About Nicholas Fainlight

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Nicholas Fainlight | Business Development Associate, Hartford, CT | Professional Overview



N I C HOLAS F A I N L I G H T Nicholas Fainlight Bio Video

Nicholas Fainlight is an aspiring young professional who recently completed his degree in finance. His interest in the economy began at a young age and continued throughout his life. Nicholas Fainlight grew up around many family members and friends who were enthusiastic about economics. His mother and two uncles nicholasfainlight.com



Nicholas Fainlight | Business Development Associate, Hartford, CT | Professional Overview

worked in the finance industry, which led him to learn a lot about it while he was young and get an inside look at what it’s like working in the industry. He grew up in an area right outside New York City, where people were largely money-focused and many commuted to the city to work in finance. Due to this upbringing, Nicholas always kept an eye on finances when he was young and had a clear interest in their fluctuation over time. In junior high school, Nicholas Fainlight took his first economics class in order to explore his interest in finance further. In high school, he continued to take courses in this field. Nicholas always enjoyed economics classes and also English classes, another interest of his. However, when it came time to decide his career path as he entered college, he chose economics over English and never looked back. Nicholas Fainlight felt that though he enjoyed English classes and literature, he would be able to pursue the type of career he envisioned for himself by working in finance. He knew a lot about the industry and what it was like, so he was prepared to focus his studies on finance. Nicholas Fainlight’s favorite part of studying economics is that instead of just looking at spreadsheets, he gets to cover a wide span of topics including business law. Many people believe finance is fairly cut and dry, but Nick couldn’t disagree more. There are many facets to finance and something is always changing or developing, such as cryptocurrency. Even simply studying the stock market leads to many opportunities and constant changes. Finance professionals can choose to work in a specific business or offer their services in an industry they also find interesting. There are many opportunities to specialize in a topic when it comes to finance and spend time becoming an expert; you can always learn and experience more. In finance, Nicholas Fainlight loves getting a broader view of a technical topic, something he’s pursued throughout college. While in college, Nick looked up to his professors as mentors nicholasfainlight.com



Nicholas Fainlight | Business Development Associate, Hartford, CT | Professional Overview

because they are successful in the field. He believes in the importance of finding great mentors to work with as early in your career as possible. For young professionals, there’s so much to learn about business and plenty of ways to improve your professional skills. By working with a mentor, especially one who has experience in the field you’re interested in, it increases your chances of finding a job you love and excelling in that position. A mentor is there to field your questions, whether they’re specific about the industry you’re in or if you have general inquiries about professional etiquette. Mentors have a wealth of knowledge and experience any professional can benefit from tapping into. Before graduating college, Nicholas Fainlight had several internships and jobs that helped prepare him for his future career. One such internship was a sales internship for the Charlotte, North Carolina-based basketball team, the Charlotte Hornets. Nick thoroughly enjoyed that this internship allowed him to monitor economic trends and put his financial knowledge to use, while also being directly involved with a sports team, another passion of his. Nick believes in the value of internships, since they can give students professional and hands-on experience in a chosen industry. If you’re unsure about whether or not you want to pursue a specific area of study, it can be valuable to find an internship that provides experience in that field. Within regular finance, Nicholas Fainlight is fascinated with futures trading. Futures trading involves trying to predict future market trends based on past trends in the economy. It also involves making bets on whether or not a stock, currency, or other value will change. There are numerous ways to get into futures trading. It is a very involved task in which one needs to keep up with what is happening within the market, be it something regarding a company or currency. Nicholas Fainlight is enthusiastic about futures trading because he loves how nicholasfainlight.com



Nicholas Fainlight | Business Development Associate, Hartford, CT | Professional Overview

exciting and unpredictable it can be; it’s a pursuit that is constantly evolving and requires people who are prepared for fast-paced work. For the same reasons as his interest in futures trading, Nicholas Fainlight also keeps a close eye on the sustainable energy market. He’s fascinated with the uncertainty surrounding alternative forms of energy, such as solar panels, and the potential risks and rewards that come with putting money into these technologies. Nick believes we need to work on new and more efficient ways to develop and use energy, but it’s also difficult to know what methods will be the most beneficial in the long run. When it comes to a profession, Nicholas Fainlight values something that has variety, requires creative thinking, and opens up many possibilities. Nicholas Fainlight has an interest in the economy of sports, but holds a nuanced view on the matter. He finds it rather arbitrary how an economist can decide how much a team is worth. In this way, a group of people can make a decision that forever alters a team or company’s future. If a team builds a new stadium or a company constructs a new plant, their valuation can double in a day. Nick finds it interesting how volatile the value of a team or company can be. He has noticed that professional sports do not simply revolve around the players and how they perform; there is also a lot of economic considerations that go into team success and value. This detail is one that many sports fans do not spend much time focusing on, since they’re interested in how their individual teams perform. However, it can be important to pay attention to the economic value of a team because it can influence how much screen time they get, if they’ll receive funding for a new stadium, or what teams the best players head to in the draft. Nicholas Fainlight enjoys studying and working with fintech, which has developments that can be used in nearly any industry. nicholasfainlight.com



Nicholas Fainlight | Business Development Associate, Hartford, CT | Professional Overview

There are constantly new phone apps being unveiled that allow professionals and normal users to make their financial transactions and research simpler and more efficient. There are also so many international forums for people to trade on and Nick finds this accessibility amazing; it’s no longer too difficult to communicate with people in different locations and time zones and manage your finances from anywhere in the world. Through his studies and experience, Nicholas Fainlight has learned that it is important to be personable when working in finance. He knows that to succeed in finance, you need to be outgoing and willing to take risks. Nick is not afraid to test the limits in order to learn through experience rather than fearing failure. Nick has had a continuous thirst for success and new knowledge that’s allowed him to persevere in his education and now his career.




Nicholas Fainlight | Business Development Associate, Hartford, CT | Professional Overview

Nicholas Fainlight on the rugby eld while playing for Roanoke College

Outside of his professional aspirations, Nicholas Fainlight loves participating in and following sports. Over the years, he’s been on little league baseball teams, swam competitively, and spent time playing rugby. One of his favorite athletes is Michael Phelps and he closely follows the Chelsea FC team. For Nicholas Fainlight, sports are more than just a source of exercise or a way to pass the time. They’re ways to make friends, collaborate as part of a team, and leave with insights about oneself and others. Nick has seen many ways the lesson and skills he’s learned in sports have benefited him in other areas of life.



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