March/April newsletter

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Viking Nation,

The 2016-17 school year is flying by and believe it or not, staff has been making recommendations and your students have been selecting courses for next school year. In the next week or so, you may want to review your students’ progress, talk with them about future goals and what their course selections might include. Our curriculum guide is available on our home page for general information, graduation requirements, teacher selection and reference materials to make course selections. If you need assistance, feel free to contact the guidance office for instructions. Reminder we will be hosting parent conferences again on March 22nd and 23rd. Please plan to meet and discuss progress with your student’s teachers and ask questions about next year’s schedule for your student. Mazama 10th grade students are invited to attend Careers in Gear on Thursday, March 16th in Medford. Careers in Gear is a one-day expo that will bring hundreds of high school students from 19 different high schools together in to explore the incredible variety of career options in Southern Oregon and give them some tools to encourage their pursuit of careers in our region. Mazama will offer a bus for 50 interested students to attend Careers in Gear. The bus will leave at 10:00 am and will return at 4:00 pm. A free snack lunch from Green Springs Deli will be provided. Randy Shelton, Talent Acquisition Manager at Peterson CAT, will visit Mazama on Monday, March 6th, at 12:30 pm to talk with students interested in learning more about the Diesel Technology AA degree offered through Peterson CAT. The program is a two year internship program where students are being taught the fundamental skills needed to be a heavy equipment technician. The program consists of classroom and school lab training as well as work experience in a shop. While working in a shop, students will be getting to apply what they are learning in school and being paid at the same time. At the end of the two year program, students will earn an AA degree in Diesel Technology and be offered a full-time job at Peterson CAT. If your student is interested in either of these opportunities, please have them sign up in the counseling office and they will be added to the list to attend. Have a great end to the year and finish strong! Steve Morosin, Principal

Mazama High School Phone Numbers Attendance Office


Main Office

#541-883-5024 Fax #541-883-5044

Guidance Office

#541-883-5031 Fax #541-851-8829

Athletic Office



Congratulations to our Girls Basketball Team!! Back to Back Skyline Conference Champions


March 17th 4-8 pm This is an all ages carnival and all proceeds will go to supporting our Sparrow, Anthony. Anthony is a five year old boy who has severe medical issues. Mazama Sparrow Club has pledged to raise money to support Anthony and his family. We will have games, a bounce house, a dunk tank, and food available. Wristbands will be available for $5.00 at the door and will provide access to all the games and activities. Tickets will also be available for separate purchase and can be used at the game booths. Food and snacks will be sold separately.

1st Annual College & Career Fair Mazama High School April 12, 2017 You are invited to attend Mazama High School’s first annual College and Career Fair on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 in the Mazama gymnasium.

The Counseling Department and the College Club are inviting a wide variety of local businesses, professionals in various career fields, college departments, college admission representatives and military recruiters to participate in the fair. Our Goals are: 

To expose Klamath County high school students to a wide variety of potential careers.

To educate students as to what steps they need to take in order to obtain a career and be successful in a particular career field. To bridge the gap between high school and careers.

To put students in contact with individuals (i.e. colleges, apprenticeships, training programs) who can help them continue their education/training after high school.

To create a stronger college and career ready culture at the Klamath County high schools; which will, in turn, strengthen the workforce in Klamath County.

If you have a business or career and would like to take part in the College & Career Fair and share your knowledge with students, please contact Jessica Radmaker Reichardt or Armando Ojeda at (541)883-5031 for more information. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Mazama FBLA Wins Big at Regionals!!!

Members had an impressive day at OIT on Thursday, February 9, at the Cascade Regional Conference. Eleven schools (almost 200 students) attended this year’s conference. Students participated in job interview, speaking events, and practiced team events to prepare for State. Members who placed in the Top 7 in their events have qualified for the State competition in Portland in April. If they place in the Top 4 at State, they will qualify for National competition in Anaheim, California this summer! Results are listed below.

FBLA Members Visit Elderly Residents! This year three of our members, along with the full support of our chapter, designed a project all about community service at the Rogue River Retirement Place--connecting today’s generation with past generations. We encouraged every member of our chapter to try to be a part of our service project. Our chapter made a commitment to visit twice a month and spend time getting to know the residents. The wonderful residents greatly appreciate our chapter’s service. Our chapter members’ vibrant smiles and our comical laughs help bring the two communities together. Sally Forst, the activity director at Rogue River, has been instrumental in helping us plan fun activities. We planned a Hawaiian party, game nights, and even a fashion show! The residents, as well as our members, have enjoyed being actively involved!

IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES March 1 March 11 March 15 March 16 March 17 March 17 March 22 March 22/23 March 23/24 March 27/31

Mazama Showcase SAT Test Date Choir Concert 6:00 pm in the cafeteria End of 4th Grading Period No School Spring Carnival No Late Start (8:15 am start) Parent/Teacher Conferences No School Students Spring Break (classes resume 4/3)

April 3 April 6/8 April 12 April 19 April 22

Classes resume FBLA State Competition College & Career Fair ASVAB Lithia Invitational Track Meet

May 4 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 9 May 17 May 24 May 29

Honor Dinner End of the 5th Grading Period Grade Prep Prom Mazama Band Concert Underclassmen Awards Spring Choir Concert No School

June 2 June 3 June 6/7 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 8 June 9 June 14/15 June 15 June 16

Sr. Oral Boards (No school grades 9-10) SAT Test Date Senior Final Exams Sr. Awards Night 6:00 pm in the cafeteria Deadline completed work for seniors Baccalaureate, location TBD Graduation practice (mandatory) Graduation 7:00 pm Viking Stadium Underclassmen Finals Last Day of School for students Last Day for Teachers

All parents are invited and encouraged to attend Mazama’s Spring Parent Conferences on March 22nd and 23rd. Parental involvement is a key component to student success in school. We urge all parents to take some time and attend your son/daughter’s conferences. Mrs. Milstead will hold a Senior Culminating Experience (aka Senior Project) meeting in the choir room at 6:30 p.m. both nights. This is a perfect time to learn if your student is on track to finish his/her project. Mrs. Milstead will also discuss “Oral Boards.” This information will tell you what to expect when your student presents his/her senior project and how he/she will be graded.


Conferences in the classroom

5:30-7:00 p.m.

Conferences in the cafeteria

6:30 p.m.

Senior Culminating Experience Meeting (Senior Project) in the choir room.

MARCH 23rd 3:30-5:00 p.m.

Conferences in the cafeteria

5:30-7:00 p.m.

Conferences in the cafeteria

6:30 p.m.

Senior Culminating Experience Meeting (Senior Project) In the choir room.

SENIOR INFORMATION Josten’s Josten’s will be here to deliver the announcement orders to the seniors on Monday, March 20th, from 10:00 am—2:00 pm. The cap and gown order will be delivered in April .

FAFSA FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) – remember that you must complete the FAFSA to be eligible for most financial aid opportunities. All seniors had the opportunity to work on the student portion of the FAFSA in their Government classes in January and February. After completing the student portion, students must then log in with a parent or guardian to complete the parent portion.

Senior Awards Night - Submit Scholarships and Awards Seniors and seniors parents: Please use this form to let the counseling office know about the scholarships and awards you receive. We will use this information to organize Senior Awards Night on Tuesday, June 6th at 6 pm. Please make sure you list all scholarships and awards so that we do not miss anyone on Senior Awards Night. Please save this link and submit responses each time you receive a scholarship or award--anything college, military, or career related. One response per scholarship or award, please. Submit as many responses as necessary to list all of your awards. Submit responses here:

College Information for Seniors and Senior Parents Scholarships Mrs. Radmaker Reichardt has been sending out scholarship information via e-mail each time a scholarship is sent to the school. You can review all of these scholarships and get links to applications here: https:// usp=sharing    

This is a public link to a Google Spreadsheet, if you have any difficultly accessing this document, please e-mail Mrs. Radmaker Reichardt All local scholarships are in bold – we highly recommend applying for these scholarships if you are eligible, since they are only available to local students (less competition for the scholarship money). Mrs. Radmaker Reichardt will continue to add to this document each time a scholarship is sent to the school. MORE SCHOLARSHIPS: when you know which college you would like to attend, please look up that college’s specific scholarship opportunities on their website – call that college’s financial aid office and make an appointment to discuss your financial aid opportunities – that is why these offices exist, to help YOU.

OSAC Scholarship Application OSAC (Office of Student Access and Completion) has a great scholarship application for Oregon students. Visit this website to set up your account, search scholarships, and apply for multiple scholarships with one application.    

You will use the same login information that you used to apply to Oregon Promise. Please view this video to help you understand the OSAC Scholarship Application http:// March 1, 2017 at 5PM is the final deadline for the OSAC Scholarship Application. If you still need to apply for Oregon Promise (90 free credits of Community College tuition at any Oregon Community College), do that here with the same login info as the OSAC Scholarship http:// - Priority Deadline for Oregon Promise Application is April 1, 2017

2017 Valhalla Yearbook

Senior Ads

A special way to look back on your high school memories and younger days! Parents: Why not put in a picture of your senior from when they were younger and attach a note of well wishes for the future! This makes a great graduation gift! Prices 1/8 Page $30

1/4 Page $50 Half Page $95 3/4 Page $140 Full Page $180

2017 Yearbook $65.00 See the bookkeeper to purchase your copy!

State Required Testing Information: Guidelines for requesting a student opt out of state required testing: The State of Oregon requires school districts to test students using the Smarter Balanced assessment in grades 3 thru 8 and in grade 11. Districts are required to test 95% of all students and 95% of students in specifically defined groups identified on the annual school report card. Parents and adult students are allowed to opt out of state required testing in accordance with Oregon law. The opt out procedure has been defined by the Oregon Department of Education, and the required forms are available on the district’s website under the tab marked for “Parents.” The Oregon Department of Education allows only this official form to be used to request a student be “opted out” of testing. Opt out forms must be filled out completely and signed by the parent or adult student in the presence of a school official. Opt out forms must be received prior to the start of student testing.

Lineamiento para solicitar que un estudiante no tome el examen estatal por exclusión voluntaria: El estado de Oregon requiere que los distritos escolares examinen a estudiantes utilizando la Smarter Balanced Assessment en los grados 3 al 8 y en el grado 11. Los distritos están obligados a administrar el examen a 95% de todos los estudiantes y el 95% de los estudiantes en grupos específicamente definidos, identificados en la tarjeta anual de calificaciones. Los padres y los estudiantes, como parte de la ley estatal, pueden decidir voluntariamente no participar en el examen de Smarter Balanced Assessment. El procedimiento de exención ha sido definido por el Departamento de Educación de Oregon, y los documentos necesarios están disponibles en el sitio web del distrito en la pestaña marcada para "Padres" llamado Opt Out: Spanish. El Departamento de Educación de Oregon solamente permite el uso de este formulario oficial para solicitar la “exclusión voluntaria.” Estas formas deben ser llenadas completamente y firmadas por el padre o madre de familia, o el estudiante adulto en presencia de un oficial de la escuela. Las formas deben recibirse antes del comienzo del examen.

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