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conceptual framework


Modern technology enables novel solutions to revolutionize living. Ideas related to smart housing have been developed for decades, but wide spread applications have been limited so far. Now we would like to move forward from brainstorming to real action and piloting! In this project we want to demonstrate concepts related to the problems of today, and offer solutions for a wide target audience. This is a real-life project. Project partner for this project is YIT, Finnish construction company. Our team consists of 5 students. Project aims in redesigning the smart housing experience and inventing modern business models for the opportunities it creates.

DEFINING THE PROBLEM The problem lays in mismatching the current smart housing benefits with mass customer needs. Current solutions provide possibilities, but do not encourage smart usage of them, and focus on individual needs of one customer instead of broader view on neighborhood and society. From our perspective, the modern housing problems revolve around (a) lack of feeling of belonging to a friendly community, (b) isolation of inhabitants and separation from neighbours, (c) high costs of living and (d) energy and water waste. Target groups for our project are local communities, new and renovated multifamily houses. Main stakeholder in this study case is YIT.



educate + motivate + involve closer and stronger community

application + realtime community board


Our approach was to identify the needs and dreams of modern inhabitants of multifamily buildings, and enhance their quality of life. We aimed in simple, scalable solution that could be easily adapted by YIT without large costs. We suggest a solution, that based on modern technology, will encourage neighbours to create tighter and friendlier communities, and educate and motivate individuals to be more reasonable with energy and water consumption. Our solution is gamification based, tablet or smartphone oriented software, that in connection with multiple (yet simple) sensors and community board display, encourages social interactions, bill savings, helps to interact more with local businesses and eases everyday life. Our solution is in a form of demo: of smartphone software and community board touchscreen, and in form of cost estimation and diagrams – of the hardware solutions.

“What makes gamification so effective is its careful manipulation of each of these three factors. By providing motivation, ability, and a well-timed trigger, gamification converts the potential value of connections into the lasting value of interaction. See more at:


user scenario - core functions of LIVESMARTER

game “energy race� between neighbours small suggestion for energy efficiency user can set up their own aim for energy saving

smart housing control energy consumption data tracking small suggestion for energy efficiency

If you live in a building in YIT network,you can use your smartphone with LIVESMARTER application to access directly to the internal network and also control your smart housing. internal social network connecting to neighbours is also a part of the game sharing and swaping for a closer neighbourhood

Smart community board touchscreen with realtime data info about the energy race among buildings and inhabitans realtime stimulation model of the network like SIMcity game

info about outside world local business offers business chances for local service to be integrated in network

product details application + realtime community board

GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Meters shall be capable of storing data locally (e.g. meter readings), which shall be uploaded to the head-end system at either pre-configurable times and recurrences (push) or when prompted by a command (pull).


The smart metering system shall be capable of supporting two different suppliers in the same home as well as switching between suppliers, in smart mode. Each individual supplier’s data shall be stored securely and shall not be made available to the other supplier. The smart metering system shall be capable of supporting WAN, General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) radio communication for the WAN, and also support alternative WAN communications technology for use in areas of limited or no GPRS coverage. The smart metering system shall incorporate a Home Area Network (HAN) communications system between locally mounted components. The HAN shall be capable of supporting the smart metering system in all residential homes (e.g. communal meter housing in blocks of flats, large homes and buildings with solid internal walls, new builds with foil lined walls).

cloud computing

The smart metering system shall use Zigbee (2.4GHz) and communicate using Smart Energy Profile (SEP) and any private extensions necessary to support the functional requirements for the HAN radio communications. building server smart metering smart housing network

All data from smart metering system will be stored in cloud computing. End users, or inhabitants can access by the LIVESMARTER application on the smartphone. On the same time, the realtime community board will appear realtime data about the outside world, also the general information about energy consumption of the network. All inhabitants can push messages to the SMART HOUSING network all time.

individual user


Product Temperature sensors Water meters Electricity meter Control Unit Gateway for sensors and Internet Tablet for display

Price per item($) 50 70 150 300 300 300

Total ($)

Description 150 280 150 300 300 300 1480

2x bed rooms, 1x living room 1x Shower,1x Laundry,1x Kitchen sink, 1x Lawn 1x Electricity meter to measure the power in house Control unit to control Heating or lightning Central gatewat receiving data from sensors and putting it to YIT server For displaying and controlling

Pricing and Reference sources: Overview.aspx smart-meters.html#.Uh045ZJtPh4

business model canvas

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