“Stop Overdoses, Save Lives” The SOS Berks Opioid Coalition
In January 2016, as a local response to the emerging opioid epidemic, the Berks Opioid Task Force was organized by key community leaders from local government, criminal justice, drug and alcohol, healthcare, social services, and the business community. With the recognition that the scope of this epidemic required a strong collaborative approach, the Task Force evolved into the SOS Berks Opioid Coalition. SOS Berks works to facilitate connections with our community and its stakeholders to create initiatives that address the crisis. The coalition meets monthly and has subcommittees that focus on Community Awareness and Outreach, Healthcare and Treatment, Data Collection and Assessment, Prevention and Education, and Community Safety. Moving forward, the focus of SOS Berks is to expand efforts that contribute to the reduction of drug-related deaths and to overcome barriers to prevention, treatment, and recovery in Berks County. The Coalition is represented by a wide range of stakeholders from all sectors of the community and continues to grow its membership. The strength of SOS Berks is the dedication of its members. As the Coalition enhances and expands these relationships to increase its connection and visibility in our community, a unique opportunity exists to create meaningful, systemic, and sustainable changes capable of addressing all current and future drug threats.