Our Senior Times Fall 2019

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EmbracingAging Dementia Diagnosis DON MUNZ’ VISION FOR OLD TOWN KEMPTVILLE

Where do we turn to for help?

Considerjoining a Club or drop in activity North Grenville Local Content PUBLISHED BY THE NG TIMES

Welcome to Our Senior Times In this first issue, we are excited to offer you a glimpse of our local community and the services available here for seniors. Whether you are in full retirement, or just thinking about the golden years, we hope our information will inspire you to keep active, stay sharp, healthy, and involved in your community. We are very fortunate to have such a plethora of things to do in this area, as you will see on our list of activities and clubs in the area. No matter what your age, having a network of friends is vital to your health and well being. Volunteering can also give you a new network within which you can build new relationships. We have personal stories from individuals who have firsthand experience in dealing with health issues, successes, activities they enjoy and which are available in our local community. There are so many outstanding individuals in this community, who volunteer their time and expertise to improve the overall life and well being of our area. Whether artist, activist, or business entrepreneur, our Senior profile will give you a glimpse into what they’ve accomplished with their enthusiasm and expertise to improve the life of many. We couldn’t offer you this information without the support of our local businesses, who have jumped in and supported our new initiative to provide you with information that could improve your overall health and wellness. These business owners are also experts in their field, and, by visiting them, you can be assured of quality local service with your needs and well-being in mind. Happy reading and we hope you enjoy our first issue of Our Senior Times. Pat Jessop

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4 Embrace Aging 15 How to find the pair of 5 Reduce side effects perfect eyeglasses from medical devices and medications 16 •Dry Salt therapy for Seniors 6 The long journey - •Aging in place with

A firsthand experience with living with hip pain

the way of the things you love?

Artificial Intelligence

Consider joining a 7 Is a bad hip getting in 18 Club or drop in Activity

8 Square Dancing

not so square

Space, the final frontier!

Don Munz

skills required •Scams-Seniors Beware


10 Senior Profile -

12 •No swimming

14 Dementia Diagnosis -

Published by the NG Times Editor/Design/Production: Pat Jessop editor@ngtimes.ca Copy Editor: David Shanahan david@ngtimes.ca Sales: Gord Logan gord@ngtimes.ca Contributors: Susan Smith, Marguerite Boyer, Mary Power, Tim Gerard, Hilary Thomson, David Herman Margaret Levstek, Judy Robinson, Karen Quigley

A new publication by

Where do we turn to for help?

Taking Care of You is our business!

Kemptville Eye Exam Clinic

Kemptville Mall



Aging Susan E. Smith, Kemptville & District Home Support What does it mean to be a senior here in Ontario? Some of the definitions of ‘senior’ include older, wiser and of higher rank. Is that how our community thinks of seniors? Several people of ‘a certain age’ have told me that they don’t want to be called a senior, because it is a very negative word. I truly believe that it is important that we embrace aging and redefine what it means to be a senior.

of purpose and belonging; it can increase our self-confidence and improve our physical and mental health. There are many opportunities to be part of this community for seniors. This could be volunteering; joining an activity; reaching out to someone who would love to get a call; and getting out and enjoying the various events taking place.

‘Healthy Aging’, and ‘Active Aging’, are terms that have been used widely in the health and social services fields for a number of years. The World Health Organization, in the 2002 document, Active Ageing: A Policy Framework, states, “Active ageing…allows people to realize their potential for physical, social, and mental well being throughout the life course and to participate in society according to their needs, desires and capacities.” (p. 12)

When we think of aging, I would like all of us to remember the definition by Betty Friedan, author and activist (1921-2006). She wrote, “Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity and strength." How wonderful that we can rethink how we live our lives, not just growing old; that, even though we may continue to have losses, both physical and personal, there is also ‘a new stage of opportunity and strength’.

Active aging, then, means having the opportunities to be involved in your community, and making healthy lifestyle choices according to your needs. We are all individuals, and what we choose to be engaged in will vary. Staying active as we age can help us to remain healthy and independent. Being active gives us the opportunity to be with others; to learn something new; it gives us a sense

Celebrate being a senior, celebrate life, and embrace aging!


Our Senior Times - Fall 2019

Reduce side effects from medical devices and medications According to Health Canada, medical devices and medications help to treat or prevent illness and disease. They also help to relieve symptoms and manage health conditions. However, sometimes they can cause problems. Problems can happen if your body responds badly to a drug or medical device. Allergies are another type of reaction. Symptoms may be mild, such as a rash, or severe, such as anaphylaxis.

Anyone can experience a negative side effect from a medical device or medication. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to minimize your risk.

Here are some tips from Health Canada: Follow the directions

The best way to reduce your chance of having a medical device incident or adverse drug reaction is to use your device and take all medications according to the instructions.

Talk to your doctor

Tell your health-care provider about all the medications you take, both short- and long-term. Don’t forget to mention over-the-counter medications, vitamins and supplements, as these can cause drug reactions as well.

Use an extra set of eyes

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You may want to use only one drugstore or pharmacy, which allows the pharmacists to get to know you and the medications you take. Pharmacists are trained to look at medications and know how they interact and if they could cause an adverse drug reaction.

Watch what you eat

Some foods can interact with medications, causing an adverse reaction. For example, grapefruit and its juice may affect how some drugs work. Alcohol and caffeine can cause reactions as well. Every time your health-care provider prescribes a new drug, ask about all the possible interactions.

Speak up

It may be hard to know if a symptom is related to your device or medication. Contact your health-care provider if you have any symptoms, and they can make a recommendation on whether to continue, stop or visit a hospital. Be sure to report any side effects from all health products, including medical devices, medications and natural health products, to your health-care team and Health Canada, so that they can be addressed. Our Senior Times - Fall 2019 5

The long journey by Marguerite Boyer It has been a long road for me, and very gradual. I began having pain in my hips in my early fifties, and from there on in it was a very slow process downhill, to get me to the point I was before surgery. I had always been an avid walker, and even took up jogging. But, as the pain slowly took over my body, I convinced myself to give up any form of exercise. Over the next ten years I had x-rays done of my hips; but, every time, the images showed that the arthritis was not very severe. My right hip seemed to show more arthritis than the left. I believed the scans and the doctors, because they knew best. But finally, at the age of sixty one, the pain had become so severe I could not even drive, (I had to lie down in the back seat of the car, for any distances more than a half hour) it was just so painful. And funnily enough (or not so funny), it was my left hip giving me the most pain. The arthritis in my hip, combined with lack of exercise, caused other problems to arise, such as pain down my left side of hip, pain in my back, etc. I had put on weight, I kept myself busy, because I had to, being


Our Senior Times - Fall 2019

the owner of a business. I spent hours sitting in front of a computer. I also noticed (now) that the pain took over my ability to paint. As an artist, this was really discouraging. I had no energy, no motivation and it seemed my muse had left me. One of my sisters (and I have three of them) kept telling me to exercise, but I just thought her crazy, doesn’t she know the pain I am in? I just couldn’t bring myself to even think of it. I was doing aquafit, but managed to convince myself to miss many classes, due to my pain. Finally, when I got to the point that it was too painful to drive, my sisters bullied me into getting a referral to a specialist, and go for that hip replacement. I got the referral, met up with the specialist, and was so intimidated. I felt he was trying to talk me out of it, and that I wasn’t in as much pain as I imagined. I would have walked away from his office that day, if not for another sister, who decided to sit in on the meeting.

So my journey began that day. I was overweight, had high blood pressure, and was totally unprepared for what was ahead. Even on the day of surgery, I would never have gone, had not my sister and husband come with me. They gave me a happy pill (or so I call them) two hours before the surgery. My blood pressure was way too high and I was a nervous wreck. Here I am, seven months past surgery. I can walk without a cane, and the fact that I can walk at all seems like a miracle. I had lots of sound advice before and after the surgery. There was also free physio, a physiotherapist came to my home once a week for four weeks. She would give me an exercise program to strengthen my legs. It seems like this has been a long seven months. Some days, I would despair of not ever being able to walk properly, or without a cane. I have been very faithful to a daily routine of exercise and walking, thanks to great counseling from a physiotherapist here in Kemptville. The more I exercised, the more I started feeling better, not only physically, but mentally. One of my sisters said it was like a fog had lifted from me; that her old sister was back, with renewed energy. I do feel good these days. I have lost weight, my body is toning up, and, best of all, my muse it back. I am back into my art and have set myself a goal to have an art show in the Fall. I have also committed myself to raise ten thousand dollars for a women’s hospital in Cambodia, by sticking to my daily exercise program until Christmas. My therapist gives me a monthly set of exercise to follow, with one day off a week. I only see her every month, and she switches it up for variety. I had tried doing it on my own, but was doing it wrong. And also, in my eagerness, I managed to throw my back out and pull muscles in my leg. I am not out of the woods yet. Now that my left hip is healing, I notice the pain in my right hip. I am half way into this journey, but the next surgery will find me so much fitter, and prepared.

Is a bad hip getting in the way of the things you love? It may be that your hip is keeping you from doing all you want to. Here are some indications that, perhaps, you may need to find a new hip! Not everyone is the same, and the ways in which we experience problems with aging hips can be different for each one. But hip replacement surgery can change your life in a most positive way. It is always best to consult a specialist to make sure that your condition is accurately diagnosed. So, the following signs should only be seen as indicators of what may be a problem. Check them out with your doctor. Hip or groin pain Soreness during or after exercise or pain that interferes with your daily activities could be a sign of hip arthritis. The pain is usually localised between your hip and knee. If the pain is lower down towards the ankle, the problem might be caused by back problems. You may find yourself limping, or needing to use a cane or walking stick. Some people take pain-killing medication. But there is a better and more long-lasting solution, if appropriate. Stiffness Although a common problem for us as we age, having difficulty putting your shoes or socks on is a common sign of stiffness in your hip, especially if one foot is more difficult than the other. If this is an ongoing problem, you should speak with a specialist. Walking the walk If hip or groin pain is preventing you from walking normal distances, then speak to a specialist. Once again, this varies for everyone. The question is: can you walk as far as you used to, or as much as you want? The one leg test If you can’t stand on your problem leg for longer than a minute – even with the support of a door frame or table-top for balance, then you might have a badly damaged hip. Most hip problems can be resolved without a full hip replacement. There is a range of treatments available, including physiotherapy, medication and hip resurfacing that may better address your symptoms. To repeat: Consult your doctor and specialist to be sure. Our Senior Times - Fall 2019 7

Square Dancing Not so Square Think, just for a moment, about these three tunes: ‘Hallelujah’, by Leonard Cohen; ‘Put Another Nickel In’, by Teresa Brewer; ‘Colonel Bogey’s March’, (from Bridge on the River Kwai). What might they have in common, you ask? These tunes, and many others, have been choreographed by Square Dance Callers to make square dancing even more fun. Modern Square-Dancing clubs use a great variety of music, with the Callers constantly changing and adding to their repertoires. ‘Square Dancing’ has come a long way from the days of fiddles and country tunes, which usually come to mind when you hear the term. In today’s Modern Square Dancing, you will hear everything from Rock’n Roll to Classic, and yes, occasionally, Country music. It is all choreographed to patterns of steps that are taught to beginners, a few at a time, so they are able to join in the dancing from the first day they enter a Club.

by Mary Power Dancing itself is great for all ages - active seniors, teenagers, and everyone in between. Studies have shown that dancing in general is a great mind and body workout, and Square Dancing expands on that challenging each dancer to listen and respond to the Caller’s instructions, as he leads the group through a series of steps. If you can walk to the beat, and count to four, you are ready to dance. If you are reasonably fit and active, why don’t you check out a local club? They are to be found all over the world - and, in fact, the ‘Calls’ are always given in the English language, so, once you know the steps, you can dance in Denmark, Japan, or just about anywhere else, including the North Grenville area! On your own, without a dance partner? Join a club! A recurring theme at Square Dance Clubs is ‘Fun and Friendship’ - couples and single dancers alike enjoy the active social life.

...So, get out and try it you’ll probably love it




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Our Senior Times - Fall 2019

Space, the final frontier! Space, the final frontier! Remember when we could talk of little else? Rocket ships, Apollo missions, moon landings, new galaxies, black holes, sciences and technologies few of us could understand? Now, warp speed forward to the present. Many have begun to realize that space may not be the final frontier after all! Our intense scientific and technological research over the past six decades or so, has left us with more questions than answers. Mostly, questions about ourselves. After all, to achieve long-term survival in space, we surely must have perfected survival on earth! On our fast track to the stars, many believe we have left other critically important frontiers here on earth mostly unexplored. Hmmm! As long as humans have pondered the wonders of the night sky, we have been largely blind to a more personal, yet no less mysterious frontier. It’s importance to our survival ranks just behind air and water! We visit this strange frontier daily, and spend roughly 26 years of our lives drifting aimlessly and unconsciously in it. How could it be that we have little to no knowledge of this voyage and its impact on our daily lives? Welcome to Sleep ... The Inner Frontier! We humans have been somewhat reluctant daily voyagers to this strange and very mysterious inner frontier. It has been well documented that we are the only species on earth to actively resist sleep on an ongoing daily basis! In fact, it’s become part of our modern culture! If you have any doubts, just fall asleep during your next business meeting, or golf outing! The results will take years to live down ... LOL! “Resistance is Futile”, as they say, and our bodies will eventually shut down, and off we will slide into that sleep frontier. Why are we compelled to

go there repeatedly each night? Why do we spend nearly one third of our lives unconscious, not knowing where we are, what we’re doing, and why we’re there? The more curious among us have begun to awaken (pun intended) to the reality that we need to know much more. Research has begun to reveal that our quality of life on this earth is directly dependant upon it! For centuries, philosophers, poets, writers and scientific minds have speculated on the mysteries of the sleep world. Not until recent scientific and technological advances has the study of sleep become more formally and intensely studied. The secrets beginning to be revealed are truly amazing. Heck, even we, the common people, can do our own mini research studies these days. Sleep Apps for our cell phones and wrist watches make it easy to track many factors related to our quality of sleep. This information can help us begin to understand, in a basic way, how our lives are affected by our sleep. It’s becoming clear that our wellness is linked directly to our nightly voyages to the sleep frontier! These are exciting times for Kemptville and the surrounding region. There is an amazing amount of new growth in all aspects of our community. As a result, this will provide tremendous opportunity for improvement in the lives of everyone in the region! This magazine represents just one of the positive improvements we will enjoy moving forward! In future issues, we will provide you with valuable insights into your nightly sleep voyages! We will also offer proven tips and information that, if implemented, will improve your sleep experience. Your overall health and wellness will be positively impacted as a result! So, until next issue, we wish you a Good Night!


e l fi o r P r o i Sen DON MUNZ

“There was a movement already underway,” he says. “I have the good fortune of being part of it.”

by Hilary Thomson If you have ever wandered through Old Town Kemptville, you may have noticed the large murals of steamships on the walls of several of the buildings. You might have stopped to admire the architecture along Prescott Street, or stopped in at the town’s state-of-the-art library. In the early 2000s, the downtown was languishing, begging for a visionary to come save it from fading into the background of a growing municipality. Enter Don Munz. A relatively recent immigrant to Canada, Don was born in San Francisco and spent his childhood in the Bay area and the San Joaquin Valley. He moved to Southern California in the early 60s and began his art education at Valley College in San Bernadino. After his schooling, he took a teaching job at Pasadena City College where he taught perspective and rendering, two-dimensional design, interior design and lettering and typography. Don switched gears and opened his own serigraph (screen printing) studio high in the San Bernardino Mountains. For 14 years he designed, printed and marketed his own serigraphs, which were sold and distributed all over the world. In 1991, digital printing started making an appearance on the art scene, making serigraphs obsolete. Don took this opportunity to focus on a different medium, oil painting. With his background as a serigrapher, designer and colorist, he was able to use his experience to create beautiful impressionist paintings of different landscapes. His memories of his childhood in the San Joaquin Valley, time spent in Northern California, and the scenic areas of the San Bernadino Mountains, provided him with endless inspiration for his paintings. Then, in 2002, Don and his wife decided to make the move to Canada. Their daughter already lived in North Grenville, and they both felt the pull of a quiet life in the country. Don began to check out the old buildings in downtown Kemptville. He was fascinated by the potential of the old town, but saw that it was wasting away as everything was becoming decentralized, and Prescott Street and Clothier Street were no longer the social centre of the town. 10

Our Senior Times - Fall 2019

Inspired, Don started doing line drawings of the old buildings, and arranged to have them displayed in a store window on Prescott Street. People started to take notice and, after a few months, he decided to take the drawings and build on them, to show people the potential of the buildings in the old downtown. “A picture is worth a thousand words,” he says. His conceptual drawings of downtown caught the attention of some local business people, including Terry Butler, Nik Wellstein and Rob Thompson. Don says all shared his vision of bringing Old Town Kemptville back to life. With community support, he made a presentation to the council of the day. Property owners started cleaning up the downtown and Don was hired to do conceptual drawings for many of the buildings, including Nik Wellstein’s Lofts of Market Row. He also shared his vision for the Bodhi Tree, Butler’s Victorian Pantry, and Kollaard Engineering’s building further down the street. With the help of local business owners, Don’s vision was brought to life for many of the buildings that now line the street in downtown Kemptville.

Don’s impact on the downtown didn’t end there. At the end of the 2000s, he saw the opportunity to make downtown even more vibrant. He enlisted the help of then art teacher at North Grenville District High School, Barb Tobin, to get students involved in painting three 8ft x 32ft murals of historic steamships that once passed through Kemptville along the South Branch River. His designs, painting by high school students, now create a pop of colour along the streets of downtown. One is on the side of the South Branch Bistro building on Clothier Street, and two are on Prescott Street, on the side of the Bodhi Tree Yoga Centre and the Old Town Interiors building. Building on his new relationship with the schools, Don got them involved in his next project, the Kinderwood Trail in the Ferguson Forest Centre (FFC). A lover of nature, he felt led to create a child-friendly trail that would introduce the young residents of Kemptville to the animals that make the FFC their home. Students from NGDHS and St. Michael Catholic High School cut out and painted nine animals, with a sign that had a brief description of the animal and its habitat in the FFC. The 550m trail weaves in an out of some young pine trees in Anniversary Park, and also has a shelter where school children can sit to have a break from their exploration. “It was such a beautiful marriage of working with the High Schools,” Don says. Another project in which Don got involved in the FFC was starting the Giving Garden, where residents can come and harvest fresh produce for free. He says that, one year, they even gave 120 lbs of tomatoes from the garden to the Salvation Army Food bank. Kemptville’s old downtown remains in flux, with so much of the town’s important services and shopping moving out to the Colonnade development and along County Road 43. However, Don has not given up hope. He was a key player in a study done on the Rideau-Sanders triangle, and continues to look for the projects that can make a difference in the downtown.

He currently has his sights set on the old North Grenville District High School building. He envisions it as a multiuse facility, with the greater part of it being used as a partially-subsidized senior’s residence. With North Grenville Mayor, Nancy Peckford, in support, he has presented his conceptual drawings to the current owner, and is hopeful that he seems to want to see the building be put to good use. “It is a beautiful concept if it goes through,” he says. Don Munz has been a resident of North Grenville for less than 20 years; however, he has become an important part of the community, and a great resource for everyone working to make Kemptville a great place to live. Don is very modest about his involvement in all the projects he has undertaken, and is adamant that he is only one piece of the puzzle. “There was a movement already underway,” he says. “I have the good fortune of being part of it.”

Our Senior Times - Fall 2019 11

No swimming skills required

by Margaret Levstek, Certified Aquatic Instructor As we age, people who have difficulty exercising on land due to changes in their bodies are looking for ways to keep active. Exercising in water provides a great low impact workout that is fun, easy and less stressful on the body. Water provides a form of cross training that enhances functional performance on land (ie. flexibility, agility, balance, co-ordination and joint mobility), increases cardiovascular fitness, provides muscle conditioning, and aids in weight loss, along with many other benefits. It has its own unique physical properties that make it a near perfect workout environment. One major property is buoyancy. It gives one a feeling of weightlessness and takes pressure off the joints, bones, ligaments, as well as the disc in the spine. For someone who is unable to participate in a land-based exercise activity, this lets them enjoy a water workout with no stress or impact on the body. Buoyancy also adds a balance challenge, because the deeper you go in the water, the more you must compensate for the changing contribution of buoyancy in overcoming gravity. As a result, the core muscles that you use to balance and stabilize the body are strengthened. When you work out in water, you are always working against the resistance of the water. You will feel the heaviness of the water in every direction that you move, thereby working multiple muscles at the same time. The force and energy required to move those limbs through the water helps to develop muscle and bone strength, as well as cardiovascular and muscle endurance. The resistance of water slows movements, but, at the same time, requires more effort than land-based exercise at the same speed. 12

Our Senior Times - Fall 2019

The resistance in water can be increased or decreased by changing the position of your hand and foot, lever length, speed of motion, or making directional changes. This allows for any fitness level to adjust the exercise and intensity of the workout, allowing all participants to work within their own comfort level. The harder that you push, pull and move the water, the more turbulence you will create, which will have a great effect on all those core and back muscles. Along with buoyancy and resistance, the hydrostatic pressure of water is exerted on the body from all sides, which aids in a more vigorous workout with less strain on the cardiovascular system (heart and lungs), and helps to improve the circulation of blood flow around the body. It also has a massaging effect on the body, and helps to reduce swelling in joints or limbs that are below water. Once in the water, movements that can be challenging on land become less difficult, giving relief to those with achy, swollen joints, fragile bones, any arthritic condition, and spinal discomfort. The cooling effect of water ‘wicks’ away excess body heat, allowing one to maintain a core temperature. You will find that you can tolerate longer workouts without feeling overheated. A former Olympic marathon runner said: “You don’t stop exercising because you grow old. You grow old because you stop exercising”. Our bodies were made to move. So, whether you choose a shallow water class (chest deep), or a deep-water class (submerged in deep water with a floatation device), the benefits of a water workout are tremendous.

Aquafitness is that one-stop fitness workout that offers multiple benefits towards a healthier you

Scams – Seniors Beware

Seniors continue to be a rapidly increasing segment of the population targeted by con artists. Many fraudsters target their scams at seniors, as they may be home all day, may not be as tech savvy, and therefore more susceptible to online scams, or unprepared to deal with the pressure from aggressive sales pitches. Emergency scams. A senior gets a call from someone claiming to be a police officer or lawyer. The senior’s grandchild is in serious trouble and doesn’t want their parents to know. A money transfer is needed to cover a car repair or avoid jail. Door-to-door scams. With this trick, door-to-door salespeople use high-pressure tactics to convince homeowners to buy a product, or sign up for a service they don’t want or need, and the product or service is never received.

Those who have worked out in water report that they see improved muscle tone, strengthened core muscles, and flexibility. They also indicate that they see an improvement in body functions, ie., they sleep better, and notice a difference in their digestive system. The energy expended in water workouts aids in maintaining body weight and improved body composition. Your heart and lungs will thank you as well.

Tax scams. There are a couple of variations on this scam – an email, text or phone call, supposedly from the Canada Revenue Agency, claims the receiver is entitled to an extra refund and all that’s needed are their banking details. Another version is a call that says the receiver owes CRA money right away, or else the caller will file a police report. In either case, it’s not a government agency calling.

It is a mind, body and spirit connection that will leave you feeling more energetic, less stressful, and happy that you took the plunge (no swimming skills required).

Computer virus. A legitimate-appearing message pops up, warning that a virus has been detected. The senior, if they click as directed, will be told to give credit card information to purchase a program that will eliminate the virus.

You will not regret your decision to join an aquafit class, as it is that one stop fitness workout.

If you suspect that you may be a target of fraud, or if you have already sent funds, don’t be embarrassed - you’re not alone. If you want to report a fraud, or if you need more information, contact The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre 1-888-495-8501.

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Dementia Diagnosis Where do we turn to for help? By David Herman

Having said that, it was my wife’s opinion, and mine, that, if we are going to deal with this in any sort of reasonable way, there was nothing to be gained by hiding the facts of our situation. We reached out to the Alzheimer Society of Lanark Leads and Grenville. That was then. Today, the Alzheimer Society has a program called First Link. This program provides a direct connection for people with dementia, their care partners and family, with a wide variety of support and services that are available through the Alzheimer’s Society, but also within the When my wife received the diagnosis, that is where we community. As with most diseases, the sooner you get were. The doctor had told us that she was unaware of help, the more control you have over your disease. what help was available, but she mentioned that perhaps…perhaps, the Alzheimer’s Society *(see note) First Link has decreased the average time between dimight be able to help. Within days of the diagnosis, agnosis and referral to local Societies from eighteen to I contacted the Alzheimer’s Society in Brockville and seven months. You do not have to wait for a referral if made an appointment to meet them and discuss our sit- you have received the diagnosis, you can reach out and uation. I am told that a lot of people do not do this, as get help earlier. they feel intimidated by the diagnosis, and do not want to tell anyone, even their own family. This attitude can be somewhat understandable, because of the perceived stigma associated with dementia. You are just back from the Doctor’s appointment and you, or someone in your family, a friend, has just received a diagnosis of Dementia. There has been little conversation on the ride home, because it is a devastating diagnosis to be given. Right now, you may be thinking: “What does this mean for my spouse, family, friends, me? What now? Who do I turn to for help in understanding the myriad of questions you now have about your partner’s life…your life?”

The medical community endorses First Link and in fact it is based on the Canadian Consensus Guidelines on Dementia which was developed by forty-five medical experts. Those experts recommended medical providers use First Link as a support for patients and families affected by dementia.


Our Senior Times - Fall 2019

The medical community endorses First Link and, in fact, it is based on the Canadian Consensus Guidelines on Dementia, which were developed by forty-five medical experts. They recommended medical providers use First Link as a support for patients and families affected by dementia. At present, the societies are not yet seeing the number of referrals by health care providers that they would like, but it is growing with time. It seems almost too obvious to state, but, if the caregiver tries to do it all on their own, they are bound to fail. From the start, the caregivers need to seek out support for themselves, as well as their loved one, so that they can be there for them when they are needed. There are support groups for patients at various stages of dementia. They provide education, entertainment, music, art and exercise, all tailored to the ability of the patient. First Link also provides help in navigating the health system, so the required help is made available when needed. In Ottawa, most of their programs are offered in both English and French. This article is not meant to tell all there is to know about First Link, but rather to inform the general public that it exists, and, if you or someone in your family, or a friend, has received a diagnosis of dementia, there is a place to turn for help. It is never too late to contact this service, but the sooner you reach out for help, the better for all concerned. The Kemptville area is on the border of either Ottawa or Brockville. We chose Brockville, because we are not as familiar with navigating around Ottawa, with its larger size and traffic. Other people I know have chosen to use the services available in Ottawa. You can ask your doctor to refer you, but I felt that by making a self-referral, I was skipping the middleman and starting the process a little quicker.

How to find the perfect pair of eyeglasses

(NC)While buying a new pair of eyeglasses may not rank as a major life purchase, it can sure seem like a big deal to decide how your face will look for the foreseeable future. After all, this is your chance to create a fresh look for yourself, and the right frames can make all the difference. Whether you’re going for cool, fashionable, professional, smart or all of the above, here are four tips to help you find the perfect glasses: Contrast is king. When selecting a frame, try to counter your facial features to create balance. For instance, round frames often pair well with square or angular faces, while square frames contrast well with round faces and softer features. Similarly, if the top half of your face is wider than the bottom, you want a bottom-heavy frame, and vice versa. Frame to your eyes. When trying on a new frame, your eyes should sit at the horizontal centre of the lens and vertically in the top third. Remember, the closer your eyes are to the corner of the lens, the better your glasses will look on you. When your eyes sit in the inner corner, it can make you appear cross-eyed. But too far out and your frames will look too small for your face.

To contact First Link: Brockville: Anne Rodger, First Link Care Navigator, arodger@alzllg.ca; https://alzheimer.ca/en/lanark. 613-213-1526. Ottawa: Multiple First Link Care Coaches; info@dsorc. org; 613-523-4004; https://dementiahelp.ca. If you Google either of these websites, you can find a link for a self-referral online, if you are more comfortable using that technology.

Consider your prescription. It’s not all about the frames. While many eyewear prescriptions are valid for up to two years, your eye health situation can change quickly, so it’s always wise to book a comprehensive eye exam before investing in a new pair of eyeglasses. Also keep in mind that stronger prescriptions can cause your lenses to get thicker. You’ll likely want to invest in high-index lenses if you’re looking for thinness, style and comfort.

Note: The Alzheimer’s Society in Ottawa has rebranded as the Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County, so when you see the Alzheimer’s Society, I am also referring to The Dementia Society. This is a move I have been advocating for a few years now, but the Ottawa Society took the bull by the horns and did it.)

Make sure they fit. While style is important, comfort is paramount when you’re going to be wearing your purchase for over 16 hours a day over the next two years. To avoid buyer’s remorse, ensure your glasses don’t slip down your nose from being too loose or leave red marks or indentations from being too tight. You also don’t want your glasses touching your cheeks or eyelashes. Find a qualified eyecare professional at myeyeexam.

Our Senior Times - Fall 2019


Dry Salt Therapy for Seniors

Aging in place with... By Judy Robinson

By Karen Quigley

Respiratory difficulties and diseases, along with skin conditions and aging, are common problems in seniors that can oftentimes affect both health and quality of life. As people age, a gradual decline in lung function often occurs. This is noticeable when there is a decrease in the maximum amount of air that an individual can breathe out after inhaling as much air as possible. The loss of oil glands which keep skin soft, causes the most common skin problem affecting the elderly – dry flaking skin. Salt Therapy can help with colds, allergies, sinus problems, COPD, asthma, bronchitis, acne, Dermatitis, eczema, rosacea and so much more. Dry Salt Therapy utilizes a machine called a Halogenerator, which grinds pharmaceutical salt into breathable particles, and dispenses a dry salt aerosol into the air in the salt room(s). Dry salt goes deep into the recesses of the individuals’ lungs, absorbs impurities from the body, and helps break up mucus, so the body can eliminate the toxins. Clean lungs bring more oxygen into the body and improve overall well-being. The salt that is not inhaled falls on to the skin and is absorbed. The salt provides PH normalization, and induces reparative and regenerative processes in derma, increases skin rigidity, stimulates growth, and improves hair health.

While talking with a son about artificial intelligence, he started, very simply, to explain a few things to me. Computers are programmed to know what something is. They might submit a million pictures of glasses – small glasses, large glasses, broken glasses, crystal glasses, empty glasses, glasses of milk, glasses of water, glasses of wine. When the computer “sees” a glass, it KNOWS it is a glass. I was thinking about texting on my Iphone. When I typed the word “happy”, a happy face popped up. The same thing happens with other words like sad, angry, hungry, surprised. I typed two or three letters, and my phone interpreted what it thought I was in the process of saying. I now re-read what I’m sending to make sure it’s really what I want to communicate. When I was the mother of teenagers, a child would arrive home and slam the door, and I “knew” something was wrong. I knew each child, and I knew their normal routines. I could read their message by the way they closed the door.



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Our Senior Times - Fall 2019


Artificial Intelligence Seniors are living longer, and most want to remain in their homes as long as possible. At times, they have “needs” where artificial intelligence can be used to communicate to someone who can respond with the needed encouragement, support or help. For example, there are sensors that can be programmed to “know” the daily habits and routines of a senior. If there is no movement after a specific time, a message goes out that things aren’t normal. The senior could still be in bed, or have gotten up and fallen. If a stove is left unattended, or a fridge door isn’t closed properly, an alarm alerts the senior, or a sensor can even turn the stove off. Some adult children have set up cameras, with the permission of a parent, so they can monitor the people who come to their home and what they do while they are there. To an extent, we can control the input for things in our lives. Today, my cell told me that it would take 43 minutes to drive home; there was little traffic and the best route to take was such and such. I did not take well to a computer knowing where I was and where I was going. To control my phone, I asked my son-in-law to turn the feature off.

Working with seniors who are losing control of so much is a very delicate subject. Yes, they want to remain in their homes, but they also want to be in CONTROL. They want to be treated with dignity and respect. Find out what is available, and what the costs are. Are there initial financial outlays? What are the monthly charges? Is a contract signed, and can it be cancelled? Gently talk about what is available, and the negatives and positives of “monitoring.”

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No matter what your age, having a network of friends is vital for your physical and mental health, as well as your self esteem and longevity. Consider joining a Club, drop in activity or volunteer. The North Grenville area has lots to offer. Volunteers Lynn McGuire, Val Morris and Goldie Leizert prepare goodies for Home Support fundraiser

North Grenville Library

Information call 613-258-4711 •Writer’s Drop In and Workshops •Quilting Club- The Scrappy Bits •Science and Technology Group •Library Book Club •Afternoon Book Club •Youngsters of Yore •Knit ‘n Natter •Afternoon Knitters

North Grenville Curling Club Call 613-258-4100

Square Dance Club Call 613-258-3690

Kemptville & District Home Support

Call 258-3203 Euchre; Paint & T’ookies; Singing Seniors; Skip-Bo; Cribbage, Diner’s club, Exercise classes

New Horizon Club

Grenville Gremlins

Kemptville Quilters Guild

Bishops Mills WI

Call Shirley 613-258-9315 or Golida 613-258-3894.


Cancer Support Group Call Ellen at 613-258-7778


Call 613-806-4495 or 613-795-7155.

The Branch Artisans Guild

Call Sharon 613-258-4382 or e-mail billingsc@ripnet.com http://www.thebranchartisansguild.com/

Kemptville Snowmobile Klub Call 613-258-3947

Kemptville Players Inc.

Email louiseatchison@storm.ca

Horticultural Society

Call Arline 613 258 4645 or email khs_oha@yahoo.ca

Horticultural Society

Call Arline 613-258-4645 or email khsoha@yahoo.ca

Email kemptvillesquaredance@ gmail.com Call 613 258 3978

NG Photography Club

Information ngphotoclub.ca

NG Concert Choir

Email ngconcertchoir@gmail.com or call 613-258-1281

Klub 67 Euchre

St. John’s United Church

Rotary Club

Call 613-808-1660 or email nancmm@hotmail.com

Probus Club of NG

Email n.g.probus97@gmail.com

North Grenville Arts Guild Email garygblake@gmail.com

Lions Club

email trestoule@storm.ca

NG Toastmasters Call 613-790-7665.

Kemptville Legion

•Euchre, Bingo, Darts, Monthly Breakfast

Janet Butfoy, Kemptville Quilters Guild, with her red tulip sampler under construction. 18

Our Senior Times - Fall 2019

Dentistry@Kemptville is proud to be featured in the North Grenville Senior Times and provide useful information as well as answer any questions you may have about implant dentistry! The following is an excerpt from our very own Dr.Raj Sandhu’s dental implant book. WHAT ARE DENTAL IMPLANTS? Lots of people think that a dental implant acts as a replacement for a tooth's crown (the "white part" of the tooth), that we see all the time, every day. However, this couldn't be farther from the "root" of the matter. Terrible puns aside, this distinction needs to be made absolutely clear:

DENTAL IMPLANT COMPONENTS Permanent teeth Dental implant Metal Ceramic Crown Gum




A DENTAL IMPLANT IS A REPLACEMENT FOR A MISSING TOOTH ROOT... (IT IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR A TOOTH'S CROWN) When people point to their dental work and say, "here is my dental implant," you are NOT looking at the implant. The crown, or new tooth, you're looking at is attached to the dental implant. When we talk about dental implants, we're discussing the supporting structure below the gum line. The actual implant is a titanium screw, which is embedded into the jawbone. The dental implant stops at the gum line, or just below the gum line. Anything ABOVE the gum line is an addition to the implant itself. As soon as a titanium dental implant is placed in your jawbone, you will stop losing bone in that area. Your body will recognize the need to maintain bone levels around that titanium post as if it were a natural tooth root. When your jawbone has something to attach itself to, it’s happy, and it will maintain its volume!

Dr. Raja Sandhu B.D.S., D.M.D.


NOTE: Technical term alert!!! When your bone integrates itself into the grooves on the surface of an implant to provide stability, this is called osseointegration. This term is important, because you’ll hear it a lot while you’re researching, or getting, dental implants. Osseointegration sounds really “medical,” and therefore terrifying (or tiresome) to some – but it’s actually what you WANT to achieve when a dental implant is placed in your jawbone. Once the dental implant has osseointegrated, the “hard part” is over, and it can now be “loaded” with attachments like crowns, or dentures, which will restore the appearance of your smile.

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