November 2012 Newsletter

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VIKING VOICE November 2012

PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME and MESSAGE- - Terry Bennett As winter draws near and the Holiday Season fast approaches it is even more critical for our students to stay on top of their academic work. Continue to encourage your student to attend to their studies, utilize the more than 70 minutes of tutorial time each week and seek additional support and help from each of their teachers. I am convinced that when the adults involved in our student’s lives make education a priority it sends a strong message that education is valued. As a parent, it isn’t always easy to know exactly what my teenager is doing or how they might doing in school. I have found one of the best ways to discuss school and their studies isn’t to ask about homework, but rather have them share with you what they learned in school that day or what they have been learning in each of their classes. You can regularly monitor your student’s academic progress via the Home Access system. Each student has a Home Access code. If you do not have your student’s codes please give our Counseling Office a call and Mrs. Kinnan will be happy to provide it for you. You can find the Home Access system by going to the school district website - it is located on the upper left-hand side of the webpage. Feel e-mail your student’s teachers, counselor, myself, or one of my administrators. Mazama High School is privileged to have caring, active and involved parents who encourage their children to reach their potential. Our dedicated and professional staff is here to help your student achieve this goal. Our new Advanced Diploma is an example of our community partners working together to provide an outstanding opportunity for all of our students to further their education through an additional year of school at Klamath Community College. Please read the information in this newsletter and/or ask your senior student about it as well. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call.

Advanced Diploma Makes college a reality for YOU! ◊

- Advanced Diploma Program -

Klamath County School District Advanced Diploma program offers students the opportunity to make college a reality rather than a dream.

The Advanced Diploma program partners with Klamath Community College (KCC) to provide a bridge of support between high school and the student's early college experience.

The program is designed to help the students experience a smoother transition into college and increase their chances for success.

The support includes Klamath County School District Advanced Diploma program paying the costs of tuition/fees, textbooks and some supplies, as well as orientation, registration, appropriate course selection and monitoring of the academic progress of the student from a high school counselor and a KCC advisor assigned to this program.

An exciting opportunity for students to step into their future and their post secondary journey.

For additional information-contact

Terry Bennett, Principal Jennifer Goslin, Counselor Mazmaa High School 3009 Summers Lane Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603

Phone: 541.883.5024 Fax: 541.851.8829 E-mail: E-mail:

A Partnership between Klamath County School District and Klamath Community Col-

KCSD Advance Diploma

- Your path

Requirements for the program Steps to follow: ∗

You need to pass required classes and be eligible to graduate.

⇒ To enroll/enter into the Advanced Diploma program, the student must be a current senior meeting all KCSD requirements for graduation with a standard or above diploma. ⇒ Student and parent(s) must agree for the student to not official

Space may be limited. It is very important that maintain your grades.

‘graduate’ from their current high school, but request and be accepted into the KCSD Advanced Diploma program

Meet with your school counselor and confirm your intentions to enroll in the Advanced Diploma program.

⇒ KCSD will hold the student’s diploma until the student successfully

December: First round of applications due by Dec. 14th.

March: Second round of applications due by March 22nd.

May 15: Final deadline to complete and submit your Advanced Diploma application space may be limited at this time.

in the Advanced Diploma program and carry a minimum of 9 credits hours during all 3-terms of enrollment. Note: The program will only cover the enrollment of the student in up to 13 credits per term or 39 total credit hours for the year. Any additional hours the student wishes to enroll will be their financial responsibility.

completes or withdraws from the Advanced Diploma program. ⇒ The student must agree to be a fulltime student at KCC while enrolled

⇒ Once enrolled and accepted into the Advanced Diploma program, a student must comply with the KCC academic calendar in all areas; i.e: fees, adds/drops, finals, etc. If the student does not meet the calendar requirements, any financial penalties will be the sole responsibility of the student and the parent(s).

Application must be submitted to your building Principal by each of the above dates to be enrolled.

Confirmation of your acceptance will be communicated after the completion of the first semester, and subsequent grading periods after each deadline.

⇒ The student must remain in satisfactory academic standings in order

Again, space may be limited so it is very important that you maintain all passing grades.

dents’ senior year in KCSD only and is for that 1-academic year (fallwinter-spring terms). A student will not be allowed to enter the program during winter or spring term. They must enroll before they graduate from KCSD and be enrolled and attending KCC classes during the fall term.

Required meetings: ∗ ∗

Attend Spring Advanced Diploma Program Student/Parent Night . Attend required KCC new student orientation program.

NOTE: Based on your high school classes, placements tests for appropriate classes at KCC can be required. Your counselor will inform you of any additional requirements for successful enrollment.

to remain in the program. ‘Satisfactory Academic Standing’ is defined as having a gpa of 2.0 or higher for the previous term. ⇒ The Advanced Diploma program runs for the year following the stu-

⇒ Since the student is still a KCSD student enrolled in the Advanced

Diploma program, they are not allowed to apply for a FAFSA or any other type of student loan. During the winter term at KCC, they can apply for FAFSA or other loans for the following year once they exit the program ⇒ KCSD will not provide any form or compensation for transportation needs to attend KCC for this program.

Klamath County School District Advanced Diploma Requirements for Participation Advanced Diploma is an exciting opportunity for students to step into their future and their post-secondary journey. Klamath County School District Advanced Diploma program offers students the opportunity to make college a reality rather than a dream. The Advanced Diploma program partners with Klamath Community College (KCC) to provide a bridge of support between high school and the student's early college experience. The program is designed to help the students experience a smoother transition into college and increase their chances for success. The support includes Klamath County School District Advanced Diploma program paying the costs of tuition/fees, textbooks and some supplies, as well as orientation, registration, appropriate course selection and monitoring of the academic progress of the student from a high school counselor and a KCC advisor assigned to this program. ADVANCED DIPLOMA Requirements 1. To enroll/enter into the Advanced Diploma program, the student must be a current senior meeting all KCSD requirements for graduation with a standard or above diploma. 2. Student and parent(s) must agree for the student to not official ‘graduate’ from their current high school, but request and be accepted into the KCSD Advanced Diploma program 3. KCSD will hold the student’s diploma until the student successfully completes or withdraws from the Advanced Diploma program. 4. The student must agree to be a fulltime student at KCC while enrolled in the Advanced Diploma program and carry a minimum of 9 credits hours during all 3-terms of enrollment. Note: The program will only cover the enrollment of the student in up to 13 credits per term or 39 total credit hours for the year. Any additional hours the student wishes to enroll will be their financial responsibility. 5. Once enrolled and accepted into the Advanced Diploma program, a student must comply with the KCC academic calendar in all areas; i.e.: fees, adds/drops, finals, etc. If the student does not meet the calendar requirements, any financial penalties will be the sole responsibility of the student and the parent(s). 6. The student must remain in satisfactory academic standings in order to remain in the program. ‘Satisfactory Academic Standing’ is defined as having a gpa of 2.0 or higher for the previous term. 7. The Advanced Diploma program runs for the year following the students’ senior year in KCSD only and is for that 1-academic year (fall-winter-spring terms). A student will not be allowed to enter the program during winter or spring term. They must enroll before they graduate from KCSD and be enrolled and attending KCC classes during the fall term. 8. Since the student is still a KCSD student enrolled in the Advanced Diploma program, they are not allowed to apply for a FAFSA or any other type of student loan. During the winter term at KCC, they can apply for FAFSA or other loans for the following year once they exit the program. KCSD will not provide any form or compensation for transportation needs to attend KCC for this program. Approved 10/10/12

Mazama High School phone numbers Attendance Office #541-883-5027 Athletic Office Guidance Office Main Office

#541-883-5032 #541-883-5031 fax#541-851-8829 #541-883-5024 fax#541-883-5044

IMMUNIZATION REMINDER Oregon law requires 7th – 11th grade students to have 1 dose of Tdap vaccine. An appropriate medical or religious exemption is also acceptable. Please check your child’s records to be sure he/she has had the Tdap vaccine and that the school has a record of it. Tdap offers adolescents and adults protection against three serious diseases: Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (whooping cough). Pertussis rates in Oregon have been consistently higher than the national average. If your child has not received the Tdap vaccine, contact your child’s health care provider or Klamath County Health Department to make an appointment.


The next scheduled Senior Parent Meeting is Dec. 3, 2012 @ 6:00 p.m. in the Mazama Library

2012 Valhalla Yearbook

Senior Ads A special way to look back on your high school memories and younger days!

Parents: Why not put in a picture of your senior from when they were younger and attach a note of well wishes for the future! This makes a great graduation gift! Prices 1/8 Page $30 1/4 Page $50 Half Page $95 3/4 Page $140 Full Page $180 Contact Miss Schmidt for details: 541-883-5024

Mazama High School Homecoming Mazama High School recently held their annual homecoming events. The 2012 homecoming included a bonfire, homecoming parade, football game, and dance. Mazama High School Student Government would like to thank all of the businesses that helped make our week a great success. We would like to thank the following businesses that donated bonfire materials: Diamond Home Improvement, Grocery Outlet, Big R, Frank and Diane’s Carpets, Bell Hardware, and JW Kerns. We would also like to thank Dutch Bro’s for coming to the bonfire and making special drinks for the students attending. A big thank you to Lithia Dodge for donating the six 2013 Dodge Rams for the parade, Advanced Chiropractic for donating $100 to the freshman float, Human Bean and Dutch Bro’s for offering drink specials during the week. In addition, we would like to thank House of Shoes for letting us use their parking lot for the start of our homecoming parade, and Bogatay’s Tuxedo Rentals and Sales for discounted tuxedo rental prices for our court members.


Nov. 1-30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Nov. 7, 14, 28 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Nov. 12 Holiday (Veterans’ Day) (no school) Nov. 16 End of Second Grading Period Nov. 19 Grade Preparation (no school for students) Nov. 20-21 Teacher Non-Contract Days (no school) Nov. 22 Holiday (Thanksgiving Day) (no school) Nov. 23 Teacher Non-Contract Day (no school) Dec. 1-31 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Dec. 5, 12 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Dec. 17 – Dec. 31 (Inclusive) Winter Vacation (no school) Jan. 1-31 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan. 01 (Inclusive) Winter Vacation (no school) Jan. 02 Classes Resume *Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Jan. 21 Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday) [Non-Contract day] (no school) Jan. 24 End of First Semester Jan. 25 Grade Preparation (no school for students) Feb. 1-28 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Feb. 18 Holiday (Presidents' Day) (no school) Mar. 1-31 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Mar. 6, 13 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) Mar. 14 End of Fourth Grading Period Mar. 15 Grade Preparation (no school for students) Mar. 20 Parent Teacher Conferences Mar. 21 Parent Teacher Conferences (no school for students) Mar. 22 No School for Students/Staff Mar. 25-29 (Inclusive) Spring Vacation (no school) Apr. 1-30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apr. 01 Classes resume *Apr. 3, 10, 17, 24 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) May 1-31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Professional Development Days (60 min. late start for students) May 02 End of Fifth Grading Period May 03 Grade Preparation (no school for students) May 27 Holiday (Memorial Day) (no school) June 1-30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------June 08-09 Graduation for all KCSD High Schools *167 *187 *June 11 Last Day for Students *June 12 Last Day for Teachers

Adopted: 11-17-11 *Revised: 06-21-12

KLAMATH COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Greg Thede, Superintendent 10501 Washburn Way Klamath Falls, OR 97603 September 25, 2012 Dear Parents: Occasionally weather conditions or other emergencies require us to take some special action regarding school closures and early dismissal. The following is our plan to let you know when school will not be held as regularly scheduled. If we find it necessary to close school in the morning, announcements will be made over the radio and television stations listed below after 6:00 AM. We advise you to listen to your local stations in the mornings and/or visit our district website where a message will be posted. If it is necessary to dismiss school early due to bad weather or other emergencies, announcements will be made on the same radio and television stations periodically throughout the day and posted on our district website as soon as a decision is made. Please do not telephone the stations, the school, or the school district office. Arrangements have been made with the stations to broadcast the information to you. Thank you for your help. District Website:

Television Stations: Radio Stations KOBI/KOTI



m a r g o r P E R I MHS ASP Scholarships


1. Major scholarship search sites:

Career Exploration Program


"Life's a Journey‌..

College Board:

.‌.Discover your possibilities" * Learn more about yourself and the world of work. 2. Oregon Student Access Commission (OSAC)

* Explore occupations in line with your interests and skills. * Develop an effective strategy to realize your career goal.

OSAC Scholarship Guide 3. Check in the Mazama Guidance Office 4. Call the Financial Aid office of the college 5. Contact the head of the department of your major at the college 6. Meet deadlines 7. Complete application in full 8. Beware of scams

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is a comprehensive career planning program that includes a multiple-aptitude test battery, an interest inventory, and various career planning tools designed to help you explore the opportunities awaiting you. Contact Jon Johnson, ASPIRE Director, with any concerns or questions by calling or texting 541-281-0143

When should I take the SAT or ACT? My Junior Yea Students who plan to attend a four-year college immediately following high school will need to take a college entrance exam—either the SAT or the ACT. When should students take one of those exams? It depends upon the student. Students who are finishing either Algebra 2 or Pre Calculus this spring should take an entrance exam this spring. Students who will take Algebra 2 their senior year should probably wait and take the exam in November or December, so that they will have learned more of the math that will appear on the test. Students who plan to start college at a community college or a technical/vocational school do not need to take a college entrance exam unless they want to. Preparing for the SAT/ACT Check out these tools: Free materials provided by SAT and ACT Books Software Traditional and online prep courses

For more answers to your questions on testing, visit FastWeb’s Test Prep Center at:, or call our counseling office at 883-5031.

Service Learning Class What can you do to help out your community, school, or local families in need? Just ask students that are in the Service Learning class. This class has been busy all semester raising money or volunteering hours for several organizations. Students have organized a “dime” drive for the March of Dimes organization. Advisory classes are competing to see which class has the most money by the end of the event. Dimes are positive money, while all other amounts are considered negative. The advisory class with the most positive money by Nov. 13th will receive a free lunch party. In addition, service learning students have improved the school facilities. Students have been painting in one of the girls’ bathrooms, adding motivational quotes in the girls’ locker room, painting softball sheds, and doing graffiti clean-up on the nearby bike path. Students have also organized mentoring projects at Peterson and Mills Elementary schools. In addition, a troop care package has been sent to a local soldier who is recovering from injuries at Walter-Reed Medical Center. To support our local firefighters, students baked cookies and surprised 4 area fire stations with the treats. On November 3rd, over 60 Mazama students, parents, and staff members helped with a community-wide canned food drive. The Klamath-Lake Counties Food Bank sponsored the “Supermarket Saturday” event at 7 local grocery stores. The 4 hour event brought in much needed non-perishable food items, and raised enough money to purchase over 100 tons of food. For every $1 donated, the food bank can purchase about 12 pounds of food. The successful event will help stock the shelves through the upcoming holiday season. Students are also planning events for our sparrow, Dominik Roby. We are currently looking for a local business/family to sponsor our sparrow for $2560. Mazama students, in turn, will perform at least 256 hours of community service. Each hour of community service equals $10 from the local business sponsor. If any business is interested in being our sparrow sponsor, please contact Mrs. Sturgeon at 541-883-5024.

Supermarket Saturday!!

Mazama High School Actors Ensemble Present “CSI: Christmas Scene Investigators or…Who Stole Santa Clause?” By Pat Cook. The performance is December 7 @ 7pm, December 8 and 9 @ 2pm. The cost of the play is $2.00 for Students and $3.00 for Adults. Story of the play: At Wendell Wilke High, Christmas may not come at all if Principal Crunge has his way. The reason? Santa Claus is missing! During the rehearsal for the annual Christmas Show, the action comes to a screeching halt when the cast discovers that the Santa Claus statue, the highlight of the final number, has been stolen. Mrs. Dickens, the director, immediately calls in the Clue Club – a group of five ambitious and eccentric students who take on this mystery.

Winter Art Festival Tuesday December 11, 2012 Art Show begins at 5:30, Band and Choir Concert to follow. Come enjoy a night of the arts!

FBLA’s New Officer Team: (Left to right) Melina Marcon, Secretary; Chloe Leach, Event Manager; Erin Haney, President; Jesse Sundet, Publicity Director; Emily Foster, Vice President; Camilla Peterson, Meredith Lang, Tommy Stevens, Student Store Managers

New business teacher, Frank Drew, volunteered his antique fire truck for FBLA members to ride in the Homecoming Parade. Members also have participated in the bonfire, sold merchandise at football games, hosted a fondue social, and held our annual scavenger hunt.

It’s not too late to join! Come to the next meeting in Room 53. If you want more out of your day—JOIN FBLA.

Cross Country 2012 Wrap-Up The 2012 Mazama High School Cross Country season is officially in the books as both the Boys and Girls teams competed at the Skyline Conference District Championship meet on Wednesday, October 24, 2012. Running on the Joe Arant Trails at Henley High School against their Skyline Conference opponents, many of the Viking runners posted seasonal or lifetime personal best performances. Todd Delaney, a senior runner for the Vikings, ran his lifetime best time of 16:32 for the 5K (3.1 miles) course to finish fourth among the talented and competitive field, which earned him a trip to the State Championship Meet in Eugene on November 3. At the State Meet, Todd finished in 12th place among 105 runners with a time of 16:46 to wrap up a very successful senior season marked by tremendous improvement from the previous year. Other Viking runners who produced either seasonal or lifetime best marks at the District meet include junior Cody Cline, junior Nathan Dean, sophomore Zach Pare, sophomore Ashira Clingman, junior Makenzee Watt and freshman Haley Crowder. Congratula-

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