are welcomed. Bridge - St. John’s United Church, 6:45 pm. Cost $5. All levels of bridge players welcome. For more info, contact Sandra at 613-258-2691. North Grenville Toastmasters - Meeting 1st & 3rd Thurs., 7 pm at O’Farrell’s Financial Services, Cty Rd 44. Info, call 258-7665. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) is your host for Game Night, 2nd and 4th Fri., 6-10 pm. Bring your favourite game or borrow one from their library. All ages welcome. Friendship Lunch, Leslie Hall, hosted by St. James, Holy Cross, Salvation Army, St. John and Kemptville Pentecostal Churches, 11:30 am. Donations accepted but not expected, everyone welcome. Kemptville Legion breakfast, 8 - 10 am 3rd Sat. Adults $5. Children under 12 $3. All welcome. Kerith Debt Freedom Centre – Provides free and confidential coaching to help you get and stay out of debt, 2nd & 4th Sat.of each month. Call 613-258-4815 x 103 or to request an appointment. Twice The Fun Games (200 Sanders St. Unit 103) selects a game for their “Organized Play” and "Learn to Play" events, 1-4 pm . No experience needed. See what games are coming up, sign up for their newsletter. Kemptville and Area Walking Group, Municipal Centre - Early birds: 8 am, others 8:30 am. Contact: Eva 258-4487.
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
First 10 words are FREE for North Grenville and Merrickville/Wolford Residents. Extra Words: 50 cents a word. SERVICES
dump runs, anything removed. for making weights. Call 613 Call Wayne Scott at 613 286 9072 258 6254.
Complete Home Property DJ’S RENOVATONS. We’re comClean up: house cleaning, dump mitted to your Renovation. We Rock My House music lessons runs, etc. Call Al’s Clean up ser- do it all. 613.698.5733 in fiddle, piano, drums and vices 613.258.3847 613.295.0300 more. 613 258 5656
FROZEN BERRY TIME S T. J A M E S A N G L I C A N CHURCH ACW - ORDER BY OCT. 22, 2016 BLUEBERRIES, CRANBERRIES, RASBERRIES. PICK UP BY NOV. 4, 2016 AT ST. JAMES SEWING: Weddings to altera- CHURCH - CONTACT BARB tions at STONEHOUSE SEWING. WARREN, 612-258-5611 The Plumb”Mur” Plus Bathroom Call Sharon at 613-224-3182. DIANE CALLAGHAN 613 PLUS more. Murray 613.519.5274 258-2641, RACHEL FOR RENT NANT 613.258.2965 LOOKING FOR AVON PRODUCTS?
SNOW REMOVAL BOOKING PLEASE CALL JOAN AT 613-258NOW! BE READY! DRIVEWAYS, 7644. STEPS, WALKWAYS AND ROOFS H 258.3847 C 295.0300 Music is a gift, let me help you unwrap it! Piano lessons for GIVE YOUR CHILD THE ACADEMIC adults and children by RCM certiADVANTAGE TO COMPETE IN fied teacher. 613.324.0382
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Mobile Foot Care - TOES IN NEED 613.858.4383 If you want to purchase AVON products, call Joan 613.258.7644
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2006 V O L K S W A G E N D I E S E L
Certified Packer can help you prepare for your move. Cinderella Furnished room for rent $500. 613.859.4644 a month in Oxford Mills call 613-294-7420 PIANO LESSONS for everyone. All styles, all ages. 613 324.0382 WANTED
Brendan Plunkett: Finishing Carpentry Call or e-mail for a quote. 613-986-4533 Rural Home Care services-Affordable, personal, professional & experienced care for your loved one. 613.868.0356
SNOW BIRDS-PLAN HOCKEY PLAYERS LOOKNOW. Qualified professional ING FOR GOALIE AND SKATERS house sitter, now booking ass- ONE ON ONE Computer Train- OVER 55. TUESDAYS AND THURSingments-short or long term ing: Sigma Computer Systems DAYS IN KEMPTVILLE. PHONE - 613.258.5284 is now offering 1/2 hour class- 613 989 2792 GARY es on Saturdays. Please call Post-Concussion Tutoring 613.258.9716 for more informa- RIDE FROM CLOTHIER W-BY Support OCT certified. Ash- tion HOLY CROSS CHURCH TO RIVER ley: 613-898-8676 or ashley@ RD AND EARL ARMSTRONG HANDY MAN specializing in HOURS ARE 7:30 - 4:30 MONrenovations & house staging. We WED-FRI FOR THE WINTER WILL MATH TUTORING, qualified do it all CALL 613.294.2416 PAY 613-215-0884 teacher. Grades 7-11, 8-9pm in old town 613.863.5639 You Name It, I Can Sew LOOKING FOR LABOURER AND SKILLED ROOFER. CALL OR TEXT It. Call Rhonda at 258-5248 CFSC $ CRFSC Courses and 613.894.5210 exams Steve Hoy 613.258.6162 HEARTLAND FENCE & DECK. RENOVATION SPECIALIST. BRIAN WANTED 2 OR 3 BEDROOM APART613-796-9790
COMMISSIONED OIL PAINTINGS / PRIVATE ART LESSONSmiri- Property clean-up, trees/ FB: brush/yard waste, scrap metal, Senior needs old car batteries October 26, 2016
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FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Hardwood $100 PER CORD DELIVERED. $100.00 per cord delivered. Soft- TWO CORD MINIMUM.CHARLIE wood 75.00 per cord delivered. 989-2768. Call Peter 613-913-0810. Oxford Mills MIXED HARDWOOD FIREWOOD, SEAGATE 1.5TB EXPANSION EXTERNAL DRIVE, $70 FIRM. 613-269-3301
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REQUIREMENT TO LEASE STORAGE SPACE In Kemptville – Infrastructure Ontario
Space requirements: Approx. 10,000 sq.ft. Parking for 10 vehicles + room for lit fenced compound for program vehicles 5 yr. term commencing spring 2017 + renewal options Please submit sealed written proposals by 12.00 noon Nov. 4, 2016 to: David Sanford, Transaction Manager, CBRE Limited 18 King Street East, Suite 1100, Toronto, ON, M5C 1C4
Fax: (416) 775-3989 email:
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Fall Home Improvement Top 5 tips to get your home through winter (NC) Cold temperatures, snow and ice may be the ideal ingredients for a winter wonderland, but winter's harsh conditions can also wreak havoc on your home. A little preventative maintenance can help lower your energy bills, avoid more costly repairs and/or increase the lifespan of your home. Addressing the following priority items will make the greatest impact: 1. Insulation. One of the easiest and most effective defences against heat loss is proper insulation. Prevent cold drafts from entering and the loss of heated air through basement headers, which, when left exposed, can make your furnace work harder. Look for a moisture-resistant product with high thermal performance. For this, retailers tell us that Roxul Comfortbatt stone wool insulation is a top seller. It makes installation simple––all that's needed is a serrated blade or bread knife. Cut the batt to fit the cavity and press into place. The insulation will help improve energy efficiency as soon as it's in place and provide savings over the lifetime of your home. Comfortbatt can also be used to top or replace old attic insulation. Aim for an R-value of 50 or a depth of 16 inches (41 cm). 2. Roof and Gutters. To prevent a future leak, inspect your roof for shingles that are warped, damaged, or missing. Use roofing cement and a caulking gun to seal joints where water could penetrate around the chimney, skylights, or vents. Make sure that your gutters and downspouts are clear of debris and securely fastened. Downspouts should extend at least five feet away from the home to prevent flooding. 3. Heating and ventilation. Examine your fireplace and chimney system to ensure that no soot or creosote has collected. Any cracks or voids present could potentially cause a fire. Before you turn the furnace on, replace the air filter and hire a professional to inspect the unit more thoroughly. These steps will improve the efficiency and life of your furnace and will ensure stable indoor air quality. 4. Windows and doors. These can be a major culprit for heat loss, if not properly sealed. To keep the warm air inside, examine and replace worn weather-stripping. Inspect structural framing. Caulk inside and out, if necessary. 5. Yard care. Trim overgrown trees and shrubs. Drain and shut off any exterior faucets and sprinkler systems to prevent freezing. Ensure rain or snow drains away from the house to avoid foundation problems. Word count: 399
Valley Sanitation Services Ltd. has rounded up a few tips to help you maintain your septic tank in Eastern Ontario.
Pump your tank on a regular basis, usually every 3 to 5 years Conserve water Spread out water use (don’t do all of your laundry at once) Do not put anything heavy on top of your septic tank as it can cause damage Do not build on top of your septic tank or tile field Don’t flush chemicals (bleach, cleaners, and pesticides) as it may destroy the necessary bacteria Don't flush anything non-biodegradable (diapers, wipes, cigarettes) as they can clog the pipes Use septic safe products It is not recommended to connect water softeners to your septic system
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Mountain, ON, K0E 1S0
October 26, 2016
Fax: 613-258-2638 Cell. 613-277-2823
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
4 tips to get your house winter ready (NC) Severe weather elements can put a strain on the outside of your home. Getting it ready for winter can help avoid costly repairs and could indirectly keep your insurance premiums low. “There are a few simple steps that homeowners can take to prepare their homes for winter,” advises Tracy Laughlin, Vice President, Personal Lines, Ontario and Atlantic at Intact Insurance. “Making sure you've done everything you can to protect your home can save you money and potential damage.” Here are some of Laughlin's favourite home maintenance tips to help you make the best of winter without having to worry about your home. 1. Clear gutters, roof, and drains. Having to fix your roof in the winter will lead to higher costs than it would in the summer. Inspect your roof for shingles that are warped, damaged or even missing to avoid an unwanted leak. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are securely fastened and that drainage is being led at least five feet away from the house to prevent flooding. It's also important to drain and shut off exterior faucets and sprinkler systems to prevent freezing and make sure snow melts will drain away from your house. Proper insulation can also prevent ice damming in the winter. 2. Seal them up. Water damage is the leading cause of home insurance claims in Canada. Before winter, check your windows and doorframes for air leaks, possible water leaks, and signs of damaged, weakened, or rotted wood. Seal all cracks. And don't forget your storm windows and loose screens, repairing or replacing as necessary. 3. Check your cooling and ventilation air systems. Examine any fireplaces and chimney systems to ensure no debris has collected. Any cracks or voids could potentially cause a fire. Change the filters on your furnace and make sure your humidifier works. Clean air is essential to good health, since problems with air quality can also lead to mould. 4. Trim trees. Damage to homes from overgrown trees is one of the most commonly overlooked problems in Canadian winters. In fall, trim overgrown trees and shrubs to prevent ice-covered branches from thrashing against your home's exterior. Remind your neighbours to do the same — falling branches from a neighbour's yard could damage your home and put you both in a sticky situation.
October 26, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
4 tips for increasing the value of your home (NC) You know your home is an investment and with the recent rise in property values you may be considering selling in the foreseeable future. Professional stagers are experts at making changes that will appeal to the most general home buyer. But you don't need a pro to achieve this effect in your own home. Staging your home doesn't have to be complicated — clean up, depersonalize and keep it feeling light. Your potential home buyer will feel right at home in no time with these four project ideas that'll get you the look for less. 1. The power of paint. No other home improvement project delivers a higher return on investment than a fresh coat of paint in the perfect colour. Clean and brighter colours inside will give your home a spacious, airy feel while a neutral exterior increases curb appeal. Consider Para Paint's Princess Cut PF 57 or Jo Jo Whitewash PF 17 for indoors; and Humberstone PF 74 for exteriors, a modern option for your trim, garage door or front door. 2. Focus on the kitchen. More than any other item in your kitchen, cabinets take up the most real estate as they are the largest visual feature. But you don't always need to replace them —simply paint or re-stain the door and drawer fronts. And don't forget about hardware as this simple switch can change your look and pull together the room's style. Change, add, or update lighting, as it will make all the difference in the overall viewing of the space, especially after a fresh coat of paint. Buyers always favour a clean, fresh looking kitchen. 3. Cut the clutter. Your goal should be to make your home as clean and airy as possible. Remove personal elements and tidy desks and shelves to exude an easy, elegant feel. To truly pull in the highest bids you'll want to make visitors feel as if they can live there and move in right away. 4. Light and bright. Proper lighting is key so replace all missing pot lights and burned out light bulbs. Layer lighting so that there is no single point of light. Before visitors come in, open the shades and turn on the table lamps and chandelier. Mirrors are a great way to reflect your multiple light sources and make your space look larger. After that, keep your furniture and accessories minimal and bright. If you have the opportunity to paint older wood furniture, white or light grey will do the trick. On the day of your showing don't forget that smell is very important, so air out your home, light candles or use air fresheners scented as baked goods or vanilla that are sure to create a homey feel and allow buyers to see your home in their future.
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Sunday October 30th 1:00pm-4:00pm 398 Van Buren Street Unit 304, Kemptville - 1 Bedroom condo with granite countertops, hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances and in-unit laundry - Heating/cooling included in condo fees! - Quiet, comfortable & secure building with elevator access
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613-713-1555 200 Prescott Street, Kemptville, ON October 26, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Fall Home Improvement 3 POWER TOOLS FOR THE BEST YARD ON THE BLOCK (NC) Having the proper outdoor power tools is key to getting your yard looking beautiful in the fall and ready for the long winter months ahead. Lawn and garden equipment experts share insights and tips on the top tools you'll need for a hassle-free start to your yardwork. The super blower: A leaf blower is the best tool for removing those pesky leaves from your lawn. This efficient tool is faster than raking and allows you to stand upright, letting you avoid back pain and tackle additional jobs like scattering puddles and clearing rain gutters. An eco-friendly battery operated blower is just as powerful as a gas model but is extremely quiet so you'll never have to dread disturbing your neighbours while tending to the yard again.
Spring and Summer of 2016 at Erics Carpentry Service has centered on two exterior renovation projects, along with numerous other smaller projects. A couple bathroom renovations, a basement reno and one master bedroom. We will soon be starting a few roofing jobs, both shingles and steel. I am going to take some time to explain the benefits of an exterior home renovation. • An exterior home renovation enhances the curb appeal of your home and gives you a more enjoyable outside space • It increases the value of your home • New energy efficient windows and doors save on heating and cooling costs. As well as being much easier to operate than old, dated ones • Adding insulated sheathing, and housewrap save on energy costs • When roofing, proper ventilation is added to remove hot, moist air from your attic space • If requested we can also add blown insulation to your attic, to save energy • There are several products to choose from to set your home apart. Steel or shingle, in a variety of colors. Siding can come in real or imitation stone. Pre-finished wood siding. Vinyl siding and gable shakes. As well as many colors in aluminum soffit • The majority of home owners are looking for exterior products that come with little or no maintenance. • A popular look these days is stone part way and then a pre-finished or engineered wood siding. Vinyl board and batten is a cost effective alternative. Adding a vinyl shake to gable ends enhances the appeal.
The tidy trimmer: Trimmers are incredibly useful for cleaning up the edges of your lawn. However, if used carelessly they could cause damage to wood fences, sprinkler heads, or the flower bed. Dealers of Husqvarna Canada, the world's largest producer of outdoor power products, recommend keeping your head up as you run your machine around these areas and letting the tip of the trimmer line do the cutting. The handy hedge trimmer: Protect your beautiful shrubs from winter drying by properly trimming them before applying burlap or any type of seasonal barrier. Hedge trimmers are the most effective way to keep your greenery clean and fresh before preparing them for winter protection. Investing in a batterypowered hedge trimmer will allow you to get that accurate cut and keep you comfortable during pruning. Find more information, tips, and local power tool dealer locations
Give us a call at Erics Carpentry Service for all your residential construction needs. Sincerely, Eric Winter
October 26, 2016
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
Fall Home Improvement How to curb out-of-control heating bills
By Scott McGillivray (NC) As outdoor temperatures fall, energy bills tend to rise. While you can't stop Mother Nature, it's easy to protect your home and wallet from climbing heating costs. The simplest way to do this is to improve your home's building envelope––and the best place to start is your attic. Often, the attic is a primary source of energy loss due to insufficient levels of insulation. Topping up your attic insulation is an effective way to prevent heated air from escaping and to reduce stress on your furnace. For easy installation, I recommend a stone wool batt insulation product called Roxul Comfortbatt. It cuts simply with a serrated blade or bread knife and protects against fire, moisture, and mould. Aim for a depth of 16 inches (41 cm) or an R-value of 50. Insulation begins working the moment it's installed and lasts throughout the life of the building, providing years of energy savings––now that's a great return on investment. To further improve your home's performance, consider these additional DIY tasks: 1. Replace weather-stripping around doors and windows. Worn weather-stripping can let cold outdoor air in and cause heated air to seep out. Replacing it takes little time and is a low-cost, high-impact solution. Mls 1027395 - End unit, backs onto water! - $249,900.00
2. Insulate basement headers and walls. Uninsulated basement headers are common, especially in older homes. They can also act as a gateway for heated air to escape. To fix the problem, simply cut Comfortbatt insulation to fit the cavity and compress into place.
Mls 1029532 - In Town Beauty! $349,900.00 Mls 1025489 - In Town Charmer! Quick possession! - $289,900.00
3. Caulk around windows, outlets and baseboards. Sealing cracks and crevices around your home will improve efficiency and reduce drafts, improving your overall comfort.
Mls 1032339 - Bungalow! $254,500.00
Scott McGillivray is host of the hit TV series Income Property on HGTV Canada, a full-time real estate investor, contractor, author, and educator. Look for Scott in the upcoming series Moving the McGillivrays this fall on HGTV Canada or follow him on Twitter @smcgillivray.
Mls 1019202 - Spencerville! 3.6 acres, Kennel license - $444,900.00
Anita Maloney, Sales Representative
613.816.1995 Gary Durie, Sales representative 613.720.5004
If your furnace is 12 years or older, it’s costing you money! Call us to find out how replacing your furnace can save you 25% or more on your energy bills. PLUS you can get up to $1,500 in rebates AND don’t pay for 3 Months October 26, 2016
845 Prescott St. Kemptville
The North Grenville Times
The Voice of North Grenville
2nd Annual Ben TeKamp Memorial Award It’s now a bit less than two weeks until the deadline for applications for the second annual Ben TeKamp Memorial Aw a r d ! T h e Aw a r d at the Employment and Education Centre (EEC) will allow local entrepreneurs to be recognized with up to $5,000 to put towards business development. Ben TeKamp was a well-known Brockville business owner and for many years helped co-ordinate the SelfEmployment Benefit Program which gave many local entrepreneurs the opportunity they needed to start a successful business. As well as being a threeterm Brockville Mayor, he was also a tireless community volunteer and was a board member of the EEC for many years. He passed away in 2014. Applications for the award need to be received by October 28. An award presentation
and event honouring the winners will be held at the Brockville Country Club on November 15. In order to be a successful applicant for the Ben TeKamp Memorial Award, applicants or nominees must be located in the Leeds-Grenville area and be at the early stage of business development or re-invention. Preference will be given to new businesses which have displayed a strong sense of innovation and creativity, and must be able to indicate how they can make a contribution to the community of Leeds and Grenville (full award criteria is available at Applicants can nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else. In the case of being nominated by a third party, a nominee will be notified before their name is made public. Award winners will be required to inform the TeKamp family how they
The City of Brockville, The Leeds and Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre, 0’Farrell Financial Services, Four-O-One Electric, Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation and The Employment + Education Centre. For more information about the award, contact Mark TeKamp at bentekampaward@
used the bursary for their business. In order to get an online application, go to www. A PDF of the application is available under the news portion of the front page of the website. Applications can also be picked up at the Employment and Education Centre’s offices at 105 Strowger Blvd during business hours (8:30 am-4:30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 8:30 am – 7 pm on Wednesdays.) Local sponsors for this award include 104.9 JRFM and 103.7 BOB-FM,
The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated
October 26, 2016