June 2022 Hardwood Matters

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JOIN NHLA ON JULY 20TH FOR AN ADVOCACY 101 ZOOM WEBINAR The mid-term elections will take place on November 8; results will have a tremendous impact on Washington D.C. legislation and regulation for the next two years. Please join us on Wednesday, July 20th at Noon for our ZOOM Webinar entitled “Advocacy 101”. Our federal policy advocates, from the Hardwood Federation will show us the easy steps to communicating your thoughts, ideas and concerns to current members and candidates for federal office. Learn how to make your voice heard!

Register for this Webinar at http://www.nhla.com/webinar10


Dana Lee Cole, Executive Director Hardwood Federation Pat Rita, Principal at Orion Advocates and Government Affairs Consultant to the Hardwood Federation

MISSED ANY OF OUR OTHER WEBINARS? THEY ARE JUST A CLICK AWAY! Visit NHLA.com to find all our Educational Webinars from topics on Log Recovery and Profit, Drying Hard Maple to Sawing Hardwood For Grade and Yield. In this area, you will find and can access live online courses and webinar replays. Webinar replays are FREE to NHLA Members. Non-members can view for a fee.


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