Essay #1: BIM system Evaluation Prepared by
Nick Tanner Arch 6710 Construction Management Kyle Taft University of Utah College of Architecture and Planning Salt Lake City, Utah 2011 (Submitted 11 July 2011)
Building Information Modeling Software
In a rapidly increasing digital world, the process of designing a building, analyzing
it, creating the supporting construction documents, along with managing the construc‐ tion of the building has advanced greatly. This has lead to creating virtual models and scheduling the building in multiple dimensions ranging from size (3D), phase & sequence (4D), cost estimating (5D), and energy performance (6D). [Smith, XVIII] The method of accomplishing this advanced coordination has come through Building Information Mod‐ eling (BIM). This unique software and integrated process creates an all‐in‐one virtual project model with an integrated complex database. The model creates parametric re‐ lationships between components and each part updates correspondingly. [Hardin, 3,4] BIM is closely related to Integrated Project Delivery due to its inherent nature to bring all teams together early in the project and believed to improve coordination, productiv‐ ity, speed of delivery, and reduce construction costs. [Building Information Modeling, Wikipe‐ dia]
This great advance in the design industry has created a competitive market for
BIM software. Some of the major players in this market include Autodesk Revit, Graphi‐ soft ArchiCAD, Bentley Architecture, and Nemetschek Vectorworks. Each of these prod‐ ucts offer unique features for creating a model and related documentation. This paper will consider the strengths and weaknesses of each and compare them to determine the best package in my opinion. Topics of comparison will include but are not limited to:
price, computer hardware requirements and operating system compatibility, file export options, popularity in the USA and other countries.
For $5,500 Autodesk Revit comes in three varieties, Architecture, Structure, and
MEP. Each of these software packages require intense computing power for recom‐ mended performance levels. For the 2012 version, Windows 7 64 Bit operating system as well as 16 GB of RAM, multi‐core 3+ GHz Processor, Performance video card, and 5 GB of storage space are highly recommended. At this time, Revit does not run on a Macintosh or Linux operating system. Revit is the software I am most familiar with and I have 3 years of experience with between work and school. Some areas that Revit could see improvement is with the text editor and dimensions. The program combines the ability to have 2D documents and 3D model along with being able to have multiple users work on different aspects of the model at the same time. It has features for phasing, evaluating different design options without having duplicate files. All components in the data base stay coordinated such that if something changes in plan, it updates in an ele‐ vation, section, 3D and in any schedule. [Autodesk Revit, PDF] One challenge with Revit is in editing geometry. Each piece is a solid component so individual faces can’t be ma‐ nipulated easily. [Revit, Wikipedia] Revit allows for conceptual form design similar to Google Sketchup, it also has visualization and rendering capabilities within the program. Revit can export to industry compatible formats such as IFC2x3, DWG, DWF, DXF. There are also additional plug‐ins such as sustainability, keynoting, codes and specifications that enhance the usability of the software.
One particular forum showed an argument between ArchiCAD 12 and Revit 2009
users []. It was in‐ teresting to see how both programs go about different ways of doing the same thing. Since Autodesk is such a large company and AutoCAD is so widely known, they have gained great popularity throughout the world. When Revit was the new product, it gained popularity because of its AutoCAD predecessor & ability to run in multiple lan‐ guages. While the official technical support of Revit is usually lacking, a great advantage of such a large user base is the large online presence of support groups, forums, wiki’s blogs, tutorials and posts on how to do a particular feature. I follow about half a dozen each day to try to stay up‐to‐date on new features and how‐to’s.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD 15 suggests 6 GB of RAM, 5 GB storage space and it will cost
$4,300. There is no problem running this software on either a 64 Bit PC or a Macintosh. I was introduced to ArchiCAD in spring of 2008 and used it for a semester. I found it to be awkward compared to my familiarity with Revit. I have not used it since that semes‐ ter. This has many similar features to Revit including rendering, 3D modeling, and file export formats, and teamwork technology. [Archicad, Wikipedia] Building Information Modeling helps reduce errors in construction documents and coordination. {Graphisoft ArchiCAD 15, PDF]
Nemetschek Vectorworks 2011 suggests retails for $2,400 and recommended
system requirements are 4GB of RAM, 10GB of storage, with the same high perform‐ ance video card and multi‐core processor recommendations. This software will run on
Macintosh or PC with 64 Bit support. “Vectorworks offers 2D, 3D, production manage‐ ment, and presentation capabilities for all phases of the design process. Vectorworks can export to the same industry file formats. [Vectorworks, Wikipedia] Vectorworks touts the ability to seamlessly integrate with CNC, 3D‐Printing, and rapid prototype machinery and specializes in interior Millwork/Cabinetry designs. The rendering engine is 100x faster than conventional ray‐tracer engines. [Vectorworks, PDF]
Bentley Architecture V8i is $6,000 and suggested to run on a Macintosh or PC
with 2GB RAM, and 16 GB of storage space. This software package is a vertical of the Microstation program and similarly has many of the same features as the previous three BIM packages such as the modeling, sheet setup, and export options. [Bently Architecture, PDF]
Since all the BIM software programs have nearly the same features, but just do it
in different ways, when considering a BIM software package from the analysis of the previous four options, I would choose in first place, Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012. I make this choice based on its wide familiarity & high use of users throughout the United States making it easy to have compatible files with clients and other design team mem‐ bers. My second choice would be Vectorworks based on it having the lowest cost and for its compatibility with an Apple computer.
Bibliography ArchiCAD. Accessed 5 July 2011. Autodesk Revit. Bently Architecture.‐ US/Products/Bentley+Architecture/Features‐list.htm Bently Systems. Accessed 5 July 2011. Building Information Modeling. Accessed 5 July 2011. Eastman, Chuck. BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors. John Wiley & Sons. Hoboken, New Jersey. 2008. ISBN 978‐0‐470‐18528‐5 Graphisoft ArchiCAD 15. Hardin, Brad. BIM and Construction Management: Proven Tools, Methods, and Workflows. Wiley Publishing, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana. 2009. ISBN 978‐0‐470‐40235‐1 Kymmell, Wilem. Building Information Modeling: Planning and Managing Construction Projects with 4D CAD and Simulations. McGraw‐Hill. 2008. ISBN 978‐0‐07‐149453‐3 Kyrgiel, Eddy., Nies, Bradley. Green BIM: Successful Sustainable Design with Building Information Modeling. Wiley Publishing, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana. 2008. ISBN 978‐0‐470‐ 23960‐5 Revit. Accessed 5 July 2011. Smith, Dana K., Tardif, Michael. Building Information Modeling: A Strategic Implementation Guide for Architects, Engineers, Constructors, and Real Estate Asset Managers. John Wiley & Sons. Hoboken, New Jersey. 2009. ISBN 978‐0‐470‐25003‐7 Vectorworks 2011. Vectorworks. Accessed 5 July 2011.