Lancaster Thriving! Summer 2024

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Building Business

Connections: How the Haub School of Business Elevates Lancaster’s Educational and Industry Frontiers

Employing New Neighbors

Cultivating Opportunity: Empowering Small Businesses in Lancaster County

Students enrolled in the Lancaster Chamber’s Discovering Paths Mentoring Program engaging in hands-on learning at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology program session.

16 Implementing Innovative Healthcare Solutions

Implementing innovative healthcare solutions, such as health plans, wellness programs, and occupational medicine services, can help businesses address workforce challenges, improve employee wellbeing, and stabilize healthcare costs.


18 Work Anniversaries

Celebrating work anniversaries with thoughtful, low-cost gestures like personalized notes, equipment upgrades, skip-level meetings, and team lunches can enhance employees’ sense of purpose, belonging, and organizational support, ultimately boosting overall performance.

Students in the Lancaster Chamber’s Discovering Paths Mentoring Program participated in a session at Spooky Nook, where they had the opportunity to explore career clusters related to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).

Lancaster: Why Work-Based Learning Works for Lancaster County

This article highlights the importance of work-based learning (WBL) for connecting students with real-world job experiences and businesses with skilled talent, emphasizing its mutual benefits for individual growth and economic development. Inspire Lancaster, an online platform developed by the Lancaster County STEM Alliance (LCSA) and the Lancaster Chamber, helps facilitate these connections and address workforce shortages. Through WBL, students gain practical skills and career insights, while businesses develop a future-ready workforce.

20 The Power of Partnerships

Addressing workforce challenges requires collaboration between businesses and community partners to develop innovative solutions for talent attraction, employee retention, and adaptable workplace structures, as exemplified by the efforts of Lancaster SHRM.


Robotic WorX: Cultivating Tomorrow’s Engineering Innovators Today

Robotic WorX addresses engineering challenges, strengthens manufacturing through automation, and builds a future-ready workforce via real-world STEM education and partnerships.

A Letter from Heather Valudes

Coach Krzyzewski, our 152nd Annual Dinner speaker, has famously stated, “I get a group of people who are talented to commit to excellence and to work together as one. That’s where it starts. Different talents, same commitment.” But as we all know, building that team comes with challenges, and it requires a strategic, proactive, innovative, and multi-faceted approach from businesses and community partners to meet workforce needs.

This edition of Thriving! highlights various approaches to talent attraction, employee retention, and workplace structures. What is taking place in our community to develop the future workforce? What strategies are keeping employees engaged to create a meaningful and positive work environment? What work models are helping employers and employees navigate remote and in-office work environments?

Businesses and employers across Lancaster County are creative with their approaches. They place an emphasis on early engagement with students about the career opportunities in our community, they cultivate an environment for their employees to learn and develop, and they think ahead about changes in their industry and how

that will impact their workforce – now and into the future. By staying ahead of the curve, they ensure their workforce remains adaptable and equipped with the skills needed to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

These attributes combined contribute to a thriving workforce. For each business, they are building their collective team, the different talents, the same commitment, and it is contributing to the vitality of Lancaster County’s workforce! Thank you for helping us to fulfill our vision that Lancaster County is a thriving community for all!


Labor and supply shortages in many service industries are impacting property replacement costs. Coverage from your current policies may not be enough in today's economy.

Industry data reports that 75% of commercial properties are underinsured by 40%.

Contact Horst Insurance to make sure your coverage is adequate.

The opinions expressed in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

EDITOR & CONTENT MANAGER: Justin W. Johnson Communications and Marketing Director Lancaster Chamber

Jared Spackman Communications & Marketing Specialist

Aliyah Mengal Social Media Coordinator ©2024 All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced electronically or in print without the expressed written permission of the publisher.

Lancaster Thriving! is published quarterly by Hoffmann Publishing Group, Reading, PA • 610.685.0914

Graphic Designer: Jeni Rathman

Building Business Connections:

The Haub School of Business

How the Haub School of Business Elevates Lancaster’s Educational and Industry Frontiers

Distinguished Education Meets Local Insight

The Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University boasts a long-standing presence in Lancaster County. Partnerships with local business and healthcare sectors ensure that the school’s renowned business education programs meet the nuanced needs of Lancaster’s economy.

The recent merger with Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences has expanded the academic and professional scope, further strengthening a commitment to enhancing the region’s business acumen in healthcare and beyond.

Collaborations with respected local organizations and dedication to flexible educational models demonstrate the Haub School’s commitment to addressing the specific requirements of Lancaster’s varied business landscape.

Associate Dean Vana Zervanos affirms, “As a top-ranked Jesuit business school, our mission aligns with Lancaster business leaders committed to expanding economic development and prosperity for the community.”

Expanding Local Impact Through Academic Excellence

The Haub School’s active engagement with the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and Discover Lancaster brings nationally accredited programs directly to the sectors that drive the local economy — healthcare, financial services,

tourism and business analytics. Flexible curriculum allows students to tailor their education to meet personal and professional aspirations, fostering innovation across fields, especially within the Farm/Ag community.

Dean Joseph A. DiAngelo emphasizes the practical application of the programs, stating, “We are consistently recognized as among the best business schools in the country. Our programs are designed to be heavily applied, allowing our students to immediately implement what they learn in their professional settings the next day.”

Tailored Educational Pathways Support Professional Ambitions

The Food Marketing program is strategically focused on AgriBusiness, designed to empower the Farm/Ag community by creating niche markets and facilitating the introduction of products into the market.

Additionally, the Haub School collaborates with the Department of Agriculture on the Pennsylvania Preferred Program, which encourages firms and consumers in Pennsylvania to purchase locally grown food products, supporting the state’s agricultural sector and local economies.

Customizable MBA Fits


Evolving Market Needs

The stackable MBA at the Haub School allows for unprecedented customization. The three-certificate model lets students mix and match across 12 different certificates, combining disciplines such as Leadership and Human Resources, Marketing and Real Estate, or Accounting and Data Analytics to shape a degree that best suits their career aspirations and local industry demands.

The Executive MBA can be tailored for medical doctors and senior health professionals and has led to innovations such as the creation of the LGH Urgent Care network. This program exemplifies how the school’s degrees are designed to directly confront and solve industry-specific challenges.

Strengthening Local Ties with Strategic Partnerships

The Haub School’s commitment to Lancaster extends beyond education. The school proudly sponsors Women in Business and Young Professional Network events, and has collaborated with Armstrong World Industries on a contemporary Inclusive Leadership workshop.

Salena Coachman, VP of talent sustainability, talent acquisition and DEIB, remarks, “We are thrilled to be working with Saint Joseph’s and their faculty to support our education initiatives. We look forward to leveraging their programs and resources to engage our employees.”

Discover how a partnership with the Haub School of Business can transform your professional journey and contribute to Lancaster’s economic growth. Learn more about partnership opportunities with the Haub School of Business at Explore degree programs at LT

Thriving in the City

In the heart of Lancaster City, older adults are thriving in community at Landis Place on King and Steeple View Lofts. Designed for those ages 55+, these rental apartments are within walking distance to restaurants, entertainment and more.

Why Work-Based Learning Works for Lancaster County

“Inspire Lancaster… relies on a committed network of partners who recognize the significance of early career exploration and welcome such opportunities. This support doesn’t just impact individual students’ lives; it contributes to the overall prosperity and success of our community.”

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

It’s an age-old question that starts as early as pre-school. But how are youth expected to decide what they want to be in today’s dynamic and competitive world, when they don’t know what is actually out there?

Work-based learning (WBL) has emerged as a vital component of the educational process, offering students the opportunity to gain real-world experience while providing businesses with a pipeline of skilled talent. This relationship between students and businesses is mutually beneficial, contributing to individual growth, organizational success, and economic development.



Work-based learning bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom and practical skills required in the workplace. By immersing students in authentic work environments, work-based learning programs enable them to apply academic concepts to real-world situations, fostering a deeper understanding of potential career opportunities. Students have the chance to develop hands-on skills, problem-solving abilities, and professional competencies that are essential for success in their future careers.

“All businesses are being impacted by the demand for new employees to support their expanding operations. The Inspire Lancaster platform is the key in the community to bridge together the needs of business with the interests of students to solve the skills gap.”

My business has work-based learning opportunities we’d like to put on the platform OR we are interested in learning about how to create work-based learning opportunities.


Contact Ashley Glensor, Workforce & Education Initiatives Manager, at or visit the website at


Participating in work-based learning experiences enhances students’ employability by providing them with relevant skills, industry connections, and a better understanding of employer expectations. Employers value candidates who have practical experience and are familiar with the demands of the workplace. Through work-based learning, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities, build their professional networks, and increase their chances of securing employment upon graduation. Additionally, workbased learning allows students to explore different career paths, refine their career goals, and make informed decisions about their future.


For businesses, work-based learning serves as a strategic solution to address skills shortages and talent gaps within their industries. By actively creating and participating in work-based learning programs, businesses advocate for their industry, shape the skill sets of future employees according to their specific needs and industry requirements, and identify, connect with, and nurture talented individuals to join a pipeline of potential employees.


Inspire Lancaster, a partnership of The Lancaster County STEM Alliance (LCSA) and Lancaster Chamber, is an online work-based learning platform that was created to connect today’s employers with the workforce of tomorrow. The platform provides businesses a place to upload opportunities they have already created, develop experiential learning opportunities that work for their business, and serves as a tool that streamlines connection with schools, counselors, and students.

“Inspire Lancaster… is a valuable tool that gives visibility to organizations dedicated to fostering momentum for Lancaster County.”


KINBER Program Development Manager

“….Inspire Lancaster has been an invaluable asset to my middle school gifted students! … my students have not only explored diverse career interests but have also developed crucial skills and confidence for their future endeavors…”


Gifted Support Teacher Hempfield School District (Centerville Middle School)

Inspire Lancaster fosters a culture of innovation and collaboration by bringing together students, educators, and industry professionals. Through collaborative experiential learning opportunities, students can gain insights into local industry trends, potential career opportunities, and essential workplace skills. Businesses, in turn, benefit from fresh perspectives, creative solutions, and the infusion of new ideas from the next generation of talent.

Inspire Lancaster plays a crucial role in preparing students for the demands of the modern workplace, helping them answer “What do you want to be when you grow up?” As the landscape of education and employment continues to evolve, investing in work-based learning initiatives remains essential for unlocking the full potential of individuals and driving economic growth and prosperity to make Lancaster County a thriving community for all.

To learn more about Inspire Lancaster, visit LT

Celebrating 15 Years of Investing in Our Future Leaders

Discovering Paths Mentoring Program 2008-2024

The Discovering Paths Mentoring Program inspires, guides, and empowers high school juniors as they consider their next steps. Through positive relationships with professionals across Lancaster County, critical business and industry connections, and experiential learning, the program strengthens pathways for students within the Lancaster community.

Since 2008, the Lancaster Chamber’s Discovering Paths Mentoring Program, funded by the Foundation of the Lancaster Chamber, has graduated over 1,100 students from its program. Students are paired one-on-one with a mentor and attend monthly sessions throughout the school year, examining industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and tourism while developing crucial self-awareness, communication, and collaboration skills. This year, we’re celebrating 15 years of fostering valuable mentoring relationships, equipping students with essential interpersonal skills outside of the classroom, and providing hands-on, work-based learning.

Learn More at

Guiding Light Award

We were thrilled to introduce the new Sandi M. Thompson Guiding Light Award, given this year to Sandi Thompson, the founder of the Chamber’s Discovering Paths Program. The Sandi M. Thompson Guiding Light Award will continue to honor Sandi’s legacy by celebrating an individual’s impact on the next generation of Lancaster County through their contributions to the program.

EMPLOYING New Neighbors

Each year, hundreds of new refugee neighbors join our communities across Lancaster County, bringing with them a diverse set of skills, experiences, and dreams for the future. Eager to start new lives in peace and provide for their families, refugees and other immigrants are ready to begin working immediately and earn opportunities to advance in the workplace.

In just the last three years, CWS Lancaster’s Economic Empowerment programs have placed more than 380 refugees in jobs around the county and partnered with countless employers to support their workforce. These programs support new neighbors on their journey to financial self-sufficiency and fulfilling employment, from

initial job readiness support like ESL, resume building, and connections to initial employment to ongoing case management support for career upskilling and advancement for up to five years after arrival. CWS Lancaster Employment Specialists support clients throughout their job search process, assist them in securing job placements and provide ongoing support to families and employers to ensure job retention and career advancement.

Refugees and other immigrants are already an integral part of the Pennsylvania workforce and their contributions to our county are significant. The 2016 New Americans in Lancaster County report “shows that the county’s…immigrant residents have an outsize impact on the local economy through their

high rates of workforce participation, large tax contributions, and spending power.” And during the worst of Covid 19, refugees and other immigrants were significantly more likely to be “essential workers” in health care, food production, agriculture, warehouses, and transportation.

Research indicates that refugee employees are committed, eager to work, and have high workforce retention rates. Their diverse skill sets and new perspectives lead to innovation and can foster a new sense of purpose within organizations. Together, refugee employees and employers are building diverse workplaces that are prepared to meet future needs.

Here at CWS Lancaster, when we celebrate with our former clients their newly opened business, first home, citizenship ceremony or admission to college, we see first-hand that diversity has made Lancaster more resilient, more vital, and more inviting than other similarly situated communities in Pennsylvania and the nation. LT

Church World

Contact Alain at


CWS Lancaster, in partnership with the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, is organizing a job fair to be held on September 17th, 2024, in Lancaster, PA. Interested in getting involved? Please contact Alain Martinez, to learn more. All fields are welcome.

Mission and Vision

Church World Service (CWS) Lancaster opened in 1987 with a mission of showing welcome to refugees and other displaced people. Over the past 35 years, we have grown to become the largest resettlement office in the region and have welcomed over 7,000 refugees to peace and safety.

CWS Lancaster resettles refugees through a contract with the federal government and in partnership with the local community. Our holistic programs empower clients toward long-term success and cultural integration through up to 5 years of service. Programs include initial Reception and Placement; job orientation and upskilling opportunities; and innovative services that promote family wellness and long-term stability. Our Immigration Legal programs provide low-cost legal advice and representation to the broader immigrant community.

Together we are building stronger and more diverse communities where everyone has a voice and a safe place to call home.

By The Numbers

From October 1, 2021 – May 17, 2024, CWS Lancaster has welcomed 870 new refugee neighbors from more than 25 countries.

Top 10 countries of origin (CWS Lancaster resettled refugees)

Primary Employment Industries

Warehouses, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Construction and Food Service


It’s no secret that there are a variety of issues impacting our workforce on both a local and national level. Staffing shortages, a need for skilled workers and rising healthcare costs impact every business’s bottom line. In fact, according to the 2023 Benefits Survey conducted by the Central Penn Business Group on Health and Lancaster Chamber, both employers and individuals have experienced increased costs related to their medical coverage (Central Penn Business Group on Health, 2023). One of the ways to address these workforce challenges is by implementing an innovative healthcare solution at your company.

Investing in healthcare provides a variety of benefits for both employers and employees. Employers are able to recruit and retain talent in a competitive job market and improve the health of their workforce. Employees are able to get access to care and improve their health and well-being. There are a variety of healthcare solutions available for businesses to implement, ranging from health plans to wellness programs and occupational medicine services. Wellness programs work to increase employee well-being and productivity, while also helping to improve long-term health through preventive care. Occupational medicine

services work to keep employees healthy and safe in the workplace while also ensuring businesses stay compliant. While wellness programs and occupational medicine services provide benefits to employers and their employees, one of the most important healthcare solutions a business can offer their staff is health plan coverage.

When evaluating health plan coverage options for your business, a few questions to examine include:

• Do you have full-time employees, part-time employees, or both?

• Are you looking for ways to stabilize your healthcarerelated expenses through cost containment strategies?

Implementing a cost containment strategy will help your business manage healthcare expenses while also improving the health of your employee population. Consider implementing an initiative around preventive care for employees by hosting an annual flu shot clinic or on-site health screenings at your business.

• How do you plan to fund your coverage and are you interested in offering a fully-insured or self-funded health plan? Self-funded health plans allow employers to retain unused funds in comparison to fully-insured health plans where the insurance carrier retains unused dollars.

The answers to these questions will help you evaluate coverage options and guide you toward the best solution for your business. No matter what option you choose, consider working with a local partner for your healthcare needs. When you work with a local organization, they are invested in improving the health and well-being of your business, your employees and your community.

Eliance Health Solutions provides innovative health plans that are backed by Penn Medicine and work to help employers stabilize costs and help employees improve their health and well-being. Contact our team today at or 717-869-3877 to learn more.

Reference: Central Penn Business Group on Health. (2023). 2023 Benefits Survey Executive Summary. LT


Eliance Health Solutions

Contact Eric at

to all our customers over the last 25


Ideas for making them meaningful for your employees and valuable for your organization

Work anniversaries probably aren’t the first thing you think of when you think of addressing workforce challenges. But done well, they can (1) reinforce your organization’s purpose; (2) strengthen your employees’ sense of belonging; and (3) boost their perception of organizational support. All three of these have been scientifically shown to improve organizational performance.

At the same time, work anniversaries are rarely perceived as a priority, so it’s usually important to keep them simple and inexpensive.

The following five ideas require minimal effort and expense, while also reaping the benefits of purpose, belonging, and perceived organizational support. There’s no downside!

A couple of thoughtful paragraphs

Everyone wants their manager to notice what they do and be thankful for it. One way to make sure that happens is to have managers write up a couple of paragraphs about each of their direct reports to share on each direct report’s work anniversary. The paragraphs can reflect on the employee’s contributions, accomplishments, and learnings over the past year. They can also include personal stories, icebreaker facts, and photos.

For biggest impact: Share these paragraphs broadly. This will help employees learn about each other and feel more connected, which is especially valuable in hybrid and remote organizations.

Equipment upgrades

Organizations want their employees to be productive. A month or two before their work anniversary, ask each employee if there’s any purchase that would help them be more productive. Then, deliver what they ask for on their work anniversary, and include a “happy work anniversary!” message. Second monitors, larger monitors, more computer memory, underdesk exercise bikes, even plants are all scientifically proven to more than pay for themselves in productivity improvements. And, they’re all much, much better than typical work anniversary gifts.

For biggest impact: Empower the employee to choose what they need and trust them. Empowered employees serve customers better and solve problems better.

Skip-level one-on-ones

Skip-level one-on-ones help higher level managers stay connected to frontline employees, and contribute to frontline employees feeling valued. Work anniversaries can help prevent them from being repeatedly postponed. For larger organizations, conversations with the CEO can be scheduled for bigger milestones like 5-year or 10-year work anniversaries.

For biggest impact: Coach your leaders to understand that these meetings are for listening, and that the leader should speak less than 20% of the time.

Team lunches

Eating together is a powerful part of human traditions and holidays and strongly signals belonging. It helps teams build trust and often triggers serendipitous connections that can lead to innovative improvements.

For biggest impact: Include a quirky tradition. For example, maybe before eating everyone chants: “Two, four, six, eight, whose 17 years with XYZ Corp do we appreciate? Joan’s!”

Company-branded clothing

A work anniversary is a celebration of the day an employee and an organization joined together — company-branded clothing is a perfect metaphorical expression of that. For biggest impact: Companybranded clothing should be high

quality. For maximal marketing benefit, you want employees to want to wear it and to feel good wearing it. There are many kinds of organizations and, of course, not all these ideas will work for all organizations. Which ones work for yours? Do they spark any similar ideas? LT

Inspiring Work Anniversaries

Why an entire book on work anniversaries? Because the same things that make work anniversaries better also make workplace cultures better — and work anniversaries make it easier to improve workplace culture because they’re visible, measurable, and concrete.

Described as “a shockingly good business book,” Inspiring Work Anniversaries is filled with workplace culture insight and straightforward improvement actions. It’s available everywhere books are sold: from Amazon to your local bookshop.


The Workiversary Group Contact Rick at

Rick Joi is the world’s leading work anniversary expert. As the founder of Lancaster-based company The Workiversary Group, Rick has spoken to hundreds of people in dozens of countries about their work anniversaries. He has worked in the workplace culture improvement industry for over fifteen years and has ten patents on various workplace culture improvement innovations.

2024 Bronze Winner of Axiom Business Book Awards


Attracting talent is a top priority for businesses facing a competitive job market. Retaining employees is just as crucial as attracting them. Businesses that invest in the professional development and well-being of their employees often see higher retention rates. Innovative workplace structures are essential for adapting to the evolving needs of the workforce. Community partnerships can play a significant role in identifying solution opportunities to address these business needs.

When entering the world of workforce development it does not take long to recognize the term is large, and the scope is even greater. The challenges related to the workforce are broad and often defined by the group asked, the impact on the economy is significant, and the options, opportunities, access, and availability for solutions are as wide, deep, and varied as the challenges they seek to solve. In short, workforce development is a complex issue with no single solution.

To combat the complexity of the issues surrounding employment from both the job seeker and employer perspective, leaders of various organizations in Lancaster County have been collaborating to pool their resources and increase their collective awareness. Lancaster SHRM (LSHRM) is one fish in that pond.

As the local chapter of Human Resources professionals, LSHRM has been developing intentional partnerships with several local organizations to share unique solutions to traditional challenges for HR professionals to utilize at their workplaces. These solutions range from training, development, certifications, and apprenticeships for the existing workforce to expansive and innovative thinking on broadening the candidate pool, reducing employment barriers, and increasing employee retention. continued

Many of the organizations offer resources and programs to employers at little or no cost. However, most local employers are either unaware of the availability of these free services or unsure how to get started or who to contact. This is where LSHRM comes in.

Serving as a conduit, LSHRM’s goal is to connect its members to resources that help solve members’ challenges (and often those challenges are related to the workforce). As LSHRM’s membership continues to grow so does our number of formal and informal partners. Whether through sponsorship or agreements, we have built relationships with a multitude of local organizations providing services to job seekers and employers alike. Until there is a single-source repository of information of services, LSHRM will continue to build itself to be the next best thing for HR professionals.

Addressing workforce challenges requires a collaborative effort between businesses and community partners. Through strategic partnerships, we can develop innovative solutions for talent attraction, employee retention, and workplace structures. By investing in these areas, we not only strengthen our local economy but also create a thriving, sustainable community for all. Lancaster SHRM is proud to support and highlight these initiatives, showcasing the power of collaboration in overcoming workforce challenges. LT

Lancaster SHRM’s next partnership events are:


Lancaster County’s Labor Market Trends with EDC Lancaster County


Lancaster County STEM Alliance Workforce 2030 Summit to Connect for Success

COMING FALL OF 2024 Workplace Safety Series with Millersville University

Lancaster SHRM’s partnerships include: Career Ready Lancaster, Lighthouse Vocational Services, Economic Development Company, Goodwill Industries – Keystone, Moravian University, Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, Lancaster County STEM Alliance, Lancaster Newspapers, Leadership Lancaster, Library System of Lancaster County, Millersville University, Workforce Development Board, Workplace Talent Solutions.

More information can be found about Lancaster SHRM at

New Manager Academy

Do you have a manager or new manager you are looking to skill up? New Manager Academy provides new managers (or about-to-be managers) with the practical strategies and best practices needed to effectively manage and lead teams. It is tactical in nature and geared toward team leadership, goalsetting, motivation, critical communications, and other strong management tools.

For more than 25 years, Janet Treer has excelled in business management and helping companies – large and small, public, private and not-for-profit –establish and exceed their goals. In 2007 she founded The Treer Group, a local management consultancy, focused on leadership development, strategic planning and individual business coaching. Sign up today!

Cultivating Tomorrow’s Engineering Innovators Today

“If I had to pick one word to sum up the whole experience… it would have to be priceless.”

— Duncan Garvin, Automation Engineering Intern, Robotic WorX program.

In its pilot year, the Robotic Worx program has engaged hundreds of local students with real world engineering challenges, helped manufacturers find solutions to labor shortage and production needs, and fostered a public/private partnership that is building a future automation workforce ready to solve tomorrow’s engineering problems, today.

A joint initiative between Precision Cobotics, LLC, (PCI) and Millersville University (MU), the Robotic WorX program equips high school and undergraduate students with the opportunity to address genuine manufacturing problems through automation and robotics. Directed by John Bridgen of PCI and Dr. John Haughery of MU, the program links STEM education to real-world careers and helps manufacturers tackle labor and production issues through

workforce development and innovative processes.

In a time when the demand for domestically produced goods has surged due to global challenges and the technical workforce is at a record low, Robotic WorX is vital. The program supports using automation to strengthen the supply chain and expand the employment base, creating better-paying jobs where humans collaborate with robots. This combination of new automation technologies and emerging STEM talents offers significant growth potential for the manufacturing sector.

Funded by seed grants from Lancaster STEM, the Lancaster County Workforce Development Board, and supported by the PA Department of Community & Economic Development, the program operates out of the Solutions Lab at

MU. Managed by Ermias Wogari, a graduate from both McCaskey High School and MU, the lab provides interns with hands-on engineering experience, academic credit, and the chance to develop solutions for real manufacturing problems.

Bob Hildebrand, Director of Product Integrity at Advanced Atomization Technologies and program collaborator, believes in the program’s impact: “Programs like Robotic WorX are essential for industry growth and for inspiring young minds to enter challenging fields.”

Intern Avery Axe from Conestoga Valley High School comments, “I enjoy[ed] being challenged with real-world problems from companies, which allows us to collaborate on solutions while enhancing our skills and knowledge.”

To date, Robotic WorX has involved 599 participants, including students and community members, as well as local and national manufacturing firms. Spring 2024 data indicate high school interns improved their career pathway metrics in four key areas related to automation and manufacturing by an average score of 4.2 points on a 10-point scale.

The program has successfully helped students secure fulltime manufacturing jobs, encouraged further education in automation and robotics, and assisted in acceptance to prestigious research programs. For instance, undergraduate intern Duncan Garvan secured a position at PrecisionForm, Inc.; Hecmarys Cintron applied to Millersville’s Automation & Robotics Engineering Technology program; and Cameron Zuschmidt was accepted into the PA Governor’s School of Science summer program at Carnegie Mellon University.

Looking ahead to Fall 2024, Robotic WorX will continue offering internships, job shadowing, and lab tours. For more information or to discuss opportunities for sponsorship or collaboration, please visit the Solutions Lab at LT

Precision Cobotics

Co-founder & Program Director for the Robotic WorX program

Contact John at

Assistant Professor Coordinator of Automation & Robotics Engineering Technology Program, Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Co-founder & Program Director for the Robotic WorX program

Contact John at

Reyna ITS is a Cloud Solutions Provider. Our Managed Services offering is based on the robust and best-in-class Microsoft 365/Azure Cloud Platform.

We have been serving small businesses with long-term commitment and dedication since the first day we opened our doors in 2008. When you work with Reyna ITS, you engage an experienced and customer-focused professional Information Technology services provider and accomplished Microsoft partner.

Visit our website: or contact us today at (717) 553-2803.

Evolve &Thrive:

The Mile6 Approach to Work-Life Balance

At Mile6, a digital product agency, we understand that the best ideas and solutions emerge when our team members feel balanced, valued, and supported. This understanding has led us to champion a culture where remote and hybrid work options are not just available but encouraged. We believe in giving our team the autonomy to choose where they work best, whether that’s from home, in a co-working space, or occasionally in the office for those who thrive on face-to-face collaboration.

This flexibility allows our team to manage their work around their lives, not the other way around. Parents can align their schedules with childcare needs, while others can pursue hobbies or personal projects that enhance their creativity


and productivity when they are working. By reducing the need for commutes of any length, we’ve given our team members back valuable hours each day, contributing to their overall wellbeing and satisfaction. It’s also worth noting that our occasional all-hands activities become events that people are excited to attend and come with a heightened sense of purpose.

“One of the many positives that comes from a remote work environment and the culture at Mile6 is that of a much needed work-life balance that yields an enhanced sense of well-being.”

Cultivating a Thriving Remote Culture

Adopting a remote-first approach has required thoughtful implementation of tools and practices that support communication, collaboration, and community. We leverage state-of-the-art digital tools to keep our team connected and ensure seamless collaboration across projects. Regular virtual check-ins, team meetings, and one-on-one sessions help maintain a sense of connection and alignment with our goals and vision.

We also recognize the importance of building a strong team culture, even from a distance. Virtual team-building activities, skill-sharing sessions, and informal ‘coffee chats’ have become integral to fostering a sense of camaraderie and belonging among our team members, regardless of their physical location.

“I’ve worked for Mile6 for six years, and the culture has always been positive, understanding, and real. Transitioning to remote work felt very seamless, and the culture has continued to thrive thanks to the efforts of our team members and leadership to all stay connected. Our weekly team meetings always have a fun twist to them!”

The Impact on Our Growth

The benefits of our remote and hybrid work culture have been clear and impactful. We’ve seen marked improvements in employee productivity and job satisfaction, leading to lower turnover rates and higher talent retention. Our team members report feeling more focused and driven, attributing this to the increased control they have over their work environments and schedules.

“Working remotely allows me to have more time with my family since there is no long commute. Also, the culture at Mile6 is one where so long as you’re getting your work done, it’s not a big deal to take time for small life things that come up.”

– Jim Rhoades, Senior Web + Mobile Developer

Furthermore, this flexibility has enabled us to tap into a wider talent pool, unhindered by geographical limitations. This access to a diverse range of skills and perspectives has enriched our team and spurred innovation, driving our growth in new and exciting directions, and encouraged regional perspectives that we may not have considered. Our commitment to a flexible work culture has also enhanced our reputation in the tech industry, attracting top talent who share our values of balance and well-being. This reputation has, in turn, attracted clients who value partnering with a forward-thinking company that prioritizes its team’s health and happiness.

Looking Ahead

As we look to the future, Mile6 remains committed to refining and expanding our remote and hybrid work practices. We continue to explore new ways to support our team’s well-being and productivity, ensuring that our work culture evolves in tandem with our growth. By placing worklife balance at the core of our operations, we are not just growing a successful company — we are redefining what success looks like in the tech industry. LT



The Lancaster County Workforce Development Board (LCWDB) believes in an environment characterized by innovative opportunities for job seekers, employers, and community partners to achieve their maximum potential as stated in the vision statement. “Working collaboratively as a community to solve workforce issues is what Lancaster does through partnerships and aligning of resources,” says Anna Ramos, Executive Director.

When the PA Department of Labor and Industry announced the Near Completers Grant, which are funds available to local workforce boards to help job seekers re-enroll in educational programs to complete their post-secondary education in high-priority, in-demand fields, the LCWDB saw this as an opportunity to intentionally connect postsecondary institutions and workforce development through ACHIEVE, a collaborative initiative designed to reconnect recently ‘stopped out’ students with the resources and services needed for degree completion. Thinking collaboratively at our community partners in this space, the Lancaster Chamber came first to mind because of the convening of the College President’s group that the Chamber facilitates.

The partners involved with ACHIEVE were Millersville University, Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, Elizabethtown College, Lancaster Chamber, and PA CareerLink® of Lancaster County. Outlining the partners and roles took time and the LCWDB solicited the help of the Lancaster Chamber to serve as the project manager when the grant was awarded.

The funding was allocated for June 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, in the amount of $2 million. The Lancaster County Workforce Development Board was one of four workforce boards awarded a Near Completer Grant in the state. Near Completer Grant was seen as a key priority of Governor Josh Shapiro’s 2023 Budget with a total investment of $6 million.**

ACHIEVE is a collaborative project that enables Pennsylvania residents to complete an unfinished certificate or degree program in a highdemand, family-sustaining wage occupation while providing education, workforce, and holistic wrap-around support. ACHIEVE incorporates innovative practices that apply rapid credentialing strategies including credit transfers, prior learning credit/ experience, military credit, stackable credential attainment, and online and asynchronous accessibility, as

well as deployment of a network of support including case management, peer support, career guidance, and employment support services.

What made ACHIEVE unique and truly game-changing for enrollees was the holistic wrap-around support that was provided to individuals who were faced with barriers that prohibited them from completing their degree in the first place. These funds were able to not only cover the cost of tuition, but include childcare, transportation, health-related issues and any financial strain individuals faced while enrolled in school. The goal of the grant was to support individuals to complete and obtain quality employment with familysustaining wages, while addressing workforce shortages.

The Lancaster Chamber project manager, Ashley Glensor, collects quarterly updates from all the schools on the enrollments, outcomes and most importantly impact stories and the LCWDB will continue to follow the individuals to ensure they are successfully employed and equipped with the services of the PA CareerLink®.

This has been a great example of business, education and our community partners coming together to address workforce challenges,


** Labor & Industry Awards $6 Million to Help Pennsylvanians Re-Enroll in Educational Programs, Prepare for In-Demand Careers. The other Boards awarded were: Bucks County, Chester County and Westmoreland Fayette.

which is the definition of a local workforce board.

The Lancaster County Workforce Development Board is committed to connecting people to opportunities and showcasing local resources through Career Ready Lancaster!, and provide fiscal resources for your businesses workforce challenges. Workforce Solutions - Lancaster County Workforce Development Board ( LT

Contact Anna at

Cultivating Opportunity: Empowering Small Businesses in Lancaster County

Lancaster County is becoming increasingly diverse as people from various racial, ethnic, gender, and community backgrounds choose to call it home. With this growth, we’re also witnessing a rise in small businesses led by a wide range of entrepreneurs. This blend of cultures and perspectives not only enriches our region but also strengthens our economy and fosters innovation, making our community a vibrant and inclusive place for everyone.

Cultivate Lancaster supports the entrepreneurial and small business communities by connecting entrepreneurs with essential resources and fostering collaboration among business support organizations. By nurturing a thriving ecosystem, Cultivate Lancaster ensures that businesses of all backgrounds can flourish. This collaborative effort aligns with Lancaster County’s evolving demographic landscape, promoting inclusivity and opportunity for everyone.

Small businesses recognize the invaluable role of organizations like Cultivate Lancaster. They attest to the importance of access to resources and networking opportunities, citing them as instrumental in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

Amidst the ever-evolving economic landscape, Cultivate Lancaster remains steadfast in its mission to empower entrepreneurs and drive equitable economic growth. Through its dedication to diversity, collaboration, and community, Cultivate Lancaster continues to shape a future where every business can thrive.

Let’s read about the small business owners in Lancaster County as they share their entrepreneurial journeys and experiences.

“Remember, the journey of building a successful business is filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. Embrace the power of networking and building relationships with others in your industry. Surround yourself with a supportive community that uplifts and inspires you. Stay persistent in your efforts, keep learning, and never lose sight of your goals. With determination and a positive mindset, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Believe in yourself and your vision, and keep pushing forward towards your dreams.”

“Try not to be too attached to your ideas to learn. It doesn’t matter what you think you know, if it’s not what your customers want or need, you’ll have to adjust. The more quickly you can adapt, the better!”

Austin Carter, Jessica Callahan, Julie Ross Pocket Books Shop 903 Wheatland Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603

About Cultivate Lancaster

Cultivate Lancaster is Lancaster County, Pennsylvania’s hub for entrepreneur and small business resources. Cultivate offers a space for small businesses to identify resources they need, meet with business support organizations, and network with each other. Cultivate also provides a platform for organizations who support small businesses to empower, collaborate, and strategically work towards a more prosperous and vibrant small business economy in Lancaster County.

If you have any questions about attending, participating in, sponsoring, or otherwise partnering with the Cultivate Lancaster Entrepreneurship Coalition, contact Karen King.

Karen King,Cultivate Manager (717) 293-3156


Cultivate offers a space for small businesses to identify resources and funding, meet with business support organizations, and network with each other.

• Resources for Your Business

• Local Calendar

• Small Business Funding


Find everything you need to know about starting a small business in Lancaster County, from organizations who can help you solidify your business idea to funding opportunities. Go to to learn more.

Impact Update: Business Advocacy

PA State Budget Position Statement

On February 6th, Governor Josh Shapiro shared his second annual budget address, detailing his $48.3 billion spending plan. The Lancaster Chamber’s 2024 State Budget Position Statement calls on the legislature and the governor to address the following pro-business priorities:

• Make Pennsylvania more business-friendly

• Invest in talent and workforce

• Support for new statewide economic development strategy

• Commitment to a two-year budget cycle

We highlight specific policies, including an accelerated reduction of the Corporate Net Income Tax (CNIT) rate, passage of the “Grow PA” legislation, permitting reform, and more that would make Pennsylvania the premier state to start and grow a business. Ultimately, the Lancaster Chamber “urges lawmakers to develop a sustainable, responsible, transparent, zero-based budget that invests in our communities without leading to a disastrous outcome down the road.”

Check out our state budget position statement online at:·

The Lancaster Chamber is committed to fostering a positive business climate for all Lancaster County businesses. We work with elected officials at the local, state, and federal levels to advance pro-business legislation and advocate for policies that elevate business and community success.

Get involved!

Overtime Regulations Change

On July 1, the Dept. of Labor’s final rule regarding overtime exemptions will go into effect, which means businesses may need to review their employee classifications and policies. The new regulation will raise the salary threshold for employees classified as executive, administrative, or professional from $35,600 to about $44,000 on July 1, 2024, and will raise it again to $58,600 in 2025. Non-exempt employees must be paid time and a half for any time worked past 40 hours a week. This regulation’s implementation date may be extended or challenged in court.

Stay tuned for updates and review the new regulation at:·

• Attend an Advocacy event to gain direct access to the elected officials, agency heads, and community leaders who influence decisions and make an impact on business.

• Read and share our weekly Impact Report e-newsletter, which shares legislative updates, business resources, relevant news stories, and upcoming government meetings.

• Volunteer on our Advocacy Committee to advise the Board of Trustees on policy position statements and assist with grassroots advocacy efforts. Learn more at

Questions? Reach out to Kat DeSantis for more information and resources.

Photo by Christine Kovacs:



(New Location/Groundbreaking Ceremony)

985 State Road, Manheim, PA 17545

(RT. 772 & RT. 283)

(Grand Opening)

601 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603

945 N. Plum Street, Lancaster, PA 17602

2040 Bennet Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17601

URBAN AIR (Grand Opening)


(Grand Opening)

1500 Gilbert Way, Suite B117, Lancaster, PA 17601


2110 Lincoln Hwy E., Lancaster, PA 17602


(70th Year Anniversary & Grand Re-Opening) 14 Center Street, Intercourse, PA 17534

RMS (New Location) 1001 Millersville Rd., Lancaster, PA 17603

WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD (Launching Educational Kiosk Initiative - 35 Kiosk Locations)

MOVE FORWARD COUNSELING (Grand Opening of New Location) 226 N. Arch Street, Lancaster, PA 17603

SERVPRO TEAM O (New Location)

218 Hershey Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022


In partnership with Lancaster City Alliance and CRIZ (City Revitalization & Improvement Zone), the Lancaster Chamber has been honored to be a part of welcoming these new businesses into the Lancaster City business community.


114 W. James St., Lancaster, PA 17603


114 W. James St., Lancaster, PA 17603


171 N. Queen St., Lancaster, PA 17603


38 W. King St., Lancaster, PA 17603


216 N. Duke St., Lancaster, PA 17602


44 N. Christian St., Lancaster, PA 17602


126 N. Prince St., Lancaster, PA 17603

NEW Members


The Lancaster Chamber is thrilled to welcome these businesses t o our network. Because of businesses that choose to be Members and Partners, we are able to fund powerful initiativ es that are vastly changing the landscape of business. Now more than ever, your support is truly helping to shape the future of business and making Lancaster County, a thriving community for all.

We are grateful for the many businesses choosing to invest with us and our mission!

Meet some of the new Members and Partners below:



Lupton Law


Horn Payment Solutions, Inc.

The ‘Gueru Wellness Spa & Continued Education

Evergreen Heating and Air LLC

American Cancer Society

Maneval Consulting

Bluedot Notary, LLC

The Ranch Pensylvania

Outpatient Services

Sticks On Demand

Lighthouse Vocational Services

Scott Hackman Ventures

Visual Impact Group

Marketing Next Door

Keystone Property & Asset Management

Jinada Rochelle LLC

Strada Cafe LLC

Planet Fitness Lititz Pike

Splints and Daisies Floral Design



Aim to Empower


Big Hug Inc

Boys and Girls CLub of Lancaster

Brittany’s Hope

Class One Property Restoration

Cup O Content

D.I.V.E. Inc

Discerning Eye Community Agriculture



Dr. Efrem Magtagnob and Damon Myers

E is Key

Encore Global

Engage, Inspire, Expose

Evermore Events

Excellence Clean Services

JFC Global

Lancaster Dollars for Higher Learning

Lancaster Nursing and Rehabilitation

Let’s Go 1-2-3

Melissa Jeanes, LLC

Music for Everyone

RBC Wealth Management

Rural City Beer


Stoner Grille

The Shops @ Rockvale

MARCH 2024


Complete Concessions, LLC

DeverCare Insurance Group

Eckerd Connects

G.R. Sponaugle

Gardner’s Mattress & More

Hope Inspire Love, Inc.

Nothing Bundt Cakes

P.F. Chang’s PSS Manufacturing

Redrose Manor


APRIL 2024

Members 2 The Tee Outfitters

DK Powerwashing, LLC

Ecklin Development

EverGrow Dental

Fairfield Inn / Towneplace Suites

By Marriott Lancaster

GSL Public Strategies Group

Kenefic Sales Associates

Lamphouse Films

Lancaster Art Vault

Metro Goodies, LLC

Post & Schell, P.C.

Pugh Self Protection Combatives

RCW Athletic Club

Troidel Association, LLC

Westlake Pipe and Fittings



Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Friday, July 12, 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024

Monday, July 29, 2024

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

YPN Skills Lab: Authentic Communication

Membership 101: Engaging with the Chamber

Wake Up to the Issues

Mastering the Art of Business Networking

June Mixer – Eden Resorts & Suite

Small Business Series: Managing & Maximizing Cash Flow for Small Businesses with Cultivate Lancaster

Get Connected: Facilitated Speed Networking

Energy, Environment, Health, & Safety Peer Group: Looking Beyond Compliance

Selling Series: The Effective Sales Leader

Membership 101: Engaging with the Chamber

Excellence Exchange: Path to Purpose

Manufacturing Roundtable: The Continuous Improvement Way

July Mixer - Lancaster County Food Hub

Lancaster Chamber Open House

Cyber Mondays - Cybersecurity’s Safety Net: How Insurance

Can Protect Your Business

Central/ South & East Consortium

YPN: Experience Lancaster with Let’s Roll

Northeast/ Northwest Consortium


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Friday, August 9, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Wednesay, August 14, 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Monday, August 19, 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Leadercast - Super Teams

Nonprofit/CBO Roundtable: Allowable Advocacy & Lobbying Activities

Ag Issues Forum: Climate Smart Practices

WIB: Lattes and Leadership - From Mentorship to Sponsorship

Membership 101: Engaging with the Chamber

Business & Baseball

HR Roundtable

Cyber Mondays - Today’s Top Cyber Threats: Defending against Ransomware and BEC Attacks

Energy, Environment, Health, & Safety Peer Group

Small Business Series

Excellence Exchange: Hiring with Purpose

YPN Mixer - Decades

New Manager Academy Begins


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Monday, September 23, 2024

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Tuesday, September 26, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024

Get Connected: Facilitated Speed Networking

Membership 101: Engaging with the Chamber

WIB: We Rise Luncheon – Leading with Intention

Small Business Series

September Mixer - United Disabilities Services

Edelman Trust Barometer: Shaping Trust in the Modern Workplace

Cyber Mondays - Insights from the Front Lines: A Conversation with the FBI

Wake Up to the Issues

YPN: Lunch with Leaders

Selling Series: Elevating Customer Service

Lancaster Chamber Open House

We are so grateful for the continued support and commitment from our Member businesses! Please take note of our Members who are celebrating milestone anniversaries as members of the Lancaster Chamber for the months of April, May & June.

Member Anniversaries

5 YEARS (‘19)

Compassus Hospice

Signature Catering on King, LLC


10 YEARS (‘14)

Manheim Pennsylvania Auto Auction

Levi’s Building Components

The Holiday Inn Lancaster

Lebanon Valley College

Guild Mortgage

15 YEARS (‘09)

Becker Engineering, LLC

Mister Sparky Electric


Paragon Poultry Management Group

Faulkner BMW


Elite Mailing Services


Performance Insight

Choice Home Remodeling, Inc.

20 YEARS (‘04)

DC Gohn Associates, Inc.

Arthur Funk & Sons, Inc.

Lancaster Archery Supply, Inc.

25 YEARS (‘99)

New Life Church

Henry Schein, Inc.

Binkley & Hurst, LP

30 YEARS (‘94)


Excentia Human Services

Harcon Corporation

Lancaster Country Club

35 YEARS (‘89)

Assured Partners

Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority

Amish Experience At Plain & Fancy Farm

Hodge Tool Co., Inc.

Peter Kleine Company

40 YEARS (‘84)

Nussbaum Equipment, Inc. Vehicle Sales

Wheatland Federal Credit Union

Occupational Development Center

50 YEARS +

Hammond Pretzel Bakery, Inc.

Lift-All Company, Inc.

Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County

Lancaster Salvage Company

PPL Electric Utilities

Fulton Bank, N.A.

Dermatology Physicians, Inc.

Lancaster Leaf Tobacco Company of PA Inc.

Morgan White Group / TPM Life Insurance

Lamar Outdoor Advertising

MSC Investments LP

Keystone Chapter Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc.

Schaedler Yesco Distribution, Inc.


GSM Roofing

PNC Financial Services Group

AAA Central Penn

UGI Utilities, Inc.

Schwanger Brothers & Co., Inc.

Warfel Construction Company

Wells Fargo

Hatter Harris & Beittel, LLP

From routine check-ups to complex procedures, UPMC Children’s in Central Pa. delivers comprehensive care for children — close to home. From head to toe, our services include:

• Neonatal Intensive Care

• Pediatric Intensive Care

• Pediatric Surgical Services

• Children’s Express Care

• Emergency Department Care

• Children’s Specialty Services

• Children’s Community Pediatrics

Plus, with access to UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, which is ranked among the top 10 children’s hospitals in the country by U.S. News & World Report, we have even more resources available in our backyard.

To learn more, visit in Central Pa.

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