Love Systems Insider Date: July 2010
Are you in the SOUP? Have you reached all of your goals with women and dating? Are you dating and sleeping with the type of women YOU want, or are you settling? Is your sex life as good as you fantasized it would be when you were a teenager? If you've got it handled - or even if you haven't but you're on the right track and you know you'll get there someday - great. Skip the rest of this Love Systems' insider and check you inbox in two days for the next LSi this Thursday. Or is there some REASON why you will never have everything you want? If you think there is, we have to talk. In about 30 seconds, I will go through the most common reasons why guys think they are limited, and tell you how to overcome each one: • •
"I'm too short" "I'm too old"
"I'm not good-looking enough"
"I don't have enough money"
But before I go into each of those, let's talk about what's REALLY going on - at least for 99% of the guys who have these "reasons:" You're protecting your ego.
Saying you're too short or too old or whatever comes from the same place as when a guy says, "I didn't want her anyway," or "she's just a bitch" when he gets rejected by an attractive woman. Your ego does not like it if there is something you want, something you should be able to do, and you aren't able to do it. Last weekend I was playing basketball with some friends. I had a bad game and missed a bunch of easy shots. It pissed me off. I wanted to make those shots and I should be able to. Then we went for a beer