Intotalo NoCry Dissemination Materials...

Page 1

Main INTERactors d (& characters) to be foun in (or around) INTOTALO

Heidi s Olli


This Gra phic Novelty Special Edition ver of Intot sion alo’s “NoCrY Project Dissemi nation Materia l” was.. .

conceptualised by “Nic” Mepham & made by co-creation with cartoonist JuhaMatti “Juhis” Kinnunen as an aspired solution to an inspired creative comission directive from Olli “Ollis” Leppanen that was helped to be un-Finnished by “Linda” Kemppainen & the fun participation of many more pairs-of-eyes, ears & ideas. Such is The Act (& The Art) of Creative Industry. Intotalo tends to gets-bywith-a-little-help-fromIT’s-friends & really loves to “Just Do IT” (whatever kind of enterprise that may be) collaboratively :-) Thank you to everybody (especially coach colleages Heidi “H.Moilanen” Moilanen, Marisanna





00 1 / A Kreative Industry(ing) Production

“Mariska” Jarva & the always energised apprentices “Anne” Kemppainen & Marja “Malla” Heinisto, all the NoCry Network as well as the ever-helpful-encouraging behind-the-scenes people in Intotalo Advisory Team). Thank you all for helping to create many memorable moments in Inotalo. Some of which are hopefully captured (or may have been missed) imaginatively on these pages. So lets “Just Do IT” & add some “EGGStra” sentences to reassure (as well as share) our gratitude. We warmly wish to thank anyone & everyone we may have (unintentionally) overlooked in someway while making this & want you to

know we “EGGStend” you all extra credit where IT’s due. So if you know a somebody, or know that someone is you, then a very special, & additional, thank you 2U2. This booklet is a noncommercial material for sharing the journey of Intotalo’s participation in the EU funded Northern Periphery Project “Northern Creative Youth” - NoCry. It was made with tolerance, talent & some technology (thanks Mr Florida). Trademarks such as Adobe InDesign, Photoshop & Acrobat were used to make IT on an Apple iMac with fonts: Cracked & Typical Typewriter. If we have failed to mention more Intellectual Property we

apologise, again, it was unintentionally as we do recognise such things. Creative space shared at: Real physical place soon-to-be-found-in: Kajaani University of Applied Sciences New Innovation Center in Kajaani/Finland Produced with a Creative Commons Sense Mindset & a Heartfelt Open Sourced Attitude of Gratitude so: may-the-same-respect-forintellectual-rights-bewith-you-please-since-weare-all-creative-forcesto-be-reckoned-withpositively-as-well-asotherwise... Have fun.

Real booklets were produced & distributed = 100 (finite). & then also shared (apologises for making carbon footprints) : on-line & word-of-mouth = ? (infinite). Yes, printed on real paper (it’s a graphic novelty after all...sorry) : cover 300 g G-Print & 125 g G-Print inside. Printed by (let’s not forget this is related to Creative Industry) by : Kajaanin Kirjapaino (thanks also!)


*IT’s not unusual for creative entrepreneurs to also be dyslexic.


from the far, far, flung reaches 3


our imaginations...


(Finglish translations) INTO = zest, passion &/or enthusiasm...

(Finglish translations)

TALO = place, space &/or house




1. Everyday Happiness. 2. The Action of Making & The Making of Actions. 3. Creating New. Accepting Change. 4. Together We Outdo Ourselves. 5. Life Long Learning & Learning by doing. 6. Acting Glocally & Exploring The World.

EUROPEAN UNION Northern Periphery Programme Project Application Document

Intotalo Briefly: Method in ITs M.A.D.N.E.S.S.? (Mission, Attitude & Direction Needs Enabling Support Sometimes):

Youth Entrepreneurship Coaching Centre Attitude: Being practical. Being industrious. Being creative. Being innovative. Banding together.

The Broader Mission: Helping generating entrepreneurial culture & attitude in The Region of Kainuu, in Finland as well as Abroad.



2.5+ Years (2008-2010) 2 (approx.) Million EURO 6 European Countries 10 Project Partners 7 Associated Partners

What’s the glue?

ss idea. the busine y us, not in re, and graduall in th wi hip starts self and your desi .� rs eu en pr idea “Entre de your Finland. dream and look insi ademy in find your First you e Team Ac you will Th of r - founde Partanen Johannes


30+/- Project People Participants divided into 5 (+6th later) Project Workgroup Packages Imagined just like so: ation

ollabor c l a n o i t sna



t c e j o Pr ers & n Part icipants Part


WOW EGGce ! l partn lent piece ers & s in boxse t t. Ca his n make IT In we to omele tte Nic?

YES! Sir O IT’s llis. a for E great da y GGspa n our a ction ding s in Europ e...

thern sh o Nor a off t r a cr . d o a f e h s Olli rland about Nic & dish Borde ect’s all all”. j e the w e pro sh/Sw Finni in what th ly put “on al e cours ing was re rit w e h T

. ING.. ing THINK Think f THE & o r P e I h e. SH et n W g o O o d L T L FE get and the B ings will ring Gathe her how th toget


Ok, Let´s do it!

Look My That Co-Pilot ! busin bird e is ju ss-like st co ming ou IT’s t of shell ...

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a c to si e Mu hs m o f t s lc o ea ve We ool br li h t & ! Sc tha CK LL O RO R




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ST FEh E P ut

Yo lt i Bu HOP P HI ival st e F

summer sports happening


Summer marketing in Kajaani...


Learning-by-doing sounds uncommonly sensible & surprisingly fun. Let’s Just Do IT!

Inspiring Policy Co-Creation & Inviting New Decision Making

e ... Aye onni Och to B c & o i g d N ee ’s Let otlan our w Sc den ! s n a bro orizo H

rojecting. Campaign P ent actions er Many diff vely ing creati collaborat ms. ai e same towards th

DE I U G L E V ct e TRA j o Pr for turers n Adve

aphic Project Gr ared h S Outlook KEMI-



iz incub



th. u o y e iv


Watch out! Coaches in a Coach - Road trippin’!

H c ey EG oll cr EG Gp ea ea ne Gpe lor ges tiv w ri e e EG me mo let Gs nt re s am w & pl it es h .

NAL INTERNATIO l a m r o f Nong n i h c coa ns interactio



Kind-of-Commercial-Break - Course Concept

H e i k k i’s ng) i s i r p r e t n E Fi rs t ( Ste p s . . .

Will I be able to make a living?

What am I go ing do wi th myse lf?

Wh at idea s m igh t wor k?

Wh at a b o ut me b e c om i ng s e lf-e m p lo ye d?

Friends & Colleagues didn’t seem to take his new idea seriously.

& conventional business advice left him feeling in a dark mood.

Walking into Intotalo, Heikki found himself welcomed enthusiastically.

He also found out that the idea of enterprise isn’t simply about having a business idea...

Entrepreneurship really begins inside of you Heikki – business ideas bubble up during practical experiences & by listening to peoples needs.

First Steps Enterprise Coaching... Could that be something for me?

So, if you feel ready to test your ideas for real & to challenge your knowhow as well... Welcome!

Entrepreneurshi p need not be a lonely experience either – a community of like-minded individuals really helps energise any enterprise. That’s the reason First Steps Coaching isn’t founded on the idea of individuals flicking through foldersof-theory, but instead invested in the action of groups experimenting in business together. Learning-by-doi ng...


g is b a se d o n Firs t Ste p s C o ach in . Th e G OAL is to g in o d & r u o v a e d n e a s INTO p rac t ic e . e id r u o y t u p y ll a re

The core charac teristics of an entrep reneur are learne d during group training session s & then tested out by individuals in learni ng experiences.

ing te amfo cus go es to bu ild e th g in nn gi be e In th as so on as di vidu al ai ms, bu t sp ir it & defin ing in ds al l io n w ill sh if t to war ct re di e th le ib ss it ’s po ne urs. .. ci ng be ing en trep re ti ac pr ts an ip ic rt pa

Coaching the team sold Dur ing Hei kki’s Firs t Ste p ks worth app rox imately soc llen han d-k nit ted woo i Tow n in just one wee k! 12 000 euros: in Kaj aan

Sooner than you think it will be time to begin building your business net work & develop your enterprising ideas further. Taking the first steps into anything new can be really challenging, yet once taken they also make us better able to go on...

New contacts are made virtually...

?€ well as in the real world.

Business plans are explored individually, in groups & with experienced entrepreneurs.

Taking the First Steps towards entrepreneurship is a huge undertaking & so taking that first leap-of-faith INTO the unknown never feels easy. First Step Enterprise Coaching will encourage you to have a go!

Le e n a

K at ja

To test her idea Leena began her “holiday help” ser vice idea, Talli-piika (Stable-hand), during the course & Katja also decided to try her children’s clothing store (kids stuff) out-for-size, for just one month, in order to explore it’s potential profitability. Kimmo, on the other hand, invested his time & efforts in developing new models for his innovative “construction blocks”. After the tryout, they all felt a lot more confident about themselves, their companies & their business ideas. Now I feel more confident & ready to explore being an entrepreneur more.

K immo

Test might be made as independent projects or be practiced via the Intotalo’s company trade name & registered cooperative.

S in ce 2003 First Step En te rprie

Co aching in INTOTALO ha s en abled mo re th an 60 pa rt icipa nt s to ta ke th eir First Step s INTO th e excit ing wo rld of cre at ing ne w en te rp ris e & lea rn ing First Ha nd wh at it ta ke s to ma ke busines s & wh at it me an s to be an en trep re ne ur.





KRAM in Swedish = HUG KRAMFORCE! ;-)





ME! WELCO IT’s ly reme EGGst to o co l ork & w meet you! with



1. Enterprising personality 2. Community 3. Business Idea










Brief inter/mission - story of enterprise:


one young creative entrepreneurs journey...


isit k to v enmar riends. D o t g f off makin Head & NIC ve project i HEIDI t a e cr their


e NPP to osen by th e CrY was ch alogue) Th di a Project No en op uce part (as well as od nt pr se g re in :p lp re he dustries by in Iceland programme Creative In Convention al nu An e of th “LAVA09”.



ners from 3 part trepeneurs ives) En at nt ve se ti re ea re:p 15 Cr a 36 15 project s th lu wi (p ed s countrie urers task as ADD+vent nge. le al joined in ch ve hour creati


Hei! anna Maris an thats nal ptio e c G G E .. idea.

Hei! Anne hat tly w EGGac ng to i o g I was ! o you say t ;-)







Embedded Graphical Reportage in (n)Iceland


Influential Policy Leader “liking” INTOTALO



UR MEDIA? AL WITH YO BEING SOCI ing: th this th Join in wi ine. twork” on-l Incubiz Ne Search “The




Wild! ative a Cre rk t a h wo t Is t e N ess Busin like? s k o o l fishy a bit Looks me... to

a What l r ful e d n o w e rienc e p G G E ising p r e t en s has thing .. been.

our Meet ive t a e r C ! neurs e r p entre

WOW! s for Thank & ather e f e th r g you n i r a sh ting EGGci e x-lik i n e o Ph with s r e w po me...

ng aci e r b em nc ula e b r tu hang & c




With Power Great reat G s e com lty nsibi Respo ng u o y my ered feath one.

Stand back Si r/ Madam...this is a task for sense-of-h umour & FUNdamental th ink-ing. There’s no EG Gcaping that IT’s time for constructi ve transformati on.

ke Time to ma & ce a differen new leap INTO s. tion inter-ac maybe Time for being g in in ag im ally on ti ep EGGc ng in ti ac & brave ways. ry na di very or

ur Spread yo s wing creative & fly. Ahh.. on, ti forma s ng. Tran ne thi i f a what rk ys wo n a da stial All i e s cel for u lysts. cata

e change Become th to see... you wish


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