Collide research Book

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Collide Research & Development Document Through out this document I will be looking into what really makes us happy, How the digital age has impacted all of us and what we think the future holds for us in the next te years. All this while retaining the theme of collision.

Alexander Nicholson

University of Huddersfield

‘Collide’ The brief. The previous briefs from 2015 have each had their own goals and agendas although we were told that the idea of ‘collisions’ should link in with the final outcome of the piece. For my conversation brief I looked into how different cities within the UK have their own accents and dialects. I kept the theme of ‘collision’ in mind throughout this brief, the collision of different people communicating through the same language but having trouble understand each other.

meaning different colour palates and styles of artwork collide together to create a series of limited edition bottles for the country Fever Tree.

For this final brief we can choose virtually any path we like although it must like in with the them of ‘collide’ as well as a few others. The first is that it must link in with the theme of happiness, the second is that it must link in with the digital age, and the third is that it we should look into where we see ourselves in ten years time. Withe all these elements thrown together we must produce something physical and digital that link together. This is a six week The YCN brief I chose also allowed me to brief, I plan to use the first two weeks consider different culture clashes. I began for research then the rest of the time for this brief by looking into the continents development and experimentations. and countries that are effected by malaria,

Collide “kolide” Verb:

Hit by accident when moving. “she collided with someone” / “The two cars collided in the accident”

synonyms: crash (into), come into collision (with), bang (into), slam (into), impact (with); More come into conflict or opposition. “in his work, politics and metaphysics collide”

synonyms: conflict, be in conflict, come into conflict, be in opposition, clash, differ, diverge, disagree, be at variance, be at odds, be incompatible “in his work, politics and metaphysics collide” 2


‘Happiness’ What makes us happy? It’s something that we all want to feel although its different for each and every one of us. weather is comes from the little things in life such as enjoying a cold pint in the British summer or something much bigger like marrying your perfect match. We all try to experience it as much as possible but one persons happiness can be another persons hell! Happiness has all kinds of health benefits too, as well as altering our attitude, positive emotions help release healthy chemicals into our body. Of course there’s an age old argument of weather objects wealth and belongings bring happiness or weather true happiness is

achieved through finding inner peace, donating to charity/ fund raising or simply being surrounded by loved ones. One would think that people would say that wealth wouldn’t make them happy but on the other hand have you ever seen a sad man driving a Lamborghini? (Thought not). Happiness also varies depending on which part of the world you live in, individuals from third world countries probably appreciate the smaller thing in life such as medication, food and water, whilst those in first world countries thend to take these things for granted. To find out what made people happiest in the UK I created a short questionnaire simply titled ‘What makes you happy”. I added various answers which can be seen on the next page.

Happiness “hap-i-nes” Noun The state of being happy: “she struggled to find happiness in her life”

Synonyms: Contentment, pleasure, contentedness, satisfaction, cheerfulness, cheeriness, merriment, merriness, gaiety, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, joviality, jollity, jolliness, glee, blitheness, carefreeness, gladness, delight, good spirits, high spirits, light-heartedness, good cheer, well-being, enjoyment, felicity.


Winning 100,000 on a scratch card? Finding the love of your life? Traveling the World Playing for your sport team Dream Job Perfect Health Other

So, What actually makes us happy? Analysing the results from the survey we find that most people seem to be concerned about finding love which is a surprise as I though that ‘Winning on the scratch card� would win. The human instinct to explore shines through with the option to travel the world, whilst other seem to be more concerned with the simpler things such as their personal health or getting their dream job. Some people decided to add their own answer, surprising both answers were Retirement


‘Look on the bright side’ #BestDayEver!? Life is full of joyous occasions no matter which country you come from or which religion you follow. For a lot of children holidays such as Christmas and the summer break are the happiest time of the year for obvious reason but what happens when we get older? We work all day just to get by, where’s the fun? Luckily there’s a few things that we can look bacon and feel truly happy. Being a twenty year old male the first things that spring to mind are Saturday nights out and holidays in the sun with friends. Of course everyone loves holidays but other events are often deemed ‘The happiest day of your life’. Looking back to my research we see that most people

anticipate that the happiest day of their life will be a result of finding the love of their life, their wedding day. Weddings days are most popularly known as the happiest days of our lives although everyone has their own opinion. Other happiest days include the day they have children, buying your own house or holidays with friends and families. Of course everyone has their own opinion. Below Not only do these results alter between location and religion but gender also has a massive impact, for example the majority of men say that the happiest times of there lives when they were in their teens and twenties, having fun with their friends whilst women are more likely to go with the classics such as ‘their wedding day’.


Of marriages End in Divorce... (Maybe not the happiest day ever)



‘My Happiness’ The grand age of 20. Looking back over my life theirs been many different events and that have made me happy, these include a variety of things which usually depend on what age I was at the time. My earliest memories go back fifteen years or so, to the time when I was roughly four/five years of age. These include my younger brother being born as well as various Christmas and birthday parties. Once I reached six years of age I had settled down nicely into my first school, making plenty of friends along the way. Once I reached nine it was time to take the next step, moving up into middle school, making new friends and beginning to find my academic strengths and weaknesses. This

was closely followed by my first holiday abroad to Turkey, which I loved, returning many times since then. As I I grew older I joined various different clubs including Air cadets, where I spent three fantastic years, camping, flying and traveling. Around the same time I moved up to high school, again beginning to choose the I best career path for me. After a lot of stress with GCSE exams and deadlines I was rewarded with a trip to America, five days snowboarding followed by two days in New York city, the best holiday I have ever been on. Following that I then moved into Huddersfield New collage where I studied my A-Levels which in turn got me a place into the University of Huddersfield, where I am currently studying my second year.

Christmas at grandma Nicholsons

4 Borther Born

Start Middle School








Life Long School Friends

First Holida Abroa


t ay ad

Started Air Cadets


13 Start High School

Meet Girlfriend


15 Solo Flight


Started University

17 Learning to Drive


19 Holiday With Frinds


‘World Happiness’ The past century. Over the past century there has been hundred of the world has had its fair share of good and bad events, but how can one event happily unite a nation or even the entire planet? Here are a few events which I think come top of the list. In my opinion the happiest day within the past century was VE/VJ day. The day that the allies defeated the axis forces during the second world war. Although Many brave men, women and children lost their lives, the news that the war had finally come to an end cause people to literally stop what they were doing to join street parties held all over the country! These parties continued on into the night, spilling over into the days and even weeks after the news was first announced. Everybody was elated and relieved that their friends and family were safe again, and that their lives could begin to resume where they left off on the first of September 1939.

in 1969. In total there were six manned missions to the moon. Whenever the landings are discussed stories are told of everyone in he house eagerly huddled around the small square television anticipating the historic moment. Of course different countries all have different holidays and celebrations, America has the 4th of July (Independence Day), England has Bonfire night, France has Bastille Day etc. Despite the smaller holidays it takes something truly massive to unite the world.

The human race has achieved many astounding things, theoretically, scientifically and technologically since the dawn of modern man although the most impressive moment in human history has to be the Apollo 11 moon landing back


11 11

‘In 10 years time’ Go with the flow. It’s hard to think that in ten years time ill be thirty years old, and my current day to day life will be a distant memory. Of course I still want to be in touch with all my friends and family as well taking with new friends I will inevitably make within the next ten years. There are very few things that I am certain of, the rest of it is a total mystery although I have some goals I want to achieve along the way. But life has a funny way of interfering with our plans so all I can do is hope!

and lowers happiness levels. All this Is down to a good work life balance, keep weekends free and create acceptable, realistic schedules. ‘Go with the flow’ is my motto. If one thing is for sure its that I plan to continue challenging myself, pushing through education, finding a job I love whilst undertaking smaller projects and tasks such as earning my pilots licence. To see where I’m going in the future I’m going to look at what I’ve done over the past ten years to help build up some form of time line.

I think in life its easier to have a more laid back approach, of course you should try your hardest and aim for the best but stressing too much is bad for your health

I can be sure that... I will have graduated University (Hopefully with a 1st) ... (Actually that’s about all I can be sure of really...)



‘The last 10 years’ What have I achieved? The year is 2006, I’m 10 years old and I’ve just started at Whitechapel middle school. At this point in my life a lot has already happened but the next ten years are about to get a lot busier! For the next three years life is pretty easy going, sure we had lessons but no big scary exams or coursework, for the majority of the time I was playing with friends, out in the park every night through summer then playing over the Xbox in the winter months although this all began to change around the time when I turned fourteen. Around this time I waved good bye to middle school and moved up to high school where I was introduced to much bigger classes, new teachers and new pupils. At first their wasn’t an immediate shock as I quickly made new friends, settling down into the new routine. Once i moved into year ten (Aged 15) things started to get harder, we had to choose three subjects which we were interested in. Being a creative I decided to choose art, design and IT based subjects meaning that course work deadline and exams began to pile up, six months down the line I was introduced to my first of many GCSE exams. Some I sailed through whilst others I struggles with but I persevered and revised hard

meaning that I finished with eight GCSE’s at C - A level as well as a Btec level three at distinction star level. After receiving these results I was relived that it was all over and impressed with the grades I had achieved but I soon realised that this was just the beginning. My next step in life was to move up to collage, studying my A-Levels at Huddersfield New collage where I achieved A,C,C. Although I was disappointed with this result I still managed to get a place at the University of Huddersfield studying graphic design, the course which I am still currently studying, hoping to get a placement year and eventually finish with a 1st. As well as my school life I had various other activities going on around the same time such as holidays with families and, learning to drive and attending Air Cadets, which I absolutely loved. Being modest It’s easy for me to look back and not think that I have achieved anything particularly special other than getting through school and trying hard in my studies until I look at friends who I no longer speak to. Some of them failed to get any real qualifications from school never mind from college and are now stuck in the position where they can’t get any job at all. If I have come this far what’s stopping me form pushing forward and achieving even grater goals?



‘My future’ Ok... So, what’s next? Let’s start with my immediate future, I have roughly five month left until the summer break in this time I plan to finish my current briefs, enter the YCN competition and sort out a placement for next year, hopefully resulting I’m me being able to finish the placement year, allowing me to get the ‘sandwich course degree’. Returning from my placement year I plan to finish my degree, finishing with my final major project and dissertation. What happens next is really up to the job market, if things go according to plan I will return to where I did my placement year or get a similar job at a different agency. If this doesn’t to happen straight away I plan to get a full time temporary job whilst applying to various agency’s. I then plan to work for between five years, gathering knowledge about the industry and of course experience in all the different elements that make up the design industry. If the time is right I plan to set up my own business, either on my own or with a friend/ colleague. Hopefully the business will take off, continuing with this through out the rest of my career.

Of course I plan to still be with my current girlfriend well into the future, marriage not being out of the question although this depends on many different factors but is a definite possibility. But before that the goal is to purchase a house, nothing fancy, just something cosy with enough room. I also would love to travel, I understand that working full time has its limitations but plenty of holidays will do! I plan to still be in contact wilt all my current friends, meeting regularly and going on holiday together well into our twenties! Although I plan to travel and go on holiday I still want to live in the UK, where I will be close to my family and friends. Hopefully working full time will mean that im financially stable allowing me to enjoy little luxuries in life such as a new car, clothes and even jewellery. Of course this is all hypothetical, It would be perfect if this was how my life planned out although I understand that thing happen which could throw these plans into turmoil.

Besides my career there are thousands of things that would affect my life.



Holiday as planned, Find a work placement


12 months work plcement, Freelance work


Finish final year of University with a 1st, New job


Get a job in the industry, Holiday, Start saving


Savings build, Progress in career, Dream holiday


Move Out, Progress in career, Holiday


More serious relationship, New car?


Year out to travel either Europe or Africa.


Possibly set up own buisness with friend


Focus on new buisness


Continue building buisness, make a proffit


‘The digital age’ Digital Natives. The digital age began roughly between the 1950s to the 1970s depending on your profession and what part of the world you live in. It was the time when we changed from analog, mechanical, and electronic technology to digital technology. This continued steadily until the mid eighties where we saw an explosion of digital media entering the high street. Early computers were clunky, unreliable and difficult to use, but if you ignored the change, failing to learn how to use these ‘new’ machines you would be left behind, struggling to find work and later simply not been able to keep up with the rapidly changing world. By the late nineties the game was changing again mobile phone were

actually becoming ‘mobile’. Despite this they were still clunky and difficult to use. Once we reached the early two thousands touch screen phones were emerging. Companies refined them, giving us the flagship smart phones of today. Although mobiles were the ‘hot ‘ product at the time, laptops and desktops got an overhaul two. Software became more instinctive and powerful while, allowing the online world to explode. This is where the term ‘digital’ native comes from. Children are inquisitive about everything they come in contact with, as technology was easy to use and readily available toddlers and children they practically taught them selves, meaning by the time they reached the teenage years they had understanding of all digital media.

Digital native “diji-tal nati-v” Noun Plural noun: digital natives a person born or brought up during the age of digital technology and so familiar with computers and the Internet from an early age. “The digital tools that are reshaping our economy make more sense to young digital natives than to members of older generations”



‘The Internet’ WWW. It’s hard to imagine modern life without the internet, laptops, smart phones and games consoles simply wouldn’t be the same. The brain child behind the world wide web was Tim Berners Lee, who ‘gave’ it to the world for free. His ideas were built on the few existing internet connecting which were developed during the cold war to help with communication between states. The web is basically an open sourced information space which is free to access by anyone on the acess who can connect to WiFi. It has become the primary tool for billions of people around the world, growing every day. The Web isn’t a physical object in the sense that someone

could walk up to it and turn it off, instead it’s powered by thousands of different servers around the world meaning that it’s impossible to destroy the entirety of the beg unless there was a massive power shortage. The internet can be accessed through most devices, TV’s, computers, phones and even your watch! They do so be using different browsers which all offer different experiences for the user. It allows us to message friend who live around the corner, arrange business meeting with people who live across the pond and video call with family that live at the other side of the world. The web truly is a marvellous thing which has defined the past twenty years.

Google estimates that the internet today contains roughly

5 Million terabytes of data!



‘Hardware’ iWhat? As the web grew hardware began to evolve, making it easier for users to access and navigate the we with ease. People also wanted to take the web with them, what’s the point in only been able to use it at home? Technology had to shrink down from the massive block phones of the late eighties. Companies such as Apple really lead the way, their goal was to make beautifully designed products which were a joy to use, gone were the cheap plastic heavy laptops, as they were replaced by the beautiful light aluminium Macbooks. Of course other companies followed this trend allowing almost anyone to carry a computer around with them. As great as

these new products were underpowered and connecting to the internet was slow and unreliable. In 2007 the game changed forever. Mobile phones were beginning to become more user friendly but nothing was a patch on the iPhone. The iPhone wasn’t just a beautiful design, it was a revolution. It changed our vocabulary, the way we interact with devices and most of all the way we use the web. The internet was no longer a scary thing that only ‘computer nerds’ could use, everyone could access it through apps such as iTunes, the App Store and Safari. Other companies played catch up but Apple still retains it’s crown, selling more than 10 million units of its latest generation alone. It’s success didn’t only lie with the iPhone, the iPod, iPad and Apple watch helped them build their impressive status today.



‘Software’ Windows vs Mac. As hardware began to evolve companies need a suitable software for each device. Early computers were basic and awkward to use. In 1985 Microsoft released Windows 1.0. Again this software was tricky to use and didn’t immediately take off. As Windows went through various iterations it’s user base grew making it the most common operating system around the world. By 1995 Windows 95 was released, it was easy to use, relatively cheap and allowed people to access various programmes easily. Microsoft continued building on this project. The software continued to evolve, running on practically any computer you could get your hands on, allowing companies to grow in both communications an

with a website, giving them a massive online presence. Windows continues to retain it’s crown although Apples OSX an Macbook range is beginning to close the gap. In the future software is likely to become even more instinctive, and easy to use. Mobile Software has had to change even more dramatically than desktop software as the hardware has changed so much. In the early days simple software was needed, simply to key in phone numbers and save contacts. In today’s world Apples iOS and Googles Android operating software’s are the most popular. The both offer different user experiences but both can be used easily.

20 Years


iOS - iPhone - Home Screen


‘Pre-Internet’ lives, visiting friends, getting back into education and generally having a good time. Computers weren’t unheard of but they were rare beasts and nobody had Forgotten what it was like before the a clue how to use them. If you wanted internet was invented? No? Well I to see your friend you would have to was born into the age of the internet get up and see them, if you needed to and digital media so the thought of go shopping you had to actually travel writing a letter or actually scares me. to the shops and if you needed to fill in But for people aged fifty and over documents you would have to write a they can probably remember a time letter (or typewriter if you could afford) when the words ‘hash-tag’, ‘Instagram’ then post it, the whole process taking a and ‘Facebook’ meant nothing. even few days to complete. Compare this to something as simple as owning a mobile the present, everything can be done by phone or sending an email would have a few clicks of a button, communication been totally alien to them. The argument is almost instant and the sheer amount is, were things better ‘back in the day’ or of media forced upon us can be over is the modern age the place to be? whelming, but, were use to it and know Let’s look at the pros and cons. Lets go all how to handle it. Some suggest that the way back to around 1954-55. The war computers and the internet make people is over, Woo! People start resuming their lazy, but this is a choice, not fact.

Forgotten it all?

25-35% of over


Know how to use the internet. 26


‘The little things’ The general idea It’s a beautiful day, you’re in a good mood and things just seem to be going right until some minute detail absolutely drives you crazy. Nothing big just something like not been able to put a USB stick in the computer the right way first time. It’s interesting to observe how the things anger us, the tiny little details in life which effect us way more than they should. Flipping this idea around one could say that happiness can be achieve by accomplishing these simple day to actions, reducing our stress levels. This is one aspect where I could link it back to the brief, showing how happiness can be gained not by money but by the simple little things. The physical final outcome will be a book, each page will have a different illustrated problem which I feel affects most people on a daily basis. First I will stage the ‘problem’, photographing it and later creating a vector outline over the image. Once I have a series of vectors I will make sure they look clean and professional. The interior layout of the book will consist of one page with a large number and a small comical description below, describing the illustration and the various situations they occur in. The illustrations will all be the same weight so

they look consistent thorough the book. They will all be white making them stand out from a bold coloured background. The background colour on the illustration page will coordinate with the large number on the opposite page. The digital aspect of the final piece could be some form of twitter campaign or blog which allows people to share the things which really annoy them as gender and age are bound to have an impact. This could then link in with the physical piece as people could order personalised copies with things that apply directly to them. Looking into the digital age aspect of the brief I could concentrate the ‘annoying things’ around problems to do with technology letting us down. This could, in turn link in with the ‘ten years time’ them as I could possibly look into things that may annoy us in the future, or link this element in a different way such as challenging people to overcome these problems over the next ten years.



‘That’s annoying’ Most annoying things. 1) Trying to put a USB into your computer, no matter which way you try first it wont go in.

2) Putting your phone on charge but forgetting to flick the switch at the wall.

3) Memory full warning on your iPhone, just as you try take a picture.

4) When your pen runs out half way through writing a sentence. Then you cant find another pen.

5) When earphones tangle up in your pocket, after literally 3 seconds.


5) When you have so many notifications, you can’t clear the little red blob over the app.

6) When someone walks out of your room and leaves the door open a smudge.

7) Getting out of the shower, realising that you have forgotten a towel.

8) Making a cup of tea then realising you haven’t got any milk left.

9) Seeing another tables food comes before yours in a restaurant.

10) Washing your hands and having no means of drying them.


‘The USB...’ Never right, first time. Ever since the USB interface was designed back in 1999, people have been struggling to actually put it into their computers and devices. Don’t get me wrong, the USB interface has allowed us to create all kinds of different technology over the past fifteen years or so, making our computers faster and more versatile but no matter how hard you try nobody can get the USB in the right way first time, its like a cruel trick that designer

plagued upon the world. Of course those who are more attentive would say “Look for the USB logo on the top” but the majority of us simply ignore this fact. Although humanity has be plagued by this little annoyance for the past fifteen years the USB as we know is slowly being phased out the newer ‘reversible’ USB-C or to other technologies such as NFC and Bluetooth. Despite this the USB we know today still has at least another 3 years of life left before it’s left on a dusty pile along with CD’s and cassette tapes.


‘The charger’ 1% Battery Back in the 90’s phone batteries would last for days, no problem at all but over the last fifteen or so years all aspects of technology seems to have dramatically advanced except for batteries. Modern smart phones have some many capabilities the battery is stretched to the limit so it’s important that you have a fully charged batter in the morning to last throughout the day, right? Unfortunately the way we charge our

phone hasn’t change at all, we still rely on a clunky cable of limited length that must be plugged into the mains power. The average charge time tends to be between 1-2 hours depending on what phone you have. There’s nothing worse than waking up on a morning, looking at your phone and seeing that it’s below 20% battery. Forgetting to put the phone on charge in the first place is one thing but there’s another habit that we are all guilt of and it annoys us more than anything. Plugging your phone in to charge but forgetting to flick the power switch at the wall.


‘Hard Drives’ Disk space full Our phones are brilliant, they allow us to connect in ways humanity never could before, keeping us entertained and up to date with global news. The leading smart phone for the past nine years has been the iPhone, with its easy interface and impressive hardware although Samsung and various other firms have been snapping at Apples heals in order to take their crown. The main problem with the iPhone has always been it’s lack of memory, whilst 8 or 16GB may

sound like enough, the amount of data we consume keeps increasing meaning the space is quickly filled with apps and music. Of course you could fork out an extra £100 for the 32GB model or even more for the 64Gb and 128GB model but these phones are usually outside buyers budget. The problem with this is that the ‘memory full’ notification comes up just as you need to take a picture or download an important app. A highly frustrating problem. This is where other companies are beginning to gain lost ground as they offer more versatile memory options.



09 00



slide to unlock


‘Old tech’ It’s still annoying This problem is something that generations have had to deal with. You’re on the phone writing down some important information when your pen suddenly gives up and dies. It will begin by ‘coughing’, the ink will run out momentarily but it will come back leading you into a false sense of security.You contine writing but it ‘coughs’ again, this time taking longer to recompose itself. You try encourage the little guy to keep going by shaking the pen or licking the

nib in order to keep it going for afew more lines but the efforts are usually in vain. the pen dies leaving you with scruffy marks all over your crisp sheet of paper. This then leaves you scrambling around for a replacement pen whilst still on the phone. Of course all the pens that were in the draw have vanished leaving you to scribble down the rest of the sentence with a tiny blunt pencil. Once finished on the phone you go back to read the what you have written only to see that half of the sentence is unreadable. How annoying.



‘Earphones’ How did that happen? This problem tends to target teenagers and young adults as they make their daily commutes on the bus or on foot. It’s January, it must be below zero degrees, it’s dark and damp. You have to walk through the elements to the bus stop in these misrable conditions. Maybe some music will cheer you up? You reach for your phone (bearing in mind you have charged it up) and then you go to grab your earphones from your pocket only to discover that they have become totally

tangled up.You quickly get frustrated as your cold numb fingers try to untie the intricate knots.You usually end up dropping them a few times or the little rubber bud on the ear piece will fly off onto the ground never to be found, rendering your earphones useless. There are some earphone that claim that they never tangle up although I personally don’t believe the hype. How annoying.


‘Lights’ Turn that light out! This one annoys dad’s around the world! It happens to all of us, you’re in a rush and you forget to turn the lights off, meaning they’re burning electricity all day until someone inevitably gets home. If your brother gets home first you might be able to get away with it, but... Oh boy, if your parents get home first you’ll know about it! Inevitably getting the lecture about ‘how much it costs’ and that they will make you buy all the light bulbs once they blow, leaving you sitting there,

working by candle light whilst your dad continues to shout and ball.. That’s all you need when getting home after a long day.

turn that light out!


‘Close the door’ ‘Put wood in’t ole’ This one is possibly the worst in my personal opinion.Your in your room, either listening to music, doing work or whatever when someone walks into your room to ask you something, usually an annoying younger sibling. After chatting for a while they turn around to leave whilst you begin to resume what you were doing before you were interrupted. As they walk out of your room they pull to door shut but it doesn’t fully close, letting a draft in as well as letting anyone

who walks past your room been able to see in, not to mention the external noise seeping in. You can try shouting to get them to shut the door but it usually doesn’t work, meaning that you physically have to get up from your comfy position to shut the door yourself. This doesn’t only apply in the home, it can happen in work or simply in a public place. Most annoying.


‘Walk of shame’ A warm fluffy towel. You’ve had a nice long soak in the shower and you’re just about ready to get out and face the day. You turn the water off and shake yourself down, pulling back the shower curtain you hunt for your towel only to realise that have forgotten it in the venting cupboard upstairs... great. It’s not so bad if the house is empty, but if there are other people in the house this causes a problem.You can shout for help although your flatmates will probably make the situation worse. Hopefully

family will help but sometimes you just have to cover yourself the best you can and run across back to the safety of your room. This whole time you have been getting colder and colder whilst dripping water absolutely everywhere. Great.


‘No milk!’ Is the cow dead? It’s early in the morning and your dying for something to help wake you up before the busy day at work. Mug out of the cupboard, teabag/ coffee in along with some sugar while you wait for the kettle to boil.You pour the water into the mug releasing the enticing aromas. After a quick stir you head over to the fridge only to find that all you’re all out of milk. This now puts you in an a difficult position. Do you continue with your plans and just drink the coffee/tea black or do

you scrap the idea all together and have a glass of juice instead, bearing in mind you have already been enticed by the intoxicating smell. This is an even bigger problem at work as it’s usually impossible to nip across to the shops to grab a pint of milk. Now you have to work the rest of the day low on energy unless you decide to buy one for a ludicrously high price.


‘Picture Frames’ Is the cow dead? You’ve made friends with a lad at work and he invites you over for a few drinks and to watch the football.You gladly accept and head over later that evening. After a bit of small talk you the other blokes that are there you open a beer and sit down to watch the game. Out of the corner of your eye something grabs your attention, there’s a photo on the wall near the TV.. It’s slightly wonky but you can’t say anything, I mean you’ve only known the guy a few days...

The game starts but it’s in the back of your mind driving you mad, maybe straighten it when he walks out of the room?


‘Beer’ Top it up. It’s been a long, hard day at work. It’s Friday night and you’re ready to chill out and have a drink with your pals down at the pub.You eagerly walk to the pub and head up to the bar, it’s busy but you manage to make your way to the front. ‘Pint of lager, please’. just the thought of it wets your palate.You pay and grab the cool glass, heading over to your seat. You collapse into your chair, finally taking the weight off your feet. Things seem too good to be true, you grab the glass,

pulling it up to your face and talking a big gulp. It’s flat. Now you physically have to get up and walk back to the bar, only to get a nasty look of the barmaid, great.


‘The Cinema’ Shhhhhhh! It’s finally time! You and your friends jump in the car, setting a course for the cinema. The excitement builds as you discuss various plot lines and stories, unfortunately it’s the release night so it’s fairly busy, not to worry tho, you’re soon at the front of the queue. Tickets bought, you grab the essential supply’s such as coke and popcorn. Once you’re sat down you begin to relax, the cinema slowly fills when a group of twelve year old’s walks in... To your horror they’re asking

questions and generally chatting through the film, telling them to ‘shut it’ only makes them worse as they continue to mess around... Great.



‘Loo Roll’ We’ve all been there. It’s happened to all of us, usually in a grotty public toilet.You’ve ‘finished’ and your heart sinks.You scramble around, desperatly looking for a shread of loo roll. You might even see if your neighbor to see if they they can spare a shread but its no good. You now face a difficult decision


‘Alarm Clock’ to catch the bus, but instead you’re fast asleep. Two more hours drift by until you finally open your eyes and look at the clock...Shit.

Ding ding ding. It’s Thursday night and you’ve had exams all week with on more tomorrow.You’re feeling confident so a few hours playing video games won’t harm? If anything it will help calm the nerves, right? Maybe not.You get carried away and before you know it, it’s 1 am. Quick get to bed! Before you can say ‘exam’ the curtains are drawn, the lights are out and you’re all wrapped up in bed. Soon you’re asleep, dreaming away. The hours drift by until 7 am. The time you should be getting ready

12 wakey! 9

3 wakey! 6


‘Keys’ sat on the table, mocking you. All the neighbours are out and your phones dead because you forgot to flick the charger Long day at work? Not to worry, you’ll be switch this morning. home soon.You hop off the bus into the rain and dwindling sunlight. As you begin your walk home you begin daydreaming, wondering what your going to have for tea and whether there’s anything on TV tonight. Finally you reach the front door, reaching for your pocket your heart sinks. You do the classic pocket grab as you begin to panic, you search your bag but it’s no use, your keys are gone. Peering in through the front window you see them

Anyone seen my keys?



‘Page layouts’ Hard to read.


‘Colour Scheme’ Nice and bright. To make sure the book would stand out on a busy shelf I decided to use a bright and eye catching colour scheme which could feature through out the book as well as featuring on the social media page and a advertising video which I plan to create at a later date. I chose a range of colours which were totally different, really breaking the book up. I also decided to add a gradient to the colours to give them more of a 3D feel. One I have assigned each colour to a illustration i will

keep the order of the colours the same, starting with orange. I also plan for the colour scheme to feature on the cover of the book although this is undecided.



‘Coloured Version’ Eye catching. After choosing the colour scheme I decided to assign a colour to each illustration, turning the illustration from black to white. I plan on having this large block of colour on one side of the page while the other shows the page number and a small comical description of the ‘annoying little thing’. Every three to four pages i plan to have a ‘break page which contains an annoying little feature, for example I will glue two of the pages together, annoying the reader as they will wan to know what is hidden on the inside pages.



12 wakey! 9


wakey! 6






turn that light out!











‘Coloured Version’ Eye catching.








SHUT UP! #AnnoyingLittleThings









09 00



slide to unlock



‘Animation’ Short and snappy. To advertise the project I decided to come up with a 30 second animation which I could feature on the Instagram account dedicated to this collide project. To create the animation I created a draft story board explaining that the animation would have a 5 second intro which would feature the name of the animation as well as showing the various colours used through out the project. This would then blend into the on of the illustrations which would be animated.

I decided to include seven illustrations, only using the ones which would work best when animated. This would then fade out into black, explaining to the viewer how they could get involved. To create this animation I opened Adobe After Effects and imported the illustrations I had previously created. I then added key frames and various animation effects to create the short but snappy animation. To the right are some screen-shots which show how I created the animation.



‘Social Media’ Short and snappy. To further meet the digital element of the brief I decided to use social media to ‘advertise the campaign’. I created a dedicated Instagram page where I uploaded the various illustrations using the #AnnoyingLittleThings so that people could upload their own photographs. Within hours I got various likes and comments on the photos which was great news. I plan to continue adding the illustrations along with the promotional animation.



‘Further Work’ New ideas? To further this work I may decide to add some other elements to the project, for example: I may create a poster campaign to run alongside the social media campaign, advertising both online and on the web. I also plan to expand on the layout of the book itself, giving the book a more professional, finished feel. However, this depends on how the project comes along. My next step is to get the book completely finished and printed so I can really get a feel for how the final piece

looks and feels. I have decided to use a square format for the book, unusual but I feel that it would really stand out on a crowded books shelf. Overall I am pleased with how this project is running, any other changes and modifications will be documented on my blog.




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