Stiefel Katalog 2022 EN

Page 11

LIQUORICE ROOT · FOR THE RESPIRATORY TRACT AND DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Originated in the Mediterranean area and West Asia. Liquorice root can have positive effects on the respiratory tract by providing anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects. The sweeteners in the liquorice root also stimulate the water and salt metabolism and can have spasmolytic effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Natural ingredients: glycyrrhizin, saponins, flavonoids, glycosides, coumarin. Feeding recommendation*: 20 – 60 g per day (600 g = up to 30 days) • 600 g bag/cut


DEVIL’S CLAW · BENEFITS FOR THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM The highly effective root is mainly and very successfully used for arthrosis, joint pain and tendonitis. Natural ingredients: iridoid glycosides, harpagides, harpagoside, procumbide, phytosterol, glutamic acid, histidine, sterol. Feeding recommendation*: 15 – 25 g per day (1 kg = up to 67 days) • 1 kg bag/cut • 1 kg bucket/pellets

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THYME · GOOD FOR THE RESPIRATORY TRACT AND DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Originates from the Mediterranean region. Thyme can have an anti-spasmodic effect on the bronchial system, suppresses the urge to cough and has a generally positive effect on the respiratory and bronchial system. Thyme may have a positive effect on the digestive system, stomach and gut. Thyme suppresses fermentation and eliminates flatulence. Natural ingredients: essential oils, tannins, flavonoids. Feeding recommendation*: 25 – 50 g per day (500 g = up to 20 days) • 500 g bag/cut


WILLOW BARK · GOOD FOR JOINTS AND PERFUSION The main active substance in willow bark is salicin. This substance is now synthetically produced and is an ingredient of a variety of pain medications. Natural ingredients: salicylic acid, glycoside salicin, tannins, tannic acid. Feeding recommendation*: 25 – 50 g per day (500 g = up to 20 days). Don‘t feed longer than 3 weeks. • 500 g bag/herbs, cut


HAWTHORN · BENEFITS CARDIOVASCULAR CIRCULATION In Medieval times, hawthorn was the symbol of hope.Today we use it as horse fodder to support the cardiovascular system. The main active ingredients are flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins, histamines and vitamin C. Hawthorn is known for its balancing effect in heart therapy. It can increase the oxygen and nutrient supply to the heart, while at the same time regulating the blood pressure and heart rhythm. It is therefore eminently suitable for older horses with unstable blood circulation, for example at high temperatures. It is also used to enhance performance during sports activities. Feeding recommendation*: 40 – 60 g per day (500 g = up to 13 days) • 500 g bag/herbs, cut



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