The Franklin - Notting Hill & Ealing High School's Science Dept Newsletter - Issue 5 (Spring 2022)

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Is time travel possible? By Lollie Rabin Year 10

Although time travel is sadly not what is

slower pace compared to when you are on the

portrayed in sci-fi movies, science says that it is

ground. Many experiments have been carried

technically possible to achieve, but there is

out to prove Einstein’s theory. For example, a

much dispute about how fast you can travel.


Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity states that


time travel is possible but you can’t travel faster

angular motion), to measure tiny twists and

than the speed of light. Indeed, modern theories

warps in space time made by the Earth as it

about wormholes, cosmic strings and the

moves and rotates through space. This proved

"Alcubierre drive" mean one can travel faster


than the speed of light. This article will seek to


explain these ideas and how they might make

Why does modern day science say that you can

time travel possible.

travel faster than the speed of light?

What is Einstein’s theory of relativity?

Idea #1: Cosmic Strings

Einstein published his paper on relativity in

Cosmic strings are the ‘texture of the universe’.

1916 associating the force of gravity with the


changing geometry of space-time. Essentially, it

defects", meaning that they are not evolving or

states that instead of gravity being an invisible

changing in any way: they are just there and

force attracting objects to another, gravity is the

cannot be removed. They were first discovered

curving or warping of space. The bigger the

in the 1970s when technology became advanced

objects, the more gravity warps the space

enough for scientists to detect them.














known as "topological

around it. This is the same principle that all the planets orbiting around the sun in our solar system follow. This warping of gravity also affects the measurement of time. We tend to think of time moving at a constant rate, but as gravity can warp space, it can also dilate time. Einstein says that the faster you travel the slower you experience time. For example, when you are on

an aeroplane, the clock will tick at a


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