MHS January 2013 - English Newsletter

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Mazama High School

Home of the Vikings January 2013 Newsletter

FROM YOUR PRINCIPAL .................Terry Bennett Parents and Guardians – I encourage each of you to have a conversation with your student regarding their finals. It is very important that they study and prepare to perform at their very best for each of their finals—regardless of what form the culminating exam is in each course. Schedules for finals are in this edition of the newsletter, page 10. If your student will be gone, please contact me for prior approval to take finals at a different time. To paraphrase education philosopher Yogi Berra, ―School success is 90 percent showing up; the other half is mental.‖ Maybe that’s an overstatement, but research shows conclusively that attendance is strongly associated with student achievement. Every employer wants employees to show up for work on time and ready to perform their duty. We believe that our focus on attendance not only supports greater student achievement, but also fosters skills necessary for success as a future worker, post-secondary student, and a citizen. In order to meet and maintain AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) the school must have a 92% or better student attendance rate. This percentage is base on excused as well as unexcused absences. It is very important to us that we partner together to have a positive academic and student impact when working with our Mazama families. We are proud of this partnership and understand that it can look differently for each and every family. Finally, as we are in the heart of winter and cold season, please take extra care to stay healthy All of our students need at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Having a house full of teenagers myself, I understand how difficult that can be, but please remind and encourage them to get the rest they need. Not only will they stay healthier, but they will also do better in school.

WINTER FORMAL January 26, 2013 At the fairgrounds from 8 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Tickets are being sold during lunch in the south locker area. $15.00 for a single ticket , $25.00 per couple. Tickets will also be sold at the door for $20.00, single.

FYI: Any student owing detention time will not be allowed to attend the Winter Formal.

NO SCHOOL Monday, Jan. 21, 2013 in remembrance of Martin Luther King Day NO SCHOOL Friday, January 25, 2013, Grade Prep Day

A reminder for seniors and their parents/guardians: the Annotated Bibliography is due January 11, 2013. The first physical project progress report is due by February 8, 2013.

A NEW LOOK! Check out the new Mazama Website! It’s got loads of new features like printable forms, teacher blogs and staff email links. It’s a great way to stay in touch with teachers or check your student’s attendance. Don’t delay—check it out today!, go to schools; click on Mazama


Sign up for the ASPIRE program and you can receive one-on-one mentoring that will help you with finding scholarships for school, conducting college and vocational school searches, applying to colleges, and finding a career that will best suit your needs. If you would like to become part of this fabulous program and have a mentor, or if you just want to drop by for more information, the ASPIRE Program is located within the Career Center at the Guidance Office. While you are there, look at the wonderful information we have on Colleges and Vocation Schools. Also, don’t forget to check out the scholarship lists to see if you qualify. These lists are updated weekly!

Great Program For You

MHS ASPIRE Program Encouraging Higher Education For Everyone

Your Future Awaits You! Let us help you succeed in your educational goals after high school!

Hey students! Need help finding money for college? How about finding the right school for you? Need help deciding on a career after high school?

MHS ASPIRE Program Can Help!

It’s that scholarship time of year! Be sure to stay updated by checking with your counselor or the Aspire Office. MHS ASPIRE Program Jon Johnson Program Coordinator 3009 Summers Lane Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Phone: 541-883-5024 Cell# 541-281-0143 Fax# 541-883-5044


ASPIRE Needs You!

Mazama High School ASPIRE Program is Looking for Volunteers. MHS ASPIRE Program Encouraging Higher Education For Everyone

Can you volunteer one hour a month for the school year? ASPIRE Volunteers work one-on-one with students helping them with various activities such as finding a college, applying for financial aid, and applying for scholarships. ASPIRE works around your schedule! No education is required to become an ASPIRE Volunteer. All training is provided by the ASPIRE Program.

Come and be a part of the ASPIRE team and help make a difference in the life of a high school student here in our community.

LOOK!!! New Breakfast Entrees

GRAB & GO ONLY $1.50 Creamy Yogurt, Chilled Fruit, Bagel w/ cream cheese and milk OR Hot Bagel Sandwich, Chilled Fruit and milk

Please come in the cafĂŠ and enjoy our new convenient meals.

Why Choose Formal Driver Education (instead of having Uncle Bill teach your kid to drive?)

Students who take a formal driver education course in addition to driving with parents are nearly 3 times LESS likely to be involved in fatal or injury crashes. New drivers who are on the road with a friend in the car are 100% more likely to be in a crash than new drivers who are alone. With three friends in the car, a new driver is 400% more likely to be in a crash. Why? Friends are major distractions, and new drivers need to focus on the complicated task of driving. Crash statistics for teen drivers in Klamath Falls are rising—they were up 15% last year, while the number of crashes in other parts of the state are falling. The primary difference is the lack of availability of driver education in Klamath County. (Until Klamath Drives comes to town!) The ODOT-approved Driver Education curriculum is of such high quality that states including Washington, North Dakota and even Hawaii are seeking to emulate the improved crash statistics we are achieving. Klamath Drives is owned and operated by one of the ODOT team of trainers, so families can be assured of a quality course. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers ages 15 – 20. Teen drivers make up only 6% of all drivers, but they account for 12.9% of all fatal crashes. 16 year olds have almost ten times the crash risk of drivers between the ages of 30 – 59. Violent Crime vs. Crashes in the US (as of 2006) 1 Murder every 31 minutes

1 fatality every 12 minutes

1 assault every 37 seconds

1 injury every 12 seconds

1 violent crime every 22 seconds

1 property damage crash every 8 seconds

1 property crime every 3 seconds

1 law enforcement reported crash every 5 seconds





Office Hours























Make-up/Office hours


































Make-up/Office Hours





19 Basketball Play-Offs TBD


18 President’s Day, No School




12 Basketball Skyline PlayOffs TBD



5 Basketball vs Hidden Vly H Varsity Boys 7:30 Varsity Girls JV2 Boys 6:00 JV Boys & Girls 4:30







February, 2013





Wrestling State in Portland

Wrestling State in Portland

March 1 Basketball OSAA 1st Round Play-Offs

23 Basketball Girls Far West Play-In TBD

16 Swimming State at Mt Hood 7:00am

Basketball Potential Skyline Tie Breaker

District Swimming at N. Bend 7:30am

9 District Wrestling at Mazama 10:00am


22 Basketball Boys Far West Play-In TBD

Swimming State at Mt Hood 7:00am

Wrestling Regionals TBA

15 Basketball Skyline -Offs TBD

District Swimming at N. Bend 7:30am

Wrestling at Henley JV 5:30 Varsity 7:00 8 Basketball at Henley Varsity Boys JV2 Girls 7:30 Varsity Girls JV2 Boys 6:00 JV Boys & Girls 4:30

1 Basketball vs KU H Varsity Boys JV2 Girls 7:30 Varsity Girls JV2 Boys 6:00 JV Boys & Girls 4:30 **JV2 Boys & Girls and JV Girls Games at Sacred Heart

College/University Entrance Exams Attention College Bound Juniors: Mazama H.S. (school code: 380-562) Practice Tests are available on-line and from the counseling office SAT 2013 Test Dates

Registration Deadline

Closest Test Center

March 9

February 8

Mazama H.S. (code: 38235)

June 1

May 2

Mazama H.S. (code: 38235)

ACT 2013 Test Dates

Registration Deadline

Closest Test Center

April 13

March 8

OIT (code: 034840)

June 8

May 3

OIT (code: 034840)

Mazama Little Viks Cheer Camp Location: Mazama High Cafeteria Dates:

Jan. 22nd – Jan. 24th, 2013

Friday Jan. 25th Half Time Performance of Girls Varsity Basketball Game


5:15 – 6:30 pm Tuesday - Thursday


$25.00 per participant Includes Little Viks Cheer T-shirt

Register on the Mazama High School Home Page – Select Mazama High For Questions please contact Coach Kaci Mitchell at / (541) 851-8854

F Y I or



Second semester Mrs. Pascual is teaching a dance class for all students interested in taking physical education credits. This class will be a formal ballroom dance class where students will learn the basic elements and principles of ballroom dancing. This course is designed for all students including those with no dance experience. Students will have the opportunity to discover their personal talents and also exercise for a healthier life style. This course encourages the growth of understanding dance as an art form. Students will develop an awareness of movement as a means of expression and communication, and also gain an understanding of dance. The class will be offer during class time, so please check your schedules and come to enjoy school life through dancing. For more information contact your counselor.

January 22nd, Tuesday @ 6pm, there will be a Senior Parent Meeting in the library.

Congratulations to Mazama Softball players Megan Aho, Lynzee Wortman, Daniele Armantrout, Kaylee Grigsby, and LeAnn Valenta. Each was named to the National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) Academic All-American Team for 2012 . Way to go , ladies!

Mazama’s new Robotics Class, and their teacher, Jim Kochenderfer, went to Salem for the State Robotics Competition Jan. 11 & 12, 2013.

Mazama High School Senior Project 2012-2013 Due Dates Assignment

Due Date

Last date a new or changed proposal can be submitted

March 20th

3. Physical Project: First half of project’s hours documented by Mentor’s Progress Report returned by Final half of project’s hours completed by Mentor’s Final Evaluation returned by

February 1st February 8th April 19th April 26th

4. Writing Components First Draft of Annotated Bibliography Final Draft of Annotated Bibliography Cover Letter (Portfolio) for Judges Portfolio Cover Page with Visual Thank-you Letter to Mentor

December 14th January 15th April 5th April 12th May 22nd

5. Senior Portfolio (on time points)

May 17th

6. Senior Portfolio (*not accepted after this date)

May 21st

7. Oral Boards

May 31st

8. Graduation

June 9th

If an excused absence occurs on a due date, the student must turn in the assignment on the date of return to class in order to earn the on-time points. An unexcused absence on the due date will result in loss of on-time points for the assignment. *If a student does not have all of the required elements in the Senior Project Portfolio by May 21 st, the final due date, the student will not be allowed to give the speech at the oral boards. The student cannot give a speech on something that is incomplete. In this event, the student may not pass Senior English, a required credit for the MHS Diploma.

INFORMATION FOR SCHOOL-AGE YOUTH IF YOU LIVE IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS: In a shelter In a motel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation In a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station Doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship You may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act. ************************************************************************ Eligible students have the right to: Receive a free, appropriate education. Enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment. Enroll in school and attend classes while the school gathers needed documents. Enroll in the local school; or continue attending their school of origin (the school they attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled), if that is their preference and is feasible. *If the school district believes that the school selected is not in his/her best interest, then the district must provide the student with a written explanation of its position and inform the student of his/her right to appeal its decision. Receive transportation to and from the school of origin, if requested. Receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students, According to the student’s needs. If you believe you may be eligible, contact the local liaison to find out what services and supports may be available. Local Liaison—541-885-4929 State Coordinator—503-947-5781

Condition: Global Cystic Encephalomalacia City, State: Klamath Falls, OR Club: Mazama High School

Sparrow Club Service Hours: Date Adopted: 12/28/2012

Dominik's Story: Sweet, affectionate Dominik, or ―Dom‖ as family and friends like to call him, came into this world five weeks early and spent the first six weeks of his life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. At four weeks old, an MRI revealed that only one-third of little Dom’s brain had developed correctly. Dom was diagnosed with Global Cystic Encephalomalacia, which means that the majority of his brain is fluid. Fortunately, Dom’s brain stem, cerebellum, and post mid brain did develop, which means that he is able to express himself and share his great personality with others. However, it was still communicated to Peter and Treena (Dom’s parents) that Dom would most likely never crawl, walk, talk, see, or hear. Not people to give up so easily, Peter and Treena started researching an alternative therapy called the Anat Baniel Method, which works to re-educate the brain through the use of the nervous system. Since Dom has been placed in this program, he has made amazing and unbelievable progress. He is rolling onto his tummy, grasping at toys, and is even beginning to push up and lift his head. He is hearing well with his hearing aid and his eyesight seems to be improving! There are still many challenges (damaged lungs, fragile immune system, developing scoliosis, etc.) but the gains and progress that Dom is making are enough to keep his family and friends encouraged and inspired. The Roby family still continues to travel every 3-4 weeks for Dom’s medical needs, and the ongoing therapy expenses are high (as much as $30,000 per year). Dom will be adopted as a Sparrow to Mazama High School. Students will make Dom the focus of their lives as they work hard to raise money for him through community service and fundraising projects, sponsored by Southern Oregon Elmer’s in their ongoing partnership with Sparrow Clubs. Funds raised for Dom will help with continued therapy expenses, in addition to travel and general living expenses, as Dom’s family continues to work hard to get him the support that he needs.

2013 Valhalla Yearbook

Senior Ads A special way to look back on your high school memories and younger days!

Parents: Why not put in a picture of your senior from when they were younger and attach a note of well wishes for the future! This makes a great graduation gift! Prices 1/8 Page $30 1/4 Page $50 Half Page: $95 3/4 Page: $140 Full Page: $180 Submit by March 8, 2013 Contact Miss Schmidt for details: 541-883-5024

Buy your yearbook today! Cost: $65 See Mrs. Rajnus in the main office to purchase your copy! Orders need to be placed by April 1, 2013.

The Mazama Rune! Check out the school’s online newspaper! Read about sports, news, school events and more! Use the QR Code below or find our link on the Mazama Facebook Page! Visit us at: mhsrune/

Mr. Moresi Returns to Mazama Former Mazama band director Charile Moresi is returning to Mazama to finish the year for retiring director Gene Perry. Mr. Moresi is excited to be back working with music students again after a 32 year band career which included 18 years at Mazama and four years of retirement. Mr. Moresi has been impressed with the students so far and is looking forward to a productive finish of the school year. If there are students that have band experience that are interested in joining the band please talk to Mr.Moresi.

Mazama’s FBLA chapter dressed in business attire for the KCC Business Skills Conference. Below are the results of the competitions the competed in at the conference.

Mazama FBLA Regional Conference Results: Accounting I

Computer Concepts

Intro to Business

8. Clinton Woodhams

7. Daniel Stancliff

2. Hannah Reynolds 3. Megan Cushman 4. Thomas Stevens 5. Tiffany Taylor 6. Karena Foust 7. Morgan Petchell

Desktop Publishing

Business Calculations 2. Hannah Reynolds

1. Marissa Hurley 2. Tayton Leyval 4. Tanner Smith 6. Desiree Rogers 8. Sabrina Eck 9. Dawson Crawford 10. Ashley Holder/Marisa Alvarado

Business Communications Economics 2. Ashley Holder 5. Erin Haney 6. Tiffany Taylor

Business Law 2. Alyssa McCue 4. James Boulter 5. Melina Marcon

Business Math 5. Amber Lease

Business Procedures 7. Allyson Smith 9. Morgan Petchell 10. Lauren Haney

Computer Applications 1. Marissa McGinnis 2. Chloe Leach

1. Alyssa McCue 2. Thomas Stevens 4. James Boulter 5. Marissa Hurley 10. Clinton Woodhams

FBLA Principles and Procedures

Public Speaking I 3. James Boulter

Public Speaking II 1. Emily Foster 2. Camilla Peterson 3. Aley Beeson

Speed Typing I 1. Natalie Temple 2. Emily Foster 3. Camilla Peterson 8. Cody Cline 9. Marissa McGinnis

Speed Typing II 3. Megan Aho 4. Melina Marcon

Word Processing I

1. Jesse Sundet 3. Cierra Mink 6. Saraphina Barkley 7. Cody Cox 9. Amber Lease 10. Marissa McGinnis

1. Cierra Harris 2. Samantha Cardon 3. Campbell Hill 4. Thomas Volk 5. Holly Murga 6. James Boulter

Impromptu Speaking

Word Processing II

4. Caylia McDaniel 6. Jesse Sundet 9. Molly Baldock

1. Amanda Harris 2. Mariah Cooper 3. Natalie Patton 4. Andres Torres

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