N i c h o l a s A T a n n e r
A collection of work during undergraduate studies at the University of Utah, 2007-2009.
A rchitectural S tudio 1
Com p os it i o n o f s e ve n p hot og r a ph s i n to a n HDR I A R CH 30 5 0 F a l l 2 0 0 7
Temperature T ransformation Study
A study of the effect of heat on various materials and how to discover an architectural space within the resulting transformation.
Charcol drawing of cross section through chared nylon
P arasite: Creative Writing Space Two applications of parasitic Architecture suited for a writing space. These installation type buildings are attached to the College of Architecture and the Art Building at the University of Utah.
Interior View
Model of a ‘vertical’ space for a writer
Concept Model
Dinosaur National M onument I nterpretive C enter
Building Section
A new Visitor Center for Dinosaur National Monument in Vernal, UT This building is a faceted form with various spaces for work, education and enternainment.
Exterior Amphitheater
Site Model
A rchitectural S tudio 2
Colored pencil rendering of the Buisness Building at the University of Utah ARCH 3050 Fall 2007
Food & Drink Restroom Dance Floor
Adaptive Space: Ticket Booth & N ight C lub
Ticket Sales
This building is a study of transformative archtiecture. In the day time, the building is a ticket booth for skiers at Alta, UT. At night, it becomes a night club with music, dancing, food & drinks.
Building Section
“This installation is a quiet place for ritual set apart from the chaotic confusion that surrounds it. Through the filtration of sound & light, the manipulation of space & movement, & the suggestion of simple multi-sesonry ritual, the installation guides the user to self-awareness.�
Metal chimes on the interior
S elf-A wareness I nstallation
Rolled newspaper facade creates a buffer for sound
Chapel for the D eparted
The Penetration of light through a small piece of metal was the inspiration for this building with it’s various spaces
Site Plan
Greiving Room 1
Sun Patterns for Site (N40째46'44.3", W111째51'13.7") Month/Day Time Altitude Angle Azimuth Angle Sun Rise (am) Sun Set (PM) Hours of Daylight (hh:mm) 9:00 16.40 76.07 21-Mar 12:00 44.48 34.13 7:21 19:47 15:00 45.42 -31.33 9:00 31.84 94.74 21-Jun 12:00 64.48 54.02 5:48 21:10 15:00 64.28 -54.53 9:00 18.89 73.42 21-Sep 12:00 45.67 29.40 7:07 19:32 15:00 43.63 -35.65 9:00 1.03 57.26 21-Dec 12:00 22.76 21.34 8:40 18:10 15:00 22.16 -23.53
12:26 15:22 12:25 9:30
The altitude angle (sometimes referred to as the "solar elevation angle") describes how high the sun appears in the sky. The angle is measured between an imaginary line between the observer and the sun and the horizontal plane the observer is standing on. The altitude angle is negative when the sun drops below the horizon. (In this graphic, replace "N" with "S" for observers in the Southern Hemisphere.) The solar azimuth angle is the angular distance between due South (see note below) and the projection of the line of sight to the sun on the ground. A positive solar azimuth angle indicates a position East of South, and a negative azimuth angle indicates West of South.
Greiving Room 2
Exterior Perspective
Chapel Interior
Building Section
Floor Plan
Building Section
A rchitectural S tudio 3
Com p os it i o n o f s e ve n p hot og r a ph s i n to a n HDR I
S i te A n a l ys i s & Body Mask
This body mask represents the duality of fragmented thoughts and words of a 6 year old boy named Vardaman Bundren in the book by William Faulkner titled As I lay Dying Fragments of memory... puzzled together... ...like scales of a fish.
Due to the tragic experience of his mother’s death, Vardaman’s life has been scarred and he seeks to piece the fragments of his life together and understand his place in the world.
Building Section
This dwelling for Vardaman allows interaction with his environment and it is focused on collecting, sorting, and observing objects he finds throughout the day.
Floor Plan
I ns t r u men t f o r D w e l l i ng
I nterrelation through I n ter l o c k i ng Multi-Family R e s i d en c e
Site Plan
This housing project was done in teams. Brian Glad & I arrived at our concept of “Interrelation through Interlocking” by exploring multiple iterations of wooden volumetric mass relationships. From this investigation we discovered a solution that provided a distinct organization of habitable spaces. This interlocking language of the urban housing begins by bringing a variety of cultures and family sizes into the community thereby increasing the densification. The site has incorporated an underground automated parking gizmo to remove the unsightly on-street parking and allow for a greener community. The form of the building is made up of two interconnected masses; one is a set of town homes and the second is a tower of smaller housing units. At the base of the tower, a community market is positioned to stay the habitants. The tower and the townhomes create a unique courtyard with a sunken wooden deck with large planters and trees. The tower’s prominent location on the corner frames a threshold into the neighborhood. The interlocking bricks on the façade of the townhomes reflect the stacked spaces that overlap the areas below. Further, the horizontality and a verticality of the spaces create a paradoxical duality. The ideal occupant for the town homes is a family seeking areas for dwelling with multiple sleeping rooms. On the other hand, the tower facilitates regions suitable for a single resident or a couple needing only a cozy one bedroom residence. The future hope for this neighborhood is that it will pilot the ideas of densification. By mirroring a more European cityscape with reliable and abundant public transportation, open-air markets, and innovative architecture the inhabitants will feel a greater connection and warmth to their neighborhood.
Nick Tanner: Tower Units Brian Glad: Town Homes
Living Room
Exterior Patio
Tower Unit 2-A
South Elevation (1700 South)
Tower Unit 2-B
A rchitectural S tudio 4
Com p os it i o n o f fi ve p hot og r a ph s i n to a n HDR I
Detail of Sectional Model - Cladding
Site Plan
Louver Cladding Material Study Loducca by Triptyque Archtiecture
This des ig n a p p r oa c h f or a M ont es s or i E l em ent a r y Sc hool l oc a t ed a t t he c or ner of 5 00 E a s t a nd Sout h T em p l e St r eet is b a s ed up on t he c onc ep t of f l ex ib il it y . T his c onc ep t is f ound in b ot h t he a r r a ng em ent a nd or ient a t ion of t he b uil ding on t he s it e . T he f l ow ing , w a l l s a r e a b a r r ier t o t he nois e a nd t r a f f ic a l ong Sout h T em p l e. T he a r c hed el em ent ov er t he dr op -of f a r ea r ea c hes up , ov er a nd dow n t o c r ea t e a p r ot ec t ed al c ov e a t t he ent r a nc e of t he s c hool . Sinc e t he M ont es s or i M et hod us es a t hor oug h ha nds on a p p or a c h t o l ea r ning , ea c h of t he c l a s s es a r e a r r a ng ed ab out a c om m unit y l ea r ning a nd l a b s p a c e t ha t enc our a g e a t a c t il e a nd a da p t iv e m et hod f or l ea r ing .
M o n te s s o r i E le men t a r y School
Site Model
Building Section
Floor Plan
Jones Residence 2nd Floor Addition
3D Conceptual Revit Model & Renderings Intermountain Structural Engineering, Holladay, UT
O ther P rojects 2009 Fagg Residence 2nd Floor Addition
ARCH 4351 - Spring 2009 Composed of yellow and blue plastic with a perforated blue metal lamp shade. Made from recycled air pump & herb filter. The warm glow of light from this lamp provides simple illumination for basic tasks. Uses (1) 10W CFL.
Winter 2009 Assisted in the design of a conceptual home for my wife’s math class. Modeled & Rendered in Revit. The design required triangular, rectangular, and square spaces.