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PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME and MESSAGE Welcome to Mazama High School. We hope the school year will be a positive and rewarding experience for all students. Our core values of being Responsible, Respectful, Safe and On Time will help create a positive learning environment for all students, and provide the necessary skills for success in life. This year’s graduates will need to meet or exceed all three “Essential Skills” (Reading, Writing and Mathematics) in addition to the other requirements. This is the first year of the official adoption of the Common Core State Standards in English/ Language Arts and Mathematics; these standards are set to prepare our student’s to be college and career ready. Also, new this year will be the implementation of two state laws HB 2220 and SB 290. HB 2220 requires that we must show student progress towards proficiency in all of the academic content standards. Over the past four years we have been implementing proficiency in Mathematics and last year in Science, being ahead of the requirement has allowed us to work out many of the issues prior to implementation in all academic areas. SB 290 focuses primarily on the effectiveness of the all educators (classroom teachers and administrators) in the system with one key component of a new evaluation program that requires us to set at least two student achievement goals that will be measured on student’s academic growth. During our “Open House” I will provide a session that will explain this in more detail and answer any questions. Mazama High School has a tradition of being an outstanding school. We focus on the whole student experience. Our caring and professional staff provides students with a great education that contributes to students being prepared for College, the Workforce, and Citizenship. We trust that all students will engage themselves in a challenging and enriched course of study. Your student’s involvement in their classes and extra-curricular athletics and activities will contribute towards success during their high school experience. Our Back To School newsletter will be the only newsletter mailed home, saving cost and resources. Our bi-monthly newsletters will be posted on our website or available in the Main Office. On request, we will mail one to your home address.

Mazama High School 2013-2014 Back To School Information Mazama High School phone numbers Attendance Office Athletic Office Guidance Office Main Office

#541-883-5027 #541-883-5032 #541-883-5031 fax#541-851-8829 #541-883-5024 fax#541-883-5044

The fall registration procedures for both new and returning Mazama High School students are outlined in the following material. These procedures will allow all students to begin the school year with completed class schedules. “Freshman Orientation Day” is Tuesday, September 3, 2013. This day is mandatory for all freshmen. For all other grades, school starts on Wednesday, September 4, 2013.

Registration of students All returning Mazama students must confirm the information that we have on file. This process is important for Mazama students and we will need your assistance to make sure we have your most current information. Schedules for returning and pre-registered students will be available the first day of school. District wide registra on for new students is scheduled for August 21-23. The office at Mazama is open all of August and available for you to register at any #me. Students registering in August must meet with a counselor or an administrator before receiving a schedule. Counselors will be available by appointment for scheduling students beginning Wednesday, August 21st thru Thursday, August 29th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fees Fees may be paid at the office any time during the month of August and throughout the school year. Fall athletic practices Practices for football, soccer, cross-country, and volleyball begin on Monday, August 19th. All students need to have physical examination and Parental Permission forms on file before participating. Call Mazama Athletic Office at 883-5032 for specific details. You can print these forms from the Klamath County District Office web site, Picture Day Pictures have been scheduled for September 6 , 2013. Retakes are scheduled for October 10, 2013. Lifetouch Photography will be mailing flyers to your home. All students will have their picture taken, this generates their student body card and blue card. You do not have to purchase pictures.

Student Fees You may pay fees in the Mazama High School Main Office. We do not have an ATM/debit/credit card machine. You may pay by check, cash or money order. We encourage students to buy a student activity card, which entitles them to free admission to all of our home athletic games (excluding playoff games). Student fees are non-refundable. We do not allow any charging, this includes the cafeteria. Student activity card $15.00 Yearbook 60.00 (after 1/7/2014 $65.00) Foreign Language Class (SP or German) 10.00/15.00 Anatomy Class 25.00 FBLA dues 30.00 Basic/Advanced Art/Sculpture Class 10.00 Foods Class 10.00 Woods/Metals/Auto Class 10.00 Physics/Adv. Chemistry/Bio. Inv. 10.00 Photo, Robotics 10.00 Hall combination lock 5.00 P.E. combination lock 5.00 P.E. uniform 20.00 Parking sticker 5.00 Football mouthpiece 1.00 Athletic participation fee 100.00 per sport per year (400.00 max per family per year) Band/Choir participation fee 50.00

Affirmative action policy It is the policy of Mazama High School and the State Board of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, age or handicap in any educational program, activity or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Principal of Mazama High School, Mr. Terry Bennett (883-5024) or the Superintendent of County Schools, Greg Thede (883-5000). Aspire Program If you do not want your student to participate in the Aspire Program please call Mazama High School at 883-5024. The Aspire Program is a program manned by adult volunteers to help our students with college and career information. Automobile Privileges A parking lot is provided for the students who drive. The student must apply for a $5.00 parking registration sticker in the Attendance Office. After the registration sticker has been purchased and placed appropriately on his/her vehicle, the student may park in the student parking lot between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If the student will drive more than one car to school they must buy a separate registration sticker for each vehicle. Mazama Nurse We do not have a full time nurse. The supplies that have been offered to our students in the past are no longer available, e.g., Tylenol, ibuprofen, cough drops, band aides, female products, and tissues. Please refer to your Student Handbook regarding medications. PE Uniforms Mazama High School charges $20.00 for a PE uniform, which will consist of a high quality t-shirt and shorts. These uniforms are required for all participants. School insurance An insurance brochure will be available providing information regarding the cost of insurance, how to obtain it, the coverage, and how to establish a claim. The brochure may be picked up in the Athletic Office.

School district’s policy regarding tobacco controlled substances and alcohol We do not expect that the policies regarding alcohol, drugs, and tobacco will be relevant to most of you; however, we want all Mazama parents and patrons to know we take these things very seriously and we are doing our best to provide a good learning environment for your student. Therefore, we do all we can to insure that our students are in school as much as possible and that, while they are here, they are not subject to substances that are harmful to them. Possession, sale, or use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs on the Mazama campus is strictly prohibited at all times. VIOLATION OF OUR ALCOHOL AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE POLICY WILL RESULT IN SUSPENSION AND/OR EXPULSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH DUE PROCESS HEARING PROCEDURES OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE STATE POLICE WILL BE INVOLVED. Student lockers ALL students will be required to purchase new locks for their lockers if they do not have the lock they used at Mazama last year. Lockers are issued to students at the beginning of the year. Each student will be assigned a locker; all changes must be handled through the Attendance Office. The student is responsible for the care and contents of the locker. There are periodic locker checks to check on the condition of the locker. Students will be responsible for the expense of repairs. Students are cautioned against giving their locker combination to anyone. Locks will be sold to the students at a cost of $5.00. Only locks sold by the school may be used on school lockers. Any lock that is not approved will be removed immediately. Report any locker problems to the Attendance Office so they can be repaired. Valuables, such as purses or money, should not be left in lockers. Supplies We do not send out a needed supply list. Each classroom teacher will inform their students of needed items. Students should come their first day with basic items; pen, pencil, paper. We do ask every student to bring a box of tissue to the main office. MAZAMA TUTORIAL AND “BLUE CARD” PROGRAM Mazama High School will continue with one of its most innovative and data supported programs that support and enhances student learning and overall student success. Tutorial periods for the 2013-2014 school year will be offered every Monday, Tuesday and Friday as an extension of 5th period. Tutorial periods allow students to access more individualized help in subject areas in which they need additional help, complete make-up work or desire enrichment activities. Tutorial periods are mandatory for any student receiving a “D” or “F” grade in any class and optional for students who are passing all of their classes with a “C” or better. Students may be placed in mandatory tutorial if he/she receives one or more of the following: Attendance Referral (Tardies and/or Truancies) Any Major Discipline Referral The “Blue Card” Program is a positive support intervention developed by the Mazama Staff to encourage students to become better students and more productive citizens. The Blue Card Program will be based on a six week check. Students who are passing all of their classes with a “C” grade or better, received no attendance and/or discipline referrals will receive a “Blue” student body (identification) card. This card will allow the student on tutorial days to be able to leave tutorial and receive an extended lunch. Students for the 2013-2014 school year students will be asked to possess their student body cards (white or blue) on their person at all times.

NAME Mr. Terry Bennett Mr. Randy Rose Mr. Mike Kappas Mrs. Joanie Rote Mrs. Jennifer Goslin Mr. Mike Rooney TBA Mrs. Andrea Armantrout Mrs. Linda Cooper Ms. Jennifer DeForrest Mrs. Janis Dodson Mr. Frank Drew Mrs. Laura Estes Mr. Beau Fullerton Mrs. Stephanie Harris Mr. Rob Izzett Mr. Jim Kochenderfer Mr. Mike Lamb Mr. Vic Lease Mrs. Emma Milstead Mrs. Kaci Mitchell Mr. Ivan Murphy Mrs. Cathy Nevala Mrs. Laura Nickerson Mr. Todd Nickerson Mrs. Manuela Pascual Mrs. Kelly Patzke Mr. Matt Penrod Mr. Clint Radford Mrs. Traci Reed Mrs. Alecia Rush Mrs. Linnae Salvati Ms. Lisa Schmidt Mr. Steve Siders Mr. Dan Solyst Mrs. Judy Story Mrs. Becky Stringer Mr. Jeff Sturgeon Mrs. Kristi Sutrgeon Mr. Jeremy Throne Mrs. Kathy Throne Mr. Steve Walker Mrs. Barb Whalen Mr. Mike Whalen

AREA OF SPECIALIZATION ADMINISTRATION Principal Athletic Director/Dean Assist. Principal/Curriculum Director/Viking Babies COUNSELING FACULTY Counselor Counselor FACULTY Bridges Program English English English Choir Business Social Studies PE/Health Resource Program Band Science Chemistry Weights/Strength & Conditioning English Resource Program Math Art Science Social Studies Spanish Social Studies Social Studies Science ELL Resource Program Spanish English Health OCC Math Business GOALS Construction/Metals Health/PE/Srv Learning/St. Govt Math German Automotive Foods Math

E-mail Address

ROOM/ OFFICE Main Main Main WH

Guidance Guidance

54 46 33 51 68 53 9 57 35 66 34 27 57 48 52 47 19 23 11 31 5 7 32 42 38 14 37 44 56 55 65 18/26 45 58 43 26 17 49



Mrs. Julie Larman

Attendance Secretary

Mrs. Patty Rajnus


Mrs. Shannon Row

Principal's Secretary

Mrs. Karen Wynne

Athletic Secretary



Mrs. Connie Dernbach Mrs. Deanna Edwards Ms. Destiny Bartell Mrs. Lana Gober Mrs. Patty Jensen Mrs. Sarah Lund

GOALS Viking Babies GOALS Bridges Viking Babies GOALS

Mrs. Sherry Markus Ms. Ruby McGinnis

Library Viking Babies

Mrs. Christine Palmer


Mrs. Dianne Shaddock Mrs. Joanne Staysa

Resource Student Services

Mrs. Terri Wagner


Mrs. Diane Walker


Mrs. Bonnie Wickersham


Mrs. Catherine Anderson

Cook’s Helper

Mrs. Sherri Cox Mrs. Pam Murray

Cook’s Helper Cook’s Assistant

Mrs. Bobbie Ramsier

Cook’s Helper

Mrs. Vicky Stork

Cooks’ Manager CUSTODIAL

Mr. Eric Barnes


Mr. Russell Dean


Mr. Polo Flores

Head Custodian

Mr. Brandon Mancebo


Ms. Mindy Padgett


Mr. Jon Johnson

ASPIRE Program Coordinator

SENIOR PHOTO DEADLINE: OCTOBER 31 Dear Members of the Class of ’14, Parents, Guardians, and Photographers: This year, as in years past, Mazama High School’s yearbook will be distributed in late May or early June before graduation instead of the fall after seniors graduate. So, to meet our deadlines for the yearbook, we need all senior color photos by October 31. You and your senior have three options available for portraits: (1) During portrait day, Lifetouch Photography took school portraits for seniors and will deliver the photographs to me. These photographs will meet all the requirements listed below and will be taken in time to meet the deadline. (2) You may choose a professional photographer of your own. However, if you do so, the photograph must meet the requirements listed below. Since we will accept only professional portraits that meet these requirements, please be sure your photographer understands and follows them. You should take this letter with you, in case the photography studio no longer has its copy. It is your responsibility to ensure that your photographer knows the deadline. The photographer can submit the photo to Miss Schmidt through email or by bringing in a disc with the image saved to it. (3) Professional photography is expensive. Have someone take a nice picture and have it put either on a CD or email it to Miss Schmidt as an attachment. Please do not print digital pictures on a home printer, even if it is a “photo printer.” Bring the photo disc to Miss Schmidt, and the yearbook staff will crop or scan to the correct specifications. Please see numbers 3-6 below to ensure a quality photograph in the yearbook. Professional Photo requirements: 1. The ONLY way to submit a photograph is through email or save the photo on a disc or a thumb drive. Please email the photograph to or bring in a disc with the senior’s first and last name printed clearly on the disc. 2. The top of the head must be ¼ inch from the top of the photograph. 3. Basic frontal or ¾ view—please no back shots. 4. Background: any style or color is fine. 5. Any suitable clothing: standard school dress is fine. 6. We will not accept props or other people or pets in the photo, soft focus, glamour drapes, low cut dresses, double images, silk matte, or pearl finishes. Please remember, it is your responsibility to make sure that we receive a photo which meets the above requirements. If we do not have your photo, you will not appear in the senior section of the yearbook. These specifications allow us to print the best possible photo of you. It is the studio’s responsibility to inform the Mazama yearbook adviser and its senior clientele if it cannot meet the above specifications. Given sufficient time, we will do our best to inform you and the studio of any problems regarding your senior color portrait for the yearbook. We appreciate your cooperation and timeliness with respect to these matters. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Schmidt, yearbook adviser at 541-883-5024 or

Dear Senior and/or Senior Parent: Hard to believe, isn’t it, that you will be graduating in a matter of months? Doesn’t it seem like only yesterday that you were a scared little freshman trying to find your locker and avoid those “big seniors” whose sole purpose in life seemed to be to make your life miserable? You and your friends have shared some incredible times. Remember your first prom, that big game when you finally got to start, your first kiss from that extra special someone, the teacher you loved to torture, or the coach who pushed you far beyond what you thought was humanly possible? Memories are made of this—the times you and your friends shared. Even though all you can think about now is “getting’ outta here,” someday, you will look back at these high school years as some of the best years of your life. Why not tell your friends how much you care and make your message one that will last forever? Express your friendship, love, or congratulations to all the special people in your life by recognizing them with an ad in the all-color 2010 Valhalla Yearbook. Select any one of several sizes to fit your budget and personalize it with your own message, even a photo, at no extra charge. Please don’t send original photos. We cannot guarantee safe return! Many times several friends go together to buy an ad and include a photograph of the “gang.” Couples often choose a Winter Formal photo with a special message expressing their affection. How about thanking Mom and Dad for all the love and support they have given you over the years? Parents or grandparents often write a good luck message to their graduating senior. Write your message below or attach a copy of what you would like and put it in an envelope addressed to “Mazama High School Attn: Lisa Schmidt” with a check made payable to Mazama before January 31. Don’t let this special opportunity pass. Every time you page through your yearbook, you’ll see the personal message you sent to your special friend at the end of your high school years, and all those memories will come back for you to enjoy again and again. To: _______________________________________________________ Message:__________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ From: __________________________________________________________________ Senior Ad Price List ¼ Page $50 Half Page $95 ¾ Page $140 Full Page $180

2014 Yearbook $60.00 Yearbook purchased a er Jan. 7, 2014 $65.00

See the bookkeeper to purchase your copy!

2013-2014 SCHOOL CALENDAR Sept. 1-30 *Sept. 18, 25 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Sept. 02 Holiday (Labor Day) Sept. 03 Freshmen Orientation Day, Freshmen only Sept. 04 First Day of School for all upper classmen, Oct. 1-31 *Oct. 2, 9, 23, 30 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Oct. 10 End of First Grading Period Oct. 11 Grade Preparation (no school for students) Oct. 16 Parent Teacher Conferences Oct. 17 Parent Teacher Conferences (no school for students) Oct. 18 No School for Students/Staff Nov. 1-30 *Nov. 6, 13, 20 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Nov. 11 Holiday (Veterans’ Day) (no school) Nov. 21 End of Second Grading Period Nov. 22 Grade Preparation (no school for students) Nov. 25-27 Teacher Non-Contract Days (no school) Nov. 28 Holiday (Thanksgiving Day) (no school) Nov. 29 Teacher Non-Contract Day (no school) Dec. 1-31 *Dec. 4, 11 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Dec. 23 – Dec. 31 (Inclusive) Winter Vacation (no school) Jan. 1-31 *Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Jan. 01 – Jan. 03 (Inclusive) Winter Vacation (no school) Jan. 06 Classes Resume Jan. 20 Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday) [Non-Contract day] (no school) Jan. 23 End of First Semester Jan. 24 Grade Preparation (no school for students) Feb. 1-28 *Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Feb. 17 Holiday (Presidents' Day) (no school) Mar. 1-31 *Mar. 5, 12 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Mar. 13 End of Fourth Grading Period Mar. 14 Grade Preparation (no school for students) Mar. 19 Parent Teacher Conferences Mar. 20 Parent Teacher Conferences (no school for students) Mar. 21 No School for Students/Staff Mar. 24-28 (Inclusive) Spring Vacation (no school) Mar. 31 Classes resume Apr. 1-30 *Apr. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) May 1-31 *May 7, 14, 21, 28 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) May 01 End of Fifth Grading Period May 02 Grade Preparation (no school for students) May 26 Holiday (Memorial Day) (no school) May 30 Senior Oral Boards (with Juniors) no school for 9th & 10th graders June 1-30 NO late start days for students in June June 07-08 Graduation for all KCSD High Schools June 12 Last Day for Students Early dismissal day for students (one hour early) June 13 Last Day for Teachers

Aug. 28 Sept. 11 Sept. 6 Oct. 10 Oct. 11

Important Dates for 1st Semester 2013-2014 School Fall Sport Parent Meeting, 6 p.m., cafeteria Open House, 6:00 p.m. School Pictures School Picture Retakes Homecoming/Grade prep day, no school for students

KLAMATH COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Greg Thede, Superintendent 10501 Washburn Way Klamath Falls, OR 97603 August 15, 2013 Dear Parents: Occasionally weather condi#ons or other emergencies require us to take some special ac#on regarding school closures and early dismissal. The following is our plan to let you know when school will not be held as regularly scheduled. If we ďŹ nd it necessary to close school in the morning, announcements will be made over the radio and television sta#ons listed below a/er 6:00 AM. We advise you to listen to your local sta#ons in the mornings and/or visit our district website where a message will be posted. If it is necessary to dismiss school early due to bad weather or other emergencies, announcements will be made on the same radio and television sta#ons periodically throughout the day and posted on our district website as soon as a decision is made. Please do not telephone the sta6ons, the school, or the school district oďŹƒce. Arrangements have been made with the sta#ons to broadcast the informa#on to you. Thank you for your help. District Website:

Television Sta6ons: Radio Sta6ons KOBI/KOTI






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1:30 - 3:00

1st PERIOD TARDIES First period tardies, excused or unexcused, account for over 33% of all tardies at Mazama High School over the entire school day. It is extremely important that each student arrives at Mazama every school morning prepared to learn and be on time. A productive start each day is essential to a student’s growth and learning. According to Oregon State Law (O.R.S. 339.010, 339.030, 339.065) Oregon High Schools and their designated administrators excuse absences and tardies. Excessive tardies, excused or unexcused, during first period place students in a position that inhibits their educational growth. Parents may excuse their child late to first period up to, but no more, than 3 times per semester. All other and future tardies (unless accompanied by a doctor’s note or pre approved by an administrator) will be considered unexcused, and that student’s tardy will fall under our tardy policy. We believe that parents, instructors, and administrators seek the same goal for our youth--which is to be prepared for college, the workforce and to become the most productive and capable citizens that we can develop.

DEVELOPED AND ADOPTED BY MAZAMA STAFF & ADMINISTRATION The Mazama Staff and Administration believe that it is our duty to prepare and educate our students to become the most productive citizens as educationally possible. Our student body is our number one priority. Punctuality and reliability are characteristics that must be in place before a student’s graduation. Our goal is to prepare all students and achieve a 100% graduation rate. Numerous educational studies have shown and proven the direct correlation between school tardiness and future work tardiness. Thousands of hours of instruction are lost each year due to student tardiness; not only is this an individual issue, but also a class issue that affects each and every student. Our Tardy Policy enhances the educational environment.

PRODUCTIVE-POSITIVE SWEEP TEAMS When the tardy bell rings (class start time) a “Detention-Admit Slip” will be filled out for students not in class. a copy given to the student, and the student allowed to enter his or her class. NO student will be allowed into class at any time, while class is in session, without some form of an “admit slip.” All Detention Admit Slips will be turned into the Attendance Office during that class period. If the student receives a detention he or she must serve the 30 minute detention that day unless the tardy occurs during period 6 or 7 and then the tardy will be served the following day. Any detention not served on the assigned day will be forwarded to the Dean of Students and the detention time will double, 1.0 hour owed. If a student is asked to leave class because he or she is tardy and tried to enter class without an “admit slip” that student needs to find a teacher of the Produc6ve Posi6ve Sweep Team to get an admit slip. If no member is available, the student will report to the ABendance Office to receive an admit slip. Students who choose not to go to class because they are tardy will be considered truant and be subject to those consequences. Admit Slips accepted a er class begins will include the following: Deten6on Slip given by Sweep Team member or ABendance Office, or excused admit slip from teacher.

IF I’M TARDY TO CLASS, WHAT SHOULD I DO AND WHAT HAPPENS? Mazama High School allows plenty of time for students to get to class on time, each day, every period. It is your responsibility to go to class prepared, every period. There are numerous students who attend Mazama over a four-year period and never accumulate one tardy. However, if you are tardy, you must do the following to be allowed to enter class: You must have an “admit slip” to class. Find a member of the Produc6ve Posi6ve Sweep Team to get a “Deten6on Admit Slip”. If no member is present in your area report to ABendance Office to receive one and immediately proceed your assigned class. If you receive any type of discipline take care of it immediately. Discipline not taken care of immediately doesn’t go away, it increases and students may not be allowed to aBend a er school func6ons, games, dances, etc. Always give your correct name and where you’re heading to the Sweep Team or ABendance Office. Giving a false or fake name will result in further discipline that may result in suspension. The following outline shows the progression for tardies during an individual class period. All tardies will be tracked by the Attendance Office and each student who accumulates multiple tardies will follow the outlined steps for discipline and redirection of behavior.


DRESS CODE GUIDELINES FOR MAZAMA HIGH SCHOOLS: Dress codes are enforced to provide a safe and produc!ve school environment which provides a model of the expecta!ons of most employers and schools in this country. Dress codes are enforced to provide a safe, productive school environment. This provides a model of expectations for most employers and schools in this country. Shoes or sandals must be worn at all times. No hats/head coverings, head bands or doo-rags are to be worn in the buildings or carried to class or in the halls during the regularly scheduled school day. They are to be kept in the student’s locker. No gloves are allowed to be worn in the buildings. Tops that are too large or open on the sides will not be allowed (greater than one hand width from armpit). Tops must have two shoulder straps with 1 inch wide shoulder straps. Top and bottom garments must meet or overlap at all times. Long overcoats/trench coats will not be allowed. All pants must be worn with the waistband at or above the top of the hip bone. Sagging pants must be cinched at the waistband or top of the hip bone. Undergarments are required and must not be visible. Shorts, skirts, or bottoms must be long enough to reach the tip of your fingers when standing straight. Pants with holes; the holes must be below the tip of your fingers when standing straight. Clothing, jewelry, emblems, badges, symbols, signs, hand signs or other items or actions that are evidence of membership, affiliation or promotion of any gang or gang activity shall not be worn, given or displayed. All sharp studded or spiked wrist bands, to include spiked piercings, earrings, necklaces, chains or any other items that might be used as a weapon are not allowed. Such items will be confiscated. Clothing, jewelry, emblems, badges, accessories, or other items promoting or depicting tobacco, drugs, drug paraphernalia, weapons, alcohol, hate violence, profanity, nudity or sexual references, or anything demeaning to others will not be permitted. This includes brand names. NOTE: The School Principal and/or his/her designee reserves the right to determine if dress is inappropriate or disruptive and action is warranted at anytime on school grounds and at all on or off-campus school-related activities/events.



- WARNING, DRESS CODE VIOLATION ISSUED - WARNING, DRESS CODE VIOLATION ISSUED - WARNING, DRESS CODE VIOLATION ISSUED - .5 HOUR OF DETENTION (Referral sent home) - 1.0 HOURS OF DETENTION (Referral sent home) - 2.0 HOURS OF DETENTION (Referral sent home) - SATURDAY SCHOOL (Phone call to parent/guardian) - ADMINISTRATIVE DEFIANCE (Phone call to parent/guardian, suspension)

ATTENTION!! FALL SPORTS INFORMATION All Fall Sport Team pictures are scheduled for September 18, 2013

The gradua#ng class of 2014 Is looking for parents to head up and find volunteers to organize the “Grad All-Night Party”

ASPIRE Helping meet your need for continuing your education beyond high school

Education For Everyone

Encouraging Higher Education For Everyone

Adult volunteers are needed to mentor students. We are looking for adult volunteers to become Aspire Advisors. All it takes is two to four hours per week for the school year to make a difference in the life of a student. Help make this program a success at Mazama by volunteering. For more information on how you can join ASPIRE call: Jon Johnson at 281-0143.

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