Division 4 North Key Club May Newsletter

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Meet the Division Club Presidents

Banquet Recap

14 |

10 |

Service Highlights

16 |

Club Points

May DCM: Otter Olympics

18 |

Contact Information

Meet the

2017 - 2018 Division Club Presidents

H u y n h



My plans for this year is to make the whole Key club experience specia l to all of the member s. With the numerous clubs th at already exist in W estminster HS, it’s not hard for Ke yclub to quickly blend in as “just another club”. So to fix this, I anticipa te on promoting Key club kn owledge and hosting more socials so members fe el much more at home in this club. I know my board will do an amazing job working towards this goal alo ngside me and I’m very excited of what’s to come fo r the rest of the term !!

Rancho Alamitos


The 2017-2018 term can only be described as ambitious. Ranc ho

Alamitos is determined to fund raise harder, promote better, and

participate more as we try to make our club a respectable one in our school and division. We have made ambitious but not impossibl e goals

like raising $800 for our pref erred charities as well as incre asing

membership by 5 members per grade level. Hopefully this can be

accomplished through intense fundraising as well as adverti sing about our club. Alongside these goa ls, Rancho Key Club is also tryi ng to

increase our number of Fall Rally and District Convention attend ees

since they have been at a reco rd low the previous years. Desp ite

these big goals, we will not lose sight of our original purposes of

spreading service, care, and leadership to our community. To promote

care and service, Rancho is tryi ng to implement different serv ice

activities at our meetings so those unable to attend a wee kend

event may still earn hours. In order to facilitate leadersh ip, the club has expanded its board and opened up new opportunities to take initiative. We are even hoping to host our own training conf erences for members at the beginnin g of the school year. With the proper time and dedication, these goa ls can be achieved in Rancho Alamitos Key Club’s new term. As the 2017 -2018 president, I am excited to see the changes our club will brin g as we continue to serve and reach our full potentials.



Greetings! My name is Annie Van and I have the honor of being the pre sident of Santiago’s Ke y Club for this term. One goal that my board and I have for this term is to ha ve fun through servic e and interactions with our members We want to show our members that Key Clu b is a club for everyo ne by promoting “inclusiveness” , as it is one of the co re values. Anyone is welcomed in our key Club family. To gether, we will share our passi on for volunteering an d make unbreakable bonds. An other goal we have is to maintain member rete ntion while increasing membership. By being passionate ab out Key Club and sprea ding the spirit, other will be motivated to do so to o. I am excited for the start of this term with you! <3

V a n


La Q u i n t a


Heyo Division 4 North Key Club bers! My name is Bella Janbo and I’m honored to serv e as La Quinta club’s president for this term. I’m so excited to make Key Club more than just volunteering- but a fam ily that helps each other gro w to reach our fullest potential. Key Club has become my second family, a place where I feel safe to be myself.The friendships I have formed, the leader I have become, and the memories I have made all help ed me become the person I am today. Allow yourself to exp erience the endless opportunit ies Key Club provides, and I guaran tee you’ll have an entire gro up of supporters guiding you alon g every step of the way.The 2017-2018 LQ board and I wel come you to a year of service, friendship, and memories tha t’ll last a lifetime. Remember, “Be the change you wish to see”.


H e r r e r a



Hello! Well my plans fo r this term is help make our small club gr ow and recruit more freshman for the clu b.

Bolsa Grande


For this term, I’m planning to raise the spirit of my members can create tons of socials for them to bond. I also hope to ha ve socials with other schools as well! Our club w ill have a lot of fundraisers co ming soon. Such fundraisers wou ld be like Key Club A pparel! I’m real ly excited to w ork with everyone and hope that this term will be otterific <3

L e

Garden Grove

My plan for this term is to incr ease our member retention and boost our club’s reputation to its former glory! Last term we didn’t go any fundraisers and this term will definitely be dif ferent! Already, we’ve had a surplus of events and we have also been trying to increase our collective hou rs as a club! I want to make Key Club a family and a memorable high school experience for our members, not just something they can put on their college applica tions. Garden Grove’s board this term so far has sho wn lots of promise and enthusiasm and I know that we’ll be successful!


T r a n

L e

F rank

Lo s A m i g o s

Hello!! This is term I re ally want to focus on fundraising an d more attendance to events. I also want to have the board connect with the memb ers as much as possibl e so that we can have a friendly member/ board relationship. Ov erall, I want this term s to be as successful as the last.

Santa Ana Valley Valley has a lot of plans for fundraising.


We have a very humble goal of $300 split between PTP and Project Elim inate, but we plan on exceeding that by at least $1000 from current fundraising projects of selling coupon books and having an acai bowl truck cat er our school’s Girls Water Polo Junior Olympics. We also would like to donate to our preferred cha rity Gobble Gobble Give. Lastly, our club will educat e future members on what Key Club is by being featured on our school’s monthly school video recap.

You have of met the 201 ficially O t t e r P r e s i7 - 1 8 ' dents!




- 20 17 R

t e u nq

o h c an Alamitos

ice chest, and 2017, I brought my , 19 ay M on ld he uet For the Club Banq t Key Club” which “What I Like Abou ing at st d ar bo er I also made a post ed about out what they lik ab ts en em at st to fill in with wasfor members money, but I and handled the in le op pe ed k ec Club. I ch being apart of Key and was very money everywhere e th g pin op dr t I kep have toadmit that hired that the officers an M co Ta a as w change. There slow to give back back ts of people went Lo s. co ta s iou lic de and he made for the catering Our club full with one plate. y ad re al as w I t efood bu to him to get mor n the love sted so good. Whe ta d an e om es aw were advisor’s cupcakes ople. ed fun at many pe k po ts en m m co e rred, some of th notes session occu hearing what ve because I loved ha to e nic as w ion The open mic sess er or not I moment on wheth a r fo t an sit he say. I was everyone had to ally decided couragement, I fin en of ts lo ith w t g, bu should say somethin oup decorated. The gr y el nic as w th oo ings. The photob to go say some th people to was nice for some it t, ue nq ba e th nice. After picture was very his was my back into place. T g hin yt er ev t pu up and stay to help clean it so much. Club and I enjoyed ey K ’s ol ho sc r ou t for very first banque

” g n o V a n n o -D




e u q an





On May 28th, 2017, W estminster Key Club ho sted our banquet to ho nor our term of service an d our seniors who will be leaving. Every single bo ard member of the new te rm put a lot of time an d effort into preparing the banquet and exec uting it. Our president, Kaitlyn Huynh, put in so much of her own time and mo ney into the event an d ultimately made it a very special night to all . Board members came early to set up and pa ss tickets out to arriving members. The food se lection ranged from ch ow mein to pad thai to fr ied rice. Once a majority of our members arrived , we began socializing an d getting to know ea ch other more. At our table, we tried starting a fe w ice breakers to get to know one another. After socializing, we started handing out awards, an d my best friend, Nath an Lai, was awarded soph omore member of the year! I’m extremely pr oud of his hard work and ef forts into Key Club! W e also got to hear our IP Board members give a heart warming speech and sh ow their dance video they prepared. The night en ded with some final re marks and it was a tr uly unforgettable event. Words can’t describe how I felt or how amaz ing the event was, but I know that it’s something I’ll never forget.

” guyen - Dylan N

Service Highlights May 19 th 2017

nce. experie e im t a life once in a ly u tr ich the n was s in wh o r h u t o a h r o signed C Ma for tw ere as w in The O a e r W d . e the expect rfectly out to led pe was un d it e n r a d e h n h T ators and ha epted coordin nacks s n o it h u t r ly acc a d f la f g o mar ll y . They xes fu m. Man rathon a ack bo p m n u e h to the o t t t n u o a r m hey nded it ed the while t dly ha otivat la m g e people e w w s ust as ners a k with he run acks j t n s y e b to wor h t t g u in o z n give mong as ama s were ided a rs. It w iv e d e h s thank c a g ork w back tivatin ! The w to give ur cap ll o e in h w d it s e a w pitch teers the happily r volun ll e a h t e ere at o h w p s s a the o m p lean u ms eral at proble es to c he gen y t n , a ll a m r ourselv e rcame ity. Ov we ove ommun s c a r e u u o to uly uniq was tr n o h t mara rain. heavy g in d lu inc


u V n e v e t �-S

May 19 th 2017

18 017-20 f the 2 o r e is dra hough rst fun inks. T R fi e ir Ic e h r te ad t estmins inster h sting a r at W e Westm is a r also ho d n s u a f w is y d. lle d th xpecte tain Va e hoste than e d Foun s n e a term. W e e d t n la tte s quite total more a ent wa ade a m we had , d e n a the ev im t e ent the ev the sam mbers ame to iser at c a r t d a the me n h u t e f v le a p g o his d 33 pe his xams, t l, we ha relax. T er AP e t f a In tota ck to s a a b w t k n ic k rs eve es and membe . As this board hemselv t d of $155 n d a r s a r be to rew e ur mem rtunity , by th y for o it n u an oppo t d falls r n o a p p s o e d t sli grea r with h many was a h close Throug c event . u r m e h e t cam e ano rst bers be with on s my fi ur mem o f to bond o e this a y v n a a h m o , ent rer, t as the ev treasu t make end of term’s w e n I did no e h h g t u o s A ingful Alth other. y mean lishing. r p e m v one an o a c c a was lt very lieve it iser fe to, I be d e t n fundra a I had w bond. ble to enue as a v e e r r e h c w mu embers s the m a r e is a fundr

n e y u g N a n ”-A

A day b efore t he the helped o Walk t o Cure A ut with rthritis, setting up the e I there w vent. W as not m hen I go uch to d t there o as mo up, alth , st of th ough I d e event id help o was set ut with and dec putting orating u p tables the fen at boot ces. On of the hs the 21st walk), , the act we were u a a l ssigned day runners! to chee We wer r the w e also in alkers/ charge It was v of the ery hot w ater st , but th ation. e energ us going y of th ! At the e w alkers end of kept the eve down th nt, we h e booth a d to he s. In this lp take process chairs, a we took nd tent down ta s. This w bles, as the m event in ost tirin general, g part but I’m g of the lad we were ab le to he lp!

May 20 th - 21st 2017

- T” ina Tran

May 13 th 2017

We volu nteered at the E Spring F nvironme aire. We ntal Nat mainly h ure Cent elped wit er’s booths f h game or kids. and craf At the t t ime, the opening ENC was their new a ls butterfl o be y house. was a Yo After o uth Art ur shift, Show, cr there afts, fa with loca ce paint l perfor in g, sing a mers, , liv longs e native food an animals, d bevera a nd delicio ges for us to enj us to go on oy. We w a hike a ere also s a club able along th There w e trail o as a str f the ce eam, lots nter. of plant They als s, and ev o had se en poison a animals oak. people c in aquar ould walk iums in a t ruck, wh through ere to view enjoyed the anim this eve als. I rea nt, and I’m lly many mo looking f re. orward to going to

May 13 th 2017

- Khoi Nguye


os Alamit Rancho e h t d with I arrive rated Walk. collabo e b M lu d C y an nd os Key Momm bers a Alamit at the r mem e n h io Rancho t t o a me eder with so -in rship F check met up Schola d ia n n a r g the o in M k A r 0 o Calif :3 ere w ntil nd 7 wait u hem w t arou hift a e of t ad to s h m , o y e s m m h at ding houg Club. T rs, inclu irty out th e othe f Key h o t s r f e o ter ab y f n A a offic . o m to d ers, eer g runn a task ould ch gisterin ive us e g r o d t e we w n r e a e m h a w c or o us to rdinat pped t nd led nt coo and cla came a d lt e an eve u t d u an a e sho ipants aiting, ent, w . Partic s of w the ev d e e t f u o k r in t o m g w e res cheerin n once For th and ra nners. es, our u e r im c t e a h e p on t of th their Many ed up s that nners. g pick u in r lk e poster t a g a w in iv d v t n a o a w m ed lso sly tir were a id, “Run previou p. We hat sa u e t o r r e r g e w t g s po who heerin uite ed the loud, c I was q ially lik c ed our e s p s s a e d and p I e . ir s t u n they lt e give voice f we had rs had hile, my e that dinato w r im o t a o c r f e o the Aft riod at 1%.” the pe espite hone is d p r n u u o f was like y event ll, the a r e v O . hungry . waiting spent

o g N n a t i T -

May 12 th 2017

rpose t. Its pu n e v e f this ssing name o e h t is and pa g s a g b a b h h nc ing lunc g OC Lu time y mak Hashta b s s y. This le t e n u m o o C h the Orange lp feed less in e m here o h is to he the rs as t e y ll e t a n c lu ifi o c ers ut. Spe many v volunte them o rly as s a A e . n d ’t e t eren articipa there w have p I on the s e around im , draw s wo t e t t s o u n io positive he prev lunch were t ss out s, write a e p h ic d n w and items, a make s nch gs with a b we help h t the lu c u n o lu g e in ck th er pass ers. ags, pa bit long a t lunch b volunte n e f p o s e k c less. W f the la er to o home cause o e b bags t togeth y r d a e r k b r li o ublic n and w y the p smile o a bags b t p e k eless. he hom eryone t v e , id s a s le was to Regard e which iv t c e j heir ob finish t

” lo Salgado

- Pab

A day b efore t he the helped o Walk t o Cure A ut with rthritis, setting u I p there w the eve as not m nt. Whe n I got t uch to d here, o as mo up, alth st of th ough I d e event id help o was set ut with and dec putting orating u p tables a the fen t booth ces. On of the the 21st s walk), , the ac we were tual da assigned runners! y to chee We wer r the w e also in alkers/ charge It was v of the ery hot water s , but th tation. e energ us going y of th ! At the e w a end of lkers k the eve ept down th nt, we h e booth ad to h s. In this elp tak process chairs, a e we took nd tent down ta s. This w bles, as the m event in ost tirin general, g part of but I’m g the lad we were ab le to he lp!

May 20 th - 21st 2017

- T” ina Tran

May DCM:

Otter Olympics

Member of

Vivian Mai Nguyen

An upcoming junior at

westminster high school and active, dedicated key club


member! Pictured Left to

): Vivian M. Nguyen, Alex


Truong Vu, Joseph the MonthNguyen, Edwards, and Isabella Nguyen

Officer of

Don Le

A current garden grove high school student who plays tennis on his free time.

( ): Arvin Nguyen, Don Le, and Thomas Ha. Pictured Left to right

Club of




Pictured Left to right

Isabella Nguyen, Ana Nguyen,

Dylan Nguyen, Kaitlyn Huynh, Alex Nguyen, and Kevin Truong.

the Month


l a q u i n t a

365 w e s t i m i n s t e r

287 r a n c h o

a l a m i t o s

Club 78 g a r d e n g r o v e

75 s a n t i a g o

Points * not to scale


b o l s a

65 c e n t u r y

26 l o s

a m i g o s

20 v a l l e y

3 p a c i f i c a

Contact Information Secretary Kathy Trinh dawgdawgkat@ gmail.com

Member Recognition Cathy Nguyen cathyxnguyenx@ gmail.com

Member Relation Service Expo Task Cindy Lam Ellen Bui thekeyiscindy@ ellenbui2542123@ gmail.com

Service Expo Paulian Le paulianle7@ gmail.com


Spirit Coordinator Kelly Tran keellytraan@ gmail.com

Spirit Coordinator Kiwianis Relations Derek Le Truman Nguyen lederek0@ nguyentrumanbgkc@ gmail.com gmail.com Media Task Ysabella Roman MNT Fundraising Kenny Tran ysabellaroman@ do4n.cnhkc.kenny@ gmail.com gmail.com Communications & PTP Fundraising Marketing Hulbert Dang Linda Vo hulbert619@ volinda2000@ gmail.com gmail.com


Thanks for tuning in! catch



Lieutenant Governor Christine Dang d04n.cnhkc.ltg@ gmail.com




Executive Assistant Emily Ngo thekeyisemily@ gmail.com

News Editor Region Advisor Isabella Nguyen Elaine Pong division4newseditor@ epong119@aol.com gmail.com

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