2019 Sept Mazama News Letter

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VIKING NATION NEWSLETTER August 2019 Klamath County Schools “Inspiring Today’s Students To Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges” Principal's Message

Welcome to another great year at Mazama High School, home of Viking Nation. The future begins now as we welcome the freshman class of 2023 to MHS and we look to the classes of 2020 & 2021 to set a positive example, teach our vision and core values of being Responsible, Respectful and Safe to our underclassman. The Viking staff is committed to providing and delivering an exceptional educational experience for all students. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting involved in our school by joining a club, an activity, becoming part of an athletic team or the performing arts. Viking Nation has a wealth of choices where every student can be involved and make their high school experience enlightening, successful and memorable. The Mazama High School community has been a longtime supporter of all of the programs we offer here at MHS and we want to continue this partnership with the community and parents of our students for many years to come. Thanks to a $100,000 grant from Cascade Health Alliance and a partnership with Klamath Health Partnership – Klamath Open Door, the Klamath County School District opened a School Based Health Center on the Mazama High School Campus last fall. This is just another way KCSD and Viking Nation is reaching out to our students in hopes to improve our community. We are pleased to offer a variety of means that you can access information. Whether you are a student, parent, community member or a potential community member looking to bring your student to Mazama, you will find a wealth of important information, registration materials, activities calendars, links to staff email addresses and phone numbers. We also hope you will find our school and district website useful and informative. I encourage you to attend our business day/open house on Wednesday August 28th to gather important information, meet your teachers and attend to the variety of tasks needed to insure your student gets off to a great start. Once again, I would like to welcome all students, new and old to what should be the best that MHS has yet to experience.

Welcome! Steve Morosin Principal MAZAMA HIGH SCHOOL PHONE NUMBERS Main Office Guidance Office Athletic Office Attendance Office

(541)883-5024 (541)883-5031 (541)883-5032 (541)883-5027

Fax (541)883-5044 Fax (541)851-8829

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