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Volume 4. Issue 04 <3rd Nov 2013> Fr. Melvyn Mullins Co-PP Parish Office 01- 473 3109 www.clogherroad.ie E: clogherroadparish@eircom.net
November Time Its always a reminder to us when we change the clock and the day shortens and the weather develops a chill that winter is here. Its not always welcomed by everyone even though we know there is little if anything we can do about it. As the trees shed their leaves and the light in the day changes, nature is telling us something about the journey of life as we see it in the world around us. We can even long for the summer to stay with us but that’s not what happens is it? Even the natural cycle tells us of the cycle of life—death to new life and over again.
Parish Contact Details
Items for the Newsletter
St. Bernadette’s Church, Clogher Rd. Dublin 12
Notices and submissions for inclusion in the Newsletter should be left in the Parish Office no later than 10.30am Wednesday in week of publication. Envelopes marked “Parish Newsletter” should be left in the Parish Office.
T: Sacristy 01 453 5099 T: Parish Office/Centre: 01 473 3109 E: clogherroadparish@eircom.net www.clogherroad.ie
It’s only natural then that we remember our departed loved ones in a special way at this time of year. And even though we know that we cannot last forever that doesn’t mean that we can’t miss loved ones and mourn for them. Its perfectly natural. As people sharing the Christian faith we share a belief that there if resurrection after death. It’s sometimes only after we loose someone close that this part of our faith takes on a new meaning for us and can be a source of consolation. We remember our loved ones, family, friends and members of our parish community during this month and we ask the Lord to help us to be open to the consolation and love he shares with us through and in those he surrounds us with. Slán. Fr. Melvyn
Magis Ireland
Nov.15th @ 7.30 pm - St. Agnes Church, Crumlin. Songs of Praise, featuring combined local choirs, St. Agnes Orchestra & the Garda Ladies Choir. Tickets €10 phone 4555368—all money raised towards church refurbishment.
Jesuit Young Adult Ministry (18-35 yrs) An Ignatian Retreat in daily life From 18th - 22nd November
Nov 15th @ 8pm The Helix DCU Labyrinth Concert. An evening of music from musicals such as Les Miserables to pop groups such as Coldplay. Tickets €15. Available Helix Box office 01-7007000 or www.thehelix.ie Nov.23rd @ 8pm - Our Lady of Good Counsel Mourne Rd, Drimnagh - Project Choir for Year of Faith. Performing a selection of pieces from ‘Messiah’, accompanied by St. Cecilia Orchestra. Tickets €10 Tel. 01-4556105.
This is a weeks retreat that blends into your normal life noticing God in all you do. Supported by regular meetings with a trained spiritual guide. Info contact Debbie @ 086-232 1768 or 01-8943165
D12 DMAP—November Drop-in (Guest Speaker Rhona Coughlan Greater Dublin Independent Living) Venue: Fr. Kitt Court Hall, St. Agnes Rd, Crumlin. Mon 4th & 18th Nov 1.30pm to 4.30pm A chance to socialise, info share & work collectively on disability issues. Further info: 01-4099 667 d12dmap@gmail.com
November & PTAA
Many people choose to abstain from alcohol for the month of November & offer this in honour of their loved ones. You can do likewise!
The Holy Souls in Purgatory
Take the short-term pledge for November. www.pioneerassociation.ie contact 01-8749464
Tues Nov 12th @ 11 am St. Bernadette’s Parish Centre, Clogher Road. [In church grounds] The Legion of Mary
Miscarriage Association of Ireland Annual Service of Remembrance Sunday 10th November @ 3pm St. Teresa’s Church, Donore Avenue (off South Circular Road, D8) Anyone affected by the loss of a baby are welcome to attend.
Baptism Information Minimum 3 weeks notice from return of Request Form to parish office also attendance at Preparation Meeting is required. Further information http://www.clogherroad.ie/Sacraments/bap.php Parish Office 4733109; E:clogherroadparish@eircom.net Parish Pastoral Council Declan Enright (Chair); Stephen Graham (Vice-Chair); Cathy Graham (Secretary); Maureen Murphy; Anne Rooney; Sr. Ann & Anne McBride Bridget Campbell If you have any ideas/suggestions about our parish you can contact the Chairperson. Please leave the details along with your name and contact info for the Chairperson in the sacristy or in the Parish Office.
Baptisms in October 2013 Welcome our new members of our faith community: Paige Hope Hynes Aidan Paul Delamere Zak Thomas Kenny Sadhbh Rosemary Kavanagh Lacey Aubrey Rose Kennedy
Your Contributions Oct 2013 Thanks to the parishioners for your support
Parent & Toddler Group Wednesdays 10.15am to 12 Noon The Parent and Toddler Group is run by a group of volunteers from the Parish. Volunteers are urgently needed to help out - if you know of anyone who may be interested in volunteering Contact Parish Office 01-4733109 E: clogherroadparish@eircom.net
Remembering Our Loved Ones October 2013 We extend our sympathy to those in our community who experienced the loss of a loved one recently: Annie Edwards Michael Byrne Billy Collins; Rosie Williams
St. Bernadette’s Parish Clogher Road
Share € 882
Annual Mass of Remembrance For our Loved Ones
Family Offering €1995
Sunday 10th November 2013 @ 12 Noon Light Refreshments afterwards in the Parish Centre.