Question Two How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Gender. The main character Lilly, is represented well through mise en scene because of her costume she has long blonde hair and is wearing a pink dress which is very girly as it reveals a lot of her skin making her look exposed, creating a sense of vulnerability. She's also small, we wouldn't expect a young girl in a clean pretty dress to fight off anything in the way, we would expect a man in ripped jeans quite big and muscly too but there is no one around too help. Linking to the sense of vulnerability our non diegetic sound creates tense rumbling noise throughout our film however it doesn’t sound nice and makes you feel uncomfortable knowing that something is going to happen to the young girl creating fear and adrenaline. A crane shot In a our film tells the audience that the villain is above Lilly, looking down on her.
Here is the crane shot showing how vulnerable Niamh is.
Here is another shot showing Lilly’s costume.
AGE Our main character Lilly is only 19 and moving into a big house on her own with no parents to guide her. She is shown unorganised through the mise en scene as there are boxes scattered all over the house. This is how society would represent a teenager from most people like parents complaining that their child's room is messy. Lilly is misguided when she's emptying the boxes because she gets distracted by putting some flowers into a vase. The representation of a teenager would be one who daydreams and gets easily distracted from getting bored quickly this is shown well through our film. When Lilly finds out that whenever she looks away from the picture the scary girl moves she carries on looking at it which suggests she's irresponsible this is shown clearly through the editing and close ups of Lilly's face when she keeps looking back at the photo. This is also shown stereotypically because of her being irresponsible tells us that she is a usual teenager like one who is represented in society who will go out and drink and take drugs.
Here is a close up of Lilly being irresponsible when she keeps looking at the photo of the scary girl.