Analysis of results.
Do you like the opening titles within this clip? Do you like the opening titles within thisofclip? Some the detailed responses included: 20%
Yes No
1/16/2015 3:38 PM Because they are really jumping and in your face which is good for a horror. 1/15/2015 10:42 PM They were effective and eye grabbing 1/14/2015 6:59 PM I don't usually pay much attention to titles. 1/14/2015 4:22 PM I don't like that they are all in one space on the screen
Some of the feedback that came back to us includes that the titles are quite dull and they don’t like where they have been positioned on the screen. So in our final film we will make sure that the titles are eye catching and positioned well by, making sure the colour of the font goes with the background image because one of our responses say that they like how the titles jump out at you and how eye catching they are.
Do you like the music in this clip? Some of the detailed responses included: Â Do you like the music used in the clip? Its creepy 1/16/2015 3:38 PM 22% It builds tension and excitement 1/15/2015 10:42 PM Yes No I didn't like the music - but thought it fitted with the genre well. 1/14/2015 6:59 PM It is effective and creates suspense 78% 1/14/2015 4:22 PM
Most of our responses include that they liked the music and thought that it fitted well with the genre. So, when we come round to putting music in our film we will make sure it fits accurately with our film and that it creates suspense towards the audience. We will assure this by making the music loud in some parts of the film when necessary to create fear and tension.
In your opinion, does this clip build suspense? Some of the detailed responses included:
r opinion, does this clip build tension and suspense? The music creates a eery feel and 11% the laughs of the antagonist make you feel like your waiting for the Yes encounter to happen. No 1/16/2015 3:38 PM See above answer 1/15/2015 10:42 PM Because of the music used 89%
1/14/2015 4:22 PM
Generally I think suspense is important in a horror film as it creates adrenaline. The majority of the responses are suggesting that the music is creating the suspense. So again we will make sure the music fits well with our film to create the suspense.
Do you find this clip engaging making you want to watch more? Some of the detailed responses included: Do you find this clip engaging, making you want to watch more? 22%
Yes No
I want it to explain why the woman has a hole in her gown. 1/16/2015 3:38 PM It draws you in 1/15/2015 10:42 PM I don't particularly like horror films 1/14/2015 6:59 PM I want to know how the woman's pj's actually got cut 1/14/2015 4:22 PM it creates curiosity and excitement 1/14/2015 2:44 PM
Most of the responses have come back saying that they want to know as to why the woman has cuts on her gown/pajamas. This is making the responses want to watch on more for the explanation of, how they got there? What happened?. So when it comes down to our opening film we will make sure there will be something unusual in the frame which, doesn't’t have an answer to why it is there until later on. This will hopefully make the audience curious, making them want to watch more.
Do you think the location used in this clip is effective?
Some of the detailed responses included: It is creepy and creates fear of the ou think the location used in the clip is effective? unknown 11% 1/14/2015 4:22 PM It’s great as the whole factory, industrial Yes like scene, makes you feel as though No something bad will happen. 1/14/2015 2:44 PM Yes it is 1/15/2015 10:42PM 89%  All the responses that we got back are positive as they all believe that the location is effective. Some say that it comes across as creepy giving you a sense that something bad is going to happen. As a group we think that the location is one of the most important conventions. When it comes down to picking the location we will make sure it fits well with the horror genre creating fear towards the audience and that something bad is going to happen to the protagonist making them want to watch on.
Do you find the villains hidden identity effective? Do you find the Villians hidden identity effective? 22%
Yes No
We had no comments back for this question however the percentages show that 78% find that the hidden identity is effective. Because of the results it has helped our group decide that showing the villain near the end of the clip will be a good idea because it will hopefully make the viewers want to carry on watching towards the end of the film. However because our task is only meant to be the beginning of the horror we might not even show the villain in our film at all.
Which sounds do you prefer in this clip? Which sounds do you prefer in this clip? 12%
Music (organ) 29% The laughing from the murderer Screams of the woman 24%
Again we had no comments back for this question however the majority of people said they preferred the screams from the woman. Our group may consider putting a loud horrific scream from a woman which will make the audience fear for the protagonist.
Do you like the choice of weapon used by the villain in this clip?
Some of the detailed responses e the choice of weapon used by the villian in this clip? included: it is unique and different to the 23% usual weapons used. Yes No 1/16/2015 3:38 PM It is unrealistic 1/14/2015 4:22 PM 77%
The Hungry Media team has already decided that we are going to make a Psychological film rather than a slasher so, at the moment I don’t think we will need to think too much on what weapon we will use. However, personally I believe a chainsaw would create the most fear towards the audience as, it is big with an enormous sharp blade and it is also loud when in action.
Do you like the females costume?
Do you like the female costume?
Some of the detailed responses included:
23% Yes No
it makes her look vulnerable. 1/16/2015 3:38 PM It makes her look weak 1/14/2015 4:22 PM
In the clip the females costume is white and the responses suggest that this makes her look vulnerable. So in our group I think we should consider the costume carefully so, that it does make the girl look weak. Again this will create fear towards the protagonist as they will look like they would not be able to fight off the antagonists to survive.
Overall, in your opinion do you feel this opening scene engages you, making you want to watch more?
Some of the detailed responses included: Overall, in your opinion do you feelWhen this opening scene enagages making she wakes up, you can seeyou, where the you w murderer has scratched her night dress. This gives 11% the idea that the dream was real. I also liked the start where you saw the murderer make his Yes No weapon (the gloved hand) 2/7/2015 11:19 PM The eery music and location work well together. 1/16/2015 3:38 PM 89% I think the location and sound are most effective 1/14/2015 4:22 PM