Chris and asia

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Chris and Asia

Powers of Chief Executive Click to edit Master text styles ◦ Second level

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Chief Executive- (president) head of the largest branch in the federal government Proposes legislation including annual federal budget also head of military and considerable authority in war Overseas foreign relations, power that includes making treaties and appointing ambassadors with the senates content.

Federal Judiciary

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Supreme court and lowers federal courts make up federal judiciary Federal courts are called “guardians of the constitution” because they judge the laws and actions. Gives authorities the right to set up “ inferior” or lower federal court.

Bill of Rights  1791, 10 amendments Click to edit Master text styles

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protecting right had been ratified becoming part of the “Supreme law of the land” 1st amendment protects 5 freedoms- religion ,speech, press, assembly & right to petition the government Next 3 amendments are designed to protect citizens from abuse of power by the federal governement

Lewis and clark Click to edit Master text styles ◦ Second level ◦ Third level

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May 1804 Lewis and Clark set from St.Louis on their journey to the pacific ocean They encountered American Indian tribes and learned about their ways of life The news of their expedition thrilled Americans and helped promote western settlement

Thomas Jefferson Click to edit Master text styles ◦ Second level ◦ Third level

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1803, Jefferson had brought the Louisiana territory from France The Louisiana purchase treaty pushed the Western boundary of the United States from the Mississippi river to the distant rocky mountains Many people criticized Jeffersons actions

Missouri Compromise Click to edit Master text styles ◦ Second level

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Missouri Compromisemeasures passed by Congress in 1820 to admit Missouri into the Union as a slave state. Under the terms of the Compromise Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state. The law drew a line across the Louisiana Territory at latitude 36’30

Harriet Tubman Click to edit Master text styles  Born into slavery, Harriet ◦ Second level ◦ Third level

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Tubman escaped to Philadelphia in 1849 via the Underground Railroad Made her first trip back to the South to help others escape just after the Fugitive slave law made it a federal crime to help runaway slaves. She made 19 rescue trips during 1850s never losing a fugitive at one time rewards to catch her were 40,000

Lincoln’s balancing act

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Lincoln was elected in 1860 without getting a majority of the popular vote Top priorities were to keep the border states of Maryland, Delaware , Kentucky, and Missouri in the union Sent troops and suspended the constitutional right of habeas corpus

African Americans and the war effort Click to edit Master text styles ◦ Second level

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Black leaders and abolitionists has favored the idea of African American recruitment since the start of the war Lincoln has sidestepped offers by free blacks in the North to raise African American regiments Fearing the effect black troops might have on the border states

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