Analysis - Word Hierarchy
Nick Tanner
SLC Plaza LDS Church Plaza Main Street, SLC, UT
The design of this urban plaza is an axial path north-south along Main street in SLC, UT. There is a cross axis going east west mid block aligning with the Salt Lake Temple. Within the space there is a large oval reflecting pool with pine trees and other deciduous trees. Many of the planters are at a very comfortable height for sitting and enjoying the space. The location of the plaza receives a nice balance of sun & shade from the other buildings down town. On a February afternoon there were a dozen or so people using and moving through the space. A construction worker came and sat by me eating his lunch. A mom with a couple of kids were walking around looking at the area. An elderly woman came and asked me if my rear-end was cold from sitting on one of the stone planters. Other people were just moving thru the space. The successful design features include: • Places for people to sit • Water feature
Compiled by Nick Tanner
Urban Park Lincoln Park
Miami Beach, FL - 2011 West 8 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture • Part of the New World Symphony Campus by Frank Gehry. • Slightly larger than 1 hectare. • Green Park in urban environment • Pergolas along park edges with bougainvillea vines to highlight entry point. • White concrete paths and walls for informal sitting contrast with the undulating topography. • Palm trees throughout park. • 10 min walking distance to city hall, theater, and convention center. • 20 min walking distance to beach, flamingo park and botanical gardens
Compiled by Nick Tanner
Minner , Kelly . "Miami Beach Soundscape / West 8" 08 Feb 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 11 Feb 2011. <>
Urban Park Lincoln Park
Miami Beach, FL - 2011 West 8 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture â&#x20AC;˘ I think this is an interesting and successful project due to utilizing the site adjacent to the symphony. Also, the creative design of the aluminum sculptures with the trees makes a cool statement on a park. The multiple paths and use of palm trees is a wise choice for the area. It is nice to see spaces provided for people to sit and use the area.
Minner , Kelly . "Miami Beach Soundscape / West 8" 08 Feb 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 11 Feb 2011. <>