Projection Mapping

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PROJECTION MAPPING We are living in a dynamic

world which is rapidly expanded in every sense. As new media designers, we enjoy new chances, new possibilities to create new things with technology. As a result of the world’s development, there DUH PDQ\ QHZ ÀHOGV DSSHDU in Art & Design. One of which is 3D Projection Mapping art, used widely in Installation and Interactive Art.

ETYMOLOGY The word projection come from Latin from around late 15th century, “to plan,� from projectus. Sense of “to stick out� is from 1718. Meaning “to cast an image on a screen� is recorded from

1865. Mapping is a process. When you map something, you record it. The proper representation of the process of pixel mapping is recording a map of the proposed projection surface and projection of content to conform to and align to the projection surface (according to the map). For H[DPSOH RQH RI WKH YHU\ ÀUVW ' projection mapping is mostly on JHRPHWULF ÀJXUHV LW FDPH WR a large scale with the work of NuFormer and became more and more impressive with many other cars adverts.

HISTORY By looking at the history of Projection screens, we will have an idea how rapid technology has transformed its use and into

3D Projection Mapping. It is hard to say exactly when human start using projected images. As far back as pre-­history, multi-­ media artist Matt Gatton and others have argued, it’s highly likely that small holes in animal hides used by cavemen to cover cave mouths created – if only sometimes – natural camera obscuras which projected images onto the cave walls. Obviously, historic records are unclear. But in 1645, a highly-­ educated Jesuit scholar, Athansius Kircher (one of those on the list of possible inventors), described and illustrated a GHYLFH IRU UHĂ HFWLQJ VXQOLJKW from a mirror, through a lens and onto a screen. This is merely a possibility of how projected LPDJHV KDV VWDUWHG RII ,Q Ă€OP one of many impressive example

is CinĂŠorama which consisted of 10 synchronized 70 mm movie projectors, projecting onto 10 9x9 metre screens arranged in a full 360° circle around the viewing platform in France back in 1900. What is important to us is how rapidly it has developed and under what media. From cave projected images to camera obscura and magic lantern to cinematography, the projector was gradually developed and improved. The rise of commercial cinema’s with big screen and multiplexes in the late 90s has marked the importance of projected images in our daily life in general and in the new media ZRUOG LQ VSHFLĂ€F

Toyota Auris Hybrid /////Case Study

The Get Your Energy Back projection mapping project was part of Toyota’s campaign to support the launch of the new Toyota Auris Hybrid car in the cooperation of Glue Isobar, Superglue and Igloo. The London-­based creative agency, Glue Isobar approach Igloo for help in order to add some magic in mapping techniques to the launch programme. Igloo is a company that provides their own projection technology and media servers. They provide installation services for any media creation. Igloo could supply all of the components of a live event, including the use of a range of 360° cinema auditoria. Igloo participate in this project as a geometry mapping expert. Things kicked off in June 2010 with a test week in Shropshire, when the creative team received the Auris Hybrid car from Toyota and VHW XS D ÀYH SURMHFWRU V\VWHP to streamline the geometry correction set-­up and perfect our auto alignment system. The live event then took place in September in a railway arch in

Shoreditch, London, in front of a real-­life audience of passersby. The production of the event DV ZHOO DV WKH ÀQDO DGYHUW ÀOP were made by Superglue, a GLJLWDO ÀOP PDNLQJ DQG SRVW production agency. They started of in 2004, they have worked on everything from interactive ÀOPV WR SURMHFWLRQ LQVWDOODWLRQV WR broadcast commercials. 2500 frames of 28 million pixels each, 100,000 lumens of light from 7 projectors, 32 channels of DMX lighting and around 600 members of the public came together to make the launch that night. The project also won the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB)’s October 2010 award on Creative Showcase. Creative Showcase celebrates monthly cutting-­edge creativity and innovation within the online advertising sector, they also hold an annual Creative Showcase Grand Prix Awards. This is a showcase to create awareness of the new Toyota Auris Hybrid car -­ a car which recycle its energy while it drives. Focused entirely on the car,

its bodywork ‘appeared’ to transform and after revealing its inner hybrid energy, it ‘energised’ the environment, before the energy was sucked back in. The success of the projection on the carries marked by the stunned expressions on the audience faces. A very detailed mapping covering most of the car’s surface exposed to the audience has made it even more real.

NuFormer The Get Your Energy Back projection mapping project was part of Toyota’s campaign to support the launch of the new Toyota Auris Hybrid car in the cooperation of Glue Isobar, Superglue and Igloo. The London-­based creative agency, Glue Isobar approach Igloo for help in order to add some magic in mapping techniques to the launch programme. Igloo is a company that provides their own projection technology and media servers. They provide installation services for any media creation. Igloo could supply all of the components of a live event, including the use of a range of 360° cinema auditoria. Igloo participate in this project as a geometry mapping expert. Things kicked off in June 2010 with a test week in Shropshire, when the creative team received the Auris Hybrid car from Toyota and set

XS D ÀYH SURMHFWRU system to streamline the geometry correction set-­up and perfect our auto alignment system. The live event then took place in September in a railway arch in Shoreditch, London, in front of a real-­life audience of passersby. The production of the event as well as the ÀQDO DGYHUW ÀOP ZHUH made by Superglue, D GLJLWDO ÀOP PDNLQJ and post production agency. They started of in 2004, they have worked on everything IURP LQWHUDFWLYH ÀOPV WR projection installations to broadcast commercials. 2500 frames of 28 million pixels each, 100,000 lumens of light from 7 projectors, 32 channels of DMX lighting and around 600 members of the public came together to make the launch that night. The project also won the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB)’s October 2010 award on Creative

Showcase. Creative Showcase celebrates monthly cutting-­ edge creativity and innovation within the online advertising sector, they also hold an annual Creative Showcase Grand Prix Awards. This is a showcase to create awareness of the new Toyota Auris Hybrid car -­ a car which recycle its energy while it drives. Focused entirely on the car, its bodywork ‘appeared’ to transform and after revealing its inner hybrid energy, it ‘energised’ the environment, before the energy was sucked back in. The success of the projection on the carries marked by the stunned expressions on

the audience faces. A very detailed mapping covering most of the car’s surface exposed to the audience has made it even more real.



Q 3D Projection Mapping is a relative new Art & Design ÀHOG &DQ \RX WHOO XV D OLWWOH ELW DERXW \RXU EDFNJURXQG before joining this practice? :K\ 3URMHFWLRQ 0DSSLQJ" A NuFormer is an innovative multimedia agency with many years of experience in the design and realization of diverse multimedia solutions, ranging from web GHVLJQ DQG LQ ÀOP DQG video production combined with 2D and 3D motion graphic design. Gradually, NuFormer’s focus shifted to the production of 3D video mapping projection, being one of the pioneers in the video mapping business. Q :KDW FRPH ÀUVW DQ LGHD WR D SURMHFW VWRU\ OLQH RU FKRRVLQJ D EXLOGLQJ" +RZ


Q +RZ ORQJ GRHV LW WDNH WR complete one project ? Which SDUW LV WKH PRVW FRPSOLFDWHG one? Is it the preparation or the testing ?

A In general, we require a A It always starts with lead time of 8-­10 weeks for a choosing a suitable location. show of 3-­5 minutes. The most The suitability of a location important part of the process depends in various factors, for is the creating of the creative example: content. -­ The structure and color of the façade (you cannot Q :KDW GR \RX Ă€QG project onto glass, glass SDUWLFXODUO\ DSSHDOLQJ DERXW parts or windows need to be 3D Projection Mapping? covered with foil) -­ The size of the projection A Due to the endless surface possibilities and the large -­ The amount of ambient scale, 3D video mapping light projections are very -­ The surroundings of impressive. Each projection the building (in order to is custom-­made and has determine the projector therefore its own appealing placement) points.

Q ,Q \RXU 0RFDS0DSSLQJ SURMHFW \RX WRRN SURMHFWLRQ PDSSLQJ WR DQRWKHU OHYHO E\ DGGLQJ UHDO WLPH LQWHUDFWLYH ZLWK DXGLHQFH :KDW LV \RXU LQVSLUDWLRQ" KRZ GR \RX WKLQN this will effect the Digital Age LQ JHQHUDO DQG WKH HYROXWLRQ RI $GYHUWLVLQJ LQ SDUWLFXODU" 0RFDS 0DSSLQJ LV WKH UHVXOW RI RXW RI WKH ER[ WKLQNLQJ DQG D FRQWLQXRXV VWULYH IRU LQQRYDWLRQ A In our opinion;Íž the best way to approach new media and your customers is with interactivity. Mocap Mapping allows for interactivity on a new level and larger scale.

My own projection mapping will have the standard basis of 2D and 3D effects. Instead of projecting on a real building, I can get a 3D model of a building or a 3D geometric models. That was an option that I don’t want to take, I prefer to do something more challenging like projecting on live human model.

realistic and actually going to match the face of my model. I tried plan B which is using footages and images of other people face parts to mix and match. The test result wasn’t as good as I imagined so I change the idea completely to something more abstract. I then make animations in Cinema 4D as well as in After Effects. As for the I plan my story line to base on moments mapping feature, I use MadMapper, a in life of a person using their expression: software which allow you to map out when they’re happy, sad, angry or sick. I unneeded projections as well as map plan to record the process as well as the it to the perspective of the surface. actual projection and make a short art The animations are still based on the video and with caption about life. initial idea about life and death, the Facial showed on video will start with human emotions. The colours and the smile like a baby, then laughing out movements of the particles will be the loud. It will then makes transition to main visual. shouting and tears will start coming out of the eyes. Tear drops will turn into 0HWKRGV a waterfall. Like going back into the nature, water will give life to nature, After creating the video will then be plants will start growing on the face. projected on a live model face. The The meaning of this image is to revive, model will stay still, camera focus on after a bad moments in life, people will the face and the projector staying still. get up, start again and can be happy Since all the emotions and story will be again. To add to the life’s stream, the told in the video, the model requires to element of birth and death will also be shut their eyes and maintain a straight included in the story line. face when the video is projecting on their face. 5HVXOW The mapping element here will be slightly different with other projection There are different emotions in life like mapping on big buildings. Then I use when one smiles, cries or shouts. But MapMapper to map out the face when I start to generate these emotions structure before projecting on my in Cinema 4D, it takes more time than model. the time I have to make something





Face Mapping Projection Mapping on human face

INDUSTRY REPORT >>> Project Evaluation

In the email sent to the design industry, the way on how you introduce yourself is the key point in getting a reply. In addition, by clearly stating the purpose, straight to the point would make things easier for them. Personally, I do not like long explaining type emails, especially when you do not know the person. I compliment their works with my opinions, making sure I am not offending them nor ÁDWWHULQJ WKHP WRR PXFK Even though I have done a lot RI UHVHDUFK DERXW WKH VSHFLÀF company I plan to interview, I wanted to keep it short and straight to the point in the emails. But since introducing myself already took quite a part, my words I used to show my studies about their works is not enough, I’m still not very satisfy with the result. There are still many down sides in my way of sending those emails. First is the timing. I sent the email on Thursday, which is the end of the week where PRVW RIÀFH ZLOO EH EXV\ WR ÀQLVK

things off before weekend. On top of that, we had the May Day bank holiday added in which make the weekend even longer. When they received my email on Thursday and the possibility of them not having time to reply me immediately is very high. But the risk of them, forgetting my email over a long weekend is even higher. Fortunately, NuFormer has replied me. Some of the information I get from them is interesting to know, but some are quite vague. May be it is the way my questions are formed. I don’t want to make the questions too complicated that only a specialist can answer but you expect that they would answer something out of the box to your ‘overall’ questions. I learned quite a lot while comparing their answer with my own work. One of an important thing is to study the surface you’re working on. They choose the building façade before creating the content, as they are projecting outdoor, setting

up projectors and the lighting of the surrounding area held an a big impact on their choices. As for mine, I plan the story line ÀUVW EXW LW LV KDUG WR ZRUN ZHOO with my model face. The longest and hardest part of their 3-­5 min projection is the creating content SDUW , ÀQG WKH VDPH SUREOHPV when I tried to make 3D facial emotion on Cinema 4D. There is a lot of effort put out since their projection is made based on a large scale. The key to their success is being LQQRYDWLYH %HQHÀWLQJ IURP WKH rapid development of interactive design, they pull a surprising approach to the projection mapping world by adding the real time interactive character. In their opinion, “the best way to approach new media and your customers is with interactivity.”

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