A ROTA CONTINUA Peter Lawrence aprendendo com Maria Lucia Cattani
Exposição produzida na Residência Artística do Projeto Maria Lucia Cattani, incluindo obras de Maria Lucia selecionadas pelo artista. Galeria Gestual, Porto Alegre, Brasil. 04 - 23 dezembro 2017
verso/overleaf: Peter Lawrence A Rota Continua, 20 x 14.5cm gravura em linĂ´leo/linocut, 2017 capa/cover: Peter Lawrence Thinning, 80 x 250 x 20 cm madeira/wood, 2017
atelier/studio Garibaldi
acervo/collection MLC
Peter Lawrence chegou a Porto Alegre pouco depois que uma forte tempestade havia coberto as ruas de uma das cidades mais arborizadas do Brasil com galhos caĂdos de ĂĄrvores com nomes exĂłticos como JacarandĂĄ, FlamboaiĂŁ, AraucĂĄria e Cinamomo. Ele logo levou esses trofĂŠus para o estĂşdio de Maria Lucia Cattani, para usar como material para alguns dos trabalhos que ele iria produzir nas semanas seguintes, em parte como resposta Ă coleção de obras de Maria Lucia, arquivadas em seu atelier. Muitas horas foram gastas investigando desenhos, gravuras e pinturas, desde estudos iniciais da dĂŠcada de 1970 atĂŠ trabalhos concluĂdos durante as Ăşltimas semanas de sua vida. Mais tarde, ele viajou para seu outro atelier, localizado na granja da famĂlia na regiĂŁo serrana de Garibaldi onde, durante dias de chuva torrencial, foi encontrando mais material em UWC ĆƒQTGUVC PCVKXC Tendo chegado apenas com um pequeno conjunto de ferramentas para escultura em madeira, ele modelou marretas de madeira e, com estas, começou o intrincado processo de transformar galhos e gravetos na delicada treliça que compunha esculturas, em sua maior parte de parede. As marcas gestuais de Maria Lucia encontraram um eco sensĂvel nas curvas e junçþes naturais de um rendilhado de construçþes meticulosamente articuladas. Primeiro dispostas no chĂŁo, elas eram depois cuidadosamente montadas, utilizando apenas encaixes esculpidos e cavilhas de madeira. A produtividade foi impressionante. Parecia que quase todo dia uma nova peça era RTQFW\KFC ' LWPVQ EQO C CVKXKFCFG DCUVCPVG GZKIGPVG Ć‚UKECOGPVG de descorticar, partir, dobrar, entalhar, perfurar e conectar, Peter Lawrence tambĂŠm trabalhou em vĂĄrias gravuras, inclusive usando um dos carimbos de borracha de Maria Lucia como base para WOC NKPQITCXWTC G CĆ‚QW UWCU IQKXCU LCRQPGUCU RCTC RTQFW\KT WOC xilogravura multicolorida no Museu do Trabalho. 'O UGKU UGOCPCU JCXKC OCKU FQ SWG Q UWĆ‚EKGPVG RCTC WOC exposição, ao lado dos trabalhos de Maria Lucia Cattani que ele havia selecionado. A exposição na Galeria Gestual, realizada em dezembro de 2017, estabeleceu um belo diĂĄlogo entre a produção de dois artistas com abordagens e prĂĄticas bem diferentes, mas com consideraçþes notavelmente semelhantes de linha, espaço e movimento. Peter Lawrence intitulou sua exposição “A rota continua – aprendendo com Maria Lucia Cattaniâ€?; e espero que este projeto piloto para um programa de residĂŞncia artĂstica, como parte do PROJETO MARIA LUCIA CATTANI, seja mais um passo na rota da investigação contĂnua do trabalho e prĂĄtica de Maria LĂşcia atravĂŠs dos olhos, mĂŁos e mentes de outros artistas visitantes.
Peter Lawrence arrived inshortly Porto Alegre after a powerful storm Peter Lawrence arrived in Porto Alegre after a shortly powerful storm had littered the of streets of one Brazil’scities most with verdant cities with fallen had littered the streets of one Brazil’s mostofverdant fallen DTCPEJGU HTQO VTGGU YKVJ GZQVKE PCOGU UWEJ CU LCECTCPFC ĆƒCODQ[CPV DTCPEJGU HTQO VTGGU YKVJ GZQVKE PCOGU UWEJ CU LCECTCPFC ĆƒCODQ[CPV and He was soon dragging araucaria and araucaria cinamomo. Hecinamomo. was soon dragging these trophiesthese back trophies back Maria Lucia Cattani’s studio to use material some of the works to Maria Lucia to Cattani’s studio to use as material for as some of thefor works he would produce during the following weeks, partly he would produce during the following weeks, partly in response toin response to collection of works Maria Lucia’s archived part of the studio the collection the of Maria Lucia’s archivedworks in part of the instudio space. Hours were spent investigating drawings, prints space. Hours were spent investigating drawings, prints and paintings and paintings dating frominearly studiestoinworks the 1970s to works completed during the dating from early studies the 1970s completed during the Ć‚PCN YGGMU QH JGT NKHG .CVGT JG VTCXGNNGF VQ JGT QVJGT UVWFKQ QP VJG Ć‚PCN YGGMU QH JGT NKHG .CVGT JG VTCXGNNGF VQ JGT QVJGT UVWFKQ QP VJG farm in the hillsand of Garibaldi, andofduring daysrain of torrential rain family farm in family the hills of Garibaldi, during days torrential YQWNF Ć‚PF HWTVJGT OCVGTKCN KP KVU PCVKXG YQQFNCPF YQWNF Ć‚PF HWTVJGT OCVGTKCN KP KVU PCVKXG YQQFNCPF YKVJ QH C YQQFECTXKPI UOCNN UGV QH VQQNU YQQFECTXKPI JG Ć‚TUV HCUJKQPGF #TTKXKPI YKVJ #TTKXKPI C UOCNN UGV JG Ć‚TUV VQQNU HCUJKQPGF mallets andthe then began process the intricate process of turning sticks and mallets and then began intricate of turning sticks and branches into the delicate latticework of mostly wall-mounted branches into the delicate latticework of mostly wall-mounted UEWNRVWTGU .WEKCoU IGUVWTCN Ć‚PF C U[ORCVJGVKE UEWNRVWTGU /CTKC .WEKCoU /CTKC IGUVWTCN OCTMU YQWNF OCTMU Ć‚PF C YQWNF U[ORCVJGVKE echo in the natural curves and junctions of a tracery of meticulously echo in the natural curves and junctions of a tracery of meticulously LQKPVGF EQPUVTWEVKQPU Ć‚TUV CTTCPIGF QP VJG ĆƒQQT CPF LQKPVGF EQPUVTWEVKQPU Ć‚TUV CTTCPIGF QP VJG ĆƒQQT CPF VJGP ECTGHWNN[ VJGP ECTGHWNN[ assembled withcarved nothing but and carved jointspegs and wooden assembled with nothing but joints wooden to hold pegs to hold them Theastonishing. output wasItastonishing. seemed that almost them together. The together. output was seemed thatIt almost everypiece day another piece had been the very every day another had been produced. Andproduced. alongsideAnd the alongside very physical activitysplitting, of stripping, splitting, bending, carving, physical activity of stripping, bending, carving, drilling and drilling and Peter also a number jointing. Peterjointing. Lawrence alsoLawrence worked on a worked number on of prints, evenof prints, even using Lucia’s one of rubber Maria Lucia’s using one of Maria stampsrubber as the stamps basis forasathe linobasis printfor a lino print and sharpening her Japanese gouges to produce a multicolour print and sharpening her Japanese gouges to produce a multicolour print at Museo do Trabalho. at Museo do Trabalho. Within six was weeks there wasenough more than enough for an exhibition Within six weeks there more than for an exhibition alongside works heby had selected Maria Lucia Cattani. alongside works he had selected Maria Luciaby Cattani. The show at The show at Galeria Gestual 2017 in December 2017a established a beautiful dialogue Galeria Gestual in December established beautiful dialogue between twoquite artists with quite differentand approaches and between works by two works artistsby with different approaches but withsimilar remarkably similar considerations practices but practices with remarkably considerations of line, spaceof line, space and movement. and movement.
Atelier/studio atelier/studio Porto Alegre Porto Alegre
Printmaking/gravura Printmaking/gravura
Peter Lawrence titled his exhibition ‘The goes on – learning Peter Lawrence titled his exhibition ‘The road goes onroad – learning from Maria Lucia Cattani’; I hope that this pilot project from Maria Lucia Cattani’; I hope that this pilot project for an artist’s for an artist’s residency program as part MARIA of PROJETO LUCIA residency program as part of PROJETO LUCIAMARIA CATTANI will CATTANI will be another step down the road of the continuing investigation of the be another step down the road of the continuing investigation of the workofand practice Maria Lucia through theand eyes, hands and minds work and practice Maria Luciaof through the eyes, hands minds of artists. other visiting artists. of other visiting Nick Rands, 2018 Nick Rands, 2018
Museu do trabalho Museu do trabalho
Maria Lucia Cattani Sem tĂtulo/untitled, 35 x 50 cm, gravura em metal/intaglio print, 1984
Peter LawrencePeter Lawrence Agenor, 37 x 49Agenor, x 6 cm, 37 x 49 x 6 cm, 2017 madeira/wood, madeira/wood, 2017
Peter Lawrence Tartaruga, 65 x 62 x 8 cm, madeira/wood, 2017
Maria Lucia Cattani Maria Lucia Cattani Sem título/untitled, x 36 cm Sem 36 título/untitled, 36 x 36 cm ITCƂVG G ÏNGQ UQDTG RCRGN graphite and oil on paper, 1980s ITCƂVG G ÏNGQ UQDTG RCRGN graphite and oil on paper, 1980s
Maria Lucia Cattani Sem título/untitled, 39 x 51 cm ITCƂVG G ÏNGQ UQDTG RCRGN graphite and oil on paper, 1980s Sem título/untitled, 36 x 57 cm ITCƂVG G VKPVC UQDTG RCRGN graphite and ink on paper, 1980s
Peter Lawrence Peter Lawrence Jimo Cupim, 120 x 93Cupim, x 20 cm120 x 93 x 20 cm Jimo madeira/wood, madeira/wood, 2017 2017
Maria Lucia Cattani Sem tĂtulo/untitled, 50 x 50 cm acrĂlico sobre papel sobre tela/acrylic on paper on canvas, 2014
Maria Lucia Cattani Maria Lucia Cattani Seis sentidos Seis sentidos sem sentido 2, sem sentido 2, 3 & 4, 3 & 4, 25 x 20 cm, 25 x 20 cm, รณleo e laser sobre painel/oil รณleo e laser sobre painel/oil laser-cut and laser-cut onand panel, 2009 on panel, 2009
Maria Lucia Cattani Sem tĂtulo/untitled, 31 x 31 cm gravura em metal/intaglio print, 1997
Maria Lucia Cattani Maria Lucia Cattani Sem63 tĂtulo/untitled, 63 x 63 cm Sem tĂtulo/untitled, x 63 cm carimbo sobre papel/rubber carimbo sobre papel/rubber stamp on paper,stamp 1997 on paper, 1997
Peter Lawrence vxv cutout brown, 31 x 31 x 1 cm gravura em linรณleo cortada e colada/linocut cut and glued, 2015
Peter Lawrence Peter Lawrence vxv cutout crimson, 31 x 31crimson, x 1 cm 31 x 31 x 1 cm vxv cutout gravura em linรณleo cortada colada/linocut and glued, 2015 gravura em elinรณleo cortada ecut colada/linocut cut and glued, 2015
Peter Lawrence vxv cutout green, 31 x 31 x 1 cm gravura em linรณleo cortada e colada/linocut cut and glued, 2015
Peter Lawrence Peter Lawrence vxv cutout orange, x 31 xorange, 1 cm 31 x 31 x 1 cm vxv31 cutout gravura em linรณleo cortada colada/linocut and glued, 2015 gravura em elinรณleo cortada ecut colada/linocut cut and glued, 2015
Peter Lawrence vxv cutout red, 31 x 31 x 1 cm gravura em linรณleo cortada e colada/linocut cut and glued, 2015
Peter LawrencePeter Lawrence vxv31 cutout vxv cutout yellow, x 31 xyellow, 1 cm 31 x 31 x 1 cm gravura em linรณleo cortada e cut colada/linocut cut and glued, 2015 gravura em linรณleo cortada e colada/linocut and glued, 2015
Maria Lucia Cattani Oliveira, 110 x 15 cm gravura giclĂŠe/giclĂŠe print , 2006/2017
no verso/overleaf no verso/overleaf Peter Lawrence Peter Lawrence Flamboyant, 120Flamboyant, x 93 x 20 cm120 x 93 x 20 cm 2017 madeira/wood, madeira/wood, 2017
Maria Lucia Cattani Maria Lucia Cattani Sem 62 tĂtulo/untitled, 62 x 62 cm Sem tĂtulo/untitled, x 62 cm xilogravura carimbo sobre papel/woodcut andon rubber stamp xilogravura e carimbo sobree papel/woodcut and rubber stamp paper, 1998 on paper, 2017
Maria Lucia Cattani Sem título/untitled, 76 x 58 cm ITCƂVG UQDTG RCRGN graphite on paper, 2017
Peter Lawrence Peter Lawrence Kilometro 11, 82 Kilometro x 145 x 12 11, cm 82 x 145 x 12 cm madeira/wood, 2017 madeira/wood, 2017
Peter Lawrence Skybox, 42 x 16 x 9 cm madeira/wood, 2017
Peter Lawrence Peter Lawrence Beetle on his back, 25 xon 30his x 6back, cm 25 x 30 x 6 cm Beetle Track, 25 x 25 x 2Track, cm 25 x 25 x 2 cm madeira/wood, 2017 madeira/wood, 2017
Peter Lawrence $TC\C 5JWHĆƒG Z Z EO gravura em linĂłleo cortado e colado/linocut cut and glued, 2017
Peter LawrencePeter Lawrence Riddle, 160 x 180 x 10 cm Riddle, 160 x 180 x 10 cm 2017 madeira/wood,madeira/wood, 2017
Peter Lawrence VxVII, 33 x 45 cm xilogravura/woodcut, 2017
Maria Lucia Cattani Maria Lucia Cattani Sem título/untitled, x 12 cm Sem12 título/untitled, 12 x 12 cm acrílico sobre papel sobre tela/acrylic on paper on canvas, 2015 on canvas, 2015 acrílico sobre papel sobre tela/acrylic on paper
Peter Lawrence (1957) ĂŠ gravador e escultor britânico. AlĂŠm de UGT ITCPFG COKIQ FC /CTKC .WEKC %CVVCPK 2GVG CĆ‚TOC SWG CNIWPU FG UGWU VTCDCNJQU VÆO HQTVG KPĆƒWGPEKC FC QDTC FGNC 'UVWFQW (KPG Art na University of Reading e trabalhou 30 anos como professor de arte em escolas pĂşblicas na Inglaterra. Pete Lawrence (1957) is a British printmaker and sculptor. He was a close friend of Maria Lucia Cattani and has stated that some of his works have close connections with hers. He studied Fine Art at Reading University and worked for 30 years as an art teacher in England. Exposiçþes incluem/exhibitions include: Salthouse Gallery, St Ives, (2018); ‘A Rota Continua’, Galeria Gestual, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2017); Nunhead Art Trail London, (2015, 2016 and 2017); ‘New Improved Forest’, ARC Gallery, London, (2001); Sticks, Southern Arts Touring Exhibition Service (1998); Narrative Wood Carving, Southern Arts Touring Exhibition Service (1992) ‘Developments in art since last Thursday’, Cheltenham Axiom Centre (1981); Reading Target, (1980). ResidĂŞncias de artista/artist residencies: Poole Country Park 1993; Narrative Wood Carving Workshop, 1992; Margam Sculpture Park, 1983, 1984.
Peter Lawrence Agenor, detalhe/detail
Maria Lucia Cattani RS, 1958 - Porto Maria Lucia Cattani (Garibaldi, RS,(Garibaldi, 1958 - Porto Alegre, RS, Alegre, RS, Artes VisuaisdenoArtes Instituto de Artes da UFRGS; 2015) estudou2015) Artesestudou Visuais no Instituto da UFRGS; USA; University of Readingofethe University of the Pratt Institute,Pratt USA;Institute, University of Reading e University UK. conhecida Inicialmente conhecida como gravadora Arts, Londres,Arts, UK. Londres, Inicialmente como gravadora experimental noselaanos 1980, produziu ela tambĂŠm produziu pinturas, experimental nos anos 1980, tambĂŠm pinturas, instalaçþes, de artista e vĂdeos os quais tem sido exibidos instalaçþes, livros de artistalivros e vĂdeos os quais tem sido exibidos amplamente no Brasil e no exterior. amplamente no Brasil e no exterior. Maria Lucia Cattani (Garibaldi, - Porto Alegre, Maria Lucia Cattani (Garibaldi, Brazil, 1958 - Brazil, Porto 1958 Alegre, Brazil, 2015) studied Fine Art atUniversity The Federal University of Rio Brazil, 2015) studied Fine Art at The Federal of Rio do Sul, Brazil; Pratt University of Reading Grande do Sul,Grande Brazil; Pratt Institute, USA; Institute, UniversityUSA; of Reading University of the Arts, London,known UK. Initially and Universityand of the Arts, London, UK. Initially as an known as an experimental printmaker in the 1980s, she later experimental printmaker in the 1980s, she later produced workproduced work KP Ć‚NO CPF XKFGQ KPUVCNNCVKQP CTVKUVoU DQQMU CPF RCKPVKPI YJKEJ KP Ć‚NO CPF XKFGQ KPUVCNNCVKQP CTVKUVoU DQQMU CPF RCKPVKPI YJKEJ has been exhibited in Brazil and abroad. has been exhibited widely in Brazilwidely and abroad. Principais exposiçþes coletivas incluem/selected Principais exposiçþes coletivas incluem/selected group shows group shows include ‘Proposiçþes’, MARGS, PortoMARGS, Alegre Porto (2017) Alegre ‘Gravura(2017) ‘Gravura include ‘Proposiçþes’, em Campo Expandido’, Pinacoteca, SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil; em CampoEstação Expandido’, Estação Pinacoteca, SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil; ‘Convergence/Divergence’, City Hall, HongCity Kong, ‘Convergence/Divergence’, Hall,China Hong(2012); Kong, China (2012); ‘Electronic Literature Exhibition’, University, RI, University, USA; ‘Electronic LiteratureBrown Exhibition’, Brown RI, USA; (2010); 7ÂŞ Bienal do Mercosul, Alegre, Brazil; ‘pontos Brazil; de (2010); 7ÂŞ Bienal Porto do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, ‘pontos de contato – points of contact’, UFRGS, Brazil UFRGS, and Triangle contato – points of contact’, BrazilSpace, and Triangle Space, Chelsea School of Art, School London,ofUK; doUK; Traço, Mesmo’, Chelsea Art,‘Dentro London, ‘Dentro do Traço, Mesmo’, Fundação IberĂŞ Camargo, Porto Alegre, Porto Brazil Alegre, (2009); ‘VĂdeo Fundação IberĂŞ Camargo, Brazil (2009); ‘VĂdeo Links Brazil – An Anthology Video Art’, TateVideo Modern, Links Brazil – of AnBrazilian Anthology of Brazilian Art’, Tate Modern, London, UK (2007); ‘Copa Cultura’, St.da Elisabeth Kirche, Berlin Kirche, Berlin London, UKda (2007); ‘Copa Cultura’, St. Elisabeth (2006); 5ÂŞ Bienal do Mercosul, (2005); ‘Nagasawa Artists’, (2006); 5ÂŞ Bienal Brazil do Mercosul, Brazil (2005); ‘Nagasawa Artists’, Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan (2002); Gallery, Aoyama, Tokyo, ‘Repetition’, Japan (2002);Winchester ‘Repetition’, Winchester Gallery, UK and NuovaUK Icona, (1997). andVenice, Nuova Italy Icona, Venice, Italy (1997). Individuais incluem/solo exhibitions include: ‘Gestos e ‘Gestos e Individuais incluem/solo exhibitions include: Repetiçþes’, Pinacoteca BarĂŁo de Santo Ă‚ngelo, Porto Alegre Repetiçþes’, Pinacoteca BarĂŁo de Santo Ă‚ngelo, Porto Alegre (2016); ‘Algumas Pinturas’, Galeria Gestual, PortoGestual, Alegre, Brazil (2016); ‘Algumas Pinturas’, Galeria Porto Alegre, Brazil (2013), ‘Um ponto ao ‘Um Sul’, ponto Biblioteca PĂşblica do Estado do RGS, (2013), ao Sul’, Biblioteca PĂşblica do Estado do RGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil quadrado’, Galeria Gestual, Porto Gestual, Porto Porto(2011); Alegre,‘Ao Brazil (2011); ‘Ao quadrado’, Galeria Alegre, Brazil, 2007; ‘Pinturas e MĂşltiplos’, Galeria Gestual, Porto Gestual, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2007; ‘Pinturas e MĂşltiplos’, Galeria Alegre, Brazil Alegre, (2009); Museu do Trabalho, Alegre, Porto Brazil, Alegre, Brazil, Brazil (2009); Museu Porto do Trabalho, 2003; Obra Aberta, 2003;Porto Obra Alegre, Aberta,Brazil, Porto 2000. Alegre, Brazil, 2000. Colecçþes pĂşblicas incluem/public collections include MAM–RJ, Colecçþes pĂşblicas incluem/public collections include MAM–RJ, Brazil; MARGSBrazil; - PortoMARGS Alegre,- Brazil; Museu de Belas Artes,de RJ,Belas Artes, RJ, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Museu Brazil Pinacoteca doPinacoteca Estado de do SĂŁoEstado Paulo,de Brazil; Library Brazil SĂŁo Tate Paulo, Brazil; Tate Library Artists’ Books Artists’ Collection, London, UK.; British Library, London, Books Collection, London, UK.; British Library, London, UK. UK.
Maria Lucia Cattani Maria Lucia Cattan Oliveira, detalhe/detail Oliveira, detalhe/detai
O Projeto Maria Lucia Cattani ĂŠ uma iniciativa com o intuito de manter vivo o legado artĂstico de Maria Lucia Cattani (1958 -2015) em vĂĄrias vias: preservação e conservação das obras do espĂłlio da artista; exposiçþes e projetos de curadoria com as obras da artista; residĂŞncias de artistas convidados para trabalhar nos ateliĂŞs da artista e montar uma exposição conjunta com obras UGNGEKQPCFCU FQ GURĂ?NKQ C GFKVQTCĂƒÂżQ FG QDTCU IT½ƂECU EQO ligaçþes com o trabalho de Maria Lucia Cattani, e mesmo dar continuação e desenvolvimento a projetos inacabados da artista. O Projeto começou em 2016 com o lançamento do vĂdeo 5JCFQYNCPFU GFKVCFQ RQT 0KEM 4CPFU EQO Ć‚NOCIGPU FC CTVKUVC a exposição Gestos e Repetiçþes com curadoria de Maristela Salvatori e Paulo Silveira e a publicação do livro A Ăšltima Parede / The Last Wall, sobre o Ăşltimo trabalho de parede da artista, publicada pela editora MarcaVisual. O Projeto Maria Lucia Cattani ĂŠ uma iniciativa do viĂşvo da artista com conselheiros dos ramos de historia e preservação de documentos, historia de arte, curadoria, gravura, editoração, e conta com a colaboração especial da Galeria Gestual e do Museu do Trabalho em Porto Alegre.
Projeto Maria Lucia Cattani is an initiative aimed at continuing the artistic legacy of Maria Lucia Cattani (1958-2015) in several ways: the preservation and conservation of works in the artist’s estate; exhibitions and curatorship projects with the artist’s works; residency programmes for artists invited to work in the artist’s studio and create a joint exhibition including works selected from the estate; the publication of print works with connections to the work of Maria Lucia Cattani, and also the continuation and FGXGNQROGPV QH VJG CTVKUVoU WPĆ‚PKUJGF YQTMU Projeto Maria Lucia Cattani has been developed by the artist’s YKFQYGT YKVJ CFXKUQTU HTQO VJG Ć‚GNFU QH JKUVQT[ CPF RTGUGTXCVKQP of documents, art history, curatorship, printmaking and publishing, and the special collaboration of Galeria Gestual and Museu do Trabalho in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The project began in 2016 with production of the video work ‘Shadowlands’, edited by Nick Rands with footage by Maria Lucia Cattani, the exhibition ‘Gestos e Repetiçþes’ curated by Maristela Salvatori and Paulo Silveira with a catalogue published by Insituto de Artes, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, and production of the DQQM n# ÂśNKVKOC2CTGFG ^ 6JG .CUV 9CNNo CDQWV VJG CTVKUVoU Ć‚PCN YCNN work, published by MarcaVisual.
RTQLGVQ IT½ƂEQ design: Nick Rands RTQLGVQ IT½ƂEQ design: Nick Rands fotos/photographs: Nick Rands and Nick PeterRands Lawrence fotos/photographs: and Peter Lawrence tradução/translation: Laura Cattani Laura Cattani tradução/translation: © 2018 PROJETO MARIA LUCIA CATTANI © 2018 PROJETO MARIA LUCIA CATTANI agradecimentos/acknowledgments: Hugo RodriguesHugo (Museo do Trabalho), Carlos Gallo (Galeria Liz Gill,Gestual), MaristelaLiz Gill, Maristela agradecimentos/acknowledgments: Rodrigues (Museo do Trabalho), CarlosGestual), Gallo (Galeria Salvatori Salvatori
marialuciacattani.wordpress.com marialuciacattani.wordpress.com