Division 4 North June Newsletter

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No rth // R

r e t N t ew O n

egio n3 // J









Honorable Otters of Division 4 North


Banquet Recap

10 |

Service Highlights

15 |

Club Points

June DCM: Officer Region Training

13 |

17 |

Contact Information

Honorable O t t e r s of D i vis ion 4 North

Honorable Otters

Our historian,

Alex Nguyen,

has surpassed the club’s expectations in many

ways. At every event, Alex is ready with his camera to take quality pictures of the members that the whole club enjoys looking at. He sets extremely high expectations for himself and work and always strives to improve and be better. As an officer of Rancho Alamitos Key Club, he is one of the most spirited and driven, always eager to help any of the other officers with any tasks. Even without designation, Alex is not afraid to take initiative and perform what needs to be done. Not only has he contributed his time, Alex is always giving new ideas and suggestions to make our club more successful. For example, in our recent fundraiser for PTP, Alex offered to make stickers to be passed out for each purchase. With his help and endless efforts, our club was able to make a profit of $100 for PTP, achieving the division challenge of the month. Overall, Alex is a unique individual who holds Key Club’s success as one of his top priorities. Without him in Rancho Key Club, we would be lacking many innovations, fresh ideas, and creativity. He may have only been an officer for two months but he has made our club more than proud and we look forward to the rest of the term with him

“ “

as an officer.

Kirby Nguyen

- Annie Pham, Rancho Alamitos

always shows up to events motivated and ready to

work. He interacts with all of the other members and helps out as much as possible. We are very lucky to have such a passionate member!


- Hillary Tran, Garden Grove

Erika Turcois

has gone above and beyond

her dedication continually by attending all (6/70) but one event since her first event, March of Dimes. I personally got to interact with Erika more at the Parent Culmination event and she’s a charm. She is kind, sociable, and caring. Even though Erika is a new member, she is not shy to get herself out there. I am proud of everything she has done for our club so far and can’t wait for what the future has in store for her.

- Annie Van, Santiago

I believe that this member deserves to be the

member of the month because he’s very passionate about the club. He may not tell others how much he cares about the club, however, after being observant you will notice that his actions express his thoughts and love for the club. I also believe that this individual deserves to be the member of the month because he is very attentive to the other members and his surroundings. He notices the littlest details about the members and keeps it in mind.

Van Nguyen

may be quiet, however members

have noticed how spirited he is when he’s at service events. Overall Van is a kind-hearted individual who loves to spread kindness towards everyone. He is compassionate towards others and executed the core values of Key Club on and off campus.

- BaoVan Le, Bolsa Grande

Thank you

with being active in Key Club this past month. She shows


Alan Nguyen

able Otters 2

can be seen at almost any Key Club

event whether it is a DCM or just a community service activity. He is open to doing all tasks, even the most laborious ones like gardening, without any complaint, racking up more hours than most of the officers.

Seeing Alan at majority of our club events is extremely motivational and inspiring since he is a member that

is going above and beyond with his efforts to serve.

Despite his quiet and shy demeanor, Alan is the epitome

of a dedicated member and Rancho Alamitos Key Club is honored to have him be a part of our club.

- Annie Pham, Rancho Alamitos Ever since being elected,

Cristabel Portillo


shown so much passion for Key Club. She is extremely

enthusiastic about being treasure and is constantly coming up with many fundraising ideas all for the benefit of her home club and for PTP as well.


- Mikey Herrera, Century

Kevin Truong

has been

to contribute to making the club run

as smooth as possible. He always finds ways to keep the entire board on

track and never fails to go beyond

his duties for the betterhood of both the board and club. He is an amazing asset to our team and I know he will

push boundaries throughout this term!

- Kaitlyn Huynh, Westminster

Right from the beginning of the

term, our club has been slow and

Ashley Ninh



the club gain momentum again by suggesting fundraising ideas and

reaching out to other clubs at our

school to collaborate with. Although many of the board members are busy with testing, she has shown

exploratory leadership when we are

not available.

- Frank Le, Los Amigos

Thank you

putting in copious amounts of work



- 20 17 de r a G

ue q n a


n Grove

the nquet was one of Ba ub Cl ey K e ov The Garden Gr moments of that st be e th of ne O e had. greatest nights I’v t . At first I couldn’ ar Ye e th of r be Mem night was earning d shock and surprise in as w I d an e m as believe that it w r in this was my first yea rm te ub Cl ey K because this past the at I did much for th n ea m ly on ’t s doesn amazing club. Thi help which makes y m of ed ed ne rs who club but for othe ort rd work and eff ha y m d ce ti no rs he me proud that ot and Dave and Buster’s at es am g g in ay Pl I put out to help. was such a great rs be ub cl ey k w y fello having fun with m kept ories that will be em m g in st la er ev with experience filled forever.


- Tiffany Than


6 201 7


ue q n a


La Quinta


On Sunday, June 11 La Quinta Key Club had its end of the year banquet at Dave and Busters. We gathered together at 5pm to celebrate what we ha ve achieved this year . We started off with the food and sp eeches from other me mbers to our seniors. They were brought to tears of course. Next were the awards that were passed out by our new term offic ers to our members to congratulate them on random stuff. Our old and new president were able to present their speech about th e year the passed and what awaits us in our new year. After, we congratulated the seniors for their year s of service with their stolls. Throughout the night, there were many talented acts th at performed to entertain everyone in the room. With that, it was a wrap to our banquet and everybod y took pictures at th e photo booth before leaving to play the ar cade games. Overall, it was a bitter sweet night as our seniors wi ll be leaving very soon but we were able to accomplish so much th is year.

� - Dennis Nguyen

Service Highlights June 24 th 2017


to t was s even le a t on of Folk ntingt stival hat Hu e t F t e n h e f t and the ev rpose o hs for h as up t c o u The pu s o , b s e were ng kid t gam nteers or you eer a lu f o v g in e h volunt ld t was ho ames All of rent g ibrary under. e L d f h n c if a a d Be with oolers ames booths dle sch t id n m e r g The g e . f s if k d in comin d into and dr throw, tribute s toys is a d h n bag h c c a u s e b ea s , e o e in priz ss, plink positiv s to w ring to s and e e r il e m for kid w s eded t had arents self ne e even h it t t t n a e their p v th e d n e a h ore. T h kids scare any m alt wit e d it and m er and t e a t h n t lu ing sad vo ultiple des be o be a had m t attitu h t t n o a o ot w s’ Key Each b e did n lamito rents. A a p o h e c and on h n t upset how Ra ot only s and howed id s k with n it e k d h r n t o a w d m ssigne nt tea fore eers a ere be excelle h d t n volunt y a d alrea t spirit ho are s grea a w h s b lt u lu C the ad es but lv e s m the them.



n e y u g N m - Alan Pha

hon Zentat or the f t u o elp ed to h 9;s and lunteer o v b n&#3 lu o C s y in e k r K he Pa inster uring pport t Westm come d d to su e t s o mbers h e s m a b w lu w c vent had fe ift. We . The e 5K run ion. We cond sh t e s a d e n h u t o g order F up durin ent Dis ed out to show n a Movem g d I help e n b a e r t o if st sh t, but m ing the fir st shif s inspir area in the fir t n e t. It wa v if e h s in a d n m eco the lp g the s set up d to he helped ne durin nteere li lu o h v is n r fi n o at the d each ra water ally kin ple who o e p passing was re f r o o p t u a o in r oord large g vent c d had such a . The e dule an n io to see t a d ic sche n t u c o e f h e ch a or th ple had su oney f ore peo gh she u raise m o h t even m n d e n v ie e r s f u ith d to be e joke tient w s able and pa ds as w n of. I wa ie e r r f a c isting o take arlier with ex hings t hours e bonds w r e e many t h f t a r fu up nd built d o wake nity an I had t r club a u h o g u m o o commu h lt e fr h A t . s o t able to give fting t while li be able o t it h around wort bers. it was lub mem lly do, c a u s w u o I ll fe than ts with momen le b a r o em have m

June 10 th 2017

i a L n a h t a ” -N

LQKC vo lunteere d at th happene e Liquid d over Run, This the cou event rse of 3 volunte days, in ered on which LQ Sunday KC in order courses to help and ma set up t ke sure he that ev We arr erythin ived pro g goes mptly a smoothly t 7 in t received . he morn our volu ing, sign nteer t e d in, and -shirts. blow up Afterw the floa ard, we ts and helped received it be on our assig the cou nments, rse to h whethe elp the to mak r r u nners ou e sure t t of th he child e water ren don or to he ’t get h , lp at re urt at t gistratio h e kidzone n. Our sh afterno , ift end on, but ed at 2 most st in ayed af the Althoug ter to r h it was un on th scorchin e course g hot, w the sun! . e sure d id have fun in

- Alexcis Ngu


June 25 th 2017

June 11 th 2017

One even t I partic ipated in for Life June was . This ev the Rela ent was v y on a lat in which e Sunday I and oth morning, er volunt eers help anything e d tear d that wa own s left of Once we the Rela y for Lif got ther e walk. e, we we re split in try clea to group n up the s to stadium a s the first much as hour ,we possible. During worked on gettin tables, c g any po hairs, te nts, and sters, or signs stacked in t o neatly piles, the n into ve hicles. By got the entire fi the time eld empt we y we sw looking f ept the or any t stadium rash lef t behind we took . At the our usua very end l group p icture w and hea ith an ot ded hom ter pose e.

” - Maria Guardado

June 26 th 2017


fect as per w t a h t urse rathon acle co tle ma t t s li b o n u e a f use th nds, un was t beca a e h iquid R ith frie L r w e d m n m e u s to att t the as great agains is t t h n g here w e t fi v o e s to , e r h ach! T e wate ere the be e on th t r e a w acles w s t a s s w le b c o a e h e obst wet. T n. how th o get t down o u o o seeing y g r o o t f s ance or the e slide y a ch spots f ad hug h e h t t alread a h up to get ouses t o clean uncy h oo late t o t s b e t r o le e p t w lit l got s r club end we stil ely, ou t t u a b n , u n’t att t lf id r e o d s f it b n U event our clu ing the though r n u p the e d v s E aning u ter. shift f le a c y y e da was b as able urse th fun it club w w o r h u the co o w still sa vent. If ould rse, we r the e ar, it w u o e o f y c e t e r x th re the ent ne ough hat we the ev t f s o le go thr y c s a u d t e h le obsta would s for t e spot rators h t t is t in e m to g the ad ! cause e b s done t s la ing wa h t be a b y r e v fter e urse a o c e h t

m a ” h P y h t - Timo

back e went w , d e end hers ol just o h c s e teac h h g t u o f o h one Even t e o help t r e think h d r ’t o n in id d t day t, he At firs . the nex to s e s s cla arted t g s in e v o w ce s m hat , but on who wa o d o First w t . s y u s u r b o ore ings f o even m had th t o We als g . s e e w , lv p e u nd sh nd set esks a d clean a d n ennis u ve aro f the t o o m s s e r a u w e pict we did was th ramed g f in d lp n e a h ere posters o we w h ful w put up r e nd help ach a e t n u e f h as t very o was a players it ad to d ll h a e in h ll e A sinc coach. eacher t tennis e h t for ecially p s e t n eve rk. less wo

June 10 th 2017

ra e r r e H y e k i -M

I look f orward to volun every y teering ear! We at Summ were inv erfest ited by advisor our spon . I volunt soring K eered a iwanis t this e and Sun v e nt on bo day. On th Satu Saturda rday y mornin much to g, we did do yet n’t have so we b onded r many ic eally we ebreak ll by do ers and ing just get other b t ingt o k etter! S now eac unday w h as so sp a handf e cial bec ul of eig ause I in hth-gra vited ders to glad I g this eve ot to ex nt and perience I am so their fir They w s t event ere so e asy to with th talk to em! really e a n d I can njoyed tell the this eve y nt.

”- Nikki Trin


June rrrre th 2017

June DCM:

Officer Region 13


Member of

Kady Tran

An otter at Los Amigos

High School, with positive vibes and an amazing

amount of dedication to

the Month Jacob Flores A current Santa Ana

Key Club!

Officer of

Valley high school

student., puts all his

efforts and time into serving his home club.

What a otter-tastic guy!

Club of

the Month Bolsa Grande

For the month of April

because I made a mistake... Sorry Bolsa! I made

Westminster Club of the

Month for May, so you can

the Month

be MOTM for June!!

449 386

l a q u i n t a 15

w e s t i m i n s t e r

322 r a n c h o

a l a m i t o s

Club 107 b o l s a g r a n d e

63 g a r d e n g r o v e

Points * not to scale

49 c e n t u r y

46 s a n t i a g o

40 p a c i f i c a

31 l o s a m i g o s

25 v a l l e y

Contact Information Secretary Kathy Trinh dawgdawgkat@ gmail.com

Member Recognition Cathy Nguyen cathyxnguyenx@ gmail.com

Member Relation Service Expo Task Cindy Lam Ellen Bui thekeyiscindy@ ellenbui2542123@ gmail.com

Service Expo Paulian Le paulianle7@ gmail.com


Spirit Coordinator Kelly Tran keellytraan@ gmail.com

Spirit Coordinator Kiwianis Relations Derek Le Truman Nguyen lederek0@ nguyentrumanbgkc@ gmail.com gmail.com Media Task Ysabella Roman MNT Fundraising Kenny Tran ysabellaroman@ do4n.cnhkc.kenny@ gmail.com gmail.com Communications & PTP Fundraising Marketing Hulbert Dang Linda Vo hulbert619@ volinda2000@ gmail.com gmail.com


Thanks for tuning in!







Lieutenant Governor Christine Dang d04n.cnhkc.ltg@ Executive Assistant Executive Assistant Tran Le Emily Ngo tran3605 thekeyisemily @gmail.com @gmail.com News Editor Isabella Nguyen division4newseditor @gmail.com

Region Advisor Elaine Pong epong119 @aol.com

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