The NIBE Group Brand Strategy
Endorsement logo
– take advantage of the NIBE Group strong position
The NIBE Group applies a decentralised brand policy, based on what is in the best interest of defending and expanding the market shares and profitable growth. This means that the subsidiaries are free to either solely use their original brands or also apply the NIBE Group endorsement logo. The objective is to maintain and enhance awareness of their brand in the market and creating a strong brand to ensure long-term business opportunities.
The brand and it's visual part – the logo - are vital and act as a differentiators in an increasingly generic range of products and services.
Our endorsement logo is a signal of affiliation with the NIBE Group. If and when affiliation with the NIBE Group can enhance a Group company’s business opportunities, this should be communicated by using the endorsement logo.
The NIBE Group is not only an owner but also a guarantor to endorse the capabilities of the Group companies. Usage of the endorsement logo underlines the affiliation to a financially strong, reputable, longterm owner with shared values and business principles.
The usage of the endorsement logo is optional
When the endorsement logo is used, the guidelines presented in this documents must be followed.
The purpose of the endorsement logo is to be used as a sign of endorsement and support. It must always be used in connection with the main sender, e.g. the subsidiary’s logo. The guidelines instruct how to use it, either when placed next to the main sender's logo or as stand alone in the context of the main sender. Consequently, the endorsement logo may not be used on its own, without any connection.
These guidelines provide rules for how to use the endorsement logo when it is applied – rules that must be followed in every respect.
If you run into problems with the usage, please contact us by mail at:
The NIBE Group Legal Structure NIBE Climate Solutions
The NIBE Group Legal Structure – NIBE Element
The NIBE Group Legal Structure – NIBE Stoves
The NIBE Group Brands' Logos
The brands' visual part, the logos, illustrate the Group's broad identities.
Business Area NIBE Climate Solutions Business Area NIBE Element Business Area NIBE Stoves
Usage of OLD Business Area logos is not allowded, please see page 5.
The NIBE Group Logo Structure
Parent company logo Business Area logo Endorsement logo ELEMENT STOVES
The NIBE Group, i.e. the parent company NIBE Industrier AB, is the only company allowed to use the logo with the sole name NIBE.
The subsidiary NIBE AB in Markaryd is excepted and should also use the NIBE logo.
If any subsidiary or product brand wants to refer to NIBE, use the endorsement logo.
The Business Areas have the name NIBE connected to the Business Area name.
The purpose of the Business Area logo is to be used in Business Area presentations on Business Area-level and in Joint Sales Marketing.
When writing the Business Area name in plain text, please see next page for further instructions.
Subsidiaries within the Business Areas may not use the Business Area logo when referring its affiliation with the NIBE Group, ONLY the endorsement logo.
The endorsement brand logo is the only logo to be used when a subsidiary/product brand is communicating the affiliation with the NIBE Group.
See pages 10-14 how to use the logo.
Business Area Logos
The purpose of the Business Area logo is to be used in presentations on Business Area level and in Joint Sales Marketing.
Right of use is on Business Area management level.
Subsidiaries within the Business Areas may ONLY use the endorsement logo, NOT the Business Area logo when referring its affiliation with the NIBE Group.
How to refer to the Business Area
When a Business Area is referred to or written about, its name must be preceded by the words “Business Area” the first time it is mentioned.
There’s no need to repeat the words “Business Area” more than once in the text. Next time a certain Business Area is mentioned in the same context you may use only the name, e.g. NIBE Climate Solutions.
When writing the Business Area name in plain text, please refer to the writing below.
Business Area Corporate Communication
The Business Area logo can be used when the Business Area is presented in a corporate context and in internal communication and events.
When using the Business Area logo in a corporate context for external communication the graphic guidelines of the parent company must be applied.
The Business Area Logo in Joint Sales Marketing
The Business Area logo can also be used when two or more subsidiaries/ brands are marketed jointly or the entire Business Area is to be promoted.
The visual profile used may belong to an already existing one except for the typography which is the same as the Parent company’s: Source sans, see page 23.
Trade show display
Use of the Business Area logo. Applicable in joint marketing events, e.g. NIBE Element Wind Solutions, Railway Solutions, Appliance Solutions, Automotive Solutions and HVAC Solutions.
The NIBE Group, the Boilerplate
How to refer to the NIBE Group in text
The NIBE Group’s legal name is NIBE Industrier AB, which is to be used only in for mal contexts such as contracts/agreements, the annual report, etc.
When referring to the NIBE Group in a less formal context, please use NIBE Group, for example in the “About the company” information on a web page. This also ensures consistent name usage in relation to the endorsement
logo. Please note, NIBE is ALWAYS written with capital letters.
Brief description of the companies/subsidiaries in the NIBE Group
Depending on the level/placement in the Group structure, the description of a relationship may vary, for example:
n NN is a company within the Backer Group, part of NIBE Group’s Business Area Element.
n NN is a company within NIBE Energy Systems, part of the NIBE Group’s Business Area Climate Solutions.
n NN is a subsidiary of the NIBE Group and part of the NIBE Group’s Business Area Climate Solutions/Element/Stoves.
Brief description of the NIBE Group
The following text should be used as a brief description of the NIBE Group. Please note that the text includes figures for sales and number of employees that are accurate. Accordingly, these must be checked and updated regularly.
NIBE Group – a global organisation with companies and a
presence worldwide
NIBE Group is a global organisation that contributes to a lower carbon footprint and better utilisation of energy. In our three business areas – Climate Solutions, Element and Stoves – we develop, manufacture and market a wide range of environmentally-friendly, energy-efficient solutions for indoor climate comfort in all types of properties, plus components and solutions for intelligent heating and control in industry and infrastructure.
Since its beginnings in the town of Markaryd in the province of Småland 70 years ago, NIBE has grown into a global group with 20,400 employees on average. From the very start, the company has been driven by a strong culture of entrepreneurship and a passion for corporate responsibility. Its success factors are long-term investments in sustainable product development and strategic acquisitions. Combined, these factors have brought about strong, targeted growth, which generated sales of just over SEK 30 billion in 2021.
NIBE has been listed under the name NIBE Industrier AB on the Nasdaq Nordic Large Cap list since 1997, with a secondary listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 2011.
Please note that the sales figure in the description must be checked and updated from year 2019 and onwards. Check on
The Endorsement Logo
Placed on its own
(i.e. not combined with the company logo)
The purpose of the endorsement logo is to be used as a sign of endorsement and support. It must always be used along with the main sender, e.g. the subsidiary brand and its logo. The endorsement logo may be used placed together with the subsidiary brand and its logo, see the right column on this page, or as stand alone in the context of the main sender, see free zones on page 14. Also see examples of both applications on page 17.
Consequently, the endorsement logo may not be used on its own without any connection.
Placed together with company brand
Please use following endorsement logos when placed together with a main logo.
Please note that the width of the endorsement logo relative to the main logo may vary, bearing in mind that the main logo has the leading part.
The Endorsement Logo Colors
The endorsement logo is also available in black and negative (white) color.
The endorsement logo must always be in color if the main logo is in color.
The Endorsement logo must always be in the same color as the main logo.
The Endorsement Logo Sizes
Maximum width Minimum width
The maximum size of the endorsement logo is the same width as the main logo.
The endorsement logo may have a smaller width in relation to the main logo. Please note that the minimum size must follow the rule that it is readable when used on a business card, corresponding the font size of 6 points in source sans pro.
Vertical height
The size of the vertical endorsement logo is almost the same height as the main, when using the vertical version. It is recommended to keep this relation in order to let the main logo dominate.
The Endorsement Logo Examples
Horizontal maximum width Horizontal minimum width
The maximum size of the endorsement logo is the same width as the main logo.
The endorsement logo may have a smaller width in relation to the main logo.
Please note that the minimum size must follow the rule that it is readable when used on a business card, corresponding the font size of 6 points in source sans pro.
Vertical maximum width Vertical minimum width
The size of the vertical endorsement logo is almost the same height as the main, when using the vertical version. It is recommended to keep this relation in order to let the main logo dominate.
The endorsement logo may have a smaller width and height in relation to the main logo.
Please note that the minimum size must follow the rule that it is readable when used on a business card, corresponding the font size of 6 points in source sans pro.
Free Zones when the Endorsement Logo Stands alone
When the endorsement logo is used without direct connection to a main logo the following free zones must be applied.
The following examples show different usages and placements of the logo that must be avoided.
The endorsement logo is too small and difficult to read.
Never combine a negative logo with a positive.
Do not use own versions
Do not resize.
Do not use the endorsement logo together with any logo other than the main logo.
The following examples show different usages and placements of the logo that must be avoided.
Don’t use the black logo when the main logo is in color.
Use only the negative logo when applied on a dark colored background.
Don’t use the endorsement logo as main sender.
Don’t use the Business Area logo as an endorsement logo.
Good Examples
Good examples will be added in the coming versions of the guidelines.
The endorsement logo may be placed at the top of the web page.
At top, together with the main sender.
When used as a footer, the endorsement logo may be placed alone.
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Link to the NIBE Group
Linking to the NIBE Group can be done by n Activating the endorsement logo
n Writing: NIBE Group Using the following URL:
Customers Production
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Please note: Do not use the name NIBE Industrier when referring to the parent company in writing, only NIBE Group.
E-mail Signature
First name Surname
Phone direct: +46 xxxxxxxx Mobile: +46 xxxxxxxxxxx
Company name Visiting address Postal address NN-xxxx TOWN Country Phone +46 xxxxxxxx
First name Surname
Phone direct: +46 xxxxxxxx Mobile: +46 xxxxxxxxxxx
Company name Visiting address Postal address NN-xxxx TOWN Country Phone +46 xxxxxxxx
Please follow the e-mail set up if the endorsement logo is included in the signature.
How to create an e-mail signature
Please visit MS Office’s tutorial in how to create an e-mail signature.
Print – Business Cards and Stationery
The following examples illustrate the application of the endorsement logo on a business card or on stationery.
Business cards Stationery
First name Surname
Phone direct: +46 xxxxxxxx Mobile: +46 xxxxxxxxxxx E-mail:
Company name Visiting address Postal address Country Phone +46 xxxxxxxx
First name Surname Title
Direct: +46 xxxxxxxx Mobile: +46 xxxxxxxxxxx
Company name Visiting address Postal address Country Phone +46 xxxxxxxx
First name Surname
Phone direct: +46 xxxxxxxx Mobile: +46 xxxxxxxxxxx E-mail:
Company name Visiting address Postal address Country Phone +46 xxxxxxxx
First name Surname
Title Phone direct: +46 xxxxxxxx Mobile: +46 xxxxxxxxxxx E-mail:
Company name Visiting address Postal address Country Phone +46 xxxxxxxx
Trade Show Display
The same principles handling the endorsement logo also apply on trade show displays.
The NIBE Group Corporate Colors
Please use the following corporate colors and graphic elements for the NIBE Group. They should be used whenever Group specific information is given.
The NIBE Group Typography
The corporate type face is Rubik, which can be downloaded freely on Google fonts.
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication.
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication. Rubik Light
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication. Rubik Light Kursiv
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication.
Rubik Normal Light
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication.
Rubik Normal Kursiv
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication.
Rubik Medium Light
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication.
Rubik Medium Kursiv
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication.
Rubik Semibold Light
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication. Rubik Semibold Kursiv
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication.
Rubik Bold Light
Rubik is used in all Corporate and Business Area level communication.
Rubik Bold Kursiv
NIBE Group Presentations
The NIBE Group PPT illustrates colors and layout in the Group profile when communicating on group level. Change of colors or graphic design is not permitted.
The NIBE Group PPT/Business Area must always use the NIBE Group profile when communicating on Business Area level. Consequently, change of colors or graphic design is not permitted.
The NIBE Group PPT/Company/Subsidiary illustrates an independent subsidiary profile. The subsidiary’s profile is used when communication on its level.