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Reflections & Inspiration
As 2022 rushes in, we at Women2Women are looking towards an amazing year of programming, and meeting in person again. This issue shares the upcoming January-April events and you’ll be able to find a quarterly review of upcoming events in every forthcoming issue. Tear out the flyer and tack it on the fridge so you don’t forget to join us! Our Woman2Know this issue is pretty amazing and you can read more about Stephanie on page 21. And how about that cover photo?! All she wants is for you to Have Some Fun Today so get to it! While we are excited to promote the 2022 program, we know so much has changed for women in the workplace over the past two years. From losing jobs to retiring, to staying home with kids and making hard financial decisions, we took a deep dive into the Women in the Workplace Study from LeanIn.org and McKinsey & Company and recapped it for you on page 6. While things are getting better for women in the workplace, there is still a lot of work to do. And that means for everyone, even women towards other women. If you take one thing from this issue as you also look to 2022, it is to remember that we need to uplift each other always. Stand up for one another, and listen open and honestly. I wish you all good things for 2022 and I hope you can join us at upcoming events. There will be development workshops, spotlights on women in Berks and their journeys, and new community partnership experiences where we can relax, network and learn more about the amazing things happening around us. I heard some amazing quotes recently and they sparked me to planning for 2022 – the woman I want to be, how I want my personal brand to shine, and how I can continue to make a difference for those around me. I hope they give you that spark as well! Cheers sisters –
Rachael Romig Senior Director - Events & Special Programs Women2Women | Family Business Alliance
New Year
If you have a talent, use it every which way possible…spend it lavishly, like a millionaire intent on going broke.” –Brenda Francis
Well, we have a whole new year ahead of us. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all be a little more gentle with each other, a little more loving, and have a little more empathy, and maybe, next year at this time we’d like each other a little more.”
–Judy Garland
Last year told you what you needed to know. Now it’s go time.” –Richie Norton
For a change, don’t add new things in your life as a New Year’s resolution. Instead, do more of what’s already working for you and stop doing things that are time-waste.” –Salil Jha
On New Year’s Eve the whole world celebrates the fact that a date changes. Let us celebrate the dates on which we change the world.” –Richie Norton