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So what do you do when a parasite or a vicious plague cascades on mankind making it so contagious to all, that it turns victims into mindless, zombie slaves?
t h e y di d n ’ t g e t t h e b i t e.
a b o u t a n y p l a c e t h e y w is h
m a l l, f a r m h o u s e or ju s t
n e i g h b o ur h o o d, s h o p p in g
t h e ir s or r y a rs e a r o u n d y o ur
h a l f e a t e n c or p s e s dr a g g in g
d e t e r i o r a t in g , re a n i m a t e d,
z o m b i e m o v i e – a g ro u p o f
h a p p e n s in ju s t a b o u t e v e r y
Yo u w o ul d t h in k t h is o n l y
Somehow, as you scream at your TV screen, you wonder how the hell the actors in the film are going to survive this god awful catastrophe that they were casted for, or maybe even guide them on what not to do. They’re so inexperienced and awkward, there’s no chance they could possibly live to tell the kids. These zombies aren’t dead, but they should be. They’re ruthless and oblivious to pain, and continue to soldier on after losing limb after limb.
Usually, anyone the zombies infect returns as one himself or herself. Harsh reality isn’t it?
This is a short book on how to do the complete opposite of what they do in movies and help gain a logical, step-by-step guide to prepare and survive an Apocalypse. Whether it is a zombie overthrow on mankind, an alien invasion or the hard-to-believe biblical description in the more famous book than this, the Holy Bible.
Read between the lines. If you can’t identify odd occurrences happening out there then you’re in for some real trouble. You should always expect the worst in these kinds of situations. Watch for signs of change in your neighbours’ behaviour.
Do they lurk outside at the most unintentional moments, staring at you from afar? Are they always on the hunt for fresh meat to hoard in their basement? Maybe you’ve noticed their appetite has increased. Beware, this could be the beginning of an outbreak!
If vast amounts of people begin to go missing, then activate your senses to be aware of a potential threat around your neighbourhood, whether it’s a zombie plague gone viral or just the early periods.
If you notice strange marks on either yourself or someone you know, beware! Take any necessary precaution to avoid these bitten victims. They will turn within 24 hours and they probably don’t even know it yet! They will always avoid the question and lie about how they got it.
If you realise the media is becoming useless, and the news coverage is starting to become consistent and repetitive with the same stories, then you know the time is nearing. If a media outage erupts, where your televisions, radio and mobile networks cut out then you know to stay inside your home and it’s probably not safe to leave!
Which brings you to the final sign. If you experience a posse of hungry, psychotic and vile citizens in your street, suburb or city, then you know you’re in for some real trouble. You would be experiencing a mass hysteria and it’s time to train yourself to deal with this situation.
Zombies have no thoughts, emotions or memories. The disease affects the brain, wiping all natural senses. It has been observed that the walking dead have been known to attack even when all their sensory organs have been damaged or decomposed.
m o Z a h w he t
You’ve probably seen one too many movies to genuinely comprehend that the ‘survivors’ somehow have a limitless supply of food and water. When the first early signs of an outbreak occur, run to your local supermarket and grab as many snacks, bottled water, toilet paper and whatever else you can grab off the shelf to last you a good amount of time. Money won’t be an issue if constant outbreaks occur. So this is probably your only safe period to successfully stock up on supplies. Once you’ve done this, your best strategy is stay alert and stay safe! After all when the dead rise you don’t want to have to go shopping.
The living dead originate from nothing more than a supernatural virus that escaped from a science lab causing havoc and destruction to all mankind as we know it. The incurable plague that causes an apocalypse leaving the world to infest with deteriorating, flesh eating zombies!
. s e i b m are t a ? y e
may the force be with you.
Don’t plan to go out there with a bang without some sort of plan or preparation. Don’t be a fool, that’s suicidal. You’re bound to get yourself torn to shreds in an instant. Don’t forget about your everyday household tools in your shed. They will come to great use, for example your axe or wrench. These tools are sharp and are heavy enough to either decapitate or stab through the zombie’s head to finish them off. Start practicing from a mid range and once you become an expert, then you can engage in the heavy artillery. The shed tools will become your new best friends. Use these for a quick kill shot for those lurking around your safe house. That way no sound from a gun shot will attract more.
A h e a d - s h o t w i l l a n n ih i l a t e t h e m e r e e x is t e n c e in si d e whatever sense the undead h a v e l e f t . B u t w h a t if y o u r u n o u t o f a m m o ? O r y o u’ r e so unfit that you can’t e v e n e v a d e a h o a rd o f f l e s h e a t in g wa l k e rs ? T h is is w h e r e y o ur f irs t l e s s o n c o m e s t o pr a c t i c e.
In the time that you’re waiting around for zombies trampling past your street – work out! Train your body to be the ultimate weapon. Get into shape to with-stand a quick evasion. When faced with a single zombie, initiate practice sessions with the children. This would be a great way to teach them discipline and self defence. If they do make it out alive, at least train them to take care of themselves.
When dealing with children, whether they may be yours or your dead neighbours, always encourage them to grow up! In a situation like this, you cannot afford to lug the youth who are not willing to annihilate the living dead with integrity and determination. After all the children are youthful and creative, treat it like a classic zombie video game.
r C Once you’ve engaged in some serious battle with hoards of zombies and you’re comfortable enough to take on the big guys, then begin to practice in 3 ranges of gun shot; Far, mid and close range. You will learn from the highest point on building rooftops or various heights of floors in apartments to sniper the diseased in the head.
l l i k vely i t a e r 17
Once you have a firm grasp of this, learn to quickly and efficiently take them out from an average mid range, again in the head. If you don’t feel comfortable enough to decapitate a zombie, at least break its neck. A home-run swing should do the trick.
When you feel like you are a zombie slaughtering machine, then you can tactically use any object you can find, which may include weaponry, to destroy their only active part in the brain that keeps these things alive.
You may wonder why shooting them from close would be harder than afar? By now you would have realised that these things evolve. They’re not just the average size of a human. They can grow up to 3x bigger, making them the ultimate challenge to fight against!
Once you’ve lived on long enough to understand the way these pathetic creatures live their days, killing hundreds of them each week, then you will be crowned the Ultimate Zombie Slayer. You tactically prepare traps and isolate them for slaughter, proud of your good doing. Making room out there to star t a new civilisation.